Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Nov 1883, p. 1

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 OL. 4.-N0. 9. MARKDALE, ONT., N0V.8 1883. No. 165. Ilie ^^it\Mt Rimini IS PUBLISHED [yERY THURSDAY EVENING, At Markdale Ontario. IN ADVANCE. C. W. RUTLEB8L EdiTOB PnOFBLETOB. «,Ani Eli WAKDELL, K- T£j.i. nuiGER AND DRILLER. ALL orJ. IS promptly att«iid«d to. Resi- ,â€" Siiultr s HiJi, Owen Sound. 122-35 i Glient, M,D^ M.E.GP. S., O. Piiysiriiin and â- S«rceon, Priceville, JaJuaic'f L'liiveraity, Vict. College. „ New York, und |-;j, jjiii'luato, of the same, Ayleth Medical Institute. Optlialmic Hospital, N.Y. Knib-rL ii. Pliv«itians SurgeoP8,0. 104 P.MARSHALL, L.D.S. DEIVTIST, â-  nUAPCvTE OF T0r0\ lljr (if liiiitistry. V ' ' lio lE'Jtel. M'likilaie, on i. e ?â-  r \:'Ai\ "I f-'i'ii oio.i^ti auJ ' ' hitel. l-'lr-licrt/jn, the -, " lisril Wriliu'Stlar in etch ^o.' |:iV('f liH ju'ofession. jiBi'.ary \nh, I'SSS. SCHOOL ri'iler-es â-  r. Wed- 'i -sbi-w's o^v Inj the or t-'e prac 122-74. â- k which ' £«0» Frost 4c Frost, TERS, AND ATTORNEYS- AT Solicitors in Chancery, Convey ;«!., A(. (?wen Sound, liave resumed s^ iriiieituii, Oiffioe ojsent ev«ry Thursday, afl LcreCofoi'f. luREii Frost, J. Vf Frost, LL. B. Cuur.ti- Crown Attorney. 1 ALE. OUR lin: OR mad: !J SBORt RY? CION. nAuius- D in Chs J. ITTASSOIV, ISTER, MASTER ANDDEP.REG lajicery, Notary Public, Con*eyan il nuhoer of fabms for saIiX.' OmcKs â€" Owen Sou«d, iHTicker'i Block feuiitt St.; Branch ofiSoe in Mjufkdale, over leFarlamrs Store, on Fkiiay and Satwiaj 'er_v Week. 57-iy -f'reasor dr Ktorrtson, B.^RRl*' -rws,SOLtCrrORS. CONVEY. tii««s, lix. (tec, OrncKs in Ow«n Sound, Duflferin Block, w W. F. Wolfs Store and in MARKDALE; wW. .T. McFarland's Stveeea Tlaxaiag wd Friday of each w«ek. t^Funds to lend on re«6(p0Me terms. oeiCbeasob, Q.Q i^HttLK liouiloi Markdale, MArch 15. ISM." 79-lf A1eTaii4ler M TSSUEE (it UTTi»ge JAetatmn, Fixe anl 1 Life InsarM)o« Agenti. Comminiontc i) â-  R. d-e. 3oBv«yaneer «ad Lieensei inctioneer fortke Ceanty otfflwy. Farmen; ^("^ants, an4 Last SaiM; Ponctoally â- * "Uded to and ckarges mtA* very moderai*. Priceville, Sept, 17,ja*i l-T ' TSSUER OF MABBIAOE LICENSES, «« X Comisissioner in B. R.Jbe. CoDv«yancing in all its bBtnehes proraptl) Uteoded to ni carefully «x«eat«A. ^- B.â€" ]^oaey to Lend oa Seal Eitato m «Uity. Wrc. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOB. A ABCHI. TECT. -Resiiienee oa ICUl Street, Mark. |ul Martisle.Jan, 24th, IMS. lUir lORESS AND MAilTLK m kinds ^riadiofl «eariBcapiianl««*M' ma^ in the very kieet etj^a. ^«4«iac Salts m â- niialip. H»6* Jl atteBie4 to. SMe^ ^TAKD SHOEKAKSBi, MARKDALE. O'^ew promptly !^^( • specialty. Ail oar nark .. '«»« itrictly caA. BenMriMfT th« ataad, pposite Revere Hotel. 159.Sm JOHN NOBLB^ MARKDALE. ER'LBLACKSMITH |H0RSE8HOCI|iQ A SPECIAIiTY. B«tti*. REVERE HOTEU, JMARMJAIE. PROPRIETOR. THIS popular Hotel has changed hands and the above men cater to the wants of the public. Good ytabling and attentive hostlers. The best brands of liquor and cigars, good meals and comfortable rooms, large ommercial room. Baiber shop in con- nection. 130-ly. CHAT8WORTH HOUSE (late morrow house,) CHATSirORTH, Out. C. H. MATTHEWS, Pcoprietob. The best brand of liquors and cigars al- ways in stock. Good meals and comfortable rooms guaranteed. Good stabling and at- tentive hostler. 114 COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVHjLiE. Out. Large and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords goixi Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor 6IBS0H McMillan, CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK AND STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. CalsomininQ in all Shades and Colors. m HE THE FATE OF A BRIDE. A Toons Married Woman Poison- ed by Strychnine. 