Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Apr 1883, p. 1

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 â-  mr^^ ,,L. a.-No. 31. MARKBALE, ONT.,APBIL 12, 1883. l,j THURSDAY EVENING, Xi^liry^" Ontario. j;. .UiVANCE. .,„(,.r^ iiniiiiis. ;•_' if net paid till .- rni) ve:ir- ' JMIK-T discon tilJUod '"^^jrs^re paia ui eXJept at the ^â- '.l,e,)llllli^ll' aii.l paities refusing ^•„,iii )i ivin^' up will be hell respon- Ilit ve.ir- Mibscrii'tions uiitil thej -i;:ISUF Al)Vja;TISIXG ,Vn' onr vcir S"1 no 'i;, J- •• '^7 ;50 „i/ a.' â- â€¢ 1^ CO â-  j,' do ••.â-  8 OO â- "â-  ,1,. 4 00 alines, lirst iiHor'iou per line 8 jiaj-f'liien' iiisertioii 3 »:Tni)pr of lines to lie reckened by the (,«api"'i nifasured Ly a ti'ile of solid Aivfrti^eracnrs wit^.fiit specific jin; H'ill be pablishel ti'l f3rbid and ict' irdiii;;l.v. All trainitory adver- C'snm"tlie in the office oi bublica- frlJiiVMck on the Wednesday proceed- lajpuHic-iti'iii. a)B PRINTING |:7;n" de*cnption exocuted witli ie»anil dosoatclt at the Office of l^iixrtAKn, MarkA.'ile. C. W. RBtlEDGE. Editor PuopbietoIi. iSAni El. UAKDELl,, ILL DIiiGKV. AND DRILLER. AiLL nit-is p'l/if ptly iitti'uded to. Resi- -Sui.l.TVHi,'!, dweti Sound 122-35 hent, M,D., MR.CP. S., O- I'jnvij; urui 'fn,.'2eon, Priceville, k.i;eij[ I ni'.iT^ity. Vict. College. Xmv York, and L jri'iu.aiij, of the same, Avleth Medinal Institute. Opthalmic Hospital, N,Y. ;.;1I. I'livsicinnict Surgeors.O. 104 DentuI Car-d. fameron Knight, DEXTAL SURGEONS, Ivir.r D. A, Cnmeron and Go's Drug Y ?oiilett S:.. OWEN SOUND. Tatieation 'ivcu to the preservation of :nr;ilterth. Artilieial Dentures mount- ':."oiJ, CoUuloiil, and Rubber bakes. ^."v.^t Markilale the last Tuesday in iiaiii, [..aerun, M D.,cl- C. F. Knight, L.D.S. F- f .V a la.sgow, Medalist Eoyal Col- u).S.. Oin ]e^Den.Sur.,Ont [P.MARSHALL, L.D.S. DE.YTIST, '^•iCUATE Of TORONTO SCHOOL l"jf D-iuistry, -will be at Rutledge's Markdale. on the third Wednesday of Ksun-.li for tha practice of Lis profession. 3^c0al. Frost A: Fro«it, pnisrEhS. AND ATTORNEYS- AT ^â- -i"' Solicitors ill Chancery, Convey •'..Vc, Owru Sound, have resumed at Pp'n, Oliice open every Thursday, as F:'FKnT. .T. w. Frost, LL. B. 'â- 'i":v Crnv.-n Attorney. 1 •J. .IIASSOI^, "I^TEi;. MASTER ANDDEP. EEG ^^^Ciiaiutn-. Notary Public, Conveyan '^r.YTO LKxn 4^x SIX PER CENT. ' l----Ovx.i Sound, ill Vielier's Block '•• :iiil in Markdale, over MeFar â- 'â-  01! Fiitliy and Saturday every j7.b tieasoiA Mr rrison. ^â- '.?.R1 l^mr -x. SOLICITORS. CONTEY- ..,11 Owen Sound, Dufferin Block, " I' Wnli\ Stove and in v-T MARKDALE; ,â- "â-  -Vc I- arLuuV.s Store o ou Tlmrsday veuk. j liU'l ojx reasonable terms. â- â- ^ASiR. Q.Q DuxcAX Mormon ^•S'lalt " â- â- ^"yof c;.cu week, illsu "e. .Miueh i.-. 1SS2. 79-lv Alexander Brown. SotcU* REVERE HOTEL, BYEEISI S MgCASKILL PROPRIEIORS. 'y HIS popular Hotel ha.s changed hands I. and thrt ab.ve men cater to tba "frauts of the public. Oo'dJ uabHng and Attentive hostlers. The best brands of liquor and ci'gar.s, good meals and coipfortabie rooms large omm^reial room. Barber shop in con- necuon.^^^ 130.jy_ CHATSWORTH HOUSE (late M0ER0W"H0C«»J CIIATSWOKTH, 'i^t. C. H. MATTHEWS, PRoeftiErsr.. The best brand of liquors *tad rigftts al- ways in stock. Good meals and c mfortable rooms guaranteed. Good stabting and at- tentive hostler. 114 Markdale House. This com modi ins and poptilar hotei is fur- nished in first-class style, re one of the finest hotels in the Connty. G(od*ccommodation for travellei-s. 'Bus to a/ui from ail trains. Charges moderate. A. KUTLEDGE. Propbietor. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVILLiE. Ont. Large aitd commodioAs Sample Rooms Good Bed fioom.s, c. The Bar and larde well suppli-ed with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor Jofen McDonald, CHATSWOKTti, DniSlON Court Clerk, issuer of Mar- Jrrage iLJceases, Commissioner in B.R., Conveyane?r, c. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, Ac. attended to promptly, accurately, neat- ly, and cheaply. Private funds to lend in small sums ou easy terms. Notes discounted R, M. Galbraith i UCTIONEER AND GENERAL LAND J\_ Agent, Williamsford Station. Auction Sales attended in all parts of the County. Goods sold on commission. R.Ates moderate. Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machines; also Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Vines, Agricul- tural Implemcnnts, and Machinery of all kinds on sale. Wihiamsford,.Jan. 27. 1831. GiBsor McMillan, CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kinds of Bfil€X AHD STOME WORK, Plain Onsamental Plaetering. Calsomining in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- antee'1. Orders left at she Standard office will receive prompt attention. Markdale, Feb. 6th, 1883. 126-ly. Wm. Brown, iSSLTlR OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, c Commissioner in B. K. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B. Money to Lend on Real Estate se eurity. LOYAL MARKDALE LODBE Of U. O. 0. F. No. 78, will meet m their hall on Monday evening, April 16th o'clock p. m. 108 at ei^'ht W. L. YOUNG, Sec'y. ^.imm ROBT. ASKIlS. Has opened oat a First-Clus Furniture ANU UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has supplied a want long felt, especially in the UndertjJcing Line. COFFINS, C4SKETS, SHROUDS, and sQl FUNERIL FURNISHINGS supplied on the shortes notice. J^ Sialendid. Hearse ttfr hire at moderate rates. FUBNITUEE! From the Common to the Best and Latest Styles, in everything in the Une. Call and see for yourselves. ROBT. ASKIN. J. W. FORD, Is glying splendia satisfaction in GRISTING, By the New Process at the Ibiklale noirii^ lis. Special attention to parties from a distance so that they may have their grist home the same day. SEEING IS miEYIHG. GENTLEMEN,â€" If yon want a first-class Buggie or Wagon MCKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension Too Union Carriage Wcrks Union Carriage Works. All work manufactured from First Glass Material In the Latest and Best Improved Style, and finished with English. A^arnisli- Paintlng Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Eepairs executed in the shortest possible time conffistent with good workmanship. GooX) Work a Speciality. Remember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside r J. SHANAHAN, Proprietor. Markdale. Dec. 2nd, 1881. 64. Wm. Lucas Co., BANKERS, Ioney L.oan«icl IN large or small amounts, at all times, 'jn good andorsed notes, or ou collateral security. Phaeton. S To buy from them is to " E ]\I O IV E They are both practical workmen, end employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guaraiit,?e their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. They use nothing hut First-class ^^^lite Oak for Wagons, and thiice Extra Second Growth Hickory for light work. The inimenseamount of work turned out of McKenna Mason's shop is snfficicn proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. Thb best is thr CHEAPEST in the END Poor cheap work we positively will not take. INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. Special attention given to Re-Trimming and Repainting .11 classes of Carriage Work. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEING HHOPâ€" Un Mill Street opposite t-j Sproule's liotel. McKENNA MASON. TARTLINC DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A viotim of yonfifnl imprndence canaJDo Piema tare Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, etc., baring tried in vain every known remedy, has dis- coverf^ a gimpi e "»"• c ure, wbich he will send FKEE to his feliOW-Bu3J!5rs, addres' â- Â» H. REEVES, 43 Ctaattaam St,» N. Y- Fire and life t" ^f'ln-iage Licenses, Ij" p """'S'lee Agent. Oommissionei %(. 'â-  'â- â€¢ (-'onvevancer and Licensed ^IT ^°' "" bounty of Grey. Farmers, raittt "â- "'^^"â- "'1 ^ales. Punctually at- I ?-'c«r"if "" '^^'i'l'Kes made verv moderate. r*""«.Sept.l7.l!80. â-  1-y ,.- r '4 n""^^^ GUAEDIANSOF CEIL- hefit tt, "onier a fayor upon me and i^en tw T "^â- " ' *^®y ^°^^^ inform their Pte^tg ^ill i«ot allow any one ander I â-  "' age m my BiUiard Room. *kdai, T D.M. HOGAN.ProprietoP: ^*^ Jan. 15th, ISciS. MANHOOD HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED V^r^v. We haye recantly pubhshetl a new r SB Al. Vdition of Dr. CrLVEiiWEi,L;s Cele- V^T^T^BKATED EssAT OU the radical and permanent cure (without medicine) of er- TOulDobQity. Mental and Physical incapaci- ty, toP^dimlnts to Marriage, Ac. re.nltmg 'i^'prfe^!'in sealed envelox^, only C cents, -SSSt^"rthor, in this ^-ir^^; Essay, clearly demonstrates, from tlurty vS Buccjul practice that^damaii^ con^ SJiSnces may be radically cured witiiout ^e dXeronsuseof internal medicm^ ot^e S tb« tn«« •• ^^^ ""V^^ .t once simple, oertam and effeetuai, nj ^Tof wLh ever^ ff"'^^^ Xt hlB condition may be, may core hmiselt iSL^privatelyandradicaUy. iS^Draft.s issued and Collections mai^e on points, at lowest rates. W.M. LrCAS, Manager. September 23, 1880. 2-ly W. C. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR. ARCHI- lECT. Residence on -dill Street, Jlark- dale. Markdale. Jan, 21th, 18J3. 1211y .it J l.l!.' » ' GEORGE NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSEI AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Agent for the following rpHable Companies CITIZENS' of Montieal, AGRICULTURAL, of Watertowii, and TRADE OOMMr.RCE, (MutnalJs of Toronto. A ntimber of C^ioice Farms for sale, also Village Lots i.. n Auction Sales condacteia»Ta.ini or. qooa- iry on Shortest Notice. CBiigw modwate, BiIU Blank Notes, and Stamps provided. -V ' ;. r-. v .»B0^ NOBLE. f^ BGusH nrncT 01 BUCHU OIE OF THE lEST IHYESnOATOBS QT USE. Bis aspedflc In the cnre of an diseases I of the Kidneys, Bladder, Prostatic IVr-| tiodoC tbe Urtaaty Organs, Irritation of I (be XedC (rf the Bladder, BaminK Urine, I I (Heet, Gonorrhea In all ite stagesJSucous I Discluuges, Congestion of t Kidneys, Brick Dost DepoAt, Diabetes, Inflaaur tioa of tbe KidnOTB a«d Haddar, Drop of Kidneys. Add Urine, Bloody Urii Pa in In t he Beslon of the Bladder, PA Df THE BACK, Urinary Calcnln" Beaal I ICalcDlna, Benal Colic, Betentton of I I Urine, Frenaent Uiinaticm, Gravel In all I Its forms. Inability to retain tiie Water I irtjenhgly to peiaons adva nced la Ufei 1 IB A BEDNETIimafnaATOB that [lestMes tbe Urin« to its aataral eoloi; I remoTM tiie acid and homing and the I reUbctoffbiniinMliirinBnotfntmricwttngl Idiink. f»rtM SI* or Six Bellta* fbr $•. Ibaak «lio enaot obMa a bottia of tUa] nilliTinifiiiiiilliiill illiMMliI iifj â- â- 111 II iDir and «• wm and » to thnak BMdIiar CboataB. aoidSr idlimBl W. JOHNSTON *0^ ifarthU.a,'aadi No. 135. Darham. (FroM a Corretpondent.) The snow is disappearing fast and the roads are in a very bad condition. Business brisk sinse the railway has been opened after its prolonged snow blockade. An immense quantity of freight having accnmulated tnere is now a heavy budinesa done in moving the same. Mr. Horn, the new proprietor of the McAllister house, will take possession on tbe 15 th iuet. Mr. John Markle, manager of the Middaugh House, is going to the North- west shortly. Quite a cumber have gone, and more to follow, to the North- west from this vicinity. Hotel Change. â€" Twice McAllister has been very nearly ooocluding a bargain with Mr. R. H, Horn for his well known hotel property. The pur- chase has now been finally made and while everyone will regret the loss of an energetic citizen like Mr. McAllis- ter who has made a host of friends since be has been at the business, we can confidently recommend Mr. Horn trfj the public as a well principled, honorable man. â€" Chroniclt. Kicked by Hoese. â€" On Tuesday evening last Mr. James Watson, of Noroianby, was kicked by one of his horses. Several of his rib^were part- ed from the spine, but under the care of Dr. Gun it is hoped he will soon re- cover. â€" Review Advertise la tlie ^tandamIi. Ow^en Sound. (From the Advertises.) The new boat Pacific will be launched on or about the 20th April. i'AiNFUL Accident. â€" As Mr. G. Harkness, near Annan, was engaged cutting turnips his hand came in con- tact wrth the knives and severed two of his finders near the first joint, ruak- u]g the fourth member of the family minus part of tlieir fingers from simi- lar causes. Mr. E. r. Frazer. of Sydenham, with his familj' left last week for M' nedossa, N. "VV. T. Takiug with him two car loads of stock, impl'^ments and household effects, fur which he pays $400 freight to Brandon. (From the Times.) We are pleased to learn that Mr. Haldane. H. Stephens, son of W. A. Stephens, Esq., has passed the Do- minion Board at Ottawa, as Dominion Land Surveyer. At the annual meeting of the Y. M. C. A., held on Friday evening last, the following officers were elected for the ensuing j'ear â€" James Hall, Presi- dent E. Ferguson, Vice President S. H. Newman. Eecordiug Secretaiy; Geo. D. Howell, Corresponding Sec- retarv Chas. Kramer. Treasurer. T. C."'Eobiuson, John Dobbin, W. P. Telford, and H. Pike, Directors. Tiie rejiular monthly meeting a? the As- sociation will bo held on TuesLUiv evening next. Dundalk. {From the Hjrald.) Harry Ball, Ronald McAtiLiy, .M-. Traynor and W. J. Wardell, h.t.ve left for the North West. We r?gret to state that Mrs. Geo. Nixon is still ybiy ill. Dr. McWil- liams and Dr. Christoe were m atten- dance on Tuesday. Her condition i.s regarded as rather critical. AValtcrs Falls. Tbe barn of Mr. William Sp-^ek, Sydenham, was destroyed by tiiv on the afternoon of Tuesday List. The Cijuteiits of seed, implements and eleven tons i,f hay •.\cru uli conbaincd. iLiBuran-.o about 'fiOOO. Wiiliamsford. Abont ptvcnty of tl:e citizens of this village and surri binding neis.'!)- borliood t ok po.-stssiou of tlie Merho- aitt ParsonHce last Friday eve ing and presortted the Eev. ^Ir. Hart with a purse cf $41.00, and Mrs. Hart with a beautifi;! set ol dishes, ^hvr the I resentatioa Mr. Steele wasi-allna to th# cbrtir. MesM-s. Jeonlirton, Speei-8, and Vegan wore introduced aud miiue s]ictCiieR suitable to the oocasiou, a'so rfcitiitiutiu oy ^Liit Yogaa and Miss Wolititev and au ex- ce lent i^diiui;; by Mrs. Gi'eanaw'ay.. H^s. llart and aJiaS Jiicksou favoied the compauy with clwucu ma ic. ... I' I i !H 'â- ' ' ' .« L -ril^n i gl ;V .9in- i: sit.S:^L. k ' k^. \i.

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