Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 31 Jan 1884, p. 1

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 L. 4.--N0. 18 MARKDALE, ONT., JAN. 31, 1884. ^o. 177 rk whicbw* mm Markdale Standard |(' evr-Y Tliurpil;!}. u\ ilve I'llice, jlill Stit-et. Mii-vU.i:' i â€" ?1 p. r y(.\iV 111 ii."..".noo; ?1.25 if withiu three niiriitiis. 5,~iMnal un.l bu-ii;.-.-- -.-a-Js one iflcli id ati^Jer, per yi ii S-J- 1 VIC. I' ro. 3 MO, lumn i-'i "I' -^^T â- ',() ^l.j 00 |] iinii L'7 ii'i 1.-; DC 10 00 -oliimn ....]- 0^ JO 00 6 06 |iiic.' 7 I'll 4 VjO icli s|!,ipr ... Ill Oi) " no U-fi-ti-('miiit~ -^ cents p-rlin first 11, :•! cent- ]..;â-  lll'u t;:ieli sul'.-equent iiiini'iui .1 tiie isi:ic, Oiiiil iiiitici-s, or r;"t;ces in local cai- eâ- lU^5 )H'r liii" li"t -insertion ;j ceutft ,i)-eijaeiit-i in ~t/"' ii'it. iiniiiirtls d'-,. o h' rti-e,( ' ocks ifor !tdveitisiiii»^!3t iiot t I fxceeil tweJve i:ir,.r (l!~fru v.ii.'l niitil all arrears exce]'t at Liie iipti'in oi tire jiubli slier. -JOB PRINTIAIC. |SlANrARr- (iljice !:f.- f. Sl'leiidii5. cquip- bf jii-^t.' â- â-  a-; well «s f.-ie^inh type, hpe- Iteiition to lUileis ir i« lii. Ordurs ^itli rli.-pii'cli. V. 1 1 1 1' 1 2 :: i o li iJTOR .\Ni"i I'liOPMKTOK. ^1,1. DR.Gi:n AND DRILI.Ell. AIL U'ller.s pioiuf-lly jittendcd to. liesi- Snidur'.-i Hi.U ';)\von Sound 122-oj leut, M.D., M-K.C P. cc S., O- lysieian and .Sci;j'on, rnceville, ite ol riiivur=.it\-.. Met. College. -N'i:\v York, and IradaRtc, of tb sn.me, ,, .Avk'tli Medif^al lustitn.te, 0]itliaIifMc Hospital. N'.V. ErColl. Phvsieiaiisd; .Surgeor .s,0. J^4 MARSHALL, L.D.S. oe.\ti«;t, lOrATE OF TO.iyjXTO SCHOOL ii eutistry, wiV be at Kntledpc"'s IMnrkdale, on the l-^i and third Wed- of each month aiid al^nat ^Tunshaw's Fleshertoii, the day following,' tke rediu'sday in eath aK'utL for the praic lliis r"fcssioik iry iith, 1's:H. 122-7't, itQdL Fr«st Frost, BRISTF-KS, AND ATTOIiXEYS-AT jaw, Solu'itors -in Cliancerv, Convey il'-.. Cwen Sound., feave resumed at itoi!, Olfiex' open evei~»- Thursday, sus (ore. Fbost, J. W. FROsr, LL. B, )uiitv Cru\v-i Attorney. 1 J. .nASJ^O^, IRISTFi;. .MASTFIl AXnDEP. REG ChanciTT, Votary Public, Coiiveyac .\ MMIlEr. r- V V.MIM-^ i\Il P.^LE. fi. ;;.s â€" Owe.- Sounil, ill A'icker's Block tt St.: Branrli olKce in Markdale, over rland" Stire. on Friday and Saturday iveek. 7-!y RRl'" -i..-^,SOLIClT(r-iJ^. CONVEY- aees, li-c. Xc, pcEs in eu Sound,. Gufferin Block, F. V/lf" Stove ami in MARKDALE: I. J, M Far'.aiid's Sttie on Tliursdav fiday of eaeh week, "uuds to lendon reasoTiable terms. }ui:.\.sor. tl.G. UrNc.^N MoBiiOi,- kJule., Mtreh 15, 1882. 79-ly Al'xaiitlei' Brown. JER of M(irriai_'e Licenses, Fire and Iasur«nce Apent. C'ommissionei ii. A'c. Conveyancer snd Licensed leer for the County of Grey. Farmers, mts, and Laud Sales, Punctually at- 1 to and charges tnade vexv moderate. J, Sept. 17, 1880. ' 1-y \*'jm. BroTiTi, JER OF M.^RRLAGE LICENSES, c Dmmissioner in B. li. e. ^eyancing in all its branches promptlj ^d to and carefully executed. I. â€" Money to Leiii-oa Real Estate se ' G. RICHARDS, .DER. CONTRACTOR, AECHI- iCT. â€" Residenc-e on JdiU Street, Mark- tdale. Jan. 21th, 1883. 1241y Single Blessedness a Fib. New^ York Journal. Teli me not in single jingle. AJunia/e i.s aii empty dream. For the suul is dead that's single â€" Things are seldom what they seem. Life is real, lif is earnest, •'Single blessedness a lib: Man thou art, to man returuest; Was not '^â-º'oken of the rib. Mnch enjoyment and sme sorrow Is our destinftd end and w-ay. So to live that each to-morrow Finds us uenrer wedding day. Connty Council. From tlie Times. The 'niincil of the Co'iuty of Grey met at the Court House 2 p. m., ou Tuesday last. Manj- of the members beiucdelayed by Monday's biiowstorm, the Council did not muster a (juorun, and the Clerk adjourned the Council till eveuiug. TUESDAY EVENING. Council met at 7 p. m. The following gentlemen filed their ceititicates asliavn)g been