Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Oct 1883, p. 7

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 s?^^ ,,rnanf* Account of bJa Voyage I** Across the Xnicltali Cluume „, "onder somewnat r"?^ the-v|xd;l«Sfei '•^ Acrosrd^£*«#l.,^ 'tllns bad gathered t^o 'w|toa» onr depar- " as we afecended they gaVe m/k f^ ^^T°^^u"i^^"' *°'i wife. They mo8t kindly helped ua to empty the b»Uoi ot Its contente, and gave us npper and " fi^lJ*" *^« "^l^*- Next moSSg."t -rsoas W hit« c^oua cheer. 1- of the ^^ IgutiDgslviDg below Hi that My fellow {Mssenger, JJr magnificent ""n a photographer, was so loat in ad- ^•'She'nustbequick if fiio a photogr*P^' *° ^^ J°"' go* the «"*^.„= ready as we passed over the wiahcif fo' ^tw, jratus ready as we passed over the '^K the balloon beinjf at that taotaent 'f-) at an altitude of 3,000 feet. At 3:30 rot '3»!i' M\ k%^^tj a ii^|â€" '-»! »4.a«a3ivb. meacttriediu, 1:30 oTdoftt^ ' liis clothe* w£ 'Where abpuftl ^e wag ftraad, 5uld be n^to ' to WhttVa, "withoit the r^ M ronoea ai ' t(J-J5ive the ia Hfiedbythe ^^^^^^ih^Mi}^^ fV^Vcaf, \Zcbf Heae and get pickecji pp. Bjjit 1 rtiid nave been rather top i^tiffpii^pvi i trfedtokeepon our coarse. ^Ve â-  .«t'3action, a few minnte^ later, to find tAnhtaJ., .V.. '"V~r-'" """ 'i*^ """ Sv Head receding north bftAi!ind^^M*?de«^^?^^^^ ^M, settled our minds tc m.ke a night of «=wl,VlL"1i**Ji^^A^:?"i'*r* JT?.'" btrt. V, sayauuhoo laa waswho-ffi •oiled shirt, calmty.aad cw erehewa8T«ron lis, nseful, wai boiled shirt irched, expenai â- er. ItisaTani' with tha mods begin with, r style sbont the ruffled sh lirt of the prese 3 with a diawi i the bottom c ?hen there is nd of the brei We have often We don't kii( M an approprii ribe hia name, ppen to him si it it oCTaod id was merely on eraJy ornamenc t the button-ho 1 has failed to 3 ook whata wo en because of t Dur ;!randfath( were tacked e of a length 3f the arms of to buy sepii" e .e-buttons, a our sleeves "up ic incheetoo loi adry-niect»p ie workine foi d shirt. We 3d thatwedes ;rade and praci 'society day* ' 3 world may a relief tolie" lis country if ime of the fl nd tM plain lin shirte ot d cnffi attacb Hess- ;ss has just b tUnd. .A'4«S-^ used the SCO' id. Tl»»t^' then J?»ff ther iwU-k^" in cantton*** bands d ,Dd other to- itbeg»» SjotUpdv ' tadaloDg range of coast linp, EastbvirBe ".being «^"'°®^**'°S'y diatintft- I thtjW^t -ere a trifle too near Beaobv ^^ ever "made any point of land on tfils side of the ftitftic, but when we attained an altitude ^o'feet we southed a triftejpi^QCie., Ap- *^ces were, however, miich ffgkhit dor I breaching land, and I Brart acknowledge I was sorely tempted to come down oflf li" TJ„„„ oT.^ (TAfc ninlrnil nn " this I i«il4 have been rai^nsr mp if^pqpigm ja^ raided to keep on our coarse. ^Ve jfia'd '• a few minuter later, to find l5e«hV Headrec ' j^kly sett led ou *;;â-  necessary. ' »At 4:-t we were over a magaifiotiat-cl^ai iie here and there patches ..Qi,.the cggst Ij^ oculd be discried fa^ a^y.ip ^he xffA, fhile at a v;ist distance there was a gap â- iirough which we got patch oLsea, wiW ijfee or four ships v^yjdistwcf.'-, A m ^nt later and the gr^ Jirt^ m c1q«|» 2ad shut cut our last ranolnark. "Mr. Smal! •ot bn apparatus ready to secure a cloud "•Tect, but his shutter missed fire two -or •iree times, and this suggested some little jprovements for such experimenta.ifl,, fu- ^-es From 4:30 to nearly sunset '.