8B8plei««s Circumstaaccs vealed. Re- ETIDBNCE GIVEN AT THE COBONEK 8 « QUEST, STATEHENT OF THE BBIOEOBOOM. Fleshebton, Nov. 2. â€" The sudden death of a young bride, only a few weeks married, at Eugenia, near here, under most suspicious circumstances, has caused a flutter of ex- citement in the township of Artemesia, sel- dom if ever equalled belore. Ai the mystery which shrouded her death has not yet been satisfactorily explained, a coroner and twelve jurymen who attempted to solve it, there is considerable speculation as to the leal eaui- of death, and though several theories as to how the young woman met her death are ade vanced, they all tend to show that she was poisoned by strychnine, administed by some party or parties. Rosanna Leppard was Uv- ing with her father near Eugenia, about two miles from this place, four years ago, when she ran away from home. She was then 20 years of age. Nothing more was seen of her till two years later, when she returned with one John Rodgers, who represented himself to be lier husband. Thismariage her people supposed was bogus one, for they had not hved there many months when they left the place together, and in a few mouths she re- turned alone. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Stamdabo office will receive prompt attention. Markdale. Feb. 6th, 1883. 126-Iy. GEORGE Wholesale WILSON, and Retail (BUTCHER!} BEEF, PORK OB MUTTON SUPWIfcD. from a single poand to a whole oaltfMs, at the lowest market priee». nSN A FOWl IN TMM tUMN Farmers hariBg Fat Gattk, Sheep, Pigs to dispose of will do well to ealL Markdale, Oet.25tb. 1«81 or Union Canii^ forks. AJl work manttetwed fitom FmST filiSS MlTHUL In th« L«tMt and Bm( Impored Stjk, aud finufafed with EngUmh. VoumislA. Pifarftafi MMhi Hgs will reeeiT* prompt attention. All Bepairs exeeated ia the Aoctast pogstble time eonfiatflit with ^ood workuuatthip. Good Work a Speciality. BetfealMr e Shop, appoaite tlM (%«HP«U* D. J. SHAKAHAN, block eye when she appeared at the inquest to be exaaiined. She stated that she had got the black eye wh3e attending deceased. While she was in one el the fits she had thrown her arms aboTit and struck her. B. Hannah stated in his evidence that he had seen deceased with Cook Tait after they re. turned from the United States, at Mun. •haw's hotel, where he gave her some wine in a glass. He saw him order it and hand it to her, but he did not see him put any. thing in it. WAS DECKAPKD POISONED The evidence tends to prove that the un- fortunate young woman was poisoned, bat by whom, and for what parpose, it cannot yet besaid. Dr. Cbristoe hM written to the Attorney General asking permission to send the stomach of deceased to Toronto to have an analysis of it made. In the meantime, the inquest has been adjourned for two weeks to hear the result of the analysis be- fore giving a verdict, llie reputation oi the Leppord family is not a yery enviable one. They live near Eugenia in a miserable little dwelling, add one of the jurymen is author- ity f oar the statement that a doxeB of them live in room fifteen feet square in a miser- able condition. No arrests have been made in connection with the affair. McGee, $7 Messrs. Blaine Wyviile, were paid $108, job on bridge on town line Artemesia and Euphrasia.. Council adjourned. Artemesia Council. Maricdak. Dm. tod. 1881. Ftopriatof 64. NOTICE. As I have ^rcided to remove ntj bosiness from Markdale, all parties icdehted to me by note or book acooantmust settle the same imaiediately. Statement of aoMsnt caa be had and m^Finent mada at tha Bank, Mark* *^' EBMBT FOSTEB, Mark4»to,Al^.8tb,lM8, tf HARRIED TO A BLIND MAN. Rosanna remained with her father, James Leppard, till May last, when she went to Cook Tait's home, near Eugenia, where she I remained a month. She then returned to her home, and Cook Tait acquainted her father of their desire to be married. Before the matrimonial arrangements were com- pleted, however, it was agreed that the giri's life should be insured for the benefit of the intended bridegroom. Some time after this Cook Tait and Rosanna went to Meaford, wheie she was examined by a doctor, and policies for a $3,000 endowment In a Toronto mutual concern were given to the parties by Mr. Purdy, of Eugenia. The girl soon after accompanied Tait to Toronto, where he says tney were married by Rev. Mr. Macdonnell. The couple then went to Freemont, Michigan, to visit Tait's brother, and after remaining there some time returned to Flesherton on the 2.'Jrd October last. with her father again brother. Now come the strange part of the story. She appeared to be in good health up to Monday last, when .she was seized with vomitirg, a pain in the stomach, and other symptoms of poisoning. Cook Tait came to see her on Monday evening, and took tea with his wife and her mother. She walked a part of the way home with him in the evening. She then went to bed and during the Bight her mother was uwakened by "a loud yell," as she expressed it, and hurrying to her daughter found