Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 May 1884, p. 5

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 'â- 'V.3' », Ada, tU, monttw,f^ ^^r M entO eoelg. 'Hand. ^P-iragia, 1. lit. Iliihie^tock to 511], to 1(, to to to to to to to to to \o misrepresentation of 'oods. Sptci-il lines in Ameri- .jn Watches and Clocks. \Iendan Co. Silver Plated n^e. Specks, Chains, Charms KinL;s, etc. i8 k. Wedding s always in stock. Musi- cal instramcnts, Violin Strings. I personally attend to all Hatch Repairing ?nd fuiiy arrant tlic same, Fair Oft 7 51 5» '•â- â- smuh SI le- Ihis i or w :sl,es account of fy to Joji iaifi. Lot I17,c iia coutaini arsdandniK "• 12, Holla i^azy buildi] lieig. 100 ac rticnlars ING, Markdak 16 To sell or ri 8 miles fn vn, containi 1 ill good 8ti and mow vitli sutiicif "ei with ne' :u barn, •u and stab on next fa) For f urtl ;es to VHIGHT. ocklyn P.O. Shop, y can prodn ARTS C [IDERFD e respectfnl 9a' s block. LEDGE. 'tt?ji k. BROWN. local and Other Items. '0TifKS in the'te columns intended to benefit inindiriilnal nr Sacieti/ will be cliarged ten pis a line for tlie first insertion and five info (I '"It' f'ich RuheqiieiU insertion. For Pine or Maple Flooring go to want it Co. OrR hnrvcit glove factory is rushing fflsiness. HcFauland find Hull's stave factory m^' in full blast. Eeai'V made c'.otbing in endless mety at lluvnolds ti Son. Alr.k Kay, sliocniaker is turning ;i somctliiug nobby iu sewed boots. Grai*U'ii Seels^, fresh. fK aud tnie to name, at the Medical Hail. Vegetation is raj;id, but seeding is arnewhat delayed by the continued j^nTeatl'-T. â- ij.if.' "'•ic' Mdfjic Sulphur Soap is 'lumatiled for all humors and xkin for alL :VE ., Dys- rzinass, rtterin^ sing firom ipany, 1 »*'« ACBBS tl£S. MINIOH willing *o can lu" OVUTP â- 2f, â- ' Mr, Davis AViiite, Montrose Maut iill accc-pt tbauks for subscription kStanhaud. The next sitting of Division Court ^1.0 will be held in Markdale on the iiiili.Jirje. Be stre and visit Slianahan's wriafro vorks when you come to 'Iarkdidetho21th. George Eowe lost a fine horse on I'iesday inoniing last valued at $135. Jdamatiou was the cause. For. Sideboards, Lounges, Tables, -imu^ casts go to Grant Co. Mdale. Teaiss are now on the road erery *r. The passenger and freight temess will bo verv heavy this suna- ler. Cil Cake, the champion kittle feeder, for sale at Medical Hall. !â-  Turner Co. luMExsE quantities oT'q)eckled trout ^5 brougbt to town daily, from the ^3geen aad other streams in. this •Jiinity. Adnna; PUI^ ^^^ mild purgative, acting ':. ' 'ow'jc/f. Liver and Bowels, removing "mimctiun.i. ^0 YocR shopping on Friday, next ^^K Rsthe 24tli comes on Saturday, ,*; will be obseivod as a public •if'^^ â- ' "'"/TJi Powders are agreeable to â- L '^V'l all kinds of worm* from chil- r"' number of buildings are to J'.be erected ' 'â- ^'5 seas ^be OD lu this village, durinR of which further notice Siven in dno time. â- "' Ma II Thompson, of Toronto, was )rm, '"J "ne bottle of Dr. Lw'» Worm I '"w^ "' '"f ""'"â- '«• 8 feet of which wot "â- 'iruf. I « from indigestion of p'** ^^stantly relieved by one dose Lfe'JJJ^^^o^ Bitters, made from blt^^^'^^^le Gymnasium Club, or sick head made from teDotaJ^ *°° ^°^ themselves a famoud- nthp ^^ ^^' give a bar performatice grounds at 3:30 o'clock the 24th. p 30 to sv^*^"*^^^s Carriage cfr waggon iW^S^^^l^an's Carriage Works, a Be gQj 7 °ow on hand to chose from. Meeg anA^^^ ^^" ^^ ®' *^ 'Where ^^^^^ purchasing lU neat and Shanahan of the Markdale wrrif/e' veorks warrants his rigs four ye^^ ToMPSETT and Lowder ware on Saturday founa guilty of the murder ot i'eter Iiozier, and sentenced to be hanged on the 10th of Jane. One of the finest and best assorted stock cf Boot., and Shoes in the Conntv at Reynolds Son. Come in and see them they are nice, cheap. Faemees and others are warned not to leave their waggons or other