Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Mar 1883, p. 6

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 Tw^^^m'^ww ^P?7?=J?S i t i -II. â-  I â- i:i If. .;â- :! I \- flU â-  ;i LATEST MWS NOTES. In Mi.l-Che»hire, Mr. Egerton. Liberal- conscrv tive, has been elected to Parliament o ir Mr. Lathaai, Liberal. The successor of Earl Spencer as Lord Presi.leric of the Council will probably be- come Minister of Agriculture. Change of venue has been secured in some of t e "suits to recover money vron at the late lotttry, and they will be tried in Lon- don. The suicide of Makofi" president of the St. Petersburg committee lor regulating the civ- il cocdition of the Jews, was connected with defalcation. The Count de Chambord, in answering an address pre euted by four hundred working me:i at Lyons, slid the Republic was infal- libly leading France to ruin. All opposition tith? Will of Henry Sey- bcrt, of Philadelphia, who bequeathed SI, 12."), 000 to public charities, has been v.i'didp'.wn and the will probated. It is intended, according to a Calcutta de- patch, to reduce the railway rates to enable wh'jat-grosvers in India to compete on more Kiual terms with the American producers. A V.'j.sh!ngton special says it is rumored that (ircat Britain will ask the return of the balnri'jc of tne Geneva Award, o:i the -round that all jiwt claims have been tatis- fied. The Sheriff has made a seizure of the safes and other furniture in the premises occupieil by the defunct " Mahon Bank Company. Tr c goods seized will be sold for the benefat of the creditors. The ParntUites regard the unyielding tone of Mr. Gladstone's speech respectiug the Land Act as satisfact ry in so far as it IS calculated to assist in promoting an ap- peal to America for fresh funds. Tiie Vienna Town Council has resolved to hold an cxliibition in 1SS4 of articles con- nected ith city improvements. Every municipality in Europe, Americi, and Aus- tralia will be invited to send exhibits. The Bishop of Tournay has declared be- fore the Court of Appeal, Brussels, that be will cease all opposition to the surrender of moneys and papers which Canon Bernard depopited in America to the delegate of the Belgian Government. A meeting was held at Quebec to take the initiatory steps to form a Colonization (Com- pany to colonize the North-West with French-Canadians. Messrs. Lariviere and Oemieux, of the Manitoba Gouernment, are there in connection with the project. The Reichsrath, by a vote of 15G to 107, has sanctioned the prosecution of Herr Schonerer, one of its members, on account of his speech at a meeting of the reading club of the German students at the Vienna high school which was closed by the authoii- ties. The Federal Council has intimated to Dr. Cramer, the United States charge d'affaires, that he is accredited to the tederation, not to the cantons. This is in connection with Dr. Cramer's demand on the Prefect of Berne for the punishment of persons who created a disturbance in a chu:ch in which Cramer was patron. Prince Bismarck has written to the Bud- desrath recommending that, in order to pre- vent evasion of the law, hog products be only admitted to the country on attested proof that they are not from America. The decree l^s been gazetted prohibiting the im- portation of American bog products, includ- ing sides, bacon and sausages. A supplement to the Canada Gazette con- tains the' statement of the banks acting nn- der charter for the month ending 28th February, which shows the amount of notes in circulation to be S34. 044. 