^^ ~i:. â- %s4^-b; tfk ,^ -m MISCELLANEOUS- FBEE OF GHABOE. All persons suffering from Coughs, Colds Asthma, Bronchitis. Loss of Voice or any af- fection of the Throat and Lungs, are re- quested to call at A. Turner Go's Drag Store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's 2sew Discovery for Consumption, free of â- charge, which will convince them of its won- derful Merits and show what a regular dol- lartsize bottle will do. Call early. A new schoolboase, to cost $7,000, is to be completed at Miimedosa this fall. DO NOT BE DECEIVjSD. lu these times of quack medicine adver- tisements everywhere, it is truly gratifying to find one remedy that is worthy of praise flnd which really does as recommended. -Electric Bitters we will do as recommended. They invariably cure Stomach and Liver ;omplaints. Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary difficulties. We know where(f we â- t^peak, and can readily say, give them a trial, iiold at fifty cents a bottle, by A. Turner fe Co. A VEXED CLEEGYMAN. Even the patience of Job would become •exhausted were he a preacher and endeavor- ing to interest his audience while they were keeping up an incessant coughing, making it impossible for him to be heard. Yet, 'low very easy can all this bo avoided by simply using Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump- tion, Coughs and Colds. Trial Bottles given â- away at A. Turner Co's Drug Store. Seasoxarle Advice. â€" Now take the •shad^y side of the street go slow; eat lightly skip alchohc drinks dou't â- worry liang on to your teniDer.glt is not the weather that heats your blood half so much as the fuel, wet and dry that a man puts into his t^toraaeh, or the exercise he gives his body and mind, ANSWEK THIS QUESTION. ^Yl)y do so many people we see around us, rem to prefer to suffer and be made mise- rable by Indigestion, Constipation. Diz dness, Lo«s of Appetite, Coming up of the food. Yellow Skin, when for 75cts., we will sell them Sl.iloh's Vitalizer, guaranteed to cure them. Sold by \Ym. Brown's General Store, Markdale. MuttBiiluT SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. This is beyond question the most success- ful Cough medicine we haye ever sold, a few doses invariably cure the worst cases of Cou^rh, Croop and Bronchitis, while its won- tUi fill success in the cure of Consumption is %\ithout a parallel in the history of medicine. Since its fi'-fet discovery it has been sold on a â- guarantee, to test which no other medicine â- c'iiu stand. If you have a cough we eninest- ly asK you to try it. Price lOcts. 50 cts. and 1 If your Lungs are sore. Chest, or Back Lnue, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by \Vm. Brown's (jeueral Store. Markdale. SHILOH'S CATaRAH EE.MEDY- A marvellous cure for Catarrh, Diplitheria Canker mouth, and Headache. AVitli ,each buttle there is an ingenious nas?l inj"ctor fur the more su'^cessful treatment of these â- complaints without extra charge. Price .50c. Siild by Win. Brown's r;;entral store Mark- dale. The C. P. Pi. are goins^ to buihl an «lf'vat0L' of irameuse capacity at Port Ai thur. It is said that §200,000 will be expended. McGregors speedy cure. From the mf ny remarkable cures wrought by usin,:,' McGregors Speedy Cure for Dyspep sia, Indigestion, Constipation and Alltction '•â- i the Liver and from the immense sale of it without any advertising, we have concluded lo place " extfiisivoly on the jnaket, so that tho-e who suffer may have a peifect cure. Go to iiill Bros. General Store and get a trial bottle free, or the regular size at fifty, cents T.)r one dollar. THE GREATEST HE.\LING COMPOUND Js a preparation of carbolic acid, vaseline and ceraie called McGregor S" Parks's Car- bolic Cerate, It will cure any sore, cut, burn or bruise when all other preparations fail. Call at Hill Bros. General Store and f,et a package. Twenty-five cents is all it costs. Miunedosa is assesed at $004,435, the rate being about one cent on the dojar. KRAMS'S FLUID LIGHTNING Is the only instantaneous relief for Neuralgia. Headache. Toothache, etc. liubbing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. No tak- in nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's application removes all pain and will prove the gjcat value of Krani's Fluid Lightning. Twenty-hive cents per bottle at Hill Bros. General Store. The new freighc yard of the Canada Pau-iiic, at \Viunipe,% is the finest on tha continent. There are no less than sislecu tracks capaple of -eighty cars each. Work given out. On receipt of your ad dress we will make an offer by which you â- can earn f3 to $7 evenings, at your home. Men, Woman, Boys or Girls can do it. H. ' Wilkinson Co., 195 and 197 Fidton St.j I^'ew Y'ork. ^Vm. Ln;asCo, bankers, Markdale, have $200,000.00 ^0 loan on real estate. Straight loan system. No tines. Low interest; moderate charge."?. Our coiTCppondents will do well to be?_r in mind that their copy will require to reach us \m Tuesday, to insure an insertion the same wjok. THE QUESTION H.\S OFTEN BEEN ASKED. Can â€" Pkuptare â€" (abdominal hernia) be «ared? We most empkaticaUi/ say, YES. That this part of the body offers no excep- tion to those physiological laws wh' 1 -;ot- â- cin the wbole p^ytical eeoaomy and u .oakes not a particle of difference whether the age of the Bnpture is one year or a hondr^ jrears. Foe proof of this send for a Rree Book en Bnptore to The Exoeldor Bapttire Care MV^ C«k, PxcMott, Onk 13% M, A regular MontUy Cattle Fair will he held in the Agriculfnral Groonds, Ularkdale, as fo'lows -j-' â€" 1SH3 â€" SAlTJRDAY Aug. 4 Do. Sept. 9 Do. Oct. ' Do. Nov. 3 Do. Dec. 8 MAEKDALE Meat Market. A constant supply of Fresh Meats on hand, at the Lowest Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale March 23. 1882. 80-ly Health is Wealth TO T00» P IK W W TBAHP OW c SABGE]«T*9 WENT LOAIIllFTmailAGHIIIE THIS SBASC^:;:^ p:^- It will save ypn one or more Ihands everr day you are dra.winiin, as you don't need » man at the front of the on ow to pitch it back. You can pitch from the load as you are pitching down instead of up.\ Yba »n unload in half the tiqie. and. with greater ease •ban in the old way. Agents wanted in every county. Wm. SAEGENT, Berkeley P. 0. or Grover In- hanes, t(-uildingB, Toronto. H AVE QU ^EEN WHAT? EN WHY TBE ?* ****? THE 1 BEST TO GET PLACE North of Toronto, is at the rviarkdale Grallery, "W^mff- "--' -rrTAKEN BY- MB. S. G- PALING, Jate of Messrs. Nbtman Fraser â- Mr. Jatnes Bolraer, Flediertdn, has secured in Mr, Artist, hawig bden employed witk the aforesaid firm for a l Parties should not loose this opportttfiity of 8ecurin a firgtT""' tbeselves or friends at low prices. AH photos taken by the ne ^^ stantaneous. Babies a specialty. Don't wait for fine weatb^^'^* come all and see for yourselves. All work guaraLteed. " ^«ej Yours truly JAMES BULlfES, Flea Dr. E.G. West's Nerve and Brain Treat- ment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzipess, ConvulHions, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralgia, Headache, Nervous Pro-^tration caus- ed bv the iise of alcohol or tobacco, Wake- fulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain, resulting i/i Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barr enne^s. Loss of Power m either sex. Involuntary losses and Spermatorrhoea, caused by over-exertion of the brain, self- abuse or over-iudulfjence. One box wUl cu e recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for fiye dollars sent by mad pre- paid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order re- ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will scud the p ircliaser a written guarantee tg refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar- antees issued only by A. Turner c^Co., ;o]( authorized Agent for Markdale Out. .lolic C. West Co. sole proprietor Toronto. Out. That's so, for a friend of mine had his taken ihere and he says they are even better than what he had taken in Toronto. JAMES H.A MILTON. ARTIST, To the Farmers of Grey. I HAVE made arranfemente with Chath- am Harvester Co., to seU for then their Movier, §ing:lc Reaper and two Horse Cord Biuder. All material in these machines warranted of the hest quality. Every machine warranted to give satisfac- tion or money or notes refunded. Parties in need of any of the above machinea, can inspect them on fair day's at Flesherton, Markdale and Chatsworth, consult your best interests, and examine for yourselves. ALEX. McKECHNIE, 143-56 Traverston P. 0. ^# ^|$H$4 g ALLKINDS^ REDUCED RATES. j25 Made of Special Iron, Tlie Cliepest artd. Best Support Home iuduBtry and procure your Plow Point, o p4 â- AT THE g Markdale Foundry. TAILOR. O Plow Points, 3 lor Old Iron taken in Eschaniro. ^1. Over McFarland's Store MARKDALE. Special attention to Cutting Fitting. Orders promptly filled, and satis- faction Guaranteed. WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE MEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY. WILL SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE This space belongs to E, SPROULE, Flesherton ^iiii^ j Who is now selling a heavy stoci of Spring and Summer goods for whatever they will bring. liolJing Chicago, Rock Island Pacific R'y Being the Great Central Line, affords to travelers, bv reason «* .»-..-..„... ' graphical position, tha shortest and bea^'ro'iTtrbetween'^th^ ^lll' IS""" «®°- Southeast. and the West, Northwest and SouthwesT "' •^O^^'^^^st and It l3 literally ?^nd strictly true, that Its conneetions nri ..n ^^ Of road between the Atlantic and thVpaclfic" '" °* *^* Principal lines By Its main line and branches La Salle, Caneseo, Moline and Washington, Keokuk, Knoxvillc !?^!.5i*."A*!?Jir!«'.^«x«V Audubon, Aarlan; CuS C-nter and Cou'ncirSufS' '"i In Missouri, and Leaven- cities, villages and towns In Iowa worth and Intermediate. ihes It reaches Chicago, Jollet, Peoria, Ottawa 0.„..,n. Tr.„.„„. Ca"„'?,^'S'„'?;;JrX"'sS^f 4'-*: The "CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE" As It Is familiarly called, offers to travelers all the advan*.«.» ' Incident to a smooth track, safe bridges. Union DeoStftrri^*?" *•"•* comforts Fast Eipress Trains, composed of ^MMOOloS WE^I vr^^.'l^r* P°'nt«. HEATED, FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ELEGANT OAY^Afi«l"^^P' ^^'â- »- MOST MAGNIFICENT HORTON RECLINING CHAIR CARS «^, k ".? ' S ""• «»»• -ates't designed and handsomest PALACE SLEEPiSSLm â- »"" » •'"•-LMAN'S that are acknowledged by press and people to be tte ^mh-?"^,.??*^^^^ «*•»» ROAD IN THE COUNTRY, and In which superlor^J2^,/!""L,?"** "•*»" ANY the low rate of SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS EACH â€"nwi to'travelars at THREE TRAINS each way between CHICACO n..^ ^^ ^...^ ..a Tr^fJSHs"' " '-^~" '^-^^^^^^^-^rS^^l^SlS'Z'^^^^^^ ALBERT LEA ROUTE TAILOR SYDENHAM STBEET, "^y^. T. -Z-i-^OivdlY between Newport News. Richmond, ClnclnnatriniS!lJ22!"*^ '^«' opened, and C*"«« BMjfta, St. Paul, Minneapolis and ,^^^^ i^. 9^^ All Through Passengers oarrted n» »-.-H?22r'**^**' For mor.detalledinformatlon,lSeiSa^«2 B S*?*"***^«»«« ^-- -^ • r i-Tich«._,«-. p«'«-p«'T.i^«!Ss:rMSK^ R. R. CABLE, vi c e m tn*tA Cen'l Manager, CHICACO. lisurance A^nt Fleshertfl â- .^ "^-b^attfeMafkdale House Markdale :E very ^13IXJht^T 4.Y tetf only represen Money to loan on good farms at 7 per. cent. f»*^,â- â- %- â- A^m- **"'«» 1546^1 EVFRY THURS At Markdai W orders prompt dance â€" Snider's HUl, B. GHent, M,D., Physician and S Graduate of Uuiversit J,P.MARSF .DEN' LJ Law, SoLcitors anccrs, Ac, Owen S^ Flesherton, Office oj heretofore. Alfred Fbost, County Crown A J. MA BARRISTER, ma: in Chancery, Xo oer, £c. MONET TO LEND OflSces â€" Owen Sou Ponlett St.; and in ' land's Store, on Frid week. ISSUER OF MAR] Commissioner ir ConveyaneinR in al attended to and earef N. B. â€" Money to L ewity. BOLDER, COK' TKCT. â€" Besiden oale. Markdale. Jan. 2 It