^IP "I Df.-ss Groods,« (i Wool Goods a whicfc I have Isiij -riijgs. fl3l Orerfl th-:! ti-ada in thw I Crtll bt-ftrre pure Irain aud FarB • 1 ** Tv»- .- ••^.â- â- -tt,r\-A»--a-v. ,^.K-^ :, ^- V 3.-N0. 24. MARKDALE, ONT., FEB. 22, 1883. No. 128. IS PUBLISHED THURSDAY EVENING, it Markdala Ontario. per Anumii I.y iDVANCH. Iinuree months. ?2 if not paid till L \\ifi year. No paper discontinued [jrears sre paid up, except at the fthepiil'lixher, and parties refusing hliotit paviiic "P will be held respon- I the rears subscriptions until they ir;ih the rules. EBMS OF ADVERTISINa kran one vear $30 00 d.) 27 50 Ido Jo 15 00 L rto « »0 ,1„ 4 00 iline^, first insertion per line 8 hequfn* iri^rrtion 3 liimlier of liiu'3 to be reckoned by the t'i^x\\ iDeasnrcd by a scale of solid A:lvir[i-e;nents without specific Will be published tiU forbid and I aiTordiiiijU' All transitory adver- must be in the office of bnblica- fioclock on the Wednesday proceed- rpubliCiitiou. JOB PRINTING TV (lescripfion executed with jHiid despatch at the Office of ^NDARD, Markd;ile. C. W. RUTLEDGE. Editor Proprietob. S«tfl». HOTEL, MAKMDALE. T. SPBOULE, Proprietor. rpHIS popular Hotel has A a \ax\ffi ad- X dition added to it, thoronKuly refitted, and is now second to none in the eoanty. ttood stabling and attentive ostler. First class accommodation for commercial travel- ers. |1 per day. Barber's shop in connec ton. CHAT8WORTH HOUSE (ljlts korbow rocbs,) " CHATSWOBTH, Ont. THE undersigned having purchased the above property has h«l it thoroughly renovated and refurnished throughout be- side making other new improvements, 'nhich will jfreatly add to the comfort and conve- nience of his guests, would respectfully so- licit the patronage of the pubho generally. The best brand of liquors and cigars always in stock. Good meal and comfortable rooms guaranteed. Good stabling and attentive hostler. â€" C. H. Mathews, Prop. 114 Markdale Hotel. Good Accommodation for Travellers. 'Bus to and from all trains. Charges moderate. Markdale. A. Butlrsob, Fbop. ibllA* EOBT. ASEIL.. Has opened out a First-Clau Furniture ANDâ€" UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT. And therefure has supplied a want long felt, especially in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, CilSEETS, SHBOUDS, and all FUNERIL FURNISHINflS, supplied on the shortes notice. A. ^Dlendid Hearse tor hire at moderate rates. iLLDKiGKKAND DRILLEB. ALL I'lcrs prom;ir!v attended to. Resi- |.SQKltr',s Hill, Owen Sound. 122-35 leut.M.D., TvI.S.C.P. S., O. bician and Surrjeon, Priceville, ptijf Uuivtfrsity. Viut. College. Now York, and |ra,iiiatL' of the saiae, Avieth Medioal Institute. Opthalmic Hospital, N.Y. rt'Dll. riivsicians A- Surgeons, 0. 104 Dental Ctxrd. leron Knight, DK.VTAL SUPlUEONS, " Ti. A. Cameron and Co's Drug |Po:uritSt..()\VEN SOUND. kiifiitioii 'ivcn to the preservation of F"'it't'tli. \rtiticial Dentures mount- "J. Celluloid, and Rubber bases. l-t* it Markdale the last Tuesday in pjiitii, ' MD.. C.F. Knight, L.D.S. ' i' .Mila?!;o\v, Medalist Roval Col- '^.Oiit. le},'e Den.Sur.,Ont COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVIIjLiE. Ont. Large and commodious Sample Booms Good Bed Booms, c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor John McDonald, CHATSWOBTH, DIVISION Court Clerk, Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses, Commissioner in B.B., Conveyancer, c. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, (fee, attended to promptly, accurately, neat- ly, and cheaply. Private funds to lend in small sums on easy terms. Notes discounted MISS LAMB, DRESS-inAR£R. UP-STAIBS IN Douglas' Block. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Charges moderate. Markdale, Nov. x5th, 1882. lU-Sm- FUENITUKE! From the Common to the Best and Latest Styles, in everything in the line. Call and see for yourselves. ROBT. ASKIN. EARS FOR g MILLION tifUO CHOO'S BALSAM OF SHARK'S OIL poutively Bestcree the Hearing, and ia the Only Abeolnte Cure for Deafness known. This Oil «e afaatranted from peculiar species of small White Shark, caught in the Tallow Sea, known as Cabchabooon Bokdk- LKTii. Kvery Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a restorative of heaiing were discovered by a Buddhist Pr est were dis- covered about the year 1410. Its cures were ao numerous, and many so seemingly mir aculons, that the remedy was officially P^^ claimed over the entire Empire. Its use became so universal, that for ovei 300 years no Deafness has existed amoug the Chinese people. Sent, charges prepaid, X^ anv ad- dress at 91.00 per bottle. Hear vvhnt the Deaf %vkj It bas performed a miracle in my case. J have no unearthly noises in my head, and hear much better. I have been greatly benefited. My deafness helped a great deal â€" think ano- ther bottle will cure me. Its virtues are unquestionabUand its cura- tive character absolute, as the writer can per- sonally testify, botli from experience and ob- strvation. Write at once to Haylock and Jenney, 7 Dej Street, New York, nolosingjl and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable you to hear like anybody else, and whose curative effects will be peimaneut. You will never regret doing so." â€" Editor OF Mebcantile Review. tS"To avoid lo-s iu the mails, please send money by Registered T-etter Only imported by HAYLOCK A JENNEY, late Haylock Co.. Sole Agents for America. 7 Dey StNewYobk 93-145. MB. ANDBEW IIELDBUM AH AkTUnSU. BOT "BTBIKBS IlJt" W OOLOKADO â€" A BKFUTXD mUJONAIBa. |MARSH/VLL, L.D.S. de:ntist, \K\n OF TORONTO SCHOOL I"iitistr^-, will be at Butledge's riirkiiale. on the third Wedn'jsdav of pn:ii forthc practice of his profession. •^^^Wi, l.ss:i. 122-74 R. iVl. Oalbralth i UCTIONEEB AND GENEBAL LAND J* Agent, Williamsford Station. Auction Sales attended in all parts of the County Goods sold on commission. Bales moderate. Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machines; also Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Vines, Agricul- tural Implemennts, and Machinery of all ^linds on sale. Wiliiamsford, Jan. 27. 1891. iegal. Frost Fro«it, "iSrERS. AND ATTORNEYS-AT ^. Hoi citors in Chancerv, Convey «., Uwen Sonnd, have resumed at F"Jn. Ofiiee open L-very Thursday, as s Frost, .1. W. Frost, LL. B. Pi-itv Crown Attorney. 1 l.i»IASSO'\. rJSTER, MASTER ANDDEP. REG â- tancLTv, Xotary Public, Conveyan te-^'!? I-"^-'n AT SIX PER CENT. /-Ouvn Sonnl, in Vicker's Block in Markdale, over MeFar on Fndav an] Saturday every â- 57.IJ St.: an,l IStoro, GIBSON McMillan, CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kincis of BRICK AND STONE WORK, Plain and Ornamental Plasterinfr. CaIsoinininj in all Shades and Culors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- antee ^. Orders left at ahe Stasdabd office will receive prompt attention. Markdale, Feb. 6th, 1883. 