909 51, the total liabilities, §154,603,402, and the to al assets, §220,843,635; liabilities, director indirect, of directors and firms or partner- ships in whidh th(!y or any of ^them have any interest, ?S,571.6'4. At the request of the Chicago Board of Trade, the Western Union Telegraph Company has ceased f-upplying mark- et reports to the Open Board. This was a surprise, as the unders:anding was that the Open Board would not be molested, not having joined the bucket-shops in the lega' tight. It is s-'id the Open Board will con- tinue business with quotations from Milwau- kee A Keiisation was caused in the Massachu- setts Legislature on Wednesday b,- a message from Governor Butler vetoing the bill m-ikuf; appropriations to the amount o: 8475,000 for t'ne expenses of charit;iilc and reformatory institutions. Tiie G nevuor say.s the bid contains appro- priations Ml nie of wh'cii are objectioimhie and otliers not, and is a continuiitiou of *ho vicious practii'e of uniting in one bill dilTer- cut appropriation;- f. r diverse objects. Signer Manc'ni, ^linistcr of Fo'eign Atlaus ii! the Italian Chamber of Deputies, said to th.'Se who reprracheil him for having vaiidy sought an Austro German alli- ance that he would answer that the power %w;o£o subjects numbered thirty mil- lions, and which possessed an excellent" army and navy, o:dy offereil an alliance to those desiring it, and after ascertaining that it was desired. The statement that ths. Cabi- net met a rcf.'sal at Berlin and Vienna was untrue. Great interest is being taken in the Inter- national Fishery Exuibition which is to be held iu London, Eng., in May next. The Government are doing all in their power to make 'he Canadian exhibit an attractive one. The British Colombia exhibit has been shipped, and the other collections n itt be sent by the Government steamer "Newfield" from Halifax at the end ot the present month. All the prov inces have contributed to the general representation, except Manitoba and the North-West Territories. A somewhat peculiar story comes from parties just retarn d from the Mattawa. They state that in June last two horses be- longing to Mr. Grant strayed from his depot on the North Rive ana, although diligent searc i was made for then; at the time, and a reward off-red for their recovery, no t-Bce could be fuund of them. S^'me two weeks ago, however, an Indian, following a moose, tracked it to a yard where he found the horses and moose yarded toj^etaer, and f.--jm all appearances the happy family had occa- p.ed the same quarters in common for a con- siderable time. The horses were in go d con- dition though eomewhat tbia. Testlns a New MaaWne. For some -weeks past the Secretary of the Club has been in correspondence with John Quiacy Adams Boggle. of New Haven, Con., regarding a machine b: ought out by that peiEoncilled 'The Acme." The machine was designed to remove corns, reshape the foot, relieve the chilblains, and make .a bow-legged man walk with the grace of a king. It was finally a,reed to pay the in- ventor's fare one way if he would come to Detroit and exhibit his machine before the club, and in case it would accomplish what he claimed for it sixty-two mem- bers would take machines and pay spot cash. Mr. Boggle arrived m the city a day or two ago, and Paradise Bfall was scarcely opened for the regular weekly meetini? be- fore he showed up. Much curiosity and in- terest were exhieited by members, and Samuel Shin, Youn" Hyson Smith .njid Whalebone' Howker "could hardly wait far the meeting to open. Brother Gardner not having arrived at 7.30 Sir Isaac Walpole took the chair and opened th-t meeting, and it was then an- nounced that " The Acme^' would be ex- hibited. Mr. Boggle made a brief address, stating his cJainis^ ;iud hopes and intentions, and the tnachine was placed on the 11 jor and mada ready for trial. It was a walnut box about two fee: long by eighteen inches wide and a foot high, and in the interior was a curious complic.'ition of wheels, knives, springs, tiles and jack-planes. The inventor said ho would first like to try the machine on a bow-legged man of sanguine tempera- ment, and after some hesitation, owing to his excessive modesty, the Rev. Penstock came foreward. In his youthful days be one day fell cfl' ihe roof of a shed and landed astride of an invertc 1 fix-pail kettle, and ever sines that hour he has had a pretty fair-sized tunnel under him. Every voice was hushed and every eye peeled as Penstock placed his two feet in the box. Then came tiie whirr cf macliiner}% and