w â- ,M -A 1, s^ .-JKI UABKDKIM, OCTOBEiL ' VBJZE Lisr. ^on._11w maw are cpT«a in the ordar of iamit .1 MflbB. 1^ CKriifB b«M^ W, neck- yoke fey ^S^Ml B5*y-WBeid. Jmmi â€" JBainefefc, J White. H«A howeâ€" l«tft 2nd Melt^ba. Brood mareâ€" J MoLeaa, CM«ii;teao. Two year old gdding or filly â€"J nildier, J Stewart One year old grid- tag aemtj- J CUIliea, C McKmnon. Spring .eolfrâ€" B Harrow, D McDonald. "To partiea taking moat priiaa in Gam 1, apeeial by M Snlltvan, $1,^ J lleMillan. v,-, v^ y^ v CATTLK. J'/::" Durham bnUâ€"B Plant. Devon bollâ€" 1st «Dd Snd Bobett Olirer. Pfvop eowâ€" B Hiver. :=^'v â- â- .^' ORADJS. Bollâ€" J White. D McDcmald. Milch cow â€" Heniy Kim(. Jas Haney. Two year old heiferâ€" W lYimUe, Hairy Huddy. One year dd heiferâ€" C C Jam s, Henry Kins. Heifer calfâ€" J Haney. Yoke of oxenâ€" R Oliver, A McLean. Yoke 3 year old ateers â€" J SimpeoB. Yoke 2 ye»r old Bteersâ€" C McKinnoB, H McLean. Yoke 1 year old steeraâ€" R (Miver, Jas Vaase. Special by T Conkey, $S, best herd cunaistiiii; of 1 thorooghbced boU, and not less than 4 heif- ers MOT cows â€" Robt Oliver. ssaxr, LONG wool. ' T Aged ram â€" Bobt Oliver, H McLean. Shearling ramâ€" Oeo Swanton. Ram lamb â€"1st imid %id R Oliver Pair aged ewes â€" Ist and 2Bd Geo Swanton. Pair i^hearling ewesâ€" Geo Swantoo, R Oliver. Pair ewe laml-aâ€" Geo Swanton, R Oliver. Aged ram â€" D McMillan. Shearling ram H Stewart, J Stewart. Ram lambâ€" J Stewart, J H Stewart. Pair aged ewesâ€" J U Stewart, R Oliver. Pair RbearUng ewes â€" J Stewart, R Oliver. Pair ewe lambs â€" Jas Han^, J H Stewart. Special prize by John McLeod, $4 worth of building material for the beat pt-n of sheep of any class owned by one manâ€" Geo Swantuu. SWINE, BERKHHIRE. Sowâ€" J WatscHi, J White. aCJPFOLK. Aged boai- â€" D Vinson. Sow â€" D Stiusor. POPLTKT. Pair game â€" Thoe Conkey. Pair ham- burgsâ€" 1st and 2nd Jas Brodie. Pair brah- masâ€" Geo Swanton. Pair Leghornsâ€" lat, 2nd Wm Trimble. Pair Piy month rocksâ€" •Tas Fletcher, Jas Brodie. Pair ducks â€" Geo Swanton, Alex Stewart. Pair turkeys â€" Jas Brodie. Pair geese â€" Wm Trimble, Robert Oliver. OKAIN. Best bushel fall wheat, Ciawsrm â€" James Brodie. Bushel wheat White Rnssian â€" Jas Bmdie, Jas Stewart. Bushel spring wheat, white fyfe, $2.50, by T Atkinsonâ€" •Tas Stewart. Jas Brodie Bushel an» other kind sarins wheAt â€" Jas Stewart, Jas Brodie. Bushel barley, 6 ow â€" Jas BnKlie, J Stew- art. B-Jshel white «»ats â€" James Stewart. D Stinson. Bushel black oats â€" H nry Mat- tliewsou^ D Stinson. Bushel peas, large â€" Jas Piodie, J Stewart. Peck timothy seed -Jae Brodiei J StewMt. OiAtetion banns -JBmdie. Special fay B BolwrtMMi, %6, for beat Imii E«]^Ciaa oatoâ€"HjMiry Matthew- awu' Baabeieirfy