Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 31 Jan 1884, p. 5

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 :-fTi!'fm" â- L-M '^L--^--. .r,*« i-V^rt i- ' idebted to jv J and settU ^j^ tlie late 6^ ' accountg, ' t. 3 to this diafell 'â- Euphra^l time of aerti-.! es indebtea to â- equested to j^, rkdale. Hft'Sj authorized t«| id to give te« 5PE0ULE, 3t J arp indebtedtol notified to settlj Kite, Ht oncEj ' collections On OIIN McKESsJ lli"-g House, e, or other bn I stabl" on tl»l ;.;ood --'usinessJ Flcsherton, orSj D. The undft ae Baswood, iti saw logs petl t Davk'Mill/ liK'.wst price biinging custeml .J. shares or bj] juarauteea at) a tirst class saii AliD DAVIS, Pi'oprie AL,E. Lot I17,(j ,5iemesia, contj are clearsd ands t 15, con. 12.] 11 necessary buiJdt US â-  uelg, 100.J and particularfrjJ (i. IRVING, Mart 16 Lot 118, Lrteme: la, contj hU cle;ired and m| bank barn, and i irtinises, also a 1 cummencif'g to ' 3s from the thiiin â- 'or Terms and ice or to HAZARD, I'l sherton St« ICE. reniovp my bnsi Til s ir.dtb+ed tonitj 111 1st settle thei ;i: of accjnnt csi ,le 't tht Bank, IIKNT.YF0ST£1 L-,sn. tf )lo TaiM land's stoeb. L'CiL'ARANTEI RAILWAl TABLE. 1 Time. .day. June ISth, 1* o's\"3 GOIM 1 A.M. 1 ri :. .. 10 45 9l rL.J. J CSC. VII.LK For.Esr.. AVKR .... l.l v ... 'Al.K :5i'l'N'r 9 05 8-27 G 30 5 00 6 43 6 27 5 1 A.M also lua betvreen See Time Table. EuMUN^ Wbagok. General Ma*' .TREET lARRDAl 1- ih.e permanent cure I- Tliroat, A.stfcP'^j' ijtb, BroBcfclUS. ii;; Dis*-:!***. ^^| irametd tj give satiS^Z^ (i. CO., Proprietors ' STANDARD TIME. â€" â€" A fine assortment of watches Clocks, Kings, Chains, Setts, Buttons, Specks, Charms, c. Also an extra tin" of Electro- plated goods for table use. Watch and clock repairing personally, attended to and guaranteed. Honest charges. W.A.BROWN, The Jeweller, Local a ndOtherlteMS. Notices ia thene columns intended to benejit iny indiiid'tal or Society will be charged ten cents a line for the first insertion and Jive centt a line each subiequent insertion. T. McNea has a new 6ip;n up.. John Richards ia recovering from lii.s late illness. Nearly everyone bas a bad cold eyen the January thaw. Plewes Bros, ara working up a good bu.siness m gristing c. Give them a trial. Glenelg council meets next Mon day, also Artemesia. Holland on Ih; 21st Feb. The Provincial Grange of Ontario %vill meet in Toronto on the 19th Febuary next. Mike Sullivan is fitting up the bnck block he recently purchased in this viilage for a hotel. A GENUINE general January thaw commenced Wednesday morning and lasted tweuty-fonr hours. Grey Division Grange No. 2 will meet at Piocklyn Thursday the 7th of Pebruory, 1884, at 10 o'clock, a. m. The recent snow blockade between Meaford and CoUingwood has been of longer duration than any since the buildnig of the railway. Blank notes kept on hand for sale nt the Standard otiice drawn both (to order) and (to bearer) bound in books of 25, ;jO, or 100. aLso unbound. "We acknowledge with 1 hanks re- ceipt of subscription for 8-1 from R. II. Whitby, Orangevillo. and John McNic'oll Harrison, Mich. John McKenna has opened business in the shop opposite Haskett Bro's. on EU!^ab3th street where he will be jjlcased to have all liia old customers iiud many new ones. All pai*fies indebted to the uudar signed by note or book account are hereby notified to pay the same to Lucas ct Co^s. Bank without further notice and save costs. W. F. Doll. Second hand clocks in good order for sale at Brown's jewellery, Mark- dale, from §1 to §2 50. When bring- iug clocks for repairs, leave weights, ball and key at home, as it will save trouble. The Markdale Gymnasium Club gave an entertainment in Dundalk on Tuesday evening. The boys speak yery highly of the treatment they received, especially from the Brass Baud. 500 HORSES wanted at McKenna's, blacksmith