one could hear the click as the jack- piane struck a gravel-stone or a horseshoe nail imbedeied in an old callous or corn. Fifty seconds dragged themselves away '• and tnen came a tearing grinding sound, followed by a loud report and a shock which upset two dozen members. Cog wheels flew around the hall as thick as snowflakes, and Penstock bumped the ceiling and floor al- ternately a do:^en times. For the second time in the history of the Club a foot-com- pressor and bow-legged-remover had explod- ed in tackling its first victim. The mem- bers crowded around Penstock, and in the excitement and confusion John Quincy Aoams Boggle rushed for the street. As he went down stairs he was hit in the back wi h an old iron kettle, but this only helped him alona; the faster. When something like order was restored in the hall, it v. as found that eighteen lights of glass were broken, the stove door crack- ed, two lamps. smashed and the floor badly torn up. As for Penstock, it was sad. When he got upon his feet it was found that his toes turned in at such an angle as to bring his knees inside of his legs. He was assisteii down stairs to be taken ho on a dray, and the announcement ot his death at the next meeting would surpri no one. B. other Gardner came in about the time the pieces had been picked up and quietly obser%'ed "If a man am purtylet us forgive his lies an' tricks, an' swindles. If he has small feet let no one ax whether he pays his debts. If his hair curls doan' queshun his gineral intelligence. If his knees hang plumb sot him down as a orator an' a scho- lar. If he has small feet, doan' hesitate to let him take your money an' invest it for you. Let us how begin work." IilKC Jalve in tbe Treatment of Dipti- tberla. M. Czartorysky, M. D., of Stockton, Ca- lifornia, writes as follows to the London hancet During a prolonged residence in the in- terior of China, I became acquainted with the fact that the Chinese place great reli- sncedurint; epidemics of diphtheria on the internal use of the fresh juice of limes, and of the fruit itself, which they consume in enormous quantities, in every conceivabl« form â€" as lemonade, with native spirits, cut in slices, etc., â€" during attacks of this dread- ful disease, wit'i apparently most successful results, it hardly ever failing to effe t a cure. The Chinese consider it a specific, ai-.d will, in case of need, do anything to obtain a supply. Since I have come back to California, as also in Louisiana, I have used limes and their juices in my practice as a physician with most snccessful results in cases of diph- theria, even in the most desperate cases. As soon as I take charge of a crse cf diph- theria, I order limes to be administered as freely as possible, in any manner the pa- tient can be prevailed upon to take them" especially in the form of hot lemonade, sweetened with white s-igar or honey, or cut in slices with powdered white sugar. Besides lime juice (which I suppose acts by imparting an excess of oxygen to the circu- lation, and thereby prevents formaMon of vbriones, etc., and so has almost a specific effect en disease), I prescribe whatever diu" may be indicated to relieve symptoms asthey develop, and impart sTength by appropri- ate stimulants and nourishment. The Blacksmith ani Wheelwright believej that the old system is, in the main, respon- sible for the aversion that such alarg-i num- ber of boys manifest for learning trades. For the first year a boy ia a blacksmith shop, for instance, is put to the roughest and most disagreeable work. He is made to do a thousand and one things that will be of no use to him when he grows up, and have nothing to do with making him a skilful mechanic. He knows this and ncturally re- bels and wants to do something that will be of benefit to him. He is brought up to feel that to be a good blacksmith a man re- quires much brawn and little brains. That he obtains an erroneous idea of the trade he is tryins: to learn wo all know, but never- theless, this impression is apt to become fix- ed in his mind from the character of the work be is pat to do. I3 it any wonder that he looks with envy on one boy behind the counter or in a lawyers' office, and Icngs to get aw.y from employment which has lu- cerne irksooie 7 in which nothmg that is ^^^l^^ol ery of any nation is rejected, a dwn nudels," made like macaroni, o* » ^^"f^ of wheat flour and water "»?