{to tjie -^ople on earth) our altitude ranged between iOOO and 9,000 feet. During this iater-cal. je cot peeps at the sea many times, hut no jijd was seen. We could aee-the Mia' rays " hours after he Had ttithdrawn earth and sea. The shadow of the lilloon on a cloud looked very much like «?^* "PP® »*»*«" in the JoumaldePkm^ having been fraudulently introduced. liTiqBinons paint which conlaina "U a basis smlphide of calcium is rapidly becoming ap- preciated forapeoial uses. kWhen proBerly P?nt«i, obJ9ota are yisible in the da^est bighta wrth.a pdi white Ught. Life.buoT» and Jife-taving apparatus are conveniently Ulammed, tofl, peAa^ a mtmi oomm^ px. ample, match boxes are donbly useful when p^ted; ^th 1^ Uvninou»^»Bt. _In a leotote on8cho6lhygienc"ferofeB«or U)hn Breslaa made the remark that in the use ofjthe ordinary sl»te a chil i who wool i fee ordinary ink-writing quite di«tinctly at inches from tne i ;ffO •rem at lattlecock, the car forming the butt end, .ad the balloon and cords, iorpaing the ijathers. The transition from ^ay to night iras very slow and gradual, and aar daylinht jpirted the mcon's rays from dead gold -adualiy changed to hrignt silver. -Mr. i^allsaiil, ' lia you see that shooting stai?' iiaiii, ' \Vait a minute and I will show you aDlher/ 'I'he balloon had commenced to evolve, and this motion made it appsar ah ;:jngh a bright star was darting through neair. It was, of course, an optical illu- â- A ren.irkable appearance was caused by •.:e relitction of the balloon in the focussing screen of tlie camera. Wiien we aurround- :1 with a I lack cloth the frame round the ;!a3 we could see sky, sun, moon, and stars 'averted, and the balloon cleaving its head- !ac Mown ward' course through illimitable ipace, the ttl'ect being most extraordinary. -}on after 7 o'clock we began to get cold,. ::d set t-.i work to don flannels, o. 'Oai^. ir^e wranper got tightly jammed in the rig- .-,32, lu: tiie hard pulling necessary to get loose seen made us leal warm, and, having ;:ce got up a good circulation, we did not, isring the entire voyage, agaiiil feel cold. The cork jackets which were'suppUed by "r. C'jrniah contributed greatly to warmth. ';riQg t!.(; night for more than an hour our iitita^e dill not vary 20 feet. Thid was ex- ;eedingly encouraging, for upon Ojnr power ::pois;D„' .~o nicely depended our chance of ating 'i! ift all night. When the bollooit .;] take a .-flight downward turn I carefully :ottd hew much ballast it would take to step i.er.' The temperature of the air was ':r\- regular, and I found that severtpounda '.: eight pounds was suffic ent. At h':\' we saw a vessel almost -.luderus, i:d c:ir;. down low enough to hail her. This j^e did ;ts lustily as we could, but at first joi Eo response^ only remarka^e (distinct Kho from our own vofoes. At I^t- a yoice 113 heard on deck, ' Toila balloon, balloon ' .Ire yoi English?' No reply. ' Farlez mi Francaise?" 'Oui, oui,' MTas reglied, '-stwith all our French we could 'not ^scer- anour whereaixmts, and.f bejilier wajvere ;rthe T'.ct'lish Channel or th'e Atlairac. "At lO:-'" scmetbing slightly darker than â- :5corm-l horizon could be faintly disoern- 'i- V/e Kept oursejvea ^.bsolutely motion- â- Â«, an.l, listening intently, We' Seemed to tear in the same direction a sound as of a ^»r.di,Ua;it roiling surf. I looked long and ^^erly, until I excliimed. ' It nothing tot a mist,' for it seemed to change ,its form, ad at last to vanish into thin air.' I :^ed nearly another hour intently watch- 'DRforiifhts until a similar daA -portion of iwrizon was brought under view. We could 2ct possibly bring ourselves to believe it wafa â- ^d, because no lights could be seen up tw :iia time, but at last tfaiere «^%ni Mmisjif jikeable flicker in the'exact^iWcfioB ^^^here '»u g2 ng. 