Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 May 1883, p. 1

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 ^OL. 3. --No. flic 3t'i^M'J^ ^taiidaril IS PUBLISHED ^yrRY THU?{3DAY EVENING, M y[ I. i.a.ih) Ontario. [\- ADVANCE v,i' in r'.i." iiiniuhs. C2 if not paid till -â-  '^,.,,1 m' ri, â-  v ir. No paper discontiuned L:;l,ill ;i .M" 'I'f paiil up, except at the pm" 'â- 'â- ' l'"""'^^ht"' ami parties refusing -,,ri.i- ntri:'u; piviiii,' up wilibeheMrespon- F^ii. rli'V-ir. siibscriptious uTitil they " 'r::.':.'rs of adveetisino |(iifco'.;i'iii; " If ^-"ai- $50 00 iHut '"â-  "" 2-7 50 ln;;ir:eril' d" lo 00 i;b.il J" "" 8 00 |(il '1^' 4 00 liivtrii'i; V.'.ii"-^. ri.'^t iiiser'iou per line 8 |ri;i|,tib-e(i:;i 11' insertion 3 Ij,i linLn'.n'v of lines to lie reckoned by the r(we"i'f"' â- â-  ' iiieiisiirel by a scale of» solid Idvvif' Ailv.Tti-tnnonts without specific jtirec:"'.!-^ "H '»â- ' pulilished ti'l forbid and |i\r.'J â-  "i"'""'i'i-ly- -^11 transitory adver- jwaiii*- VA\\ h^ in the office 01 bubhca- \\.m':A- llii'iinck .1:1 tlie Wednesday proceed o;l:!:c:iti(.Il. •K)].! iTJXTING i" er. Mv li -cnptinn executed wifcb Jb,:ii..:- iiHil d^-spatcli al the Office of I ije ^1 i-^ i lA 1: 1 M ;ir i (1 il e 0. W. RUTLEDGE. i^lUTOU it PnOi-KIETOR. ^inl i-: I. W A HUE LL, |Trr:.:. !-:,a;;.:; and driller, all IV .,â- .;- p'oniptiy attcide.l to, Ucsi- tiriw-N:.:'.: 'â-  Hiil, Owen Sound. 122-35 |E,Gl.:)::f, M.D., M.S.C P. S., O. rii.-:::in ni.,! Siiri,'eon, I'l'iceville, ')r*!-.:Li fl "aivei-sity. Viet. College. Xo'.v York, itud I iM'i. ji'ii M ,â- . 'j( t'-p -.anie, .\vleth 'VfeJif^al Institute. '-)|'t!i-i.hnic Hospital, N.Y. WjnL.M. riiv.-, c;-tnsSurt,'eors,0. J04 Cameron Knight, ii:;NrAL surueons, '-•-â- â-  f""" •' A.. CiiniPron and Go's Drug .•â- . IV. li ' .OWEX SOUND. â-  â- 'ryu:.:;: ';iivn to the preservation of â-  -ui:'-,' 1: ' i|. \:ti.4cial Dentures mount- :â- '!! 'â- .';. liulei 1. and Rubber bases. ^^•1"' â- ;; '[-uk.lnle the last Tuesday in A- C;ir.i â- 'â- ,..,. V, n.,,t C. F. Knight, L.D.S. L.l-.!'.,v -.t,;,-,.-.,\v, Medalist Royai Col- I- " •â-  O::'.. lege Den. Sur.,Ont J P. M A R S H A LlT l7. D^ DKA'TIST, /|R.\Ii[ A!K OF TORONTO SCHOOL \f u' n • :itry, will be at Rutledge's 'ij:^l- y^y.l. :,., ou the 1st and third Wed- L-!iavu; e;(!i iiKjiith auJ also at Munshaw's ""â- 'â-  i; -^'iiDii, the day following the Uiil \\ ,.„ ;.,,_â-  jj, ^.p^gjj mouth for the prac â- g'"""'"' -:!:^^. 1SS3. 122-74 3's'ONt Fro«it, "DaI;:;1S: i.i;s, AND ATTORNKYS-AT -L* L:iv, S.;l litors in Chancery, Convey â- iwrs. ,;-.â-  f nt u Sound, have resumed at -Mipr.,111, (.i;ii(.,^ upen every Thursday, as 'â€"'â- l ;-' :â- â€¢ J. TV. Frost, LL. B. ^Co;i:,tv c rn'.vi! Attorney. 1 .5. .^lASSOIV, â- n.V!;:';srr.; ^rvsTER ANDDEP.REG "â-  â- â-  'â- ['â-  i.v, Nijtary Public, Conveyan •^".m:y ti) lkxd at six per cent. ^7"^-^" ;i Sound, in Ticker's Block jj"'y" •â- ;â- ; :•:. 1 in Markdale, over MeFar »"|i."5.i,u., ,.n i.'iijay and Saturday every !!;^^ 57. ly rcasordf Mfi rrison, B-^P"'l -.â- ^,S0LICIT0E8. CONVET- 'i"' .^ â- . A-c. „,^"'""ii"win Sound. DijCeriD. Block, '-^M^.F. Wwlf's Store and in OvPrw T .MARKDALE; anir ;•-â- "â- 'â-  "'â- ""id's St«re on Thursday- «Jj;rul.y,.t,achweek. }„ '"iil ii' limlon reasonable terms. f^ """' -^ â- ' • Q • G DUNCAS MoBWON â- liarKdule, i larch to. 1882. 79-lv I'^SUEll of Marriage Lioenges, Fire and ij g^^ Insurance Agent. Commissionei Aneti ' "' ,*^""^eyancer_and Licensed MARKDALE, ONT.,MAY 17, 1883. No. 140. i«M: REVERE HOTEL. markdam:. I BTBENS McCASKTLL PBOPRIETORg. rpms popular Hotel ha-, changed Lands 1. and the above men cater to the wnnts .of the public Go-d vtabling and attentive hostlers. The best brands of liquor and cigars, good meals and comfortable rooms large ommercial room. Barber shop in con- ^^^^ 130-ly. CHATSWORTH HOUSE (I.ATE IIORBOW HOUSE,) CHATSWORTH, Out. C. H. MATTHEWS, Propbutor. The best brand of liquors and nigars al- ways in stock. Good meals and c 'mfortable rooms guaranteed. Good stabling and at- tentive hostler. n^ XOXICJK- jJA^ENTS AND GUABDIANSOF CHIL- kencfit!?