vehicles unhitched en the streets as the iiustees are determined to have the streets kept clear. New LiVERY._Mr. Peter Ducolon has opened a livery iu Hull's old stand opposite the planing factory, and is now prepared to supply those in need of a good horse and rig at any hour. Charges moderate. Lakdine Machine Oil, is the delight of farmers, and a pleasure to all inen using Machinery, it cannot be excelled. It lias recieved the highest awards at Dominion and Provincial Exhibitions. Solo Manufacturers, McCall Bros. Co." Toronto. Mr. W, J. McFarland and his son Frankie, aged 4 years, were thrown out of the buggy at the station last week by the liorse taking friglit at the train. Mr. McFarland was consider- ably shook up, and the buggy passed over the boy, both escaping" serious injury. Any person wishing to secure a choice lot for a residence cannot do better than to see Mr. M. Armstrong at once. He has a number of shade trees planted on the newly surveyed streets, which will be opened to the public during this season. Terms will be made easy. Notice is hereby given that the various Milk waggons in connection with Markdale Cheese Factory will commence the season's hauling on Thursday morning the 15th inst., every patron is expected to be in readiness and save themselves and the directors any trouble. B. Coleman, President H. D. Irwin, Secretary. Piichardson'b Tea. â€" A large stock of a famous line of tea lias been purchased by M. Richardson, Flesher- ton which he is selling at 30 cents per lb. 10, lb. lots at 28 cents, and 52 lb. chest's at 25 cents. Having been favored with a trial of their tea we can recommend it as the best value for the price yet introduced, samples can be had free on application to Mr. Richardson. The Ancient Order of United Work- men are doing a noble work. The payments to the widows and father- less of this Dominion now average $500 per day and yet the cost is only about $14,00 per year to the members, it is the duty of all to provide for those depending upon them, f»nd we know of no better means of providing against want, should death suddenly take away the head of the family. This leading merchants of Markdale have agreed unanimously on closing their stores at 7 o'clock sharp every evening, beginning from Ist May to Ist Oct. Farmers and others will kindly take notice of this and try to have their shopping done before seven 80 that clerks, who have to stand in stored all through the heat of a long Summer day, may have a chance of engaging in sctme out door exercise and enjoying the fresh air. 190 94 The first two vessels of the new Canada Pacific fleet, the Algoma and Alberta, arrived at Owen Sound from Sarnia on Saturday and Sunday respectively, the first named being re- ceived with enthusiastic demonstra- lions of welcome by the residents and crowds of emigrants who were awaiting Uer arrival. The welcome accorded the Alberta was none the less hearty, though owing so its being Sunday the exuberance was toned down to a decorous degree. TmEVES.â€" On Monday night the 5th inst., Mr. Hugh McKee of the 10th line Glenelg, was diaturbou in his sleep, and on going to the barn to see if all was right found the bam door open and on coming near two men made their escape theretrom, a third was seen on the road with a horse and buggie all of whoom made their escape. Mr. McKee had a quantity of seM grain cleaned ready for spwig .but whether it was their intention to'dhrry off grain or steiU J^o"f"^oj commit some other depredation is not known, nothing was tf^en however except a whip.. Several petty theftes have Wn 'e^^^J^^B^^^^^V '°„ J^' neighhofliood fM:^;}t' " av^^uatm as to wha the gwl^.'