^. °" Ve"y S" inlong thin slices, was served »« » ^*7^. Sublf German style. An expenenoed m^ caroni-eater who partook of them is nn. we to describe more closely t*[^, ^J'^r^^^ ner in which they were ^^'^\^l^^l,7i the negative -t^«* f, Xfe ^ma^L were not prepared w.th ^^^^^^^^^^. *able ""l^TT ^?/"^.NTdeKyou%t-^ari S^ui?;^r?y the S?i'in the ho and are made fresh etery time the? f^« wanted. But I buy tb*se of a f "^^y'^X' hearted German woma., who suppl;^" °'J^^ households in the same way hhe makes the nudels with her own ha°dS' *i"^3^"an them around in a bask.t. ' hen sbe began this work she had just been left « ^^^^^^ with a family of small children on her hands and no means of support. Knowing o^ no other way to earn a living, and this sinaple thought of making nucels occurring to her, she set to work bravelj at that. "At first she found oniy two or thr^%*^ milies to whom she cculd se 1. but her nu- dels wore so well made, and she jas so cleanly and honest, and earnest, that o.hers were told about her, an'l ^e'-^*;^^f 'V° les number of her customers, until ber saies were large enough to support her ana ner little ones. Upon this small business con- ductfed, as far as it went, well and faith il- ly, she raised her family, and now her clii dren are old enough to contribute material- ly to the expense of the household, i.nd per- haps to support it alone. "This little piece of homely history leave told you because I think it interesting ni the picture it gives of a poor woman lifting herself by brave and ho. est labar tJ lude- pendenceand self-support, and because it shows by what curious occupations some people earn their living in this great city. Some Good Cheap Keclpes. Cen-ten.vi.\l MtJFFiss.â€" Take I qt. of flour, 1 small tablespoonful of lard, salt and yeast powders (use the last, according to the directions for one quart of flour. Some take more, some take less). Mix the flour, salt, veast powders and lard take about a pint of water (milk is better if you have it), and mix dough as stiff as you can stir it. Have your gem pans " sizzing " hot, put in the batter, and bake in a hot oven. The muffins are improved by the addition of eggs and milk, but are good made as above. Batter Cakes Withodt Eggsâ€" Take one small saucerful of oatmeal porridge (or mush) and 1 qt. of flour; mix as for other batter cakes, with :he addition of one table- spoonful of molassei, and about a teaspoon- ful of lard bake brown. Jacky Cakes. â€" Fake seven tablespoons- ful of cornmeal, silted, put in salt and a tablesp onf ul of lad scald w ith boiling water mix with hilf a teacupful of milk, till the batter is thii enough to drop from a spoon !ry in bjilicg hot lard, just as you do fritters. Fry bown, dropping the bat- ter from the spoon. Old Bread as Gcdd as New. â€" Dip thick slices or square piees of old bread quickly into cold water, putthem in a hot oven, and thoroughly heat though. Cold gems and cold bif cuit should rot be wet. A quick and thorough warming rith a drying makes the old bread very tenkr and fresh. SPARKl OF LIGHT. Bear the cross f,r heavier is self.â€"Fene- Ion. Do not say that y«u areanxious to discern God. God has promised to reveal himself to the simple and upright heart.â€" ^..Jfonorf, Between God and man, between the Gos- pel and each sou!, the interpreter is Love. â€" Vinet. How difficult it B to keep within the bounds of truth, wlen wo are no longer within those of charity. â€" Massillon. A holy rule for the treatment of our neighbour's faults is this Speak often of them to God, and faget them before men. â€" A/assillon. True peace can only be found in possess- ing God and here »n earth we only find him iu submit sive f»ith and obedience to his law.