mm mmm •wwy i?mation. Ilk which we VOL. 4.-N0. 21 PATRON S OF HUS BANDRY. GREYDIVISiON GRANGE NO-2- EEPOftT Oi' SEili-AXNUALJklh-KTING HELD AT ROCJktlfN ON MONDAY FEB. 4tM, 1884 MARKDALE, ONT., FEB. 21, 1884. No. isa S! EocK^xN, Feb. 4, 1884. lit' V Division No. 2 opened iu due f'5i'ii; Worthy Manter in the t-biiir. The follimiijg oScers being absent tiie W. M. appointed othei-h pro tern: EiM. (ioldtiraiih.OversPeii Bro.lJowes, C'ha[ lain; Bro Giflbrd, Steward; Bro. Yfclluiid, Gatekeeper. Grange elected ])'o. H. FglI, auditor, as Bro H D Irwin was not present. Tlie miniiteo of last meeting read aijd iii)proved. r,'.s Jiowes, lUchardson, and White vert- appointed a committee on cfeden- tials. Bros Armsfciong, B-iskin, and Best wvrv appointed a committee to strike blaijiling committees. Keport of committee on Credentials presented by Bro Bowes. The re- l)urt was adopted. lieport of \)»imittee on f'Iredentiah: â- 884, Markdale; S. Doug.las3, G. Fi-.;harlsou. 312, New England; J. Yelland, C. Morword. 458, Artemecjia Centre; G. Buskin, G. htewart. 525, Beehive; D. llobertson, W. Mc lutosli. 15, St. Vincent; B. White and Sis- ter White, H. Plmer. 855, Berry; L. Go'dsmitb, MrSuth- prland. 3G4, Hawthorne; H. Keid, D. Arm- etroiig. 25l», Artemesia; J. Weber, J. I. Graham. 13. Georgian; A. Giflford, J. Loug. 548, Harkaway; E. W. Moore and Siater Moore, P. Smith. 421, Owen Sound; K. J. Doyle and Sister Doyle. 14, Sydenham J. M. Rogers, D. Jack. Jas, Bowks, Chairman. Moved by Bro White, seconded bj Bro Graham, that Bro Bond be a dele- gate instead of W M of Grange No. 25, who WHS absent. â€" Carried. Bro A Giflford presented report of committee on Grading Barley. To the W M and Members of Grey Di- risiun Grange: We, your committee appointed to report on the system of Grsiding Bar- ley, beg leave to submit the following We find that there is ample ground for the complaints made by dealers, that there is no uniformity in the pres- ent system. C*se8 occurring where barley carefully purchased with view to securing a grade No. 1, as compared â- with samples furnished buyers, have been graded by the Inspector as only "No. 3 extra." Such a discrepancy your committee think impossible with proper inspection. The effect of the present system is to prevent local buy- ers from purchasing Barley on its merits, as if they do so. the chances are that it vill be graded down by the Inspector and result in loss. Your committee can see no means of rem- edying this diflculty of mspection, so I long as the present mode of selling continues. The only effectual preven- tation or remedy being to store the grain in local warehouses and sell di- rect to consumers and shippers who would then inspect for themselves. A. GrPFORD, Geo. Richabdson. Moved by Bro A Gifford, seconded "y Bro G Richardson, that the report of committee on Grading Barley be received and adopted and engrossed on [the minutes,â€" Carried. Report of committe on Standing [Comitiittee presented their report. ^^'ortlnj Master: '^^e, yonr committee on Standing p-ommittees, report as follows On Implementsâ€" Bros Palmer,Reid, l-l^rodie and Richardson. Horticultureâ€" Bros Doyle, Gifford, p'Ol.ertson and Weber. Rducatiouâ€" Irwin, Gifford, White, I neber. Municipal Lawâ€" Bros Bowes, Eich- lardsou, RoiJ and Buskin. I blockâ€" Bowes, Armstrong, Clark, Junsdictionâ€" Bros Moore,McIntosh ^oylo and lukster. Seed Grainâ€" Bros Bond, Denton, AnostroDg, Long. The first named in the above com- mittees to be chairman. Domstic Industryâ€" Sirters Doyle. Gifford, Bowes and White. Temperance â€" Sisters Doyle, Bowes, B«st, Graham, Gifford, iioberlsou, McKnight, Moore. Movnd by Bro Armstrong, seconded ly Bro. Buskin, tliat the above report be adopted. â€" Carried. ' Moved by Bro Armstrong, seconded by Bro Buskin, that Bro A Gifford be added to the committee on Municipal Law. â€" Carried. Moved by Bro. Richardson, second- ed by Bro Buskin, that Bros Mclutosh and Palmer be added to the committee on Stock. â€" Carried. Moved by Bro A Gifford, seconded by Bro G Richardson, that we adjourn until 2 o'clock. â€" Carried. Grange resumed business at two o'clock. Repoit of committee on Seed Grain presented by Bro M Denton. To Menibers'of Grey Division Grange Your committee beg leave to report as follows In regard to Spring wheat your committee are of the opinion that the Russian and White Fife are the best kinds to grow. But we would recommend the White Fife as the bet ter of the two, for both marketing and milling. Regarding oats, white, we are of the opinion that the Egyptian variety, as far as your comrmttee are aware, is the best for general p"rpose, as they seem to stand up well and ripen early. As to black oats, we are still of the opinion that the Tartarian is the btRt kind. Barley: We would re- commend the SIX rowed barley for general purposes, and for feeding pur- poses we are of the opinion that the two rowed is the best, on account of its growing a heavier crop, stands up well and therefore easier harvested. With regard to peas we would still recomraend the Golden Vine as a gen- eral crop. We would recommend that Patrons growing new varieties would report result to this meeting, and how mujh, if any for sale. All of which is respectfully submitted. (Signed) Matthew Dknton, Chairman of Committee. Moved by Bro Denton, seconded by Bro Armstrong, that report be received adopted and engrossed on the minutes. â€" Carried. There was cousiderable discussion on this report, the majority seemed to fayor the Fleming wheat. The follow- ing parties have it for sale James Bowes, Strathnairn P. 0., grown on clay loam Jas. Doublsdee, Mjeaiord, sandy soil; J, Martin, Oxmead, sandy soil; J. D. Montgomery, Meaford, clay soil; B. J. Laturney, Meaford, hard clay. Refort of committee on Horticulture presented by Bro A Gifford. To the Master and Member of Grey Di- vision No. 2 We, your committee on Horticul- ture beg to submit the following We find the time at ourdisposal altogether too limited to do justice to a subject ot so much importance iu the running of a well eqipped farm. Your com- mittee feel assured that all will agree that no farm is complete where an orchard is lacking. Undoubtedly many deterred from investing money in fruit trees from their experience of the impositions practised upon buyers by unscrupulous agents, who in many cases have palmed off on their patrons stock at high prices which is utterly valueless. Your committee would sug g^st that every member of this Grange at once give their attention to the es- tablishment of an orchard, as we are convinced that fruit can be profitably grown in eyery part of this county, to say nothing of the health and, pleasure afforded by its liberal use. In com- mencing an orchard the first point is the selection of a site, which if not naturally dry, should be thoroughly drained; a northern aspect is no detri- ment. Having selected a suitable site see that it is well fenced and cultivat- ed for the reception of the trees. Then with the catalogue of some reliable nurseryman iu hand make your selec- tions of appl-^, plum, pear, and cherry trees. And right here we would sug- gest that while a large number of trees mg^ be required, that eyery order be for as few varieties as possible. The climate and exposure in this county varies a good deal, so that some yari- eties which will prove good in the neighborhood of tho bay, would not be suitable for the. southern parts. For apples your committee beUeve that for the southern parts of the county and away from the river the following vari- eties will prove patisfactory and be all that any farmer would require, viz Duchess of Oldeuburg, Red Astra- chan, Wealthy, Ben Davis, Peewaukie, Rambo and Golden Russetts. For the vicinity of the bay and river farmers can safely add the Northern Spy, Rhode Island Greening, and Baldwin. For plums we believe that the Lom- bard can everywhere be depended up- on. For pears we think the foUow- owing will prove satisfactory Dear- born Seedling, Bartlett, F. Beauty, Dutchess DeAngoulemie, Vic of Wake- field. For cherries the Farly Rich- mond can he depended upon. With reference to plums and cherries we would strongly depricate the planting of suckers or stock that has been grafted upon suckers, as it appears to increase the tendency to black knot, which is becoming alarmingly com- mon, and should be carefully guarded against. After the trees are planted give your orchard the same care you would any other crop from which a liberal return was desu-ed. In addi- tion to trees no orchard should be con- sidered complete without a supply of small fruits, such as strawberries, rasp- berries, currants, and gooseberries. Your committee v.o'ild gladly have deyoted some consideration to the spe- cial cultivation of the various classes of fruit to secure the best results, but find the time will not permit. Would say that under no circumstances should fruit of any kind be planted unless the intention is to give it plenty of fertili- zers and culttvatien. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. GiFFOBD, Chairman. Moved by Bro. Jas. Bowes, second- ed by Bro. D. Armstrong, that in the opinion of this Grange the Govern- ment should not grant the petition of miller? asking a reduction of the duty on wheat, and the petition of the ex. Committee of the Untario Provincial Grange is hereby endorsed. â€" Carried. Moved by H. Reid, seconded by D. Armstrong, that the Grey Division Grange No. 2, having considered the offer of Mr. Donald S. McKinnon, of Hamilton, to furnish the Co-operative Sewing Machines to Granges at great- ly reduced prices and to manufacture sewing machines for the Grange, to be sold directly by the manufacturer, are of opinion that Mr. McKinnon should receive the united support ol the Grange in carrying out so worthy an object, and that the Secretary be instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to Mr. Donald S. McKin- non. â€" Carried. v (Signed) R. J. Doylb, Master Grey Div. Grange No 2. John Webeb. Sec. Grey Div. Grange No. 2. Moved by A. Gifford, seconded by H. Reid, that whereas since the last meeting of this Grange petitions have bten sent to the sub. Granges asking for the adoption of Torrens Land Transfer System have been largely signed and placed in the hands of representatives for presentation to the Legislature, and whereas this Grange approves of the principle embodied in the said petition. Therefore be it re- eolved that the Secretary be hereby instructed to prepare a memorial to the Government to be signed by him- self and the Worthy Master, and the seal of the Grange attached there* to and forwarded to the Hon, the At* tomey General of Ontario. â€" Carried. Auditors report presented by Bro. Palmer. J Secretaries Financial Report. BECEIPTB. Moved by Bro A G^ord, seconded fal. on hand from last year 20.91 by Bro. J. Weber, that the report of committee on Horticulture be receited adoped and engrossed on the minutes. â€" Carried. Moved by Bro, Armstrong, second- ed by Bro. Richardson, that Patrons having new grains be requested to Dring a sample of%uch to division meetings for inspection, fall grain in the summer and sprine; grain in the winter meetings. â€" Carried. Sister Doyle presented report of Committee on Temperance. BEPOBT ON TEUPEBANCE. To tJie Worthy Master, Officers and Mem- bers of Grei/ Division Gronye. Your Committee beg to report that a petition has been laid before them by the Wonaans' Christian Temperance Union, asking the aid of the Grange in assisting ihem to secure the intro duction of Temperance Literature iirto the public schools. Your Committee beg to report that they would recommend this Grange to authorize the Master and Secretary to sign the petition to that effect on be- half of this Grange. Your Committee are of opinion that no ratepayer who is conscientiously opposed to the manufacture, use. or sale of spirituous liquors should be called upon to pay for the administra tion of justice, caused directly or in- directly by jhft use of spirituous or malt liquors; and your Committee would • recommend that this Grange instruct its delegates of this Division to bring this subject before the Pro- vincial Grange of Ontario and advo- cate the principles as set forth in a draft of a proposed equitable liquor law and published several years ago, and adopted by the North-Western Tem- perance Alliance, all of which is re- spectfully submitted. Sister Doyle, Bro. E. W. Moore, Bro. John Best, Sister W. E. Bowes '« G Richardson " M. J. White, " J. S. Graham. Moved by Bro. Palmer, by Bro. Ellis, that the Temperance Committee be adopted and engrossed on utes.â€" .-Carried. Moved by Bro. Armstrong, second- ed by Bro. Bowes, that this Grange pay to the caretaker of this hall, $1.60. Carried* Dues from sub Granges. Total $263.92. EXPXNDITCBES. Provincial Grange dues $135.41 To Treasurer 74.00 Printing 10.80 Blank Reports, postage and Registration 11.93 Cash on hand, 81.78 Seconded report of received, the mm- Total $263.92. We have examined the above ac- counts with vouchers for same and found them correct. KID, I ^^^J^QJ.a^ H. Palueb,) Moved by Bro. Palmer, second by Bro. H. Reid, that Auditors Report be received, adopted and engrossed on the minutes. â€" Carrried. Report of Committee on stock pre- sented by Brn. Palmer. To the Worthy Master and Patrons of Grey Division Grange No. 2. Your Committee on Stock beg to report as follows Wo, your Com- mittee on Stock although not advising a specialty in stock raising under all circumstances believe it absolutely necessary to continued successful farming to keep a considerable amount of stock. And believe in order to make stock raising profitable atten- tion must be given to breeding no matter what kind of stock be adopted, and also to insure the best results, liberal feeding irom the beginning is indispensible as we have the united testimony of all practical men, espec- ially as regards cattle for beef. If a beast be matured at tw o years of age there is much more profit Ihau by keeping till a greater age. We also consider it advisable lor neighbor- hoods to co-operate as much as pos- sible by going generally into one kind of stock. In the matter of dairying it is absolutely necessary and neighbor- hoods that have large quantities of beef or mutton to dispose ol at once find their advantage in being able to secure the attentions ol a better class of dealers who can afford to give more per head in proportion to the quantity they can secure in a g.yen lengtli of time. All of which is rdspectfullysab- mittcd; U. Palmek. Chairman. Moved by Bro H Palmer, seconded by Bro D Robert-s'^n, that report bo received adopted and engrossed on the- Minutes. â€" Carried. Bro Palmer presented report onr Implements. To the Worthy Master and Patrons of Grey Division Grange No. 2. Yonr Committee on Implements beg to make the following rport We your Committee belieye on account of the high price of labor it is absolutely necessary for farmers to avail them- selves of all labor saing machines- practicable. Binders are now brought;^ out by a number of firms all having their peculiar excellencies, but most of them being serviceble. Although jour Committee don't believe it would pay for every small farmer to buy one, it- would still be possible for small farm- ers to avail themselves of their ad- vantages by a number co-operating in procuring one as one would be able to do the work on several farms by a little forethought of their owners. la the matter of draining, stumping and stoning machines your Committee be- lieve some or all of them are neces- sary in many localities, and as it would pay few or any to buy one or all of these machines, still co-opera- tion would be available for aU to take, advantage of them All of which is r0 spectfully submitted. H. Palmes, Chairman. Moved by Bro H Palmer, seconded by Bro D Robertson, that the report be received, adopted and engrossed on the Minutes. â€" Carried. Moved by Bro A Gifford, seconded by Bro Palmer, that we now proceed to elect oflcers for 1884. â€" Carried The following were tlected officers for 1884 Bro. R. J. Doyle, Master. " J. Yelland, Overseer. ' " John Weber, Vandeleur P.O., Sec. " James Brodie. Treasurer. " H. Reid, Lecturer. " H. Palmer, Chaplain. •• D. R. Ellis, Steward. " A. Bond, Assistant Steward. " G. Richardson, Gate Keeper. Sister Doyle, Ceres. " Moore, Pomona. " White. Flora, " Bowes, L. A. Steward, Auditors, Bros. Reid and Bowes. Ex. Com., Reid, Rogers and Palmer. Moved by Bro. James Brodie, seconded by Bro. D. Armstrong, that this Grange adjourn for tea. â€" Carried. Grange resumed business at 8 o'clock p.m. Moved by Bro. J. M. Rogers, second- ed by Bro. Jas. Brodie, that the dele- gates be paid their expenses to this meeting, and that the W. M. appoint a committee to pass the accounts. â€" Cariied. Moved by Bro D. Armstrong, secon- ded by Bro G. Richardson, that the Treasurer be paid $10 for his services, and that the Secretary be paid his ex- penses to attend Executive Committee at Owen Sound. â€" Carried. W. M. gave valuable information regarding salt enterprise. Moved by Bro Jas. Bowes, seconded by Bro A. Gifford, that the Secretary be paid the sum of $40 for his valu- able service for 1883. â€" Carried. Moved by Bro Jas. Bowes, seconded by Bro M. Denton, that our next meet- ing be held at St. Vincent Grange. â€" Lost. Moved by W. M., seconded by Bro Gifford, tha ae next meeting be held at Judsouvilie. â€" Carried. Moved by Bro Reid, seconded by Bro. G. Richardson, that our next meeting be held at Chatsworth. â€" Lost. Moyea by Bro A. Gifford, seconded by Bro Bond, that the Ex. Com. fix the time for holding our next meeting, and that the rule be suspended for that purpose.â€" Carried. Moved by Bro Jas. Bowes, seconded by Bro M. Denton, that our next meeting be held ou the 4th Tuesday in June. â€" Lost. Moved by Bro A. Gifford, seconded by Bro D. Armstrong, that we elect a delegate to represent us ia Provincial Grange. â€" Carried. The following nominations â€" John Weber, George Stewart, H. Palmer. D. R. Ellis, A. Bond, J. M. Rogere. Alter balloting for the samo,Bro. John Weber was elected. V (Continued o" '