Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 Apr 1884, p. 7

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 IHTERESTINC pi jn dent^ the Brifish Museumâ€" Doc- r'"' wreatBrltain-An Old Stu- """l^Home Lessons for ChU- drenâ€" Etc etc. society has been organized .aiaiioJ ^8 the V '^^"^t -t rftt:rn of tfce number of vol- " jjjg Dritish .Museum is jastover liS' 'ni Tii^rfi ti"i 160 mi es of shelves, •iO*^ t^tnty more miles to be filled. "'"i^'lated that about cne ton of litera- ;i3'-y'i jg sent into that institution. "" Te.tas Courier-Record of Medicine "^t, t a certain elderly colored women itbat a jable sulpha- ' th» oa cf the ^]jit cf chewing pins as a solace The occasional swallowing of them' does not appear to be attended iU'ill y"" '^*^® ^^ crin;?e (r a iig? in- 1 p^. Jackson of a line little boy some- l-^'fander the w eather. " A fig, " answer- I* k» child- with alacrity. "No fever •he child- l* '" said the doctor, "cr he would cer- 'â- ^vbave said an orange." iledica'e de VAlgerie cskVs ^ri^ed new •*r a'lin, ^°«d all ov3 'garded by VI "uation of 'dentical wk Arab geoera.L "•ybythePor.) erimentswith f^ ^^re pat. '^oces, Pari, uredevi le 1 9^' fee I- ^jf to -QO'^t'^*" cider drinkers are not 'â- ' "jjled with '^JlK atiection are either cured or greatly '^-ire(i by that beverage. Gazette I ,,5Q to a great number of facts which " •- ^how that cider drinkers are not stone, and that patients hav- Ijiiefi Dill It i temperatarel leat. of tbel compounJ bmariue tele-I '°*ly reajerl mmunicatjool hj acted io tmilton havei ig each alter! each other! hemp his cen tnat thst i left-hand! en going for luired to agojig. Ia| of this time^ 'â-  sun cansesj a fan in mo-, Qism which ck until .. on a brakei gone down) berated andl ^n';;" Mtdical Journal s-ijs that it is to dnd orginisans in any disetse if r met hoc s of preparation be otserv- Very muuu more difficult, aad !*i'"i inil'J't. lit, to (stablish that there ^^.jvconntttion between the organism and _i3eider!v Erg is'iman W£s in the habit -ijyiiL quiet. 1 her and aqua fortis in irate I'i-l^sg' s and mixirg them into a â- ;oi O'l't"'"" " i'heumat)snn. On one '!.'.:on, howtver, they were put into the llrle bottle by the drugg'st. x'hty explod- ed b the l)arcba^^ers pjcket, burnirg him ',:b3t hetiied. 1 cordiri: to tlie new Brits'i Medical i^eotory me whole number of doctors in iVtltBr.ti.n 's -JS.O.'W, Of thfs^ 4,417 are ,3 Lonaon, 11,775 on the provincial list, id in Scotland, l2 430 in Ireland, 1,717 •.;nle abroad, and 2 493 are in the army and ;i.y, the Indian medical ssrvice, and the Mercantile marine. Dr, lircss ): quoted in the Philadelphia r^ikal En-ord ss sayirg that if the brain is rjnetrated by a ball, the rule to let it alone laaexeeeiiirgly bad one investigation hss own that the brain ran be hanuled to a i-idtrible e.-ctent with impanity, and there â-  ij-iSit luture for operations within the .rsiiijl cavity. The fcUowirg notes of a speech recently itiviiid in Dublin are not without interist. -eakiii-' oil the much- vexed Irish land ,:t-:ion, the fpsaker slid: "The country overrun by al sentee landlords," and, after ;:;:?. oitioeut psroratiou, delivered from the lands make r, to which, ;ed by the t the name een f given, shell of a ibly of the iODsitive to olor nearly )on as wet spots jare 1 mtensity the atmos- ;ompletely Coemnitz, :s such as landstone, :s and the treatment !rials thD8 with lime those of le earths, abstances the pro- 7 the sul- ;r, which iQ pipes furnace. [. Wake- lal, Eflg- ;ity, and employ le works danger- from its machine e wires Ees bav- lampf, f them, esigned I the in- fronts, ;-fittiDg ;hd in- •.;o un which he was standing, he said I tell you the cup of old Ireland's misery cveitiowirL: aye, and it s not full yet." It i-ju.