Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Feb 1883, p. 2

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 k i 'i n NEWS IN AJJTJTSHELL lIYJt MlKWTZa- SELECT KEA.DIKG Itrm* ofVcrciKB No or.positfcn v 81 be cfi^. e||4 tb ,i any of th»JB»eP*i^ t-V^yr- *^- n-ent. a • ^^V' DomiiAoD ATUar.ce forGre tup for the HonscwUe *nd tHe The PkklM ought to be ;^^T NEWS NOTESj oorrat^onv fcA««s»ss ^* ,ue3 lis Lii3:nes» at f,t the liquor traffic con Ottawa. Mr. RoUcn. Minister of Ficanco^^basor^n ^.-elected at Ner Weatm.neter, B. C, bv avclamation. ,. â-  t, ,, I :put Col. eakf^sbell, tl»e th Battal- ion;' w^ buried with military honours at Watford. • ' ' -•â- -â- â- â€¢ V,l the viUecce cf popalnrity i? Yi"«;S: t^kiy :n favour of M-. Buiner. for the Montreal mayoralty. The Commissicner, of TubUc Clianuos at Hahtax ere .adveitis.rg for plans of a tL; asylum to replace the one de.troyed ^^A^young eirl narr.ed Mary Ann Sinnotc, of Montveairthreater 1 to shcot ^er fa. h- le,^ lover, and was arrested and hdd l.i trial. ' TheM.-ntrcal police made a raid upon â- , ^-ambling hell on Crai- street, i^nt ;l,Tc.t.d rilteen respectably dressei young Arrli"ation IS to be made to the (.rand Lodee lor a li.= p neatxn permitting the fi^i'ationofaM.lua.y Ma.cnie Lodge at Kingston. It is reported that money is fio f f; '" .ome of the smaller banks at Montreal that one has had to mortgage its building toi a temporary loan of $50,000.' Thos. McNeil, a paralytic vcbiJent near Ouin village, r.ot far from Pontiac, was leJt ulone in his house a few days since, and was burned with the dwelling. C P Sclater'a tobogcan ran cfl' the track of the Montreal Tobogganing Club recently and Mr. Scluter went againf.t a tiee «ith force euou-b to injure him gieatly. rNITEU STATF.S. K slrci •' earthquake shock in Southern f'CTU last month created great excitement. Knaenc Cuedret. a St. Louis jeweller, has been 'mulcted in ^7,000 for smugglm,^ jewel- " a' steamer has succeeded crossing in the I'enirsula of Florida th.ough the canals and Iake Okeechobee. â- Hie Assembly Committee on ways and Means has given a hearing on the iSiagaia Falls State Park biU. Hardine and Greenwood, the men cccus- e-i of the murder of Wm. M^har at Saud- wiih, were arrested at Lora=viile. It' 13 reported that the rcgisted luail pouch was cut open recent y at Cedar Kap- â-  u!?, Iowa, and $11,000 abstucted. Dunne the trial ot a won an at St. Lou.s, oa a charge of defaming a priest the law- yers. McBride and Lodge, quarrelled and fought. In the Senate the Tarill bill proviso tor the refund of the duty on importea salt used in curing n;eat= and afterwardsey.portea was agreed to. Three men were prohalily mortally injur- ed by a collision at Chicago between the (aiicago, Burlinston and C^uincy and Mil- waukee and St. I'aul tr.ins. Twelve thousand dolb rs has U-en «-t t. Ireland byj the Kcv. Lawrence \\ alsh, or Waterburg. Conn., '.o be used m tiie lam.ne stricken district. Itecently a girl IT years old, bDy's clothes, vTaa picked up m a,n officer and confessed by for five years (Jeorgc Fiar, a Cana^li n, ir .ra BrockviUe Ont fell off the Brooklyn bridge a height of sixty feet an.l alighted on the ret ot a house. He will piobably ^-.diyplaoe^aniAe ""f f*rke«(pi»B tl»«tn, botties *«• sto^ ja ^«fech mast bi i« ewd withblaMer 3Â¥hit*.irind^i*Ji sad. iV^f* essential Si»ty*'picaeyt1 plettly (foverel with vinegar. Pfekrves, Jams, and Jellies keep bet- ter ,f t!.e pots into which they are put are i^d apibile hot, because if e;qQafiito ^^air until cool, little germs wiU fal npon them from f.e air aijd retain.their vitality «nd^ill soon f.U to work-tIecomp»n.g the frnit On the other hand, if the jars axe by scalding. FLKi3^i?ALTisiii-Je: by «r^ 'Wi celery r^t^ixed wife one- fourtli it« qiuui- titvoisalt. VKGETM5LES should le cooked, ii possib.e, in water in which meats h:.Te been cooked. Scalded skimmed milk will go nearly as far as frcsh milk. Su)w .AND lom; fooKiNu will make tough meat tender. Your fat ?hould be boiling when y u put ycur meat into it to Ii v. Salt mfa'.4 "hould be be simmsred and not titrcely boile ' small stoocful of molasses added to buckwheat each mo-nirg, will make the cakes templinglv brown. To BroiL Cni( KKNS without Buknixg TitEM. â€" Remove occasionally from the fire and baste with a gravy prepared as fol- lows Simnur together one half cup ot vin- egar, a piece of butter the size of an egg, and salt and pepper lo the Uste. Keep the gravy hot. To Dkess Poultry.