shop, opposite Hasket's on Elizabeth St., Markdale, where he will attend to horse shoeing, and all other work in his line. W. F. Doll, has Hold his Chats- worih business to Mr. Freeman of that place, Mr. D. will have in a few day's for the Southern States where he will spend a couple of mouths. Bowler Bros completed ther sea- sons thrashing on Monday at J. M. Davis barn Euphrasia. They did a long seasons work and gave good satisfaction, they are but young yet and carried off the ban in this neigh- borhood. Soci.vL. â€" A social under the auspices of the ladies of the Presbyterian Church will be held at the residence of Mr. Thos. Murray, lOth cou. Glen- elg on Thursday evening the 7*h Feb- rnary,come one, come all and enjoy a sociable eveningt Admission 15 Icents. Last week's cold snap was the [most severe for many years. Mr. iJames Struthers thermometer (11th [line Euphrasia) registered. 43 below ^ero at six o'clock on Friday morning l*6t, and Mr, H. D. Irwia, reporte J8 at his farm in Artemesia tixQ same lorning. Fo» Sale. â€" A pair of .Colts cukig two and three years respeetivelv, apply to Andrew Irving one mile East of Markdale T. S. Boad. 176-78. BUCKLEN'S AENICA SALVE. The beot Salva in the worid for cats,bmiBea sores, ulcers, salt rheom, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, ehilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay rvqnired. It ia guaranteed to ^ve perfect satisfaction; or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by A^ Turner Co. A Seckkt. â€" The secret of beauty lies in pure blood and good health. Rejayinater Bitters is the grand key that unlocks all tho secretions. It cures all Scrofulous Diseases, acts on the blood, Liver Kidneys, Skm* and Bowels, and brings the bloom ot health to the palid cheek. Sold only by Smith, the barber. John McNicoll, son of Mr. Jas. McNicoll of Artemesia is home from Harrison, Mich., for a few weeks. Now the question ia asked did he come home to get a wife whether or cot we are not in a position to say. He has however taken one in the vierson of Miss MaryJAnu Thibaudeau Next. Remember the extensive auction sale of town lots on Saturday, 2iid in Markdale. This is a rare chance to procure a choice plot for a resi- dence, the locationis a most desirable one, the terms easy and another such chance may not be available until prices have greatly advanced. Me, \Vm. Mason had just received a large and extra good stock of wood material for carriages and wagons for the coming season when the late fire consumed his shop and threw hira out of business. He has since sold his stock to onr enterprising townsmen Mr. D. J. Shanahan and has also ac- cepted a situation with Mr. S. Another Auctioneer. â€" Mr. Joseph Manarey of Euphrasia has taken out license for the County of Grey and has wielded the hammer with success at several sales, and has a number more on hand. Those who require the servicer oi such will be promptly attended to by writing him at Hark- away P. 0. or by leaving their order at this office. We direct the attei:tion of our readers to the card of Dr. Carter in this paper. Having returned to Markdale where he will follow his profession, will doubtless receive a large practice. His business will be entirely seperate and independant from that of Dr. Sproule, as many have the idea he is in partnership with the latter, this notice is neces- sary. Received on Jan. 28th, a fine line of castors, pickle cruets, spoons, forks, knives c.. from the Meridan Co., who have appointed me agent here for thfcir goods. Can sell fine lines rf uickle goods, tea desert and table spoons far below general prices lor these goods elsewhare. Call and fee goods and get prices. W. A. Brown, jeweller, Markdale. Mr. W. B. Crypleb, traveller for '•Picturesque Canada" has recently delivered Nos. 25 and 26, and states that there will be