Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 Oct 1883, p. 4

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 ^^'•m^r^ 'j-i??--**- Vh ' 'i i i- y^i 1^ \l n 1} t^^ •f^' --.^y;^^' Tha Standaid. MABKDALE. OCT. 4th, 1888. 5IARKOA1.1: AT THE INDUS- TRIAL.. Between prize horse flesh and new patent inventions, Markdale ma'le a very creditable and profitable exhibit at the late Toronto Industrial Exhibi tion. Mr. J. K. Trimble's horse, ' " Clear Grit, Jr." won first prize and diploma for roadster stalhon, being the highest award possible to take. Mr. Trimble is one of the best horse- men in the country and it is a credit to the place to have such an enterpris- ing man in our village, while it is profitable to the surrounding country to have horse flesh improved by the introduction of good stock. Messrs. Eae Irving, of this place, had tneir new invention also on ex- hibition. This new idea was invented by Mr. J, G. Irving, pumpmaker, of this place, and was patented Juae 21st, 1883 and is called " Irving's Patent Valve." It is made of rubber, is at- tached below the lowest valve in a pump, and is calculated to hinder any obstruction being drawn up with the water that would stick in the valve cans ing the pump to loose its priming. The invention was pronounced by ex- perienced pump manufacturers at the exhibition to be without a fault, and wondered at its simplicity and why they did not conceive the idea before. The invention was awarded a diploma, and is certain to prove a valuable im- provement to the pump business, while it cannot fail to be highly re- munerative to our fellow citizens who are handling it. One of them would not accept $5,000 for his share in the concern. Mr. Wm. Sargent's Patent Load Lifter was an object of considerable attraction. A large number have been in use present season through Caledon York, Markham, Vaughan, and other townships in that district, and those who have used them (who ought to be the best judges) were unanimous in speaking in the highest lerms of satis- faction with which this new invention did its work. The following te.-'timon- ial we give from among several dczen equally strong This is to certify that I have used one of Sargent's Load Lifing Machines and that it has given me entire satisfaction. I consider it one of the best labor-saving machines yet mcroduced, and would most strongly recom- mend it to all farmers. Henry D. Sandkr.s Sept.4,'83. Fair Bank P.O.,YorkTp CMeselff Fall SIM w. Thia show wms held m Markdale, on the 27th and 28th Sept The weather was ex- ceedingly cold rendering it very nncomfor- Ubly for those attending. The lateness of the harvest hindered a great many from at- tending, a large portion of grain being yet unhoused, it had also the effect of hindering many from exhibiting grain, roots, fruit Ac., not having sufBcient time to prepare such things for the show, consequently the exhi- bit in the above named classes were below that of former years. There was a fine dis- play of horses which shows that the best animals are not yet all bought up and taken out of the country. The quality of the exhi- bit all through was of a high order and the gate receipts satisfactory on the whole. The following is the list of prizes HOBSKS. Span General Purpose Horses â€" 1st, special by Jas Bryad, Wm. Fawcett, 2nd, Jas. Mer- cer. 3rd, Alex. Mercer. Span Carriage Horses â€" 1st, special by M. Byrnes, M. Byrnes. 2nd, Thos. Davis, 3rd, J. H. Henderson. Buggy Horse â€" Ist. spec'l by A. McDougall J. B. Trimble, 2nd, Thos. Elliott. Saddle Horseâ€" Ist, Edward Davis, 2nd special by M. Burns, Ed. Large. Brood Mareâ€" let, Thos. Elliott, 2nd spec'l by Jas. Bryan, Wm. Douglass. Spring Colt, G. P.â€" 1st, A. Mercer, 2iid, Robt. Walker. Spring Colt, Roadsterâ€" 1st, S. Boyce, 2nd, Thos. Townsend. Colt or Filly, 2 yra.. G. P.- 1st W. Walk- er, 'ind, E. W. S. O'Brien. Colt or Filly, 1 yr. G. P.â€" Ist, J. Hutchin- son, 2nd, Wm. Walker. Colt or Filly, 2 yrs. roadster â€" 1st. James Mercer 2nd .Tohn McGee. Colt or Filly, 1 yr. roadster â€" 1st, Robert Freeborn, 2nd, A. Shiel. CATTIiB. Bull over 2. yrs. â€" 1st, 0. C. McFayden, 2nd, special by Jas. Bryan, B. Coleman. Bull under 2 years â€" 1st. A. Mercer, 2nd, J. Hutchinson. Durham Cow with Pedigree, 1st, E. S W. O'Brien. Ayrshire Cow â€" 1st. Wm. Douglass, 2nd, A. Shiel. Grade Cowâ€" 1st, Robt. Walker. 