Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Nov 1883, p. 4

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 '"smm Tha Standard. MAEKDAXE NOV. 29, 1888. TOO MUCH »oT£BNm:iirr. We believe the masses are of the same opinion as oarselves, viz that we have too much government all the â- way up from the coanty oonncil. Oar township corporations are, we believe, generally managed with a due regard to economy, and with as few mem- bers in their council boards as can ef- ficiently perform the business of the municipality, but why is it necessary to have in this county, say 40 repres- entatives at the county council while half that number would transact the business as well, and in less time, and at about one hall the expense. We think it is high time the ratepayers (who have to pay the piper) took the matter up and support only those candidates who make the reduction in the number of representatives at the county council a plank in their platform. We cannot expect our Deputy Eeeyes to press the matter that would be depriving themselves of the most desirablb portion of their official duties, human nature is too strong to expect it, the matter must be pressed by the ratepayers if any- thing is accomplished. The question ' has been up in our county council -and if we remember correctly, the bouse was almost equally divided. We cannot see that any undue advan- tage w6uld be given any municipality should the number be reduced one- balf, neither do we see that any would suffer any serious disadvantage, while the county would save at least $1,000 per year. If anything is done towards 'lessening the coat of government we must commence at home. We would .like to have the opinion of the press -on this question as well as that of our prominent ratepayers. EDITOBAIi NOTES. The governor of the greftt atat9 of New York, the populatioB of wlnrii a- about eqaid to that of the DDGBBiion, recMves a sala^ of about ^10,000 a year, and in tetum gifes hin best energies to tha active weric of ad- ministration. Our GoveiDor-Oeneral a mere omamenfal fceottatge m gold lace and knee-breechesr who does nothing but enjoy himself and ^ure at state ceremonmls, costs us $118,- 064.90 per year. â€" %Iomrpi^ Neteg. Why should the Cas»dian people be called upon io pay the Governor- General's travelling expesses in ad- dition to his very liberal salary of $50,000 Lord Lome's tnp during the fiscal year 1882 cost the country $15,000. What have the people to show for the money. â€" Morning Nneg. me Bed llsi» !â-  the 9^7* ' BIKLANATJBW of THB FIBBT PHBWMMe* BEBN » THB WBaTKBN aBA-TUW. Personals. MIJI^ICIPAX. 9IATTEKS. Four weeks from Monday next will he nomination day and oL.a week later /municipal election. In Glenelg we presume the present reeve will be elected by acclamation. J. A. McMillan and Wm. Glencross are candidates for deputy reeve. It is said Mr. Davis intends retiring from municipal honors he has been a good man for that position. Mr. Dunsmore will likely be re-elected as councillor We belieye Mr. MuUarky will not seek re-election Mr. P. Neil will likely be a candidate, he is a square man and will doubtless be •elected Mr. McCuaig will also be a candidate, and his prospects are said to be good for success. In Holland matters are quiet, the present Eeeve Mr. John Cameron will likely be elected without opposi- tion Mr, Shute, the Deputy Eeeye will likely be the successful candidate for that office again There will be a vacancy caused by the expected re- moval of Mr. John Deavitt to the N. W. The present council will likely seek re-electiou and doubtless many others. There are various rumours in re- gard to the movements in Euphiasia. Mr. Giiray will likely be re-elected as Eeeve witbont opposition Messrs. Ellis, Erskine and Fawcett are spoken of as probable candidates for tie Deputy ship. The old couu- cil will seek re-election except Mr. Patterson, who it is said will with- draw at the eud of liis present term. Mr. Black will probably be a candi- date, he is an intelligent well-to do farmer and would make a good coun- cillor. lu Artcmesia there appears to be complete silence, mo.'t, if not all the old council will likely be returned to power. Osprey is so far quiet, time enough liowever. Whe hope our cosrespopdent .i. ere will keep us posted. Ill Proton there will be important '•";mge8. The present Eeeve, Mr. McGregor will retire while a host of jiames are spoke of as probable as- Geo. Walker, of Cookstown, was in town this week. Mr. C. Gregory and femily, of To- ronto, have removed to Markdale. Mrs. Thos. Brook, of Tbamesville, Kent GouDty, is visiting friends in Markdale and vicinitv. Our esteemed young friend, J. Mitchell Eeynolds, is home. He in- tends remaining for the winter. James McLeod and family, have removed from Manitoulin, where they were located the past two years. The latest arrival in Markdale is a man with but three letters in his name, and which is spelled the same from either ends. For tt»e past tliree or Jbar efenings ft phenooMBon has been noti«»iBi the shape of a red light which illumiDated tike west era tAj a» though a great oon- flagratioB was throwing its glare over the beayen*. Meteorologists say i3a»t this light is probaHy the reflection from a stratam of decomposed vapors in the upper atmosphere. Electric storm iu the sun and in our atmos- phere have inroduced tbis deeoraposi- tion. This opinion is bftsed on experi- xaaatB reported by Professor Tyndall of the reflective properties of vapors decomposed by electric action on a stoong sunlit. To show the exteiit ot country over over which this phenomenon prevails, it may be mentioned that despatches bare been received from nnmber af places in Canada and the United States stating tha^ the light bad been mistaken fer a conflagration and the fire brigade called oat. "i I ' â-  â€" i MARRIAGES- MAKKDAIE. MAJatETfe, TaM Wheat. JO-JS to nJ»f 8pri»« t0.60 tc St 00; Barley, U to60; Ttm, 66; Oats. 30c Bottw, Ite; Eggs, 22e; VeMoes, 4»e; Hay^ 9a M Ptork, 6.00 to 6.»rJloor, #4.76 to 15 eO; Wool 17 t»20 TORONTOMABklfiTS. r^ Wheat, 41.00 to »1.10; Spmg, %1M to J1.12; Barley, 50o to 70e; Oats, 87cto 40c PtM, 70ito 73cj HoKS, »6iK) to «6.25; BoU- toe?, per bag, 90c to »lc; Butter, dairy, «8c t« 20c; e^ef^ 22c to 25o. OAWt PI«. Jf)" " The thorongblred boar Chesteb White, will be lor Bervice at his Den, Markdale, forwith s fine boar six months old. Tenn»â€" »l. at time of sprvice. 16d 71 WM. DOUGLASS. miat They are Saying. yet my GLENELG. My re-election is sure â€" McEae. A coaucillors position is not what its cracked up to be â€" Mullarky. My prospects are good for Deputy Eeeye â€" McMillan Don't be too sure â€" Glencross. Are we going to be left without a representative â€" Markdale. ril accept itâ€" P. Neil. Think I'll step down and out â€" Davis. If it is the wish of the people I will again offer myself as a candidate for councillorâ€" Dunsmoore. Me too â€" McCuaig. HABKDALK. Who'll be village police next year â€" the citizens. We are not anxious for re-election â€" preitent trustees. We must have more enterprise eyen it does cost something â€" the business men. Then let's have itâ€" C. W. B. Why don't McFarland cover op that cellar- way â€" Pedestrians. BUPHBASIA. I'm going to be Eeeve another year â€" Giiray. Haven't fully decided course â€" EUis. Nor Iâ€" Fawcett. I will resign â€" Patterson. Think I will run for Deputy â€" Erskine. Am not anxious about the matter â€" Boyd. Its me runs this concern â€" Dunlop, clerk. HOLLAND. Cameron will be our Eeeve â€" the ratepayers. And I'll be Deputy another year â€" Shute. I'll go to the N. W.â€" Deavitt. My re-electiou is safe â€" Galbraith. And mine â€" McKinnett. Don't think I'll try it this Neely. ARTEIIESIA. I have a mind to run for Eeeve Elliott. There's no use â€" Ghristoe. If he does I'll run for councillor â€" Boland, It's about time Elliott Jiad his turn at the helm â€" many ratepayers. Me too â€" Wright. I'm contented with my present po- sition â€" McArthur. So am I â€" McKee. OSPBEY. There isn't a man in the Tp. can beat me â€" McGirr. Just be carelul â€" Sing. I belieye I could beat you myself Mclutyre. Steaykd o stolen. â€" A dark gray and white coley dog, white ring aro- und his neck, short stubby tail. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving at the Eevere hotel, P. J. Mc- Casey. DiMMAâ€" WiLLii.i»â€" At the manBe, by the Rev. Nr. Kees, aa the 19th inst., Mr. Justin Dimma, of Berkeley, to Miss Elizabeth Williams, of Toronto, McCdtcbeon â€" McInnis â€" At the Mansion House, Markdale, on Wednesday, 28th inst., by tht Rev. i. S. CorcorMi, Mr. Alex. Mc- Cutcheou, io Miss Mary McInnis, all of Euphrasia. DEATHS- Madill.â€" In Holland, on the 24th inst., Mary, wife of Mr. Samnel Madill, aged 43 years, BiNNsâ€" Io Toronto, 23rd inst., Mr. John Binne,. (hardware merchant,) of Oshawa, late of Chatawoith. t^redlt; Salle Register. Parties getting tbeir sale billx printed at this officii will have a notic* under this htad free of charge. WsDKBSDAY, Dxc. 6th. â€" Ml. Ho^ MeKesns, lot north 15. eon. 11, Euphrasia, will «ell on his premises on the abore date, his stock, implements, Ac, by public auction. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock. Terms, 11 months' credit on approved joint notes. W. J. Sheperdson, auctioneer. SiTUBSAT, Dsc. 1st. â€" Geo. Noble, auctioneer. will sell on the above date, at the Manuon House, Markdale, commencing at 1 o'clock a number of horses, cattle, buggies, cutters harness and sundry arttclei Terms â€" Over 95 12 months' credit ou approved paper or 10 per cent, off far cash. markdale Cattle Fair*. SATURDAY Do. Not. Dec. 325 year â€" Dr. Armstrong has changed his address to that of Pic P. 0. from that of Port Arthur. OuB PHOTOGRAPHER, Mr. Hamilton, has just got out an extensive pamphlet {jiving full and complete directions and most useful advice to parties who con- template having their pictures taken. Everybody ought to have one, you will find exceedingly uselul iutorma- tion therein call at the gallery and secure one, free. Another immensb shipment of 25,- 000 pounds of butter just made by McFarland direct to Liverpool, mak- irg in round numbers some 1,200 tubs or over 60.000 pounds that McFarland has shipped this season. We would hke to hear of any village in the Do- minion of similar size that can beat this shewing. Many people like to see their names in print. We are preparmg a list for ^cbes publication of those in arrears for li-jb- scriptions for 1888, or any time pre- vious, quite a large number will thus have the pleasure of seeing their sig- nature should they continue on the black list to the end of this year. The list will be published in January. Gentlemen, now is the time to order fine sewed boots as Wm. McLeod has secured the services of D. McKay for the winter. My work cannot be excelled tliis side Toronto, good stock and a peifect fit guaranr^ed. N. B. All our work warranted, no apprenti- ces employed stand opposite Eevere Hotel Wm. McLeod, A True Story.â€" A resident of Mel- aucthon was out hunting recentlv, and as a storm came up he crept into a hollow- log for shelter. After the storm abated he endeavored to creep out, but found that the log had swelled so that it wag impossible to make bis exit. He endeavored to compress himself as much as possible, but with indifi"erent success. He thought of NOTHING Can be lost by sending for free specimens of the great farm and (pirden Journal of America, Ike M lev-kk It coats more to pnfefeh than any other of its class. It preswrts o^er 50i original en- gravings annaally, •* cattle, grain, fruits, etc. It has over 6rt0 coDtributors â€" among them the best writers in the world. It owns ex- periment grounds of 82 acres worked in the interest of its subscribers. A New Era in the agriculture and horticul- ture of America. A $4 Weekly for 93 « Year. p is original throughout. It is pure in toiie and admits no ambiguous advertisements It ds a farm, garden, religioiv, news, home, and\literary paper all in one, T^B RuBAi. New-Yokksr is for the north, south, east and west. It has become the leading rural paper by real worth, persever- ence and enterprise â€" br its d»votion to the true interests of all who till the land whether for pleasure or profit. It is printed upon fine tinted paper, 16 pages weekly, each page 11^x16^ inches. It combines the beat lea- tnres of tiie daily and weekly press wrtb all that cflc instruct, elevate, and intereat the rural hom«. Its Free Seed Distrib«ti*Bs have introduced or disseminated many of the mort ralnable seeds and plants now known. Among them may be mentioned the Benty of Hebron, White Elephant, and Blaab Po- tatoes, the Cuthbert Raspbepry, Claw8on, Fuitzo-Clawton, Surprise, Blaek.beardcdCen- tennial wheats, and a hundred others. The new -varieties of beeds offered in the Rural's Free Seed Distribution are alone worth moie at retail prices than the yearly price of the Journal. Specimen copin will furnish all details with original engrariogs. WHY NOT send fur /ree specimtns and then j'idife for yoursHf 34 PARK KOW, IV. Â¥. READY DECEMBER 18T, 1883 imm m w the 23rd December for thei,n. «o \t in9 «Ie Bote., as they bS^ «' « above date. Thoee interSSTJ" ^Hu piompt aiKi Mve lartheTCblTli j*^ W Annan P. O.. NoTember Sth.