Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 Mar 1884, p. 1

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 "^W^ oes, h je sold vfry by the IS, )d place, tation. lerj iiich we ERTON. 'S k of aU and p^nd vet- lies' im- lars kis jap. 3ct. tty, at ars ars hanti 'Oh. 4.--N0. 23 MARKDALE, QNT., MARCH 6. 1884. No. 18^ lONi, lis MarMale Standard .n^ eresv Tliursday, at tlie office, Mill ' Street, Markdale. ITesm'â€" 51 per year in lulvance; (H.25 if L; L4id within tliVee montlis. fprofesaional and business cards one incli aad uuJer, per year, H. TB. 6 Mf 3 MO. .,(, column 550 00 $:i7 uO J15 (M) r' olnmii 37 00 15 00 10 00 er column .... 1^ 00 10 00 6 00 space 7 00 4 00 Iteeiach^pace .... 10 00 5 00 siiiii ndvertisomeuts 8 c«nt«-- per line first â- liou, 3 cunts per lire each subsequent UJirtion, nonpareil measure. gditciiial notices, or notices in local col. 1 10 ctiiits per line tiist iusertioa '3 ceuts isubstquents insertion. I iinj auiaiils ic,, advertised 3 treeks for |I liie advertisement not to rxce«d twelve â- DtS. jN'oFai"" discontinued until all arrears Lpaid except at tlie aptioii of tiitj publisher. -JOB PrInTINC. The Standahd office has a splendid eqnip- LeEt of poster as well as fine job tj'pe. bj)e- atteiitiou to orders by mail. Orders 1 with dispatch. EDITOB AND PROPRIETOR. Frost A Frost, B" AEElSTEllS, AND ATTORNKYS-AT Law, Solicitors in ChancerT, Convey Wers.itc, Owen Sound, have resumed at Fieslierton, Office open every Thursday, as retofore. jBEP Fkost, J. "W. Frost, LL. B. Coaiitv Crown Attornev. 1 J. MASSOM, BARBISTEii, MASTER AND DEP. REG m Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyanl ter, ic. A NIMBER or FABMS FOB SALS. Officesâ€" Owon Sound, in Viewer's Block Po'jlctt St.; Uraiich office in Markdale, over JlprarkiiiJ's Store, on Friday and Satuiday tven week. 57-ly C rcasor ITIrrrison, BARRJ^. -..a, SOLICITORS. CONVET- Offices in Owen Sound, Dufferin Block, «ver W. F. Wolfs Store and in ,,. MARKDALE; wer W. .]. Mc.1' arland's Store on Thursday 8iidFri'l;,y(jf eadi week. ti'Fiuidsto lend on reasonable terms. John- CnrAsoR, Q. Q, Duncau Mobwon MiftJalc, March 15. 1882. 79.lv Alexander Brouru, ISSUEE of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. (Jommissionei ui B. R. itc. Conveyancer and Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Farmers, Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tended to and charges made verv moderate. ^rieev-me, Sept. 17. 1880. ' l-y Win. Brown, rSSUER OF MARRIAGE LIGENSES.c 4. Commissioner in B. R. c. ConveyanciuK in all its branches prompth •ttended to ai.d carefully executed. ^- B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se eanty. ii»t«i«* REVERE HOTEL, rnoppjETOR, THIS jH.pular Hotel has changed hands J- aiid the above will cater to the wants «-ihe|,ul,lif. (Joed vtabhng and attentive The liest brands of liquor and iiicals and comfortable rooms, tostlev-. cigars, -, Hiiercial room. 130-ly. CHATSWORTH HOUSE 'â- "i; MOUUOW HOUSE,) C HATSWORTH, Our. T' K A- McLEOD Proprietors. Tl 1 ^jj,^.^ "'" hiand of liquors and cigars al- roum" " "' "od meals and c.imfortable ' ':i:u!iiitcid. Good stabling and at- I'-si;,,-. 114 teiitiv, GOfrnvlERGlAL HOTEL PlilCEVILLjE. Ont. Lar. Good 'fell s fords â-  •| 'i"'l I- immodious Sample Booms '"1 K"oms, etc. The Bar and larde "I'l'licij witi, the best the market af r'"'a SuiMing and attentive Hostler's rilOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor MARKDALE HOUSE, ilARKD ALE, PrHejti. THOS. CAk^TER M. D, Physician Sargp, §c. Residence MARKDALE HOUSE. Mabkdale. B. Ghent, M,D., M.R.C P. S., O. Physician and Surjreon, Priceville, Graduate of University. Vict. College. • I ,. New York, tvud Hon. Graduate, of the fame, M Avleth Medicallnslitute. " .1 Opthalmic Hospital, N.Y. Member Coll. Physicians Surgeor 8,0. 1 04 J.?. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DEIVTIST, /;;i raduate of toronto school VT of Dftntistry, will be at Rnthdge's Hotel, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wed- n'jsdaTof each month an.l nlsoat Munshaw's Hotel. Flesherton. the day following the third Wednesday m each month for the prac tiee of his profe.