Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Mar 1884, p. 4

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 NEWSPAPER LAW. 1 Any person who takes a newspaper regu- larly from the post r.ftice, whether directed to liis name or another's, or whether he has KuLsciibeii or not â€" is responsiL'c for the pay- ment. 2. If a person orders his paper discontin- ued he must pay all arrearnKes, or the pub lisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and then collect the whole amount, whether the paper is taken out of the office or not. ?j L ubscrihers refuse or neglect to take periodic ds or newspapers from the office to which they are dirtcteil, they a'-e held le- Bpou.sibio until they have settled their bills. 4 The Courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers and periodicals lium the pot ofrlce, cr removing and leaving them imcaliud for, is prima facie evidence of in- tentional fraud. tions is patent to all, and I am sorry to say that many of the country papers endeavor to see how much they can imitate, and mislead in this respect. Your paper hj,s been cou ducted m such a way as to gai.: ihe respect ot the lespectable class, and none need hesitate introJuciug it as a family paper, it hems? void of anything that ThB Standarxl. MAEKDALE MAE. 20, 1884. Surprise Party. Over fifty young people surprised ^Irs. Howe's household on Friday even- ing last, when the following address Vi";is road and presentation made AiatMEsiA, Mar. 13, '81. Dv.xv. Faiesd, â€" It gives us much ploiibUie in meeting hut regret sit part- ing v.ith you on tlie present occasion. And Ijefore p;irting we feel that it is our p:oa.--ur;ible duty to give you at le;i.it a small memento of our respect and e.ieeiu. Friends who have al- ways added stiiiiulous to the sociabil- ity and friendship cxhistitig among the pouple tlirougl;out the ueiglilior- hoods. Dear friend;;, it is with sincere reg)-et ti;at we part with you, we feel tlnit we are about to sui-tain a greai lo.ss to our ncighhorhoud in the re- moval of kind friends, obliging iieigiibors, jind good citizens. Allow us n;\v to present to you this album, I tri;.-tiug tiiat the u.iuiatures you may I placf within It may rccal'l many iia^iny rceolh etions of iiie originals; also tins j cap wi^icli ue wisii you to present to j your husband, our highly es'.eemed j iiiid ri spected friUid, shownig huu that he still liolds a place in our affections, j although absent ho has not been for- gottei:, and wc assure you that our i best wishes go with with you, hoping that you will have happiness aud proi penty in yuur new home. Signed in behalf of your friends, Daniel Walker, Samuel Gilbert, Sa.MUEL ^YAELI^"G, GeoKOE W.^KLINCJ. as a Bible agent in this locality, was taken suddenly and eeriously ill on Monday morning last, but is now pro- gressing favorably. We would advise our friends and _^ neighbors to look cut for sneak thieves j ^^ walker, who arc on the .var path hero. A tioueer. short tiifle time ago Mr. Jos. Korke. Tnep.sDAv 2()th.â€" On lot 7l, con of Tbornbury, had a valuable overcoat I land, fa:u stock, imi.tciaercs, Ax Credit »n»e Kegisler, T,^OBSAL.E. D'0llin« K".i-P â-  fh Fkibvy, March 21.â€" In Markdale. at two o-clock. a quantity of St..Yes and Tinware, neu-, ai^o a uuggy and U^o setts of harness. Tfirnis ca.-h, accenc for buggy, for whica 8 moeths wiii be given on approved paper. W. Proprietui-; Oeo. Nobie, Auc- SnitaMe for ^ocery store, or o!!;r.i- i, ,,-.^"i with dwelling above, r.nii sta!.;. 