her in her bed IM THE AOONIES OF DEATH. She was unable to speak, and had soTaral fits. She seemed te know she was dying, for when her mother applied hot flannels to her body and asked her if she felt better, she only replied. " Let me pray." Her sud- den death caused suspicion among the neigh- bors and it was whispered about that her friends perhaps knew more about it than they eared to tell. A resident magistrate, how- eyer. communicated the facts of the case to Mr, Frost, County Crown Attorney, at Owen Sound, who instructed Dr. Ghristoe te hold an inquest, which todc Iaoe on Friday last. aod some interesting fiKts wee elicited which tend to throw a little lif^t on thamys- tery. The testimony of the witnesseslforms a strnag chaia of ciMamtantiaI eTideaee, which, it would seem, tf a little aiore Ught is thrown on the case, will i l np U a ate one or more patties in coniMetioa with the yooiiK woman's death.It was diowa that Cook Tait had in hia possession A BOTTLx or staTOBma, which he told one of tfaa witnesses bt had porehased in the States, and that he had got it for Boreral panofes. In his evidniee before the Qoniffr* |pv3r Codit T^t was Tory ratiefot ^ojl la iH e n s. He evaded giv- ing a dire«^ aHiser to aiaay of IIm (inostions asked him aa49tMM as aa aaiase that hia memory hiifA WBu He wlH iMr had never given dee«aiw4 Wf awMtor apd did not know wha^ c a^ ed he r iw t |i. Iter life Iras insured foe ^jab^nfii, and iiM evmt of her death the 9en^waa|^ It paid to him. The policy was auide fm^ !â-  ber maidra name aa they wereno^M^MBlQl s(»ie time after it was issaed. H|l^^ before ne married the deeeaaed Hw me was pregnant. She had a oonsoltatioa witii a doctor who had told her that she was ia a delicate eon- 4itioa« He had heard her comfdain of siek* nifcs a #ed[ before she died, bnt her mother said she imly had a eold. Dr. Sproole a pest siortcM examination of the body, reported to the jury that he had found all the parts in a healthy ooodition. From the symptoms of the ease he sapposed that deceased had come to her death by poison- ing! and the kind of poison that soggeeted itself to his mind was strychnine. He had preserved the stomach intact in order to have an analysis made. A XTSTXBIODS BI.ACX XTK. Mrs. Leppard, the mother of the giri, stat- ed in her evidence that her daughter's limbs were quite stiff when she was dying, bnt she struggled a little and threw the clothes off her on the hod where she was lying. Ihere was nobody in the house at the time but her other da^hters and she did not know the canse o^ bm death, ^bs. Leppard itd a Council met in town hall, Aug. 6th. 1888; members all present; minutes of July session read. Letters from the following parties presented and read: â€" Clerk of Mclan- ctbon, re drains; Reeve of Melan- cthon, re drains A. Webster, Esq.; re road job on 8th con. Creasor and Piatt, claiming $100 damages to one Malone Wm. Hogg, asking to have Valley road completed. Accounts as follows presented and payment ordered for the same, viz: â€" J. H. Campaigne, repairing scraper, 40ct8.; A. E. Fawcett, printing voters' list and advertising, $55.80 W. Wright, wood for town hall $10.12; J. Butherford, stationery $10.95; John McArthur, letting and inspecting bridge at Priceville $14.48. By-laws levying thp diflferent rates She went to" live ^^o*" '^^ J^^^ ^^' introduced and pass- and to live with his ed iu the usual way. By-law to levy sums on lands bene- fitted by drains from Melancthon was introduced and passed. The commibsioners for the different wards wiere paid $10 each for expend- ing appropriations; Michael Byan was paid $40 for road job oa 8th con.; J. P. Sparling was paid $80 for re- pairing bridge on 18th con, ward No. 2; the Reeve was authorized to em- ploy men by the day to repair hills on gravel roads the sum of $20 was granted to Artemesia Agricoitaral Society. The Beeve was requested to corres- pond with the council of Euphrasia iu regard to the completion of Valley road. Council adjoomed. October 1st, 1888. Council met to-day members all present; minutes of last meeting read and approved. A letter was received from John Niohol, re school money S. S. No. 12. The following accounts were ordered tu be paid W. J.Bellamy, treasurer's salary $87.50; A. R. Fawcett, print- ing and advertising $16.50 R. J. Sproule, postage to date $2.86. The Clerk was instructed to give to the trustees of U.S.S. No. 12, p