'Look along my finger aa a *ieacope. \N hat do yoa call that?' 'A i^bthouse,' exclaimed Mr. Small. I said, 1 believe that dark strip before us^^s land/- *ith sea iust beyond it again. If it turtl*" nt to be 80, be prompt in doing everything i«ll you, for it wilLbe ah^rp Mrk jto land ••that strip." .! ' â- J'^Uvy 'The sound of surf was now unmistak-^ »ti^ and in about the same time as I am talfc* ted ting pie =P sharply. Ten minutes lonfjejc aq^ »« ^6fe passing the coast line, and sharply »r initio ward the atke^^M^wJ- 'Wh^ are we coming down on 'said [fcidiStUica.of mate his e/e e^tt: slate schools and he recommended doll white tablets of artificial stone, supplied by Prie- -ba«e«b,-ir^r«ri«, whioh-MP»-writt«i on with-a^p. .4 kind of penc 1. Mr.-yTofeHP^arns, of Castle Wemyss, has recently had provided for him by the British pffiit-ot{i,(teteln|!Jtaiap communication between. 3* oni^ln Jafaica street, Glasgow, and 1m hjfW^i in yemysa bay, a distance of thirty-two miles, This Lew feature of telephonic science is said to be the longest private wire in the world. It 'u what ia Jtnown aa a metallic circuit â€" that ia to say, it ooHsigts ot-^w©. wires, through which the -fcurrrat- of •â- el'eJlnicity passes round and round, up one wire and down the other, al- ways in the same^recticn. and the two wires ,are " twift^d." Ordinary teh- p5oac ind th^Vic wares consists only of one wire. Few are aware of the present extensive utilizsf^tt'of the various refufe matters dis- carded Toy tanners and cumea-s, and known "paste rQun5ings, «hotilder splits and skivings," for the hetls and soleeofslf kinds of; boots and ^oes. These matonals are cleaned, danlpedj cut by dies,' pa^d into moulds, compressed in a powerful press, and dried, the refuse in this process being, in turn,, manufaciuied into what is known as He ygas Gratefa' He must have been from' the West. He was idling about Old Burling Slip, when he took a tumble and brought up in the river. A ready hand threw him a plank to sustain himself, and he was soon hauled out. " QeriHiBhieo;" he said, as he gave himself a shake, ' "'ivhat's â-  3'our' finfe" worth per hour?" ' '• I'm getting twenty five cents per hour," replied one. 'â- . ^* And 3tou were about nine minntis- fool- ing With 'my case. Abotft iiine, butVull call it ten. Your charge should be about four cents, about four, but we'll call it five. I haven't anything smaller than a dime, but one of ^uijin?rtUi adros^Jio'W^y and get it chanCe'dT*" • » ' " ' ^^^ -â-  â- ^' " We don't want pay," remarked one. " You don't But you must accept of something. Here, boy, run over and buy ine^Aouple'cf peaf»i" ' ' ^^ ^ht Hia Wib$ fhiv^ha^^ indpliBod iu his liffiidg, a4||4^ilieiilt%on^p^-in Ms« packet and bit Wto the otner one he remarked " And if you ever come within fifty miles of where my uncle lives, he'll be giad to have you stop aU night with him. He keeps a hotel, and nis charges won't be over S"2 ' trees, a 430 feet. Tiiii Sh found there with Wtift eo«fer«o»of$$feet, ,iu*cii 'Irelsttdwndseafc^yqwly 