,, r i nr» i|a»^ ThB Standard. MARKDALE MAY, 15, 1884. IN MEinORIAM. Mr. John's laud. 1837. and 3 Egbert Eobeetson, rrain mercliant, of Priceville, who died at Flesherton and Priceville Station, Toronto, Grej and Bruce Railway, early on the morning of Thursday, the 8th of May. 1884. Mr. Robert Robertson, grain merch- ant, left his residence in Priceyille, about 3:45 a. m. Thursiay, the 8th of May, 1884, to attend to his work at Flesherton and Priceville Station. He drove out to the station (a distance of three miles), and intended to return home about 7 o'clock the same morn ing. When he arrived at the grainery he worked hard for oome time remov- ing some oats which were heating in â- the bin. It appears that he then came ©at to take a drink from a well near by, and stooping down was struck by apoplexy. He was found with the bead and arms in the water, and his breast resting on the board at the top of the well. The water was within H inches from the upper edge of the board. The body was extended on the ground, but there was no evidence of any struggle or motion after he fell. He was found by Mr. Whi*^aker about 6:50 a. m. Dr. Christoe, from Flesli- erton, was sent for immediately. Meanwhile every effort was being made to resuscitate che body but when ths Dr. came be pronounced that the man had keen dead about an hour. Mr. -Hemphill brought the word to Price- ville. A large number of men went out to the station, some to attend to the grain, and others to bring the re- mains home. The sad event has cast a deep gloom over the neighborhood. Mr. Robert- son was widely known and highly re spected. As a member of the com- munity he took a deep interest in every thing that tended to the welfare and progress of the place. He was a true type of a faithful, honest, firm, straight- forward, energetic Scotch- man. Robertson was a native of Haven, Kincardineshire. Scot- He was born February 7th. His age was therefore 47 years months. He leayes a widi w and five young children, who have ine heart-felt sympathy of a large circle of acquaintances. The funeral took place on Saturday. Religious services were conducted by Rev. D. McLeod, commencing about 2:30 p. m., after which the remaina were removed to the hearse and the mournful procession formed, and slowly advanced to the cemetery at the Pres- byterian church. x\lthough this is .tlie busiest season of the year, a very large number of people assembled. The following gentlemen took the place of chief mourners, and also acted as pall bearers â€" Henry Meldrum, iiisq., Rey. D. McLeod, and Mr. Thos. AVhitmore, and Messrs. D. McLean, "\Vm. Wright, A. McLean and James McDonald, elders of the congregation of which Mr. Robertson was a mem- ber. The Flesherton Lodge ol the A. 0. U, W., to which Mr. E. belonged, re- moved the remains from the hearse, and deposited them in their last rest- ing place, Messrs. Macmaster and Damude conducting the funeral service of the society. At the request of Mrs. Robertson, H. Meldrum, Esq., late station master at Flesherton station, has taken the charge of Mr. Robertson's business until it is wound up. From the well- known integrity and business capacity of Mr, Meldrum, and from the satis- factory condition in which Mr. Robert- son left his affairs, we are well assured that every obhgation will be duly met and the business closed iu a manner satisfactory to all parties interested. GL.ENELG EL£CTIOIV. The followmg is the returns â€" Davis. Binnie. "Ward No. 1 91 15 3 57 11 4 28 85 5 30 32 206 93 Majority for Davis 113, with poUing sub-division No. 2 to hear frooi, with a reported naajority for Davis of 14, which would makeDavis' majority 127. Subscribe for the Standard, only $i.oo a year in adyance to