^'" confer a favor upon me and childr! "i^'^^'^I^es if they would inform- Uwir 16 V J, ^i^^ °ot »^ovr any one vadm '««8 of age hi my Billiard Boom. :.; g, •"Wale.Jan. ]-th, 1838. Markdale House. This commodious and popular hotel is f nr- nished in first-class style. Is one of the finest hotels in the County. Good accommodation for travellers. 'Bus to and from all trains. Charges moderate. A. IIUTLEDGE. Proprietor. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVILiLiE. Ont. Large and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, iSrc. The Bar and larde well supplied 'with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor John McDonald, CHATSWORTri, DIVISION Court Clerk, Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses, Commissioner in B.R., Conveyancer, c. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, c., attended to promptly, accuratelj' neat- ly, and cheaply. Private funds to lend in small sums oa easy terms. Notes discounted R. JVl. Galbraith UCTIONEER AND GENERAL LAND Jj.. Agent, William-.iford Station. Auction Sales attended in all parts of the County. Goods soM on commission. R.-ites moderate. Pianos, Organs, and Sowing Machines; also Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Vines, Agricul- tural Implemennts, and Machinery of all "inds on sile. Wihiamslord, Jan. 27. 18S1. GIBSON McMillan CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK AND STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Calsomininq in all Shades atid Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- antceH. Orders left at ahe St.^n-dard office will receive prompt attention. Markdale, Feb. 6th, 1883. 126-ly. Wm. Brown, £SSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, c Commissioner in B. R. c. Couveyancmg in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se surity. LOYAL MARKDALE LODOE, Of C. O. O. F. No. 78, will meet in their hall on Monday evening. May 28th at eight o'clock p. m. 108 A. Turner; Sec'y. MANHOOD NOW LOST, HOW RESTORED v^:5=-^ We have recently published a new 8KA.I- )edition of Dr. CirLrERWECi's Cele- vi:7Y^BBATED EsiAT on this radical and permanent cure (without medicine) of Ner- vous DobiUty, Mental and Physical incapaci- ty,. Impediments to Marriage, c.. reiulting from excesses. « fc** Price, in sealed enveloptj, only b cenw, or two postage stamps. • 1 1 The celebrated author, in this adinirable Essay clearly demonstrates, from thirty TeoTB' snccflssful practice, that alarming con- sequenoes may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the use of the knife pointing out a mode of om-a at onoe simple, certain and effectual, J)y means of which every sufferer, no «»«« what his condition may be, may cure himseU che»ldy,privatdy and radically. iSTbis Lecture should be in the hands of e«ay youth and eyeiT nasi ia the IwHA. Address c :m Tlw p.o.i«««o *•.*»'"" "'"i^S" ilMO EOBT. ASKIl., Has opened out a First-Class Furniture UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT. And theretore has suppUod a want long felt, especially in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, CASKETS, SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISHIN6S suppUed on the shortes notice. A^ Silendid. Hearse tor hire at moderate rates. FUBNiTUEE! From the Common to the Best and Latest Styles, in everything in the line. Call and see for yourselves. ROBT. ASKIN. Union Carriage Works. All work manufactured from First Glass Material In the Latest and Best Improved Style, and finished with Englisli ^^ar-nisli. Painting Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Eepairs executed in the shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Remember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAN, Proprietor. Markdale, Dec. 2nd. 1881. 