2nd, Wm. Walker Heifer 2 yrs.â€" Ist, Robt. McBride, 2nd Thos. HiUioti. Heifer 1 year â€" 1st, Jas. Foster, 2nd, E. W. S. O'Brien. Spring Calfâ€" Ist, E. W. S. O'Biien, 2nd Wm. Walker. Yoke Oxenâ€" Ist, A. Shiel, 2nd, J. Thibodo Pair Steers, 2 years â€" 1st, Robt. Walker, 2nd, R. McBride. Pair Steers, i year â€" 1st Robt. Walker. ifl Mr. Wm. liuoas rettirded Hd«« this week. .^ Miss "WQlmott, of Jliltoii. m vwitmg at Mr. Bowes. Miss Lizzie Walker returned ftom Connacticat last week. Thos. Eiseline and family, remoTed to Owen Sound, this week. Mr. Wm. Bowler returned from a trip to manitoba last week. Mr. Thos. Mann was home from Toronto on a visit this week. Miss Booke returned to Toronto last week after a six mounths visit with ber sister, Mrs. Cseaar. Miss Sarah A. Milsap, left on Tues- day, for Lefroy, where she will re- main six months. Oscar Wright and Albert Rutledge returned on Monday to the Owen Sound buisness Collage. Mr. Boyle, of Glenelg, and Mr. Hamlin, of Osprey. left ihis week lor Queens' Collage Kmgston, to resume their studies. Mrs. Mark Richardson and family left for Manitoba, last week, wheie they will join Mr. Richardson who has been up West for a number of years. Mr. J. L. Browne, artist, left Mark- dale this morning, and, after spending a few days with his friends in Durham and vicinity, will take his departure for Victoria, B. C. His many friends will be sorry to hear of his leaving as an artist he is A 1. SHEEP. WiUiam Mr. Sargent has also attended the Guelpli and London fairs, and has been successful all round in receivint^ high commendations from the judges. There was no prize for this new inven- tion, so that the highest award avail- able was in the shape of being highly commended. The patentee, Mr. Sar- gent, has cleared this season alone in the neighborhoad of $10,000 from his â-  patent. South Grey Exhibition. The annual show of the S. G. Agricultural Society came oS on Tuesday and Wednesday last and was fairly attended. The display of horses and other stock was fully ahead of former years. Poultry was fairly represented, but field produce was rather shm, no doubt,' owing to the lateness of the season, and craly frosts. Fruit and garden vegetables were Kood. although not so numerous as we would like to see. Flowers, were ver^^ nice, and a slight imnrovemeut. The ladies' work was also improved, and the articles displayed were tastefully prepared, and showed that they were not just brought out to catch prizes where there was no competition. The chief exhibitors in ladies work were Mrs. MDner who is always to tlie fore Mr:'.Dr. Jamieson, who is a new resident amongst us, and we hope she will be on hand on f ature occasions; Miss Mockler and others. The articles, which we think most worthy of note were two fine Percheron horses, by Yost and McAlear a set of furniture by Geo. Kress an^a cone- work minature horfe by Mrs. Milner. But a look at the prize list will show who the ex- hibitors and prize takers were. As is usual n few "soap " vendors and other swindlers were on hand and some fools actually potrou- ized them. Surely people wiUlearn in time, and giyu all such individuala a wide berth. Everything passed off very satipfitictorial and with little disturbance. There are a few things we would like to see improved, among which, would be better prizes for field roots, which are not half what they should be, a little more encourafcement to fine arts, and a few classes for rare flowers and plants dropped and the prize unproved for the more common vanetieH. As for as we have seen and heard â-  the Judges' decisions were satiafacHnr.