dfei iifciii I TAILOR, SYDENHAM STEEET, W M. n O G G, FLESHERTON STATION, Respectfully announces that he has received a large supply of I N Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots and Slioes, c As tliese Goods were bought to the best advantage they will be sold very low in price, and will be found well worthy of an inspection by the general public, also on hand a full stock of Fresh Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, c., all of which will be sold cheap for cash or farm produce. I offer for sale or to lei. my water power Saw Mill at Little Falls with about 400 acres of timber land. A good man liberally dealt with on either purchasing or leasing the place. A^'TVI. IIOGS^G, Flesherton Station- Nov. 1st, 1883. Good Work Guaranteed -AT- 'Miners PholograpliGaieri FLESHERTON. Os^ll 3.t CT1.00 and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. T^f^ c:^ All kinds of Framing done cheap at B-CriL3^^:H)IB'S, FLESHERTON. WHO SS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CtEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL. SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE Chbcago, Rock Island Pacific R'y, Being the Great Central Line, afTords to travelers, by reason of Its unrivaled geo- graphical position, the shortest and best route between the East, Northeast and Southeast, and the West, Northwest and Southwest. It is literally ^nd strictly true, that its connections are all Of the principal lines of road between the Atlantic and the Pacific. By Its main line and branches it reaches Chicago, Joltet, Peoria, Ottawa, La S^He, Caneseo, Mollne and Rock Island, in Illinois Davenport, Muscatine, Wsshlngton, Keokuk, Knoxvilio, Oskaloosa, Fairfield, Dea Moines, West Liberty, Iowa City, Atlantic, Avoca, Audubon, Harlan, Guthrie Center and Council Bluffs, in Iowa Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, In Missouri, and Leaven- worth and Atchison in Kansas, and the hundreds of cities, villages and towns Intermediate. The "GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," As It Is familiarly called, offers to travelers all the advantages and comforts incident to a smooth track, safe bridges. Union Depots at all connecting points. Fast Express Trains, composed of COMMODIOUS, WELL VENTILATED, WELL HEATED, FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ELEGANT DAY COACHES I a line Of the MOST MAGNIFICENT HORTON RECLINING CHAIR CARS ever btfllt; PULLMAN'S ratest designed and handsomest PALACE SLEEPING OARS, and DININO CARS that are acknowledged by press and |:eople to be the FINEST RUN UPON ANY ROAD IN THE COUNTRY, and In which superior meals are served to travelers at the low rate of SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS EACH. THREE TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and the MISSOURI RIVKR. TWO TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL, via the famous ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kankakee, has rea»ntly been opened, between Newport News, Richmond, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and La Fayette, and Council Bluffs, St. Paul, Minneapolis and intermediate point*. All Through Passengers carried on Fast bpress Trains. For more detailed information, see Maps and Folders, whieh nRayb«Ottail««d,aa M«|| as Tiokats, at aU principal Tioicet OfTloes in the United States and Canada, or of B. 8T. JOHN, Owi'iT*liH*«aM'r4 Ji. R. CABLE, Feaver colic, nnnatural appetite, fretfnlness weakness, and convnlsions, are some of the effects of worms in Children destroy the worms with Dr. Low's Worm Byrap. The only way to haye a friend, is to be one.â€" [K. W. Emerson. The Hectic Flush, pale hallow cheeks and precarious apetite, indicate Worms. Free- man's Worm lowders will quickly and effect- ually remove them. Home is tb grandest of all institut- ions.â€" C. H. Spurgeon. LAKDINE MACHrNE OIL Is Manufactured Solely byMeCall Bro's. Co. Toronto, and is the only popular Machine Oil to-day in use by all mill men and farmers. Try Lardine. Always leave bome witb loving words, for tbey may Be tbe last. "Why! What's the matter?" Laclyâ€" (With face cuvelopad in roll of hot cloths) â€" "Oh I'm crazy with that Neuralgia that continually troubles me." â€""Well, how foolish Why don't you k" to HjII Bro's. and get bottle of Fluid Lightning It cured me in less than one minute. I always keep a bottle in the house. It only costs 25 cents. A. M. ' 2 Good manners are made of petty sacrifices. FLUID LIGHTNING. Theie are but few that have never suffered almost intolerable pain from Toothache, Nouialgia, or like acnte pains. To them such an instant relief iu Fluid Lightning is an untold blessing iu time of trouble. No disgusting o2eusiv(! medicines to be taken for days. On application of Fluid Lightning cures. Sold at Hill Bro's. A. M. 1 A. babit well wortby of culture, tbat of looking on the bright side of things, A WIDE AWAKE DRUGGIST. Mr. A. Turner is always wide awake in his business, and spares no pains to secure the best of every article in his hue. He has secured the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. The only cei tain cure known for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any affection of the throat and lungs. Sold on positive guaran- tee. Will give you a trial bottle free. Regu- lar size $1.00. 3 No man can improve m any com- pany, for which be has not respect enough to be under some degrea of restraint. THOUSANDS SAY SO. Mr. T W. Atkius, Girard. Kau.. writes: "I ncyer hesitate to recommend jour Electric Bitters to my customers, they give entire satisfaction and are rapid sellers." Electric Bitters are tlie purest and best medicine known and will po.sitively cure Kidney acd Liver comi)laints. Purify the blood and r^gulate the bowels. No family can afford to be without them. They will save hun- dreds of dollars iu doctor's bills every jear. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by A. Turner Co. 3 People seldom improve when they have no otlier model but themselves to copy after. THE EFFECTS OF WHISKEY. Tbe effects of whiskey are always evil, and these who feed upon alcoholic stimulants, vainly endeavoring to cure coughs and con- sumption, but nurse a viper. Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam is a remedy that is alwaj's reliable for all throat bronchial and lung troubles, and never does harm to .any one. Best men are moulded out of faults. CURE FOR DEAFNESS. As numerous testimonials wiU show, there is no more reliable cure for deafness than Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It is also the best remedy for ear ache, sore throat, cmup, rheumatism, and for pains and lameneBS generally. Use externally and internally. IMPORTANT CHANGES. There are two periods in the life of every female when the system undergoes great changes. First the change from childhood to womanhood; next, that of womanLood t old age. These are the critical changes of life, and the system should be nourished and regulated by that matchless tonic. Bur- dock Blood Bitters. It is invaluable iu all diseases peculiar to females. Beware the fury of patient men. FRAUDULENT TRANSACTIONS. There are many frauds perpetrated in medicLue, and many advertised remedies worse than useless. Not so with Hagyard's Yellow OU. It remains as eyer the best internal and external medicine for all pain, •oreness and injuries with whieh human flesh ia afflicted. The gr'^ater the dicnlty, the more the glory in surmounting it. WHAT IN A NAME Scrofula is so called from the Latin xcrofu, a pig. from the supposition that the disease came from eating swine"s flesh. It is often inherited from parents, and leades to absces- ses, ulcerous sores, dsbility, king's evil fnd consumption. The case of the Rev, Wm. Stout, of Wiaitou, who suffered 23 years from scrofulcns abscesses, is one of the most remarkable on record. Bardock Blood Bitters cured bim after the »eijt medical skil had failed. M. G. Pfcterman, a farmer living in the suburbs, has discovered a wav of manufacturing solidified whiskey, making it into pocket plugs lite tobacco. He clnims that he can also distil it in liquid form