64. Seeds, Seeds. Our annual importations of Field and Garden Seeds to hand (per SS Erlking) from one of the best houses in Enro).«e, and includes all the leading seeds. Wm. Lucas Co., BANKERS, Money Loaned IN large or small amounts, at all times, on good 3ndorsed notes, or on collateral security. INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. 'Draftfi issued and Collections msr'e on points, at lowest rates. W.M. LUCAS. Manager. September 23. 1880. 2-lv W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDEB. CONTRACTOR. AECHI- lECT. â€" -Residence on .jdiU Street, -£fark- dale. Markdale.Jan. 24th, 1833. 1241y J. W. FORD, Is giving splendia satisfaction in GRISTING, By the New Process at the Hum Special attetttioti to parties from a distance so that tbejL.»f aye Uieir grisfe bt^e the saiae day;; -^ ^; â- â€¢-.SN^S-' "^^^:. 'S-^ ^m^ Orders bymail willrereire care- ful and prompt attention. (SEEDSMAN.) DURHAM. March 27th. 1883. 133 WARNING There is great danger of tak- ing col^^rom wet feet If you want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep your feet Hry and warm by procuring your IBOOTS â€" FdOH â€" KAY THOMAS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sizes, kept en hand. Remember the plice opposite the new St.o'jjard Office. 4P JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GENER'LBLACKSMITH HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. SEEING IS BF.LIEYING. GENTLEMEN,â€" If YOU want a first-class Buggie or Wagon A call at MCKENNA MAtiON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension Too Pliseton. To buy from them is to They are both practical workmen, and emploj' uonfi but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. They use nothing imt First-class White Oak for Wagons, and thiice Extra Second Growth Hickory for light work. The immenseamount of work turned ont of McKenna Mason's shop is snfficicn proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. Thb BEST IS THR CHEAPEST tn the EJfD Poor cheap work we positively wUl not take. Special attention given to Ee-Trimming and Repainting all classes of Carriage Work. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEING hHOPâ€" Un Mill Street opposite t-j SprouJe*8 }iotel. McKEN NA M ASO N. Advertise in the Standarl-. s TmRTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANMOOD RnTORED. avletimaryaBQiailisnMcleiiceeaiiaN»o Vi'w. tan Decay. Senrooii ZMbAltjr. la*t ItoilMock etc. tKriog trl^ to niuvettTkumn mied]r, hasps' S5SSiraMiSr« â- . taahmt Clet rMur J*k W«ik4*B« at :• vt.'^-^:: Saying and Slftinffs firomSnr- roandinir Sections Sorted aad Sized for the Standard. Wareham is to have a cheese factory. Orangevile is to have a pubUc bath house. The assessment of Orangeville is t^636,600. Uwen Sound is to Lave a big day the 24th, but Markdale takes the cake. B. Allen, M. P.. returned to Owen Sound, from Ottawa, last week. J. J. Middleton. of Dundalk, has opened a branch store at Melanctbon. Shelbume has commuted the statute labor at 60 cts. per day for this year. Mr. .Tames Manfiold, near Chesley, was killed by a falling tree, on Fridav the 5th of May. Mr. Jas. Brodenck has sold his Hotel buEinesR, in Dundalk, to Mr. Wm. Morrison of Proton. Mr. John Jelly, of Shelbume, contem plates erecting a large brick hotel on the site of the skating rink next season. Homings Mills expect the Credit "Valley Railway to extend that way, and the boom has struck the place in consequence. The Mraford Mirror says "the Durham A. 0. U. W. has had a very prosperous y3ar." The lodge was organized two week ago. The Dundalk Herald gave the police trus- tees of that place a lengthy reminder last week, and before he got through they were out on duty. Mr. Abraham Johnston, bricklayer of Chesley, was buried in his brick kUn by the roof falling in on him, breaking his leg ind dislocating his ankle. The Toronto, Grey Bruce Railway Com- pany have imported 10,000 larch trees from Scotland, which will be planted along the line as rapidly a.s possible. An unsuccessful! attempt to burglarise the store of Mr. E. A. Goodeve, Hanover, was made recently, the barking of a dog is sup- posed to have frightened the rascals. The By-law for a free hbravy was voted on in Meaford, on Monday the 7th, and was a tie, the returning officer Mr. John Albury/, gave the casting vote against the by-law. We notice with surprise in the Manitoulin Expositor dated 28th of April, which has just come to hand, that they have a very fine spring season on the Island, fJid some of tlie farmers were through seeding in .A.pril. The last a.ssessment of Owen Sound shows a total asses.smeut of §1,362.617. and a population of 4,519, while Colliiigwood is 5,111 of a population, and a valuation of 81, 070,630. auJ Meaford 1,815 of a popula- tion and §385,393 assessment. On the 11th of June Orangeville will vote on a by-law to grant Stevenson and Graham, woollen manufacturers, a loan of six thous- and doUars for e ght years without interest, together with exemption from taxes for the same period, to enable them to enlarge their business. Flesherton. {From our own Correspondent.) OBITUARY. The sad dniy devolves upon me at this time of recording the death of Miss Effic Vaudusen at the early age of 18 years, 6 months ana 22 days, which took place at the village of Flesherton, on Friday morning the 11th inst., about a week before this she was as well as usual and even within a few days of her death she was not thought to be dangerously ih. But|wheu the heart is diseas- ed it gives very little warning before it takes its victim. All the Medical Skill that could be brought to bear on the case by Drs. Chris- toe and Baridiart was of no avail. Miss Vandusen joined the Presbyterian Church at Chatsworth when she was 12 yrs. of age, and since then she has been an ex- emplary Christian. Since she came to Flesh- erton she has been an earnest worker in the Church and Sabbath School; her place as a Sabbath School teacher will be hard to fill. In accordance with her last request she was buried in Chatsworth beside her httle sister Ly;lia. The funeral which took pLvce oa Mouday was very largely attended, when the procession was leaving to meet the train, all the places of bussiness were closed out of respect for the deceased. Rev. A. Wilson conducted the funeral services at ^lesLeitv-n. At Chatsworth, the sevrviees were couciud- ed by llev. Jas. Cameron and Rev. A. Wikon both of these gentlemen delivered very fine addresses. The coffin wnich was obtained by Mr. Hooper, from Toronto, was a fi^e specimen of workmanship, it was covered with beautiful wreathes of flowers preseui,od by tbe friends of the deceased. The procession from Chatsworth Station to the church wa« veiy large, being made up of a larxe numbe' who foilowed the re- mains from Flesherton and an eqully large number who congregated there to meet lire rimnains of their dear frie;.d. The Father, Mo Jier, Brother and Sister liaie the beartfelt nrmpathy of the whole neighborhood. MaySthay be supported ana comforted by our Almighty Father, who alone can heal the wound inflicted. A despatch- from Londoti, Eng., of May l(hh 8.-V8 Tbe weafhef here ia Tery bad. Qblt^ aiid cheerless raio a prevail, wit^' a heavy faU 4if suow UirougboDt l^oetltem BtjulatKl. A terhfie Bno# st(Nnii has vi^tud Oiiho- way, and the Shaw lies over two feet deep. V â- u' I til If « mA f/^ m- V:!f wm â-  «'

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