19^800. mm and :bof9 ta.gKraer tb* luffv^at^of ^s^m.; th«T Sflcan awnaally 26,1*50 ^^aam. 3oatt«Q^ andv o«t. 48,IQ9 fisbecmeq, ifbo iwtfh, S^16.8ia toos 9»0h year. ri;»oh Soot tb«raio«Ci catches 4^ toDn aoanally, wh Is Mich s)a qf Erin catcjhaatbnt I^ tons. ,,i .. .,i One of the miidltinw dwd in a waif^h iM- ihck These' ihrdiidi wri^Vfi 'to nak^ e7«, and it, ti^ 'iHlXliO ol iU' screws to ntake ' ppand.' ' A 'ptituia Of tbm ikwittrth a naikdiipdn Mid. LaV one of tl^JBin npQd A lAiioe of m^iie Wpef and it I^ksfike)^tiny»t»eel,fll6ur. '" The DopaUtioD: of^E^t is6,7d$.230, of whiok 3^^93,918 aM^nalM, »nd 3.40«.312 fe- malei^ Ctit^im 308,406 inHabitaoto: Ale^l anrdia, ^tk its acktuJbs, 208,775 P«t Said; 16,560 Suez, 10.915; Tantah. 21.725 Dan^j- etta, 34 046 Rosetta, 16.671 MaiMoarafa, 26,784 ;a»ga Jig, 19046. FAOTS AKD riG0S«a In 1881, 4.000,000 acres of luid wens un- der cultivation and the prodnotion of wheat was over 31^000,000 bushel. Ia 1882 the ' 9«'-«|HMiiliitol*dhBrti^fai^MiHi The duan^ities iof coats, cibdars, and pat- eat fnel exported frohi the nnrtjed Kiitgdom to foreign .coitntries and British settlen^tj^ts abro^ duTing 1.881 Were--Coali, 18,759,98i, tons ' cinder^ 41^782. tons patent fuel, 412.310 tons ttpt^I, 19,587,063 tens. The qnantity broiuuil ui^to tiOhdon amonnted to 10.574,807 tOTS.' â-  In 34 cities qf the' United States from ,50 1 to 82 per cent- «f ohildrefi of school-age are not enrolled. .In 86 cities the averse at- tendance is ocly abont two-thirds of the eb rolinent, or. on»- third of thie population of school-age. These 86 ci^es contain over 8,000.000 inhabitants, or nearly one-aixth of- the total population .of the country but more than a third of their population of school-age never enter the schoolroom at all! Minister Yoi^ng, at Pkin, sa^s he learns from official aonrces that the censo's of China, as taken last year for the purpose of taxa tion, shows a total population of 255,660,- 000. This does not include the Mongolian or other out-lying dependencies of the em- pire, but only the eighteen p'-ovincee of China proper nor does it embrace various aboriginal tribes. Including these, it is pro- bable that the pDpulition really exceeds 3,000,000. In 1816, Australia exported only 13.000 lbs weight of wool, in 182 this total export of Australia was over 414,000 0001b. weight. In 1816 the value of the wool exported was £21,000,000. Then ia 1882 the whob col- onies exported 25,000 tons of tallow. In 1861 there was no boiling-down establish- ments, and coaaequfflatly there was no tallow. In 1882, 10,000 pounds of meat were exported to Great Britain. In 17S8 the live stock of Australia conusted of on bull, five cows, and a calf, abont seven horses, seventy-four pigs, and 300 head of poultry. To-day in Anatralia there Ctre 75,000,0000 sheep and 9,000,000 cattld. I 5to tell this the linf ot ooait .i teiQctlf to our vie*i Wer^/b «:ore distinct. The s*fc*lfo\r' i! Shsriff* tot ground are we comuutMuwu u" "â€"- â€"" â€" â€" r~ .- l â€" ..â€" ...u «f Small, ' Rngg**Tooks aiiTstone iralls, *tt"QL^' *5.**!SR^*fiill! wK i^^l-eve,' I said ^old on timu Oatgoes+%WJfer***J"tâ„¢ *f**»l^y ";;f grappling iron.' At firslj.it .wopji; not rf^^i n » '•««g^ 1 o--fh'"'g null. .ja the g"^TgM '""1, but soon it got^ri )rce •«» ^y^M ° *« rocks, giving ttif " awns. ,â- â-  !