state- ment of school moneys claimed by trustees, from 1881. Mrs. Duckett was granted $1 per week as per re- muneraticxi for keep of Wiggins' child deserted by its parents without assum* ing any responsibility in the matcer. John McArthur was paid $5 for let- ing and inspecting work on Durham Road bridge in Priceville. S. Pedlar, jr., was paid $1 for repairing bridge on 25th side road. Council adjourned. W. J. Bellamy, Clerk. New Railway Ticliet. A new kind of railway ticket is com- ing to the front. It is best explained by taking the Grand Trunk for ex- ample. That road goes to work and it prints a book of tickets containing 1000, or 500, or 100 or 50 tickets, 20 on a page, and each ticket good for one mile. These little tickets are smalldt than postage stamps, 20 on a sheet and perforated. You can buy two, twenty or a thousand of them and pay for them at a fixed rate, and the company on its part is bound to accept one of them for every mile you travel. You will not require to tell the tidket seller where you want to go you will say give me a hundred miles, or twenty, or a thousand miles, and get on board give the conductor enough of the little squares to carry you to your deatination. There will be then no such thing '.as lay-over tickets, or trouble in getthsg tickets cliauged or loss through tickets not used-these tickets will be as good as money and alwaya current. The road on its part will be duly protected from scalpers and the like. The new system has received the endorsement of the better elasaof passenger agents, of travellers^ and has beien adopted on several west- ern roads already. September 8rd, 1888,* Council met to-day in Town Hall, Flesherton. Members all present. Minutes of August meeting read. A letter from Robert Patton re culyert on town Ime Proton,wa8 read. The following aocoanti were order* ed to be paid M. Biley, repairing scrapers, $1.60 Jas. Wataon, ditto, $1.25 Wm. Wataon, burying Mrs. Beeton. an indigent, $6.60 Jerry Taylor for culrert on back line $5.00; W. Richardfon, stationary and tele- grams, $1.57 Wm. Smith, work on gravel roads $18.75 S. Kingston, dito, $18.75. By*law8 to appHnt coUeetors for current year, appointq»g S. J. Cole- man, J HalUlcd. John Higgin- bothon, «i||id J. is. Sloan edUeetors, was, passed. The following wai paid for %o*d JQbc in word No. 8 Henry Fedwick, $16 David MeMoUen, $2.50; Geo. Alien, $10.90 James Chard, $10 Mr. Elliott was paid $6. for letting and inspaeting bndge on town line. Euphraina and Artemesia Thomas Wandiob, wac p«id $50 for bridge m Tyrone; Thorp Wright, $5, for letting and inspecting the nme; C. Boyoe was pajd $90, for building Inidge over sangeen at Wallace's Oiurch W. H. HemphiU. $S0, for repairing bridge near Alfred Ward's W. T. MeEeo and Thorp Wright $8 each for letting and inspecting work on the same. The followMi^ road jobs in ward No. 2 were paid Arthur Johnston, 11^65 Dan^ J^ohntltm, $7 J«hR Bsdivray Appointments GsuieUed. A circular has been issued to, the ofikcers and employes of the Ontario Qdebec railway (Toronto, Grey and B^ce division)' and Credit Valley railway by Mr. Whyte, general super- inteodent, to the fullowiag effect "With a view to more economical and efficient working of the joint traffic of the Credit Valley eailway ami the Toronto, Grey and Bruce division of the Ontario A Quebec railway, I have to annoaoce the following appoint- ments E. Tiffin, general freight agent; A. McNicol, general passenger agent D. L. Hertsberg, engineer; D. Preston, mechanical superintendent of both systems; J. W. Leonard, formerly general passenger agent Credit Valley railwav, master of transportation Credit Valley railway; James Wilson, formerly superintendent of transport T., G. A B. railway, master of tran- sportation, T.» G. A B. division. The two last named gentlemen will have charge of all matters relating to traat- port, also of train and station stafl^. All correspondence relating tu the different departements should be addressed to the gentleman named above as tbe head of such department. The appoiatmentti went into effect last week. The offices of the Credit Valley Railway have been removed to the Toronto, Grey, A Br«ce Railway office, conter of Bay and Front streets. The C. Y. R. ticket offiice ^r^ll remain it the old stand on King- street until the U. E. Club building.; ia ready ta hfr. oco^ied.. m â-  I «

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