Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Nov 1883, p. 1

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 i Id Sli with Defl A or P'oduJ pe KiiJ roi Xol sale. Hep 'Vhich v.'e- HERTON. M " LINE â-  MADE I SHOET Y! in •â- -*v*"!j« .rj^t '" sliarefl ^m- fOL. 4.--N0. 8. MARKDALE, ONT., NOV. 1. 1883. No. 164. tS PUBUSHED EVERY THURSDAY EVENING. At Markdaie OaUrio. "^t Per AimiiM^n Ut AOTAIICX. CW. ftlTLINL EdITOB Jt PBOPBIBfO*. i«trl«» «AI«UfiA. WA »KI.L,, sILLIMGOKBANDDBILLEB. ALL oril6»s promptly «tt«nd«4 «o. Ueu- deaoeâ€" Sniper's BtU, Omn ^aai. M335 \r' B. {Jbent, M:,D^ M.B.O.P, S., O. Pkysickn aii«[ Swsima, PrieeviUa, Grftdmte ot Univwsi^ ^i«t. Collie. o r. N«« Fork, «ad fioo. Grradoate, •( ^bn sane, T«eth lledi«l Institeto. ^ptkaloue BospiUi, N,Y. 2ifenilerC(»U. PiofsioiMiflA-SargeoFs^O. 104 J. p. MARSHALL, L.D.S, G INBNTIST, ;;^RADratTE OF TOBONTO SCHOOL of Sontistry, wtt be mX Batledge's ifiotel, Maikdal«, on tke Ist mnI third Wed- nesdaToif'eachuKMith aad atoest Munahaw'a £otel. JSesbartoB, tb« ^ay iollowing tita tkif d WeaLn o o doy ia emdk mamA for the piae tioe of ikis prafessMo. Jucory 9tk, 1983. 12S-74. BADEISTEGS, JL3IB ATT0BNKT8-AT Lfcw,Srilwitor8 « Chancery, Conrey «n«er (Sm^'Owen Scttad, have resumed at Mesh«]!toa, Offiee«pea erery Tfaarsdajr, aa iher©t«f«re. JiU9.su F«»sT., J. Vi. Fbost, LL. B. C»ftBl)7 CM^m Attorney. 1 REVERE HOTEL, JflARIUAIE. PBOPBIETOB, THIS popolar Hotel has changed hands and the above men eater to the wants of Uie pablk. Oocd ctabling and attentiw hoatlera. Tbe best brands of liqoor sad oigws, Kood Meals and comfortable rooms, large ommevcial room. Barber shop in eon- aection. 180-ly. ONAT8WORTH HOUSE (latx kobbow hoi;bb,) CHATSWORTHU Oal. C. H. MATTHEWS, Pbopbibtob. A. MASSOni, BABECSTEXt, lEASTEB AND DEP. BEG in CJianoe^ Notary Pablie, Goanyaa- rcer, c )L VVWMBU or TABUS lOB BALE. OmcjEs â€" Owten Sonnd, in Yieker's Bloek f oulfitrt; St.; Scanch office in Karkdalfi, o\ier MeFairiaad's Store, on Friday and^tmday «e»ery weet. 57-ly Cnemsor MorriSAa^ BAEiUP- -xkS.SOLICrrOBS. CONVBT- ances, Ac. dee, OT^lcsis in Owen Soond, Duffenn BkidE, •ov« W, F, Wolf's Store and in MARKDALE; Over W. J. McFarland'8 Store on Thorsdl^ and Friday of each week. IS'Funds to lend on reasonable terms. -JoffsCBEASOB, Q.Q. DcscAif IfoBUoa Mirkdale. March 15, 1882. 79-lv Alexander Breitrii. ISSUER of Marriage Licensee, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. (JommisBioner in B. B. c. Conveyancer and Licensed Anctioneer fortlMOoontyof Orey. Fanners, Merchants, and Land Sales, Ponctoally at- tended to and chaxges made very moderate. Priceville, Sept, 17, 1880, 1-y Wtm. Brown^ JSSUER OF MABBIAGE LICENSES,** OommisskMter in B. B. o. Conveyandag m all its branches promptly attended to and earefolly executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate a« curity. The Wet brand of liquors and cigars al- ways m stock. Good meals and otimfortable rooms gwoHnteed. Good stabling and at- teativa iMiatler. 114 COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICBVUiLiB. Ont. Lana Bud commodious Sample Booms Good Bed Booms, c. The Bar and larde well nwplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's TflOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor GIBSON McMillan, CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kinds o( met m stoie work, Plain Ornamental Plastering. CaUominitui in all Shade* and Color*. Charges moderate and satisfoetion guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Stahdabd office will receive prompt ati^tion. Ifarkdale, Feb. 6th, 188S. ia«-ly. GEORGE WILSON. Wholesale and Retail {BUTCHER!} BEEF, POBK OB MUTTON SUPPUEB, frcna a single pound to a whole carcMS, at the lowest market prices. FISN A FOWL IN THEii SEASON W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT. â€" Eesidence on Mill Street, Mark- dale Markdak, Jan. ilth, 188S. 1241y Fanners having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to ealL Maikdale, Oct. 26th, 1881 DRESS AND MANTLE PABL.OB. Dunlop's building Markdale. All kinds of ladies wearing apparel cut aad made in tbe very liUeat style. IÂ¥ed4i«ff Salts a §pecialtT* 149^3 William Mclieod, BOOT AND SHOEMAEEB, MARKDALE- Orders promptly ationded to. Sewed work a specialty. All oar work guaranteed. Teims strictly cash. Bonember the stand, opposite Revere Hotel. 