-'sion. January 9th, 18.^3. 122-47. SAmUEA. WAHDELL, WELL DIGGER AND DRILLER. ^LL orders promptly attended to. Resi- d«uce â€" Snider's HDl Owen Sound 12i-35 W. G. RICHARDS^ BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHT- IBCT.â€" Residence on Mill Street, Mark- dale. Markdale. Jan, 2 ith. 1883. 1241t jM 'Willinm IVcLieod, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, MARKDALE. Orders promptly attended to. Sewed work a specialty. All our work guaranteed. Teims strictly ar^. Rumember the stand, opposit* Revere Hotel. 159-8m Fassliionable Tailor, OVER MACFARLANd's STORK. A PERFECT FIT GUAEANTEED. MARKDALE HARNESS EMPORIUM ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. THOS.MATTHEWS,Proprietor Notbiog bat good stock used aud the best mecbanics employed. A stock of Double and Single, Heavy and Light Harness always on band. Also Whips, Trunks, Valises, Blankets, Bobes, c., always in stock. I^fftr^* Boil it DowB. Ybb, Ibt OS boil it uuwn, my boys, For that's thm proper way To deal with long winded bores, Ai'.d make the paper pay. Who wants to wade throogh eolomiiB lone; Of stale and senseless staff So give the bright, the witty points, The facts â€" and that's enougb Boil it down. ONT. I ^RS.RUTLEDGE, PROPRIETOR. HAMILTON'S Photograph oallerY OVER THE STANDARD OFFICE. Fine work executed in all tbe latest sizes and sbapes, fully equal to city work. Special attention given to A large stock of mouldiDg to cboose from. Call and leave your measure for a picture. JeLS. Mamilton. To mj Sister, L.ateiy Married. (By Special Requett.) Let not my sister, though a wife, Bid all i»er fears Mien, Comforts there are in mairied life, But there are cresses too. I do not wish to mar your mirth, With an ungrateful sound But yet remember, bliss on earth. No mortal ever found. Your crospects and your hopes are great. May God your hope fulfil But you will find in every state Some difficulties still. The rites which lately joined your hands, Cannot ensure content Religion forms the strongest bands. And Love the best cement. A friendship founded on esteem. Life's battering blast endures. It will not vanish as a dream. And which I hope is yours. But yet God's blessing daily crave. Nor trust your youthful heart You mast divine assistance have. To act a prudent part. ThoUj^h you have left a parent's wing. No longer ask its care It is but seldom husbands bring A lighter yoke to wear. They have their humors and their faults, Se mutable is man Excuse his failings in your thoughts, And hide them if you can. No anger or resentuient keep. Whatever is amiss. Be reconciled before you sleep. And seal it with a kiss. Should he see cause to reprehend, Bear it with mild address. Remember he's thy dearest friend, iijid love him ne'er the less. It's not the way to sc«ld at large, To clamor, rage and boast. For wives thair duty best discharge. Who condescend the most. Mutual attempts to serve aud please Each other will endear. Thus you may spend your life with ease, Nor discord interferes. Thus give your tender passions scope, Yet better things pursue. Be Heaven the object of your hope. And lead him thither too. Since yon must b«th resign your breath. And only God knows when So hve that you may part at death. To meet with joy again. And may the Lord your ways approve. And grant you both a share Of his redeeming, saving love. And providential care. Thibd Heat. â€" Pirate 1st, Batcher Boj 2nd, J. E. Leslie Srd. FouBTH Hkat. â€" Batcher Boy 1st, Minnie Collins 8nd, J. E. Leslie Srd. Fifth Heat. â€" Pirate lat. Batcher Boy 2nd. Minnie CoUins 8rd. The winners in this race were Pirate 1st, $S6; Batcher Boy 2nd. $25; Goldfinder 8rd, $15â€" parse $105. The Town Trot was the second race â€" 6 entries, as follows â€" Telephone. Maad 8., Peggy, Lacy, Happy Jim, and Billy. First Heat. â€" Peggy Ist, Happy Jim 2nd, Maud S. 8rd.' Second Heat. â€" P'ggy and Lacy made a dead beat, Maod S. 8rd. TnntD Heat. â€" Lacy let, Peggy 2nd, Maad S. 8rd. FouBTH Heat. â€" Peggy Ist, Lucy 2nd, Maad B. 8rd. The winners were Peggy let, $25 Lucy 