Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Feb 1884, p. 5

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 â- '^W^" v^^,\ Oupof thei [Euphrasia. i^| me of servicB^i iudebterl tl^| uested to pM, Liie. He u, ii'liorized to to give ROULE, M. !,' House, J other basiiie^l .^ble on thejj I ood businesg^j sherton, or,Oi^' The undenignyj Lias wood, Bircl,! aw lo;s perfeea.! lu^t irice will wl iK'iug custoBB lojul ' "s or by thol u. uueua am Q^A I i-st cUss sawyer 1) DAVIS, P'Opiietof. LE. Lot 117, con. I • clearsd a)ul unde? I 1, con. 12. Holljnil "jessary buildiaa] OU'u.'lg, lOOsoei I particulars ap]^tl IRVING, Mavkdale. 16 1^. Lot lis, eoB. me a. eoiitaiuing I .•Il.ii.'iI and under ik b.irn, aud log] iiisps, also a thriv- iimeuciug to bear, [rum the thriving i Trvms and parti- r t \ZAai), 'k'shiTton Station. E. To sell or rent rasiii, S miles from. 'kl_\ n, containiag 1 and ill good state iqicr aud mow.ir, -h with suliicieDt vatiTt'd with uever fw'ni barn. Hag Inijii and stable. mill on nc.^t farm :iwn ForJurther •.â- iius( -i to ;l wniGHT. 11. cklyn P.O. i.i^. li' Sialliun "Scot- poite'l .-tock, and plierdsuu. will be -â- :ni.U IG.i hand^ â-  '..'.I'k ID color and a â- J v.isnniii to get a uilu;," of this ofier, unit. Also a few luda ti'ic Berkshire L.I the Lindersigufjd, â- ;;tiehpson. Blautvie P.O. ese War. t!ie desolating C'hiuii i^ will not Leas ut the I lei trior to the open* illicieut quantity i lor ii period of r departments of the ]!ELFAST i:i) ];y thou. ;iuc to transact iil; (rf small deal- f iMterobt on long (.1 TS. SALMON, IINE8.HAM8, ED PIGKEL8 tlie grocery trade 3RS id quality. Wine â- pose^ warranted ct from the man' rkmds of liquors, robaceoes cannot •tion. Oranges, y ricur supplied " MARKDALE 18-i4. .niiaiieni cure vt oat. Asthma, Cro*^ ItrunchlUm aud PropriMors Tort"" STANDARD TIME. A fine assortment of 'u^aiches Clocks, Rings, Chains, Setts, Buttons, Specks, Charms, c. Also an extra line of Electro- plated goods for table use. Watch and clock repairing personally, attended to and ffuaranteed. Honest charges. V.A.BHOWN, The Jeweller, M A I^ Ii D ^^ L E Notices in the^e col lunna intended to benefit any individual or Societi/ will be charged ten cent! a line for the fir!t insertion and five \etnii a line each siibiequent insertion. GuAScoTT correspondence came too late for this week. REMEMBER the social to morrow I eyeninp: (Friday) in the Methodist 1 Cburch. Fifty cords four-foot wood wanted I fit the Markdale Planing Factory, Oreo. ' Grant Co. Mas. Eliza Beovvn had a cow and two calveri drowned while watering I at a pond on her farm recently. An x-ln-t time is expected at the ivjuug peoples' social, Friday evening, I at the ^lethodist church. FsESH f^roceries and provisions at N. Mclutyre's, also Choice Liquors, ^jee adv. iu anotlicr column. According to the Bureau of Indus- tries,Grey had the hirgest wheat pro- hlucti-oii iait vcar of any county iu the Province. Taylor k, Morrison's soap factory I in Toronto, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday night. Loss $50,000, in- sured fjr $30,000. FidLNt \ViLoo:x, of Bilker City, will I please accept thanks for $1. for Stan- dard for '8-i. ,also Mrs. A. Milton, [Long Rapidb^ Micli. Ma. Jaiies Allejs, lately elected Peeve of Amabel, was presented with a handsome eha,ir on his return" from the Coumj Council. Why is a newspaixjr like a tooth lii)ruKh? Do Tou giv^ it up? Because Uiyery one should have one of his own, l-Mid not Iw borrowing his neighbor'p. What you need madam said a dis- Uinguiiihed physician to a lady in deli- cate heidth, is a cup of McFarland's (pure Japaji tea three limes daily. Prof. Campbell, Phrenologist, will please accept the thanks of Mr. Norris, Lead tcfieher, for a number of compli- meutary tickets to his lecture, for the 1 1)661 boys ill the school. The party who found a horse Pbofessor Campbkll^ the celebrated Phrenologiat, (20 years practice) has taken rooms for professional examina- tions in practical Phrenology at the Markdale House, where he will stay for a few days only. Terms moderate. Lectures at Orange Hall this week. hee posters. Fob fikst class axe handles go to Finnerty's shop, Elizabeth Bt., opposit the bank, Markdale. You can bring your own timber and have them made to