126-ly. Union Carriage Wori^s. All work manufactured from First Glass Material In the Latest ard Best Improved Rtvlfl. and firishod with £^ng:lisli ^ariiisli. ' â€" â€" â€" â- â€" Painting Trimming Rigs will receive promjit attention. All Repairs executed iu the shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Remember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAN, WARNING There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet If you want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep your feet dry anci warm by procuring your BOOTS 1 â€" raoM â€" KAY THOMAS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sizes, kept on hand. Remember the place opposite the Eew Sta'jabd Office. Markdale. Dec. 2nd, 1881. Proprietor. 64. HAIR CUTTING AND SHAVING Razors, Straps, and Shaving Brushes for 8.â- ll^^ Bazors sharpened. IS" Orde.-s filled for Tomb Stones. GEORGE Wiiolesaie WILSO., and Retail BUTCHEK! Ci-ea sor* :^i â- â- '^.SOLICITORS 'Vc. iVc. rrison, CONVEY- -,t. Duflerin and in Block, J, MARKDALE; â- jchubuid-. Si,.reon Tliursday jJ'^jOt each week. lCjj'|;',||'!j"^oi i-easonable terms. Kkil m' "' ' • I'uNCAN Mormon r «'e, .March 15, 1S82. 79.lv Wm. Brown, rSSUER OF MAREIAGE LICENSES. A.c Commissioner in B. R. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se earity. LOYAL Of C. O. 0. F. No. 78, on Mqn'iay eveniug o'clock p. m. 108 LODGE. MARKDALE will meet in their hail 'March 5th, at eifiht W. L. YOUNG, SecT. rE*'*^"»nder Brown. ' luV^""**^® I^ic.enses, Fire and -urance Afrent. Uommissionei |onee,[.,,, °"'eyancer and Licensed W 'Vl*' bounty of Grev. Farmers, 'â- 'Hn,i K ' Sales. Punctuallv at- 'ille sl.*^"^* ^^^^ ^erv moderate. "^«Pt.l7.1880. â- i-v •S. Sat"""'"®^'^o' the County of "^•i ahonr/"'"'^*^' i° ^^ or coun- riest uotice. Charges reas«m- 1 ' left It iL r^iBptaHl !â- â- '•^"^ART) office wiU re- EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLathMills Having made eqtensive improvements m myGrist^l.I^«l confident I can give good satisfaction. GOfiO FLOUR AUVAY8 ON HAND. Chopping Doug Every Day. Custom Sawing and Bill. Filled on the shortest notice. .xriTAVfl LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, BnCt^-*. W^^jJ^^^J Basawood. P^ne and Hemloe* IjORi w 691y. M. AKITT. Eugenia. JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GENER'LBLAGKSMITH HORSESHOEING A S P ECIALTY. BANKERS, Ioney J^oanod IN large or small amounts, at all times, vn good .ridorsed notes, or on collateral security. BEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIE1 from a single pound to a vhole carcass, at the lowest market prices. J FISH A FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispone of will do well to call at No. 3 Bums' Block, opposite the new Union Block. Markdale, Oct. 2»th, 1A81 W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR. fc ARCHI- TECT. â€" Besidence on jlill Street, Mark- dale. Markdale. Jan. 21th, 1833. 1241y INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed OH Savings Depoaits. CS-Draft.^ issued and CoUections made on points, at lowest rates. W.M. LUCAS. Manager. September 23. 1880. PABENTS A8D GUABDIAN80P CHU^ dren will flonfer a favorupon »« a»i benefit themMlw if they would inform ttoir Sen thut I will not .ll«m «yoiie Hnd* 16 yeaia ol »ge in my Billiard Bown. D. M. HOGAH.Froprietor. llaAdftlo. J»n. J 5th, i8j3. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions ot youth, ner ' ous weak- ness, early decay, loss of manhood, c.,I will sendareceipe thft will cure you, FBEE OF CHABGE. This great Bemedy was dis- covered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressi d envelope to Bbv. JosFFH T. Ihman, Station D, New York City. M$tmtmp TAILOR. Over McFarlimd's Store, MARKDALE. Special attention to Cdltinf;, If yoa want a Perfect lit toave yonr Chrder with A. HHiIi.- Sentamber 90th 1883. lOS. Advertise in the Siandari^. Mr. Andre «r Meldram. aeon of Mr. Henry Meldrum. the well-known FleBhertoD Station Agent of the T. G. B. B., and a blacksmith by trade baa "strnck lie" in a Colornao siWer minp. Mr. Meldram and three other gentlemen, commenced prospecting among the moantaius of Colorado in the sum mer^f 1881. They met with very litU* if any bucccbb, until about the l^tii of August in the same year, when he Rnd Robinson, one of his partners â€" whilj "prospecting" in the Ued Mountains, found indications that led them to stake out a claim now known as the Gustin mine. They staked out another mine a short dis- tauce from the "Guston." and citlled it the "Yankee Girl." The latter 'â- miuH proved so rich that on the 17th of September they took one thousand doUarB worth of ore rut of it. A com- pany of AmeMcaiisofferedthem $125,- 000 in cawh for the Yankee Girl, and iliey accepted. Mr. Meldrum and liis partners still hold the Guston luine, however, which is said to be enormously rich in precious metals. Ill iact it uiay be stated that Mr. Mel- driiiii is worth a round miUion dol- lais â€" Adravce. [TlKjabove gentleman while yisit- ing hiF sister, Mrs. Alex. Kay, of this village, gave us a call on Tuesday last. His spe (iy occasion to viealtii has not clianged his laauner in the least,b( mi? stili reserved and unassuming iu his deportrae it. He showed us a map, (ir draught of his "Guston Mine," showing the tunnel through which the ore is brought, the camp built of logs with a chimney of silver ore, a black- smith forge built between two trees, the torge also built of silver is worth $1,000, itself. Mr. MeMrum being a blacksmith, keeps the mining tools dressed and sharpened. He has with l.uu BiiecimeuiJ "f Silver and Gold ore, which appear very rieli n; t'.iOES precious nietals. He leaves this week for Chicago where he will remain un- til spring when lie will return to Colo- I'iido.] GLENELG COUNCIL. Council met dt the Town Hall, on the 12tli inst. Members all present. The coinmiitee on the Treasurer's sureties presented their r^'port which was adopted. McMillan, MuUarky, that the path- masters be instructed to be more par- ticular in performing their duty in re- moving all obstructions, includmg fences on the highwayâ€" -carried. Davis, MuUarky, that the Audi- tors report for 1882, an tiually audited by the C»uncil. be adopted and that the clerk be instructed to get 200 copies printed in pamphlet form â€" carried. A By-law was passed appointine: pathraast'jrs, fence- viewers and p juud- keepers. Davis. McMillan, that the following accounts be passed â€" C. W. Uutledge, printing, $3.75 Rowsell Hutchi- son, municipal blanks, $18 09 Thos. Lauder, Registrar's fees, $1.00 N. Mclntyre. deliveiing ballot boxes for two years. $10.00 â€" carried. MuUarky, Duusmoor, that $20.00 be paid Michael Cummins for injuries to bis hose caused by a defective bridge at Barrhead Millsâ€" carried. D.ivis, MuUarky. that J. S. Bbick be paid $2.50, for repairing the 'lowu Hall â€" carried. McMillan, Dunsmoor, that widow Smclair be granted $6.00 as charity, she being in indigent circumstances â€" carried. Mallarky,Davi8, that MissNeather- cot receive $8.00 as charityâ€" carried. Davis, Mnllarky, that a committee be appointed consisting of the Beeye and clerk with instraetions to sectire the best titles they can to road devia- tions in the Township; and that said comroittee be empowered io make any arrangement to secure such titles as they deem beat in the interest of the Township and r^pott at the Octv ber meeiiug â€" carried. Connvil adjourned to meet at the same place ou 4lli Jane next.. li ff' â- ' S'h. â- it r. i i 'â- u i f ' t 1 'm% â- â- â- J â- 1 ':^r X-\ i ll ^i:^^/--m^