any addr^s. THE QUEEN'S BIBTHDAT. The committee for the celebration have completed their arrangements and a good day's sport is promised to all who come to Markdale on the 24th. $150 in cash prizes will be paid. For particulars we refer our readers to the prize list in this paper. The committee are determined to have the rules and regulations enforced so that each and all will be fairly dealt with. The Gymnasium club have consented to give a 1 ir performance which is well worth coming to sec in itself. A dancing platform will be erected and Park Bro's string band ill furnish music. This portion of the sports will doubtless be well patron- ized. The Ladies Aid Bazaar promises to be specially interesting this year while the concert in connection, which will be held iu the church in the evening promi'-es to be a rich treat, A tremendous turnout is expected on the 24th. Report of Markdale Public School for April. HONOR BOLL OF FISST DEPARTMENT. Senior Class â€" Fred. Stevens, Mamie i Bowes, George Bowes, Lizzie E. Thibaudeau, Herbert Houry, Herbert Brown, Maggie Milsap. Junior 4th â€" John Dundas, Annie Cunningham, Johnson Wilson, Bella Cunningham, Mary J. Irving. 3rd Class â€" Minnie W^ilson, Frank Bryden, Minnie McNea,Jane McBride, Mabel Mathews, Mary Stevens, Mary A. Nesbit. ATTENDANCE. 1st Department â€" Aggregate attend- ance, 761 average daily attendance, 38. 3rd Department â€" Aggregate attend- ance, 1184 average daily attendance, 59. 2nd Department â€" Aggregate at- j tendance, 1239 average daily attend ance, 62. M. NORRIS. BROWN'S! Cor. Brown Toronto St's MARXSDALE Is the place to get BARGAINS in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware 6tc Ac- new PRINTS from 5 cents up, Nev^ DRESS STUFF 10 cents and upwards in NEW DESIGNS and LATEST FASHIONS Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Laces, Embroidery, Small wares c c, at greatly reduced prices. Our 25 cent T is unsurpassed Being determined to curtail credit trade, wc offer special discounts and mducements to cash customers. The Highest Price for Butter and Eggs. A lot of v.ced oats (White Australian), free from all im- purities also Potatoes, large and small, of finest quality, for sale cheap. WM. BROWN. Notices of Birth,, ^arriaau wetMyfive cenU. " ' DEATHS. Bbgakâ€" In Lefroy. Simcoe Co inst., Annie, beloved wife'ni"' Edgar, Merchant, aged 30 yearg BBOWN-Jn Markdale, on Sund,, 1 inst., Harrold i.azer Oidy chnj V A. Brown. Jewellar aged s mo^ J oil NEW adver;;^!semfnt3 Court of Eevisiouâ€" Gleuel' Court of Revision --Iioilan°d_ Court of Eeyrsiuuâ€"Euphra^ij Painter â€" II. (iill Liveryâ€" P.tcr Duco;nu. Bull service â€" R. \Vr ' fciiiALE JEWELLERS ARCtEST lit. parMct llsp$vU, MAi^KDALi:. Fall Wheat f!i Co Spring Wheat tii Barley ij Peas Oat Butter Et-'gs •. Potatoes Hay Pork J'Jour On â- 'il 1.: 1-1 7 1)0 7 IHI •1 7.- to 51 j to 10 to ;u to 11' to to to to Rakecha:vce and business in .Mark^ile iu;,VLi:,T Dwelling house and lot for sale. '[l[^ •â- good opening. The proprieior ivisbnl retire from the businesB 01: atuouut oil health. For particulars aM^ly to Joi Lamb on the premises, Markuaie. ]sIo misrepresent Uods. Special lines i ^an Watches and [eridan Co. Silvei ^are. Specks, Chains ^ings, etc. 18 k. iings always in stoc [al instruments, Violi I personally attei latch Repairing ' ^-arrant the same thr.rges. WJL BRI April, 1884. 