-parta«*- llpN'S BiTHDAY CELEBRATIOH, 6rand Exhibition of Rorse-raoes, Gamos Sports Open Race, jst ^20, 2nd $10, Local Trot, 20, 10, Race, 20, 10, 3rd $5 i« MARKDALE Steam WooUen Mill. 100 yard race 100 yard race, b^ys under 15 100 yard race, boys under 10 Wheelbarrow and biiud-fold race â- S'ack race Three-legged race Ladies race Girb; race, under IG Running, hop, step and jump 1st $2.00, 2nd $1.00, 3rd $0.50 1.50, 1.00, 8.00, 2.00, 8.00, 2 00, 2.00. 2.00, Running hop step jump,boys under 15 2.00, Running high jump Running high jump, bovs under 15 Putting 22 lb. shot ..." Putting 14 lb. shot Gymnasium bar performance 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2-00, 8.00. 75, 50, 2.00, 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 l.GO 1.00 Tlie undarsiKned would respectfully retarn* thanks to their many customers and friends for the very liberal support accorded to them during the past, and would solicit a continu- ance of the same, as we are now ready to at- tend to all work intrusted to our care in ' CUSTOM CiJlDDIG, FULLING aud WEAVING in tirst-class style. As we have put on new cards, and made other improve- ments, we will endeavor te do as good work in the future, if not better, than we hayo ever done in the past. Customers wishing to have their wool cirded, spun and made into blankets or flan- nel, on cotton warp, can have their orders attended to by leaving their wool as early as possible. Please remember the place. Mill Street, west of the Kuilway Station. 1st. 2nd. 8id. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7 th. 8tb. 9th. HORSE RACING- Four to enter, three to start. Entrance, 10 per cent, of purse. Horses winning first money in open race are debarred from entering in otlier races. Mile heats, best three in five in trotting races, aud best two in three in running races. Horses competing for prizes must be on ground when called. Entries to be made with the Secretary not later than twelve o'clock on day of races. GAMES AND SPORTS- Entrance for athletic games and sports ten per cent, of first money. Three to enter in games. Judges decision to be final in all cases. 183-203 F. J. BITCHIE Co. Horse Races to be governed by Dominion Turf Club rales. GATE OPEN AT 12 NOON. RACES AND GAMES TO START AT 13:30 SHARP. The Committee will spare no pains to make this the most suc- cessful day that has ever been in Markdale. Come one â€" Come all and have a good day's sport. A large dancing platform will be erected and a first-class string baud IS engaged to furnis'i music. -A^dmission. to GJr'ou.ncl!*! lO cts. Return tickets will be issued at single fares from all stations be- tween OrangeviUe and Owen Sound. (ior HAVE '^rtiE Qui^iciv. D. J. SHANAHAN, President. WM. N. HASKETT, Sec. -Treasurer. Owen Sound correspondence very interesting but too late for this issue. A MEETING will be held at the Revere Hotel on Monday eyening next at 8 o'clock to arrange for a fishing match. Tufe stables and out buildings belon- ging to Moffet's Drug Store, Owen Sound were destroyed by fire Wednes- day morning. The Ladies of the Methodist church will hold Iheir annual bazaar and concert on the 24th of May. The bazaar will be held in one of Hill Bro's. shops opposite the Mark- dale house, and will be well stodied flithnew, fancy and useful! articles, while the concert wih be held in the Methodise Church, commencing at 7. 30p. m. A nch and varied program is being prepared in which the best local together with selected outside talent will take part. Admission 25 centd. Contbadicted. â€" Dr. Giient. of Price- ville. lias informed us that the portion of Priceville correspondence in the Btandabd • last week referring to his (Dr. Ghent) removing to Toronto is false and without foundation. The Dr. has partially made arrangements to sell his mercantile bupiness, but in so doing has retained his medical ofiice in the building occupied as store where he will be found as heretofore. We regret very much that such a re- port was sent us, and hope onr corres- pondent will exercise the greatest care m future as such reports are sure to damage the bosiness of those mter- ested. Letter Heads neatly prin- ted' and put up in pads at this Struck by Us^btni"!?