F' 111 Tha Standard. MARKDALE MAR. 27, 1884. WIRE FEJ\'CES. The winter is about past, aud has been unexpectedly severe, many of the roads having been blocked with suow the worst of any seasoq in the history ot the oldest iuhabitaut. This fact strongly suggests the propriety of devising some means whereby the blocknig up of certain leading roadb might be obviated. The wire fence is ])(.rhaps the most complete remedy, taking into consideration the ccst- somewhat serious character occurred on Monday of last week. Mr. \V, Holly, who had that day driven here to the yillage to get married, after tlie knot being skilfully tied by the Rey. Mr. McDowell, and William made ap- parently perfectly happj, with his company was driving home about a mile from this village, when overliaken by one D. Smith, Euq., with a double tean% and Dick thinking it would be interesting to run past the wedding party or give them a bit of a run, (which by the way we understand is fashionable now-a-days when the yjung cojiple is out on their wedding tour, say four or fiv/miks fi-om homo) so on went lash, aud away went horse, until that, which was a trot, Gilpin like, became a gaQop soon, when sud- denly Smith's team was brought to a stop by one of his horses falling, and The seascn lor fence building is now ])tfore us, and we would urge upon ' under the stiam burst a blood vessel tiie township councils the advisability i The animal died in a short time after- ,. ward We regret that Mr. Smitw of ottering some assistance merecmg^^^^^^^^^ ^^.^^n ^^^^^ .^,,fortunu. good substantial wire lences on certain I r^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^.^^^ ^^ jeggou to other leading roads. We have no doubt youug men, and have a tendency to the ratepayers will strongly favor such ' prevent the inhuman and eilly habit of a course, and the benefits would doubt- r^^cing horses in such a manner when 111 1 t- f ,.„ out for pleasure, less prove valuable and satisfactoiy ^^^^ i,^^,_ ^^^__ Edmunds, of Price not only in hindering the complete ^^^^^ preached and conducted the blockade of portions of leading roads services in the Methodist church last during ^vinter season, but in shorten- ing the time that such roads are im- possible in tlie spring of the year caused by the depth of snow on such portions while other parts are clear, A wire fence built with posts planted say 8 feet apart and a 12 inch board at the bottom, and a 2 i 4 scantling on the top with four wires between, two of which should be barbed, will answer the purpose of the best rail, board or piciiet fence, while it will cost very little more. We would sug- gest to our neighboring councils that they give the matter their considera- tion. Friday evening, in the absence of the pastor, Mr. McDowell, who was that evening delivering a lecture at Gor- betton. TIIE CO.VSPaKACY. The daily papers have considerable space devoted to giving details of the investigation going on re the above all absorbhig question of tiie week, and it is a very uiiiicult mat!;er to come to ii!i unbiased co-'jclasion iii t;;e mat- ter. T1;l' Gl'.bc endeavors to push luiUio the responsibility on tlie Con- i servativo party, v.'hile the Mail is m;iking btraiuons cfi'orta to turn public i opinion against those who refused to j be bribed, and the wJiolo ail'air has a mixed and muddled appearance at the I'rt-scnt time. ISolow is a clipping Vv'hich give3 the opinion of a disinter- ested journal The Lutfalo CuuiiT says "In the face of the great scandal, which should startle ail thoughtful Canadians into a sense of public danger, the politicians are engaged in a desperate struggle to turn the disgrace to party advan- tage. The Toronto Globe, the organ of the Liberals, is eager in pushing home the responsibility upon the lead- ers of the Couseryative organization. The Toronto Mail, organ of