â€" Fenelon. Watch yourself wjll, when any one has wounded your senstiveness, or you have to deal with those who oppose you the sud- den word or action that cornea spontaneous- ly will be an unme aktable indica ion of the true state of jour interior life.â€" i^oft- stein. The glory f Go4 requires great things from men, and exasts great services but is I. Iso his glory to hinder these same ser- vices from becoming overwhelmingly Severe and render them deightfuland full of sweet- ness. â€" Bourdaloue. Mexican BoU-figbta Not Nice. Going to buU-figlita is the sad mistake that ]s commuted, but in all innocence, by not a few Americaa women travelling in Mexico. They labor under the impression apparently, that the custom which thty follow pertains to Rome and, therefore is one to be adopted whilst they sojourn among the Romans; yet woLld,th«ir ears tingle, could they but hear the comments whi h the Romans pass upon them I What ever it may have been in the pa^t, in the present the bull-fight ;s a distinctively low- class institution, and nice people have nothing to do with it. To the same eate- gory belongs cock-ighting, also a famous bourcs of entertainment here on Sunday af- ternoon. Close by ivery jacal in the town -and It 18 m thes* Utile huts of wattled caje that the poorest of the poor townsfolk liveâ€" u found tethared by one leg a cock wto 18 the pride and joy of hia owner's heart. Moreover, if he be a bird of good fctram, with fighti. g blood in his veins, he yields a fine rejrenne to his owner from wag«r8 judiciously placed upon hi^ prowess. â€" Monterey Coryestoncknc* PhUaddphia American. ^^ A Montreal young man attempted to kUs the pretty daughter rf a comer «, ocer. She dipped her hand to t^e wris. in a gaJon of molasses and pas^^df it rapidly j^ro^a the ardent lover's ambr-sial beard, ^hiofa. she BJlVfi. -spas cvoAt- »«â- . -•»«J, ajio says, was sweet revei je. V ^s^l NEWS IN A^NUTSHELL. «. v.rMen. D0BiCS«*e and War 8wna.«ry of »^«*^' " ^4 Pointed. GENESiLL. •. „ oM fever has invaded Bothwell. 0a",b»6.f.rp«t,mk.»™. L^dv evu.s=I»ts toe bee- hoM.»8 «viv. children. -n • ux Mrs W Downey, of Lower Brighton, Mrs. "• 3 perished in the Carletou County, ^. "•â-  r recent stor m. ,, • j A number of deaths have recently occurred at New Richmond. Bonaventure County, P. O from diphtheria. A young lad named William Leggett was badiy scalded in .Lillie's bolt factory. Perth, by the bursting of a steam healing 'The Salvation Army is attracting consid- erable attention at St. Thomas The mce ings at the barracks and m the City liall are crowded. Wm. J. McKay, formerly ^of Harailton, being one of the family of McKay Brothers, printers, has been arrestea at Chicago for embezzlement. No further cases of fever have so far been developed at the Institute for Deaf and Dumb, and the patients are progressing favourably. George R. K^mpe, of Exeter, England, has received the appointment as organist and choirmaster of the Central Presbyterian Church, Hamilton. At Kingston tvio members of "B" Bat- tery were out diiving recently, and finding the opportunity good, deserted to the Unit- ed States. Drewes, found guilty of manslaughter iu connection with the Maloney tragedy at Rat Portage, has been sentenced to seven years in the penetentiary, A committee has been appointed at Brock- ville to collect information and canvass for subscriptions towards the establishing of a coffee house in that city. The Presbytery of Peterborough has nomi- nated as Moderator for the next General Assembly the Rev. Kenneth McLennan, Si. a., of Charlottetown, P. E. I. Tha other nigbc the stable on the premises of H. V. Jacobs, London West, was entered by persons unknown and a valuable set of gold-mounted single harness c.irried away. John Brown and Edwin (freen were seri- ously stabbed at Point Douj^^afS. Casey and O'Brien, their assailants, were arrested and sent for trial at the Assizes. James Macpheason, the Nilcstown man arrested for cashing a bogus cheque, was sent to gaol for a few days to sober