'â-  on mill street, corner lot. gou.l ,j|jnly to S. DAMUD.t-.. Fle-heri,-.n ";..."' llUTLtiDGE, Markdaie. ssiie' 1 ,iA2i:'is Fou sals:. would hare a tendency to corrupt the gt^jgjj f^om the hall in the FlesherLon one ocloci. morals of tlieir family, but rather to i^otel, and hiter a gentleman leaving '" elevat- This is a very important j,ig ijorse tied in one o»" tl;e sheds had point now a-days, when so much ^j^^ blanket stolen from bis horse, trashy literature is abroad in the ^^^^.^ jj^j^j. fi[.gei-ed persons are only world, eyen (he serial stories ot_ tlie ^^^.^ ^^ ^^ eooner or later, picked up rather suddenly. Election day passed off very quietly here. Standard are of a high class, and al- ways contain something profitable as well as highly interesting. Wishing you unbounded success in the newspaper euterpiise, I am, J. C. Osprey, March IGth, 1884. â-  »» â-  To tlie Editor of the Stajidard. Dexb. Sir, â€" It is exceedingly strange that the people of Markdale are not more alert in matters concerning the adyancemeiiG of the village. The Messrs. C. F. Cliff Sons, of Trav erstou, haviiig been requested by the Dundalk. Frovi our own corresnondent. Mr. J. Symington, our station mas- ter, was called to see his brother who was very ill at St. Catharines; he re- turned on Friday evening. On Satur day morning he received a telegram stating thai, his brother's illness had terminated fatally. Messrs Hanburv and Bell are erect- 1. Hol- Sale at Terms, 10 monMn on approTed paiier. Edward Brown, sr., iroiuietor, Geo. Noble, auctlonei-r. |;ri;;rhci |ki?tftsx. MAUKD-VLF. Fall AVheat 01) 00 Spring Wbe leading men of Durham to meet them ing a building c)ntaiiiing two stories last Monday night, ITtli inst., for the I netir their brick block on the corner, purpose of considering the means of] a. G. Hunter. Fsq. is about to re- establishing large woollen and move into the village. {)n% year of knitting mill in that town. The meet- ;;i,.ming has cither made him indepen- ing was accordingly held and attended I (^ent or else Ihoronghlv disgusted him. by a number of the most influential jje will reside hi the building latelv men. The deputation were unanimous purchased by him and formerly kiio nu as regtirds the feasibility of the plan ^^ jjig \pis.'n estate. suggested. Mr. John Shaw, of mi ^i l t i •!„., c- ,,-,., „.;ii .,/.,° ,, ,• Ihe .dasterson Jubilee Singers will Wnliamsforci, woollen manuiacturer, ^^.^^ ^^^,^^^^.^ j^^^^.^ ,,,.,^^^. ^^,^: ,,,^ was also present and addressed the;.,, ^;^^ ^^ ^^_ ^,^^^^.^,^_ ^,, _^j,„,^^^y tiarlev Pea^ ' Oai Batter E-gs Potatoes Ha ... Po;l: Eioii:- 40 4! 0) ox \o J.s 7 (iO 7 t!0 4 7.' to to to to to to to to to to t. M no 1 0!) Oi) m 17 (!:) (10 iiO 7 e(1 5 00 BIRTH; WxiSiiN â€" 111 M'Htor.l. on lln wif..' of Mr. \V. J. Watson, Minar, oi a di.agii'ier. null inst.. the Editor of tiie MeAr.T' Al-xi! a-.(l Dill AT 1 :.iaikd lOlh in-t., McArlu .1' meeting oi Owing to the breaking out " ° I next of the lire in Cochrane's foundry, the meeting was suddenly brought to a j ti.riuinatiou without any definite un- j dersta.Riing. Now, Mr. Editor, it is just here 1 should like to make a sug- j gestiun. AN'ould it not be advisivble j I'est, for tiie peo])!e of Markdale to step in iiiiw and determine to have thai mill here instead of in Durham " When j we consider tlio splendid shipping frteihties enjoyed by Markdale, to- gether Vt'ith its many natural advan- tages, it IS reasonable to suppose manufacturers will give us the prefer- once. The Messrs. Cliffs' are all practical men, having extenniye ex- perience, and the iact of tlieir being Immense quantities of ties, wood, poles, ele. are being shipped daily from tins station. The grain buyers are getting a lict Ifci, con. 14, Arlei'its'a. cMilaining l^'O acres, s ^^l v.-Jncli are cUiir- d mid m c g'o i .laie ei cultivation, tit to raa ii apor aii;! jii lum; i-i an-es ot tuil wlieal in and hi h.-avily i.u i.uiid. pluwc 1 and jta'iy for sjinaj grain. A new barn, â- lOxJO wall stable- un.i, r, ai(; comfortable dv.c'lliug hiiase with ei leiai .li f.iiiy-eight biirrid capacity. Iv.o wi il-, biv.rn.g orcharu of cii.ace vai !â-  lI. s of fi a I. i'iii.i firm is situ- ated thi' e-a:i.!-:i-lii'.d' iiid'.i hoai the il(jur- i.-hitiK viiliigi' ef Alai kdaa-. .ui a good road. T:ie prcjpiii lor wl.-'lu's t., retire and will sed oa e.i-.v U'Mus. '.i'p*v li .l;).;;-: LKAllY. hSi-s-; \,,nd.l..-ai- P.O. .â- ?Ioaforl Kond. I DON CuKESE Factiiry Mi:etixg. â€" The annua' meeting of the patrons of the Flesherton cheese factory was held in the Tow.-i Hall, Fleshertou, on the 10th inst., for the purpose of electing officers and other geaieral business. The following are the officers elected for the current year. Presideut, .li' 'KM) I 1 US-. Sarprise Party. well and favorably known in this ^eorge Stewart Secretary, Jmes vicmitv should itself stimulate our Bridie; Di -actorsâ€" William VVilc(,x. Thoip Wright, .James Jieecroft Mrs. Rov,'c was a secnnd time made the recipient of an address and pres- entation prior to her departure for the s'oithwest, as follows: Deaii Madam, â€" Your friends and ncighbois ot this iec.ihty deeply re- gret the iccasit!n v.-liich luis convoked us to give you and fa;ni!y the parting Land. Vv e Very reluctantly part with one whom we all (steem so highly, your r.bscnce in tlie neighborhood v.-jil be very much lelt, mere especially in the time of sickness, either by night fr laay yoi; were always ready to sym- pathize with the suiierer, and to ad- minister aid and consolati'.ui v.Iui-e it was needed. Y, o consider, howcVei, that the cour.-,3 you are now pur.-uing is just and lawful, in joining your dear 'ariner w-im is awaiting your arrival m the (treat Lone Laud, our best wishes go witii you and your children. May che God of Providence be with you in preserving you troin accident wjiile on your journey and all along the journey of life, thr-iugii its wind- iijgs and vicissitudes, may that God who lias been your guide thus far Con- duct you and your family to the Hea- ' veil of eternal repose, and if we shall never meet on earth again, may wo meet where friends fondly cherished tuad meet never to part. Please ac- cepi this pro.^ent, not for it.s intrinsic vanae, but as a memento to remind yea; of yjur many fuends in this lo- caJity. Signed on behalf of a number of iriends, of this neigliborhoo+1, Philip Sparling. Notice. â€" We wish it distinct'v understood that Wfi tlo not hold ourselves responsib'e for til.' opiuious expressed by our correspondents. 