Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 Apr 1884, p. 4

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 â- hfti The Standard. MAEKDALE APRIL. 17, 1884. THE SCOTT ACT. As an indication of the progress of public sentiment in the Dominion in favor of prohibition in connection with the drink traffic the following facts may be made mention of, which n certainly very significant In the entire Province of Prmce Edw^rd Island the Scott Act has been adopted by large majorities. There are rhree counties and the city of ]tiarlottetown. A retail liquor license has not been issued in that province for years. A.s an evidence that the workings of the Act have been such as to meet the reasonable approval of the people, it may be stated that an at- tempt was made to repeal the Act in Prince County a few months ago, and it was sustained by a larger majority than at first. There have been five votes taken m Prince Edward Island nnd in every instance the majority in favor of local prohibition has been large. In Nova Scotia there are eighteen counties and in twelve of these the Act has already been adopted. The ma- jorities in its lavor were larger than the majorities usually are at other popular elections in the Mayflower Province. It looks as though the Act would soon be adopted in the entire Province. An amendment Las just heen made to the Act by the Dominion Parliament which will make it more efficient in Nova Scotia and will also hasten its general adoption. The popular feeling there now is evidently infavor of its adoption and its thorough enforcement. In New Brunswick there are four- teen counties and m nine of these the Act has been adopted. In most cases the vole in its favor was two to one, and in some instances considerably more than that. In nD instance has there been a majority against its adop- tion. There are also in the Province the cities of St. John, and Frederictou, the Provincial capital. In St. .John a vote was taken which resulted in a tie, and the Act (vas not therefore legally adopted. Probably another vote will be taken there as soon as the time comes round when it can be again legally submitted. In Frederictou the lu-.-.t vote on the adoption of the Act in the Dominion was taken and it was carried. At the txpiration of three years ;iu attempt wa.s made by its op- ])cnGa:s to have it rept-atod and an- other yote was taken, which resulted in a verdict again in its favor. The verdict of the people of New Bruns- wick in favor of the adoption of the Act is of much siguiiicauce iu cor.nec- tion with the Prohibition question. They are next door neighbors to the pcoi.ie of Maine, where the prohibitory law has been in force for more tlian thirtv years, if the law had been a laihire iu Maine as some persons aro anxious for u-^. to believe, our fellow citizens iu New IJrunswick would have beuu Well aware of the fact, and surely tiiey would liave avoided the adopti'iii of a similar law, under the circum- btaiiecs. The iacts, however, are that ail the counties iu that Province ad- joining Maine wove among the first to adopt the Act, and that, too, by de- ci^ise majorities. In Uutario there has been a good deal more hesitation about movint: for tlio aLlo[)tiou of the Act, i^robably much in consequence of the failure o"f the Dunkui Act, years ago. It is now becomiiig cvnlout, however, that, tiie Scott Act is a much more efficient re- stnctu'e law, and the movement is becoming £;en-eral. The Act has been in f irce for a conplo of years in Halton County, and its orignial promoters declare thetn.selves satisfied with its workuiu' It was carried a few weeks ago 111 Oxford County bv a mnjoiitv of nearly 80O. In Wei laud County it was defeated by a considerable ma- jority and SI It was in