the Do- minion Ministry, is busy belittling the whole affair, and trying to turn public indignation from the real culprits to the men who refused to be bribed. A true sense of justice and honest indig- iiatiou at rascality apart from its party aiiiliatious seems to be altDgether v^antiug. We doubt whether this state of things can continue long. The elements which make up the Domin-' ion are incongruous and inharmonious. The relations of the provinces to the general Government are undefined. Public hfe is manifestly corrupt. Party spirit ia verging into a sort of insani'y, and unles? there comes re- forming, there wiil come revolution." Mcaford Road. New Postmastek. â€" Our post-office has changed hands. Mr. Wm. Hutch- inson is the new postmaster. Horse Lost. â€" Mr. E. Smith, Jr.. lost a valuable horse. It dropped dead on the road as he was driving home from Flesherton. Cause, the burst- ing cf one of the large blood yessels. Mrs. C. Carson is about to remove to her farm in Tyrone. Mr. \V. Gilbert is going to live on the Town Line, having rented Mr. G. Sewell's farm. Mr. Day, from the gravel road, has rented Mr. Davis' farm and saw-mill. Mr. W. Hutchinson is now living on his new farm. Mr. Wm. Holly and Miss Margret A. Dowels have started together for a sail across the sea of matrimony. We wish tliem sufe voyage. Frii-evilie. The Ontario Legislature vfas pro- rogued on Tuesday last. Me. John McDonald, one of the Glenelg assessors is working in Markdale tiiis week. The Rev. E. Roberts. President of the Bible Christian Church will preach in the Methodist Church, Markdale, (tn Tuesday evening April 1st. Service at 8 o'clock p. m. W. L. Davis, son of Mr. Edward Davis of this â- village returned on Tuesday last from the Ontario Business College, Belleville, liavhig tnken a full course, and carried the higest honors Irom over one hundred students. FRiDAY,«the 4th April â€"On Lot 49, Con. 3, Holland, Farm Stocli, Imple- ments, etc. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock. Terms 8 months credit on iipproved n..tes for suras oyer $5. John Waters, iiioprietor W. J. Shepherd.-;oii, auctioneer. Friday, April 4th.â€" At Vandeleur, Artcmesia, lot 20, con, 12, com mencing at 2, o'clock, favin stock, implements, houselndd effects, kc. Terms 9 moths cicdit on approved pai)er, or 10 per cent, per auLum off notes for cash John Rowe, propri- etor Gc ). Noble, Auctioneer. Ontario and Queuix Railway opera- ting the Credit Vail, y, and Toronto. Grey and Bruce Ruilways. Setclers excursions to Manitoba, Dakota, Miu uesota, and all piunts in the Great North-West, Tuesdays, 25th March and 1st, 8tli, 15th and 22nd April, 1884, by train leaving Toronto at 1:30 p. m. Passengers from other points should take train so as to reach Toronto in lime for these excursions. Mixed train wiil leave Toronto, 1st April, 12 noon, and other days as oc- casion may require. Rates the lowest! Accommodation the best! Time the! quickest I as aU acknowledge who haye once travelled by this, the short line. Baggage will be checked through, and 150 lbs. allowed free on each lull ticket. All excursions will be accom- panied by our special excursion agent, to attend to the comfort and wants of our passengers. Excursion trains will be run througii on express tiu'e, and are due to reacli Winnipeg on Fridays. Bear in nuiid. this is the best route to go by to the Nortii-West. For rates and all iuforination as to liino, route and accomoduticn, apply to J. Ca;sar, Agent, Markdale. S*crsoBs:i!s. The blisses Buckley, of Danbury, Koad-; very b,ul. Su:,'Hr niakini^ now. !Mr. Ferguson is winil'.np up liis extensiw timber bnsincs Ho ai.l a. liirge business tlie " OirxVean'osany, t];e l.ith. ,ibout 9 o'clock i *-'""â- ; ^-"^^ visiting friends in Markdale. ?A- nigbt, a tire was discovered in th(- hotel We leani witli regret that Mrs. stables of T. Atkir.son one ,f the boHr.u-rs ]:^Cv^.