duly elected Beeves and Deputy Reeves for their reepcctive municipalities â€" Artemesia â€" W. S. Christoe, Reeve; S. Pedlar, Deputy Keeve. BtiiHiick â€" D. McNicol, Reeye J. ]\Iessonger, 1st Dp]i. Keeve; J. Mc- Calluiu, 2nd Dep. Keeve. Culiinciivood â€" T. McKenny, Keeve A. (Jarapbell, 1st Dep. Reeve W. Hewgill, 2nd Dep. Keeve. Derhij â€" J. Robertson, Reeve; W. Breen, Dep. Keeve. Durham â€" Gr. McKechnie, Reeve. Kilicmoyit â€" W. -Caulfield, Keeve J. Paui, Dep. Reeve. Kuphmsia â€" T. Gilray, Reeve "W. Fawcett, Dep. Reeve. aieiehâ€"F. Kae, Reeve J. A. Mc- Millan, Dep. Reeve. HoUaiidâ€"J. Camerou, Reeve W. Norton, Dep. Reeve. A;)jB€/â€"W. Tofcteu, Reeve J. Cle- rk, Dep. Reeve. Mea/urdâ€" A. Tompsou, Reeve. Xormanhi/ â€" V. Lang, Reeve; A. 0. Farrell, 1st Dep. Reeve E Widmen- yer, 2nd Deputy Reeve, Mc- RKDALE HOUSE, mKDALE, ONT. RUTLED6E, PROPRIETOR. Osprty â€" T. Gamey, Reeve A Intyre, Dep, Reeve. uwen Soundâ€" J. Chisholm, Reeve J. W. Frost, Dep. Reeve. J-'ruton â€"J. J. Middleton, Reeve S. Rogers, Dep. Reeye. iarawak â€" R, McNaught, Reeve. Sullican â€" J. Dunmngton, Reeve J. Vasey, Dep. Reeve. 6'£. Mncmt â€" J. Bowes, Reeve N, Read, Dep. Reeve. ^idenhani â€" W. Lang, Reeve; H. Gordon, 1st Dep. Reeve ;C.H. Hem- ing, 2nd Deputy Reeve. The Council then proceeded to el- ect the Warden for the current year- Moved bv Mr. D. McMicol, peconded by Mr. J. J. Middleton, That John Cameron, Eeave of Hjlland, be "Ward- en for 1884. Moved by Mr. V. Lang, seconded bvMr. T.Gillray, That Jolm Ohisho- Im, Reeve of Owen Sound, be Warden for 1884. There being no other nominations, a ballot was taken with the following resultâ€" Cameron 26, Chisholm 14. The Clerk then declared Mr. John Cameron duly elected Warden for year 1884, who was introduced to the Council in his new position, by ^Ix. McNicol, Warden of 1683. Mr. Cameron thanked the Coiincil for the honor conferred on him, tho- ugh he felt "his inability to fill the position, and took the liouor as having been accorded to him because he was an old member of the Council. He would try to do what was just and right in conducting the affairs of the Council. Mr. Chisholm said he felt in duty bound to thank those who had support^ ed him on the present occasion, and congratulated the Council on harrng so able a gentleman as Mr. Cameron to preside over them. Minutes of last day of Dccembei session were read and signed. Permission having been given, the President of the East Grey Agricult- ural Society addressed the Council, asking for a grant of from $50 to $100, to enable them to bold a Seed Show, where farmers might be able to j[et good seed, and give tham a chance to exchange seed grain. He referred to the importance of such a show, as large quantities of grain in the County had been frozen which was unsaleable, and some farmers who have to sell what they had reserved lor seed. Dr. Christoe said if the South Grey and North Grey Agricultural Societies made a similar request in common with East Grey the matter^ would come Lefore the Finance Committee. The Warden read a communication from the County Judge, complaining of want of proper accommodation for the Jncige. The room "Judge's Cham- bers," had been used but it was not properly lighted, and totally unfit for his requirements. On motion, a special committee to strike the standing committees for the year, was then balloted for, resulting 111 the appointment of Messrs. Christoe, McNicol. Hewgill, McRea, and Chis- holm. The Council adjourned till 2 p. m. on Wednesday. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. The Warden read communications from li. Edgar and J, Albery, asking to be appointed Auditors. Several other communications, and a number of accounts, were read, and referred to the respective committees. Dr. Christoe read report of the spec- ial committee to strike the standing committees for the year 1884, as follows Finance and Assessment â€" Messrs. Christoe, McNicol, McKenny, Robert- son, Canlfield, Gilray, McRae, Norton. Totten, Victor Lang, Gamey, Middle- ton, Bowes, Gordon, Dunnington, McNaught, Thom])8on, McKechnie, and Chisholm â€" McKechnie, chairman. Uond and Bridqe â€" Messrs. Mclntyre O'Farrel. Pedlar, McMillen, Paul, i Clark, Fawcett, McCalium. Vasey, Rogers, and Messenger â€" Clark, chair- man. CoimU/ Property â€" Messrs. Christoe, Read, Miller, W. Lang, McNicol, Thompson, and Whitmenyer â€" Chris- toe, chairman. Education â€" Messrs. Gilray, Breen, Hewgill, Hemiug, Frost and Read â€" Hewgill, chairman. Pj-inting â€" Messrs. McRea, Miller, Campbell, McCalium, Clark and V, Lang â€" Victor Lang, chairman. (fn (Communications and ^Jiemoriah â€" Chisholm, Middleton, McRea, Mc- Kechnie, McKenny, and V. Lang â€" Middleton. chairman. On motion, the report was adopted. Moved by Mr. Middleton, seconded by Mr. McKeehine, That Thos. Gam- ey, and A. M. Stephens be appointed a Board of Audit â€" carried. Dr. Christoe read report from the School Inspector of South Grey. The Reeves of Glenelg. Usprey, Sarawak and Deputy Reeves ot St. Vincent and Keppel, were appointed a committee to inquire into the suffici- ency of the Treasurer's security, and report to the Council. By-law 321, to appointed County Arditors, was read a first and second time. A motion by Mr. Middleton, second- ed by Mr. Rogers, asking that a mem- orial be drafted and forwarded to the properties in the different municipal- ities at the time of inspection of the same, but subsequently at Owen Sound or else where â€" would this be a violation of the statute and an infrac- tion of the By-law appointing them and defining their duties 3rd â€" Should it be true that much of the inspection of the property in the County was made by only two of the porsons appointed as Valuators â€" would this be fatal to the defence of the report in the ayent of adverse action being taken dth â€" Should it be a fact that the report after its adoption was discovered to contain numerous and grave errors in additions calculation â€" would the Committee on Finance and Assessment be obliged to use the said adopted report as their guide, not withstanding the pres- ence of such errors This motion brought on consider- able discussion, the majority of the Council thinking it was out of place to again bring up the question of the legality of the appointment of the Valuators, after their work was com- pleted, and further, that it reflected on the Valuators and tlieir work. The motion was lost by 12 to 28. The Reeve of Durham introduced a By-law to appoint a High School Trustee, which was read b first and second time. Council adjourned till two o'clock on Thursday afternoon. WHATISLARDINE. Ask any farmer, thresher or saw mill man, or in facti any man who runs machinery of any kind and he will tell yon that it is the only machine Oil which will wear equal to Castor Oil. and won't gum or clog your machinery. For sale at Haskett Bro's, M irk- dale. 176-210 Oieuelg Council. g»tcU* Lieut-Governor in Council, praying for certain amendments respecting property qualification of Police Trus- es, and for changing times of holding nomination and elections for such, was lost. Council went into Committee of the Whole on By-law 321, to appoint County Auditors, which was fiUed up with the namss of R. Edgar, on the nomination of the Warden, and J. Albery, on the part of the Council â€" salary $50 each. Moyed by J. J. Middleton, seconded by Thomas Gamey, That the County SoUcitor ba requested to furnish this Council with his opinion in writing as its next session on tlie following question st â€" Were Eobt. Myles and James Murdoch, Esqs., (members of the County Council at the time of the passing etf the By-law No. 313,) eligible as Coiinty Valuators, and if not, would inch be fatal to the defence of the case, should an appeal be taken from their repeat as Valuators of thif Council 2nd-â€" The fact that the YaUja^rB did not affix values to the REVERE HOTEL, iraARl£.DAL.E. PROPKIETOK. THIS popular Hotel has changed hands and the above men cater to the wants of the public. Gocd vtabling and attentive hostlers. The best brands of liquor and' cigars, good meals and comfortable rooms, large ommercial room. Bather shop in con- nection. 130-ly. CHATSWORTH HOUSE (late morrow .house,) CHATSWOKTH, Ont. TUCK fe McLEOD Proprietors. The best brand of liquors and cigars al- ways in stock. Good meals and comfortable rooms guaranteed. Good stabling and at- tentive hostler. 114 COMMERCIAL HOTEL PEIGEVHjIjE. Ont. The newly elected council of the township of Glenelg met at the town hall on 21st instant, pursuant to stat- ute. Each member made and sub- scribed the neccFsary declarations of qualification and office. Geo. Binnie and John McDonald were appointed auditors. Election expenses paid as follows â€" Deputy returning officers each, $4 door keeer each $1.50; for each poll- ing place $4; Hugh McKay was paid $1 extra. Orders were issued on the treasurer as follows â€" A. Walker, work on the town line, Holland and Glenelg $10; the Treas- urer $2 advanced by him for work on bridge near Griffin's Corner?, and $3 for cost of bank draft remitting County rates J. S. Black, coal oil for town hall 20 cents. Mr. Jenkins, election blanks $1 Mr. Eutledge, printing, $5.75; N. Mclntyre, delivering ballot boxes $12; Rowswell and Hutchinson election blanks $4.75. Road Commissioners appointed â€" Ward No. 1, J. A. McMillan No. 2, A. McCuaig No. 3, P. Neil No. 4, N. Dunsmore. Lot 56, con. 2, E G E was oxempted from taxes for 188^ Arrears of taxes against lot 18, con. 2, S D R struck off the roll. The statute labor against the roll and five days extra to be charged against said lot for the present year. Messrs. McMillan, McCuaig and Neil were appointed a committee to examine the Treasurer's sureties. The clerk tendered his resignation which was accepted and the following resolution passed. Resolved â€" That the thanks of this Council are due and are hereby ten- dered to James Brown Esq.. for his valuable and faithful services to the municipality and in appreciation of said valoable services that he paid one hundred dollars over and above his usual salary, and this council does regret the step taken by Mr. Brown in resignLog liis position as clerk. John S. Black was appointed town- ghip clerk. Council adjourned to meet at the same place en 4th Feh. next. Large and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Kooms, d-c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kinds ot BRICK AHD STOHE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Calsomininq in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at alie Standard office will receive prompt attention. Markdale, Feb. 6th, 1883. 126-ly. GEORGE WILSON, Wholesale and Retail BUTCHERK BEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single pound to a whole carcass, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to call. Markdale, Oct. 25tti. 1881 Union Carriage Works Onion Carriage Worlds. All work manufactured from First Class Material In the Latest and Best Improved Style, and finished with Ensflish Varnisli- Palnflng Trimming Rigs wi receive prompt attention. All Repairs executed in the shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Bemember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAN, Proprietor Markdale. Dec. 2nd, 1881. 64. PIMPLES AND BLOTCHES. Call at HiU Bros, general atoi-e and get a package of McGregor Parke's Carbolie Cerate. It is composed of Yaeeline, Car- bolic Add and Cerate, and has never failed to remove Pimples, Blotches, Ulcerated Sor^^ Bough SMn. It cares when all othei a fail. Try it. William IHcIjeod, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, MARKDALE. A Orders promptly attended to. Sewed work a snec'altv Al' air -o ,v jj -.ra -ced. Terms strictly cash. BexaeiobeC the stand,, oppoeite Bevere Hotel. 150.3m liHi

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