â€" r firey lUvietc, Aged Ram, Thorouglibred â€" Ist Fawcett, 2nd Wm. Shepherdson. ShearHng Ram, Thoroughbred â€" 1st, Wm. Fawcett. Wm. Shepherdson. Kamb Lamb, Thoroughbred â€" Ist, William Fawcett, Wm. Shepherdson. Pair Ewes, raised lambs 33 â€" 1st, William Fawcett, Wm. Shepherdson. Pair Ewe Tiambs â€" 1st, Wm. Shepherdson, Wm. Fawcett. SWINE. Berkshire Boar, aged â€" 1st, Robt. Freeborn 2nd. D, McDuffi€. Spring Boar, berkshire â€" 1st, man, Robert McBride. Aged Sow, berkshire^lst, D. McDuffie, Jas. Nelson, Spring Sow, berkshire â€" Jas. Mercer, D. McDuffie. Spring Boar, Suffolkâ€" Thos. Davis, Ben Coleman. Spring Boar, any other kind â€" 1st, Wm. Douglass. Aged Sow, Suffolk â€" Ben. Coleman. Spring Sow, Suffolk â€" Thos. Davis. POULTRY. Collection Barnyard Fowls â€" 1st, Ben. Coleman. 2nd Robt. Montgomery, 3rd, Robt. McBride. Pair Geese â€" Ben. Coleman, Robt. Mont- Gomery. Pair Turkeys â€" Jas. Murcer. Pair Ducks, large â€" R. Montgomery, H. McKee. Pair Ducks, small â€" B. Coleman, S. Boyce. Pair Plymoth Rock â€" Haskett Bros., Ben Colemen. Pair Leghorns â€" E. Jjarge, R. Montgomery Pair Brahmas â€" HasketBros.,B. C(leman. Pair Spanish â€" Robt. Montgomery, Robt. Montgomery. Pair Hamburgs â€" E, Large. GRAIN. Bush. Spring Wheat, White Russian, Ist W. Robinson. 2nd. E. Rutledge. Bush. Spring Wheat, any other kind â€" 1st special by W. J. McFarland, R. Watson, 2nd, Wm. Anderson. Bush Barlpy â€" 1st special by Moffatt Bros. E. Rutledge, 2nd, E. large. Bush. Peas, large â€" J. R. Andeison. Bush. Peas, small â€" E. Rutledge, Wm. Douglass. Bush. AVhite Oatsâ€" H. Mathewson. Wm. Robinson. Bush. Black Oatsâ€" H. Mathewson, Ben Coleman. Half Bush. Timothyâ€" H. Mathewson, W. Anderson. ROOTS. potatoes â€" Ist A Shiel, 2nd H |ipellinff In Davonstaire. Mr. Bering Gould, M. A., in his life of Mr. Hawker, yicar of Morwenstow, gives the following advevtisement over a little shop in Davonshire. It was written by " a school- master of the old style:" â€" "Roger Giles, Surgin, Parish, dark Sknlemaster, Groser and Huadertaker, respectably informs ladys and gentlemen that he drors teef without waeting minit, applies latehes every hour blisters on the lowest tarms, and viqicks for a penny a piece. He sells Godfather's Kor- dales, kuts korns, bunyons, doktors horses, clips donkies once a month, and undertakes to Inks after every bodys nayls by the ear. Jose harps, penny whissels, brass candel- sticks, fryin pans, and other moozikal instru- mints hat greatls rordooced figers. Yung ladys and langeude, in the purtiest manner, also great care aken of their morrels and spelling. Also xarm-zinging, teaching the base vial, and all sorts of yancy work, squad- rills, polkers, weazils, and all country dances tort at home and abroad at perfeckshun Per fumery and znufl in all its branches. As times cruel bad I begs to tell ey that I his just beginned to sell all sorts of stashonery ware, cox, hens, vouls. pigs, and all other kind of poultry. Blackin brishes, herrins, coles, shrubbin, brishes, traykell, godly bukes and bibles, mise.traps brick-dust, whisker seed, morrel poketankercheis, and all zorts of swatemaits, including tatar8,sassages, and Beu. Cole- ' °'^^.' garden stuff, bakky, zigars, lamp oyls pattins, tay kittles, and other intoxicating iikkers; a dale of fruit, hats, zongs, here oyl. bukkits, grindin stones, and other aitables, korn, and bunyon zalyesand other hardware. I has laid in a large azzortment of trype, dogs mate, lolipops, ginger-beer, matches and oiher pikkles. such as hepsom salts, hoy- sters, Winzer sope. anzetrar. Old rags bought and zold eere and nowhere else, new lade eggs by me Roger Giles; zinging birds keeped, such as howles, donkies, paycox, lobsters, crickets, als the stock of a celebrat- ed brayder. Agent lor selling gutty-porker souls. P. S. I tayches gography, rithmetic, cowstick, jimnasticks. and other Chynees THE EXCITEMENT AT THE GORKer MILL ARGYLE STREETS STILL PBEVAIL8. ' TRIMBLE WRIGHT having re-leased the pre they now occupy, have just opened the largest assoml of Fall and winter goods ever shown in MARKD\t p*" vicinity. LADIES. For the ladies we have NEW Cootume Cloths.allsh d NEW Black Cashmeres, NEW Colored Cashme'res, Dress Goods from locts per yard upwards, new fall Pn new Wincies, new Wraps, new Shrwls, new circulars Underwear, new knitted and quiked Skirts, new Skirts, new Bustles, new Silks, new Satins, new new Frills, new Ribbons, new Collars, new Boots Slippers in the half sizes, round and box toes c. Fringes, 3hoes4 tricks.' B CARD OF TH ANKS, As I am now about leaving Priceville and