*• over the preoipioe'aadi^^ »' " sentittoj" crevice itfagh to the Tli9 IMmens ons of Heaven. ,. Ij'oQ. Ipllowing^ paragraph, entitled " Th3 JHi^sidnii' f Ha«^en,"_58, from I 'Lewis' Penny Readings^ S^" 'Ado-'lie-' measured .the city %yith a. re^d, twelve thousand fur- Icmgs, T?hc ie^gjjih and the?)readth.^ the height of it arie'equal."â€" JfeT. xxh; 16. T^*elv* thoBsand.- iirlonga eqpal :TvQ20,000 feet, which, being cubed, is 496,793,088,- OOO.W.^Qeat^* f^ »8eti+ JJiierving half of *tllia 'Spsc'e fOi tHeThfohe 'and Court of Heaven, and half the balance for streets, we hive the remainder of 124.198,272,000,000,- 000,000 cubic feet. livide this by 4,006, the cubical feet in, .a room sixteen feet square, and there wiil be 30,321,843,750,- 000,000 rooms. We. will now 8^ppo8e the world always did and always will contain 999,000,000 inhabitants, and that a genera- tion liste for 33 1 3 years, making in all 2,970,000,000,000 every century and that eywocki :,«iUb«tftpdU0CLO0(U)0O years or cS^S^k^P M 2,9*000,- ,000jpbi^biM». Qlen Wpnoigthere was one' hundrea worlos eqftl llr'xnis in number qf inhabitKnts and duration of years, making a total of 2.997.000,000,000,000 per- sons and there would be more than a hun- ir«f^!«:s»««teen.lee*^»iW^ff^««»h per- '.^'^Ullt .i.« -â- J- â€" -* " tit ki J! '.? j " 5- "• "â-  ' m 1 â-  I » â€" THree-Teor-OlA'J JPrayerfor PatteBOe* le jOf CTgrealM^Stl^^pl^iQ* ever Ji»sJlkie 3 ii9jQ»^S4:M.^Jfr^ Methodist D. D., L.L. D., prominent aUke for vigorous preaching an4 atem practice, but irboke ideas of duty ^oea notextAAto the reatril P1^ fi his ctuldjien^pqr the holding, up of his wife's weary arms. Hence when Ittrijittb fT thdtn hi^q*' .^)sWhe too troublesome and tronbleous, he would with-. "â-  naother, yer for was if ftW^ara^liCTl ^1 strens ftw DtianA' prepared to; dressed in ents she was. h was made.. t^^^^i^i^^"^:;^^ Pwe. Had we gone ted-ywisiiirther '^i second longer we sboald have been in aesca. .fT ' ^^e heard whispOTng near us. Inafew Elects a man and a fnofaa^^Pff^^^t ^°^ '"lid not at first appiSacB us, fearing, I Appose, we were some monstret. By and bjt ion, •'T 1] chole*-" that our informanta were M. Aoff" '»^fm of Canton d^ Beatitt««,^' 'ArKWr .. ..-ji •.â- _• :â- â-  .; • â- â- â- - lart Ac eatfflred 4b6 kitchen and saw J** north-weat^int^ ft*^, iW* th^ ^J^^'S^' nd that our inf^*nt. were M. Angast* f'eoMM-'in»r,tmm^ ifcW 'Hs53d;' ** O lioW «te m Jli l (\- ya.. ]....- â- â- â- ft' S" -i da»f»»' aH ZJ\W 'i .Ki- 'T ABDUCrZQ BT Has HIJSB.1ND. A St. JflOin, N. B., Seanrtlon. A great sensation has been caused at St. •Tohn, N. B by a case of wife-abductioh. About three years ago Mi^s Lena Robinson, a handsome young lady whose father occii- pies a prominent position in connectipn with' the Government Sayings Bankin thft city, was secretly m'arri^d at AmherSt, N. Y,, to De Blavier Carritte, son of Tfr. Cirritte, of that place, contrary to the wishes of her parents, who had a ihbfe eligibls partner in view. The couple \ee]^arated immediately after the ceremony, the lady returning to her parente and Carritte going to New York. When the secret leaked ont there was great indignation in the Robinson household., and it W£is determined that a dirorce should be procured. For this purpose, it is said, the young lady resided in one of the Eastern States for some time but -Cirritte was de- temiiaedly opposed to any such, proceeding, aiiud the lady was brought hOnie. Cairitte returned to St. John this year and estabUsh- ed himself in business. He was not allowed to approach hia wife. About 10 o'clock on a recent S^turdav night, accompanied by his friends, he followed Mr. Robinson and his da^ighter towards their home, and when in ' dark street assaulted fi.obinsoa and seized the yoong lady, and pnttmg her in a coach on handjor the purpose drove off. 