Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Jul 1883, p. 8

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 â- 'fl^ A GENERAL STAMPEDE. Never was f udi a rush maJe for ar.v Prng torc a4 is imw ut A. Turner .vC- s for a New Piscovi-rv for auc inj. Wiic-n ?teni Trial Ei-.tflu oiDr. Kir, Consumption. C.u-h, an.! Colds. All per- j .ons aliecteu xvuii A-tlima. Lro-clntis. Hoarseness, S.vw. Cou-Ls or any all.ction i f.f tho T'.iroat and Lungs, can g-.'t a Irial Lottie of this great remedy jrc,:. by calliug ut above Drag Store. TRUE TOHES TLUST. Too mucli cannot be said of the ever faith- fnl wife and mother, constantly watching d caimg for her dear ones, never ne_gl_ect- a single duty in their behalf. tUcv are assailed bv disease, and the sy -hould have a thoroufih cleaning, the stomach and bowels regulated, blood puntied, a ma- larial poi.-,on exterminated, she must kmiv,- that Li'jctiic Litters ur.; tiie only sure renie- â-  ly. TJirv are thu be.-t iiiid puret medicine i in the world and only cos*, riity cents. S.dd i y A. Turner. ^HLLIONS G1\-EN A^V-A-Y. 3J ihions of bottles of Dr. King's New Dis- coverv for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, j l.ive been given a-vay as Trial Bottles of the h.ige size. Thi:. enormous outlay would be ' ,:i.-astrous to the proprietors, wer. it not for the rare merits p).,-esed by the wonderful iiudicine. Call at A. Ti;rner Go's Drug Sti.re and get a Trial Bottle â- ?, and try for vnurself. it never fails to cure. To Pp.ixtees. â€" For Sale, a two tliii-ds, 10 case, -walnut cabinet, as LTOoJ as new. Heasou for seHiuf;â€" it It not large enough for our office. We wiirhave to purchase another small one or sell and get a larger one. Woukl prefer the latter. Apply to this Office. DYSPEPSLV LIVEL COMPLAINT. I-; it not worth the small price oi-lo cents to free yourself of every symptom of these distressing complaints, if you think so call at oui score and get a bottle of Shiloh's Vital- izer. every bottle has a printed guarantee on it. nsc accordmg'y anl if it does you no good it will cost you nothing. K.ild at \Vm. Brown's (ieneral Store, Martilale. OH, WHAT A COUGH Will yon heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease consumption. Ask your- selves if you can afiord for the sake of oOcts., to run tlie risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your Cough. It never fails. This explains why more than a Million Bottles were sold the past year. It relieves Cjjotip, and Whooping Cough, at once. Mothers do not he without it. For Lame Back, Side, ox Chest, use Shiloh's Porous plaster. Sold at Will. Brown's General Store Markdale. We have a speedy and positive cure, fc Catarah, Diphtheria, Canker mcjuth an Head .A.che, in SHHILOH'S CATAllUl KEMEDY. A nasal Injector free with cact bottle. Use it if you desire health aud swec breath. Price 50 cents. Sold at Wnj P)ro\vn's General Store, Markdale. The 8tand.\rd the balance ol 83, six months, for 50 cents, to any .address, subscribe at once. McGHEGOllS SPEEDY CUEE. From the many remarkable cures wrought by using McGregors Speedy Cure for Dvsjiep sia. ludi'/estiuii. Constipation and AtYtction of the Liver and from the immense sale of it witbout any advertising, we have concluded to place it extensively on the makot, so that those who sutl'er may hiive a peifect cure. Go to Hill Bros. (;eneral Store and get a trial bottle free, or the regular size at fifty cents fir one dollar. KLAMS'S FLUID LKiHTNING J ' the only instantaneous relief for Neuralgia. Jleailache. Toothache, etc. riul.ilunr; a few drops briskly is all that is needed. No tak- in nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's aiiplication removes all pain and will ]irove the great alue of Kram's Fluid LiKlitnuig. Twenty-liive cents per bottle at Hill Bros. General Store. \Vm. Lucas il- Co, bankers, Markdale, iiave $200,000.00 to loan on real estate, btraight, loan system. No lines. Low interest; moderate charges. THE QUESTION PIAS OFTEN BEEN ASKED. Can â€" Rupture â€" (abdominal hernia) be cured? We moat eiiqilmticulhi saij. YES. That this part of yie bouy offers no excep- tion to those physiological laws which gov- ern the wliole physical economy and it makes not a particle of ditterence whether the age of the llupture is one year or a hundred years. For proof of this send for a Free i'.ook on lUipture to The Excelsior Piupture Cure M'f- Co., Prescott, Out. 132-84. Our correspondents will do well to bear in mind that their copy ^\ill require to reach us • »u Tuesday, to insure an insertion the same week. Work given out. On receint of your ad- dress we will make an oSer by which you ean earn S.'5 to ST evenings, at your home. Men. Woman, Boys or Girls can do it. H. C. Wilkinson i Co., 195 and 197 FiiUon St., New York. A regular Montlily Cr.ttle Fair will be held in the Agricultural Grounds. Marktlale, as fo'lows â€" l!^ W 3 â€" SATURDAY ^^^^ Do. J^"^e i Do J»iy Tl 1 Aug. -i So! ::::::::::.... ^Pt.n Do Oct. 6 Bo. ^^;^-- Do. I^"^- MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all Kinds (.f 'fa r m: li: «^ !^ LOOK TO YOUR INTEIESTS AND GET PATENT LOAD LIFTING MACHINE THIS SEASON. hands everv H AVE You Seen T day you are man at the front of It will save you one or more drawing in, as you don t need a front of the mow to pitch it back You can pitch fiom the load as you are pitching d.)wn instead of up. You can ^^.^jgj. having unload in half the time, and with greater ease than in the old way. Agents wanted in every county. Wm. (- â€" „ r ,^ „„ Grover In- OU SEEN WHAT? WHY TUB BEAUTIFUL â€"TAKEN BY Messrs. Kotman Frasrr's Studio T ion, has secured in Mr. Palji.,, ' wanted in SAiFGENT, Berkeley P. O. or hanes, MCuildings, Toronto. Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, Pumps. and Cistern All kinds of THE BEST PLACE TO GET i m [ECUS MR S G PALtNG, late af ^^ Mr James Bulmer, Flesherton, has secured m Mr. l\]i,.„ ""%i been employed with the aforesaid firm for h umj,i), [^"i Parlies shouia not loose this opportunity of securing a fu'.tclaVv y!* tbe.elves or friends at low prices. All photos taken l,y the nu- p J,*' stantaneou^. Babies a specialty. Don t wait lor hue weatlior " ' •" all and see for yourselves. All work guara'.to(u. Yours truly J AME S B U J jM li i; come North cf Toronto, is at the IVlarkaale GJ^allery, IRON PUMI SUPPLIED. EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLath Mills Having made eqtensive improvements in my Grist Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing and Bills Filled on the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry. Buttarnut, White Ash, Black Ash Basswood, Pine and Hemlock Logs wanted GOly. M. AKITT, Eu-onia. MAEKDALE Meat Market. That's so, for a friend of mine had his taken there aud he says they are even better than what he had taken in Toronto. JAMES HAMILm_lAf^TI^ To the Farmers of Grey. I HAVE made arrangements with Chath- am Harvester Co.. to sell for then their ITlower, Single Keapei- and two Hoi-sc Cord Binder. All material lu these machines warranted of the hest quahty. Everv machine warranted to give satisfac- tion "or money or notes refunded. Parties in need of any of the ahove machinea, can inspect them on ftiir day's at Fleshertc^i, Markdale aud Chats worth, consult your best interests, and examine for yourselves. ALEX. McKECHNIE, 14.3.56 Traverston I' 0. 02 ALLKINDS^ REDUCED BATES, Made of Special Iron, AT THE pi I Stlpport Home industry and procure your Plo^Y r,ants g Markdale P4 Foundry. Old Iron taken in P^xchaiige. 81. THOS. MATHEWS, lESoTot. S. I^ae, TAILOR SYDENHAM STREET, jiv^-^IKlCID-^I.X-.E, MARKDALE. A constant supply of Fresh Meats on hand, at the Lo'west Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Tovv'n. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale March 23. 1882. 80-lv EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. ^# ^|$i$i« TXT. T. BEI_i31j..A.3^-2' Insurance Agent Fleshertoi Will be at the Markdale House ^larkdale First Class Companies only representeij Money to loan on good farms at 7 per. cent. If LUIDF IN BAGS OF 280LB8. â€"ATâ€" LOWEST PRICES TurniP SeeD The largest stock at H. PARKER'S Drugstore DURHAM. Health is Wealth! TAILOR. THE WINXIPECt EXrLOSION. ilNE MAN KILLED LIST OF THE WOUNDED, Winnipeg, June 80. â€" The fira and explo- sion last nit,'ht were more serious than at rirst telegi'aplied. The fire hegan at 10 o'clock in a storehouse of J, H. Ashdo.vu. hardware dealer. A few minutes after a tenitic ex- plosion followed, over 230 rounds of powder bursting at one time. The firemen took out other 270 pound before it could explode, tteorge Seale late of Montreal, was so badly burned that he died in the tire hall about an hour afterwards, while Over McFarland's Store MARKDALE. Special attention to Cutting Fitting. Orders promptly filled, and satis- faction Guaranteed. A. Hill, THl:: BEST II CHEAPEST. Coolness of temperament fs a Tirtue, but the refreshing coolnesg of the Preserved ITIcats, Fruits, and Yeg^etables, â€" KEPT AT THE â€" BELFAST HOUSE, MARKDALE, beats all the icebergs' ever floated down the Atlantic Ocean. WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE HEOCRAPHM OF THIS COUNTRr, WILL SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Bkain Treat- ment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralgia, Headacho, Nervous Prostration caus- ed bv the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wake- fulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain, resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, BaiT ennes, Loss of Power in either sex, j Involuntary losses and Spermatorrhcea, I caused by over-exertion of the braui, self- I abuse or over-indulgence. One box will as many as eu e recent cases. Each box contains one 'A) others were more or less injured. A great j month's treatment. One dollar a box, or many plate and other glass window* were six boxes for five dollars sent by mail pre- iroken. An inquest will be held on Seale, His fatiier is an undertaker in Montreal. He was a member of the Among the injured the tire brigade, burned and bruised Wm. 'ode, assistant cliief, burned and bruised; James Yuill, badly wounded, recovery doobt- ;ul Wni. Mi-i-luhliie. sou i£ the chief, sevo- vAv burned, f^elyi. cth.rr move or kss hur' paid ou receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order re- Garry lacrosse club, i ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with are chief McHobbie of five dollars, we will send the purchaser a written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not efiect a cure. Guar- antees issued only by A. Turner Co., iol« authorized Agent for Markdale Out. Joha C. West dCo. sole proprietor Toronto,Ont, The Belfast House Teas; and Coflees I giye an exhilirating influence, not equalled in Markdale, except by Ben-son's WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, c. 'i'hose who relish the •' pipe of peace " will find the Tobaccos and Cigars at the Belfast House unsurpassed north ol Toronto. Cheese. Bologna Sausage, and Biscuit in endless variety, all from the best manufacturers, at the Belfast House. Ap- ples, (green and dried,) Spices, Sweetmeats, c. Toilet aud Fancy Soaps, Esseucesj Perfumes, and Family Oils, of the purest quality. Flour, Potatoes, Pork, Herring, (dried and salt,) kept constantly (^n hand. l2S-0ur Bottled Gin is imported directly from the manufacturers, and our Bottled vVines are put up at the Vintage. Pijkles in bottles, Mustard in cans, and in fact ev- erything in the grocery trade. A recent ad- dition to my finances will enable me to pur- chase in the hsad markets of Europe and -OL. 3.-N (l IS PCBLISHSD -VERY THURSDAY E At Markdalo Or, lam IN advancj:. t. 0,1 in three months, «2 if ivcndof tUeyear. No paper Lt,l all arears ire paid up, c " of the publisher, mdpai "rs without pavin;,' up will h- [jblcfor the years subscry-tioi uplv with the ruh-s. TERMS OF ADVrjITI: ne column one year _^lf do. do ijaarter *). ' tiphtk do. do â-  |ari do. .... E)w,r ten lin^*;, first iu-.i:im]i j [i«h subseqiU-nt in-crtion The number of liuc^ to 1..- ri fcvace fK;cltpi-'d meastuvd Ia" n tr.vifr. A.'verti^emo-Ms v.; .ireciions will he puKJishr-d t Ituarc'eil accordingly. Ml trai cements must 'oc m h' ' 'â- "â-  tun by llo'ciock on the wtdu iirriheir publication. .JOB PlllNTIX pvory descriptinn rx iieatr.«ss and despatch at ItliebTANDARD, Markdiilc, C. W. RUTLE Editoh S: SAMCEirWAK! r:LL DIGGER ANin)] orders promptly Utf aâ€" Suider's Hill, Owen S B. Ghent, M,D., M.R.C Physician and SuviiLirn |(;ra,iuaie of Universitv. ict Ni'w Hon. Graduate, of the same Avloth M Opthalniic h iJitmberColl. Physicians ct Si Dental C lameron I DENTAL SUlti/ Office over D. A. Cameron Kiore, Poiilett St'., OWEN J Every attention given t«'thi Itlie natural teeth. Artificial Itduu Gold, Celluloid, aud 1 Will be at Markdale the aeli month, .Cameron, M.B., C.I L.F.P.S.Gla.qow, M L.D.S., Ont. K • RMARSHAI DETIS' ^IRADUATE OF TOR of Dentistry, will Sold, Markdale, on the 1 pesdayof each month and Flesherton. the di Bhird Wednesday in each n: fice of his profession. January gth, 1883. Cc0al, Frost ri â-º ARRISTERS, AND Law, Solicitors iu '8, Ac, Owen Sound. "tsherton, Oflico open c fwetofore. ED Frost. J. County Crown At ton Chicago, Rock Island Pacific R'Y. Being the Creat Central Line, afford* to travelers, ti reason of its ""^!^j„t««'f graphical position, the shortest and best route between the East, Nonn Southeast, and the West, Northwest and Southwest. ndoalW It is literally nnd strictly true, that Its connections are all of the prm^- â-  Of road between the Atlantic and the Paciflo. ., otta«»' By Its main line and branches It reaohM Chicago, Joltet, '^^""L' «sat;n«' La Salle, Ceneseo, Moline and Rock Uland. In Illinois; Davenport. «"|,^, Washington, Keokuk, Knoxvllle, Oskaloosa, Fairfield, Des Moines. we» ^^^ Iowa City, Atlantic, Avoca, Audubon, Harlan, Cuthrle Center and coun ^^^ andto*«» J. IWASS fRlSTER, MASTE ' in Chancery, Nouirv I MOI^EY TO LEND AT Officesâ€" Owen Sound, k^^ St.; and in Mar «WB Store, on Friday America, WILSON BENSON. In Iowa Callatin, Trenton, Cameron and tCansas City, In Missour worth and Atchison '.n Kansas, and the hundreds of cities, villages Intermediate. The "GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUT| w ^^ ^^â€" â€" â€" mtW^ As It Is familiarly called, offers to travelers all the advantages "f ^point»- Incldent to a smooth track, safe bridges, Union Depots at all co^.l^firn. HO*' Fast Express Trains, composed of COMMODIOUS, WELL VENTILATi. ^^ HEATED, FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ILEOANT DAY COACHES ""'(nArJ MOST MAGNIFICENT HORTON REOLININQ CHAIR CARS ever b""' PmiSo CA«J atest designed and handsomest PALACE SLEEPING CARS, ']^„ZuPO* " that are acknowledged by press and people to be the FINEST """ ",«!•«»* ROAD IN THE COUNTRY, and In which superior meals are served to t" the low rate of SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS BACH. .»«„di RIVIXu, JHREe TRAINS each way between dHICACO and the WlSSOUB' " p^gJ- TWO TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and MINNEAPOLIS ano • via the famous ALBERT LEA ROUTE.^^ A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kankakee, has recently b*^ ^^et* between Newport News, Richmond, Cinoinnati, Indianapolis ana Creasordr ]»I JA»RlP._r.a,SOLI( 'W«es, c. fec, ,-,"'"CK8 in Owen Soui rerW. p. Wolf's Store ^»w T MARKD I ^^y °' "^^ ^®*^ Ij^jf^adsto lend on r I'^Cbkasob, Q.a. I -^kdale, March 15. 1 t^^ Alexander T^B of Marriage ^e Insurance k ~* B. c. Conve\ noaeer for the Coun ^IJind charges Sept. 1 and Council Bluffs, St. Paul, Minneapolis and intermediate PO'"" All Through Passengers carried on Fast Express ^^'"'nbtaif*",^ For moredetalled information, see Mapsand Folders, which f"' --nadS' well as Tickets, at all principal Ticket Offioee in the United States er R. R. CABLE, VIce-Pres't Cen'l Manager, CHICAGO. ST. JOHN, .,Ag» CenMT'k't*P«** n ^IJER OF MARRI n««ani88ioner in I I««tity "^^^o^e ley to Lei .iv-

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