the city of Ilamiiton and iu the County of Went- worth. In Lambtou County two votes have been taken. In the first instance the majority was iu its favor. but the vote was declared void because of a legal tochiuicaiity. In the secord vote it was defeated, owing a good ueal to the fact that raanv became somewhat discouraged m consequence of the previous failure. In the Province of Manitoba vt ;es have been taken in two Counties and majorities were recorded in its favor, There appear to be pecuhar difficulties in the wa^y of immediate progress there, and it is not prob-^ble that further steps will be soon taken in re- gard to the measure. In the great North West Teriitcrj prohibition prevails. The Act of the Dominica Parliament giving a constitution to that Territory for pro- hibition and it has been fully as well enforced as any other law in the Territory. There is the testimony of its advantages from such eye witnesses as Lord Lome, Dr. Grant of Queen's University, and other eminent roen, who are not themselves probibitionists. Surely great success has attended the efforts of the prohibitionists during the past few years. ©aiTespandBn^B* Notice. â€" We wish it distinctl-y understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents. To the Editor of the Standard. Sarnia, April 15, 1884. Yesterday's paragraph in the Mail is false. I am blackmailed by one who knows part of my business. FiNDLAY MacRaE. To Editor Standard Dear Sik, â€" The subject of temper- ance claims a great deal of attention at the present time. Our part of the country would be better with less drunkenness but the great question is, How to stop the evil? The system of licensing has had a fair trial, and the result is a failure. There is as much drunkenness under the license system as if we had no licenses at all. License means monopoly. If it is a good thing to sell and manufacture liquor, then what right has one man to be protected in selling and manu- facturing it, while other men who might be inclined to do the same, are prohibited under severe penalties. A few men ii a township can well afford to pay license to sell an article which all others m the townsliip may not sell. If it is rignt to sell liquor, better remove all restrictions. In that case the dealer who would furnish the best article would get the most call, and wholesome competition would remove the unwholesome abomination which is ordinarily sold over the bar; but as long as men are protected by licenses they will be protected in passing ofl:' as the genuine article, their own cheap mixtures. The drmking customs of our day have descended lo«'er than those of the olden times. Men drink in such a manner as to demoralize and tempt the greater number. This is done by making the barroom the principal room in the hotel. All the business of the house is done either in the bar-room, or else very near it, and iu sight of it. At the same time those who wish to drink unseen are of course furnished every convenience to do so. Through the secret trap the youth, the minor, is supplied with liquor tempered to suit his yet uuyitiated taste, and he is thus led on by degrees to drink "hard" or "soft." Now if it is a good thiug to teach the youth to drink why leave it to so many houses among so many thousand people. If one out of lUU ratepayers is allowed to sell liquor, (on the payment ot the license) why is each or any of the oth- er 31)9 prohibited from doing the same thiuij when he is Avilling to pay the same license, and equally capable in every wa} as the one who obtains the license? There is no justice in giving one a monopoly of a business by which he can pocket $5000 or §10,000 a year, and depnye 399 men from any chance of doing anything in the same line. To sum up, "What is good for the goose should be good for the gander," but as intoxicating liquor is not good for either the goose or the gander, neither of them should be al- lowed to dabbk The following are the names of those who have pur- chased "right" lor Sargent's Patent Load Lifter, together with their several Post Office addresses and territory se- emed by the same up to ist April, 1884 â€" Name. Jolm Hazard, Thomas Hazard, Wm. Tench, James Dean, John Clai ridge, Wm. Ford, H. Lighton, Joshua Clarridge, A. Walton, R. B. Mairhead, John Shields, J, Wallace, J. Henry, C. Whitlam, J Richard Sargent, W. Perdue, J. Berbidge, A. H. Dixon, T. Glaesford, J. Hebdon, J. Stevenson, W. Hebdon, C. Dale, J. L. Natters, R. T. Ward, R. Shields, W. Morris, J. Elliot, M. Perdue, R. Boyd, J. McMillan, T. D. Hall, R. Stokey, H. Sargent, H. Sweet, F. Jarvis, J. Parson, R. Crawford, S. Craig, JohnT. Quinn, George Ritchie J. Scott, T. W. Walker, Wm. Williamson, E. W\ Moore, J. Kowe, R. Bailey, J. Nealands, J. Gillespie, Jolm Golley, J. II. Dawsou, C. Tench, P. 0. Caledon East, Brampton, Caledon East, Sandhill, Valetta, Mount Vernon, Sleswick, Caledon East, Hamilton, Sandhill, Caledon East, Sleswick, ' Caledon Cast, King, Sandhill, Parkdale, Caledon East, Streetsville, Humber, Stanley Mills, Mono Road, Londesborough, Sandhill, Caledon East, Berkeley, Palmerston, Oraugeville, Luther. Tekbitory. Middlesex County. Oxforui County. Waterloo Couuty. Norfolk Boiiiney and East Tilbury Tps. Burford and South Dumfi ie.s Tps. Braiitford township Puslinch an.l Beverley townpliips. Flamboro, East and West Tps. Ancaater, Barton, Glanford, Salt- fleet and Bin brook townships. Esquesiug, Trafalgar and Nelson tt)wnships. Nassagaweya township, Caledon, Mono and Adjala Tps. Alhion, Toronto Gore, Toronto, Chinguaccusy and VrtUghan Tps. King township. Etobicoke township. York and Scaiboro townships Markham and Whitchurch Tps. East and South Gwillimbury tps. Georgma and Brock townships. Scott and Uxl)ridge " Reach township. Pickering and ^Vhitby townships. Darlington township. Co. of Perth, with exception of Hibbert and Fullerton tps. Notices of Births, ilarriaae. •eiity five cents. " ' twenty MARRIAGES. Bellamyâ€" OsBuuNE.â€" By th,,. i of Maxwell, at ihe losidencetf'.-^' father, William Ja.MOi Beilam ' i-leshert'n, T-^p. Clerk of Mi8.s Mary E., eldest O.borne. Eki.. of the _Tovvi„£ J^" Strain â€" In DclATHS. Hollaii,!. 0:1 [1,13 Catherine Strain, a^rd 17 viar- â- â- ^'â- 1 PuvUet iUpotts. {KDALE JEWELLER Urge si makkdali-:. Fall Wheat ^o liO Spring Wheat. Barley Peas Oat Butter EKgs Potatoes Hay Pork IpKlC^ S L (I 40 r,ii ' 1.3 7 00 7 on to 51 Flour -1 to to to to to to to to fl to to N TOTICE. TenJorH will i,e rfccitJ th undersigned "p to ti;e2(;tli .\pril, f,, erection %vd connilutiou of ii fraiiii; bn veneered with brit-k, uu tije vucant lotajJ iug the Revere Hotel. Plans, itc. can be .seen by applvinn j^ 1 WILSON' BENSON' 188 89 Maika 710B riAi..E. _1j One Broailca^t Seriel good order, fit for twoliorst-s oroiie.alM HuUet, McKdlop and Godeiich I first -ckss Land holler, wuli b|muKse»; one span of guoJ farm Horse 188-90 townships. Grey towi ship. Morris and Wawanof^h townships Suliiyan, Brant and Eidersley tps I |:^ AKECHAXCE Howick township. Arthur and Minto townships. Luther township JAMES OBEIEN, Arte jfciii Williamsford Station, Miiryborough and Peel townships I Guelph, Caledon East, Alton, Campbells Cross, Markdalc, Charleston, Tara, Inistioge, Markdale, Berkeley, Massey, B:;rkeluy, Everet, Thompsouville, Caledon East, NickoU and Pilkerton Guelph and Eramosa " Garafrasa, Amaranth, Proton and Melauethon townships. Erin townsnip. Egremont and Normaiiby tps. Bentiuck and (xlenelg townships. Bruce, Kincardine and Huron tps Arraii and