c^» .5^-^-,_V â- -T.5;^jfjT5C5S5?fc*?^;:- rv^**5P'j*/ ' "^*"i|^P^l^ â- 7^S^5f^ " Viliole column Half colamii. Quarter coluniii Two inch spact: â€" JOB PRINTING, The Standard ol'ice iia^ a spiendid equip- ment of pote' as weil as fine job type. Spe- cial attention to orders by mail. Orders filled with dispatch. EDITOli AND I'liOPIilETOR. SAi^SL'KB. WAKDE1.L, WELL DlCiGiai AND DRILLEK. ALL orders proniJ'tly attended to. Eosi- dence â€" Suider's Hill, Owen Sound 122-35 B. Ghent, M.D., Tvl. t-t.GP. S., O. Physician and Sui-gcon. 'ricevillc, Graduate of University. Vict. College. ,, ,, N,\v York, and Hem. Graduate, oi the same, „ ,, Avi' :li Mcilical Institute. ,. ., 0|itlialniic rlospitai, N.Y. MemberColl. I'iiysiL-i;in-M.i; Sur-^eors.O. 10-1 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. /~^ IIADI'.M'i: (U' TOIJOXKT sc'}rooi, \jr of iM'iiM^tvy, ^vil^ !.,; at Tiutl.-: :-."s Hotel, M:\ ',.' il.-. on iLe 1-t imd f!ii -A V.'cl- nesday of ^:â- ^â- ':^ l;::'!i:ii 'in ' al â- ;!( M;r,;-,|,;i\v's Hotel. l-'Ii sUcnc.n, t!i. day .ollowinu: the third V.'edn.shiv 1:1 cil,' iL^oirih for un: prac tice'of hi pr;'iV.-'-ion. Jaauarv 'iiii, ' s-,;;. 12J-71 i £• ^c^iiL B .ARRIS FH lis, AND ATTORNKYS-AT Law, S(dicilnrs in Clu-.ncdv, Convc'y ancers, Ac, Owi;n Sour.d, have resumed at Flesherton, Ollice open ev vy Thursday, as heretofore. AtrKED FnosT, .7. ^V. Frost, LL.B. Coantv Crown Attorney. 1 J. allASSO.H, BAEEISTER, MASTER AND DEP. REG in Chancery, Notary Public, Convcyan_. ser, c. A NUIIBER OF FARMS FOR S.\iE. OTfices â€" Owen Sound, in Viewer's Block Penilett St.; Branch oihce in Markdalc, over MeFarland's Store, on F'riday andSatuiday every week. oT-ly Creasor Mnrrison, BAKKlP- -JAB, SOLICITORS, CONVEY- ances, c. etc. Offices in Owen Sound, Dufferin Block, over W. F. Wolf's Store and in MARKDALE •Over W. J, ?iIcFarland's Store on Thursday and Friday of each week. ts"Fund: to lend on reasonable terms, John Creasor, Q.Q, Duncan Morison Markdale, March 15, 1882. 79-ly Alexandci: Brown. ISSUER of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Commissionei •m B. R. c. Conveyancer and Licensed Auctioneer for the County-of Grey. Farmers, Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tended to and charges made very moderate. Priceville, Sept. 17, 1880. ' 1-y W^m. BiroTi'ii, JSSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. (fee â- Commissioner in B. R.ttc. Conveyancing in all its branches prompth •attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se curity. W. C. RICHARDS, rOR, AE( ^Jill Street, !Mark- 12Ily BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, AECHI TECi. â€" Residence on ' dale. Markdale. Jan, 21th, 1883. JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE, GEM'LBLACKSMITH HORSESHOEING VOL. 4.--N0. 17 TI18 larMaie SiandaFd Is IBSUeJ eve-y Tlir,:- ,d::v, iit ihe office. Mill Street, M.:i :. l.;;c. Term-; â€" ^1 p_r ye m- ;ii a.tvucce; .?l.:i5 if not paid within thi'T ni^jhtlis. Profes -lonal and ii;i~iiii-- cards one ijjch space and an ler, i)ei'ye;ii, t4. 1 Yi;, '•' TlO. .S MO. .^^.â- || â- (• 1^27 5t ?15 00 27 Oi) ir. OC 10 (K) 1' 00 10 (II) tj 00 7 til) 4 00 Three incli space .... In (il_) 5 00 Casual advertiseiQents 8 cents per lino first insertion, :i ci^its per line each subsequent insertion, uonirued measuw. Editorial notu-es, or notices in local col- umn 10 cents |ier hue hrst insertiou, 5 cents each subsequtjnts insertion. Stray annuals ttc, advertised S weeks for ?1, the advertisement Jioi to exceed twelve lines. MARKDALE. ONT., JAN. 3, 1884. SH! g«»tel$. REVERE HOTEL, ITBARKDAI^E. PROPRIETOR. Tj'lHIS popular Hotel has changed hands .JL and the above men cater to the wants of the public. Good vtabling and attentive hostlers. The best brands of liquor and cigars, good raeals and comfortable rooms, large ommercialroom. Baiber shop in con- nection. ISO-ly. CHATSWORTH HOUSE (latb mobeow house,) ClIATSWOKTH, Ont. C. H. MAT-THEWS, Pbopbietor. The best brand of liquors and cigars al- ways in stock. Good meals and comfortable rooms guaranteed. ^Good stabling and at- tentive hostler. 114 COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICBVIL1-.E. Ont. Large and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, etc. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor GIBSON McMillan CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK £ND STONE WORK, I'lain Ornamental Plastering. Calsdininimj tn all .S/iat/fs caul Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- aiitccii. Orders left at ahe Standard ollice will receive prompt attention. Markdale. Feb. Gth, 1883. 12G-ly. SEOROE WILSOiJ, Wholesale and Retail BUTCHER! BEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single pound to a â- whole carcass, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to call. Markdale, Oct, 25tJi. 1881 7 Union Carriage Works Union Carriage Works. All work manufactured from First Class Material In the Latest and Best Improved Style, and finiahcd with Iilns"lish. Varnish.. Painting Trimming Rigs vri receive prompt attention. All Eepairs executed in the shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Remember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHAiSTAHAN, Markdale. Dec. 2nd, 1881. Proprietor 64. jM William Mclieod, BOOT AND SHOEMAKEE, MARKDALE. Orders promptly attended to. Sewed worfc a specialty. All our •work goaraateed. Teiins strictly oaeii. Bemember the stand, o]»r,.,-iie Eevere HoteL MARKDALE HODSE. MARKDALE, ONT. MRS. RUTLED6E, PROPRIETOR. Fashion alle Tailor*, OVER MACFARLAND'S STOBB. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. THOS. MATHEWS, lanesS EslailisliEiI MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLath Mills Having made eqtensive improvements iu my Grist Mill I feel c.onfideut I cau give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR AU'AYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing and Bills Filled on the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Butternut, White Ash, Black A=;h Basswood, Pine and Hemlock Logs wanted 691y. M. AKITT, Eugenia. Wm. Lncas Co., BA NKE RS. 3J[oney Loaned IN large or small amounts, at all times. On good sndorsed notes, or on collateral security. iNTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Detioaits. ^S'Drafts issued and Collections msda on points, at lowest rates. W.M. LUCAS, Man«"9r. Septeraber 23, 1880. 2-Iy M* EOBT. ASKIN, â- Has opened out a First-Class UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has supplied a want long felt, COFFIKS, C.1SKETS, SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISHINeS supplied on the shortes notice. -A. Sileiidid. Heax*se f«r hire at moderate rates. â€" All kinds of- PICTURE FRAMING D0B8 on short notice. ROBT, 4SKIN, District Dasbe^. Durham has been presented with a mariiet site by Mr. Jas. Edge. W. H. Hunter, and lady, of Orange- ville will take a trip to Florida shortly. The Grey Review is putting on airs and appeared last week in 1 tony color. Mr. R. J. Doyle of Owen Sound, has sold his saw-mill in Dundalk, to Mr. James Haig. TheOwenSound^drertiser is twenty- one years of age, and the proprietor is a single man, and this is leap-year. Mr. MUne,of Queen's College King- ston, occupied the pulpit in the Pres- byterian church Dundalk last Sunday. The Fleehertcn Advance has a creed discussion on hand. A very unsatis- factory and unprofitable subject to discuss. Wiarton Corporation .proposes to â- establish apubliccemetery, and a vote is to be taken on Jan. 7th for raising $1200 to pay for it. The Shelburne papers yow ven- geance on a disorderly squad of ya- hoos in that village who destroy the peace and order of public meetings. Go for them. The Dundalk Herald says Charles McConnell shot a deer last week. If he was looked after it might be made a dear shot for him. The deer- shoot- ing season was out on the 15th Dec. Hon. Adam Crooks has been adjudg- ed a lunatic by the chancery court, and a commission composed of R. H. Betlnuje, Mnjor E. J. Evans and G. D. Dawton appointed to look after his estate. Mr. E. "Wraggc, late manager of the T. G. 13. railway, was the re- cipient of an address together with valuable presents for himself and lady by the employers of the above road on the 31,sc Dec, 1883, The attempt to form a Publishers Union iu tl;e county of Grey has failed owing to aboutoue-half of the Pubhsh- ers failing to respond. Shame on such men. They deserve to starve as they have been doing heretofore. â€" Bruce Herald. The Durnam Ghronicle is death on "the red flag" or dry goods auction sales, and advises the public to make their purchases from, and patronize those doing a legitimate business resi- dent in their midst. Hear, hear, \i^ endorse the sentiment. CoLLiNGwooD, Dcc. 18. â€" Malcolm Duffey, a farmer, after purchasing a load of lumber yesterday started on his way home. When near Nottawa his horses started at something, over- turned the load, ditched the man. Mr. Duffey did not return home last night, and the family did not suspect what bad happened. On going out of the house this morning they discovered the horses in the yard with part of their harness on. This aroused their suspicion that some thing had happned and they at once started for Nottawa. Wlien part of the road had been travelled they came up to where the the waggon and lumber lay in the ditch, and on the other side found their brother lying in the gutter dead. Wheather the man was kiUcd by be- ing thrown from the load or perished by cold it is as yet impossible to say. Chatsivorth. No. 173 Dnndalk. jrrom our own correspondent. For the first time in the history of our village, considerable interest was manifested in the nomiuations for police trustees. No less than fifteen nominations were received by the re- turning officer. Most of them de- clined, but four of them Messrs. T. Hanbury, G. R. Middleton, A. G. Hunter, and F, F. Teeple decided to run. Hence we shall havo the ex- citement of an election. Proton township nominations were held on Monday last at Hopeville, the successful. candidate of last year Thos. Femnell, has it is said arranged mat- ters so that in case of his election he will not be required to withdraw as he did after bis election last year. He is out this year in opposition to J. J. Middleton. There is no doubt as to the result, Middleton is certain to take the Reeveship. For Deputy Reeve there are three in the field Mr. J. Agnew, the Deputy of last year, Mr. Samuel Rogers, of Cedarville, a mem- ber of last years council, and the am- bitious John Abbott. For councillors Mr. Robt, Black, Geo. Johnston and Patrick Shaw were nominated. There being no other nominations those were declared elected. The last two are new men. Priceville. From our own correspondent. Mr. MeArthur was elected school trustee. Sleighing is good yet business is very quiet. J. W, Elliott removed into his shop and dwelling last week. A. Morrow's shooting matcii on Christmas was a success. A dramatic club has been organiz- ed and is progressing favorably. The Methodist «. S. Christmas tree entertainment on Christmas eve was a success. Mr. John McKinnon sold his hotel to Mr. Loyd, of Owen Soand, who takes possession this week. A. Campbell, of the Cariboo Honse, treated his many friends to an oyster snppor on Nfi-w Years eve, and Tuck li: iicijL.:.a oi the G]3i;.i6Worth Houso, did iilrewisp. From a corratpondent. The Sabbath School entertaimnent came off Thursday, 27th inst. Tea was served in Mr. Reiley"s hall, the intellectual part of the entertainment was conducted in the Presbyterian church. Mr. Brander was chosen chairman and exec-Ueut order was pre- served throughout the evening. Mr. Charles Ghent. Miss Ghent, and Miss E. Wright furnished instrumental music, and Jliss Xicliol and the S. S. children vocal mn?ic. A reading by ilr. M. Black, recitations and speeches entertained and instiuGted the ar.di- encc. The ijpeeeh of the evenin vac delivered by llev. Mr. Vv'ilson, of Markdale. The loading feature was the address aLd presentation to Mr. John Irwin, for many years superin- tendant of the Sabbath school. The address was read by Rev. Mr. McLeod. The presentation consisted of a Bible and a purse, Viilue iu all iv!57.40. Votes of thanks were 'iven to the chairman, Mr. Reiley for the use of the hall, Mrs. Tuck for the use of the organ, and the various speakers, singers, and players, alter which the meeting closed about 10 o'clock. The address is as follows To Mr. John Irwin, !S. S. Superintend- ent, Dear Sir â€" We learn with regret that you are soon to leave this village and neighborhood. Permit us, before your departure, to present you with this Holy Bible as a token of our love and regard for you as a member of this community, and of our apprecia- tion of your faithful and abundant work and labor of love in connection with the Church, the Sabbath school and the Book and Tract Society. We have longe observed your persevering efforts in promoting the happiness and well-being of all those with whom yoti come in contact, and the efforts have always been entered in such an una- suming humble and disinterested manner as to win the heart of all men. We beg of you also to accept of this purse. In conclusion we wish you and your partner in life and your children God speed. May the God whom you served while you were in our midst be your guide through life your shield and your exceeding great, reward. On behalf of the subscribei s to this presentation. D. McLiEOD. â- q« â- Ilanlan aud Stevenson. San Francisco, Dec. 29. â€" Hanlan lately offered $1,000 to any man ou the coast who would outrow him Stevenson accented, and HauJan now asks the latter to release him from the engagement, but won t say why. San Fbahcisco, Dec. 30. â€" Hanlan has offered to allow Stevenson $1,000 expenses to go east and rn^r "^, Point of Pine" -.vij- i- i-,ri .-'li:- ' '•' i :*?â- tn- tjoa ua.^ .iccsi .tu. i^yill^riiii^UltfMttUiiiittiiiHiliil^^ N wm H iiiiHiMil iS-vS; -jMS^ '»: