Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Nov 1883, p. 4

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 NEW ADV ERTIS EMENTS. Estray â€" Geo. Taylor, Teacher Wanted â€" Jas. Stmthers. Notice to creditors â€" Bich. Wooda- Th:8 standard. MAEKDALE, NOV. 8th, 1888. OIIBSELVES. © ar r aspand^ttCB, The prospects or the Standakd is encouraging and its standing general- ly satisfactory. The subscription list continues to swell from week to week. At several of our neighboring post offices the number of subscribers have doubled and in some cases trebled during the past year, while in our more immediate vicinity the Standard is read, and its weekly visits highly appreciated, in, we believe every family (those who do not subscribe, read their neighbours paper) there are many however who are apparent- ly contented to read the news from week to week, and year to year with- out paying for the same, we are los. iug all sympathy as well as confidence in this class and have decided to pub- lish, early in January, the names of all who are in arrears for 1888. "We give ample warnmg and hope to have but a short list to publish. Quite a number have already renewed for 84 and we offer the following liberal terms to those yet in arrears We will accept cash in advance rates for •this year by renewing for '84 at the same time, or in other words wUl ac- cept $2 cash lor 83 and 84 by paying it any time up to 15th December, otherwise $1.25 will be charged. Fair warning, we mean business. EDITORIAL. JVOTES, â€" The following sensible paragraph we clip from the Toronto Truth and commend it to the earnest considera- tion of all who use the weed â€"At the late Sabboth School Convention a great many home truths were ut- tered, which it is to be hoped will do a great deal of good. One gentle- man was specially hard upon tobacco, but not, Truth fancies, too hard. It â- seems it was the ruin of that poor NoTicK.â€" We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents To Editor Standabd. Occasiooally we read of instances in the human family where men are said to exist in duplicate; one day act- ing like themselves and again like some other person, known or unknown as the case may be, I begin to think that such cases may be found. That the man who quietly came to me on the day after my letter of the 11th ult. was published, and inquired if I could prove my statements, said he was sorry that this thing had ever occur- red between us, he had been drawn into it and was resolved to never med- dle again in such matters, and pro- posed that the bringing of my proof be done quietly and one man was sufficient, (this was his owp proposal) that it was the same man who wrote " Mr. Pickell's Denial " in last week's Advance, is a question among the ologies I cannot answer and yet I am sure in the first instance, and presume in the second, it assumed the Ictm and appearance of A. E. Fawcett. Now sir, on the day in question 1 told Mr, Fawcett it was not convenient for me to meet him but proposed doing 80 on Saturday evening, he said he was going away in the morning and would not return till Wednesday, and our meeting had to be postponed. Early on Thursday morning I went to his office in company with a gentle- man who had waited on him as I be- fore stated, who told him that he was sufficient proof that I had foundation for my statements and at the same time adyised that the matter should end as it was of no interest to the public, it was now purely personal between Mr. Fawcett and mv-^elf, and suggested that we drop it at once and entirely. Mr. Fawcett said he would naturally like to make some reply to my letter, but this gentleman said :t would not do for him to say we had smoked the pipe of peace or anything of that kind, that if we were going to settle we should say no more on either side, I said I would agree. After thinking a few moments Mr. Fawcet said he would drop it at once if I would and said I will giye yon my hand on it, and reached out his hand and shook hands with me to bind the agreement that our correspondence able state of oar moral atmoq?here befol»4hi8 champion of morality ap- peared on the scene, mud of th« slongks into which we may relapw aflterhe has run his race amongst us. We