190-tt Standing: of Pupil« in S. S. No. 6, Holland. Class I,â€" Ida Allen 1011, Willie Wilson 349. Class II., Junior â€" Emma 1203, Mamie Welsh 1122, Sarah Brown 976. Class II., Senior â€" Michael Pickett 1457, Emma J. Brown 1314, Willie Sanderson 1261. Class III., Junior â€" Albert Allen 1541, Letitia Sanderson 1455, Edith Moore 1312. Class III., Senior â€" Mary Ewart 2412, Maggie Smith 2297, Mary Rowe 2168. Class IVâ€" Addie Allen 2483, Fannie Freeborn 2222, Sadie Allen 2040, Mattie Gillespie 1955. Eliza J. Bailey, Teacher. COURT OF REVISION, Township of Euphrasia. that the firbt N' OTICE is hereby Kiven sitting of the Court of Eevisiou of the .A.s.'jessment KoU, of the Township of Eu- phrasia, for A. D. ia34. will be held at the Township Hall. villaKC of Rocklyn, in said Township, on Friday, the 30th day of Mav, at 10 o'clock a. m. All persons having business at .said court, Ewart i will please govern themselves aeconlingly. Osprey. From our own correspondent. Quietness prevails. Seeding is well nigh done. Mr- John Paul. Feversham, has erected a large furniture warehouse which will be completed this summer. Mr. R. Brown, Sr., and Rer. John Chisholra, B. A., intend going to Europe about the 1st of June. Ira H. Perigoe and Geo. Burk are running the Feversham saw mill. They say they can run it just right. Wesley Long, Maxwell, postmaster, is very ill. The large shed at the Maxwell Pres- byterian church will be finished this summer. R. J. Lush, who was seriously in- jured by a land roller passing oyer him recently, is improving. EOBERI DUN LOP, Tp. Clerk. Clerk's ofiice, Euphrasia, May 3rd, A.D. 1884. cwlMEvTsm THE first sitting of the Court of Revision of the Townfhip of GlenelK' for the year 1884, will be held in the Town Hall, on Monday, the '26tli day of May, 1684, at the houi of 10 o'clock in the forenoon. JOHN S. BLACK, Tp. Clerk. Glenelg, May 12th, 1884. ALEX KAY Boot oJ Sln.oB Mill Street, Markdale JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GEM'LByCISMITH FARiUS FOR §ALE. Lot ir 1 weet, T. S. Road. Artemesia. couti 50 acres, 40 of of which are clearsilaud ultivation. Lot S part 15, cun. 12. 63 acres, 40 cleared; all neces.-aiy Luu, theieon. Lot 13, con. 13, Gleiitlg, 100 all bush- For terms andpaitieukrsji to J. G. IRVING, ilarkdi Oct.16.1883. 16 FARM FOR SALE. To sell or Lot S J 14, Con. 9, Euph'T'Sia. 8 luiles Markdale and 3 from Piot-klyii. coutai: 100 acres, 70 acres cleared and m good ot cultivation, tit to run reaper and mo' and balance hardwood bu^li with suffie cedar for fencing. Well watered v-iih i? faihng spring only 10 rods from baru. a yoiing orchard, house barn and sut There is a new steam .saw mill on next fa: I to it. Clear deed can be Riven. I'orfuD particulars apply on the premises to SAMUEL WMtiHi liockhn P.O COURT OF REYISION. Qae«n Yictoria's New Book. From iheLondan,Evg Daily Telegraph. The royal volume, looked forward to with 80 much and such universal interest, has just been issued to the public,and will be read with sympathy, pleasure and admiration at eyery fire side throughout the wide dominions of the aogust authoresa. Her acute perception is as vigorous as ever. Scene follows scene, incident succeeds incident throughout this yolume, tempting the willing reader from chapter to chapter, commanding inter- est and enlisting admiration and loyalty on every topic. The book is sold in Grey by D. K. MePhersoD, Markdale. Don't wait till yo« are called upon, bat send card ordering copy of book. P.E. flays he is having good snocess. He «erUuily shows » Ji^e order list. THE first sitting of the Court of Eevision of the Township of Holland, for the year 1884, will be held in Vogau's Hall, on Wednesday, the 2«th day of May, 1884, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon. CARSON PRICE, Tp. Clerk, Holland Centre, May 12th, 1884. HOUSE PAINTER, GRAINER. (jLAZIER AND PAPER HANGER, CALCIMINING AND WALL TINTING. Residence opposite Planing Factory, Obdebs Solicited. Esxikates Given. 