2\) Edit or Stmultti-J Deae Sir, â€" Iue]o^^ed please find subscription for '84. I cannot hut ex- pres.s my hig'.i appreciation of vour paper. There was a time when I doubted thj success of it in rtgard to its non-politicfil principles, but lime has completely oliauged my opinion in that respect, so much so that I now am strongly convincel that it is tiif proper principle for a strictly i'lcal paper. The fact of ibe large city party papers being utterly anre- Uible 2tj authority on political ques- business men to use their utmost en- deavors to have them here. Hoping the matter will receive the attention it merits, and thanking you forjspace afforded. I am, lie, G. S.J. S. Having puit'nased tiie Grocery aud Liquor bn^iiiiss of A. Aieiutvr" ^lariidaii I havo Complete stoci; cf adiietl a fresh and Buchanan. Sr., W. Proble, and A. Muir. Hill, Wm. Wilmot Euphrasia €ouiicil. ^Villiaiu^rord. Fram our own corret^pondf'nt. Mr. Richard Shuun has, this week, sedd his farm and steam saw mill to }.ir. Ewens of Chatsworth, who will take possession forthwith. Messrs. John and ^Ym. Dtaver, who went to Ohio a lew week.s since to look -after a legasy. have returned havuig secured about $G,UOO between them. A iarge quantity of lies is being s!ii|;ped from this station this Wdck. The election on Tuesday passed off" quiet, a very small vote being polled. The council met pursuant to ad- journment on 7th March, lSi. Members all present; minutes of last session of council read aud con- fimed. Mr. Fawcott was appointed to take step. to prctjct the bridges on Beaver river within this township during the ap[a-odchitig spring freshets, and to act conjointly with .Mr. Hewgill in protecting Heathcote bridge. The Reeve atid Mr. Boyd were ap- pointed, a committee to examine min- utes of c;uuicil for last year before pirblication. The auditors' report wis received and finally audited by the council, ami the clerk ordered to get five hundred copies thereof, together with minutes of council for last year, published in pamphlet form for the use of the rate- payerfj. The time for the collectors to return their rolls wus extended uufil the first Friday in April next. Tiie Treasurer was authorized to deposit $600 of the railway sinking fund in the Canada Permanent Loan Company, or some other approved compai.'y's debentures, tor five years. Tiie treasurer was ordered to remit as follows R. MaKuight, registrar, Groceries and provisions Consisting of tine Teas, Sugar. To- bacco, Dried Apples, Cheese, Flour, Fruit, Confeerioiiory, Mince Meat, Jams, Jelly. L';cl;les, canned Fruit, Glassware, Crockerv, Sec, Kc. Also the best biiinu ol FIt'slierloBi. From our oirn correfpondent. J. YV. Frost, Esq., of Owen Sound, ga-ve a very interesting lecture in the town hall here last Wednesday even- ing on "Manitoba as I saw it in 1882." Joseph Blackburn Esq., occupied the chair, and after a few aj,propriate re- marks intro.uiced the sjicaker, wdiu, fer two hours deeply interested the audience, giving a brief resume of his trip by boat up the lakes, the magnifi- cmt scenery as saw by clear moon- light, thence by rail from Duluth to Winnipeg, a description cf the floods, h.nd improvement fund- the prairie m the vicinity of Winnipeg, ,?17.40 for printing up tt a sea of water, a graphic description " " " "" of Wiuiupeg,its magnificent buildings, streets etc., manners and customs of the people. From there, taking in th 'Ught his hearers out over tire vast aud fertile plaint*, arriving at the citv of Biundon. From that beautifully situated city one of the most charm- ing and magnificent landscapes lie in -^-iew that eye could witness and for farming suffice it to sayiu Mr. Frost's own words "If bo followed the tilling of the soil in daily employment, noth ing could keep him out of Manitoba." •Space will not permit me togivfi a full report of tiie lecture, but we can Bay it was one ol interest and apparently much appreciated by all.. At the close of the meeting Mr. Frost was tendered a hearty vote of thanks for his very interesting address. 