2nd. $15 Maad S. 8rd, $10â€" purse $50. The third eveot was the colt race, for which there were eight entries â€" Grey Johnny, Conn, Black Maud, Black Bess, Little Fred, Young Yalen- tints Geo. L., St. George. Owing to the lateness of the hoar only two heats of this race were decided, the rest be- ing trotted to-day tpo late for oar re- port this week. COLT TBOT. FiBST Heat. â€" Gr«y Johnny 1st, St. George 2nd, George L. Srd, Young Valentine 4th, Black Maud 5ih. Second Heat. â€"George L. Ist, St. George 2nd, Grey Johnny Srd, Young Valentine 4th, Black Maud 5tb. Tbe meeting has been a complete success, and we hope to see any races ever held here conducted on the square as it was quite evident those held to- day were. Messrs. M. Forhan, Owen Sound, C. Eenney, Paisley, and J. Tuck, Chatsworth, acted as Judges, â€" U. S. Advertiser. woald probably be fatal, bat the mother could not resist the call. She kissed the child, and drew in death with that last breath. Such books as this memoir will do good, not by increasing the silly awe with which many ignorant people regard royal personages, but by show- ing how precisely the same pains and^ passions, tbe same doubts and hopes, rack their hearts as are suffered \iy tbe poorest. Tbe history of this princeve, loving her '*hiidren with passionate ardor, giving her life for them, doubting God in her days of happiness, and seeking Him witb repentance and tears at tbe side of ber dead baby, is that of many a poor woman whose life will always be hum- ble and obscure. Whether we wear rags or rojral purple, we travel tbe same road a^r all, to tbe same gate and single beacon at tbe end. Tlie C. P. R. 8VBIHEB ROUTE. GEORGE WILSON, Wholesale and Retail {BUTCHER!} BEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIEP. from a single pound to a whole carcass, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Formers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do w«U to calL Markdale, Oct.25tli. 188i A Tlie Races.â€" First Day. The winter meeting of tbe Owen Sound Turf Association took place on tbe bay en Wednesday, and owing to tbe lartje amount of money offered a large number of {^ood horses and en- thusiastic sportsment were attracted to the town. The day was very cold and it snowed almost incessantly dur- ing the whole atternoon, while tbe races were in progress, but notwith- standine: these drawbacks tbe large crowd gatliered ou tbe ice, remained till the clos9 and appeared to thorough- ly enjoy the sport. Owing to the great number of entries, and the diffi- culty the Judges labored under in seeing ihe races from start to finish, considerable dissatisfaction was ex- pressed at some of tbe decisions, but on the whole, as fiai- as we could see. they were wholly impartial and could not have been better. The races which took place on Wednesday were as follows FIRST RACE â€" 2:40 TROT. 8 Entriesâ€" Butcher Boy, Minnie Collins, J. E. Leslie, Parate, Orphan Girl. Ben, Goldfinder, Royal George. First Heat; â€" Pirate Ist, J. E Leslie 2nd, Butcher Boy 8rd. Second Heat. â€" Goldfinder let. Batcher Boy 2Bd, Minnie Collins Srd. The Princess Alice. The life of the Princess Alice has just been published in Germany, with copious extracts Irom ber own letters and thorie written by her mother to her. This princess, like the other daughters of Queen Victoria, had a strong intellect and much deep wom- anly feeling. The fact is now made public, for the first time, that for years her religious iaith was clouded, she haying fallen under the influence of Dr. Strauss, who was ber personal friend. She openly avowed her doubts of tbe existence of a God, and her deter mintition to "seek truth through phil- osophy and through the intellect alone." She invited the most pro- found metaphysicians in Germany to her court, read the works of the most learned free-thinkers, but found no secure standing-ground. Soon after this time, her little son died, and a German friend who knew her inti- mately states that "she did now no longer speak as she had done. She confessed to me that phe was cbauge.l, and I could not hear her story