Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Jun 1883, p. 8

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 m "V^OBTHY OF PRMSE. As a rtile we do not recommend Patent Medicines, but when we know of one that ireally is a public benefactor, and does posi- tively cure, then we consider it oni duty to impart that information to all. Electric Bit- ters are truely a most valuable medicine.and w-ill surely cure BiUiousnoss.Feyerand Ague. Stomach. Liver and Kidnev Complaints even when all other remedies fail. We know *3'.ereof we speak, and can freely re- -commead. them to all.â€" Ezc/i.â€" Sold ' at fifty •-oentg a bottle, by A. Turner Co. FKEE OF COST. All pefsons wishing to test the merits of a â- great rt-nedy â€" one that will positively cure ConsHnotion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron- chitis, or any affection of the Throat and LuHgs â€" are requested to call at A. Turner Co's Drug Store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. KuBg's New Discovery for Consumption free of cost, which will show you what a regular dollar-size bottle will do. GIVEN AWAY. We cannot help noticing the liberal offer made ia all invalids and sufferers by Dr. King's New Discovery for Cousumptiou. You are requsted to call at A. Turner Co's Drug Store, and get a Trial Bottle free of cost, if you are suffering with Consumption, Severe Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, Hoarseness, or any affection of the Throat or Lungs. It will positively cure you. The next sitting of Division Court No. 4 will be held in Markdale ou the Zlst June, and in CliatswortL the day ft'illowing, ANSWEE THIS QUESTION. Wlij do so many people we see arouud us, rem to prefer to suffer and be made mise- rable by Indigestion, Constipation. Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of the food. Yellow Skin, when for 75cts., we will sell them Siiiloli's Vitalizer, guaranteed to cure them. Sold by Wm. Brown's Cieneral Store, Maxkdale. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CUEE. This is beyond question the most success- ful Cough mediciue we liaye ever sold, a few doses invariably cure the worst cases of Cough, Croop and Bronchitis, while its won- derful success in the cure of Cousumption is ^\ithout a parallel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, to test which no other medicine can stand. If you have a cough we earnest- ly asK you to try it. Price lOcts. oO cts. and ^1. If your Lungs are sore. Chest, or Back Lame, use fcihiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by Wm. Brown's (ieneral Store. Markdale. Miss Maggie Donnelly took the train ou Wednesday, for Toronto, where she will remain a few weeks â- visiting, and then proceed to loisfil Tp. to spend the summer with re- lations, SHILOH'S CATaEAH EEMEDY- A marvellous cm-e for Catarrh, Diphtheria Canker mouth, and Headache. With each bottle there is an ingenious nasfl injector fur the more successful treatment of these complaints without extra charge. Price 50c. Mold by Wm. Brown's general store Mark- dale. th|: geeatest healing compound Is a preparation of carbolic acid, vasehne and cerate called McGregor Sr Parks's Car- bolic Cerate, It will cure any sore, cut, bum or bruise -fthen aU other preparations faii. Call at Hill Bros. General Store and get a package. Twenty-five cents is all it oosts. McOregoes speedy CUEE. From the many remarkable cures wrought by using McGregors Speedy Cure for DyspepJ sia, Indigestion, Constipation and Afftctiou of the Liver and from the immense sale of it without any advertising, we have concluded to place it extensively on the maket, so that thowe who suffer may have a peifect cure. Go to HUl Bros. General Store and get a trial bottle free, or the regular size at fifty cents or one dollar. The Toronto Daily W^orld is the spiceist, newsyist paper of the day, only 25 cts a month, just the thing for mechanics. Sub- scriptions taken at this office will be sent direct through the mail, specimen copies can be seen at the Standard Office. KRAMS'S FLUID LIGHTNING Is the only instantaneous relief for Neuralgia, Headache. Toothache, etc. Eubbing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. No tak- in nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's apphcation remoyes all pain and will prove the great value of Kram's Fluid Lightning. Twenty -fiive cents jr bottle at HUl Brois. General Store. Any person finding Dr. Armstrong's pocket case, containing eighteen small bottles will kindly leave it at the Medical Hall, Markdale. Wm. Lucas Co, bankers, Markdale, have $200,000.00 to loan on real estate, btraight loan system. No tines. Low interest; moderate charges. THE QUESTION HAS OFTEN BEEN ASKED. Can â€" Rupture â€" (abdominal hernia) be cured? We most erapliaticalhj say, YES. That this part of the body offers no excep- tion to those physiological laws which gov- ern the whole physical economy and it makes not a particle of difference whether the age of the Eupture is one vear or a hundred years. For proof of this send for a Free Book on Rupture to The Excelsior Rupture Cure M'f'g Co., Prescott, Ont. 132-84. Our corresp^ dents will do well to bear in miud that their copy will require to reach us on Tuesday, to insure an insertion the same week. Work given out. On receint of your ad- dress we will make an offer by which you can earn $3 to $7 evenings, at your home. Men, Woman, Sojs or Girls can Af it. H. C. WQkinson Co., 196 and 197 Fnlton St., New York. Mr. Murray, Student of Queens College, Kingston, will preach in the Pipsbyterian Church, he^e, next Sab- bath, the 10th iust., at 6-30 p. m. THE BEST TO GET PLAGE North of Toronto, is atthe J^arkdale Grallei-y, That's 80, for a friend of mine had his taken there and he says they are even better than what be had taken in Toronto. JAMES H.AMILTON. ARTIST. FA^R 3%i: E K. rS LOOK TO TOUB ISTBBB8TS AMD OKI PATEMT LOAD lIFTIlia MMJHIIIE tSis season. Tt will save yoti nne or more hands everv day y^u are dmwln in, as you don't need a man at L front of the mow to pitch it "aok. You can piioh from f e load you are pitching down instead o'/P;..J^J*° unload in half the time, and with greater eade *han in the old way. AKentB wanted in every county. Wm. Sv^GENT, Berkeley P. O. or Grover In- hones, MCnildings, Toronto. H AVE You S Z-:-^- V^Si-^"-- OU OEEN T BEEN WHAT WHY THg BEAUTIFUL :- t{!fe Hi â€"TAKEN BYâ€" PH( ME. S. G. PALING, late of Mefesrs. Notraan Eraser's SbA- Mr. James Buliter, Flesherton, has secured in ^Jr. Pj,i' "•' Artist, having been employed with the aforesaid firm for anJ\' Parties sliould not loose this opportunity of securinj^ a first, tbeselves or friends at low prices. All photos taken by the J stautaneous. iiabies a specialty. Don't wait for fine weatiJ' come all and see for yourselves. All work guara teed. Yours truly JAMES BULMEP t. iesK 03 ALL KINDS REDUCED RATES, Made of Special Iron, Q TliLe CliLepest a-r^-d. Best. CLi Support Home industry and procure your Plow Points • AT THE § Markdale Foundry PL4 rio^v X*oints, 3 tor- Old Iron taken in Exchange. o o Iâ€" I ISoTot. S. Z3ae, TAILOR, SYDENHAM STEEET, " Insurance Agent Flesherton Will be at the Markdale House Markdale First Class Companies only represented Money to loan on good farms at 7 per. cent. It A. M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'INTYRE McTNTYKE'H McIX'n p.E'is LIQUORS I J.IQUORS McINTYEE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYRE'S Collee, Collee. MEAL! MEALJNlEAii McINTYiiEiS Pork, Pork, Pork ^rcI\lYl;i-;;S And ever ythiu g kept n in a first-class Grocery iUi.i i.i,;;^ ^^^^- always on hand, cheap rou csn. ARTEMESIAWARE Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots ai Groceries, Provioions, c. Stock kept full and well a.-airted toIh goods recoived every Me(;k. MY BRANCH STORE AT EUGENIA replenished with new goods everv week. For sale cheap ftjcajuorp o My Saw mill, Shingle Factoty, and Lime AT LITTLE FALLS, AEE IN OPERATIfiX. o » All kinds Saw ofi;s bought ai the Mill or sawn m\ O I^umber, Lath, Broom Handles, Sliing:los am! L.'H:ofor ,\yi, HOGt 134-60. WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE MEOORAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY. WILL «EE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE Chicago, Rock Island Pacifbc R'y Being the Great Central Line, affords to travelers, by reason of Its unrivaled aeo- graphlcal position, the shortest and best route between the East! NortlTelst a^d Southeast, and the West, Northwest and Southwest. Nortneast and It Is literally jnd strictly true, that its connections are all of the Drlnoloal im*. of road between the Atlantic and the Pacific. principal lines f ".." J["'" """ "' branches It reaches Chloaao. Jollat Peoria »»â- Â». La Salle. Ceneseo, Mollne and Rock Island. In lll^^s â-  Daven«o^ m„2!!!**' Washington, KeoVuk. Knoxviiie, Oskaloosa. Fa7rfle 3, D^s Mofnes We« t^«;i!' in^owTf'4rti;^N^;^t^;r"ci"rr;'n"a^^^^ rnrm^attinr '•" -^^ ^- tn%"^-=.*^'arvSe^"-nd^?or; "GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE" As It Is familiarly called, offers to travalern »ii tho ^h»«_4. ' incident to a smooth track, safe brid«s Unfon Denot« tt rn**" "" oonyXoxX* that are acknowledged by press and r««ni- wTTl *k1 bJ^i?.:,^"' DINING CARS .. ALBERT LEA ROUTE. VIce-Pres't VssrtM Manager, CHICAGO. E. ST. JOHN, Gen -I T'k't A Pass'r h^*% IS pKBLlSnED THURSDAY EVE At Mai-kdalo Ontario. -per ^VnurT IN ASVASCE. in tliTee moutlis. 5'i if noi Rthe ye*r. No i-wpcr .lis Lreftrs '^re paiil ^i), ex^e] itbe publislwr, aui pavtie: fctHoui payiag up wilL be lie the .years SKbacriptioiis i: Kith tbe ralt^- ElBMS or ADVERTISIX tiflu one yrtr |do. »• do. do Ido. do do I lines, first insertion ptr i Isequen" ius«i-tion tunber oflmes to le recko apied measured by a sea I Advertisements \vithii L ffiU be jdublislieJ ti'i i faccordingly. All traa-it/ ts must be In tlie office c Blo'elock OR the weduesuc r publictttiou. JOB PRINTING |ry description execn \i and despatch at the ^NDARD, Markdale. C. W. fiUTLEDG »Altf«rEL, WAKDE DItiGER AND DI^IL: â- tkrs i^romptly att-.-ulci lSuiJer"sHill,0\veu Souu NEW SPRING mPORTATII â- Â«â-  FLESHEKTOfil Begs to announce the arrival his immense NEW ^STOOK SPEING GOODS which arenoi being marked off, and will be sol at the lowest Tight Money priceS| OUE MOTTO is SMALL PB FITS and quick returns. I am sick of the credit busine which requires large profits to sj tain it, and should have been buri| long ago; therefore I will offer speci' inducements to cash and proni^ paying customers. My MILLINEET PABLOj under the able management of Mi Harbottle, was opened on tj 16th inst with the prettiest stoo ever seen in this part of the cou try, and will be sold at rock botto prices. SALT SALT SALT Just received; one car load* Farm and Dairy purposes, ' ia selling fast. lent, M,D-, M.R.C P. fsiciaii and Surtzeon. Pr: of University. Vu-t. C'll ,. New Yor Icadiiate, of tbe sauiL" Avleth Modif Opthaiinic ii(i' tColl. Physicians li .SuriZL- Dental Car leron K\ DENTAL SURGEON rer D. A Camerou and t'oalettSt'.,OWEN SOU jttention given to tJie pvi laltcetb. Artificial Der.i ld, Celluloid, and \\\i\}- at Markdale tL J last bntk. [eroa, M.D., C. F. Ki t^. Glasgow, Mcdaii P.S., Ont. lege b (Marshall" DENTIST, duate of toeont Dentistry, will be a Jarkdale, on the 1st a:i' I each month and also r [Flesherton, the day fi lednesday in each nioutb ' profession. f9th, 1SS3. SB Frost Frost ^ISTEES, AND ATT "fi Solicitors in Chan '*«•. Owen Sound, hav â- on. Office open every I^OST. J.W.; "ty Crown Attorney. J. MASS 01%, stob, mastek an J^Sancery, Notary Put ?Q LEND AT SIX *,^r^^ Sound, in "' '•; tod in Markdale on Friday and fc â-ºr* WI«i rrj -^a,SOLICITO i Ac. ikc, â- JlnOwen Sound. I • 'w W9H'8 store and ;• McParland'8 Stoi 7 of each week, ito lend on reasor iMeh 15. 1882. Hiiiiige ;e Lice Agent. CooT^ancei wrttie County of ^d Land Sales, ^Charges made ' wpt, 17, 1880. ^•"SJ k

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