Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Nov 1883, p. 8

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 luUili imir Uik A ngait Monthly Cattle Fair t ill be heU in the A^rieoltonl Oroondt. Maritdri*, M fo'lowB â€" 1 3 â€" SATUBDAY Nor. 8 D(K Dee. 8 MABEDAIjE Meat Market A constant tapfij of Fresh Meats! on hand, at the Lowest Ijiving Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale Maioh 23. 188S. SMr Health is Wealth I Dr. E, C. West's Nebtx and Buk Tbbat- KENT, a guaranteed specific if or Hysteria, Dizziness, Conyaisions, Fits, Nerrons Nea- ralgia, Headache, Neryons Prostration caos- ed br the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wake- f ohiess, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain, resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Prismatnre Old Age, Barr ennetss, Loss of Power in either aex. Involuntary losses and Spermatorrhcea, caused by over-exertion of the brain, self- abuse or over-indulRenoe. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for fiye ddfiars sent by mail pre- paid on receipt of jprice. We guarantee six boxes te cure any case. With each order re- ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with fiye dollars, we will send the purchaser a written :guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar* antees issued only by A. Turner tfeCo.. ole tniihorieed Agent for Markdale Ont. John ii. West 4ftGo. sole proprietor. Toronto.Ont. ^lltiJ* EOBT. ASKIN. fas opened ont a First-ClaM ^y«S€RTKiNG ESTABLISHMENT. And therefore has suppUed a want long felt, 30FFINS, CASKETS, ^HROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISHINGS supplied on the shortes notice. A. Splendid Hecurse for hire at moderate rates. â€" All kinds of â€" PICTURE FRAMINC Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. ALEX KAY MILL STREET MARKDALE. BUCKLEJTS ARNICA S4LVB. The best salve in the world for Cnts, ^Bruises. Bores, Ulccrr, Salt Bkeaa. Fever 'Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Ohilblaiiis, •Corus^and all Skin Eniptitaa.Kid'PdsitiT^ Ksuies Piles. It is gnaruiteed to give p«rfeet -satisfaction, cr money refunded. Pnoe 25 eents per box. For sale by A. Turner Co ffm^^P â-  B^I^^B •^•â- â- ^ TihllilipFnptj YILU6E OF HOLUND CENTRE Oonn^ of Ctr^ey* rtan win be «dd OB Vricbqr, the Second Day of November, IMS, fet One o'eloek fai the afternoon, on the premises, in the Village of Holland Centre, by Tirtoe of a Power of Bale, conUined in a certain mortgage, which will be prodooed at the Sale, the following property ?â€" Untler mortgage from Oeorge Skene, Til- lage lot No. 35, on the west side of the To- ronto and Sydehfaam Boad, in the Village of HoUand Centre, containing one fifth ot an acre, mora or leas, being part of lot 81 in the Ist Bange. soath-west of the Toronto, and Sydenham Boad, in the Township of Holland, in the Coonty of Orey. The foUowing improyements an said to be on the premises: A frame dwelling with oot- buildings. TsBiisâ€" One tenth of the pnrehase money to be paid down on the day of sale. For bal- ance terms will be made Imown at the sale. For farther particulars apply to JONES BBOS. A MACKENZIE. Solicitors, ICasonie Hall.Toronto. or to JoH Ltovb, Esq., Markdale. T(»onto,Oet.4th,1883. WAR m O HIWAI France threatens China with a devastating war in con- sequence. Wilson Benson OF THB â€" Mast Honse, Markdale Has purchased a Large Stock of the CHOICEST TEAS In the Market, and will sell at lower prices than any in the trade. Parchasing direct from the Refinery, his SUGARS cannot be excelled for quaUty and lowness of price. BACON, HAMS, CHEESE, SALMON, LOBSTERS, SARDINES In endless variety. DAIBT SALT of best quality. Of best brands and of every variety. In short, there is nothing in the Grocery trade that cannot be supplied at the "Belfast House" by WILSON BENSON. July 6, 1882. THE BEST PLACE TO GET North of Toronto, is at the iMLai-kdale Grallery, That's so, for a friend of mine had his taken there and he says they are even better than what he had taken in Toronto. JAMES HAMILTON. ARTIST. T. G. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. Ohang-e ot Time. On and after Monday, June 18th, 1882, trains will mn as follows OOINO H XH. OOmO SOUTH R^aA J}9WH% A.M. 7 30 9 05 9 55 13 20 2 2a 11 60 12 06 1 80 P.1C. p.x. 4 25 6 00 6 45 8 44 10 15 8 :^ 8 45 9 55 P.M. Ktad Up. TOBONTO Casdweuj Jcnc. OBANOEYUiLK Mount Fobkst.. Teiwwateb .... Flxshsbton.... MABKBiil^, OWBH SoUtlD.... A.lf. 10 45 9 05 8 27 6 30 5 00 6 43 6 27 6 15 A.K. P.M. 9 10 31 60 30 45 47 80 8 10 p.x. A Mixed lYain will also inn between Tor- onto and Owen Sound. See Time Table. D. MoNioou., Emnmn Wbagoe. Gen. Pa$$. Agt. General Manager $500 Reward We will pay the above reward for any- ease^ of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Head- ache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costive- ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satinfaction. Suaar Coated, Large Boxes, containing 80 Pills, 26ct8. For sale hyisll Dmggists. Beware of oonnterteits and immitatioiis. The genn- ine maanfactuied only by JOHN C. WEST CO., "The Pill Makers," 81 88 King St. Bast, Toronto. Ont. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. For sale at Turner «fcCo. Dtuk Store. MtSOELLANCOUt \ni«iit Mtar Uk* Irish MiM* An nahappy BMRiaff* k »• « tIaotriemaemiMâ€" it nakei ont dwoe, iwt yoa eaat let go.â€"Em. Qotce, Now.â€" ton eu h«^ «tber the weekly MaU or Oloht with toe Staitdabd to the end rf 1884 for $2, Oabh. BeaUveandflecurethebiJance of the year free which ie worth 60 cents. The ftTerage girl with » Wg ^»»»t loftded with flowers and feathers seems aU head tiU yon talk to her. â€"Es. THB GBEATB8T HBALING COMPOUND is a prM)aration of carbolic add, vaseUne and cerate oaUed MeOregor Parks's Car- boUfl Cerate, It will core any sore, eut, bum or braiae when all other preparations tuL Call al Sll Bros. General Store and get a pMiug*- Twent7-fiv« oeaXa is all it costs. ' Some noktiown person attempted to Iweak into the editor's house recent- ly, but discoyered his mistake and escaped before the editor could rob him. â€" FrimdJUp RegUter. KBAMS'8 FLUID LIGHTNINO Is the only instantaneoas relief for Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Bubbing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. No tak- in nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's appUcation removes all pain ad will prove the great value of Eram's Fluid Lightning. Twenty -flive cents per bottle at Hill Bros. General Store. Ijoat. out for bo^as Canada 25 cent pieces. They are thicker and lighter than the genuine, and have a rather brighter lustre. In all other respects they are well calculated to deceive. Ram lambs fob sale. â€" A choice lot of South Down grade ram lambs for sale at H D Irwm's and Thos. Irwin's a short distance East of Markdale. MoGBEGOBS SPEEDY CUBE. From the many remarkable cures wron(^t by using McGregors Speedy Cure for Dvspep â-  sia. Indigestion, Constipation and Affection of the Liver and from the immense sale of it without any advertising, we have concluded to place it extensively on the maket, so that those who suffer may have a peifect cure. Go to Hill Bros. General Store and get a trial bottle free, or the regular size at fifty cents or one dollar. One of the best agricultural month- lies is the Farmer's Advocate. Its edi- torials are well written, and its selec- tions wisely chosen. 