up from the efi'ects of his spree. No doubt the oldest inhabitant of Ontario, Dr. Paierson, (colored), departed this life Wednesday night last at Utterville, Oat. He is said to have bten one hundred and twenty years of age. UNITED states. Wyman will assume the United States treasurership on April 1. Tennessee has decided to settle her State debt at fifty cents on the dollar, with three per cent. Interest. A wooden monument of Profes or Wig- gins was erected in trout of a wheelwright's shop in Brooklyn. Barres, Presideijt of Guatemala, has pub- lished a proclamation advocating the estab- lishment of a Cjnfederatian of the five Re- publics. Spieche claims that over one hundred men known to favor his cause have been killed in cold blood during the last four months. In the Capitol a waif was thrown down by the vibration caused by a passing train. Many persons were injured, and a woman and two boys killed. At the conclusion of the inquest into the death of Annie Watson, at Detroit, the jury returned a verdict of death "from in- juries inflicted by the deceased." Charles Smith and Robert Mahan, stu- dents of Columbia College, recently quar- relled about a lady and decided to settle the affair by a duel. Tney were arrested. Forbes, demonstrator of anatomy at Jef- ferson medical college, w.-s tried in Phila- delphi for being concerned in the operations of a gang of body-snatchers. The deputy ot State at Washington has been informed that the Italian Government desires to invite the artists of all nations to compete in furnishing designs for a national monument to Victor Emmanuel. The State Brewers' Association of Iowa, in se Bion at Council Bluffs, have planned to use every endeavor to prevent the Supreme Court reversing the recent decision declar- ing the prohibition amendment void. The supervising inspector of steam vessels at Washington seys the loss of life on ocean and inland steamers has been greater in the first two months of the present year than in any Hke petiod since steam was first applied as a propelling power. The French Canadians held a large mass meeting at Worcester, to protest against the statementfl of H. P. Foster, of Cambridge, before the Committees on Education and Labor at Washington that they are the Cumese of the East. "The evening session of the Royal Temnlara of Temperance, at Buffalo, was the final one of the year s council. A consolidation was effected between the Royil Templars of Temperance i*nd the United Temneranco Association of Canada. GEXEBAL. The Bulgarian Ministry ha* resigned, lieu, bkobeleff 18 forming a new Cabinet. Sir Robert. J. Phi'limorehas resigned the Judgeship of the iiri ish Admiralty Court. All the preliminaries for placing the bust of Longfeljo* m u estminster Abbey ore ar. ranged, 7 â€"«' •« Three Syke crofters hive been EentcEced to 2t months' imprisonment,^ i^l ing the sheriff. "'«»«lii»J The Clambers atthe Hatn,«v. the Dntch Government to flStk 00,000,000 florins. "'6oii«e»5 The Emperor of Germany !„â-  accept the resignation of Vn l" of the Ministry of Mari .3. "°*M A Madrid despatch anr Dynastic Left have appS 11^ to manage the party, Mrrshal « 'W mg to resign the leadership "^i The British ship Three 'firoa ' arriv, lefuged, Telegrams from the seat of fv agitation in Andalusia descrih i tion as much excited by the d 1 large detachments of prisouerr^ The defalcations of Makoff t the society for lesulatfiig tho "^«« tion of the Jews in Rusg.a '"^^al Francisco for Antwerp, ha« 'S J mouth. Ten of the crew Tf '"' kS during the entire passa-.e. "' ' who Miicld amount to eleven million .o'Je A motion announced in thp r.. Deputies authorizes t.'ie pr,I, ""«i Savory, a member f if the Cnan"'"" rector of the Rhone et Loire b' ' "' versation ino-nncctiou with n,'" ' ' bank. '""faiuit,; The Russian Governme'.M, bho other Powers that an !». '"'"^^m tective force be organized to conf"" Anarchists, Nihilists, Feira-, ' ""'H in: ists. France, S-A'itzerkiiu have acquiesced in the proposal SOME SMILES. ~~ Telegraph wires arc m numcrci,.. of the streets in this city thatpci " on a fouith floor flat can sift the'r merely throwing them against the'uetj There was a fatal row in a X,^\ drinking saloon. The proprietor J," ed, reformed and turned undertabr was bound to Iiave EoinethiBB to ,!