having been engaged in various branches of business for over twenty years, in this vil. lage, I take this opportimity of kindly thank- ing all my old friends and thepubUc general- ly, for the very hberal amount of patronage they have bestowed upon me in all the vari- ous branches of business in which I have been engaged. I hope you will give my suc- cessor in business a hearty welcome when he comes among you, and I also wish that he may prove himself worthy of all the sup- port you may favor him with, and at the end of twenty more years he may be able to do what I am now doing, viz.: thanking you agam for your very great liberality. I remain, dear friends. Yours very truly. T^. .„ „ ALEX. WEBSTER. Pricevme,0ct.3,1883. GENTS. For the Gents we have the "newest patterns in Scotch, English, American and Can- adian Tweeds made to order on the shortest notice by eith- er Tailors. A new r.nd large stock of ready-made clothing, new oil cloth coats, white shirts, colored shirts, hats, caps, cuffs, collars, ties, hose braces boots and shoes, kc. BOYS For the boy's we have the largest assortment of ready- made clothing in the market as well as an endless variety of hats, caps, ties, collars, hose, boots shoes, undercloth- ing c. GIRLS. For the girls we have anything and eveiything calculat- ed to make them comfortable, pleasant, happy, and -it- tracdve. Collection Herd. Bushel Early Rose â€" 1st Robt Montgomerr, 2nd Wm Robinson. Bash any ctuer kindâ€" 1st Ed Purvis, 2nd J H Heard. Swede turnips â€" Ist Wm Robinson, 2nd H Matthewson. Blood beetsâ€" 1st R Walker, 2nd Ed Rut- ledge. Turnips, any kindâ€" Ist J. R Anderson, 2nd, H. Mathewson. Manpold Wur;zelâ€" 1st, Wm Mathewson. Field Carrotsâ€" Wm Davis. n k"5â„¢T°*^^^*' Special by M. Byrnes, Bobert Walker, 2nd, R H Stinson. Cauliflowersâ€" C Littlejohns. E. Yorke Cabbageâ€"E PuttIb, H MathlW- Bon. Cabbage any Littlejohas. Tomatoesâ€" E. Davis. W. Dqpelajs. Omons any kind-B.WaIk^rB. Walker Cunuiibew-H.Math€™nKm.J.MeGee. Douglas. H. Douglass, Thomas In the Ooods of MARGARET IRETON (dkceased) • NOTICE TO CREDITORS. â€" Punuaut to Section 34 of ChapterlOT, S. O., the creditors of *rar«?arpt Iretin, late of the township of Glenelg, ilThe county of Grey, deceased, who died on or about tue 5th day of May, IS^t^and aU " v!!-^*Tl"« "^^^^ «Poii ter estate are on BABIES. Don't forget the babies, we have just opened a large as- sortment of new Wool Hoods, new Bootees, new Leggins new Infantees, nev^ Hose, new Bibbs, new Waists, new Wool Scarfs, new Boots, New Shoes. R two (rof We have added to our immense stock S2,00.0 thousand dollars worth of choice J ewellerv consisting Watches, Clocks, Gold and Silver Chains, Lo^ckets earring sets, wedding rings and in fact more than is kept in a well regulated Jewellery store and prices that touch the bottom. on before the FIFTEENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER next, to send by post prepaid, to Benjamin S^ n?*°.' n *^^ """ °* Markdale. i^^ county of Grey, one of the Exeout. in tne Our CROCERIE Department is the TOP. fuHto Our dress goods ciepartment is above the usual standard w..., „. .„y. one Of the Exeout "" n """" ^^""'^^ " ^^^^^^ ^^ nOVelticS and HCW things perso^ esta't;"anTerts\rA^:;^S" generally, to Feserve their purchases until they have visited (or to James Masson, Markdale, wlidtoTfo;/ our StOrC. We also cany a large and well assorted stock of imported other kind-rJ Nelaon, C (roieCoiitimiMl.) addresses andde8oription.thefXpa^S" of their claims, astatement of the^ aSS" and nature of the securities (if any) hddhv them, and in default ther^ thi ^S. of the said deceased will be diatrittnt^ h!5„ regard only to the daiin^«^S^f of which the ex«*tor.'S«'Srit' BUNJAMIN COLEMAN) » iOHN "WH. POKD, |*M«aton. P»ted flm Irt Day 0?tQl,«, 1888.^' and Canadian ipn, staples, linnen goods of every descrip our stock IS all fresh, and on inspecting it we feel sureyo" will pronounce it all through. Very Ohoice- g^°^ f and judgment having been displayed in selection as to styles. colours jiqH values. ._ Sf^- *TRIMBlJr 1 17BIGBT !(0TicES in, th individual |it« a line fo\ I a liTie eaci

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