-w one mile between SaultSt. Marie, MilL, aui the Canadian villsga opposite, vet mail communication Detwtea ine two 'jint- occuiiied ten days. A letter posted jnthe Anitrican side gots fi si; to Detroit, c:(-.-..^ to \Vincsor, where it enters the Canadian mails, and is then sent over the iinadian route back to the Sault, reaching :i:e Canadian ctfice there in ten days from !:etime it s;arted. A curiov fete is to be held at Pompeii at ::e be .innii ' of May, The first day it is ;i! All there is a visit of the Emperor of f.jii.e to Pen paii there will be circus .inu-, chp.riot races, a procetslcn, and a :3mbLr ci hciis will ba decked out as they would have ai^pjared 1,800 year. s ago. Oa ::e -jcond day there will be a marriage and 1 funeral, with their respective rites. The ::;rd day hn promised gladiatcrial games '^ii ;i '.adiaturiiil fete. Tne I'olV-i newspaper A'ri (Border Land) 'tites that ihere ;s at presant in the medical laculty of the University of Kharkoff a first year- ':udent, named Dzeetchakovski, th(-; ;_'3 is 00 yeais. In 1863 he was a tLirri-yebi :uJent of the medical course at :ae I'mvei-ay of Warsaw, but as he took iitin the then I'ol sh insurrection, he wss liied to Siberia, and remained there till, nacccrdancc- with the imperial ccronation roanites'u :ther I'.l -^ new Parisian â-  five, in u your.' 'a' each ot i.-t, year, he, in common with -, wa.- allowed to returi to Ea -hion has found f»vor in certain avirg roon s, As the guests ar- ni CO an invitation tor a ioiree tney are met at the door by a iy who gives a s-Tiall bouquet to ju, and itjsiss that the flower shall r 'irea in J m bate nea of ch 2oa added. 3st, he ir use. ilatiog 33itive .tinnm th the [ed in finely jative wire, )f the indi- ythis sub- h,by that 1 the icted axes ea ia it a, per- per- ^tur- It. oiot oai Sa' mce be' lily tie attached to the buttonhole of the gentle- man or the coisTgd of the lady. Eich gsntle- aaa tr-n (.\^p^cted to seek out the lady fnowcoi- a lioacgay similar in every re- â- i*-t to his own," and he thereupon, af:er •ce cutoiiiary siiutatiocs, becomes ner :irtner for the rest of the evening. This •on-pjls-jry coup'irg, when skilfully organ- za, favoi.-^ mauy intr'"aes, promotes match ^•ikicL:, and affords a good opportunity for taedi.~i.lay of spite by^brirgiLg ursympi- ftetic pj'ors together." In -uji^Drt cf a resolution pissed at a 1 jpular nieetirg in Bradford, Eugland, that â- I'me le£.-)na boould not be compulsory on â- ^tiildren under 10 years, Vt. Kabsgliati stated that in the last decade deaths irom ?(iroce|ihalus at the school ages had in- "eased '(j per cent. This he believed must 'n pirt he attributed to educational over- pfeasure. He also pointed out that ce- ^;ii ia had increased in the same period by ^eirl y iD pt r cent. While he did not think f^'s could be attributed to the same cause, Js begged the School Board to take care »st, by forced study, an additional impetus lugbt ba given to the causes which were Powerfully increasing the mortality from nervocs disorder. ^tt France there are now 4,575 miles of â- ^^igible rivers and 2,900 miles of canals, i year ISoi there were only 4, 190 miles 'river navigible and 2 440 miles of canals. toe ffiore£s8 m the lergth of rivers being 385 â„¢"*s and in that of caqp's 460 miles. But JJ'8 mcree.se has beun effected at an enor- ot^sexpinse, the total amount spent from -ii"n^^ to the year 1878 being close upon â- " •"W.OOO. while since then, under the menT"'^^ -^I. de Freycinet for the develop- iml "Communication by land or water, a sp'nt 'r" ' §5o,000,0O(» has already been jV."' Thus in round figores the cost since qa^jj^ been ^125,000,000, and yet the incr A Bemljuaoeiioe of oid tim^ cMent in tte lat. o/tteTL^ Xnel on Deck In ante-bellam timet nowhere ni. ♦!,« tment were more exciting^ines ^tn '*°; tnan in the cabins of eom! oTtSe iCtfr.' • river steamers, and of these none^m^r dramatic and tragical than the folTo^n" •" cident. Gambling, ofttimes for the bEt ^takes^was universal, particularly of the S!I ";!'