â€" Take a knife and sever the artery or jugular vein in the neck, or take an axe and cut the head off let it bleed so as to draw all fever from the fowl, in case it may have any. Kip the body in boiling water, then pick quickly. When through, dip the fowl in hot water again- than iLto a pail of cold water, let it re, main three or four minutes this will make it swell out plump, and it will keep twenty four hours longer than if it was not thrown into the cold water. I.N- BfiATiNG THE WiiiTE.s OF Ecu.-^ in warm weather, choose a cool place, and a pinch of salt added greatly hastens in bringing them to " snow." Wine Stains of any kLnd can le removed effectually from linen, by holding them for a fiw minutes in boiling sweet milk. This must be done before the linen is washed, or it is of no use. ier^tl»or6p« will be shr-* eWfipagnie Generale du ^»aea;_x»Ftal a million K Foa^^*Wll«*'^l*iâ„¢* ha senTel^SSthc Ca^o Indemni â- ""iw^HSRgWk" have been lost at Yar- mouth! 'TEe-*ewrnambenng fourteen per-^ sonsTwere arownI. GBEcoff has been Ijeaten severely in^e '^B,^i,i„. •fenioTOdthe^ ,.=d«o«*tfc4N piefittnres. ctioni teTstf^dalbo?/ panic among A eterin S-fS^ indbidef countries, and scarc^ SSe^thftutl^^r^^n^dlo^^ former. escaped nw fii rrt^ in X.ond()ii- and""' S ates, td^^^lay his ment, aplft^t^ car I disease. â-  r who narrowly j Prof. Dick, in his day, sar, h as arr: advocated veiy â- haold thu prove of no avaj] must be iuserted^Bpiigh ttte fr«, viaable to nail oShhckAt ^^ off the frog wh rbetWL__, _^j 'pMcival K^minmdstiieik^' HWBfi QOWD, af tl^WHeg ina utatm irs tqfeether, and ^^^ br-ui and lintced meal. Healsore blood-letting in the iiitli-niimtorv a S.N eating blister upon the Jiern. if ;.ny ttructural chance hastjt the djs^e is incurable, but the j! may be relieved to a great exttr.b? the animal for slow work, hhi .«M«fuUy to.tlie shoeing. A shot edby CoL Fitzwygram, is, I -â-  as any for this disease it common flat shoe with t!u 'iio the U) Fore thttarrern- i3t lA*ai«as- corouetl^ .ins, i^oiiaij Soidalist pampHetlu been, published at Alton«r Prtssia, abusing f «^?«;|°f and chall«singthe.Damocrats*a hber,^ their colmtr? so ppptessed by the role^ Eleven SociaUsts ha^e been arrested and a number of seditious «-oi*3 sei2Jd. IMPERIAL PARLIAIIENT. t!: ,trSvth«tt»iedi«a«abegt«m the tenJottj jjg thicker and the toe -.umed c? 'S^JaST-f-rtB^ BtfoiValbefevi^ r^^,.^ roUing motion to th. foot^ That J began in .tl,e, .sypovial bur.a.. and ., Prof Williams eaystbat it begins in the r^tllated .ttnctnfe and -ttical« carti^e of the bone. Prof Smith says that it may Commence in either the ^one tendon or bur^ .ce of the navicular bone, and if producea 'Kv it begins in the bone or bursa, 'bat If suddenly produced it begins in thetendcn.for we find after a punctured wound in the foot (as is the case some- tTmes) the animal remains la"" ^^-"' t In the Queen-s speech she referred toques- -^ destroyed and the tendon becomes tions relating to the Danubian Conference ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ this is brought about the rec.nt evint in Egypts,the reetoration of ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^brea become lacer- Cetewayo and the diminution of the crime ^^ ^^ ^^t loose ends; these areun- in Ireland. It shows that the Government -^^^^^ »[, i^^^^ thrown out from the ex- mined not to aUow Irish subjects to P interior of the bone and are united to almost the entire attention of I arlia- ^^ ^^^ connecting fibrous tissue, ^nd. ment is heretofore. The remaining portion J formation of a false membrane, which ^r- 4.h^ii*y extending from synorial of the crime ?ernment j *^^^';^^^ "bylymphthro'wn out from the ex is determined not to aUow Irish subjects to F "^^ interior of the bone and are united i occupy almost the entire attention of I arlia- ^^ ^^^ connecting fibrous tissue, ^nd. 13 heretofore. The remaining portion J^ formation of a false membrane, which ot the address has reference to reforms in the ^\,^^^ vascular, extending from synorial Home Parliament. jringes both oa the inferior surface of tbe At the preliminary meeting of tK-_Irish|bone_and^superi^^ parliamentarv party to consider the action of the Irish m-mbers of the House cf Com- mons during Liie session, over twenty per- sons were present. Mr. Pamell was re- elected chairman. It was decided -.hat an amendment should be m,de to the address in reply to the Speech from the Lhrone, dealing with the operation of the Crimes Act. Regrtt was ;xpras8ed at Mr. Uealy a creeping by slow degrees over the whole ar ticuUir Surface, ]estroyiag their smoothness and becoming a bond of union between them. The union of the tendon to the bone ac- counts to some extent for its giving away after neurotomy. Causes.