'Ilie vurioas de- partments of interest to the farmers are filled with interesting and valuable matter. It is edited by men of prac- tical experiance, and not mere theor- ists. $1 per annum. Orders taken at the Standabd Office. Tmb general manager of the Cana- dian Paeifte railway states that the through line will be completed in October, 1885. Nme thousand men will be at work on the Lake Superior end of the line all winter. If you wish to subscribe for tbe Globe, Mail, Star, Farmer's Advocate or Montreal Witness or renew your subscription for any of the above papers hand in your name and sub- scription to this office. True merit brings its own reward, in the case of Burdock Blood Bitters it is rapidly bringing its reward in its in- creased sales, as a prominent Druggist recently said, "it now sells on its mer- its;" It is the gruid specific for diseas- es of the Blood, liver and Kidneys, 25. 000 bottles have been sold during the last three months. For sale by A. Turner Go. Markdale. A GENEBAL STAMPEDE. Never was such a rush made for any Drug Store as is now at A. Turner ACo's for a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Diacoveiy for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. AH per- sons affected with Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs or any affection of the Throat and Lungs, can get a Trial Bottle of this great remedy free, by calling at above Drug Store. "A baby," says the New York JoumaZ,"i8 the oasis of married life." This does away with the popular notion that an oasis is a quiet place. TBUE TO HEB TRUST. Too much cannot be said of the ever faith- ful wife and mothn, constantly watching and caring for her dear ones, never nralect^ ing a single duty in their behalf. When they we assaUed by diaeaw, and the system should have a thOTongh cleaning, the stomach and bowels regulated, blood purified a ma- larial poison cxtermmated, she must know that Electric Bittera are the only sure reme- dy. They are the best and purest medicine m the world and only ooat fifty cents Sold by A. Tumei. Some admiring poet said of his best gurl, "Upon her face a thousand dim- ples smile for me." Which only adds more emphasis to the adage "Love is blind." .,How like the mischief a gurl would look with a thousand dim- ples on her face. The poet must have meant freckle8.^New Haven BegiiUr. MIUaONS GIVEN AWAY MiUions of bottles of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Conmimption. Coughs and Colds" have heen giv^ away a. Trial Bottles of Ae hirge aiae. This enormous outlay would be Jisartrous to the proprietors, wer4 it not f ot the rare ments possessed by the wondeiS mediome. Call at A. Turner Co's S Store and get a Trial Bottle/r.«, and tirfo? yourself. It never IwU to cure, MARKDALE PLMHlfG, SAS8, D60R AHB â-  â€" o oOo- Lumber Planed or Matched Whlt Wd Sash, Doors, and Mouldings always on hanrf ©r m j i Order. All kinds of lumber, Lath and Shin^| stock. Furniture of all descriptions to be s«eis Warerooms. Lumber and cordwood will betake change for Furniture. TAILOR, SYDENHAM Sl'REET, Good Work Guaranteed AT UmUm FLESHERTON. 3.1^ C3!