7.5 cents for searches; the Reeve, 50 cents amount paid by him for telegrajih messages m connection with Jcrown J. Farewell, to date; Messrs ilowswell Hutchison, $29.54 for stationery; J. L. Wilson and \V. H. Dodson §14 each salary ks auditors for 1883. The Reeve's orders were issued on the Treasurer to pay as follows K. Bowser. $4 building culvert; Walrr Tyson. 50 cents for plank; J, D. Crab- tree. $1 for municipal hand book- Jas Arthur $1.17 for plank; H«nry Dayy 50 cents for road work. The council adjourned until the first Friday in April next. RoBEBT DuNLop, Tp. Clork. ilw I'.vs m s; A share of your patronage respecti Lilly solicited. JOHN .AUDER, Pro'prietoi â€" IMPORTED- FIELD km ^kmm sseos The Mr. Eocbe, a youus man now resid- ipg lA this Ttillage, and vrhosis.working WEATHER PROBABILITIES ForeteUinj; tlie weather is uucartam"at the Lest, but It if. certain if you catch co'.) in th- changeable cMmate you can be.t break its 111 efiecta with Hagyard's Pectoral i:al,ain! most reliable and pleasant remedy lo^ ««gh8, coUs, cold,, branchial and luug com! .f^J^^.Iti.so. asr^eablothateveuf ehild^ pUice to buy your Seed.« is at Dru^^store, DURHAM. JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GENi.R'LBLICKSMim HORSESHOEII^G -^Pf^.CIALTY. ^»^ YELLOW OIL LCJljr_esr h e u ma trs M I FREEMAITS VORMl POWDERS^ Axe pleasant to take. Contain their «m' .^^«TO. Is a sole. snn. and e/feetea} pMri,«vur •/ wotm in OhildrsaorAdnlti^ 1 wpct, T. S. Toad, kvwvA9^ 50 acres, 40 of of which avec'i nltivalion. Lot S part l.'^. (•(. 0:5 acriis, 40 cleared; ail iic!-!.- tlieieon. Ltt 13. cou. 13. iAv all bufth. For teims ai;;l j:;' to J. G. IRVI Oct.lG.1883. • TjlABM FOB SAI.t:. i Wist T S. I^., Art.-Jiic-. fjO aei'es, riiore or less, all eli'i cultivation. A Roorl bni-ik I. ijwediiij.' house on th â-  pre'jii.-c-; in" yomip orch.ir.l ju-1 ci :â- ;: :â- â- ; sitiiiitod fdi' nt 21; miles !:â- (,:â- â€¢. v],!ii;.'o iif Markdale. Fnr i'c-,' culars apply at this ciiij'.- o: 'â-  JOHN l[.\/:\: 1" â- :uy 1,; !â- -•. H io'ilaad iildiiifs ir. cot, iiiiiir: ' under :i-i :,,, I tlirlv. l(.y. ia-iviii^ larti- rl-Mi^.t.ii ;;t;i;i::,i;, T^WZS.^fi FOR. sals:. Lot S i M. Con. '.I, Kupii;:,^: ?.[.iil;clule iokI 'J iv. u. LI â- â- :" lOQ ac:-i-s. 7.1 ao.i's clenxl \\- (A ciiilivatiiiii, li: to rnn rea;' an 1 I)ala:ire Ijurl .von-] \.\\ i (â- â- â- â€¢il;'i' 'oi' f',-nroi :. \\ lK â- â-  I'lilii:;,' ^o.iin,.; (.'liy 10 !(.i'.-- ii a yovii;,' oicl::U'.l, li..!!^^- Th- re is a r.i'w stoani "-a-.v h):: to it. (.'lear ilcc-'l i-rtn la- .;/.â-  â-  pari.'eiilars npii'v on tin- pr. !.. bVMl'i.L 'â- !â-  rei.: :ic.i/:.t 1--' r.'). EMOTBCE O^ mum Si ^mm 'IPHii Y'OTK'i: IS ^l/.ilKCY (JV, 0^ â- ^ the partii(-i- •â- i\\ v,-;.'.-i. 1 i:iii' ])a^t I)';, n ca) i'..-:i -n .,;- â-  Ti;niu:,;: an-1 1'a\ i: I^oi::; ""â- ' .. ' t;i.' i'r]ii cf 'I'riui'i'.- iV '.\ '.•-! if .\i.tiL.l.!.-, in till- '"-r ;, I â-  " ;lic t.r.vii (.f Own! S(:!;!i-1 ill •;. 1^ of (ii ,.y in tl;.,. fa.!.- or n-i-:-;-- â- ' i:i. i'.-!iauts, wa- tijis-.Liy di^ â- olv.ol 'â- â- ;â-  ;-"':;:i; c.ri n ni. .\s v.-itii(--s oar Irnvls 1".;:-^ t;.o" 'if;-- of y.i.vrh. A.D IS.-i' w'itne.-s I .TAMES i;.'r;;!:.ri'.i.L. V/. II.Hi-.AP.sT I D.-VVID K. Will â- :11T. r. S. â€" Tlic h'asinos will he cv.ric 1 in ;:. the premises oc-cupied Ijv th..: lat.- fiiia in .\iai-l'.(la!e, by the undersi^^T.c.l, t(. vviM.in a:i afcounts and dchts due the sai-,1 !inri iiiiiit. Ij.' paid, and all lia.hilities owiiii.' by mi A liim '.