an end to the woik, there being yet tine trips to make. Last two are fully up to former parts, and when complete will make a most interesting and valuable volume. Mr. J. Howard Hunter, M. A. is the writ- er of Nos. 25 and 26. That Snow Plow. â€" We are inform el that Mr. 0. JuU is tiat inventer of the new snow plow, and the Cup- tain Leslie has joined him in getting up a company to manufacture them, The patent has already been secured, both in Canada and the States. Experienced railway men in Toronto, who examined the model, pronounce a favorable* verdict, and there is every probability of its proving a success. â€" Orangerille Advertiter. The acquittal of Conductor Barber will be approved of by all just men. To have made him the scapegoat of a corporation which keeps down expen- ses by overworking its imployees and stinting them lu pay would have been a great injustice. It is upon the com- pany that the ereatest blow should fall, for when greedy monopoly causes the death of a man it should be com- pelled to support and educate his fam- iiy- Election of Officbbs. â€" The ladies of the Markdale Methodist church met in the Parsouage.on the 29th inst. when the following officers were elect- ed for 1884 President, Mrs. Mark Armstrong 'Vioe-Preddent, Mrs. Casson Treasurer, Mrs. Cornwall Secretary, Mrs. T. Hill. Directors, Mrs. Bowes, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. McKen- na and Mrs. McNea. It was decided to hold the annntd Bazaar and con- cert on the 24tl) May. A. social wi!l be given soon^of w.hich dtj^tjuptice will be given. "" ' ' " P AUCTION SALE ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FEB. 8 AND 9 The Undersigned will sell by Public Auction at A Large Consignment of GENERAL :-: GOOES The Goods will be sold WITHOUT RESERVE as we are giving up business.' li\ ts Ciisiis al 12 O'elock hs\ WILLIAM STEWART, Auctioneer. TRIMBLE $c WRIGHT EOBT. ASKIN, Has opened out a First-Class UNDERTKIN6 'establishment, And therefore has supplied a want long felt COFFINS, C4SKETS, SHKOUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNI$HIN6S supplied on the shortes notice. for hire at moderate rates. -All kinds cf â€" PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. WINES AND LIQUORS CHOICE BRANDS. Brandy in Hogsheads. Scotch and Irish Whiskey in Qr. Casks. Holland Gin in Qr. Casks, Jamacia Rum in Qr. Casks^. Fine Old Port and Sherry in- Qr. Cask.*^. Native Wine in Qr. Casks. Five-year-old Rye Whiskey in Barrels. White Wheat Whiskey in Barrel. Rye and Malt Whiskey in Barrels. Domestic Whiskey in Br.rrels. Liquors in Cases. Bottled Ale and Porter, H. PARKER, DrugfSfist, DURHAM. JOHN MONTGOMERY Begs tci ttniier his tliauks to the inhabi- tants of Maikilalc and .--urroundinK fouiitry for tlieir pationnge lor the past eleven years and to iutiinate to thcni that he is now prt-, pared to supjily the public with FRUIT, POUND PLUMB CAKES either plain or iced and oinauieDtcd and a larije variety of other CAKES always on hand Also Biscuits of every de- scription from the best manu- 1 facturer in Ontario. I A Large and Varied As- jsortment of Confection? ery and CHRIStMAS toys;. supplied on t'le shortest notice ar d" got up ill the Ix^st style tl^t can bj th's eidi of Toronto. Apples, Oranges die- a variety of Nuts al-^ ways on hand. Tea niee-iug-!. S icials and other parties siip[died ow the s-hortc^t nolicc â-  and (HI the lUo^.t leasomible term.-*. 169 90. Burdock Blood WIUL CURE. OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS,' DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY. INDIGESTION, FLUTTERIN9 JAUNDICE. OFTHE Haiir^, ERYSIPEU8, ACIDITY OF SALT meUM, THE STOMACH HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SIRN,^ And •varv-spaclM of dfMBM arUiM| •«!)»•. B0WEU8 0R BUX0, •i .^ ^A^JtS-*'

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