so it will be the equivalent of two and three years old whiskey as it coDies from the still. He has refused $100,000 for the invention. FLUID LIGHTNING. Fluid Lightning is the oulv cure for Toothache, Ilcaaaohe, Earache, and N"ur- al^ia. It does not take a day or an hour to cure it, init in lea than a minuto all paif is gone. Thousands have; iosfe.l its merits witbiii the last year. Fluid Lit,'htning is also a positive cure for Rheumatism. The worst possible cases have been permanently cured in one week. Price 2 5 cents at Hill Bro's. A, M. 3 Gen. Grant has lost allhis fortune by speculation, but Senator Edmunds has introduced a bill to place him on the retired list of tbe array, with pay at the rate of $19,000 a year. He has asked the Senate to hurry up the bill, stating that the request wa« made for reasons which he juesumed every- body understood. Probably tbe bill will be passed, and from a pecuniary standpoint Gram will be in a better position then if he could persuade the people to elect him president for life. Union C?rri?f;p \Vrrh Onion Carriage All work manufactured from FsRST Glass Materu In the Latest and Best Improve^ Style, and firl.slied with English A arnis}^, • q «fc â- Painting Trimming Bin wi receive proin[it ;iit( 1 1- 101!, :UorteJ CJAIVArlATV fNUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION. HEAD OB FICE TORONTO, ONTARIO. INCORPORATED AUGUST 24, 1880. Under Charter Act 167 of the Revised Statutes of £)ntario, entitled an Act to Incorpor- ate Benevolent, Provident and other Societies. All Kepairb execute^; in tiio jj posbiblo tiii'O consistent with pj:()n(l vv.,rl;ii;,|,j„],jjj Good Work a S iciALi-n- Remember the Shop, oppcysite tliL- CLtapsiil B. J. S.EEANAHAN, f roprietB I L. 4.â€" No laiidale Stai Ud evcsy Thursday at the n I Street, Markhile. L ,, â- 51 nur vear iu adv:iiico LiJ vvithiu three months. pfe=sional and business card • AuJ under, per year. ?4. 1 vn. M 27 00 IJ 1== 00 10 7 00 4 10 0(1 r, Markdale. Dec. 2nd, 1881. W. ROOKE'S BAKER] I5RIi:.A^T:c the^affof llfegnj JPASSTTll^" that will pleae your wife, always on hand, to suppij tbe demand. So when your stock is low Step in and let us know, And we'll your wants supply, Or you'll know the reason] why. E. Markdale. b coJuran • jcoUunu Iter column space i inch space ^g] advertisements 8 cents ;h rtiou, S ct^'i's P"' ""•' **"' ' Ition. nonvarcil measure, [itorial notices, or notices i; cents per line tirst iu.scrui l-snbsequents insertion. \ayaiiim«,ls c., advertised :i advertisement not to exc ^er discontinued until f jd except at the apiion of the -JOB PRINTING ST.iSD.iKn office tia-^ a f-p!ei: jof postc- as well as fine job t stteiition to orders by mai I with dispatch. I\V. HM^'S'I-l^"^^ EDITOR AND rR'TRlEl BONDS TO THE AMOUNT OF 860,000 Filed with tbe Hon. S. C. Wood, (Ex-Pro- vincial Treasurer of Ontario), as Trustee for the Association. NEW GOODS, CHOICE GOODS, CHEAP GOODS! -ATâ€" J. E. LAUDER eO 8 GROCERY LIQUOR STORE, Every man is the own fortune. architect of his BUCKLEN'8 ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world forcuta,brui8es sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by A. Turner Co. National Pills are sugar coated, mild but thorouf;h, and are the best Stomach and Livei Fill in use. THE SECRET OUT. The secret of beauty has been at last re- vealed. Without good health, pure blood and a fair clear skin none ran possess good looks. What is more repulsive than pimples, blotches and a sallow or pasty compliaxion " Burdock Blood Bitters reveal the fact that all can gain pure blood and freedom from the repolsiye diseases of the skin that result from impurities. WHAT IS LARDINE. Ask any farmer, thresher or sawmill man. or in fact any man who nms machinery of any kind and he will tdl you that it ia the only maebiue Oil which will wear equal to Castor OiL and won't gam or Aoo vimr BOARD OF DIRECTORS: WiLLi-iM Rennie, Esq., Toronto, President. A. GiFKORD, Esq., Meaford, Otit., Vice-Pres. W. pEMiiERTGN PAOE,Esq.,Toronro, Secretary E. H. Hii.rioRN, Esq Uxbridge, Treasurer. 11. H. RonEUTsoN, M.D., Toronto, Medical Director. Geo. H. Watson, L.L.B., Toronto, Solicitor. " ^^„,^â„¢,.S3i/""^»~-"" "â„¢^"'""' M A E K D A L E J. P. Bull. Downsvicw. I C. II. MclNTosn, M. P.. Ottawa. Lewis Wiqi.e, M. P. P., Leamington. Thos. Menzies, Peterboro. T71RESH arrivals of Tea, C\^ett\ Sujiar, Peter Gb.^ham, M. P. P., Warwick. i X^ Tobacco. Pickled and C:i::iiea Fruit- Oranges, Lemons, Candies, BiscLUis, fish, Sap Buckets, Wash-Tubs and Wa^b-Boards. Flour always in stock. Crockery ani^ Criass- ware selling very cheap. A Full stock of Uquora fresh and pure- Your patronage reMpectfully solicited. Remember the place, Mclntyre's OH Stand, next doer to the-MEDlC.S_L HALL. J. E. LAUDER, CO Proprietors EXECUTIVE COMUFTTEE: WM.REXXIE, W.P.PAGE, J. P. BULL. Address all Communicatiom to tlie Secretaru: 1Â¥. PEinBER PAGE, 87 King Street West, Toronto. THOS. MANN, Agent, Markdale. Oil» and won't gum or elog yoar machinery, For nale at Haskett Bto'g. Madt- dkle. IS" MAKE A NOTE OF IT. Oaiuio I Pee, (CREDIT VALLEY DIVISION-) â€" Al^Dâ€" MICHIGAN CENTRAL Now run a through line of Palace Sleeping Cars â€" BETWEEN TORONTO AND CHICA60, In both directions, leaving Toronto daily (Sundays excepted) â€" ^^T 1:30 r». ^I.,â€" and Chicago daily (Saturdays excepted) The only line between the two Cities proper. ACCOMMODATION UNSURPASSED. 0I1VINO CARS OTH TRAIIVS. WM. WHYTE, D. McNICOLL, Gen'l Supt. Gan. Pase. Agt. l'ECf0RAl:€^ BALSAM i n^mwss^ CHICAOO, .i/J-,.(. " -^a*.*^' ^t^" fVyjii 3 Franco ' Chinese War. Noth withstanding tJie desolating war now raging in China it will pot increase the price of Teas at tbe Masl loise, MdU Having imported prior to tbe open- ing of hostilities, a sufficient quantity to supply 20,000 MEN for a period of 12 months. In other departments of the Grocery tiade the BELFAST HOUSE has KILLED BY THOU- SAND those who assume to tranBSct business by purchasing of small deal- ers exorbitant rates of interest on long credit. Our imports of PRESERVED MEATS, SALMON, LOBSTERS, SARDINES, HAMS, BAC0N,A8S0RTED PIGKELS and every articles in the grocery trade LIQUORS Of the best brands and quality. Wiue for Sacramental purposes waiTantefl pure. Brandies direct from the man- ufacturer and all other kind^ of liquors- Coffees, Teas and Tobaccoes caunof fail to give satislaction. OraDges. Lemons, c. Family Flcur supphe" at Lowest Batss. IIUfASTIIOptl, MARKOM V Eah. «th, 1884. • J^rcKtta,, â€" .(iJwr!;! 'jiijj' i'jc-.i^*^ s T. «/^' ♦ NEWSPAPKli LAW. ^jiypnj-jon who take? a ni'ws; from the i-'ost dT:::e. v,-L- 1!,. ^naaie or am^ihci' nr wh.-O. ribei cr not â€" i- i\-:r'jn;!li- j If a person cr-ler;- liis laii.'i' jieniust pay ali anciiriiKe:^, n; may coutiimo to -finl ir \\:.\ e, anu tbtii c.dlict tii.- ^l.-' litrthe paper is takeJi o^t t' H. kfSubwribers rcfv.sp o;- v.vclr' I'licalsor newspcipcr-- fvoiii lii 1 they are diit:tiii. iLuv ;; kible until they ija\e o:tkJ ke Courts bafe deciiled thi ;news)iapors ami periiulicnl See, cr vciuovii.:_: uml l"n I for, is rr.iMA faci;: cvi.lo onal fraud. Ce^al. Frost A: Fro*t. PSISTERS, AND ATTn: ^La^v, Solicitors in CL;i'.ic; rs.ic, Owen Scii'id. Iiav,- berton, Office open every I fofore. iFbost. J.W.Fr County Crown Attorney. J. ITIASSO\, BMSTEE, MASTEK AND I Chancery, Notary Public A KUMBEK OF FAE:«S FOR TiCES â€" Owen Sonnd, in V: St.; Brancli oflicc in Ma iiland's Store, on Friday a ' week. Creasor M'^rri*; ABRlP^-xv.n,SOLICITOK: 'a«es, e. c, CEs in 0-wen Sound, Pu: W. P. Wolfs Store and ir MARKDALE ^- J, Mctarlaud"s Stori â- "idayof each week. f^iudsto lend on reasonal 'Creasor, Q.G P'i^" wkdaie, March 15. 1S82. Alexander Brov oUER of Marriage Liceus "ife Insurance Agent. I B- c. Couvevancer oeneer for the County of G 'lants, and Land Sales, 1 «4to and charges made v^ ^ille, Sept. 17.1880. Wm. BroMTi iBpEE OF MAEEIAGE L ^^ammissioner in B. K. c ^â-¼eyancing in all its bran â- ^ to and carefully execv â- V^'-^oney to Lend on R fCVERE H4 i^ARttDAL] PROPRIfitOR *^Popukr Hotel has c l«o the above wiU oate ^^J"«»: Good vtabUng ^^J*« best bnmds .«ottdaealB and ppmJ ^!J2^erci^ room. ^^ "" iWORTI »