Amable townships. Avteniesia and Osprey townships. Euphrasia t(jwnshi[). Cot ling wood towush'p. Sv'lenham and St. Vincent tps. I't-rby township. Siirawrik townsbip. Tosorouto, Essa, Sunnidale tps. Tecuniseth, Vv'est Gwdlimbury, Innisfel, Nottawasaga and Mulniur townships. XV ' Blacksmiili ?M aud business in MarkJale together UwelHng house and lot for Hale. Tk:s good opening. The proprietor nisi,,-! retire from the business on aceouut u! health. For particulars apiily to Juaj Lamb on the premises, MarkJale. j^o misrepresen ds. Special lines Watches and ridan Co. Silve je. Specks, Chain Ings, etc. 18 k. jngs always in stoc [instruments, Violi [1 personally atte itch Repairing irrant the same l?.rges. W. A. BR EafandOFher UoTicES in these column.^ iitt individual or Societ;/ u-iti a line for the fir.t »H.vf .,i line each subsequent ii ilXTRAORDIN.\EY iMcFarland's. value 1! Ij^OR SALE. Ds/elliug House, Suitable for grocery store, or other ku^ with dwelUng above, and stable on iLt on mill street, corner lot. good biisme?: applv to S. DAMUDE, Flesherton, or C. KU'i'LEDGE, MarkdaJe. t 71 A RMS FOR §ALE. ^^AK.^i EOU SALE. Flos and 'esI)ra townships- 1 -«- Lot S h 14. Co Parties desirous of making moncv sliould purchase a "^i:"ki:'ii« "'i right, (Township or County) at once. Th.ev are selling f;ist. Those who invested last yenr are highly ;oIcascd with their speculation, and many of them have applied for additional territory. Foe Sash, Doors and Grant Go., Mark dale Oke case Swiss Embroii portation, at McFarlan Tee only direct importe issin Markdale is W. .J I^r 11" â- 'East Grky spring sh r.oad. Arteme.ia"eomI:^W in Flesliortoii ou tin Foil Bedsteads. Sprin; attresses go in Grant iv ie,. ure aud true to name, a all. The Euphrasia Agric; low will be held in II j nd May. Fixe work done in pic t Hamilton's Art Cntiit loderate. 1 west, T. i«r S .50 acres, -40 of of wkic-h areckar.-diiiiac:.; ultiv-ition. Lot S part l"). e-ii. 12. Ho' 03 acres, 40 cleared; all licji-sirv l-r,:. tiieieon. Lot 13, con. 13. 'kii.E' \\v,. ah buhh. E'or terms and piui:i.-uiar::i: to J. C. lUMNi.. Mark'ii.! Oct.l(kl8S3. I'i l:i "t IL 325 ACltE f 325 I ACltES. x'VURSQi:RICS. 1} FO^TIilLL THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION in it. fl It therefore necessarily follows that, as llie liquor is not for the good of men, but has been a blight and a curse to milhons, the traflic in it should be aboiished, and the manufacture and the sale of it prohibited. Mak. Owen Souii«l. SALESMEN ^WANTED To l)egin work at once on Fall sales. Steady emnloynif'iit at tixe.l salaries to all w-ilUng to work. Men Jlisd WomCM can have pleasant WORK THE YEAR ROUND CJood agents arc earning from §40 to $75 per mouth and expenses. Terms and outfit free. Address STONE -WELL1XGT0X, Toronto, Ont IN THE OOODS CHATTELS OF ABTHUB SEV7ELL, Sr., (deceased JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GENl^RXBLACKSMITH Ku}iln;i-i;i. â-  n.m Knrlw;.;: ' 100 acres, 70 I'L-res cu.iri â- ! a:ul ot cultivation, ti: to ir.r. uai't i aiid balance liardwoo br.-h m. ci'ihir tor fencin;:. "'CA w.r. i failin),' sprin;; oidy 10 roi^s lr.;'.:i a youLi„' orchard, liouse laiii There is a ntw stoaiu .-aw i;i;ii oil dia^ to it. Clear del d can bo ".\ u. I'll- particular-s apwlv on tlio -larKiM -â-  tp SVMTLI. \Vi;hnii iloi-khnl clr'U aii'i New Butclier Slioi HORSESHOEING SPECIALTY. Tlie hest meat.- or. hand and the country can pr- The boom has struck Owen Sound iu earnest The elevator, upon which 140 men have been working for some time past, is now about 90 feet high and cijsed in, and some 30 feet yet to be added to the heighth. This building, when complete, v.