192-205 HORSESHOEING SPECIALTY. ItoUiytlier IJoTiCES in these coUnmuintc ny individiLol or Societij vill \tntt a line for the lust iv.e Xtfits a, line each sub-ieipient in Pine or Maple Fl( rant Co. OcTB harve£t glove facf-^: lusiness. McFaeland and Hull's now in full blast. Eeady made clothing' tnety at Reynolds li So: Alxx Kay, shocmakei lut somethiug nobby in Grar-den J^ee^ (ure and true to name, ai lall. Vegetation is raj^id, b;: iomewhat delayed by ti ifet weather. TO m Bitclier The best meats kept on hand and DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS THE TOWN WHERE ORDERED an ex- The undersigned is manufacturing cellent assortment of School l^ixmitiTT-e, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tiie latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatsworth P. 0. 181 ANDREW McGILL. Prof. Low" jln:ic nulj Ufjhly recommended jor all ini Mb. Datis White, Mo ill accept thanks for the country can prodijto Standard. The next sitting of Di S'o. 5 will be held m Ma I9th June. Be sure and visit A share of public patronage respectfi Darriage works when solicited. Remember the stand in McNea'f lilock. 181 WM. H. RUTLEDGE, I ivoiild'iit be without the ^j^TDikKD no how: the people. BULL SERVICE PRINCE ARTHUR, a thoroughbred Durham with Pedigi-eo, 3 jears old for service on lot 19 con. 13 Artemesia, this is a fine animal, his pedigree being onblished I the past season it is not necessary to give 1 it this year. Terms *1 at time of service, or $1.60 to be paid before the 5th November next. ROBT. WEIGHT. 192-95* JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR. JCoutractB taken for all kinds of BRICK AND STONE W RK, riain Ornamental Plastering. Calsominina in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteei^ Orders left at ahe Staxdabd office will receive prompt attention. 126-Iy. SEEDS SEEDS NOTICE. All partieB are hereby notified to remove all obstructions on streets opposite their properties, ulso to have allyardsand back premises thoroat^hly cleaned before the IVtlZL Of ^w4:si3r, otherwise the law regaribng the same will be enforced. WM. HASK^r, -^ ' Inepectmg Tnwtt?^, IMPORTED- FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS The place to buy your Seeds is at PARKER'S, Drugstore, DURHAM. Health Happiness for alL WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Biliousness, Headache, Dys- pepsia, lndi8;estion, Dizziness, Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering of the Heart, And every species of disease arising '1, from mpure Blood, c. c. PKBPAKEI) BT THE Climax Chemical Company, MONTREAL. S95 1 ACRES. J 89J ACBES Markdale the 24tb. GsonGE EowE lopt r fi Tuesday morning last va tnfiamation was the cau For. Sideboards, Loun; BreBsing cases go to Markdale. Teaiss are now on th lour. The passenger buBiness will be yery be; mer. Oil Cake, tl cattle feeder, for sale at i. Tomer Co. IitMEitsK quantities of ^brought to town d£ saugeen and other strt ^inity. ^ttimal Pills are a mild j 7a Sto«a;J,, Liver and 1 "â- obstructions. YOTJB shopping on ^eek, Rsthe 24th come; ^i vm be obseivod ucliday. Prftfwan' jp,,^ Powders *«««,ond expel all kinds of ""^en or aduUs. QtnTE a number of b erected iu this ^SfMon of which *»" be given in due tin \{^byone bottle of 10 AFIL Send six eents for postaee and reoeiTe £ree,a cosUy box of goods vWoh wiU help «U, At ouo« addm«. lapB* OiiL»4igaSi; .ear; FONTHILE. HIJBSEBIES. THE LAR6E8TINTHE DOMINI SALESMEN WANoW To begin work at once on FaU sales. 8t»^ employment at fixed salaries to all »^""^^ votk; Men and Women can b8 pleasant WORK THE YEAE EOUNJ^ Good ag^ts are eaoming from S^Oto? per month and sxpensea. Tessu and oBtfit {r«e. Address S^ONB 'WELLINGTON, Ptts from indigestio lyeiBmstaatlyreliev r^JQvmatoi: Bitter 1^*^*04 herbs: ^,^**tokdale Gyi '•«*?^wottf»then: