Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Dec 1883, p. 4

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 ^^mmm- }^-iy^ Th8 Standard. 1 ^mxB^pmAm^^^ MAEKDALE DEC. 20, 1883. A merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all is the sincere wish of the Standard. ^^O^ XJ*^V INCORPORATION. A communication from a ratepayer in another column in reference to the aboye question is so unreasonable and void of inteUigent argument that it is scarcely worthy of a reply. We -will however notice the several objections. "first, there is nothins; to be gained by incorporation " In answer to this we would inform our friend that the yillage of Markdale paid in 1882 the sum of $381.10, besides about $50 in fines and unperformed statute labour, whicli amounts, the village would have at their own control for improvements, or if not expended thus, to reduce the taxes, this amount is independent of county, railway, general school, special school, and other rates which would be unchanged by the formation of a new mnnicipal- ity, and also iudependont of the amonut which is now levied by the village to run its affairs, which is from !?100 to $150 per year, we hold that this would bo something gained. Second, he says, "our t^xes will be increased tou-fold witlioufc any com- pensating advantage," This is s re- diculous that it is not worth referring to, besides the answer to the first ob- jection completely explosles it. ThirJ, we are told that the village receives its due proportion of township reveu- ew, but our citizen does not intimate in what manner, and for us we cannot imagine in what shape the village has been assisted. If we desire to build a sidewalk we simply levy the amount on ourselves and pay for it. We would hke to know in what shape the village has received her due portion. Fomth, "The in- corporation movement lias been in- augurated by those who have all to gein and nothing to loose," This is a yery strong argument m favour of in- corporation from one who appears so opposed to it, as those most interest- ed in the question are large property holders, heavy ratepayers and staunch citizens. Fifth, "Fat offices c," who ever heard of the like in an in- corporated village, where the council ahvays give their services gratuituous- ly. It is unnecessary to follow rate- payer through sixthly and seventhly as they do not contain anything reasonable against the question of in- corporation. NoTicE.=Wildsh it di8tinoti7 '^derstood. that we do not hold ourselves responable for S^o^expressedby ouroo^es^Bdente.. THE VALLEY BO AD.. To the Editor of the Standard. SiB,-I can scarcely tell whether your coriespondent on the celebrated Valley Road is in earnest or net. One thing is evident I think, that some one has told him that the road runs through both Hogg's and Flesher s lands. But what about the other par- ties through whose lands It passes? Why single out Mr. Hogg and Flesher Another thing is evident, that he has not been caretui to notice the history of the matter. But, to be courteous I mi^ht say the council have received the deeds from Mr. Hogg, for which he was paid an equivalent by forcing a road thmugh Plewis' proper- ty for his benefit; but we have not the deed of Mr. Flesher's portion. Two reasons exist for it; first, the road was run irrespective of the boundaries of the lots, and therefore it was not pos- sible to define its location. Mr.Flesher claims that where the road could be run en divisional lines with no material deviation or obstruction, that certainly should D9 its location, and he promised on those couduions. Mr. Flesher left immediately for England and so the matter stands. The road is establish- ed nevertheless, but wilt be deviated to suit the conditions, if practicable; if not it will remain where it is, and if need be the township will pay for it say $20. But from the very first, the council were cautious and would not bind themselves to expend auv money on this road until cooperative measures were taken by Euphrasia. It is to be regretted, I think, that such autagou- Atthelastregalar meefang ofMari- dale lodge of Ancient Order of. United WorkmSi. theJoUowing wejre elected officers-fbr thfr ensuing year Wm. Lucas. M. W. C. W. Rut- ledge,Foreman Robert Askm, Over- Beer • J, G. Irving. Beaorder Wm. Brown. Receiver f Wm N Haskett. Financier Alex. Kay. Gmdfi -.J. -f- Sparling, Inside Watchman ;. George Wilson Outside Watchman ;;Wm. Lucas, E.S.Pae and C.W.Rutledge This lodge is in a flourishing con- dition and every member is highly pleased with the order as a life in- surance institution, it being one quar- ter cost of the ordinary life insurance. There are now 30 members m this lodge and the number increasing every month, their hall is spacious, comfortable, well lit and beautifully carpeted, giving it a most comfortable appearance, while the members are courteous, cheerful and unanimous m assisting any movement that wiU tend towards the social improvement or mutual good of the members, quite a number of farmers have recently join- ed this lodge and before winter is over a still greater increase is expected from that class. The organization is fifteen years hi existance, and our assessments has not exceeded $14 per year on 82,000 of insurance, that is $7 on $1,000. This is certainly a very low rate. The membership has increased in Ontario 35 per cent dur- ing the past year, and the order is now the most popular insurance or- ganization m existance. Credit Sale Beglstet* PoTtiflsMttine their sale biUn printed Z^Z Save a notion upder tJus^bcad. free of charge. S"Se matched roadster team, sev^r^ TZa a lot of buffalo robes, c.. aale at 3. o°cloek. Geo. Noble, auctioneer. Ts Tzw HlBT â€" The executors of the' ^^tfs^ue? Cooper. wiU sell by pubUo .auction on lot 7, con. 8 Euphrasia com- ' fencing at 1 o'clock, 3 horses 5 cows^lO head yoW cattle, pigs, sheep. Ac. Ter^, 12 months on approved paper, or B per Sent off notes for cash. Geo. Noble, auc- tioneer.. T7nTT.AT Dec 28th.â€" Valuable farm property GleS Bale at the Markdale House Sos? Falconbridge Barwick, vendors' sohcitors, Toronto. Saturpat. 22nd DEC-Mr. Jo««P\Hyn«^ WiU sell on his premises lot 19, con. 10. Euphrasia, cows, horses, sheep, imple- ments. c. Terms, 1^ months on ap- proved notes. Sale to commence at noon. W. J. Shepherdson,, auctioneer. LOST, Between Markdale and \U ^^. Blaney's, on the 27th Nov. evening .Hn^,; BLANKET. T]^ e fluder wUl be smtah? '*^- warded by leaving it at this office. " B OAR PIG. The thorouehbrpA k Chbbteb White, will be for service at p' pen, Markdale, forwith a fiue boa flippths old. Termsâ€" II, at time of .ZJ'^- 168-71 WM.DOnSrc^»^- A fine TDEAKSHIRE BOAR. Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar tor serv^no Lot 99, '2nd,. West T. S. Road, one mil! west of Markdp'., Terms. §1 at tune of service. R- McBElDE. BIRTHS. the QoiNNâ€" In Markdale, on the 18th inst., wife of Mr. J. T. Quinn, of a son. McPHERSUN-ln Flesherton on the in the wife of Mr. A, McPhersou, of a daughter. TEACHER WAITED. â- VT /. For School Section No. C, ArtcTncsia, Male or Female holding secoud or tlm-d class certificate. Du- ties to comineuce on thu 'ind January 188i Apply stating salary to the trustees' ^e'cretary treasurer JOHN" HAZAED, Flcsiiorton Station P.O. 8th MARRIAGES- The Societies. ism exists in Euphrasia against this road. Is it not a maxim, true all tlie time, that the more competition there is the better chances exists for farmers to get in value the last cent for their province. Markdale is not to blame in her endeavors to divert the trade of the hfe of Euphrasia to her, and to speak of fa- cilities they are prepared to ofler. 13 ut when a man lias a choice of markets, although he himself might not come to FlesuertoD,he finds a competitive market at ^^larkdale made so by the facts stated. The very wisest policy therefore, for Euphrasia, is to co-oper- ate regarding this road scheme. A-rte- mesia has the line established to the township line already, but must have the road puslied beyond otherwise re- linquish indefinitely the scheme. The electors should carefully consider the question.. To Euphrasia the cost would be exceeedingly small compared with the advantages to Artemesia the cost would be considerable. But in both municipalities the making of the road would only be gradual, so chat no one need think the townships would be swamped by adopting the scheme. Personally, I have no axes to grind and am quite passive in the i mutter. I only insist that it would be great folly to expend money to get into a swamp with no possible expec- tation of getting through. Yours truly, W. S. Cheistoe., M'hat ItVe would L,ike t© See. Good sleigliixig until after the holi- days. The municipal elections conducted without politics, County councils reduced to or.e-hnlf their present number of representa- tives. And the Provincial Legislature also. And Domhuou Parliament likewise. A comfortable waitiug room for pas- sengers at Berkeley station. INCOll^OKATiON. To the Editor of the Standard. Injudicious rumors are afloat in our community tending to prejudice the ratepavers in 1 ehalf of incorporating our village of Markdale. There are several substantinl reasons against incorporation First, there is nothing to be gained byincta-poratiou. Second, our taxation will be increased ten fold without any compensating advantage. Third, a false rumor is being circulat- ed that the village does not receive its proportionate share of revenue. This is a base falsehood as the township Eugenia L.O.L.No. 1118.â€" The fol- lowing: are the officers elected for 1884: Bro. W Armstrong, WM; Bro S Ped- lar, DM; Bro Ilev T Grandy, Chap; Bro J I Graham, Sec; Bro J Linton, Fin Sec; Bro Jos Fenwick, Treas; Bro M Akitr, first com man; Bro J J Fields, Dir oi Cer. Flesheeton L.O.L.â€" The following were elected officers of Flesherton L. O.L. No. 429 for the year 1884: Bro ,T W Bates WM; Bro W H Johnson, WDM; BroEev McGregor, WC; Bro W P Crossley, WS; Bro J A Heard, WT; Bro Alfred Malloy, FCM; Com- mittee, Bro E McGruther, Bro A 3 VanDusen, Bro J E Moore, Bro Jos Smith;, Bro Wm Varty, D of Câ€" Ad- vance. Berkeley L. G. L. â€" Berkeley lodge No. 176, meets oa Tuesday on or be- fore full moon, has a membership of forty-eight and is in a flourishing con- dition. At the last regular meeting the following officers were elected for the ensuing year Bro John Gillespie, WM; BroThos Abbott, DM; Bro An(J Gillespie, Chap Bro And Walker, Treas Bro Jas Gillespie, Rec Sec; Bro D Jackson, Fin Sec; Bro Edward Brown, Dir of Cer; Committee, Bros John Middleton, And Eitchie, George Ritchie, Wm Jackson, John Love; Bro Geo Fleming, Lecturer. Me.\eoed Ro.^.d U.S.S. â€" The follow- ing are the ofiicers of Meaford Road Union Sunday School Wm Buchan- an, Superintendant; P Sparling, Asst. Supt.; J I Graham, Sec. Treas; .Jos Buchanan and Geo Wright, Librarians Teachers, Miss Boland, Miss Buchan- an, Miss A Kells, Miss Sparling, Jas Buchanan, Jas Hanson, A Johnson, 11 Sparling, The school intends hold- ing their anniversary on the 15th Jan. The committee ai)ponited to buy a new organ for the school reported that they would have it for the anniversary. McDoN.u.D-M(lNNEB-Oii the 10th ii^st by tl'C Eev D. :McLooa, at the residence ot tuc bride's fathci, Mr. Duncan ^TcDonald to Mis Flora Aim Mclinie^, daughter of .Mr. Duncan Mclaiies, all of Glenelg, (Durham â-  Koad.) ^Yii TYâ€" Hutchinson'â€" At the residence'.of the brideN father, Euphra,-,ia, by l\cv. J. S. Corcoran, on the lOth inst., -M/-/- H. WiJev to Miss Sarah E.daughterof ^.Ir. Juo Hutc'luusou, all of Euphrasia. SiMMoNs-13L.^CK];uRN-0n the I'Jth in.^t., Ly Uuv. A. W'1-on.at the Presbyterian Manse, Markdale, Mr. Walter Simmons, to Mi.-.b Suraii Blackburn, all of Ai'temesia. TTIAK-^iS FOES KAL.I;. 1 west, T. â- *:• S. l\ry.\\. Avn-ni 50 acres, -H) of of whicli :iiccli;i .ultivatioii. I.i't ' ':!:â- . !•!, 'â- " filj acres, -io cifar.il; ii,l ii .; s theitou. I. Hi l:j, c;..';. 1:;, uj. all bush. i-'or li.-ri;iS liIM J'.at.ra.al-; to J. I.. ii:viN LiJt 117. con. ii. I'-iiUiiniu;;- .-â- -ilaiiJuiidt; i- 1^. Uuilaiiii -;iiy uliildi^l;;^â-  ^l: I'iOacttv 11} DEATHS- Cluucâ€" In Markdale, on the 16tli inst., M.S. Clark, mother of Mr.W. M.Clark architect, aged 82 years. ^^ MAEKDALE MAEKETS. Oct.l'J.l.-^- sfcond rani 100 aci"s, f cultivati'i!! on. B'.r.Mi soil ciay 1. stafj'if cii; anil v.eii In fldunsliir.,^ particnlar.- kdaiO. IG i"0£i ^\'iA west W 1 i J i f I r 1 • 'S :-ll Wi'll ' IL"Mll. [cl b.- 'i and iiij i.;.'n,d... 1 uudi; ;o won; d rtpait, a ')od 'i'if iiiriu I! "HI ti:« â- ]â-  mrtlifr â-  i'-tttr t.' I'ii;, .:Jc P. 0. J spnii.L t: Y ^n--. Fall Wheat, S0.06 to «1.00; Spring SO.CO to SI 00; Barley, 45 toOJ; Teas, 65; Oats ,-iOc Butter, 18c; Eggs, 22c; Potatoes, 3oc; ^Kay, »8 .00 Pork, 5.00 to 5.50; Floiu, U-io " $5 00; Wool 17 to 20 to soutli of iar!vii:. of service, oti; r' 'i?o t: CiiA AlVd .^.n early â-  rtt li!= pen, t\vomilet fv;Li;, 73 Cfiit^ at time ' I.ITTLK .TUHNS, MARKD.iLE MAEKDALi ONT. â- Â» â-  TORONTQ MARKETS. Fall Wheat, $1.00 to $1.10; Spring, ftl.OO *o ?1.12; Barley, 5Uc to 70c; Oats, 37c to 40c Peas, 70c to 73c; Hogs, $6.00 to $0.25; Pota- toes, per bag, 90c to $lc; Butter, dairy, i8c to 20c; ejes. 22c to 25c. MRS. RUTLED6E, PROPRiETOR, IN THE GOODS km CHATTELS â€" OFâ€" SUFFOLK BOAR. One of the finest animals ever brought into this district for service at Lot 6. Con. 7, Euphrasia. Age, year past. Terms, $1 at time of service, 171.80 D.E.ELLIS. Samuel Cooper, iEvE.^SeI' ters. And attend the annual school meet- ing next WediiGrday. Eatepayers interested in school mat- j.gt;yj^.jig of tue municipalities of Arte- mesia and Glenelg m\\ show. Fourth, thu incorporation movement has been inaugurated by those who have all to crain and nothing to lose. Fifth, fat offices and loaferism are synonimcus terms in the greater number of petty municipalities. Sixth, there is indis- putable evidence tiiat a false return of population has been giyen m order to aid the intriguers. Seventh, high taxation and increased rents will de- bar an increase of our population, those we already have will emigrate and outsiders will be deterred from NOTICE TO CREDITORS. M, of Cli;i"terl07, of Saiir.K'l Cooper, of Kv,;diiasi;i,(-'ouutyof \l'hat Wc suay Expect. A wedding in town shortly. Some person get th^ir leg broken in those delapidated sidewalks. And the town sued for damages. Very little good sleighing this win- ter. A crowded house Christmas evening to hear Rev. Mr. Casson's lecture. Joy among the children next Tues- day. And medicine required after it. Sad havoc among the fo »1 for two weeks. And the poor forgotten amid tlie ex- citement. A strife among our store keepers for whoU have the most attractive shop for the holidays. And Mac. take the cake. Mk. John, Ford, of Annan give us a call yesterd9.(y. He will re.main in town a few day's. â€" Dr. A. A. Biddell, an old prac- titioner^ of Toronto, died on Sunday last. â- Â«â-  I Dundalk. â€" O'Donnell's execution .was car* .ricd oat on Monday. coming m. An Interested Ratepayeb. »»» Klmberly. Easiness is brisk in the lumber lire this winter, two or three companies, gangs making square timber which they will float down the river in the spring to the bay. Notice, â€" There will be a shooting match on Christmas day in Kimberly, when a quantity of geese, turkeys, c. will be provided and a pood time is expected^ A hop and supper willtake place in the evening. "Wismer's String Band wOl be in atten^ge. From our own correspondent. The Dundalk school examination was held on Monday. The pupils appear to be making satisfactory pro- gress. The public school entertainment on Tuesday evening was a grand success both teachers were the receipieqts pf valuable presents. The Methodist S. S. hold theit an- niversary on Xmas day, a good time is expected. The skating rink opened on Wed- nesday night. This event has been anxiously awaited by the young people of the village. Business is more lively since the sleighing began. The Presbyterians are taking steps to secure a resident minister. No cliaoKe in tiie municipal situa- tion. Proton council held the last session of the yea^ Ta9s4a7 and Wednesclaj, ^ife'^T EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO THE CEEDITOKS OF James Thompson. Notice IS hereby given that the creditors of James Thompson, late of the Township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, Farmer, who died on or about the 4th day of April, 1883, at the said township of Artemesia are, on or before the TENTH DAY OF JANUARY, ncut, to send to either of the undersigned Executors at Flesherton, their Christian and Surnames, addi-esses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement ot their accounts and the nature of the se- curities (if any) held by them. After the said Fourth da.v of January next the said Ex- 6cutors will distribute the assets of the said James Thompson, amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to such chiiius as the said executors shall then have notice of. This notice is given in pursuance of Chap. 107. Sec. 3-1. 11. S. 0. Dated at Flesherton this 11th day of De- cember 18S3. (Signed) ISAAC SINCLAIll. 171-74 WILLIA.N.f. HILL. AUCTION SALE OF YaluaWe Farm Property â€"IN THEâ€" TOWNSHIP OF GLENELQ Under the power of sale in a mortgage from MAHTIN DUNN to the Vendors, which will be produced at the time of sale, and on default of payment of the moneys thereby secured, there will be offered for sale by Public Auc- tion, at th« MARKDALli HOUSE in the VILLAGE OF MARKDALE, -ON FRIDAY,28TH DAY DEC. 1883 at 2 o'clock p.m., by A. R. Vanduskn, autioneer, lot number nine (9) in the eighth (8th) concession of the said to;vnship of Glen- elg, coniaining 100 acres, more or less, about 50 acres said to be cleared, balance timbered cbie% with hardwood. On the premiseti are said to be a log house bam and stabln. TxBHS â€" 10 per cent, at the time of sale, 15 per cent, within one month after sale and balance secured by mor^i^ of the premises payable in five yeariy instalments with interest at T.per eeat. yearly. For further particulars apply to W. J. Bellamy, Esq., Flesherton, or to MOSS, FALCONBBDGE (fcBARWICK. Vendora' SolioitorB. |oront©,De9.4,1885. '•^Sa â-  Pursuant to Section E, S. 0. tlie cieilitoi5 late of the townshii Grey, de.eas.a, who a.ot on or â- 2Sth Aug. l'-^--^:"' upon bis e.-ti:to and all r^iit^" "â- 'â- ' are, on or \kUk lOut the ig claim? the FIRST DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1884, tosendbypoM.mj:nat.v.^.K:^l;arJ^ Markdale I'.O., m the Couiuv .ft ofthcexccmo.-^...ftbor.rs..m -taie elTects of docoased. tlieiv clin-tuin names, adJiesFes ami iK'--'i"l particulars oi ibeu- claim their accounts and nature a ^-.â€" y^-^^^^^^i aud sar- ition, tlie^' and nafivo of' tho -ocunries (ifanv)heldbythem,anania.i:U"^^_ ,^^ the assets of the said '^f'-^r\/[',.dm^ tnbuted. havuig rej-'aixl ""â- \/ ;i,i(.i,tlie then reccive.1. or t!..se ofaum^.mc executors then have notice. C;K0.1Ul'HAi"i'^^-^^l JOHN Id:E, ,! Dated this 11th day Docemi-c editors. JOHN iONTG m *J1 lUV^r. 10^1 ^nrroiui'l- ;l;c iM~t ' ,-,)u;i:iy now pi pre- Begs to tt'udor his ii tauts oi :\laikaale an-l for thoir patvoniigt^ !oi- and to intimate to them t iiut^^i' pared to supply the ruolu-NN â€" FRUIT, POUND nm^ CAKES iced and omauionuaan either plain or large variety of hand., .ithei- CAlvi- always 1 a on of every de- Also Biscuits scription from the be nian facturer in Ontaiio. A Large and VaHed A' sortmentofConfeci'" ' t TOYS, CHRISTMAS TU^ acd supplied on the f ^J^^f it'cau be Apples, Orangf 3, a variety of Nuts ways on hand- ^^^, Tea meetings. Sjf trtestnoti^^ parties 8«PPli«V".asonable ^^ ftnd or the most rcasona 3^09.00. K-^ XjH^l .v-d._ l':^*^r ' '"' '"""-^^ â- ..M "M^^.,^- DressS Dress s shades, v: 10 cents V Tweedj and Cana and most A fine I Clocks, Buttons, Also a, I plated gc Watc. personal guaraViti Local Notices in any individi. cents a line cents a line c The Mai sign. Teimbtle branch eto Akmstrc factory is Goods a of the yeai â- Mes. H Fortment days. There ' the Eever mas day. DONT meeting \^ nesday, tl The po" elg) Will cooper sh There Christ C mas day i Mb. Jc farm, IOC Mercer, I Wm. R Wm. Bi from Moi The n No. 5, wi Thursday Sugar has been the Hauc Vance. Say, st â- why to r great ht about. Reyno: sure in v tonaers a New Yea We ae Euphras Reeve, j\ also cani N.B.- undersic forthwitl Wilson EVEB f in force shorter, commen Ik thi last wee Brodie v Artemes SUBSC da not r wish the to rene' contmae ^ntj Expired, ^i^^ig^..i h^

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