Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Feb 1884, p. 5

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 J- â- ,_jmm"y^smiw mmmmifmmmmmil^ Twodncft A.M, 7.30 STANDARD TIME. â€" â€" • 4 pjic assortment of watches Clocks, l^i'iss, Chahis, Setts, buttons, Specks, Charms, c. ilso iVd ^-v/m liw. of Electro- 'hlatt'd^oods for table use. Watch and clock repairing personally, attended to and .umviteed. Honest charges. V.A.BROWN, The Jeweller, f A I^ I^ r3 .^ L E .Local and O therlteffls. .SoTUE-^ in titc^e columns intended to benefit ,„y initifiil""f or Societ!/ wiU be charged ten 'inu a '"" ""â-  "" "'â- *' insertion and five swti a line each subeqiient insertion. Tlicn come awa f.'iends au a' Aiul (linna lose na time lu gt'ttiiit,' pictures for your friends, For Hamiltou takes them fine. And wlii'n yi^ get a =core or twa Let (iiie ff them be mine To mind nm o' tlie cante days We litd in "Ankl Lang Syne." A FRESH stock pure Hickling honey at the Medical Hall. Mbs. TiuTLEDGE tliinks of having lier large hotel lit with gas. Dr. Low's Woiur Syuup has removed t.ipe worm froii 1:" to 30 feet in length. It also je^iiovs all kiuJs of worm. XoRTH (rrey Agricultural Spring Show will be held iu Owen ^Sourd on tk29tu April. Armstioug Bros, are turning out, at tlieir tnniiui,' fuctory in Markdale.lOOO bio:m liaiidles ptr day. Tkimblk i^c WiUGHT has few packages i:"t uf timt far famed tea call and get aft^- lbs. bcforj it all goes. The hy l;iw to separate tbe sale of ;:;roceries- and hrpiord in Toronto was earned by a majority of 3d2. Mr. .J. Hickling, of Osprey, has a splendid n;rade of honey. Mr. Turner hi secured a supply fi'om him. A. McI.NTYKK, Depiity-Reove of Osprey, is t-poken of as a candidate for the Legislature in the Keform interest. FuiR lives were lost and $175,000 wortli of ]n-operty destroyed by a fire i: Grand lUipids, Mich., last Sunday. Trimiu.e it Weight, are offering till? week special value in the foilow- rag lines, Dress Goods, Ready made Cothiug, aud Tweeds. Pi'RiFY your blood and tune up the ;vstem. f )i- the sprin?, by using Reju- vmator iJitters, sold by Smith, the barber. The Graud Trunk railway alone tx)k 5'2,00O passengers into Montreal t'ue first days of the carnival. The •uiadum r.icific aud North hhore :ook iu 20,000. Bre.U) is the staff of life. Good 'â- nality at iMoutgomery's bakery. And iiTertisniL; the staff of business can Je doue at the Standard office. Rejivinator Bitters wonderfully im proves the complexion, and brings â- '3 Old and voaug the bloom of health. •^sapmifiiT of the blood it has uo «qual. Sold by Smith, the barber. In oRDisR to make a speedy clearance " all goods Trimble Wright are -^fferiug the whole of their stock much below regular prices. Call and see ttiem. Important.â€" A meeting of those •Dterested in organizing a brass band ^^ill take place at the Markdale House '"" 8 o'clock sharp this Thursday •evening. 0^'iNG to the scarcity of lumber Mr. as not pushed his building for- ^^^ as last as he otherwise would nave done 'Dg uow. Kae ha It is, however, prot^ress- A LONG TIME. es of T*^" -^^^" °' suffering from the tortur- g '^^"P'^P;^ia.is indeed a long time. A. jffl, '• "'"â- ^"uit}i, of Cobourg, was thus Borjn t c^' " ""'"'-^ required four bottles of hiffl " Bitters to completely cure Fift, Tm Mt Forest Cmf^erate is pay- ing special attention to OS te past few weeks We can appredate^'te gentlemanly style of piag tw coutam neither malice or valgtrity!^ A LABGE stock of picttire frames mouldings just opettid ,^ Hamilton^ photo, gallery Markdale A «„il3 t"" 8"°„^»°der8. folJowiug redac- and varied a7«rtmeT£ L^S^^ ^IV. ^^' ' ^^0. $27 at |23. |25 and varied assortment to choose from all sizes and sbipe* alade to orde^ Jit very moderate ptiees. For first class nxe handles tto to Fiunerty's shop. Elizabeth «t..oppo8it tbe bank, Markdale. You cai. S your own timber and have them made toorder, oryoDcan get them ready made at the shop. Sign of the Bi^ Axe Handl) 179-85 BUCKLEN'S AKKICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world forouts.bruises sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sore*, tetter chapped hands, chUblains, corns, and all skm eruptions, and positively cures pUes or no pay reqiw-ed. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded Pnce 25 cents per box. For Sale bv A Turner Co. DoNT forget that J. P. Marshall, Dentist, visits Markdale the Ut and 3rd Wednesday of each month for the practice ol his profession. He is an honorable man and'a good dentist. New Butchkk.â€" Mr. Wm. H. But ledge, of Alton, has opened a butcher shop in McNea's block and is now deal- ing out meat to all who favor him with their patronage. Mr. K. is a practical butcher and a live business man and doubtless will succeed. PIMPLES AND BLOTCHES. Ca'l at Hill Bros, general sto.-e "and get a package of McGregor Parke's Carbolic Cerate. It is composed of Vaseline, Car- bolic Acid and Cerate, and has never, failed to remove Pimples, blotches. Ulcerated Sores Rougli Skin. It cures when all othei a fail. Try it. There will be a social given by the Ladies' Aid Society at the Methodist Parsonage, Markdale, on Wednesday, 5th of March. A good programme is being provided, and a cordial invita- tion is given to all. Admission 15 cents. Mk. Rowntree, from Peterborough, has been visiting friends in this vicinity, and returned on Monday last. He treated the young people iu the vicinity of Mr. Wm. Heath's, (where he stayed), with an oyster supper be fore leaving, and a jolly time was Kpeut. A TERRIFIC explosion occurred at the Bank of Commerce, Youge St To- ronto, on Monday, in which great damage was done. It appears a plum- er quit work without turning off a gas jet. Several persons were injured, none serious, aud some $6000 dam- age done. Will have in stock next week, some fine Waltham movemert, key and stem wind, at lower rates than previously offered. As the factory have made some reduction in price I desire to have patrons profited thereby. Get my prices ere purchasing and save a few dollars. W. A. Brown, Jeweller, Markdale. The temperance people of Chenley have determined that no longer shall whiskey and groceries be sold in the same shop. The ladies are on the war-path, endeavoring to secuie the necessary number of subbcribers, to be presented to the council at its next meeting. David Delong, Esq., of Derby, while watering his cattle the other day pumped out a snake 3 feet long and 1 inch in diameter. It is admit- ted that reptiles and insects remain dorment during winter, but this snake was quite lively, and eudavored to escape. There was a stone pile near, O -^A SLIGHT change in the time table of ^the T.. G. B.. to take effect on ^Saturday, Jst March. See time table in another column. Walihak complete watches, rilver cares, gold joints. 8 and 4 ok., key and stem winders, following redac- DON'T READ THIS. at $21 Our Little (fnat for March is before «8, and in our estimation excells any ftrmer number. The young folks are wild for who will have it first. Pul.lxpb- ed by the Rassell Publishing Co.. 86 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass., at $1.50 per year. Mb. J. C. Glen, of the firm of J. Phillips, Toronto, has compUted put- ting in gasoUne ard fixtures in W. J. McFarland's store. It has been now in operation three nights, and works very satisfactory. Mr. Glen fully un derstands his business, and the intro- duction of this new light will doubtless prove all that is claimed for it. A GRAND skating carnival will take place in the Dundalk rink on Tuesday evening next, 4th March. Their rink is large, and very comfortable for spectators, and this • carnival will doubtless echpse anything oi the sort that has ever been given in the district. We have attended skating carniviils iu Duudalk, aud know whereof we speak. Sudden Death. â€" We regret having to auuounce the death of Mr. Robert Whitelaw, of St. Vincent, which sad event took place on the morning of Tuesday the 91th inst., after a short illness. His demise was caused by the breaking of a blood vessel iu the braiu. He was a young man of excellent character, and will be greatly missed in the neighborhood. His many relatives have the sympathy of all in their %ore bereavement. The deceased was a brother to Mr. J. C. Whitelay, of Law. Whitelaw, Mea- ford. â€" j\leaford Munilor. to ' Steam Threshers. â€" From what we learn of the satisfaction given to the public in this vicinity by the steam thresher belonging to Messrs. Duucau Cook, of Brampton, it is probable tiiat in a few years horse power threshing will be a thing of the past. We are assured, upon reliable authority that the steam power does double the work ol the best horse power, aud all things considered, at a saving of from forty to fifty per cent. Messrs Dun- can Cook have earned for themselves a high reputation amongst the farmers in this section, wherever they were employed. Wedding Bells.â€" We understand that the wedding at Townsend'sLake, on tLe 20th inst., was a grand affair. There were ebcut sixty guests sat down to dinner at 7 oclock p.m. The din- ner, which could not be surpassed, was an evidence of the proficiency iu cooking of the esteemable aud amiable hosts, Mrs. T. Towuseud. The presents to tlie bride were very beauti- ful and costly, and expressed the re- gard the community had for Miss S. B. Townsend. The company enjoyed themselves in social converse until 1 o'clock a.m., When they sat down to a sumptuous repast, after which the bridegroom, James Black, Esq., gave an eloquent address, thanking the friends for their kindness aud presents, and hoping to meet all in the better country. Mr. and Mrs. Black removes to the state of Iowa during the month of March, and they will take with them the good wishes of the whole community. â€" Com. wm â€" Glenelgr Council. Having purchased tbe Grocery and Liquor basiness of A. Mdntyre, Markdale, I have added a freh and complete stock cf Groceries and Provisions Consisting of fine Teas, Sugar. To- bacco, Dried Apples. Cheese, Flour, Fruit, Confectionery, Mince Meat, Jams, Jelly, Pickles, canned Fruit, Glassware, Crockery, c.. c. Also tbe best brand ot LIQUOR AND CIGARS alwaws in stock. A share of your patronage respectfully solicited. NORMAN MclNTYRE Proprietor. W. p. PATER80N, Manager. JOHNINNITBiniERY Begs to tMiier Mb thanks to the inhsbi- t»iit« ol Markdale and surrounding ooontry tor tlieir patronage for the past eleven year» •od to intiniate to them that heisnownre- pared to sajpfky the pnblic with FHIHT, POUND A PLUMB CAKES either ©lain or ioed and omamentod and a large variety of other CAKSlS always on aaod. Also Biscuits of every de^ scrrption from the best manu»- facturer in Ontario. A Large and Varied As-^ sortment ofOonfectlon^ ery and CHRISTMAS TOYS SEEDS SEEDS â€" IMPORTED FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS supplied on the shortest notice ard; got up in Ihe best style that can be- this sida of Toronto. Apples, Oranges 4L a variety of N uts al- ways on hand. Tea meetings. Socials and other parties supphed on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. 169 90. etc. â€" 0.8. Adc^tiser. An istJOTANT ENQUIRY. â€" Are yon If so, Im- ,^ Gas Light.â€" Mr. W. J. McFarland for 11 fi ""' ^^^ °° Monday evening ihfl "" '^^'^^ 8*^' which gives ,A^P.^"o"« apartments a beautiful ^^•ibnlhaut appearance. J ^^ IN DIXIE'S LAND. Ont ,!!""^-"' '-aler in drugs, Ac, Dixie, "am'toT"""®""' Hagyard's Pectoral Bal- wifeof°^\"istomers, it having cui'ed his s«est '^°"8li. it is the safest and â- "able/ ^^"^1 f"r aU Throat and Lung 6oni' ^^"' ^^ Asthma, Bronchitis, plaiots ^°^" ^^ â„¢^B* pectoral com- threatened with consumption the cause maj be in the blood, pure blood and scrofula are close com- panions, and scrofula and consump- tion are still closer related. Rejuvin- ator Bitters cure all forms of Kcrofula by cleansing the blood and regulating the secretions. Sold by Snaith the Barber. Dynamttb Explosion. â€" Shortly afteir 1 o'clock Tuesday rooming an «x- plosion took place in the cloak room of Victoria railway station, London, Oct. A large portion of the root was blown off. aud nearly all the glass- work iu the station destroyed Seven men were sent to the hospitale with severe injuries. The sarrounding property suffered severe damage. A BJEBTiNO of the directtors of East Grey Agricultural Society vnll be held tb-day, Feb. 28th. The meeting has been called for the purpose of making arrangements for distributing seed