with- out tears." It was tbe death of ber child which had changed her, and the homely counsels of a poor Scotch artist who gave her drawing IcEsons. "The whole grand edifice of philoso- phical reasoning which I bad erected dwindled to nothing at the touch of death," nhesaid. "What would become of us in this life if we have not the belief that there is a God who rules over each of us I weary for prayer I love to sing hymns with my child- ren." This princess was devoted to her children, educating them herself in many branches of knowledge and the letters now published, wiiich passed between her mother and herself, are the simple, earnest utterances of two wise, good women, consulting together as to the best way to rear little child- ren to be Chrisliaus, manly men and useful women. In the Princess Alice's case, too, "the emphasis of death made manifest the eloquence of action in ber life" to a singular degree. Oue of her children was dying of diphtheria, and the mother refused to gtve up her post at its bedside. The child, witb its la^t) breath, held ont its arms, upauig, "Eiss me, manunft." The physiciaus interfered, knowing that the kiss [Montreal Star.) Mr. Harder, Assistant Traffic Man- ager of the Canadian Pacific railway, duriug his visit to this city perfected soma important tariff rates and ran- ning arrangements for the ensuing immigration season. The company's steamers, which originally were intend- ed to run from Algoma Mills to Tnun- der Bay, will start from Owen Sound. This i« rendered necessary by the fact that theWilsonCbannel, at the entrance to the harbor of Algoma Mills, is ren- dered extremely dangerous to such large steamers as the Algoma, Artha- biska and Alberta, owing to the pres- ence of several submerged reefs which will require to be removed by the Gov- ernment before this route can be util- ized. The new route will therefore be, until such time as the Wilson chan- nel is made perfectly navigable, from Owen Sound to Port Arthur. The run will be accomplished in something like forty hours, so that the time be- tween Montreal and Winnipeg will be equal, if aot less, than an all rail route. As regards the question of rates, Mr. Harder states that passenger rates on European business will be £2 sterling from Quebec to Winnipeg, and he be- lieves arrangements are being con- summated witb the large shipping lines to reduce ths rates, so that im- migrants from Liverpool to Winnipeg will be carried for $25. The company is at present construct- ing twenty really elegant sleeping-cais for immigrants, so that settlers com- ing into the country will have comforts never before enjoyed. The Ontario and Quebec railway will be completed in about two mouths from Perth to Toronto, where connection is made with the Toronto, Grey and Bruce, so that whether main line is completed or not, a perfectly independent line will be opsrated by the Canadian Pa- cific railway from Montreal to the summit of the Rocky mountains. Speaking of the outcome of this new route, Mr. Harder says it will result in reducing freight rates from Montreal to Winnipeg from $300 to ^100 a car- load, and will also open up a large carrying trade from Montana and and other western States. He antici- pates a largo influx of immigrants duriug the sprinpf, and says timt al- ready a number of Crofler^ ave book- ed for Manitoba and the Morth- West. What he ITIastcrcd. 'How did yon jjet a .start in life "' asked a youth of a billMuairH. "I worked at odd job.s till I founl sometliiug better." "You thoroughly raasteivd sotiio. trade, business, or prof«iSsi.)U. in tlift course of time, I presume to accumu- late 6uch wealth " "No," was the reply. "I, was in business, but knew no more! a'ouut i:; than thousands of others. I owe my success to my mn story, not of a trade, business, or profession, but an art." "Au art " "Yes, young man, the art of adver- tising.' ' â€" '/( Uadiiphia ^all .Jii^ " â- â€¢ III f â-  ;?• 1 •i .i â-  m j-'j OssTBUcaoNs of the Stomach, Liver an.l Bowels, are pron?ptlp removed by Natimal PiUa. MMUHM iHlHBMl ^iil

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