-ill be an ornament to the haibor. The intention is to have it liuished in .June. A further giant of $10,000 has just been made by the government for l.aiiior improvements so that the large? t inland steamships may have sufficient depth during low water. Building operations are exteusiTe and will continue so during the season. The Salvation Army is doing a good work, and altogether the prospects of the capital of Grey are looming up. NOTICE TO CREDITORS- Pursuant to Section 34, of chapter 107, E. S. 0. the creditors of Ai-thur Sewell, Sr., late of the towiisliip of Arteme^;ia, CoimtT of Giey, deceased, who died on or about the 22iid December, 1883, and all parties having claims upon his estate are, on or before the FIFTEENTH DAY OF MAY, 1884, to send bv post, prepaid, to Robert Shannon, Vandeleur V. C, iu the Couuty of Grey, one of the executors, of the personal estate and effects of deceased, their christian and sur- names, addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of tlieir accouiits and nature^! the securities (if any) lield by them, and m delault tliereof the assets of the said deceased will b*? dis- tributed, having regard only to the clairas thiin received, or those of them which the execntora then have notice. ROBERT SHANNON,) „ JOSKPH LOMAS, [Executors. Dated this 7th day of April, 1884. 187-90 A share of public patrona.C' s jl'citt d. llemember the stand iu ^.TtN' 181 WM. H. RUTLlDGL FREEMAN'S WORM powders: Are pleasant to take. Contain their own tnrgative. Is a safe, sm-e, and ctfeetual i destroyer ot worms in Children or Adnltai if A good girl to have!â€" bal-Vation. ALEX KA\ MUl Street, Maikdale Spring impor- t8 tions in all the leading lines are' now opened at E. J. SPROUL'S FLESHjH]ETON A splendid assort- ment to choose from at prices to suit the times. Call early and examine and we are satisfied the results will be in every way satis- factory. A Y.^ED wide lUe-'i We iir shirting, only 'arland's. CoRRESPONnKNTS WJU iieir matter if pos-^ibio isou Tuesday. Silks and Satins, sj ' Reynolds Son's, al' ilk coats, etc- A VEKY large nnd fin-^ Bo select from at W. .\ DELIVERED TO ALL PAPJ8 ^^°^' ""•"^^^^• THE TOWN WHERE ORI'EKEI Get your pictnrcs tai: ton's Mr. ii. has seen ;v^â- :'t.^r.y'^3, Torouto artist for Without any llatUr McFarlaud has the ].â- . iiest styles m Tweeds .i Men's, women's ana c Ms at Eeyuolds A: S and cheapest ever br oountry. PcRiFY your blood feather conies on wi; Bitters, for sale onlv ^arber, Markdale. White Face, BIj %ffs,bcst iiortli ot «aieat$2perUoz. gomery, Markdal*' A MEETING wdl be It iale House to-morrow j^o' '"^r the purpose "rasb band in this tow opeinct Goods, inc sticks, express wa?"o!i «»et, c., just n Medical Hal], A. Tun: There's a run on th( for Bitters but S.nitl just received a new sic ^appytosoppiyallhn at p^'" â- ^"^â- ^ is li^Tin ^^ .-Eugenia overhauh f I'^ery added, and « B. TIME TABLjj On and after Sutnnliiy, ;aicli trains will run as follows Goixti xoet:i a.m r-" 'i'onino Departs T.-'H i â- "' f Orangoville lO.'.i.J T.-!' Monut Fi)rest " rj.liOi in '.i.i'i' Harristou Vl.or, â- â€¢ ".--'J Teeswater Arr. li.'J.J •• lo.:iii Oweu Souud " i.;;u •• u' •â- " GOIXG SOUTH. A.M. r.M- Owen liouud, Dep. 5.1:^ ;i,-" TeesNvater 5.00 :â- â€¢â€¢'"" Harriston 'â-  (l.Oo l.ii" Mount Forest " O.SO l.."!!! OrnnsL'villc «.27 T.ii* 1-; Toronto Arr 11. 'tn '.i.""i "• A Misod Train will also ir.n 1 â-  i^^'i," " onto and Owen Sound. Stt' Ti:" â- "'"" D. McNICOL. VV. Will 1- Gen. Fuse. Agt. Ociivru i M'""' MARKDALE STATiO N. TRAINS LEAVE A GOING SOUTH. lOM.l'^^-- Exprcss (!:i' Mixed ":â- "" Mail •!:•"â- ' P' GOING NOETH.â€" Mail 1-""J i" Mixed â- 'â- -^•' Lx;.iesri 'â-  --' A stock in a thorough "i-L assortment Walth am. J. CiSAR, -\s: lilt. ltr-~8.4aud5oz l"'^oU nicklec; "'eller.Markdale.

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