order, or you can get them ready made at the shop. Sign of th Big Axe Handle, 179-85 TwENTy-oNE load of cord wood wer« driven through the village in a string, Wednesc'ay, when one fellow, deter- mined to reach the station first and in a bold attempt to driye past his companions, dumped his load in the Ditch, BO the first was last and the last first. Mb. Ctbieb, of the Thornbury Veii- ture, lost a fine horse while attending the meeting of publishers in this vil- lage last Friday. The animal took inflammation and died in a few hours. OuB copy of "Mother Home and Heaven," purchased from Mr. D^ K. McPheison, is to hand and is all that is said of it, in the numerous testi- monials produced in the Standard last week from the best autiioritiee. We doubt if there is a book in the Fjnglish language better adapted to elevate and letine the character of the reader than this. A STABANGER was in Markdale this blanket Ebenezer church, town line ArteniGsia and Euphrasia on the I"tb February, will please return it to \V\m. Hutehinson and oblige. ^^E Kws just m.jai;;:red a bunch of fool pulled from .. bii^b belonging to Mr. W. J. HheiiherJson, .sh^ep breed- er of Euphrasia, which measures 18^ l-iuchcs, It pays to raise good cheep \mA Mr. S. knows it. y* S. SiiF,PAERDSo:-, ;; jcticneer, has Ian ertousive sale of high grade cattle f'^r Mr. Donald McNaughton, loi 1, K'ou. 8, Euphrasia. The proprietar h-i retiriiig and the sale will be a gen- 'ii!^c one, to take place on the 3rd |of March. liUCKLEN'S AEXICA SALVE. Ihe li!'-;t Salvo in the world f or cuts.bruises â- 'T'j?, lilcfera, salt rheiui!. fever sores, tetter, 'j'appt'd hinds, chilblains, corns, and all .^liiu erui.ition and positively cures piles or '0 pay rtiiuired. It is guaranteed to give !^«ii'-ct satisfaction, or money refunded. 'lice 20 cents per box. For Sale by A. -Lurij.T Co. The Carnival number of the Star I l!i3 sold hke hot cakes, over 150.000 (topics have already been disposed of, every person should have one, Mr. 1 Brown, news agent, has ordered a large number which will be to hand I next week, be sure you get one, only 10 cents eiicb. It is magnificently UHustrated. â-  week selhng a book of ninety pages, "Kendall's Spavin Cure," for prices varying from 30 to 50 cents. We have a stock of the same at the Stan- DAED office which we will sell at 15 cents ea?li, or give one with llie Stan- dard a year, for $1, cash. A Profitable Investment. â€" A sub- scriber informed us that he saved 83 in the following manner, by reading our paper; A cheap trip to Toronto was advertised in the Standard last summer which he would not otherwise have known. Having business iu the city he took advantage of the cheap f.ire and thus SAved enough to pay for the paper three years. Dr. Campbell, Professor of Phrenol- ogy 13 delivering a series of lectures in the Orange Hall and is drawing crowd-!. He is master of his subject, which 13 a most interesting one, and is a pleasent and fluent speaker and commands deep attention and high j (Jmjks respect. Those who miss these lect- ures will not likely have the opportuniy of such a rare treat for many a day. We mailed last Saterday a parcel of printed matter t« Williamsford Station. It was delivered with other mail matter ou the noon train going north and did not reach Williamsford Station Post Office until the following Tuesday. What we would like to know, is where the parcel was all this time. Owing to heavy rains the Ohio river has risen and overflowed the Ohio vabey causing great destruction of property and m many instances loss of Winris $l..paid for a jaewspaper subscription often considered a greater inyestment than the Bameamoant for anything else Becanse oa are re minded of it every time yon take up the paper to learn the news of the district and the world throughout the year, while the dollar spent for drinks or such like is gone and you have nothing for it, to remind you of the cost. Ths Holland Centre lodge of the Canadian Order of Oddellows will give an intertainment in the town hall at that plape on Wednesday ere- ning Feb. 20th, Tea ^ill be served from 6 to 7 o'clock. The Grand Master and Deputy Master wUl ad- dress the audience, also Rev. J. Hart, and others. The committee are determined to make it a success. Tickets 25 cents. Thk youdg people of the Methodist church of Markdale will give a Social in the church t)n Friday evening the 15tb. Our young friends are making vigorous efforts to make the entertain meni a success and we have no doubt they will succeed. The program will consist of Music, Beadings, Kesit- "Btions, Addresses c. doors open at 7, refreshments at 7.30, Admission 15 cents. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all. L. 0. Co. L. South Gbey.â€" The annual meeting ot L. 0. County Lodge of South Grey was held in the Orange Hall, in the town of Durham, on Tuesday Febuary 5th, when the fol- lowing were elected officers for the current year, vis â€" "W. C. M, Bro. .J. Edge D, C. M, Bro. R. Aljoe C. Chaplain G. Rutherford Secretary, W. Brigham Treasurer, W. A. Anderson D. of Cer. J. McArdle Lecturer, C. Brodie P, C, M, Bro. L Brodie. The social under the auspices of the ladies Association of the Presby- terian church hell at Mr. Tbrs, Murray's, came off very successfully. The roads were good the weather fine, consequently the house was crowded, quite a large number drove out from Markdale. A plesent and enjoyable time was spent. During the evening a large three story fruit cakewas present- ed aud Miss Logan, of Markdale, and Miss Donnelly, of Gleuelg, nominated as candidates, a spirited contest fol- lowed resultuig in a victory for the latter. Proceeds of social $31. Wanted a Kandkebchief. â€" Ou Saturday night last at the auction sale on Poulett-street, an urchin named Thistle, who saw everything going so cheap, thought he would take a silk handkerchief without gomg through the form of bidding on it, Mr. Trimble, however, objected, and the youth with the aesthetic taste will occupy an apartment; for a week at the mansion on Buy-street proyided by Htr Majesty for such high-toned -^â- fostract StSLteaaden-t -i-i-OP THE- TREASURER'S RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURES FOR THE FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31ST DECEMBER, 1883. EECEIPTS, To Bakmoe £rom 1882 9 150 77 " AssesBiucnts 9097 23 '• liioenca Ftmd 179 17 " Clergy Beserve Ftmd 43 10 " Land Improrement Fond 352 73 " Interest 3 00 ' Non-resident from Oo, treasurer 430 75 '• MisoeQaneooa 4 76 Total .â-  $10261 50 EXPENDITURES. By County rate $2425 87' ' Roads and bridges 1450 06 " Salaries ;.\7 70 " Schoo] moneys 4501 21 '• Sinking Fond 1000 00 " Election expenses 69 50 " Taxes refunded 14 30 " Charities 34 84 " Printing, post and stationery 95 64 " Law fets 1 53 " Miscellaneous 53 90 " Stance on hand 17 03 Total S10261 no We, the undersigned auditors, certify that we have examined the Treasurer's* books for 1883, of the municipality of Glenelg, and found them correct, and- in accordance with vouchers produced. Balance on hand 31st December, 1883, as above. And we would also recognize the very efficient manper in which the Treas-- urer keeps the books and accounts of the township, and the great re8[)onsibLl-- ity resting upon him in the discharge of his duties. GEO. BINNIE, JOHN McDOiNALD, )â-  ^â„¢""'*^- Pbizes were awarded the children of Ebenezer Sabbath School on the 10th inst. Special prizes were offered by some of the friendu at the-commence- ment of the year, which were won as follows: ForpnuctuaUty, Jas. Nelson; general proficiency, 1st, Delena Stin- son; 2ud Nettie Richardson; 3rd Jas. Stinson, On reviews, lat, Delena Stinson; 2nd, Nettie Richardson; 3rd James Stinson, School prizes, inter- mediate class, (girls,) Ist, Delena Stin- son; 2ud Mary, Gould; 3rd, Nettie Richardson, (Boys,) 1st, James Stin- son; 2nd, Geo. Sewell; 3rd, Alphinus Milligan, Juvenile class, (girls,) 1st, Elsie Richardson; 2nd, Mary Freeman, 3rd Mable Gould, (Boys,) Ist, Rich- ard Douglas; 2nd, Robt. Sewell; 3rd W. Shears, Infant class, Maa:gie Heath, Average attendance, thirty- one.â€" Com. L. 0, County Lodge. â€" The annual meeting of this Lodge was held in the Council Chamber, Owen Sound, on Tuesday last â€" upwards of sixty members beinj; present. The follow lag officers were elected for the ensuing year :â€" Robt. Hoath, C. M. Thoe. Henry, D. C. M. Rev, J. S. Corcoran, Chaplain Ja" H. Delf-ree, Sec; Robt, Malconi, Treas. ThoB. Gilray, D, of C. John Elliott, Lectur- er A L. Henry and Ge(rge Fleming. Assistant Lecturf rs. The semi-aunii: 1 meeting will be held at Chalsworth. I). iiniex. We ABE glad to note that our es- HAMILTON'S Photograph oallerY OVER THE S2'.J.