^CO and see samples of work which area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at Tj£tJ^~ "CriL-a..CE3IB'S, FLESH [8 CILCINEID FLASTEZe. Plaster Paris, One oar of Nova Scotia, all best and cheapest in the market. Machine Oils and Paint OILS ATGL08E PRICES. H. PARKER'S Drug:8tore DURHAM. THOS. MATHEWJ U E:tiiiil MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR mi KEPT ON HAND OR m TO ORDER ON SBOE^ NOTICE. LIVER IN CONNECTION. II ONLY ONE :c 1 (â- â- â- â- â€¢â- â- â- â- â- â- HI Agents iiQQA I Wanted -A.I3 THE GREAT DOLLAR PAPER, TheWiseklyGlobe FROM NOW TO END OF 1 884 $1.00 DOLIE' j**iiili""" fU'f "*• su One Year, St.OO Quarter Year, THE «DKiLY GLOBE THE GREAT CAMADIAff PAPER. Has the moat extenaive and Influential ciretiMlon "^/Jjf*. America, ia noted for ita extenaive Cable and TeJegrapH'P"^-^ and lathe great authority upon Commercial mna nn^ Mattera throughout the Dominiom. I Half Year,... S3.60 $1.75 **^*^WWI MHW » MM i mm fTV?t.TTTfTWtm. In order to increase oor already large list of y^^^'y "'^^ifi- Thk Weekly. Globe, we make the foUowing liberal »"« J"^,^e cent offer to every reader of this advertisement who wisnes advantage of It at once. .u, U Sm For $8.50 wewiU send to anyadd«« in Canada or the u- THE WEEKLY GLOBE S â-  9 fro m now to end of December, 1884, and in addiMon, A B g I wcza opm-FACiD vnaL-wmas^ watch. The IVatehis of convementHu U is nton* ^Z^ and « t^fMoimder, amseqiumtly requhts no Itty; H »* dust-ffov* good time-kuper. -^rlress to The above price indndes postage upon Watch to ffj j^ u^til Canada or the United StatSThisvoflfer onlr holds go^^^^ JtmHary aoth, 1884. We wiU start diipping watches on ^^ tSth.' Remittances should be sent at once, so as « P*^jj- ,s procure necessuy supply and fiU orders with as mue powible. Address, TS8 aiiOBi puffsxar a go, (1^^^* itisa :4 :? |. \i in !i :« OL. 4.--N IS PUBLISHED rVERY THURSDAY E At Markdale Ontari fl Per ^^rn IN ADVANCE. C. W. RUTLED Editor P SAMUEl* WAKDj WELL DIGGER AND DRI orders promptly atteiwj |jjj(5eâ€" Siiider's HiU, Oweu Sou I^TGlient, M,D^ M,R.C I Physician and ^Smrceon, 1 loraduate o£ Univeraity, Vict. C I .. ^e^' iHou-'-Grraduate, of fhe same, â-  Avleth Med Optlialmic Ho: IHemberColl. PinpsiciansA Surj [.P.MARSHALL DElVriST, baduate of to'o; of Dentistry, v " ' '02 IflSel, Markdale, on i. e )â-  laesday of each mojJa and ' ' I Hotel. Fleslierton. the I third Wednesday in ei;cl. ^0 I tice of his profession. January 9th, 1«.S3. CegaK Frost Fro« BARRISTERS, AND ATI ILaw, S^icitors in Chat Isncers, c^ ©wcb Sound, h* JFleshertoii, Office ope« e^-erj 1 hereto fore. FRED F»OST, J, W. CouMv Crown Attorney. The Croat Poliar Paperj.^s J. IW ASSO]l, B' ARRISTER, MASTER A? in Chaacery, NoUry Pul (C,iC. A NnKBEB OF FABKS F( Offices â€" Owen Souud, im IPeulett St.; Branch ofioe in JjfeFarland's Store, on Fkida^ l^rery week. Crea«or Bt«rr B' XSRlP- _xws,SOLlCrTO anees, Sea. Sk, Officbb in Owen Sound, I 07er W. F. Wolfs Store and MARKDALE er W. J. McFarland's 8U.t I ud Friday of each weelt. IS*F«nd8 to lend on reatioi I'JonGsBAsoB, Q.O. t» Markdle, March 15. 188S. Alexma^er Bra [S8UEB ol Marriage Lioa Life In8«r«i)o« Agent. B. B. ,t. 'Oesveyaneec letioaeer for tke C«unty rf^ ' aats, aiWl LuU 'aiim ,. to aad ehargee m«^ P«oevilte,^q)t.U. ' 3UEB OF MABBIAGC OoaauMioDar in B. R-J ^Goavajancias in all its hia 1 *o aj[i4«arefully ex* N. B.â€" Mobey «• Lend on |*Wity. W. Q. RICHi "TUILDBB, CONTRACT( I O ncT.â€" BMideaee «b Ji iJMMale .Jan. SUh, 1S83. i^KCSS ANO 1 BOOMS. niiktete ladiM weariat iBtbavary lat Mele*4 BOOT AMD m^MAO MARKDALE- Oilwi proBipti^ atten 3^*«MeialtT. All oor ^WM«rietty«adi. Beme ^Portte Severe Hot«L JOHN N( MARKDi^ LBLAI OR8E 8H A SPECIAI

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