re- coil from such thoughts, vieirtDg the matter as we do, from the elerated standpoint to which he has raised us. In conclusion. I wish to say that I ex- pect he will deny in toto all I have written in this letter in his reply next week, but doing so m the face of so many who know better, is to his own hurt as usual, not mine. I am sorry to draw so largely on your space on a subject so far beneath the notice o. your paper or your intelligent readers. Yours respectfully, W. G. PiCKELL. Credit Sale Register. Mr. Geo. SewoU three miles East of.Markdale will sell by public auc- tion, on Thursday November the 15th his stock implements c. Twelve months credit, sale to commence at 1 o'clock p. m. Geo. Noble, auc- tioneer. An auction sale of farm stock and implements will take place at Edward Sargent's near Berkeley on Monday the 12th November. There is six horses and a large quantity of other stock implements c in the bill for sale. Twelve months credit, see bills for full particulars. Geo. Noble Auc- tioneer. Mr. W. G. Pickell has announced by posters and hand bills, an exten- sive sale of live stock to take place on his farm near Flesherton, on Satur- day next, the 10th, ,to commence at 1 o'clock p. m. There will be sold twenty five head of cattle, eleven of which are good milch cows, besides horses, sheep, pigs c. Terms of sale 12 months credit on approved joint notes or eight per cent discount for cash. A. S. Vandusen. Tlie AlieghasiaHs, Whose name has become a household word with music-loving people of all nations, and whose continuous travels have extended to all parts ol the civil- ized globe, performing by royal com- mand before the crowned heads and nobility of Europe, will present on Monday evening, Nov. 12th, at the Orange hall, Markdale, one of their unique and incomparable programme, embracing numerous vocal Specialities, new songs, new quartets, and their was at an end. But, sir, what shall i astonishing manipulation ol 120 Swiss BIRTHS. Pickett.â€" In Berkeley, on the Btbinst. wife of Mr. John Piokatt. of a son. the MARRIAGES- CBorrâ€" Badjibo--â€" At "the residewse of the brides father, bj the B0v. John Chisholm, B. A.. Mr. Joseph Cfoft, of Osprey to Miss Emely Badgero, of Art«BM»ia. JoMiBâ€" Bui-Hiu.â€" At the residence of Mr.. J.English, Attemesia, on Oct. 16th, by the Bev J. Chisholm, Mr, Geo. Jonea, to- Miss Mary Bulmer, both of Duneiden. MisoNâ€" McCoNKKLL.â€" At the reaidenee wf Thos. McConnell, Osprey, on Oet. S-l,, by the Bev J. Chisholm. Mr. Joliia Mason, ef Jigermont, to Miss Martha McConilell, of Osprey. TTTANTED, YV Eight girls, at Miss Green's dress making parlor. Six appren- tices and two assistants. 161-tf. TEACHEB WANTED, Male or Female, for f^chool Section No. US' Town- ship of Euphrasia, holding third class cer. tificate, duties to commence 1st of January, 1884, apply stating salary expected^ to- JAMES STBUlHEBSvSw. 15o.o7 MasSdalftP. 0. E STRAY. A steer rising two years came to the premises of the UDdersigned, lot 18, con. 12, Holland, in September lai»t. The owner is requested t» proTe property, pay charges and take him. HEat.T HAMILTON, 164-66 Hasktfway P.O. AHIeunt Vmm St !^an ••li ^rtownotnan Mr t„ isHieofthefceky.„a2ti^^ Moghier'tt a «od»ni tieaed in the "Hugh L. â- â€"75 in numberâ€" "asspm\^i Farmer Hou»e, Chicago ^^f" ' day kst to prepaid to L; I. ^^ 'K\ «ce. They had beeuSdZfrn Jther EzekieV- ^cqui^dt^' Manchester, En^. oi "?^i %l wlie» Manchester'had „^' MihalMtants, that he aud S ^•** came eisJaaigts despite thei f^' miUion dbllars, and that a 'H L.Moshier died, in Rhode uL^ll years ago, the monev, which i time had becorae my sterionsly Ijl ished to the mere La^atellp 'v Or^.OOO,wasdeposaeftth?^^^J of England where it awaits t^^. Bcendauts' call.- MiARKDALE Fall Wheat. SO.70 to SI.' to 81 95; BarlpT, 4U toli Batter, 18c; F^gs, 22c; Pntutoes, 40,- »7 .00 Pork, S.OO to .-i.Sd- Flow " »5.00; Wooll7to2 N' OTIC£. Having given up possessi'^n of Barrhead Mill, and purpose removing from this place shortly, I hereb notify all parties indebted to me to call at Lucas' Banb and settle their account and save further trevble; or coats. W. J. ROWS, Oct.24,'83. ESTRAY. Came into the premises of the subscriber, Lot North 2, Con. 12 Eu- phrasia, about the 8th October, two hwfers rising two years. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expences, and take them away. SAMUEL SMART. 164-G6 T' EAC'HER 1Â¥AI«TED For School Section No. 6, Artemesia, male or female, holding second or third class certificate. Duties to com mence 2nd day of Januarj- 1884 Apply stating salary to JOHN HAZARD. Sec.-Trea.s. to Trustees. Flesherton Station P.O. Artemesia,Oct,2i^'83. 164-65 TORONTO MARKETS. Fall Wheat, $1.00 to SLi,,; Sprin. *uJ ^.n.l2;Barley,.5(Jcto7,..;OatS.:,T Bfcas, 70c to 73c; Hors, ^C.oii tu 'lll^\ toes, per bag. 'JOc to Sk; Ikuter. dairy t tol7c;e.^es,22cto25c. •""' INTHEfiOODSANaCHAnus â€"OF- JOHN KIRKPATRICK,! (DEtKASKIi.) I say of a man, who, in the presence of an honorable witness to such ac worthless fool, Mann, the L'Original i agreement, which would have been murderer. It Jias been the ruin of a great many better men. It is making a set of weak, nervous, wasteful im- becile, good for nothings, in spite of the fict that a good many sensible people smoke. To see the sidewalks •of the principle streets of this city on a Sundav evening, is a caution. It would seem if it had rained saliva. Faugh 1 â€" Truth says; â€" Who would be a â- candidate for Parliamentary honors Why he may be unseated before he knows what he is about. If he calls a public meeting, and addresses the promiscuous crowd in soma such terms as "Well, friends, I hope you -will all do your best for me," these •simple words constitute every man jack in that crowd an agent, and if any one of them do an illegal act, iiowever much it may be to the poor candidate's injury, he is responsible all the same. This seems awfully hard, still it is all the same. The new Governor has arrived and .after all the usual ceremonies have been gone through finds himself quiet- ly settled in Rideau Hall. The politi- -cal range of his work is very limited. He appeareutly has no individuality, but most do what his Ministers bid him or dismiss tliem and take the •consequenees. Socially, however, he jnay be a power, aud is intended to le such. If he and his wife are to succeed in this work they .will need to keep very wide awake. The small citizens of Ottawa will try to capture him. The Prime Minister's wife may try to bou Lady Landsdewne, aud much else that is small and disagree- able may very likely take place. If they yield to such pressure they ii ill be undcme. If they play their ewds aright the natiou for years henee may very likely part with them ia sorrow aud with a ^ofoond reaped wnieh has initallthebestfiLemenUof affte-i ^on. â€" Truth sacred to any one with a spark of truth honor, or principle, daring in the very paper he was then preparing to print, to tell the public that " as W. G. Pickell had acknowledged being in error and under misapprehension, he accordingly agreed to let the matter drop." As to making any acknow- ledgement whatever, I have denied through your paper and do so again; as to making my "fersonal confession" to him this is equally false, the very idea is contemptible. If I stoop to corresspond with him I have not found it necessary to make any confession to A. R. F. pubhc or private. I have never tried, as he says to impose on him, I was not interfering with him when he first used my name in his paper, and when I withdrew my sub- scription I wanted to have done with him, and from the first my posiition has been a defensive one aud will be to the end let that be when it may. as I am fully prepared to sustain myself and posi tion and if I were his most bitter enemy I could not wish him to take any other course than the ono he has chosen for himself, if be is not satis- fied with what I have shown him re- garding his patronage, he may find it out for himself in a more practical way before many weeks. Mr. Fawcett repeated inquires "who is W. G. Pickell." Evidently he did not know when he first made him the subject of an editorial. If he had he probably instead would have given his readers "a trio to Toronto," or an account of his adventures in his late visit to Thornbury or something equally in- structive and interesting, but for pres- ent information I might tell him that W. G. Pickell was a resident of this place probably before A. R. Fawcett «ras out of his pinatores. The ques- tion does not interest me but I have heard it asked who is this A. R. Faw- cett who professes to unearth all the dishonest, dishonorable and immoral transactions in our community. As his short stay amongst us leayes it an open question perhaps in his capacity of public instructor he will enlighten the ignorant as to who he is. Mr. Fawcett need make no allowance for hasty expression or misleading, as I am not in the habit of nsmg the first or been drawn aftray by the second. I cannot help thinking, sir, of tb»piti- Bells. We commend the following extracts .