Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Jun 1883, p. 4

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 â- fB«?" '--As- The Standabd office is noted for being prompt injilling ord^sfor job prining, which has been the means of greatly in- treasing tts custom. We are in receipt of many letters of thanks and good wishes from oiitlyimj points forneatness in de- sign and despatch in foruardinq orders. Our business is increasing especially in fine u-ork, which we made a specialty, having added recenihj to our already large assortment of material of fashion- able type, besides hating one of the most rapid and perfect running job pi esses vianufactured. We are prepared ta ex- ecute all kinds of work in Pamphlets, Circulars, Letter Heads, Note Blanks. Receipts, Business Cards, FuJieral ards, Posteis, Hand Bills, Dodgers, Printed Knvelovcs, dr., dc. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Address all letters to C. W. RUTLEDGE, Standabd Office, Markdale, Ont. The Standard. MARKDALE. JUNE 7-h, 1883. ANOTHER TWIST. The proprietor of the Advance has a won- ierful weakness for endeavoring to make white appear black and vice versa. Last â- week he charged us with statements which â- we did not make, but simply stated that we were informed so and so, and then he denies the truthful Iness of them. If we believe him, wo must admit he has not learned the printing business. Then he states as much as, that we were obliged to sell the farm and go into the printing business.while he knows WJ did not sell the farm until nearly two years after we had launched our bark in the newspaper enterprise. We have no sym- pathy With those who are so anxious as the Adcance has shown itself misrepresenting facts and trying to mislead the public. We have as yet been unable to discover the name of the propriet'W of the Advance ou the voter's list as a ratepayer, tenant, householder or an} diing else, but it is often the case that such arc the readiest to make a noise about "themselves." THE EXCURSION. A heavy raiu fell during the night previous, and the morning looked threatening consequently a large number from a distance failed to put in an appearance, hcwever a goodly number boarded the train at Berkeley, Markdale and Flesherlon, filling sever coaches comfortably. A very pleas- ant time was spent on the trip hav- ^ood coaches and not being crowded, those on board enjoyed themselves immeLsely. The train made good tim«, wnich is very desirable and not often experienced on such occasions. About eight o'clock the clouds broke up and a beautiful morning followed. The train arrived iu Toronto at eleven o'clock, bemglS minutes behind time, wlxen the party scattered in all direc- licus. At 4:30 however, the majority (â- f them were on hand, and the days recreation concluded by arriving home uearJy on time. Osprey. FiBB.â€" Mr. Wm. Cameron, lot 35, con. 8, Artemesia, bad his bam bnmed one day last week, together with a wagon, bay, bar- ness, a quantity of grain and other articles, there was no insurance. The cause of the fire is unknown. Sthason sharp have opened in Gay's wagon sbop.and are preparing to erect a brick store in place of the one burned re- cently. Quite a number are going on the excur- sion to Toronto, Wednesday. Seeding is through and a rapid growth has set in, may it continue. •-»« GLENELG COUNCIL. Council met at the Town HaU on 28th May, pursuant to notice and oi- ganized as a Court of Revision. All members present. The Depury Reeve in the chair. Appeals were heard and assessment roll amended as follows â€" James Quilhnan entered on the roll instead of Edward Quilhnan. The pei-ional property of Donald Leitch,D. O'ilanly and Jno. Sweney struck off. Lot 5, con. 15, and North part of lot 5, con. 14, assessed to D. Quirk, instead of John Coflfey. Lots 6 and 7, con. ii N.D.R. taken from C. Firth's assessment and placed on the uon-vesident roll. Thos. McNea, reduced $500 on real property. The roll was then finally passed and certified by the clerk and the Court of Revision closed. ' At the close of the Court of Revision the Council resumed and took up ganeral business and passed the fol- lowing accounts â€" John S. Black, assessing $85 for services required by the department of Agriculture $15 distributing no- tices, $5 Duncan Campbell repair- ing Rocky baugeeu Bridge $15. Council adjourned. Cats, BUCHLEN'S AENICA SALVE. The best salve in the world, for Bruises, Sores, Ulccrr. Salt Ehenm. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilb^ms. Coms,and aU Skin Emptions.and PosiUvely cures PUes. It is guaranteed to give perf«t satisfaction, ormoney refunded. " *° Ss per hon. For sale by A. Turner Co MARKDALE MARKETS. Fall Wheat, »0.90 to »0.92; Spring ^^96 to 80 98; Barley, 55c; Peas 72; Oats,42c Butter, 15c; Eggs, Uc; Potatoes, 40c, Hay. 812.00 Pork, 7.50 to 7.75; Flour, «4.75 to $5 00; Wool 16 to 18. ♦^ â-  FLESEERTON MARKETS. Fall Wheat, 80.90 to $0.93; Spiing, 80.95 to 80.97; Barley, 57c; Peas, fi9c; Oats, 41c Butter. 15c; Eggs, Uc; Potatoe8,40 c; Hay, 812.00; Pork, 87.45 to $7.60 IN BAGS OF 280LB8. to New Kev. York To all who are Buffering from the eirow and indiscretions ot youth, ner^^^^^"*- ness, early decay, lo«« «* """^^"f ' ^I^^be will send a receipe that wiU cure you, FKBIt S CHARGE. This great ^m^y was dis. covered by a missionary in Scuth America Send a self-address, d envelope Joseph T. Inman, Utatton D, City. _____^__ ^~ARM FORSAI,E. LOT 6 CON. 3 E. G. ED.. HOLLAND, iOO acres, 70 acres cleared, well water ed good orchard bearing good log house and barn Situated 2 half miles from Chats- worth. A. bargain will be g^'f " burue. to Chas. the jeo. King. Shel- 12«-tf. â€"ATâ€" LOWEST PR BROOKLYN BRIDGE. The Brooklyn Bridge, the great architectural wonder of the age, span- ning the East River between the cities of New York and Brooklyn was open- ed for public traffic on Thursday last. May the 2'4tb. The bridge has a his- tory which takes up coluoins of space in the daily papers, but our readers can form some idea of the extent ot this structure from tiie fact that thir- teen years have b«eu occupied in building it and the total cost amounts to over fifteen million dollars Other figures which serve to give an idea of the structure, are as follows Entire length, £,989 feet between the towers, or the length of the suspend- ed portion, l,575|feGt.; height of roadway iu the centre, 135 feet at the towers, 118 feet. A terrible dis- aster has already occurred on this new bridge. Cn Wednesday, the 30th of May, a woman stumbled and fell, aud as the crowd pressed upon her she shrieked, the crowd from both sides crushed together to discover the cause, anii a ppJiic ensued. Many women, aucj children were trodden nnder f^t. Twelve persons are re- jidrted killed, and a great number voiiHiiied. The Nottawasayrt Grangers, are »}(aiKing preparrvljons for lioldiug a J ic-nic on a Kii^.-tutic ocale, on the 7lh ' t June. T-'.we gutheiing wijl take l1acfi at Citpey's Grovo, uetwecu €ree- aiose aiid: Aveniug. Awoug otliers, M ssr.s Chas Dnirv, M tj. R.and O. J. Phelps. M. P. P.. aje exiiected to Ve ^lesftutv A. hie time; is,exjjc(it#J,. Presbytery of Owen Sound, â€" Presbytery met in Division St. Church, Owen Sound, on the 22nd ult. Mr. Currie reported that he had moderat- ed in a call to a minister in Kilsyth congregation, that it came out in fa- vour cf Mr. E. Mullen, that the sal- ary promised was $600 and a man- se. Mr. Curries conduct was approv- ed, and the call sustaiued. At a sub- sequent stage, m reply to a telegram from the clerk of Presbytery, Mr. Mullen accepted the call and the in duction was fixed for the Gth of June at 2 o'clock p. m., in Kilsyth Church. Mr. Currie was apiwinted to preside, Mr. McLaren to preach, Mr address the minister, and Mr. A. Mc Lenan the people. Mr. Colter de- clined a call to Nelson congregation. Manitoba. Mr. D. D. McLennan was appointed to dispense ordinances ir the middle field of peninsula. Mr. Currie gave notice that at next ordi- nary meeting be would move that notice of parties under discipline by any sesssion be sent to all Miuisters within the bounds of Presbytery, and also the clerks of neighboring presby- teries. Presbytery adjourned to meet at Kilsyth Church, on the Gth ot June, at 2 p. m., and was closed with the benediction. â€" O. S. Times. John Somerville, M. A. Clerk. Robbery. â€" Two stt of whiffletrees and doubletrees, 7 plough chains, 3 clevises and rings were stolen from the premises of Mr. Jonathan Robinson 15th con., Normanby, a while since. Constable Carson and Small tracked two men across lots 18 and 19 to the 20th side road, where trace of them was lost on the graps. It has been suggested that mischief was the cause but such jokes might prove serious to those prepetrating them â€" Durham Chronicle. BuKGTLARY. â€" A burglary was com- mitted at John Vicker's store on the Durham Road. The modus operandi was rather peculiar the wiudowpane was -covered with tar and a bag appli- ed, the pieces of glass sticking to the bag. A cash box containing $25 was abstracted but the thief was suspect- ed and the suspicion proving well founded he disgorged and Mr. Vickers consented not to prosecute. The cul- prit is a mere youth and this may teach him that honesty is the best pohcy. â€" Durham Chronicle, iM:r»OTiTEi TurniP SeeD The largest stock at H. PARKER'S Drugstore DURHAM. To the Farmers of Grey. I HAVE made arrangement.^ with Chath- am Harvester Co., to sell for then their Mower, ^injrlc Reaper and two Horse Cord Binder. All material in these machines warranted of the best quality. Every machine warriinted to give satisfac- tion or money or notes refunded. Parties in need of any of the above machinea, can inspect them on fair day's at Flesherton, Markdale and Chats worth, consult j-our best interests, and examine for yourselves. ALEX. McKECHHIE, 143 56 Traverston P. O. Farm for SaJe.* To seU or rent, Lot S 1/2 14 con. 9. Euphrasia, 8 miles from Markdale and 3 from Kocklyu. containing 100 ^.cres. 70 acres cleared and in good state of cnltivation, fit to run reaper and mower, and balance harJwood busii with sufficient cedar for feu- cinf Well watered with never failing spring only' 10 rods from barn; nasa yo mg orchard, house, barn nnd stable. Ther« ia a new steam saw mill on next farm to it. Clear deed can he given. For particulars apply on the premises to „„ SAMUEL AVEIGHT, It )3klyn P. 0. 1*1 Manufacture Drop Valve, Cyl Puiaps. All :ii.i;r. I'OTCl te, tndi '"Ilia cf IRON PUiiw BEST glCHEA PEST. Coolne?s of temperament 's a virtue, but the refreshing cooluesg of the Preserved ITleats, Fruits, and Vegetabl«t», â€" KEPT AT THE â€" BELFAST HOUSE, MARKDALE, beats all the iceberg? ever floated down the Atlantic Ocean. U, k] d 11.^1] '^^AY, EVENING F.X 1 the "Spartan.' du-ect connection -vlIi i]„. |..,:.„ ,, " the Owen Sound -• â-  "'â- " ' â- â€¢â€¢â- m .s; â- iiv t Ai^ \i ' Barrtead Mill for Sale. TENDEKS will be received by the under- signed Executrix until Monday, the 2nd July, 1883, for the purchose of the property, known as the 3arrhead Grist Mill together with lots IJI, 102 and 103 in the third concession West of T. S. Koad, Township of Glenelg. Ten.lers received for the Mill with 60 acres Scott to I '^P" which it stands, there is also a large frame dweUing house on this lot, and for the 100 acres upon which there is a large sub- staiitial barn, either jointly or severally The liighest or any tender not necessarily awiepted. For further particulars apply to llHODA KEID, Executrix, Or to OrangeviUe. J. E. McGabvin, Acton, Ont 142-45 T. G. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. Change ot Time. BIRTHS. Hamilton.â€" In SoOandon the 5th inBt., th» wife of Mr. Henry Hac^lton, of a daugh ter. McKee.â€" laWuidsar v4Wtge. on the 28th May, the ^fe of Mr. J^ig. McKee, of a daughter. DIEQ Wbioht- -^ Gl-fnelg oathe 6th inst., Ifarv b«^)ved Wife of Mr. Thos Wright, aged 42 lasgoN.â€" In Glenelg ou tae,5^h inPt. H «nret relet of the 1«». Samuel Jretp^. On and after Monday, Nov. 20th, 1882. trains will run as follows GOING N TH. GOING SOUTH Rend Dovm. Read Vp. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. 7 30 4 25 Toronto 10 45 9 10 9 05 6 00 Cabowbll JoNc. 9 05 7 31 y 55 6 45 Obangsville 8 27 6 50 la 20 8 44 Mount Fobest.. 6 30 4 30 2 25 10 1? TEES.WATEB 5 00 2 45 11 50 b FrESHEETON.... 6 43 4 47 12 U6 8 45 Mabkiale, 6 27 4 30 1 30 9 55 Owen Sound 5 15 3 10 P.M. P.M. A.H. P.M. A Mixed Train will also inn between Tor- onto and Owen Sound. See Time Table. D. McNicoLL Edmund Wraoob. Gen. Pass. Agt. General Manager. The Belfast House Teasi and Coflee!* I giye an cxhilirating influence, not equalled in Markdale, except by Beii'^oii's WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, c. Those wiiO relibh tlie "pipe of peace " will tind the I'l'obaccos and Cigars at the Belfiist House uus;urpassed north cl Toronto. Chec-io, Bologna Sausage. Riid Biscuit in endless variety, all from the lit.st mpuufactiirers, at the Belfast House. Ap- pbs, (green and dried,) Spices, Sweetmeats, tc. 'J oilet and Fancy Soap'^, Essences, Perfumes, and Family Oils, of the purest uality. Flour, Potatoes, Pork, Herring, dried and salt,) kept constantly n hand. I3s"0uj Bottlf^d Gin is imported directly from the manufacturers, and our Bottled Wines are put up at the Vintage. Piiklti in bottles, Mustard in cans, and in fact ev- erything in the grocery trade. A recent ad- dition to my fipiances will enable me to pur- chase in the head, markets of Europe and America, • "WILSON BENSON. leave Owen Soiiiil THUESUAY for .S ;. intermediate I'or:-. and SATUUDAV i-,, connecting at 'I'IiiiikI. diau Pacitic Hiiilvviiv points "n the Caiindiiii N'.,; Saturdays vti-u!!, t~. mn Bay, and thost ir;i' !i]i;i;; route will rea«li i):i;,i„.,- all train route, im 1 :it :,t, SHIPPERS Oi- !i;i;i sign via the Owv;, S.nii,,i s For rates and ;-.:J oilj. r i to any of tlie .i^-. n;- im ' Line, the Toiuiit :â- . (1:, v -a\ or to D. McNICOLL. KT GeiiT. Frcij-'ii' .-ku, PasHeiigc- A^ri t. Tc-iTonto, Air:: 2ii. -:;. I.i "W~| 'â- ^â- â- â€¢,;vuhti,e,•^ 'rv^^^^i ;â- 'â- 'â- :' nmenio,., "I -bouldtt" • ^- Liiie. ^VI;aG(,2 EUCErilA Grist, Saw anil Lai ' Having maih' my Grist Mill i good- satislactio;, vovtrntatial GOOD FLOUR ALiV.Vi'S ON I lliMHH60D HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED v^^^^-^X We have recently published a new r SEAL jedition of Dr. Culvekweia's Cele- ^^^^^Y'^^bbated E»sat on the radical and permanent (suro (without medicine) of Ner- vous Debility, Mental and Physical incapaei- tv, Impediments to Marriage, fec.. »«gultLng from excesstB. t^f Price, in sealed envelope, unly 6 cents, 01 two postftge stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirable E.ssay, cleaxly dlanonstrates, from tkirtv years' succftssful practice, that alarming eon- sequences may be radically cured without the dangerous obo of internal medicines op the use of the 'anife pointing out a mode tA cure at Qnce simple, esrtain and effectual,, by means of -whicli everj* sufferer, no miitter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. ^s~This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Addrens The r;ulverweH Wedical Go,. P.O. boi 450 41 Ann St^ New Fork 110-62. A regular Monthly Cattle Fah will be held m the AgricultoraL Grounds. Markdale, aa follows â€" 18«3 â€" SATURDAY Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Deo. Farm for Sale. AVERY desirable poroperty beine 100 acres; Lots 111 and 112. Irt Hanim West of T. and ». Road. Artemesia. qnemUe from the town of Markdahj, on the eravel road. 70 acresi cleared, bajiiaee har^ood has a large stone dwelling hotpe and i«|!«ie' creeli- ""'â€"'â- â€¢^ --â- ' --"•- 18 well eli- locaKty, watered with uevar failing njiiikii splendid soU, and in ifc^Tery deairaUe Terp^ easy. -, Apply u^tnn omcx M*(JiAlal9,,3tj|rch 29th. 1«^ •'?•"-* EARS FORI MILLION J 7100 CHOO'S BALSAM OF SHARK'S J OIL positively Restores the Hearing, and is the Only Absolute Cure for Deafness known. This Oil is abstraftted from peculiar species of small White Sbark, caught in the -fellow Sea, known as Cab«harodon Rondk- LETii, Every Chinese fisberman knows it. Its virtues as a restorative of hearing were discovered by a Buddhist Priest were dis- covered about the year 1410. Its cures vere 80 numerous, and many so seemingly mir- aculous, that the remedy w«s officially pro- ciauned over the entire Empire. Its use became so universal, that f« ovei 300 years no Deafness has existed among the CJhinese people. Sent, charges prepaid, to any ad- dress at Jl. GO per bottle. llear what the Deaf say It lias performed a miracle iij my case. I haye no unearthly noises in my head, and hear much better. Ihaveifteen gveatly benefited. My di^ese hejbed a great dealâ€" think sue- tner bottle wsB. euro me. Its wrtnesarrnnqnestionaUeand its onm- ohmracter ahiplute, a^ the writetoaapw. Bonid^ testify^b^thifTOm experienoe aa^ sCTvation. Wate at onoe to Ha^ook and Jenney, 7 Dey Street, New York.enoloflinrtl and you will reeeive by return a leme^rSud wm enable yon to hear hke anybody ^and whose cuaative effect, will be pmnuuient. You will «ewr regret doing t»."vam OP MKBCAWEDtE RktdSW. tS-To aveid loss in the mails, please seof money by Bsgistered Letter. Only impaled by HAYIiOCK 4 JENNET, fl-i • l»tHaylook*Co.., ' Choppii:;^ D: It LLuC Custom Snwi: u- • shortest iiotitt- LU}J.i^EH AN.;.' Cherry, Bn..' •nr.it. BasswooJ, I^ie .mc. 691y. il. â- y Dc:j. ij'i i :;r.- FXc-J on ;i;f I..\TII ALWABl ^\.'.;uâ- .•\-!„ BlacU^b Hr!i::(ii-k LopB watwi .\K1TT. Eu'^euiiu CANADA TO THE Fiiu„i. Still Victorious. IMJTE^SE MAJOKIl'V I.\ F.WO." OF IK Wilbis Im bli PRIZE Ai i:vF.nT F.xinimo.v^HiLB IN CAN.ill.^ i.v" 18bl .\ND 1S8'2, AT WUICU riilZF.S TiEKK GIVES. i iit tlie Es- jilaces iE Can- JOHNSTOirS iSARSAPARILLA fO»â€" UM COVFLAIIT, STSPEFSIi, And for Purifying the Blood. It has been in use for 20 years, and wa I prored to bo the best prepa~"o° ° "" marito t for SICK HEADACI hSnt. pimples ot ths"^cr D18PKFBA, PILES, snA all Dii»»» thst arise from a Disordened U^'cf ?S Impuw Mood. Tljo: sands of our ow» Mople tato It and give it to their^ aren. Ptorsicians prescribe ""*?- Those who use it once racommeno » »l"msde fromTeHow Ioc|..H«*|" as SknaparUla. Wild Cherry. StdUwa Daadrtlof^Bassafras. Winteigreen, [other well-taiown valuable ,l«x5«» HertML It Is BtricUy vegetable, anf ejj^ nothuct the most delicate constitun^ It Is one of the best medicines m use w ma daBfot fcr a quart botue, or bu. TIk»9 who cannot obtum a â- "^rtnio" om tlieirclruBgii't maj bcnau. we will Bend iff to thcii. Â¥. «B5rST0M U 80., llasnftetoM" [ABtetttoR Ot SetroU. tfcL r, VoU is leaving '"Bi^siness in Tc \p,slnng io leave .itfierj he J"J kership 'fj^l lYM, lateofFlesl prartical watch ll^rofoverisye^ (ind comes wiih t nendationsfrom s n watchmakers ifown will carry \in Markdale. \ork entrusted to hi \ii a wjrkmanliki ork will be guar mds sold will bt intcd, or money Sc Brow: JQple's Watchmakers [ill's T31ocli li AEKJ .Jl LE ONLY. [monthlyITius. -Saturday l^efore Flesli. J_MonJay before Duiii Tuesday before Orange .-Monday before Orau^ -Wednt'bdny belore -The second Thursda testâ€" Third \Vediic.~da iMonday before Dnrhav liiril Tuesday in eacli (fciidny i)cfo"e Duihiini "aHherli \n ike^e cdiimns intend, Imd or S^ociet!/ will be k for the fir.st insertio \gach subicquent i?tsi'/. First prizes- w)d l;{lnni;;- the WilUams' Maniiiin' in In- hibitions held at ilu' f.dl.r.vii.i; ada:â€" Trnro, X,^'.; Ami-ii'ish. N.S-; Han- ilton. Out.; BuU»'vi:ne, Oi.t.; WaierfwJ.Om; Simcoe, Out. These ceJoRrMcd Jla iiin.-. bearinf tk Mannfactnrer s Trndo Maiic sivfiiUvw ranted, may hr ]jmchn-r.\ r.Ii .â- vtr slie woi.j. Over lOb.Oio of tliese Mae'iini's are ec" iin use in Canmbi, winch of itstlf is the tei guarantee of tieir merit. C. Tbeadgolb, A-.'it, M.irkdale, aai 4^ for the celebrated 1^11 Ornaii. Tbe 1^ minion Organ supplied. Sowing m»"« oil kept for sale. C. TKEADGOLD. Mabkdale, P" tkfrom Bulmer's P berton, Guarante lesbertoQ Adcanc Ihird voiume last w oO. Council met a pe otk. [mptou barbor has Vo,ooo. vill bo an excurs |Tara, aud in ter me Luudon ou the lltb ^isit Fleshertou wit ilmer's Art Galler; \i v;ork sjlicited. Mp Seeds i^oi ^wers, pure, fre.sh fit tlie Medical Ha! [Brown have mac] fo their stock, aud torn any source. NO MISTAKE, oil Brown's " N aiid have your |G. Paling late of Toronto, is st 1 iJulmer's gallery s beaten north of ' sia district L. ' semi-annual i I on the 14th o: lUing stallion "J be at the Mans '3 to 4-30 o'cl day until the li race on Thursc Point of Pines, 1 plan and Keei by the former, p« Ones for June HP to former nu ^itb mtereeting "idisbeantifully pn $1.50 per m â- Â°' Boston Mass. '• Borke, of Wo F' McDiarmid'8. .^'ooa ^e nam 2^ to Mamtol j'^theToron â„¢. ThisBLo I " o^naing ve ^«8flBinni6nd8 itis rf*?. L.D.S, (J^^ Markdale M**^- Part K»«carefeiy, *«t)ecia4.v, £* **- '^oi

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