â€" One of the great causes of this i diseape is a rheumatic diathesis, and the liability to suffer from thU cause onginates Licai/ 1 liability to suner irom luio vau=.»- "*-f â€" --- arrest A furtrer" "amendm-nt to the ^^ jje^ediUry predisposition and accidentel address was al:^o resolved upon deahng j circumstances therefore, one very prolifac A Pint CF MrsTAKi) Seed put in a barrel of cider will keep it sweet for several months, and n;ake it more wholesome. wil! remove ink from white dressed in Detroit 1 y to Aavc r.asstd as u die f;F..\EnAl iaiou Icail. Wo' I !cly /doticr, c'irec has been ar -i Minister at Constanti lor a settlement of all Thak-^mbay, t!ie Figian \.:i: In the House of Lords, i took hi-, scat amid cheers. It is reported that M Lep tor of the Credit de Firancc, rested in Paris. The United State Bople has ai ranged American claims. The (ierman ileich.-stag iia.s contirmed neaily all the rciuutions prev:ous-y made in the m-litary estimates. The authorities of Bayreuth liave unani- mously decided that Wagner's lunoral sirall bi at the expense of the town. De Bia77.a has been proniotcd to a lieute Bncy in the Frcncn navy, lie will sail loi the Congo on the -JOth iiist. The Ecuador Dictator, Vcintimillae, is oncentratiug his forces, and threatens if de- bated to plunder and burn Quayaquil. \t a meeting of Parnellites a letter from Healy was read complaining of needlessly irritating prison luUs to which he is sub- jected. The U. S. steamer Ksaex, two English veflseU, and a French man-of war have been erdered from the coast of Peru, to Guaya- ^bQ, Equador, to protect the forei^ resi- A-nclent â- rorkers. We read that "the Spaniards saw im- men-c numbers of turkeys in the domestica- ted state, on their arrival in Mexico, where they were more common than any other poul- try There were lound wild, not only in NeW Spain, but all along tl.e continent, in less frequented places, from the orth- wcatem territory cf.tli^ ^-^nittd Jtate8 to Panama. The Spaniards call the turkey the gallopavo, becanse it resembles the peacock " The Mexicans ate many tur Trni-ENTiN woodwork. To FiLTEii Watfii quickly for immediate ISO, emploj' the following method: Piit a quart of clean water over the tire and bring to a boil remove it and strain it two or three times through flannel cool it and keep it for use in a covered jar or pitcher. Ammonia (aqua) will restore colors in fiu;ric3 from whicu the color has been ab- stracted by acids. A^Tallkspoonfui, ov Ammo.nia in a gal- lon of warm water, will often restore the color in carpets it will also remove white wash Irom them, restoring color. ()\ call will not only remove grease from carpets but restore the colors. One pint of gall in three gallons of warm wat- er will do a l.irge carpet. Table and Uoor oilcloths may be tt.us washed. (Iai.l Soap.- Cut finely three pounds of common brown soap put it in an earthem pan with tour beef galls, and place over a slow fire, stirring irequently with a stick until dissolved than remove from the fire ar.d put away to cool and harden. Take it out of the pan, cut it aad allow it to dry en a b ard. This is excellent for removinL' crease and stains trom carpets and siuiilar fabrics. The vessel in which it has been made cannot be used for any other ]iurpose. Fasblons in Dancing. Fashions in '.ancing present no .striking change since last sea-son. The American Society of Professors cf Dancing, which has its headciuarters in New York, held its an. nual meeting lately and decided to recog- nise no new dances. They voted to discard the " racket " from their lessons, and to for- bid it altogether in their academies. Its name is a slang one for the better-known liedowa-galop step, and originated in the fact that the music which was at first used for it was the " Racquet Waltz." It is call- ed, in various sections, the " Society," the "Newport," the " Ripple " and the "Eock- away." It is regarded as too showy for modest girls to fling themselves into, and this i why the professors have undertaken to place it under taboo. The round dances which strict propriety permits this year are the plain waltz and the Redowa. The latter n ay be varied by what is siJIed the pclaa Bahemia, a toe-and-heel step that is not theatrical if quietly and gracefully done. The close hugging, sometimes indulged in last winter by couples who ought to have known better, is new visibly relaxed, and altogether dancing is rather freer from abuses tl.aa before. The square dances in use at balls are the plain quadrille, and the plain and Saratogo Lancers. In the latter the couples loem parallel lines, aad dance together, the figures and movements remain- ing similto fo those in the ordinary Lancers. The German is danceel still in private as- semblages, but iiever at laree balls. A new. round dance in some vogue in parlors is oalled the " Riitse," and partakes of the circumstances cause of the disease is from breeding fiona animals affected with the disease, and i think it the duty of every practitioner who may be called in "to see Ureedmg animals thus affected" to explain the character of the disease to the owner oi such animals, and thereby eradicate the discaEC as much as possible It is also brought on by concussion (and certain conformations predispose the animal to concussion, as a short and upright past- ern with narrow heels) and in the unnatur- al alteration of the relatvie position of the navicular bone and weight bearing bones brought on by improper shoeiog and mutila- tion of foot by those who do not understand tiie functions of tJ?e parts properly. There are many other accidental causes of this affection, as stone bruis s immediate- ly below the bursoe, punctures, and allowng the toe to grow too long, irr egular exercise, ,i.^gig_ ancLProf. Law says it may be caused by £ ,. ,.â- â€ž_ I impaired nutrition with incieased elimina- nmittcof the Chamber ot deputies ^.^^^^ ^f phosphates trom the system, or an ,iy -oj„p.t,..d M. Waddmgton s pio^ extension ot disease from the digestive organs as in an over-feed of grain or as drink of cold water when hot and fatigued. Mr. Percival says a foot with a sound and prominent frog is a condition to receve theaisease while one with a shrunk, shrivelled enjoys a sort ot immunity from it. He says the foot predisposed to take it is the strong, round, short-toed, or clubby foot open at the heels, with a sound frog, jutting prominently out between them. Here is a frog exposed to all the pressure, and indis- posed to yield, -and itself liable from its very exposure to become, in the warm stable hard and dryand incoipprewable.' pressure from tSje ground upod Sucbafrog must ren- der it in effect a fixture it cannot, will not expand and at the very moment pressure from belowwoald force it upwards, the weight' from above it, is with m ore or le83 viol '-nee pressing en it, and the tendon between the two pressures become inflamed. This is Mr. Percival's idea of one great cause. Symptoms. â€" One of the earliest symptoms of this disease, is pointing the foot, sudden lameness without any apparent cause, which may disappesr suddenly, and then reappear, eitber in tne same foot or its follow. The' rheumatoid form is thus manifested. Whenfirst brought outof the stable the horse with the failure of the Government to propose adequate remedial legislation for Ire- land. the FRENCH CRISIS. The Appel du PeupLe, Prince Jeron\es new organ, has appeared. It contams a protest signed by thirty Bonapartist mem- bers of the Chamber of Deputies agains. the arrest of Jerome. It advocates a plebis- cite. It is understood that the interview be- tween Eugenie and Napoleon dunna: the brief visit of the latter to Farnborongh was most cordial. The Prince started for 1 ans the other day. M Do Freycint ha-s had an interview with President Grevy. Replyingto a deputation of merchants representing -20,000,000 francs capital, M. Grevy promised to endeav- or to relieve commerce from the results ot frequent crisis The com unanluiiaoiy ».-j.