„,. spirits. Speaking of was arrested change says a commercial trave;iei,l for embezzlement, atj, "He confesses his [bO' â-  ' may own up to gilt, but to ty LeBt stylts of wa |at a family can 1 Tfing out old be [jand the house, f he was away 01 drummer never. "Yes," said the man in thetheit lery, "the make-ups were generaOvl] but there was one m-ike-up that 1 1 like to see- -a make-up for lost time bcj the acts," The remains of a man have been i of the ruins of Pompeii, vith boih L resting on his stomach. The ijiiilJinl which he was found is supposed to l' been a cheap restaurant. Some of our exchanges arc disenaj alleged "snow flea." Thty can't m' how the snow flea is maije bnt awa:., will make the snow flee about as qdcil anything. A full kit of bank burglars' tools to be worth §2,000.â€" [New YorkCca cial Advertiser. If that is scwesupvtJ cat full of burglars' tools iiiu-t W ij about §10,000. Purraou! The poet who declared that "Cur.twi not ring to-night" was correct, h diiij ring, it merely "tolled the kell of pa-ti day.' It's not often that a poet gel ai^ as near right as that. A_ New York jud'^e says cigarette sinl ing is robbing the young men ol their bi Wnen a young man says he isn't afraici cigarettes hurtin? him, he probably taij what he is talking about. The Berks County {Pa.' youDg m threw a pair of scissors at aiJian«ot teasing her. As one of the point* pal trated his eya he couldn't sfe thejoUs] though she claimed it was sheer nocseiSi "They say your record on fbeBiail Selectmen won't bear inspectiou. 't| they?" "Yes, sir; of course you cosrla fullest investigation ' "Weil, no, ii ao*ly; you see, the fact is, my couitiui'JI are over." An agnostic Profe.-^sorâ€" "Tiie apftl^ may be briefly described as the Keocti«I ingist of philosophy. Passing that pai Miss may tell what she knows otse)^ perception." "Miss "Proieisor. ia an agnostic." Study of Greek: Mr. Fioui.e, 10 the course of a recent lecture, stated 1*] Cato did not begin to learn the Gretki guage until he was S4 years of age- boys of to-day tell their fatticrs thai are anxious to follow the cxamrleof "Is Mios Blimk at homo'" askeiain lesdy attired Lore of the n.w'gi- •. girl took from Ler pock t a plioto-itj carefully scanned it, and afti r auothti at the features cf the visdor. ;ui«' 'No. sor she has gone to Kjoi" left. A new s cret society ha.^ been S"'--'JI New York under the name "f 'Mruer"'"' Iron Tie." The order of " The Steal O'n coat" operated exteneively ia ^^^^'^ij during the winter, but was suppr'sKJ" the "Cast Iron Collars," otber*»i;el^" as policemen. â- '.m The Impression BSrs. lAngtry G-" A Brooklyn lady who met Wrs. I^l-j in Ctiicago expressed her.'^c!f as charmed by her vivacity and n;fii!e.Tit"t- "Did she seem to you perfect y "i'f- asked her friend. "Perfectly," "And what impression did Jitrii^rP' leave npon your mind " ,, "The impression that slio was n «•" ' â€" Brooklyn Eagk, â€"I i-»«^ Madagascar is already al'y of the notoriety it has acquire" '^l '^1 while Germany also is ready j^i lan-of-war thithnr, if requiieu- j^l J. ;_1-_J 1 r._ t.\„.n CrTiSA"^,t a dozen French Bhipa of war are bo about the island one British crw^ hastened thither, and two others a^j way a man-of â€" ._ ^^^^ great inland, larger Lu area thiiU ^â- â- " ain and lr«dand, is eyed greedily I'J '^m European powers. Tiie sf**^" ,-» recently by the chief Malaga-l e»J'J the Washington parsons was p""' ^1 its forebodings of a French ii^'**" ftjul the policy of France be the on""^f"'.^ioti| white men's civilization," say? '"" J"!^! diplomat, sorrowfully, "'lien it^'*«'^^j^j for OS to remain in ignorance, ^i^fil countrymen are only a,*M)V.t ti g" with what South Alricai s of «»" ^^' ing mainlaai have cxperiei cod. f'"^T^ i-rtfrTiyti

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