^gS' ^^?' E STRAY. Came to thp h«_- subscriber, lot East half 27 «„^*'o'thft about the 12U, Octobe7 £'t ?• ^^i two year old «ttle, one buU ' '7,^ of two heifers. «DlorB««tly r^ â„¢***f «nd is requested to prw^e MoDeitv"^. "'^nw and take th«m awsty t2L^'V'P*'««, Nov. 30th, wiU be Xred for^e " ^^ Holland November 13th l^f °' ^^^^ .^ 166-t9 nnEACHER WANliir^ Section No. 17, Euphrasia a m^if*" "»1 holding third class certificate r^*"^^ commence January 2 18JU ^^ sala»7to ' ^- "^PP^y stating ^•'OS.MANABET _^ Sec-rrnstee, Rcckl^a P.O. -pARini$ FOR SALeT^ 1 weet, T. S. Road. Ariemesia .«„. â-  â-  " 50 acres, 40 of of which aredt sk^^2" ultivation. Lot S part 15, con 12 b„T^' fi3 acres. 40 clparpJ- „ii J.„ ":^";*^'ll4ni I-otUT.Mn. 40 cleared; all necessarv K. u f thereon. Lot 13, eon. 13, SeJ mt^ bush. For terms a^pS;i;j;j i- G. IRm-G, Markdalt. 16 all to Oct.16.1883. (Copyright secured.) A COMPLETE KSCOBD OF FAaM 0VKB1TI0K8. This book will contain blank pages, ruled, so that the farmer can keep a correct diary of his farm accounts, of bis purchases and sales o his produce, sales of live stoek, grain, dairy, fruit, and poultry; also a calemlar for 1884, giving the moon's changes, and also many useful tables, receipts, with memoranda pages, Ac for the farmers, not found in any other single book. PARM FOR SALE. I'Ot 89 and W second ransje west of T S Road i'\2\ 100 acres. 85 of which are cieS;^':i cultivation fat for reaper and mowwtowork on Buildiugs anJ fence, in good repair soil clay loam, well watered, and in a bJ state of wxifvation. This is a desirable farm an.l well located beinj; 2^ miles from th, flourishing village of Markdale, ftr farther particulars apply on premises or by letter Id 162 72 WM.MnniIE, MarJfiialc P. 0. LIGHT! LIGHT!! REFINED COAL OIL I Sets a gallon in two barrel lots and upwards. HEAD LIGHT OIL 25cts. a gallon by the barrel. A.t "Wholesale !Rates« H. PARKER Druggist, DURHAM. A KECKSSITT TO EVERT INTEIXieENT FABMEB. PBICE, 25 CENTS EACH. Address â€" THE FARMER'S ADVOCATE, 360 Richmond Street, LONDON, ONT.. CANADA. 325 ACBES IFoBiikeriss THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION Salesmen Wanted. Steady employment at fixed salaries to a'l willing to work. Men and Women can have pleasant WORK THE YEAR ROUND- Good agents are earning from J40 to S75 per monch, and expenses. Terms and out- lit free. Address STONE WEIjLINGTON, ^61-75 Toronto. Ont. STAMDARD Til A /in eassortment of 'Miches Clocks, Kings, Chains, Setts, Buttons, Specks, Charms, c. Also an extra Urn of Electro- plated ^oods for table tise. Watch and clock repairing personally, attended to and guaranteed. Honest charges. W. A. BEOWxX, The Jeweller, THE all the mean tilings he had ever done until finally his mind reverted to the fact that, instead of subacribing for his local papers, he was in the habit of borrowing them from a neighbor and thus defrauding the poor printer Un this he says he felt so small that he slipped out of the log without an effort. Moral Don't .T0« friend, the lo J"""' *â„¢" subscribe like paper, but THOS. MATHEWS, lanesS U« MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. BEST TO GET PUCE 1 North of Toronto, is at the Economist. STmRTLINC DISCOVERY T A^SSJ^^'AHHOOD RESTORED That's so. for a friend of mine Ha^^ his taken ihero and he says tbey^^' even better than what he bad ta- in Toronto. JAMES HAimiON.-Ji^'?^ jTw. FOBP I. giving .plmilia s.li.a*»» '" GRISTING, By the New Tiocess at tbe HarUde nouris; Special attention to P"'l^^^e tb«ir distance so that they t-ay grist home the same Uay, DressStuff Dress stuffs in shades, varying 10 cents up. Tweeds in Er and Canadian, i and most fashior Local and Ot Notices in thtse colum tny individual or Societi tentt « line for the first ^tmtt a line each subseqm Nominations will lilonday the 81st Dec Rbjuvenator stoni taking the lead, sold barber. A KEY found near i on Saturday last, wa £ce to find an owner. A CHOICE lot of ladi( and double shawls, fu ed ottc at Trimble New arrival of orai isb grapes, Dates ai nuts at Montgomerj'i Hit. Thos. Cook. Glenelg, will be at tb oa the 6th December The election for Commons has resultc of five for Mr. AUisoi date. "What thb Peo Hamilton's photograj cheapest place in the irameB. The Flbshebton week sayg Mr. P. li fox, and in the next i gentleman for a pieea

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