\D.4Z;Z) OFFICE. Fine work executed in all the latest sizes and shapes, fully equal to city work. Siecial attention given to A larj^e stocii of mouLliug to choose from. Call and leave your measure for a picture. •Ja.s. Hamiiton. WINES AND LiyOORS CHOICE BRANDS. 1 â- â-  Brandy in Hogsheads, Scotch and Irish Whiskey in Qr, Casks, Holland Gin in Qr. Casks, T^macia Rum in Or. Casks. Fine Old Port and Sherry in Qr, Casks. Native Wine in Qr. C^sks, Five-year-old Rye Whiskey in Barrels, White Wheat Whiskey Barrel. Rye and Malt Whiskev Barrels, Domestic Whiskey in Br.rrels, Liquors in Cases. Bottled Ale and Porter Hi PARKER, Drugg:ist, DURHAM. liii im 2 00 lift), thousands are left without home teemed friend, Mr. Robt. Freeborn, of or shelter, a great portion of somejipt 41^ 1st West, T. S, Road, Hol- villages are swept away, and desola- tion and want is the portion of multi- multitudes. The Arkansas river is also rismg. The Sons. â€" The Ebenezer church lodge of the Sons of Temprance held an open lodge on Tuesday evening the *th inst., when they had a crowded house. The entertainment consisted of readings, recifcatioiis, masic Ac. which was rendered in a very credit- able mwuier. This lodge nambera 85 memb«rt. aad.five more sppUcations received. land, has purchased from Mr. G. S. Brown, of Meaford, two ttioroughbred cows in-calf to the St. Vincent Stock Company's bu!l. He has also tvfo bull calyes with registered ]iedigrec, piirchased from the same party, one of which ha wishes to dispose of, Mr. Brown has purchased from P..FreebOru his stallion, "Young Marquis of Lome, ' which Mr, Jas. Sproule so successfally travelled the season before last. Mr. Brown's health necessitates a trip to Florida and b.e will dispose s4 the above stallion. a » SUBSCRIBERS Want it for 1884. The Americav AomcrL- TURiST to-day is better than ever before. We liave increased our ccrpn of Editov.' and .\r- tists. enlarged and added to our Departments until the Periodical is nov the recoguizyd leading Agricultural Journal of the world, presenting in every issue 100 Columns of Orifjinal lleadin;,' Afitter fiom the nblest writers, iind nearly lOU Orip;inal Illustrations It is to the interest of every one whOoC fub- sciiption has exphed or who channmj; his |)lace of residence, or moving West, has for the time being dropped out of our Great Army of Subscribers to COMB BACK and accept of our nnpaiallelei offer of the mmtm asriooltuhist For 1881 A S4 Periodical. A 600-PAGE DICTIONARY, ICOO ILLUSTRATIONS. "FOES OR FRIENDS?" Mouuis' 11x18 SuPEED Plate Enobavinos IN THE MEA^OOW" Dupre's 12x17 Superb Plate Engraving. â€"ORâ€" 12 PIECES OF SHEET MUSIC, In Place of tbe Dictionary, .Si^T^lLu for $l-7^0 POST-PAID. Active Canvassers Wanted. f=tnd two 2-cent stamps for a Sample Copy, and see what a Wonderful Paper it is now. Address Orange Jadd Co. 751 BSOADWAT, NSW TOBX. DavM W. Jl*44« rvMsavn. JOHN MONTOOI^IRY Begs to tender his thanks to the iithabi- tauts of Markdale and surroundint! (^oiintry for thijir patronage for tlic past elev«n year.s^ aud to iatiiuate to them that he is now pro- pared to â-  upply the public with FRUiT, POUKD PS.UM3 CAKES either clain or iced and ornnmci^tt d aud a. larjje v^ariety of other CAKiiiS iilv.ays oil jiaiid. Also Biscuits of everv de- scription from the beet manu- facturer in Ontario. A Large and Varied As- sortment of ConfectBOh* ery and CHRISTMAS TOYS„ supplied oit the shortest i)(':co ai d got up in the l)"st st^lo (li;.t cun b^.' this cidj of Toionto u es. Oranges a variety of ^uts al- ways on harsd- Tea inee'iiig-i. S ei'-iis and ot'ier parties .siippliPii on tue iiorfj' t i.oiice and o.-i the mot.l re.tsiniitule terms. 169 no. Burdock Blood WILL CURE OR REUEVE UU0U8NE88, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, IMDIQESTIOM, JAUMDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT MHEUM. UEASTBUBM, MAOACHE, DROPSY, FLUTTEma OF-TUEHEART, ACIDITY 9f THE smmta ik DRVKESa OF me^im "L-?u'vo i; IQONEV STOMMX^v ' 1^; i-iO -^r 'm 'â-  w '-^ m v^ ' •â- |'ili'liiiil"ii'1iii"'"i

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