wwe p oft atp aa l ikmfatmt^ MeNiBan. BiBihal amjf ottKr pohifcua Tas Bkndie^ Oollealiai«iMktiea, IfeekeMsh -Jaa BrpdBe. Sbt. awwk ttm^iaâ€" H Hat- tkewwMk, Gee SwaBtoB. Six inni^ Any o4bwkiiMk-Geo8waBtMi, HMrttkawaon. Six mm^da- H l^fattbevaon, Hn Hmhu- â- on. Six baetaâ€" A BrowB, Dr. OkMik. Six heads eaMM^^eâ€" Xri TbeiMMi, A Brawn. One qaart potato vnumm tabA Cgwia, Mra Thoauon. Twelve imtoi* miaed f tan tons -Mrs nMMnaon, David fianowa. %z fcld earrota â€" John ffiaapaon, J Heniy. Six table earrotaâ€" Geo Swaatoo, T Cimkey. Two sqoaahes â€" Mn JaaTtminaoB. TInee roots celeiy- Wm Trimble. J Trjroa. Three citrons-^Mrs llonaMi, H Ma^thewaon. Six tomatoes â€" Mm Jaa Vaaae, Jaa Brodie. favTt. Six winter aaplee Jes Brodie, Adam ffialep. %x fell i^plea-JaaBk«die, Adam Hialw. Three vanetiea of ipfim. S of ieaeh â€"A Hislop, J Ktidie. Twrive icmb applis A Hislop. J B Plant, ^x idnoMâ€" Ctoai^ Swanton, J Stinson. Six pearsâ€" A ffidc^, Wm Watson.. Three bonches grapes â€" Wm Watson, J Watson. nownts. Special by Dr. Ghent, coUeetfon honse plants â€" Dr. Ghent. DAIBT AMD OTHEIt rRHtrCB. Five lbs. hmey in comb â€" Jod Worts, W Watson. Five lbs roll batter â€" ^Mia Kingr, Mrs McLean, R Oliver. Ffftv Ibe tab butter, priiee by John Brownâ€" 5aa Vana^ R Oliver, HKii%. HANCFACnriUSS. Set horse shoes â€" M Riley. Set irtm bar- rowsâ€" R Cook, M Riely. Set team harness â€"J Gordm, C C James. Pair men's boots, sewed or pegged Ist, by J Dennis, |6â€" T Conkey. Pair women's bootsâ€" T Conkey. Five yards fnllcloth, home-madeâ€" A Mc- Millan. Five yards plain flannelâ€" John M« Lend, Wm Beid. LADUS WOBK. Pair mens' socks, home-madeâ€" Mrs R Oliver, Mrs John McMillan. Pair mitts, home-made, special by A Brownâ€" Mrs J^n McI«od, Mrs H King. Pair mens' slovea, home-madeâ€" Mrs Brodie. Qnilt, pattAworic â€"Mrs Brodie, Mrs B TUiit. Qailt, any other kindâ€" Mrs John MeArthnr, Mrs Brodie. Two loaves home-made brewi, let, copy Flesherton Advance year, 2nd do 6 numtiiaâ€" Mrs Plant, Mrs Hector MeLean. Beriin we^ work, ndsed â€" Ifn Jas Wataon, Mrs Riely. Col. Bn-lin wool w^â€" Mrs Simpaen, Miss Rro.fie. Gents' ahtrt, home- made, ist, by John MoArtiinrâ€" Mrs Mat- thewson, Mrs" John McArttnr. Hooked mat â€" Mrs Wm Trimble, Nfra King. Crochet work, in cottonâ€" Mrs Jcdin McLeod, Mrs Burnett. Crotchet woric in woolâ€" Mrs Fletdter. Fancy knitting in cotton â€" Miss Brodie, Mrs King. Braiding in cotton â€" Mia Cnnkey, Mrs King. Horses and cattle â€" B Myles, D McCor* mick. and Wm Lawson. Sheep and awibe â€" D R Ellis. John Whitby and Hcmy^tajric- er. Grain, Roots, etc.â€" R J Spronia aiwl Jas Bamett. Ladies' Wotk and *^nmsatii Manofaetnresâ€" Mrs Johnston Millner «ai MrsTumer. ^^ ^^ -.^' c- 'mi ».