grain and stock from the Ontario Experimental Farm, which will be sold at a nominal price and distributed in auch a manner as wiU most benefit thecpnn*7« A special meeting of council, held in the Township Hall, Glenelg, Feb. 18th, 1884, for the purpose of appoint- ing an assessor iu place of W. fl. Arrowsraith, resigned Present- John A. McMillan, Deputy-Beeve Messrs, Neil and McCuaig. Councillors. The Deputy-Reeve in the cliair. Moved by Mi-. McMillan, seconded by Mr. Meil. That the township be sui/divided into two subdivisions for assessment purposes, that No. 1 sub- division be composed of, wards Nos. 1 and 2, that No. 2 cubdivisioD be com- posed of wards Nos. 2 and 8, that ThoH. McGirr be appointed assessor for No. 1 subdivision, at a salary of $40, that John McDonald be appoint ed assessor for No. 2 subdivision, at a salary of $40, and that a by-law be now passed confirming said divisions and tlie appointment of said aaaessors. â€" Carried By-law 222, in accordance with above resolution, was introduced and read a first aud second time. Moved by Mr. McCnaig, seconded by Mr. NeU.That by-law No. 222 be now read a third time, signed, sealed, and engrossed m the minates. â€" Car- ried. Tb CQuneil adjoamea. J. 9.B1JMJK, T^^.Clerks The place to buy your Seeds is at PARKER'S, Drugstore, DURHAM. Burdock Blood WILL CURE OR REUEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS," EOBT. ASKIN, IVT.^R KID A LE Has opened out a First-Class UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT. And therefore has suppLted a -want long felt, COFFIj;S, CaSKETS, SHROUDS,, and all FUMERIL FUJtNISHIflSS supplied on the shortes nonce. DROPSY, FLUTTERINQ OF THE HEAirTt] ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN. HEADACHE, And every specie* of dlteaao aritlits trmn diaorderad LIVER. KIDNEYS, 8TOMAOHL BOWELS OR BLOOO, T. IltBORH «a, â- ^^""toSSHTa' Franco Chinese War. Nothwithetanding the desolating war now raging in China it will not increase the price of Teas at the IM loose, Uarklale Having imported prior to tbe open- ing of hostilities, a stifficient quantity to supply 20.000 MEN for a period of j ^j ^^^^^tt^^^ 12 months. In other departments of' the Grocery tiade the BELFAST HOUSE has KILLED BY THOU- SAND those who assume to transact business by purchasing of small deal- ers exorbitant rates of interest on long credit. Our imports of PRESERVED MEATS, SALMON, LOBSTERS, SARDINES. HAMS, BAC0N,A8S0RTED PICKELS and every articles in the groce.'y trade A. STlei:iclicl Hearse- lor hire at moderate rates. -AU kinds r fâ€" PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. LIQyORS of the bf^st brands and quality. Wine for Szicramentftl purposes warranted pure. Brainlies direct from the ninii- ulact ireraiid all utlierkiiidn of liquors. (Jcifeeti, Teus and Tobaccoea cnnnot fail to give satislaction. Oranges, Lemons, c. Family Fh ur supplied at Lowest Bates. THOSS. McTVKA, BELFAST HOUSE, MAIffiDALE Feb. 6th. 1884, SUBSCRIBERS Want it for 1884. The American AoRicrL- TuiiisT to-day i.s better than ever before. We have increased our ccrps of Editor? and Ai- I tistB. enlarged and added to ourDepartmeutfi- the Periodical is no.v the recognized leading Agricultural Journal of the world, presenting in every issue 100 Columns of Original Reading Matter from the ablest writers, and nearly 100 Original Illustrations It is to the interest of every one whose s^^v' scription has expired or who cliaiiging his place of residence, or moving AV'e.st, Las ,f(»t the time being droppedpu: of our Great Aimy of Uabscribers to COME BACK and accept pf our unj^alleled offer of the AMERIMII IsmcULTKRISi: For 1884 A U Periodical. A 60(r-PAG£ DICTIONARY, ICOO ILLUSTIlAKONf^ "FOES U FRIENDS .0" SJWRIS' lis 18 yCPEKB Pj.ATi: EkoIWI VINOS "IN THE MEADOW" Dnpre'ti lJxl7 tJuiHs'-b Pj^te Eugravjqp. ^OHâ€" 12 PIECES OF SHEET MUSIC, In Place of tlit^ Dictionary^, ^ogac-PAip.. A4^t«ve CiHifrassers.. lVan^«l. ^^lend two 3-cent stamps fQ-.*^Suuple.%Coi)y-. and see w^ a WsncVdrfol^Paper it isvsow. A^drets. OraoQiJiidilGift,, 751 fl|»4©WAY.HEW TOBKi, '-mi h m 1 m •i Ml ii Jl i! ' n

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