* During the progress of the thunder storm a week ago last Sunday, the black-smith ehop of Mr, Johnston Little, Maxwell, was struck by light iiing. The lightning entered the roof and ran down one of the rafters, shattering it to pieces. It then ran down an iron bar, through the floor, and into the grouug, which evidently saved the building from being burned. One of the freaks of lightning was to weld two bars of iron together efi'ectually as if it had been done Mr. Little himself. â€" Kdcance. NOT[CE. FIRST-CLASS FAMILY FLOUR, In small lots $5 per barrel; TWO BARRELS AND OVER, $4.75 per barrel. Bran and Mill Feed %i SALE, J. W. FORD. MAEKDALF., Manufacturer of all Kinds of Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and Cistern Pumps. All kinds of IRON PUMPS snrpLiEr. Personals. as by American Agrricnltnrist. OJ £^ f ticjtiJ" tit!" i-i f.i^' gbeetino. New York, May 6th, 1884. W^ith the June number, the American Anricultuiut completes the first half of its forty- third year. Over 3,000 congratulatory letters from subscribers within a few weeks sfford most gratify- ing dscurances that the steadyimprove- meuts in this Journal are evrywhere recognized. The present owners and publisbers who. six years ago, assumed control aud manatjement, have freed Mr. Jenkins of the Chronicle gave us a call on Monday, Mr. Davig, Reeve of Glenelg was m town on Saturday. Mrs. Stephens left on Friday to visit her daiighter in Lefroy who was very ill. We have since learned that., the latter died on Monday. W. L. Young, bank clerk, has been i visiting friends in Lampton Co. the past week. Thos. Hill, merchant, proposes taking a tbree moutli visit in foreign parts for the good of his health. R. H. Byers is on a yisit from. Rochester N Y' for the good of his health. F. McRae Esq., ex.- Reeve of Glen- elg has returned. Mrs. John Rowe and family left to day Thursday) for Manitoba. The '^Prairie Farmer" Boom- ing. The Old Friends of The Prairie Farmer, and many farmers all over the West, and East, too, will be glad to lean: of the good fortune that lias- come to this tin:e«honored Journal, which for nearly half a century (43 years) has been doing good service to and for the agricultural interests of our country. The number of May 8d announces that, henceforth, Tlie Prairie Fanner will be under the Editorial Direction and iiusinesa Man- Hgamentof Mr. ORANGE JUDD, who. a'ter more than a quarter century of â-  the American -iijriculturist from i/i 1 g^i-vice at the h-^ad ot tlia American ENCUMBRANCES, and, equipped with brains and moans ns never b f re, uohesitatmgly promise a paper better aud BtroQger with eacli suncee'ling issue. Dr. Geo. Thnrber, ftr nearly a quarter of a century the Editor, and all the able Associates and Writers who have rendered material assistance in milking the American AflricriHuritt what it is tc-dayâ€" are still witli ns. At no period of its existanee has tliis Company been 10 so prosperous aud stable a ^ndition. as it now is. (HIAIJGE JUDD CO.. David W. Judd, Prn, 8aml Barnhan Sec, 711 Broadway, New Â¥ork. Agriculturist, lias left his formir fiall to other hands, and removed to near Chicago, a thousand miles nearer to huhdreds of thousands of his plder enterprising readers who have preceded him to tlie West. The anmber before »» givas • evidence of the vigor and experience he brings t( his new field of work. AU who want specimene of the psfvers as it is, and it 10 be, and to eajny its advao- tages, can have 'fke t'rairie Farmer, weekly, from May the 1st,, up to 1885, by sPudioK a single dollar -to^ Prairie ' JWmor Pabliahinff Cova^ftay. IjiO-) Monroe SW (/faicago. III. u hi r\ â- I '3 !â-  i »-ji " ji: ^i t, iV'riTiniiT iii^iMBiliii

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