159-Sm JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GENER'L^CKSMITH HOkiSE SHOEING Union Carnage Works. All work manoetnred from First Cuss Miterml In the Latest aod Best Improved Style, aud finuhed -with £:ii8rlisli 'Vax-nisli. NOTICE. A« I have decided to remove mybnsineM fk«m Markdale, all parties icdebted to me fay not* or bode account must settle the same iataiediataiy. Statement of accoant can be had and payment made at the Bank, Mark- dak. HENBT FOSTEB. Markdale. Ang. 8th, 1883. tf ^IMilranlf! THE URGES! IN THE DOMINION Salesmen Wanted. steady employment at fixed salaries to aU willing to work. Men and Women can have pleasant WORK THE YEAR ROUND- Ckod agents are earning from 940 to t7S per month, and expenses. Terms and oat- fit tree. Addr^bs STONE WELLINGTON, 161-75 Toronto, Ont. Wm. Lncas Co., BA RKE RS, ]M[oikey !Loa.necL IN large or small amounts, at all times. On good sndorsed notes, or on collateral security. WTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. I^Drafts issued and Collections made on points, at lowest rates. W.M. LUCAS, Manager. September 23. 1880. 2-ly EUGENIA 1 Having made eqtensive improvements in my Gnat Mill I feel confident I can give good aatiafactiftn. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. Cartom Sawing and Bills Filled on the ahorteat notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Chorry, Bnttemut, White Ash, Black Ash Basswood, Pine and Hemlock Logs wanted 691y. M. AKITT, Eugenia. Holland Caandl. Holland CJenfaw, Oct. 90,*88. Cooncil met for the transactiou of generalbaainess; members all present; reeve in the chair. Minates of tottoat msetbg read and approyed. Moved by Oalbraith, seoondsd by McEianet, that By-law No. 7, for the appointing of eolleetor, be read a first, second and third time, and engrossed on the minates. Moved by Shate, seconded by Oal- braith, that $80 be granted to eat down the north side of hill opposite lots 68 and 64, eon. 8. Moved by Oalbraith, seconded by McEinnet, that $4 be expended on twenty-first side road. Moved by Qtilbraitfa, seconded by Shate, that the cleric notify Dr. Mc- Clelland to remove his fence off the street at Walter's Falls, as the time allowed him for doing so is expired. Moved by Deavict, seconded by Mc- Einnet, that $8 be expended on thirty side road, from Isaac Erwin's to be- yond Welwood's. Moved by Shate, seconded by Gal- braith, that the clerk notiiy all parties not having put in their road list to i^pear at next meeting of ceoncil to shew cause. Moved by Galbraith, seconded by Deavitt, that this council adjourn, to meet on Dec. 10th, tt Vegan's hall. C. Pbics, Clerk. SEEING IS MIEYIHG. GENTLEMEN,â€" If you want a first-class Buggie or Wagon call at MGKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension Top Phaeton. Dwndalfc. From OUT own eorretpondent. Mr. W. P. Bundle, and Miss Harris have been re-engaged as teachers of Dundalk school. Mr. W. J. Hicks has retqmed from Brampton, where he has been working daring the summer. Bev. Mr. Forrest, the Presbyterian minister whs was lately stationed here, is now doing pastoral dnl^ near Owen Sound. Reports concerning the havoeeaased by the trosts are somewhat conflicting. In some parts near here where thresh- ing has been done, the grain has turn- out very well indeed, quite ap to the average. Farmers in other neighbor- hoods say that the yield will not be equal to the seed sown. It is evident, that in many cases farmers will have to raise the "needful" by sale of the natural product of the land, the tim- ber. Our township cooncil do not seem to be inclined to lavish expenditure on road improvement. Complaints are rife respecting the state of even the leading roads of the township. The council do not seem inclined to make any grant m this direction, un- less tbe ratepayers first guarantee to raise an equal amount by subscription. This has been done in two instances. There is a strong feeling here that this side of the township has not re- ceived its fair share of attention at the hands of its representatives, and when nomination day comes round lively times are expected. (The above correspondence was crowded out last week.) To buy from them is o SAVE IWCONEY! FsintiNi I TriRHNins Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Repairs executed in the shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Bemember the Shof, oppoaiie the Cheapcdde D. J. STTANAHAN. MaAdak.iQee. and. 1881. Proprietor 64. They are both practical workmen, and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Seeond to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. STaRTLIMC DI8%(|fkRYI '^«^ii5SfigJr«Sgr tevtes MTCNQ ft to Us MtoW' i^idi be wffl loDii vn0 a, They ose nothing but Fiist-class White Oak for Wagons, and thrice Extra Second Growth Hickory for light work. The immense amount of work turned oat of McEenna Mason's shop is snfficien proof of tiie wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. Tbb best u thb CHEAPEST m thx END Poor cheap work we positively will not take. Special attention given to Be-Trimming and B^ainling all dasses of Carriage Work. Satisfaefon guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSE8HOEIRC SHOP--On MUl Street opposite ts Sproule's Hotel. McKENN A MASON ea. Mt. Wa. Currie, of Mt. Forest, shi^ed 11,620 dosen eggs to New York, recently, at one shipment. The post office difficulty at Orange- ville^ias been settled,and the Govern- ment will proceed to build tiaa custom house and post office. The Zoo at Toronto wil kkely be moved to the exhibitioD grounds next season, and the wiM anizaal show largely increased. A fire broke out in Orip' printing office, Toronto, last Thonday night destroying $10,000 worth ol property, which was however covered by insoT' ance. Edward Hanlan has gone to Bbstoi^' to see his new boat. From Boston he' thinks he will go to San FranciscOr where he will give exhibitions and meet some of the scullers of the pacifia slope. BuBCBn Alive. â€" Mr. Angle, of Wiarton, while piling lumber at the aboye place, a pile of lumber fell over on him, he was extracted when it was found one of his egs was broken in two places. He is recovering. Loss or A HoBSE. â€" On Saturday last Mr. James Anderson, of Gllifeelg while working his team, one of them fell over and died almost instantly. This is a serious loss to Mr. Ander- son, as he bought the horse about a year ago for $70. The Cabinet Changes. Ottawa, Oct. 22.â€" The Canada OagetU issued this afternoon annoan- ees tbe appointment of Hon. D. L. Macpherson as minister of the Interior Sir John A. Macdonald as president of the Privy Council, Hon. Wm. Mil- ler as President of the Senate, and Thos. J. Jarvis, of Niagara FaUs, as a commissioner to act judicially in ex- trttditicm matters. A Mew^ Railway. At a meeting held in Allen's Hall, Homing's Mills, on the 17th inst., it was decided to form a company to build a line (tf railway from Horning'g Mills to connect with the Toronto, Grey Bruce Railway at Melancthon Station or Sbelbume, and a committee was appointed to solicit subscriptions for a charter. The required amount having been raised it was decided to take proceedings to obtain a charter from the Legislature. A meeting to appoint a Board of Directors will be held on Monday evening, 29th inst. â€" Sbel- bume Flte Press. Preaching recently on the subject, " Is Christianity fiding out," Rev.Dr. James M. Pullman, of New York, said â€" Christianity is no more vulner- able to men's antagonism than is the sun. It is stronger at the centre to- day than ever. Eventually the dif- ferent sects will coalesce and dissolve and become one in a glorious Ctirist- ianity. One hundred and twenty years ago Voltaire said that before tne beginning of the nineteenth century Christianity would have disappeared from the earth. In the year 1800 there were 24,000,000 English speak- ing pe(^le. of whom there were 14,- 000,000 Protestant, and 5,000,000 Catholics. In 1881 tiiere were 59.- 000,000 Protestante and 18,600.000 Catholics among the same class. The populatioa of the United States has increaeed eleven fold, tha- churches thirty-seven fold. In 1800 there was one church for every 1,700 inhabitanto now one church for every 589 inhabi- tants. Thetf Sunday Schools were almost unknown now the teachers and scholars in tbe Sunday schools number about 14,000,000. The Marquis of Lome and the Princess Louise bade farewell to Canada on Saturday. They left in the Allan line steamship Sardinian fr(Hn Quebec. The weather was very disa(;reeable, but nevertheless a large crowd of the citizens turned out to wish the distinguished couple good-by. CoirarisioN and annoyance has been the result of the various standards of time on the railways on this continent, especially where tbe traveller has to "change cars." A convention of rail- way men has just decided to adopt a un^orm time schedule on what is known as the hour basis. They divid- ed the country into districts, to be known as "Eastern," "Central," and "Mountain," the uniform time of each district being exactly one hour different from that adjoining. The Eastern district is to comprise from New Brunswick to Detroit, and all tbe rail- ways within it will be run on tbe time of the 75th meridian, which is one mmuto slower than New York time and 17 minutes faster than Toronto time. The Central district extends from Detroit to a point near tbe wes- tern boundary of Kansas, and railways within it will be ran on a imiform time exactly ao hour slower than Eastern time. The Mountain district 'will be from the western boundary of Kansas to a line between Utah and IfTevada, and trains will be run on tifiie just an hour slower than Central time. The C. P. R. has gone in with the arrangement, as has also this Grand Trunk. t4 t ' i: r- i •â-  1; i; 1*

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