^elected from both hemispheres â€" On Friday, these exquisite Bell Ringers and Vocalists appeared in one of their extraordinary Concerts at the Crystal Palace, when one of the most charming musical treats ever enjoyed in this place, was undoubtedly afforded thoes whose good fortune it was to be pres- ent." â€" Era (London, Eng.) "The playing on the Bells was marvelous, and elicited the most rapturous applause and the smigng was excellent.' â€" Oxford (Eng.) Jour- nal. •'I have so freely expressed my opinion of the merits of these enter- tainers, that I have only to add, as a word of advice, 'Go and hear them.' " â€" R«v. Ma* Spukoeon, London, Eng. "The Quartets and Songs were admirably sung, and the very able manner in which airs, with rariations, were rendered on the Swiss bells great- ly delighted the andience, and called forth well.merited encores. â€" Standard (London, Eng.) "Their music is deci4edly fine, especially their quartets tnd it will be long eve we fo^et that Viagnificent and heavei-mspiring chant, 'Where shall the apu! find rest,' as sung by the Alleghfiniansâ€" N. Y, Independent. 'Giokets ^^ and 50 cents. Reserved seats can be secured i^ A. Tume's drug store without extra j^arge NOTICE TO CRE DITORS. Pursuant to Section 34. of Cliaptalo;, E. S. 0. the creditors of .Iulm Knkpstnck, late of the township of Kupliiusia, CouBtvui' Grey, deceased, who Jicd on or about'tlie 21st Oct. 1883, and all parties having claim* upon bis estate are, on or bpfore the FIFTEENTH DAY Ol' DECEMBER, 1883 to send by post, prepaid, to En-hard Woods, Bocklyn P. O., in the Couuty nf Grey, one of the executors, of tb«' iirrsdUiil estate lud effects of decea.sed, their clin-ti,-iu aud .inr- names, addre.s?es aud description, tlieful! particnlsrs of their claims, a statement of ;tbeir accounts and nature df tie secuntits (tJany) held by them, find iu iltfault tljereof tlw assets of the said ucL-in.Nid will be dis- tnbated, having regard mibi to theclaiis- tbea received, or those of them wbidi ilit- esasutors then have notice. JOS. MaN.-\REY, I .p BICH. WOODS. ,^"â„¢'"" Dated this 5th dav of November, 1883. ESTRAY. Prom the premises of the subscriber, lot South 12, con. 11 Euphra- sia, in the month of May, 6 yearling calves. 1 steer and 4 heifers, mostly red with a few white spots. Any person giving snch infor- mation as will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. Any nerson harboring them without aivertising them will be prose- cuted according to law. GEO. TAYLOB, Euphrasia Sm. 2. 1883. 155-57 Rim DECEMBER T H E 1ST. 1! FARMS Wmn SALE. Lot 117, con. 1 weft, T. A S. Sead. Artemesia. containing 60 acres, 40 of «4 which are clearsd and under ultivation. L«« 8 part 15, con. 12, Holland 63 acres, 40 cfeared; all necessary buildings thereon. Lot la, con. 13, GleneJg, 100 acres all bush. For terms and particulars apply Oct.16.1883. G. IBVING, Markdale. 16 FARIII Fen SAIJB. Lot 8» and 90 second ranae west af T. (fe S. Bead, Glenelg, 100 acres, 86 of which are cleared and under cnltiTation fit for reaper and mower to work on. Buildings and feaoes in good repair 8wl clay loam, well watered, and in a good â- tale of cultiTation. This is a desiraWe farm and well located being 3^ mhss from the flourishing Tillage of Markdale, For further particulars apply on premises or by letter to **2 '2 Wm, MUTBIE, Markdale P. O. rim's m i (Copyright secured.) A COMPLETE RECORD cF FaT.JI OPERATIOS.I. This book will contain blank pages, ruled,. so that the fanner can keep a correct diary of his farm accounts, of his purchases and sales of his produce, sales ot live stixik, grain. dairy, fruit, and poultry: ;ilsi/ a calendar for 1884, giving the moon's changes, aud also many useful tables, receipts, with memorands pages, Ac. for the f armors, not found in any other aingle book. A HECESsrrr to evert intelli»eki rAB«i- PRICE, 25 CENTS ncn. '♦Wli» W««Mii*tke a Printer l** Who was tlve earl of Staadhope He was only a^ printer. What ig pnnce Frederick llUUiam, married to the princess rojal of £ni;land He too, was only » printer. Who was WiJham Caiton, one of the fathers of hteratnre He was only a printer. Who were J. P. Norris, N. P. WilUe, J. Gales, C. Richardson, Horece Greeley, Bavard Taylor, Ghas, Dick- ens. Thiers Jeirold, George D. P^n- tice. Bishop Kavanangh Senators Dix Cameron Plumb, and NUes They wera only printers. What was Ben- janun Franklin He was only a pnnt«r. Etarybody cannot affard to be a printerâ€" 4nunii an necessary. ?^.! WA»TED...More street lamps: and bitdimg poets a to»4i 4all • »ud a loek.|ip. ' XpOlt SALE, iTi j,iA «_, «'"**• K™»n farm. Lots 109 and 110, 2nd Eaat T. and S. Road Ar- twaesia. containirg 100 iotm. 80 aerai eiear- S,„?ii flw**^ "^u*.*** -«««^t*on, dear of stone and fit for machmeiy of any kind; eoil clay loam. The farm is well fenced, hM 15 aoraa fi^l wheat in, about 50 fruit trees bear- mg. and la aituated in a Uautiful notion of country two and a half milea from Markdale a thriTinK Tillage on the T. G. A B. railway! Go«dreawnB for eeUing. Posseasion girii nextaprmg. For farther particulars applr Address â€" THE FAEMER'S ADVOCATE, 360 Richmond Street, LONDON. OSr.. CiKAM- on the prentisea to 164-66 JOHN MBBCEB. Markdale P. Advertise in tbe St^^i^irl. F'Asliiona.ble Tailor, OVKR MACVABLAND's STOBK. A KSRFECT FIT GUABAR TEED. t500 Reward I We wiU pay the above rewwd foruv eaa* ofLiyer Complaint. DytpepSa, Sf hST neMweeannot eon witfcW«ii' vI^T ir SShS^^S^^^^««^ «^^s^ oowphed with. They u* mu^j TewuSi W^. Ii««e Boxea. Mntaiaiac SO FUb EUGENIA Grist, SawandLaftMi Haringmade eqtensive improvements in loy Gnst Mill I feel confident I can gi»? good aatiaf action. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON Wm Chopping Done Every Day^ eustom Sawing and Bills Filled on th» Miortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HASD. Cherry, Bnf.ornut, White A-h, Black Jj- BasBwood, Pine .lud Heujlock Lors wsniw 691y. M. AKITT, Kugenia. Wm. Lucas k Co., BANK Ba^jr«(«eii. Oat W«»atl\l««4C( Ioiiey Loaned IW large or smaU amounts, at all '"|^*f' good sndoiBed note*, or on coll»t«««* Mcority. MTEIEiT AT ff PER CE»T. AltewMkaci Savings Dejxisits. 'Dtafta TbmmA and Colk-ctions fflS' le Oi at flMnest rates W.M.. LUCAS DressStuffi Dress stuffs in shades, varying 10 cents up. Tweeds in En' and Canadian, ir and most fashion: Markdale an A fine assort mt Clocks, Rings, C Buttons, Specks, A Iso an extra lin plated goods for Watch and ck personally^ attcn guaranteed. H( W. A. Bli The Je^ Local and Ot Notices in tliese cohtm tTiii individual or Socleti cfnts a line for tlie fufl cents a litu each subitqu 8e|)«««^ 2% 1880. 2-lf Complete outfits fc the Standard Office. â- Whfn is butter lil "When it is made iutc Mr. Bryan, of the has put up two lamps The' Standard to t new subscribers for i Blank notes, recei forms for sale at the A Lodge of the J United Workmem h iu Taira. Tho8. McNea has barQiDg stove and a the winter. Tme Toronto Dail with the Standard tl and all of next year A CoBBESPONDEin right to kiss a youn of her departure," C her m the mouth. lifcFAiiLAND is ma ia Hie batter line, h pounds in one day jiioes, Mc. is the bi Tmt Silver Medal ronto Industrial E) Trimble's "Clear flefn in the window shop. We have made i the World Publiehit are enabled to dub t dependent daily pa^ OABD for $3.50 cash HioHCST price Eggs, Fowl, Potato tSbeepskins, Gees Trimble Wvight i To Sbll ob I'aA rising 5 years, farrc ^oragood cow iacd ^n. Lot North '5 about six miles froi The ooDservativf have diosen Dr. W their atandard beai «leetion to fill the Philps being unsea We are pleased t HcFarlaud has ma "ter at a good rooi Todd 4 Sons, Live tity sold was two c Thb Connty Jud of revision for Ho Campbell's Hotel, 15th November al o'clock P. M. Pbcwlx don't ha coat collar int* His immense sto 3^ods ia sufficient with large bayers.

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