^J^^^' .-d professioLrgat biers frequently homes. \jt u- i.'"**^® *^*3e boats ineir Much has been already written concerning the lives and characters concern mg these men, and many are the incS: related in which they bo% co^eSuB i^ not always honorable, parts. Among the various gambling scenes that have occLred on western and southern rivers, there is one which Should not be forgotten, the more "o that one of the principal actors in the event IS known throughout the country to have been a man of tried bravery and cour age. and his name, James Bowie, is always aasociaied with the idea of reckless fearle/s ness. In a recent conversation with an old steamboat man a Eepublican reporter learn ed of the foUowmg, which occurred on board the steamer Orleans. Cint DavJa father of Capt. John B. Divis.lie^'o'JI^ Diamond Jolline-master.in the fall of 1832. At that tinne the river steamers were begin- uing to be infested with organizsd gangs of gamblers, which in a tew year* embraced in Its ranks as allies and confederates many of the baj. keepers and other offi^jers of the b, a s of higher rank, and with their assis- tance and connivance, m^y a planter was robbed ot hia all and driven to suicide ir murder. In the fall of the year the merchants and planters of tlie country along the lower riv- er went east to purchase goods or to collect the proceeds of the yeara' crop of cotton or sugar, and their arrival at and departure from New York were carefully noted by emissaries of the gamblers. 1 f it was known that they cairied back to the we^t or south any large amount of money, they were watched, and an efficient gang of sharps was placed upon their tracks. In the summer of 1835, man of Natchez, who had ried, made an extended quite In the ' of I to which, of course, the as there â- "t'ty of goods' carried by water has only the ganM '»««i4,uoo,000ton8. rtrsnger a young gentle- just been mar- weading tiip to the north, and on hia way back home had stop- ped in New York to collect a number of bills which had been entrusted to him for collec- tion by planters at and near Natchez, and the amount in the aggregate was larfe. Shortly after his arrival in New York the young man was spotted and hia acquaint- ance made by several of the gambling fra- ternity, but, though they tried hard to do so, they failed to inveigle him into any of their deus. When he had transacted his business there, the young man started for home with hia wife, but knowing of his pro- bable route a well-organized gang started ahead of him, leaving two of the fraternity to accompany their intended victim and keep him in sight. Learning at Pittsburg that he would take a steamer for Louisville, where he would t3- main a few days and then take one of the New Orleans packets for Natehez, they join- ed him on the boat; and on the trip to Louis- ville card -playing was introduced to wile away the time. H*ving been allowed to win small sums, by the time they had reach- ed Louisville the victim imagined he knew all about the game. This game, which at the time referred to wasvery much in vogue, was called a twenty-card poker, and was played with the tens, jacks, and queens, kings, and aces of the pack, and as but four ceuld play at a time, the game was admir- ably adapted for what is known to the gam icg fraternity as "three pluck one." After a pleasant visit in Louisville the young man took passage on the sttamer Or leani lor Natchez. The gentleman's cabin, where all the card-playing was done, was on the main deck, directly under the ladies' cabin. Instead of the round wheel houses now seen, the Orleans' were square, flat on top, and came up to within two feet of the hurricane deck, and the distance between them was about thirty-five feet. Not long after leaving Louisville card-playing was re- sumed, and so effectually had the gamblers carried out their scheme that they had won nearly all their victim's money before reach- ing Vicksburgand had intended to complete their work before Natchez was reached,!* comparatively easy task, as he was drunk and desperate. A few miles above Vicks- burg a tall, straight, and dignified gentle- man, having much the appearance of a preacher, got aboard the boat, and in a few minutes took a seat near the gamblers, wljere he could see all that was going on. Several times during the continuance of the game, and after the tall stranger had come aboard, the young wife of the gamblers' vic- tim had besought him to leave their com pany, but in vain, so deep was the infatua- tion of the game and so strong hia belief that he could yet win back the money which he had lost. Play continued into the night, and by I o'clock in the morning his money was all won from him, and. rendered desperate by the knowledge that he had been recreant to the trust reposed to him, the victim rose from his teat and mshed wildly to the side of the boat, intent upon eelf-destruction, but just as he was m the act of springing overboard he was seized by a grip olEiron aid held, and. his young wife appearing at the time, he was taken to his roJm by the stranger, who assured her that all would be right if she would only keep her husband m the room until his re- *°Retnming to the cabin, where the gam- blers and their friends were standing around the bar drinking, the stranger drew out oi SsieSTw!ll.fiUed waUet. ^d takmg outfit a «100 bank-note, ask^ the b^- keeper to change it for him. This the bar- keener oouldrTotdo, bat referred him to the prin^pal gambler saying.: ;.' rhis 8««,ti«^ (^ ^ange it for yoo.^' "Oh, yes, he answeredWoSoe.' -won't you take adimkr Thanking him, the stranger accepted the u.- vitoSon.\nd whUe the change was bemg ^e jokt touched his glaM to, 'y? I'f, Jji" r^it^^ng^ai^-^nvtSl^U^^^^ reL^k^ that he did not care to go bed. ^dproposedtha^another^^^^^^^^^ tkFM of them who understood as there were three oi •^'" j* t^e the game and it required four to pUy rt, we ^iS^dS!"' "'""»'*°^ on his part, he a, Km ^*^*'?^ Web^tef^th^lept waspoinoL A.P^"otly aware of what hesitation gamU3rsconclud;ito'fi,L^l,J'-f^-„| t*! stranger a hani which would i^^^rilJ"}! betlargely and as there were th "uld^ 2J \°i!^\*^«yj«^-'tain they before show. make Ih^y were three of them, cu, m â€" ' 'â-  him pat up all wou'd allow him he hail to have a Everything wmksd as they had antioiDat- bUnd' th« """ °S b« right went $10 weredeilt^l^r" ^- When the cJda next m!^ H,*H Vk'"8*'"P°* " ^^- «^ the ra£d hL ii "\,?»'°«. '"It'en the dealer raisoa him ?20, puttmg up $40 When it th^bunn't*"" °^ "»• -« -bo ZZll 8100 Th«' "" "P^^^' *^'^* ^^*^e it UW). The stranger quietly put up the l^riV}^ ""^oxmt. and when the^nex^^man t«t 8100 more, the next manT the "ealer then threw up his hand and drew out. The two remaining gamblers then kept raising the bet whenever it came their turn, the stranger cooly putting up whatever sum was nrcessary, until the the total amount on the table was $100,000, of which the stranger had contributed one third. While the let- ting was going on the stranger had kept hia eyes on the dealer, and had. by his watch- fulness prevented any changing of the cards. Toward the last he taw a card slipped by the dealer to the man who had made the 0"t»a, when seizing his wrist with one hand, he drew a murderous looking knife with the other, and fcroed the gambler to lay his cards on the table face down. All sr ring to their feet, and the stranger quiet- ly said that when that hani was laisea and It should be found to contain six cards, he would kill the owner telling the other to show his cards, he threw down hia own hand, which consisted of four kings and a lea spot. Tne baffled gambler, livid with rage and disappointment, swore that the stranger should fight him, demanding, with an oath, to know who he was anyway. Quietly, and as if in the presencs of ladies, the stranger answered, ' James Bjwie. " At the sound of that name two of the ganblers quailed, for they knew that the man who bore that name was a teiror to even the bravest, but the third, who had never heard of ' James Bowie," demanded a a duel at once. This 7aa acceded to at once by Bowie, with a smile pistolsâ€" der- ringers â€" were the weapons selected, tQc hur- ricane-roof the place, and the time at once Sweeping the whole of the money into hia hat, Bowie went to the room where the un- happy wife sat guarding her husbands un- easy tlumbers, and, rapping on the door, he handed her, when she nad opened it, the hat and its contents, telling her that, if he did not come, two-thirds of the money was her hhsband's, and the balance his own. Ascending to the hurricane-roof the priti- cipala were placed one upon the top of each wheel house. This i brought them about twelve yards apart, and each was exposed to the ether from the knee up. The p'stols were handed to them, and the gambler s sec- ond gave the word, "cne, two, three, fire, stop,' uttered at intervals of one second eacD and they were allowed to fire at any time between the utterance of the words one and stop. As "one" rarg out on the clear morning air both raised their weapons, as "three" was heard the gambler's p'stol rang out, and before the sound had ceased, and while the word "fire" was being uttered, Bowie's p'stol sounded, and simultaneous with this sound, the gimbler fell, and giving a con/ul- sive struggle, rolled off the wheel-house into the nver. Bowie cocly blew the smoke out of his pistol, shut down the pan (the flint-lock was in use at the time) and going down into the ladies' cabin, obtained h^s nat and di- vided the money which it contained iuto three portions. Two of these he gave to the young wife and the other he kept, as it was his own money. Hiving awakened herhcs- band, the fond wife shoved him the money and told him all she knew about the aff.iir, not having heard of the duel. When the husband became acquainted with all the facts h'8 gratitude to ais benefactor was deep and lastitg Not desiring to be made a hero of, Bowie, when the boat reached Rodney, determined to go ashore, and es he was leaving the boat boin the husband and wife clung to him as thougi he ws a father leaving chem. It was afterward ascertained that the amount which Bowie returned to the wife wf s with- in less than $100 of the sura which thegim- biers had won from her husband. Bismarck, D.T., need not change its nime. D. T. can stand for darned tyrant. A Pailadelphia reporter is an applicant for the position of Caief of Police of that city, but he won't get it. Reporttri have been known to catch criminals. "Laugh, and the world laughs with you," Miss Wheeler says. Yes, and slip, and the wcrld laughs at you. At least that has been our experience this winter. "No, I don't object to the smell of a cigar," said a widow to her lover. "It reminds me of D.ar John, who declared that although he didn't like the taste of tobacco he had to smcke to keep the moths out of his mouth." As they were trudging along to school, a five-year-old Boston miss said to her com- panion, a lad of s"x summers, "Were you ever affrightened at the contiguity of a ro dent?" "Nay, forsooth," he replied. "I fear not the juxtaposition of the creature, but dislike its tendency to an intimate pro- pinquity." The weather nrophet looks for spring this month. The wise man looks for a blood purifier that wiU not mjure his system he can find what he wants in Dr. Carson s Stomaoh Bitters, the greatest of all blood-pariflers. large botUes at 50 cents. A. P. 173 In waa invii £od to join them, which, LOTSFORSALB-28AND29. Ist. CON- OESSION South West of Toronto and Sydenham Bead, Holland: mill site thereon. For particulars apply Box 186, Newmarket. Hat Large and Nicely FinlsHeil store in the Central Block. ^•^"^^-JP^.^^S^Jt' reasonable, immediate »oasession. William Snider, ft Co., Waterloo. C" OMMON SENSE STILL TRIUMPH ANT Fiake's "'Common sense" Brace, No strata on nwito or shoulders. Kequiree NOBCrroire.ton Uie ^^slnt tow addteSTby maiL on recent of piioe Rif TTSKE Mid OO.. 877 ^ng SL. JToA. Toronto. iflORSALE-A STOCK OF DRUGS AND r fixtures on a leading ayenne in Detroit; phm- â- ^•. n^TMid uractice in connection a biamm;tl^ SS. R E."A^Attomey. Boom" 6, 12? Gnswold Street, Detroit. TRFFS •* ' "" ^^ Norway, Spruce or Scotch ' "fc'fcW Fira. Jas. RE^ nie, Seedsman, Toronto. W^^J??-,^" KJiOKIVR BY MAIL /v »C? *teaatiful Chromo Cards with your name on. 4-1 1 Address Eureka Card Co. Bolton. Qne. ^250 *** W.O«W on mamage. L»«li«8 rTT»t^T»*a***^â„¢*^ •'^PP^ immediately. R N, CURBY, J.P., Sec-Treas.. London. Ont. Age^ wanted. SHORTHAND lessons given by *r "k " '""*â- â- '• «»a in Lnac Pitman's sys tern, by m^actical plan to FRAJNK » -rher. Send for terms and IGH. 162 Sherbonme St. Toronto. WA NT E D. â€" THE ADDRESS OF every reader of this paper who would like a alary of $15.00 a week, for canTassing the most popular useful, and easy selling subscription book ever pub lished. Address, A. C. JACKSOK and Co., 95 King St East' Toronto. J, 'CoiDinoii Sense' Brace fS-l y Ko strain on shoulders or pants, I IS requiresno BUTTONS ON PAKT8 c. Simple, easy, cheap, durable. Sent i to any addivsg by mail on receipt of " SO or 175c. with " little Dorcas"' 4â€" r H.N.FISKE and Co. ,277 King Street J West, Toronto. • W- F. P. OdRRIE Co. Importers of Drain Pipes, Pnri land CcHient. Chimney Tope, Canada Cement, Vent Linings, Water Lime, Flue Covers, Whiting, Fire Bricks, Plaster of Paris, Fire Clay, Borax, Rrunan Cement, China Clay, Manufacturers of Bessemer Bteei sofa. Chat r Be d £ prlngs TO SADDLERS. The celebrated Elm City Harness Oil can be had from the following ^Â¥holesale baddlery Hardware houses: Field and Davidson, Hamilton; Morgan Bros, Hamilton, Frascr and Johnson, Hamilton C. Davidson and Co., Toronto: 8. Trees and Co Toronto; T. Woodhouse and Co., Toronto; W. EUis. London; W. C. Martin. King- stoni J. Smith and Son., Brantford; or from F. F. DA LLEY and Co. Hamilton. Sole agents for the Dom inion BEAVER S- S. LINE WEEKLY BKTWKKN Quelle, Hontrral, and UTerpool* CALLING AT QUEENSTOWN AND BELFAST For lowest rates and all particulars apply to H. v.. MURRAY, Beaver Line, MontreaL is a perfect ^em, equal to an imporied French Corset; fits like a glov a to the figure; very styl- ish, elegant in appearance, and approved of by the most fastidious. Manufactured only by THE CROMPTON CORSET CO.. 78 .0»K STREET. TORONTO. SHORTHAND. The accomplishment of the age. A railroad means of communicating thought â€" A railroad by reason of its ex. peditionâ€" A railroad by reason of its ease. Complete set of books for self instruction for beginners, post free for 45c. Send for price list T. A. McINTYRE and Co., Ontario Shorthand Emnorium. 