-.i-.i.f-,,. â€" ^^ posal to banish princes guilty of endangering the State, and M. Barbei's measure rendering the princes liable to expulsion by decree of the President. M. Flequet's motion prohib- iting the presence in France or Algeria of members of former dynasties was adopted. The majority of the members of the Cham- ber oppose the action of the committee oh the expulsion bilh in adopting M. Flcquet s motion. The Radical Lefr, Democratic Union and Republican Union de:;ided in favor of the passage of M. Barbel's pro- posal. the worJt of the tiexr,n perlciatis. After all other nicthods have fa^a- j lieve the animal, an operation' neuorotomij is scmjtimes resulted to] â- fcistsof renioving a portion olttj nerves m hich convey the beuse the toot. This operation was first introiij^i Vet. Surgery sumewhere betwe'nt. 180a and 1808, by Mr. Moorcrtft "t until Mr. Sewell annouuceJ himsit 'the discoverer of nenorotomy forthV '^of lameness that Moorcroft, who England for India came fonvcrj i cated his claims to that honor v. hici; in 1819 in a letter to the 'Alci.;-a J (G. H. Cavendish. There arc two methods of per.cr; operation, \iz: The high aujlowop. The high consists in dividing tt above the f itlock and the lowi of the posterior branchej only, bn] tunately the pain is not entirely ;en,J the low operation. To operate successfully, I'lo recommends the following rules 1st. Clip the hair oliovertht the nerve. '2nd. Let the animal be iiiadei cold water for an hour before ope 3rd. Cast the animal cartfuUv, 4th. Feel for edge of tendon and cut down upon the nerve ititj secting the areolar tissue. 5th. Divide the nerve at the incision and dissect the nerve out. The after treatment is the sarati any ordinary wound. Kksu lis. Unfavorable results of the opt: many, even in a well selected cast In determining whether operate or not the foUovi borne in mind. 1st. Never oj erate on a verv legged cart horse. '2ad. Never operate where \tI an incti ci 13 rs.t: thin, weak in the hte's. t'r.U in otherwise exhibiting a preisps laminites. .3rd. Operate ouly whae •:â-  strong and the animal's act gu ds; and the la xeness otnerAise incuraki The untoward resu!' .s arc ::actaii| navicular bone, rupture of ti: i sloughing of the hcof, ar. J a pta inous degeneration of the buK and surrounding structures alonp formation of alow foni) oi tibroiKii state of ItlKLANl). .lames Carry, one of the prisoners in Kil- mainham, is very ill. In the Commission Court, Dublin, i-eeeut- ly, Curran, charged with the murder of a farmer named E.ast in June last in the pres- ence of his wife and eight children, was ac- quitted. The Judge's charge strongly favor- ed the prisoner. WAG NEK. Arrangements are being made for a public funeral for Wagner, which w ill take place at Bayreath. The King of Bavaria has telegraphed to Wagner's ralatives, offering condolences and begging them to await his wishes re- garding the removal of the remains and the funeraL A Venice despatch says Wasrner was suf- tering from disease of the heart. He had on Tuesday a severe attack.but resolved to make an excursion in a gondola, when he had another violent seLznre. In the afternoon doctors wer6 summoned, bat fonnd the case hopeless. He died in the arms of his wife, surrounded by his children. AMKEICAX. General Porfirio Diez has been elected President of th» Nticxial Supreme Court of Mexico. THE AU\^BAMA CLAIM COUKT. The Peruvian Government has presenteel a claim before the Alabama Claims Court for two cargoes of guano, destroyed while sail- ing under the American flag. ST. JOHX, X. B. Efforts are being made at Woodstock to stringently enforce the Scott Act. is lame, then it disappears, (short steps h* takes) and after a time he beccmea very lame, and the foot is pointed, although pointing may be a habit, yet it is suspici- ous of navicular diseases, if both feet are affected, and he is suffering pain, then it throws the weight firbt upon one foot, then the other, and when^brought from the stable, it jjoes with a kind of groggy action, hence the term grogginess. Another well marked symptom is atrophy of the musckt of the shoulder and limb there are other changes, as atrophy of the foot and contraction of the hoof. Pain is evinced if you tap with a hammer over the region of the naricolar bursai, and also if you press upon the tendon at the back part, and close to the frog, this will assist, but peacock." The Mexicaus ate many tur- ^^ andmaforka com- g^long before they (*he Mexicans) w«^ cha^«^ct ^.