-/il! be paid hv him. JAMES R. TRBli^LE. New Butcher Slio]). The best meats the countiy ca; ;aoJucc kept on hand aud DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN WHERE ORDELEL. A share of public patroua.ij^ le ;^c;f".-'.y SOliCltl it. iMnLiu'uer the staiiu in TiIcN. a's '.. .â- ,.. WM. H. RUTLEDCl. LSI ALEX /^, "^/ Mill Street, MarMale Franco CMness War, NothwitbstautiiDg tbe clc s-"nliii,? war now ragiug in Cbina it will uot increase the price of Teas at tli- IM ks8, Ml riavinjj imported prior to tlie oyrn- iug of hostilities, a sutficient r;uauiity to supply 20,000 MEN for a p'oiioil of 12 months. In otber departujouts of tbe Grocery trade tbe i^ELl'AST HOUSE has KILLED BY TllOU- tSANL) those who assume to t. lusaot business by purcbasing of small ue.il- ers exorbitant rates of iuterL-sl ou lou-.,' credit. (;ur imports ot PRESERVED MEATS, SALMON, LOBSTEKS, SARDINES, HAMS, BACON,ASSORTED PIOKELS and every articles ia the i:roce;v trade LIQUORS Uf the best brands aud qua ity. ^Viue for Bacramental purposes wavrautcil pure. Braudies direct from ll:( luaii- ulacturer and all other kinds of iiiuors. (Jofifeed, Teas and Tobaccoes canuot' fail to give satislaction. Oranges, Lemons, c. Family Flcur suppHcil at Lowest Eates. BELFAST HOUSE, MARKOAff Feb. etb, 1894. •ANDA^- Tl Ifireassorimenio/^, Ions, specks, Oian L an extra hnc ot I Ld floods for tabif I. \\-aich and doc: re ionalh, ^t^"'" [yantecd. Honest c The JeweSSe ^1^ 5^ K I -V sal and Otlisr L^H the^ecolw.Hn'ini'ni. uiihlunl or SK'ifi',l iri!' h- I ;:,„ forth.' i.r.t //;.-//. iliii^ each siih:equef:! lu-r lwspir:gTiosat :c- U Ficvore IIoi;tio ;o Ito a'l traius. srriiig SJ;ir;s a' ^^\r .r,LLi;iiK:' man (.iol :. [ay 1-i years of au" |\v Kining L'rints at .^'e McC'0LEMA.N- V.-RS e 00 uf a inajm-ity. |-n,- siiriug ^-'O Jls at ?â- -: bHR\.\'E's foundry at l)- tved liv fir.'i o»i '•â- ioM~;.i_ K-^T price jiai'l f-.r '• at lIcVUuLis iV be-i s. rENTinx is directs 1 t-- hf ;;;ts. Gu our !i:'i- LuGi: v.-.ri^tv --I it;r, i; [iL\ay. iit licyio.l-L^ .. J.Melâ- â- Al!LAyn^!:i;.; p of peas direct ;o i.; rv iiHj v.)U like 1 Ijg ]J\va ICoueert It v.-is :â- ;- |os:: who att..-o ' .1 Iri, are highly pij i- -i |e Gymnasium ',;; ' concert ac C-iaisv FREPE arrival of â- ;' Iv.bich \vill a!sn !,j .- k'uol is Son's. kHere. â€" rioyiicli;- .\ out the balance of J and below i-r.r-' 1 .«E glad to leanf ill i I Is improving, au l in; jH!;:ed of Lib recovciy. LlStOl" C'rti'clr pent just re"'ivi- 'ullIalL A. Tun:-i- |0 PAIRS meii" "" [p'.is Boots r.:l ' lf;iclai-ea at McF,,:-' IT. subscription an ' '.\ iilly sohcif'HT f â- â-  ;.. kffiD. Only On:: l'.-, :. EsTiON.â€" â- \Vhf,f uiau pked and o'ltainca ' Interposition of the li;;nd to strike. â-º.'LAX promises to P(-';ui champion oa.-: I on the Hudson wia- pom Australia, and ps aud shoes gre.'ir pee, also a matciia I Roods for the next pWs^« Son's come o i^uffiine for yourselve â-  Brown, tbe watch P^aed another lot of 1 kare eagerly saughr pstaudins'the hard ^akiug numerous s.;i Moaford Mirror 1 r^ year. B.-in- i [«U filled with good ^^'itli soood meciui jieservee all the supv JAY MarcTi the 21 ' ^i'eany's near lenciug at 12 o'c r -s let^ving the plac •J^liole of his stock, ^erms 9 months ere '^â- McKaj, Auciioi -W.N Leaky offers r°«^ Markdale, on I" ^r toi^etire, ikZ}^'"' i^v.Marl, P^^tinail^er fcd Vy,P^ted ci »e job aUea vat â-  « fe" J â- ^^^1 â- UMBHiiiifi v--i._ *^

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