34 King St. East. Toronto. F. E. DIXON CO., Manoractarerg ot ^tariKlvet Leather Belting 70 King Street, East, Toronto Large doable Driving Belts a specialty. Send for Price liists and Discounts. TO PRINTERS 'Wharfdale Press â€" For Saleâ€" Only been five years in use, in good order, can be seen running daily at Truth office. Only being sold to make room for a faster machine. Price 850. S. Frank Wilson. Toronto, Canada. The White Glyc- erineâ€" The Sham Bonquet â€" Palm MARiCi Oil Bath Soap â€" Oatmea 1 Skin Soap, and T he Baby's Own Soap. MADE BY THE ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO.T ARE UNSUBPA.S.SKD FOK PURITY EXCELLENCE. tS" Sold by all leading druggists. Dominion Line of Steamships. Running in connection with the Qrand Trunk Railway of Canada. Sailing from Quebec every Saturday during the summer months, and from Portland every Thursday during the winter mouths. PORTLAND TO LIVERPOOL Toronto, Mar. 87. J Montreal, Apl. 17. Dominion, Apl. 3. Oregon, Apl. 24, *Sarnla, Apl. 10. Ontario. Hay. 1 Rates of pass^e: Cabin.Portland to Liverpool according to steamer and berth, ^, 960. $70, return, $90, SllO, $130; ^all outside rooms and comfortably heated by steam. Intermedite tM. Steerage, 921. The saloons and staterooms in steamers marked thus are amidships, where but little motion is felt, and no cattle or sheep are carried on them. For further partion- lars apply to any Grand Trunk Railway AKent, or local agents of the Company, or to I»ATI» TOBBAIVCE • CO., Oanerai A?ents Montreal Royal Printograph The Only Reliable " Copying Tablet" for ob- taining either a few or many copies of writings. Drawings, etc., in one or more colors. It has superseded the Lithogram, and other compara- tively useless appliances and being the perfec- tion of simplicity is giving entire satisfaction. EVERY PRINTOGRAPH WARRANTED .$^~ Send for Circulars and Testimonials. PIM CO.. SOLK MAKUrACrUKKRS. 61 KING ST. E.. TORONTO. TB MODEL Washer AHD BLEAOHER.I Weiglu but 6 pounds. Can be carried in a Bmall Talire niuBtration shoin Machine in boiler. Satiafaction guaranteed or money refunded. $1M«.M KKWAKD FOK ITS 8VPEKIOK. Washing made light and easy. The clothes hare that pure whiteness which do other mode ot washing can pro- duce. No rubbing required, no friction to injure the fabric. A 10 year oldgirl can do the washing as well as an old°r person. To place it in every household thk pici bas bzii BKOUCIED to $150, and if not found satiafaotory, money refunded. See what the "Canada Presbrterian," sajs about it â€" The Model Washer and Bleacher whkih Mr. C. W. Dennis offm to the public has many and Tafaiable advantages. It is a time and labor saving machine, is substantial and enduring, and is very cheap. From trialln the household we can tetti^ to Us excellence." Delivered to any ezprere office in The Provinces of On- tario and Quebec. Charges paid $3.00. Send for cir- "^*^ AGENTS WANTED. C. W. DENNIS, TORONTO BABOAIN HOUSE. MS TOH«E BTBKBT, T*K«aT«, •MT. CANADA PLATE. Price Lew For Fatnre DeHrnr. Tin Plate. Galvanised Eiieet. istamped Goods. FOR SALE BY ooPLAisD McLaren.. MONTREAL. Mutual Marriage Erdowmeiit As'n, INCOaPORATED. HEAD OFFICE, LONDON, ONT. Issues Certificates from $125 to $3 000, payable on mar. riage at folloning rates. For $500. or half Certificate, $4; quarterly dues in ad- vano" *0.76. For;fl,000Certi2ca'e, $6; quarterly dues in advance For §2,003 Certifica'e $10; quarterly dues in advance For $3,000 Certificate $15; quarterly dues in advance $3.00. A percentage of the Fees applied towards a reserve fund. The onl^ cash payments required at the time of making application for a certificate. The remainder of the lia. bilit; is made up of assessments at the rate of $1.60 on each $1,000 upon the mairiage of members. 12 assess- ments made the first year payable quarterly, which upon the present large membership seoores the payment of a number of Endowments, and a safe and reliable in vestment for young people. Send for By Laws and full particulars. W. J. IMLACH, Secretary, London, Ont. Allan Line Eojal Mail SteamsMps. Sailing during winter from Portland' every Thursday, and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Lon- donderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland and Ireland. Also from Baltimore via Halifax and St. John's N. F. to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The Eteamera of the Glasgow lines sail during winter between Portland and Glasgow, and Boston and Glasgow alternately and during summer between Quebec and Glasgow and Boston and Glasgow every week. For freight, passage, or other information ppplyto A. Schumacher Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard Co., Halifax Shea Co., St. John's N. F. Wm. Thomson Co., St. John, N. B. Allan Co., Chic.acro Leve Alden, New 1 ork H. Boui liar, Toronto A llans. Kae Co., Quebec H. A. Allan, Portland, Boston, Mon- treal. mm lid A S S O CIAT ION. $5,000 Paid on Marriages. Over $100,- 000 Paid in Benefits to Date. ISSUE IN 1883nm $2,000,000. The only Company in Canada that has paid a claim. UNDOUBTED SECURITY. Premiums small. Addresr B. WEBBER, Agents Wanted. Secretary, Hamilton. Agents Wanted FOR THE Citizens Insurance Oo., of Canada. Established 1864.â€" Capital and Assets, $1,426,985. â€"Government Deposit $122,000 Casli.â€" As this Company transacts Fire, Life, and Accident business a profitable agency is thus offered lo those soliciting insurance risks. Special terms co those who have valuable con- necticns. Farm property insured as low as by Farm Mutuals. Address, Head Office, 179 St. Jamrs Street, Montreal. ^^"The stock of this Company is held by many of the wealthiest citizens of Montreal. 84,000 Sold In 17 aiontlig.. BUY ONLY THE Walter Woods HAMUTOHr, ONT GDRNEYS WARE, STMDARD SCALES. THE BEST, THE STRONGEST, THE MOST RELIABLE. TTnriTalled in material, construction and finish, per- fect in accuracy and unequalled in durability. Guar- anteed to give entire satisfaction. THEY EXC EL AL L OTHERS. gAILBOAJ P, WABKHOUSK A MP BOLXi Mills' Alarm Money Drawers. 1^^ PBWn FOR IT.J.rsTBATED FPICT5 IXST. GUBNE YS~ WAEE, â- AHUTOV. •MT nut JMPOUTKD ATVC 90 PER CENT OF AU HORSES Erer Imported From France to Amorlea, Whow Parity of BUod Is established by thelp SeeordeA Pedlcrees In the Percke- rea Stad BMk of Frmare, whicn Is the only Draft Horse Record ot that country. Mr Dunham has Just pnbllsh'd a 25,000 ed".^^ A bis band- o. .^J y illustrated Pase catalogm' for 1884. containlni descriptions and v~-- tgnm rmany for 10 generations) of niLlIMSAIlKra BTsw oa kaad. All MalU*** Caanniteed B*Mdi JSatalogiMfrSB. AddiiMj. M. WTSKiBA 8,^^ ayno. g»^^^nBnrf» «S»nlta« wertofChlcsS^J. onO? 1^. 1(1 If 3 i-l m

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