^^^^^.^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ cOTV^rtedâ€" or rather cuffedâ€" mto Christ- ians The aimual allowance of turkeys for ke 'imperial palace »ab 8,000, so that «i, derivesa melancholy satisfaeuum from Skingthat "thebaUs qf the Monte«i- msa" must have been urcommonly jolly ^6 particularly 'at Thanksgivitf* tune, SSS tfe^ conW have been no stmt there ^^keys in aU the mcd« tb«* «»cb noble birds can be serrei .ij.^ 4 bined. Thejej»ai»D»^4n**e di»ce called the "National Guard^" composed of squares and circles of a fomewhat military cnarac- tei Tlie " Polo " quadrille, with its rapid: all-hands -around, povetl too m.uch of a 'carcijs to please wosccn, and has .geae §retty nearly out of fshion. Variations on lie polka are frequently seeb, and' the old- iBsliion«d -Vir»inia» reel is very extensively nsTiTta; it is not conclusive evi4^ac^ of it. You may also see redness in exceptional cases. There is a nice clean limb generally in this disease. The shoe is generally worn at the toe in this disease. Then you must judge by negative symptoms also. Tre.\tment.â€" The treatment of this dis- ease 18 generally unsatisfactory, although you occasionally meet a case in the first .. â€" ...x,„„„. ^uc °tage befoie any alternation of structure long continued, is remark- takes place that you may make Plants In Hanging Basiiei| Sjme persons sj.'m to inrtgmet any plant ouglit to dv aswplli:il hanging in a window as il docs in i the plant stand. ActiuL; unth' use whatever th:y tai^e aiaacjl basket plant, and generally mett ure. The reasons .ire obvious aj who has had much expericace wd growing, i u the tirst plaee. a piaij as high as one's heini gets a u" dryer atmosphere to breathe thsi: feetb.lowit. In tiie next p!i*] hung up is more diili ult to J. water is being given to other pS generally "uch a plant gets an supply or is neglected, and oi the dryness of the air about iti and the leaves drop, H thel^'l borne in mind that sucli ptoK« water than those below it, and tsj properly attended to, auJwi'" there would not be so much^ basket plants. l"nce every t summer is often enough to «'â-  fl the stend, but plants ml^aske-s^ water everyday, and enough 'J^ penetrate the earth in ' "'i^^.^f^J planting anythiQC iu =^^^^7, J a hollow in the soil around tM basket. If filled evenly »' ' water applied to the surface oi run ofl; or considerable ot it, » the crust is soaked enough to -| sorbeut. In putting up hanging advise you not to have the 00^ attached to the basket extend t, the ceiling (if the hook t» how^ fastened there) in one p'.ece. the three or four chains 01 c'j to the basket meet about a' j basket and there hook rn " ^. pendent from the ceding. 'â-  mg this would be to ii""'^; the basket whenever ocoas' _^ You will need to take It doffBH you would iiave good s"" plants. Considerable inconvenience has been caused through the country about Wood stock from the effects of the orouth. â€" lack of rialn, so Ion able. Tbe' wells in The V.UJ; tuiifcLuueu, is remarii- i*"wt:o pmce mai you naay make a perfect in many places are dried ciire by giving the aninml plenty of i*st and that were never known to the judicious use of cold water and poultices with occasional nnrrm^i^^^ J ^..1: ^et. up. and springs that were never known to fail are now in the same condition. In some of the back settlemeots the scarcity of water has bees disastrous to the health of the domestic aiumals. Another eflfeet oI tlie continupos dry spell ie (he closing of a ^eat number .of, mills. ,-,.„.. â€" .y„a vioc ui tuiu waier an With occasional pur^itive 8 and a cooling "^8 a°\«nal should be encouraged tb lie dowiLfai tike tke weight xifF the feet. After the ulflammaUqmsl^» bfen^teduced a blister shond be applied around the coronet, and A Spanlting Te»* Johnny and Tommy "^f^^^^^,. in a streat where there «a; i^ ing, and where they Had oe go. .â- tit'l " Hello," said dohmr spanking team." "Whire?" replied lom")^^,:! " Right across the 'â- t"^^^^It^Ij mother and mine, and ^^^. jbe.' and get out of this,' whicn their mothers after them. smintefetrrer a lot of/'Trfe flask, but he did noi do 't^, duce himself to mike flMk. ii::c;l sJii-lmwH istif. lH -i^fi: LiJuist^;

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