Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 May 1884, p. 4

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 :ji£iSii*K' f. •:-A i • V Tho Standard. MAEKDALE MA^, 29, 1884. THE QUEEI^'S BIRTHDAY IN IVARKDALE. The morniug of the 24th opened ex- ceedingly gloomy and continued very discouraging until the afternoon with showers aboQt 12 o'clock, so that the committee of management almost de- cided, at half-past twelve, to adjourn the sports however the people com- cieuced to crowd around the gate for admission to the grounds, while quite see a lively interest taken in this im- portant matter. Shelburne biiilt an $8000 town hall which brings a rental of 12 per cent, per annum on the capital invested. Ghatsworth is about erecting one at a cost of $875, and they onlj ask as- sistance from the village by way of tax to the amount of $150, We trust our citizens will give the matter their earnest consideration. IFiiliamsford. Holland council met here Wednes- day dH a court of revision. An exten- sive day's business was done. Mr. H. Foster has purchased the west corner lot, upon which he will erect a large store next season. Mr. C. Price is preparing the foun- a number could be seen climbing over ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ow occu- the high board fence. The weather pied being too small for his increasing business. Mr. W. H. Walker has a good s,t«?ck of tinware and stoves and appears to bo doing well. also began to improve, and it was thought advisable to go on with the sports, so the gate was opened, and •before many hours had elapsed, over •one thousand spectators were on the grounds. The program was at once â- entered on and mostly gone through with, to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. Everything passed oflf .quietly and orderly, and all left well pleased with their day's outicg. The judges were Messrs. John Mc- Donald, Ghatsworth Dr. Sproule, Markdale, and F. Burton, Holland. 'Their names were sufficient to guar- antee fair play. Following is the list •of prizes awarded PEIZE LIST. HOKSE RACES. Trot â€" Ist, W. H. Campaigne 2nd, H. T. McGirr. Eunniug race â€" Ist, E. Large 2nd, J. H. Carson 3rd, Ed. Davis. BPOiiTS. 100 yard race â€" 1st, James Sproule; 2nd, M. Herriman 3rd, E. Hannah. Boys under 15 years â€" 1st, E. Ben- son 2nd, M. Fleming. Boys under 10 years â€" 1st, G' A. Wilson 2ud, M. Fleming. Wlieelbarrow race â€" 1st, Dan Shea; 2ud, J. Eichards 3rd, J. W. Sproule. Three legged race â€" Ist, Sproule Herriman 2nd, Eichards Gawiey. Euiining, hop, step and jump â€" Ist, J. Camj;bell 2ad, Eobt. Sproule. Boys under 15 â€" 1st. W. Arrow- smith 2nd, G. A. Wilson. Putting 21 lb. shot â€" 1st, J. Camp- bell 2i:d, M. Beaton. Putting 14 lb. shotâ€" 1st, J. Camp- bell 2nd, M. Beaton. One quarter mile race â€" 1st, M. Herriman 2nd, E. Benson 3rd, J. W. Benson. The Gymnasium Club gave a bar performance which was a credit to themselves, and highly appreciated by ttie spectators. ' LADIES DEPARTMENT. The Ladies' Bazaar was well patron- ized, and they disposed readily of their large stock of useful, fancy and other articles. The concert was well attended in conuection with the latter and highly interesting. W. T. McFarland, Esq., took the chair, which position he filled admirably, and a good program was gone through, the following taking part â€" Music by the choir Wesley W^hitby, recitation Misses Lyons and McDowe'l and Mrs. Trimble, song Miss Henry, song Misses McDowell and Christoe, song John Eichards, recitation Mr. and Miss McDowell, song Messrs. Bowes, Armstrong and Mason, and Miss Lyons and Mrs. Hill, quartette G. W. Eutledge, recitation, and Eev. Mr. Casson, reading. The total proceeds for bazaar and concert amounted to $77.00. Meaford Road. From our own correspoTident. Mr. W. Buchanan, Sr., and Mr. J. C. Buchanan are each going to build new houses this summer. Mrs. W. J, McMullen is confined to her bed with a severe attack of inflam- mation of the kidneys. Dr. Sprople is attending her. The farmers here will have plenty of entire horses to chose from this season as there is a number of them passing along the Meafor Eoad every day. The spring seeding is wound up for this year. There is a good show for fruit if the frost keeps away. Cheese making is booming, there being two milk waggons in this neign- borhood, one to the Flesheriou and the other to the Markdale factorv. that this lesolution be printed on the road lists.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. McArthur, Becouded by Mr. Blakley, that $600 be appro- priated for repaiis to roads for 1884, viz., $160 in each ward.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Pedlar, seconded by Mr. Blakley, that Mr. McArthur act conjointly with the Deputy Eeeve of Glenelg in repairing bridge on the town line near Priceville.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. McArthur, seconded by Mr. Blakley, that this council purchase from Moffat Bros, Markdale, 12 icrapers for the use of the town- ship, yiz., three for each ward, at $10 each, to be delivered where required. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Pedlar, seconded by Mr. Blakley, that the Eeeve issue his order iu favor of S. S. No. 13, for $29.90, balance of Trustees rate for 1883.â€" Carried. Moved by Ur. McArthur, seconded by Mr. Elliott, that B. Ghent be re- fuuded $2, 'being refund for statute labor performed; but returned in 1882. â€" Oarrted. /. Moved by Mr; Pedlar, seconded by Mr. Blakley, that David Wright be refunded $6.50 for statute labor per- formed, but returned against his lots in Euphrasia, 1883.â€" Carried. The council adjourned to meet as a Court of Revision on the assessment of 1884, on Monday, June 2nd, 1884. The following were appointed a board of health for 1884 :â€" W. S. Christoe, M. D., W. J. Bellamy, Wm. Brown, C. C. James, J. B. Sloan. W. J. BELLAMY. May 26, 1884. CODRT OF ROriSIOII, Tofnsliip_o[Euplirasia. "IVl OTICB is hereby Riven that the firbt JA sitting of the Court of Revision of the AsRSSsmant RoH, of the Township of Eu- phrasia, for A. D. 1884, will be held at the Township Hall, village of Bdcklyn, m said Township, on Friday, the 30th day of Mav, at 10 o'clo;k n.. m. â-  i 4. All persons having business at said coxirt, will please govern themselves accordingly. ROBERT DUNLOP, Tp. Clerk. Clerk's office, Euphrasia, JIaj 3rd, A.D. 1884. ifotices of Births, Marrian,, icetnUj five cenU. ""' "Hj BIRTHS. Walkerâ€" Iu Will the wife of M of a daughter. the wife of Mr. W h"^V.ii"« COURT OF REVISION. THE first sitting of the Court of Revision of the Township of Holland, for the year 1884, will b.3 held in Vogan's Hall, on Wednegday, the 2.Sth diiy of Mny, 1884, tbe hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon. C.\RSON PRICE, Tp. Clerk, Holland Centre, May 12th, 1831. MARRIAGES. Uell â€" Olive li â€" by Lev. ]) \, at the resiiitiicu of thj Bride' t'le 21st msi., .Mr. bona d Mills, AlgoiiiH, to Mi,g daughter m Uouc niesia. The- ha; in a few iiav.- U.ivtr, I Vy COnpib It; 1" i PavUct licisortsl at Assessor's Returns, Hoards ]\'os. 3 and 3, Glenelg:, 1884. Fleslierton. From our own correspondent. The Temperance convention, held in the Town Hull here last Thursday, was well attended. A good represen- tation of active Temperance workers throughout the township were pre sent. The meeting was unanimously in favor of submitting the Scott Act in this county. The 24 ih of May passed off quietly throughout the day in this village, business places cfosed. and almost everybody away, eithor fishing, hunt- ing, pic-nicing, driviu;,' until evening, when groups might be seen wending their way to the Ttiwii Hall to enjoy the social gathering or basket social held iu tiiat place, under the auspices of the Ladies Aid Society of the Pres- byterian church here. A mopt enjoy- able evening was spent. Proceeds $20. The handsome illuminated clock which graces the tower of Mr. M. Richardson's new block, and which was illuminated and set running for the first time on the evening of the 24th is ft valuable ornament to the village. Artemesia Council. A FKL.T WANT. If there is one thing wanted in Markdale more than another at the present time, it is we believe, a town hall. The village is actually without a place fit for a pnbhc entertainment. We would like to have the, matter discuBsed by oar leaiiint, men, and have Bqggestions aa to the best way of fuapplyiDg thifi--fre8jt ,WMit., Every ^f ^ii RhonlA be more or less iater- This council met in the town hall, Flesherton,on Monday,May 5th, 1884' Members all present the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Communications as follows, pre- sented and read â€" Deputy-Reeve, Glenelg, re bridge on town line Fred Gee re statute labor John McAuley re opening Kincardine street, Price- ville. By-laws Nos. S60, appointing local board ot health for 1884 861 amend- ing; 859 appointing municipal oflcers, were introdaced and read the requisite number of times and passed. Moved by Mr. McArthur, seconded by Mr. Blakley, that the auditors' re- port as presented and finally .aonjited by committee, be adopted and two h^dred copies printed, and that the public health by-law be printed as an appendix te the same.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr, McArthur, seconded by Mr. Blakley, that it has been shown to this council that many persons fn the township have built fences aeross roads and streets in their vicinity, contrary to the by-law in that behalf,' made and provided (being by-law No. 277). and notwithstanding that the attention of patbmasters has been called to the fact they have failed to Rive the proper notice to parties of- fending and an-aigu them before a jusUce of the peace. This council now peremptorly demand that every pathmaster must perform his doty in such cases, else be subject to tbe pen- alty which may be unposed in^e Number of acres assessed 86874 " cleared 16085 Assessment of real property 830335 " personal property 23630 Total assessmenc 353965 Persons in families rated on roll 1485 Number of cattle 1685 sheep 2172 hogs 612 " horses 450 Children between 5 and 16 yrs 478 7 and 13 " 237 " 16 and 21 " 185 Births since last assessment 35 Deaths " " " 10 Names on roll 681 Acres in Fall wheat 371 wood land 21765 " swqmp, etc 6816 " of orchard and garden.. 92 Statute labor(number of days) 1975 Presbyterians assessed 152 Roman Catholics assessed.... 108 Methodists assessed 102 Baptists assessed 20 Church of England 19 Lutheran i J. McDonald, Assessor. HOUSE PAINTER, GRAINER. GLAZIER AND PAPER HANGER. CALCIMINING AND WALL TINTING. Residpnce opposite Planing Factory, Obdebs Solicited. Estimates Given. 192-205 MAitiaXALK, Fall Whtiit «(| (;(| Spriii,^ Whuat n |;(j i^^rk-y ,,;, I'eas ,1,1 Oat .. Batter ]• Kggs rotiitoes Hav Pork Flour 4 J a .â- ;i 7 0(1 TTIARItIS FOK SiALE. 1 wei-t, T. S. lload, ArLtmesij,, 50 acres, 40 of of whioL ait clear; ultivalion. I.ot 8 pail l.J.cM.i;! 63 acri-;.s, 40 clnarec; ail uyjea-arrj theicon. Lot l.-i.ec'ii. 1;;, GltuniJ all biifab. For itrms and parar: to J. G. IfiTING Oct.l.183.3. BULL SERVICE PIUNCE AliTHUU, a thoroughbred Durham with Pedigree, 3 jenrs old for service on lot 19 con. 13 Artemesia, this I^^AR'TI FOR SALE. Lot S 14. Con. 9, Euplirasia. bt Markdiile and 3 Iron. rKjcklyt, 100 acres, 70 acrt-s cli;.ii.il iiiKJi-J ol cultivation, li: tu run icajitr a-jl and baJaiice Lard\va(jd liu^lj wiia Cedar for fencin.i^. AV'tii watervdn faiiinK spring ouly 10 n.Js fr^m ba| is a fine animal, his pedigree being pubhshed ' a youu" orchard, Iiou-l- Un. the past season it is not necessary to give it thii year. Terms ftl at time of service, or 81-50 to be paid bef«.re the 5th November next. KOBT. WEIGHT. 192-95* There is a new h^team .=ii\v niiilo: to it. Clear Jeed can be tiiveu. particulars apply on the prpmiset S.VMl'EL WKi,E| FLUID LIGHTNING. Fluid Lightning is the only cure for Toothache, lleaaache, Earache, and Neur- algia. It does not take a day or an hour to cure it, but in less than a minute all paiii is gone. Thousands have tested its merits witiiin the last year. Fluid Lightning is also a positive care for Rheumatism. The worst possible cases have been permanently cured iu one week. Price 25 cents at Hill Bro'a. A, M. .H ALEX KAY IBooT oo S1:lo!B Mill street.,- MarUale TO The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of Scliool "F"viT*iiitu.r*e, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc.,- of tne latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Bend for catalogue to Ghatsworth P. 0. 181 ANDREW McGILL. New Butcher The Le*t meats the coiintiv a: kept oil hand and DELIVERED TO ALL PI THE TOWN WHERE ORDia A share solicited. Remember the of public patronaco stand in McNVi' 181 RUTLEDGEMli 325 ACRES. I DtATH OF Mss. Smith. â€" The flags displayed at half mast from the vessels in harbor last Sunday morning pro- claimed to our citizens the fact that Mrs. Frances J. Smith, the owner of the Franceg Smith, had passed away during the previous night. The deceased lady came to Owen Sound in 1855 with her husband, and during the intervening time has been one of our best kno\?ii citizens, not only in social, but also in commercial circles, as' sjnpe death of her husbap*! filxe lifed beet the owner and manageiPbf' thp ftfvdrite steamer called after Her; l^iffiJtrl'ftiend smotitrst I^«nn«s^kr cf ^- kind S, with iyaipfithy%i! moT^ eubstautiai tokens' ^en^ necessary to those in address, ftlie was a general favorite; and many VriVe Ibe anxious enquiries as to her 'welfare during her lingermg illness, boro^^wilh Christian patience. Now that she hds passed away, many of our citi«t*s will long cherish a kirdly remembtftnce of her whilst the bereaved family have the general sympathy in tbeir affliction.â€" O. S. Timet. MAKKDALE FOi^TIIBM. MKSEBll THELARGE8TINJHEI SALSSMEN WANl To begin work at oiico on Fall •^i employment at fixed salaries to au ' work. iTlon and Women! pleasant WORK THE YEAR EOl Good agents are earniug from *| per month and expenses. Terms and outfit free, .address STONE S:\\ELL1NCtT05.J TciIOIlK FLOl Will not be shut down for an- other week. Bring Your Grists Along I expect to have the rooler system in operation by the 15th July. 1WIARKDALE HARNESS EMPORIUM MABKDALE, Manufacturer of all Kind; ' t^nmt Drop Valve, Cylinder, Pumps. Force, t All kinds of IRON Pl'5J suppuEr- WHAT IN A NAME? Scrofula is socalled from the Latin icrofu, ^^in«, OU^. ^dw. h^ 'â- ^^VO^^i^r^'^^^^^S^^^I^Si^SSS^ a pig, from the supposition that the disease came from eatmg mne's flesh. It is often inhented fromiSrents, and leades to absoes- ^•.^'" "^u ""' ^e's evil ^i conBumptoon. The^case of thtf Bev Wn, S^ut, of Wi«*oii, who.. ButoSAs from «arofnU»,,,j^Boeiw«B, ia 7w of the most «=^Jj^^W ;Bu^^|io^ EbTABLISHEDI? YEARS. TH08.imHEWS,PropriBfor Nothing but good B*ock used and the best mechanics employed. A stock of Double and Single, Heavy anJ Light Harness always on hand ^l8o Whips, Trunks, Valises. Blankets, iiobes. c., always in steck. JuL_Mrff .^^P^^ attended to. »S^ oeuae-Smdcr.s Bill. Qmn Seamd l^S THE KEY TO Ml BURDOCK B Unlocks all the clogged a' Bowels. Kidneys and Ur«: off gradually without weakemng'" all the impurities and foul n " :.ecretions at the same time Acidity of the Stomac]^ oosness, ^pepsia. zisess, Heartbnm. _,, Drsniess of the Skin, im neis of Vision, Jaundice, ol Byripelas, Scroftila, FluJ tte Heart, Nervousness »' 3ebility all these and niany hi Complaints yield to the hm •fBUEDOOK BLOOD B" BtntiB Bottifls 10c Ti^ff^- Fbr sale by all deslert. in the.e colitnin. dividual or Societi/ line for the first la line each sub^equen ES. John Rowe ji adon on Monday, yroQnet-â€" A I a new stock of cr [large majority ol ay drinking McFai BE Stand.-lrd the Iwo bushels of gooc loFFAT Bros, repair Haig's mill atDui lEJCTINATOR is a SUl ^ache. Sold by Siu ohnstonLittlk. M,- ^lie celebrated Chat rardeii ^e »and true to name TOUNG gentleman 1 as farm haud. A and's, Artemesia. h. Walter Taylor two fat cows to Sii k, butchers, lor §10 Ladies have i ag Suited, Booted, i Laced at McFarla '^P/. Low's lifarjic i. "y recommended for all 'tet. ^BY don't you u *f8, for liver'compl â- ^e? SoldbySmi S« feeder, for sale a "nerCo. ' -Pifi* are a mild Liver and "Bash, door, moi ' "•lusters and stt *°t Co., Markd «â- '« Worm Powderi "^l all kind* oj ^,r^TapeWor,n,i 'niime houie of 1 '-1^^%'

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