'I'hreedays lat^r Carritte and his wife were found .in a hotel where they had arrived about 2 a. m., after a drive around some county roads. Cwrritte was Arrested on a warraati for asiiuilt, inforu^itiop hsiving been laid against him by Mr.,' Iobinson. The young bnibandact^d on legal advic^ and it is belie^ved that the joong Uidy was privy ,to the abdnotibn^ Yhe ,pamea move in the best social cirdeii!;^ ' '•' â€" â-  â€" i i â-  ' 'i^ fi 1 t â€" I*- ' Vahm or |tfk ^VM^' BeAue. ' "Xhavo ja«t.)^t,th'e,coiilnMsli iott^smfik. pf ny kdnse f ot-' tKe nf?ct; season iafc'9o(K" said the fianager o£.% larice summer hotel to a,«^punM2rppoiiwr Ihiajponoing, " *rhe price is very low, aA4 tfiie^ seeflDS to be no teaeomwhy t)ie cwtr^Pto^ should not make ^i)00aeaf,optqf^tihedei^l,^',i ' 'H ow cai^ i^e tx«^^ m«p«y 'IjBecanse^ i)ffr slv^ttseU isVorth at ]»ut $1,000, And t)),9nt^ f^^,l)epiokaQat.ber sides the m^kecL oi][^,.an)igtiioi$[ Iqr; $500 paore. y^by, isLo yo'i; k^ow that ,iUfi otts-of the Conej^/luand. faptels, w^tiore 1 was -.{or-. ,f^srly epplpyadiA mait wi|f, hirad "for-tken ef preps, f!^^rp^•o. o(., Mttutg i9var, t^if swiJi, get into the GLEMTOUR BOILERS SavetAul, â-²GBXa-4 j Ctila^KU; 4U HyJtCSlLX; or rook neariy frame bam, with I's house, all 12.300 cash. UWftmi)e day and Btephen- tme house, ... X 28 i pantry, w. c, st^rfe-issB H, «i i L woodhsea new frame stable, with loft, price of 4^ acres. 85.000 cash these .pcicea if sold at once. tOAFTi OPEN SHAW.Jt'ort aydnpy. Mnslcoka.. â- . Rranary.log stable, and nearir new imsBediato 1 ilM 8U'*ara817)^lflai« 1 lMk l OMg rito i tfi d OB, on toWnsIiIp,lMKe Aew 21 z 28 and 16 x 16 stone cellar. Fen THt^^ BLAeXSttrTHS' i^LLOWS mmfh Liwraaft 5^ Organrf^ R f ^W^^ ^^^' Wc «nMi PT^nnfi -ivTmTVtvir ' BABBET MLTaL, rtnakot ^*^l "xtiere is colj one way br which any «4n be MiteST and that jbv remw an^^uesof the Oi^rdeclare tSatnea)-]j every â- dIsMase-ltfcansed bjr deranced Udaan er Uver. To restore these, therefore, if the «Ix way by which health can be'seomm. Here is JUnvS SAFE CQKB has achieV( kC' Jhepntartiea^ It khts dtneothr upoL oo^ttoa^i(^M msoSe and^^atojhtjm Mm- oi^i^ Hl^DWABE MERCHANTS, M*?rrltBi%i.. p. «. ttreeyiteau Ar aU Kidapyn Liver, mud Urin ary ^jfcpWeSifor *^ dlsteeesing disorders of •womMliS^TsSitii, an^ 'phyerieal trr^uhles Kenera)l]t, tUflficeat remedy has no • qn Ho- wam of imiKietors. ImltatipBs ai'd cuowUbUvBS, (WdidtejdTijfioAdr^i^ EkujJDUb^Bruk fori WjUUqutfS VE 'For sj^lty all dealers H H. WARNER CO Torenf Oi ^L, Be»epter,W.ir.. Iiftn^oii. Knafc Mrs. 'Partington declared the Neuralgia to be worso than the old Rheumatism but howerer bad either piay be. Burdock Blood Bitters will conquer it, It also makes pure blood, regulating the Liver, Kidneys and ' Bowels, aivl eradicUing sorofQlous humoi from the system. 25,000 bottles sold in the Jast three monthp. (25) HQW TO MAKE MONEY FA^T QV£R 5.000 SOLD A Book' containfbi? 25 very valuable money making secrets, sant to any address post-paid and sruled, cnreceint of $100^ ';. N. A^ BOY D, Knowlt o n. P. Qx^ j J: || WELLS' mmm shade IlaE^^ ' V/p;RM POWDERS* All) plciisa'n! to take' 'â-  Contaia thoir oVU BSxaBjiyoi-.Ia'a-Biifo, sijre, and ctlectaaM â- a«cir»jrar ot worm* in Children or AdnUe. 