^^ of Lefroy. is lying in a very critical stage of sickness- Poor hopes notices' of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, I twenty five centx. BIRTHS. £7DCAs-ln Markdale, on the 6th inst., the wife of Wm. Lucas, Esq., of a son. TuRNEB-In Markdale, ou the 2l6t mst., the wife of Mr. A. Turner, dru ggist, ot a sou MARRIAGES^ Mathewsonâ€" WvvjLL-On the i7ih inst. at the residence of the bride's mother^byKev A Wilson, Ih: W. J. Mathewson, Flesher- ton, to Mis? 51. WyviU, Euphrasia. r.oRFjiTSoN -Smythâ€" On the 10th inst., at the Mansion House, Markdale, by Hev. A. Wilson, Mr. Win, llobertson, Duiham, to MisJ Elizabeth Smytli, of Traver:,ton. WioGiNsâ€" Thompsonâ€" At the residence of the brides tacber, on the llfth met., by Key A. Wilson, Mr. Charier. Henry Uig- gins, of Kiii)l)erly, to Miss Martlja Thomp-. son. Artemesia. .. III ..â€" „ _^. Putrhf t ^cpovU, maukdale. Fall Wheat $0 iO to 31 0:) Spnn- Whoiit •• if) to 1 ' Barley -1- ^o )0 Peas *â- "' to I'b Oat --i-' to :!0 llntter 1 • to 17 K,,r,s 16 to (10 Potlitoes oO to 00 Hay 7 00 to 00 Pork ' 0" to 7 r,U FJour -t 7.' to r, 00 MWGOODS, CHOICE GOODS, CHEAP GOODS! â€"ATâ€" E. LAUDER'S GROCERY 1IQU0R STORE, MAEKDALE. TlKESil arrival-, of Tea, Coff. e. Sugar, J Tobacco. I'ickled and (.;anned Fruit, Oranges, Lcuious, Candies, Ilisciuts, Fish. Sap liuckets, Wnsh-Tubs and \Vash-Bjards. Flour aiv ays in stock. Crockery and Glass- ware soiling very cbet A Fall stock of liqaois frc.-h i;i;d pure. Yunr iiatii'ii'ige rc?peeifally solieiied. licmciubcr t];c pku-e, .TB«'Smyre"s 0!d Sia»ld,iic-xt ..'oir to tlieMKFlCAL HALL. JOHN E. LAUDER, 1,^OR SALE. • Dv;elli-3jr H Suitable for grocery store, o, other with dwelling above, anil stable oa tl' on mill street, corner lot. good ]jui ' apply to S. DA.MUDE, Flc.henon „?A BUTLEDGE. Markda,e. ' °' TT^AKillS. FOK SALE. 1 weft, T. S. P.oad, Ane-nosia.'tolf"' 60 acres, -10 of of which arccleiirxlanj* ultivation. Lot S part l."v, con. 12" ly' C3 acres, 40 cleared; ail ^câ- •Lâ- s^alv'!,^j:J' theieon. Lot L^,c,n. io. C'li-in i^, ifj,^ all bush. For terms --'^i I'-t'-ticulars *^ to J. G. rr,viX(;^ '•i^fidalc I IC Oct.lG.lSS.3. 1 :^AKM FOK sxz.r. T, Lot S J 1-1, Cou.'J, Eu];,.:! Markuule and 3 Iron. Lo. l(|(i iicii's, 7' acres cIciK- 1 tit ciillivaLio;i, ti" lo ri;j! 1.^. an'd baiiinc-e hardv.xn^l ]/...'â- cedar loi' fencii'g. Wili-.v, failing sp;iiig only l!) n, s ii young oiciiaiii, im;;-,- TJicre ;s a mw :-(.eai:i ^uâ- .v -, to it. Clear deed '-an bi g^ partienliir- apiijy on ili.- i," ,;-- 1,, SAM I i-.L WiJt.HT ]...c;.;vnlo K.rtT. S ,j •l«ltt, !. Cl iitain» =-IJh -ol.,, aiH lliOJt. '!1 •HSc.;; 1; V ;iaiit; l.i; !Q. K ' k 1 Ki, r â- i!;irL '•"' i"^- cin,;,J .â- \rtein(s:a, c:';itainiiig 100 ;;.-:â- ^j are cl.-arcd ^md in â- goo i -? ;;. • i ciiiivat.J tit to n'.n reaper ai;d iiiov., ;: .â- ;;,â- :, wheat in and 10 licavii;. i:j â- 1. l-laJ and ready fwv spring gr:.::!. A i.. .v Uj -iOs--";0 v-;tli s'Jible. uiio-. r, al- â- â- .'I'.iifurtatf dwelling hun-c with ci-o:ii of .:ty.t,;H barrel c.iir.i*y. tv.o .ell-. 1 â- ,;!:!â- .' ' 'Aaii: choice vari'li'i.-, of fr lit. i:,;- fi jii ;. ^:.. ated thriT-aii:l-r-liai 11;) .- f-c 1 tv-a.f i^hing viii;igi' of M ark.;. :â- n;l ;! â- ^•â- H.Jr,* TiiC proiiiii'tiir v:\^\i' -, t.. â- 1 â- â- â- â- â- : "i v.iiist on easy terms. Ap; ly t.' ,i ' liV \v. â- â- .';Y. 181-Sfi V -.!: '.â- -r.u. woracE 0!