3 PAJENTPB 1875,) Used forholdlng WINDOW BLIND SHADES without rollers, pins, or cords. Saves bUnds, money and patience. Liocrics orderly and steal. Is durable and cheap. Retailed by all deal^ eve rywhere. Trade supplied wholesale by the minnfactnrers. The TORONTO 1ND8TKIAL WORKS CO., 96 Churdh street. Toronto. THE SPLENDID STEAMERS -OF TIIE- WHITE STAR Ul A'te all of them without exceptioh among: the TAHGK8T AND FASTEST ot Odean Steamers. They were constructed with special reference to the oonverance of passengers, and for Khrcty, Comfort or Speed, are unexoelledi "They are specially note^d for tWe regularity, of their Tapid passages in all weather. The steer- age accommodations are of the highest order, the ventilation perfect! and every provisioh, has been made for tiic comfortfl.nd protection bf the pb.s8enge^. In addition to the total and absolute ^paratkn of the single men and wo men, except on deck, the married compartment has been so remodelled and arranged thi" every married couple or family has alittle pi vate room to itself. For particnlark apply the company's agents ai all towns in Ontario to T. W. JONB8, (Seneral Agent, 23 York street* Toronto. And -U coEijJalBtsof a Rh«u.niatic nature, RKEUMATjUS i^ cot a Kwereig:? remedy fci "all. the ills th.-.t flesh is heir to,"l)ut for NEU RALGIA, SCr.\TlCA, itKEUMATISM, ant con^Jaints of Riietlmatic faatnre. IT IS A SURE CURE Sold by all dru^i^ts. The Rheumatinc Man utacturing Co., Niagara Falls, Ont Messrs NOrthrop* lyvman. Wholesale Agts.. Toroq^ Burdock iilTTERS ras, ,^piQitliw.oii|^t|^,^^|hfls?" de~ .!i"flij)ir d*.'»Q.)*Wj:.*phe laxigebo^i wliMi.a^iT^«qine|.: Et^Kyt^g "IT tesfiv ^.: WhBr,^;y!OHkno»' In ym^^lt§»ij«[Mi of g#t;i V t.ap«»g l^w ft vi b n»t}y stide iken glass bMnldlo ••â-¼e them onaah^. 7. I- iS;ietai^ied,b; are veqr them mto la^tfkeli-btaU tt» plea himtbe^FO' ti^mttti^SMtm^ TUlidiwtV«^«PM9c«^nMa« jMlMe kitrita dflpipg»x9f^i.teB^i|^"rt-^9||f.^nl«i-. .-' i;iid i' .1 u.w .eii.'3T iiii :;iO'Jfi .• -t- I In â- )♦:-., .:n ';.!•â-  Every Subscriber at $r.tTO a year' FREE! FREE!! L Ma^nificeat;' Ch'rbmoi 20 x 28â€" "The Ad ViSNOir GrARD."' -r:'^:i Splendid (^hromos, each 16x23 â€" --Kiss Me First'â€" "Gek.. Upâ€" â-  The YoTTNo Student." "â-  1.1 Beautiful Chromes, each 8 x 2Si^« ;.i"SuNSEs:" and "Sunrise o.v • THE liAKE." J A complete Outfit of all the above Pictures, with Sample Papers, jCj for Canvassinff, 24 p.!;;- MONTHLY ;^^GAZI NE format: i:i a{ ail IcintU. It a XEU.S :i| '..S'l, I t'9»«K;i:v/.n',! H. ;s II o ;. Li ]);:: .\:;: :.:p n s, Ti-Tr-sru! n r moi;r srxDAv Ri:.\!)ixr., â-  â- ?HtI,DR;:X'.s 'OK i;RS I Vi jmmik. r.verytlnnj Xo tr.n-li is alio' I.s uf 1 S^SCMOlJ)^LF. (.i AQf^iJS GET ZCci^i^y. ,K-.-;. i^^j^, 40c. c.-ich on t next lOO. 45c. i-.'.ch oti i lOO; and after t!(;it. ^C ICO ^J "(iit^ OC- y W'l^;; -.-.;i.sc;-;bc:-. .\ \V.\Tc1l, .Sliof-GUN OR KKVOI.X j;i ti) every .-\g date he gets his OUTFIT. bscnbcrs witli ^i?^. UBt ^tmsjsmsB CO., ^i'517 Laganchetiere Street, MONTEEAL, P. Q. k H ..-Ti. .llR/4 1 ' I I )-â-  '3 St TJii-.;!T .ii"'i»q»ft" 1 ' i .?.iji.!-f!'i" ,. '• i.Oii .•He;" '^ffT • .rB i:iT ii ,)â- ., •, â-  .»d"i ' â- .-.â- ^â- ' '•' M- â-  ' -n- s;- Miillil^HfliiiliiMMiliii â- *^--

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