- Proprietcr seized a bulTalo-robe and sprang upon the small but increasing bLixe and rajiidiy ei- tin;.; ,ished it. As the crowd rushed to the scene a man escaped from the building and fled, but vv-as not rec.ignized or captured. The tire is thought to be the work of an in- cendiary. Had the fire got one more minute's start a serious conflagration would have been the result. Com. Itl'hat we may Expect. FlebJierloss. From our u:cn correfpondent. A rather serious accidect occrrred 6ome days ago at Flesherton fetation, Mr. D. Stewart's horse took fright at a passing traiu aud started to ruu, with the first jurup the breeching strap broke and lot the cutter strike the frighted animal on the heels. Two men were in the cutter with Mr. Stew- art, one of thera. Mr. T. McArtliur, jumped and fell with his face upon the ice, receiyed some severe bruises and bled profusely. The other two men escaped with but slight bruises. The cutter, we are informed, a new-one worth about $70, was broken to atoms. Also auctaer accident of ' month An early spring. And a prosperous summer. Markdnle incorporated in 188-4, And the litjuor traffic thereby de- creased, And citizens to be glad, and rejoice thereat, And the village become a more de- sirable place to reside in. The Scott Act passed in Grey e'er long. The Salvation Army to strike Mark- dale soon. A large number ol eggs to market this week. And the prices decrease. And consumption increase, Especially about Easter. To hear of sugar bush depredations By village boys. A new Methodist church next sum- mer. And the old one turned into a Town Hall. And yet another wedding in town. Monthly Fairs. -Saturday before Flesh- MarkdaU erton. Chatsworth â€" Monday before Dur- ham. Diindalkâ€" Tuesday before Orange- ville. Flesherton â€" Monday before Orange- ville. Orangevilleâ€" The sesond Thoraday in each month. Durhamâ€" Thurd Tuesday iu each are eotertaiiied of her recovery. Dr. Cliristoe is still improving, aud with care will soon be round again. We are glad to learn that Mr. Thos. Irwin has a turn for the better. Mr. McColeman took his seat in the Legislature on Monday, being intro- duced by ^lessrs. Creighton and Biytho. Mr. Goo. Wilson and family moved to Flesherton this week. OuK esteemed townsman Mr. Mullarky and his amiable wife has removed to Tara. Mr. p. Fjnnerty and family remov- ed this week to Owen Sound. Im Bnfckr Shop, The best nit-c.ts the country can lu'oduce kept on hand and DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN WHERE ORDERED. â- VTOTlCE IS HEllF.BY CIV-IX TiiiJ x.Ni the ]iartntrsnip whici; 1;::- fon-cT time past been carricl on by '(MEt:i;| Tkimiu.e and l.!ivn) Ei F.in..N V-'i.; tlie linn of Trimble A- Wright, at of .Markdale. in the County cf 'â- the town of Owen Soun.l in tl;i |^ li Grey in the traile or l;n-in. s merchants, was tins dr.v u..--!vi con^ent. As witness our hands ti.i.-^ rdarch, A.l) iss-i. Witness I -T:\rES';.i V.' }1.Hi:.u'st' F'AViU '.. â- - r, S.â€" ThebusilH-s -vill I:. •- the ]ii\U!i;ses occu: i^J IjV ":- -Ahirkdale. oy thi- niiiiii-igi:' -l, â- accounts ainl deits due thi- -â- .' lie [lai I, ami all liabiiitie.- owi:. T.ill be paid bv him. â- ' ja:mi:-s II. â- '"iii^^iBLE. ROOKE'S BARER! :ii, ictt: :t- Villi;: •.' aiiiii; â- ^ .; Crnr 1 );«..' â- ;.â- iLiila. :-.l.h::. :;-.hT. •\ "^2 i ' â- r.)i^ " â- â- "1h'i- 'â- â- M \V\: â- â- â- xA 2:~- A "Falls Route" at East. The Michigan Central Eailroad Company opens a through East and West route which is honestly a Ni- agara Falls route, and which gives the tourist such full aud leisurely oppor- tunities to see Niagara Falls â€" without once leaving his seat â€" that a generous public may well accept the new pro- visions as ample atonement for all previous shortcomings. By the new route the traveller is not simply given a distant and obscure view of the Falls. He is taken dow the river on the New York side. From Buffalo to i'onawanda he rides, much of thevay, along the river bank, and can study the force and sweep of the great cur- rent. Then, as he rides along, he has a full view of the two great arms of the river that encompassGrand Island. Just before he reaches Niagara Fall« village he can see the first break of the river into the upper rapids. He crosses the stream by the new canti- lever bndpe, and has a general view of the Falls. Then he skirts along above the Canadian bank until "Falls View" is reached. This point of obser- vation has heretofore been reached only by the Niagara City branch of the Canada Southern. It has not been on the East and West route at all. Now all through trains stop at "Falls View," whidi is really one of A slwre of public patronage respectfully solicited. Itemember the stand iu McNea's block. 181 WM. H. RUTLEDGE. SEEDS SHED â€" IMPOETED FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS The place to buy your Seeds is at PARKER'S, Drug:store, DURHAM. JOHN^NOBLE, MARKDALE. GEM'LBLACKSMITH HORSESHOEING SPECIALTY. mi: .4ri, ;k, «i.inl ]^.,- i.ie p .-tiiarieiit cure of Cas-vr, c «j,u. s.«-,--nironl, AuboM, Cronp. nboot»iiij; v^ontru, BroacIUUs, aud »i: F.arKs DiHeaiir». T' \*t7r'ifi'r,;"i""'J5^"l to sire satitJaction. 1. MILHURN CO., Pro prietors TotW Get your name printed on to'i»*s.â„¢B":^"i4;^."°^'-iy°^Xce°^"' °' '" ^^"'^â- IK |ftRKDALEJE_WEtL JT^ICK i:;^ 1 T3Ilii:.A.T), the slalY .d" life ;.:i 1-»^?ST'I1^^ thai ^Tsiii pleaH your wife, always on baud, vj suppij the dimind. So when your stock is low Step in and let us kr.ovi, And we'll your wants supply. Or you'll know the reason why. E. ROOKE, Markdale. Franco Chinese far Nothwithetanding tJio clss'liViiD?! war now raging in China it will W" increase the price of Teas ;it ilio i. I f Having imported prior to tije oreud iug of hostilities, a sufficient 'iuaiitity to supply 20,000 MEN for a peiiodcl 12 months. In other denartmeutso: the Grocery tiade the J'-KLFASl HOUSE has KILLED r' THOl- 8AND those who assuino to 'uai;fii"' business by purchasing of .small i^^^' ers exorbitant rates of interest ou lou?| credit. Our imports of ^To misreprcs 5ods. Special lin n Watches a eridan Co. Sil are. Specks,Cha an^s, etc. i8 1 »inf;s always m s 1 instruments, V] I personally ai atch Repaisi^^l arrant the sa hr.rges. W. A. I srsotii LimUvidual or S.-rtet;, â- [nua V"f f-rth' nr.t â- aVne carh suh^fqwu Goods sold for C\s; Jrimblc'a. Thk station yard is ^ood, ties, cv-c. The first story of t levator is np. A CASE of L. C. Bac J. E. Trimble's. J. H. Hi-LL. the c( itaving business. Boys, be cuviful i'^-' lie Spring fe^er this For the best ^o^ c .Markdale go in .1; l Grai^doiTt S-. Inreand true to nr.m lall. "We a!;e pkns^A â- â- ' apvovenicut r.i I'l* rise. Oil Ci^^ attle feeder, for ^-.l-' Oo. If the woath-r â- - llnughint,' will be cv :i |st April. A LARGE quaiui'y ' las been delivers J. it liis winter. Over $4000 wort |u8t arrived at -T. 1- ail to see them. A. G. HuNTKIt 1 J)undalk one yer rs lor dissatisfied 1 him. Dr. Low's rLE.\s.^NT Jgreeable, safe aii i e!li ove all kiuda of worm.-' Since the cidewal In appearance, our i several openings for 1 The weather at pio very beautiful be roads are very s; Why is papqj mou han coin because [Then you put it in y BosEMONT mail stai fume on arrival of iv. l-oronto every day a »ortmeut just Mical Hall. A. T J- R. Trimble's stcm PRESERVED MEATS, SAL LOBSTERS, SARDINES. HAMS, BAC0N,A8S0RTED PiGKELS and every articles in the groccy t?^" LIQUORS Of the best branas and (p-.;i i;y. ' I for Bacrameutal purposes â- .vnintut pure. Brandies direct from tin' u^*"' ufacturer and all other kind^of iiqi""'"' Coffees, Teas and Tobaccues cmudo fail to give satisfaction. *^"^^f.^ Lemons, c. Family Flcur supi»" at Lowest Bates. THOS. M:cIVt^-^- ., BELFAST HmSE, MARKDAlt| Feb. eth, 1884. ontinaes. Coo.^^v pith the bargains th Ip YOU want a ci, Ril strong uncoiore. Nst in the Couutv J; R. Trimble's. " â- ^ VEEY large sh 'iicolored Japan Te .â- P' Trunble's, -^ F^ap as I am bouu fiock. ^r} ?L0CB and f( pned shortly in K*^ by Geo. nJ^e^e.Bro'6.v pw busmess. lh« fi '^S^' in D k.»;'« 8le. of p "1 possesion. ' • • '^--"^^^' â- ' ;ias**j.: