Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Feb 1883, p. 5

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 ^y-^- pw^ljpp^ps^ W^PW 'k ^iRiPii^ Jipwij|'»j-| "iwwMi '-mifmii^mi^"""^^^ •^ 'i-SAV "^j^^r •fl-^f^ JIL ' .J- wm:^m mmt giving Gea Satisfaction, )ETROIT WEES y $1.00p«rTeafl ;he newg of tlie wfeki '0-1(1 A« a atwsDaj le continent, in theqi^ lews it furnishes, eio lie information vjsk'l ion price. mil A ^^'^*"' I U DM alone that 1 to all I^ominieni ul^tvibers this yeiirii| to all wki huiiibiJK or worthksii weight in ^,ol(l"to en orsc B; was first pd' contains nearly IWe book and pap«r bott mple copy of paper! POST TRIBC3^ DeiuM a She tost Notice, Hours from loll t( Brown Prepare for Mjqgar ati^u^. Dr. Sproute left for Ottawa TueFdav. on I i \fr oil is leaving Mark- " -*«..cu, «, ' an into the PyAo/.sa/.l"'"::: «^Tue«Uy Miss Mullen, milliuer, left for To^ ic S^ L-dlerv Business in Toronto, ' ' ' :r.shin£ to leave A entered tinoi^^^^hing to leave Mark. hartntrship mth Mr W. SRO l^'A' ' ^^^^ ^/ t'l^^herton, ' -^ J hrartical watchmaker Waaler i over i^ years ex- lince, and comes wilh the best Lco'.nmcndations from some of ' lending K'atchmakers in the [oniinion. Ijfr.Broii'n vi'ill carry on the \;mss in Markdale. {II ivurk enirnsted to him will 'ioiie in a n'jrkmanlike man- jll r^Qvk will be guaranteed, \^lall^nods sold will be found \(j)nsented, or money refund- )oll Brown's, Till I'lople' Watchmakers t Jewellers liill'i^ I^iocU, MAKKDALE ONLY. Wi'd ducks were on the flume at Ford's mill last week. D. J. ShauaUau is building 76 rigs ior the coming summer. Nonjination on the 20tli, and poll- ing on the 27th for M. P. P. election. Miss Minnie Roike left for Toronto on Tuesday. She will return in a week. F^esherton skating rink hns collaps- ed with the weight of snowâ€" Shelburue rink likewise. Moflfat Bros, are building a 15 horse power engine for Armstrong Uros. turnmg factory. Mrs. Mite advertises her farm for sale. A descriDtiou of it may be seen in another column. TO GtNSmiPnVES. The Mlveituer, having oeen psmuuieut^ eared ot thAtdread duease, Gonsaniption, by a simjde remedy, is anxioas to make known tohiafeUow^afferent the means of cure. To aU who deMre it, he will send a oo)iy of the prescription used, (free of charge.) with he directions for piepairing and using the aaioM which tiiey will find a Sorb Citbb for Cv*' â- OMPTioK, Asthma, Bbokchitis, fcc. Parties wishing the I'rescription, will I^ease address, Bev. E. A,'WiL«»n, 149 Penn St.. Williamsburgh, N. T. 75-127 Re-Fresh-ing In the eool asaertien ot scnae people that tkey can aeU bokiw eoat, Ac it may not be amiss to let the pidtlia'Ot Ifaikdale aad sar- roondinvg eoontry knew tha* ACCENTS WAWi'BD. -Big pay.â€" Light Werk. Steac^ Emplovment. Samples free. Address, M. L. BYBN, 4« Naassaastree New Tork. 20 Land for Sale. inn ^*^*^^: a'o'it 30 of which is iVyvJ cleared, being composed of the E. half of Iiot li», in the 8th concession "f the Township of Euphrasia. Apply at this office, Mr. Arch. Speers, Senr., arrived I " *° Robert Dunlop, Township Clerk of .ocal and Other Items. BcHUfiful weather. iJIr. Doil left for Torouto on Tuesday. [be sidewalks are safe from wear J tenr. ReaJ llie address of Robt. Myles, i;q., Ill this issue. Iioii't 11 TUG t to attend the Ball [amily Jubilee Singers in tlie Metho jiitCliuich to i.igbt. Admission 25c. Allasqueiade will be give on the llrtrkdale iiuk, on Friday the 23rd, Jheu a number '^f prizes will be given ^^"^S^' ud a tjood tune is expected. .1 pi'litical u:2eting will be held to- ii"iit ill the Orange Hall, Markdale, ].H. Huuter, M. P. P. Mr. Blyth, llie CnisL-rvative candidate, will be Irescut. Mr. .\.. Spiers, Senr., of ^Vinnipeg, li)vertije= property for sale in the liorth ^Ve^t in this week's issue. He fciay be cc'inilted at Mr. Mclntyre's me, cu th:' 20t.'i inst. Mrs Wyvill will sell by public auc- houon the 1st March, ou Lot 4, cuu. 10, Euphrasia, a quantity of farm itDck luipitments, u. 8 months cre- twil Geo. be iiivtii on good notes, )ble, Auctioneer. .Auction- Sale. â€"On Tuesday, Mar. th.i.ii thi' 'rt•lnises of Mr. Edmund illiaras, Lit U, con. 1, West T. linail. a quantity of farm stock, imiilemciits and household furniture, ill tie solii without reserve. Ten oiitb.s credit ou approvea notes. R. • Galhraith, Auctioneer. Fine Finish.â€" If you would like to fiiic tiuishfd jucturt^s take a lock •liruu'li ur studio. New samples I'littiinicd out that will surprise you. "t a man in the business has made "c'lvast imiUMvements in the art in ncli a siirrt tiin'i as J. L. Browne 'JirWale, over the STAND^BD Office. I^^^o hundred and fifty -four Metho- 1â„¢ Clmrch boards have so farrep' rt- as'liHvii g voted on the union ques.- '"•i' Uftliis number two hundred ""J thii ly fc.ur declared themselves in 0! tlie scheme, and twenty *?"ii;M it. Tiiis makes an aggregate "'-â- 950 votes for the basis, aiad 482 "j'ai siir. from Winnipeg on Tuesday. He looks hale and hearty. Mason McKenna are making pre- parations for the Somn^er by building a large number of wheeled rigs. Mr. Benson of the B Ifast House is endeavoring to ferrjt out that Balti- more legacy. We hope he may suc- ceed. Mr. Fred Sarjeant returned this week from Barrie where he has been visiting friends. He was snow-bound four days on hi.s way home, At the quarterly business meeting of the Canada Methodist Church, Markdale, held last Monday, tlie basis of union was passed by 21 to 2. Farmers and others desiring a genteel, lu- crative agency business, by which 8.5 to 820 a day can be earned, send address at once, on postal, to H. C. Wilkinson Co., 195 and 197 Fulton Street. New York. 121-6m Mr. J. H. O. Marling, a clerk in the Canaaian Bank ot Commerce at Owen Sound, accidentally shot himself in the arm on Monday. "^^rs. McCarthy, will ye hare an inion " "Ochj no, I thank ye, I never ates fruit but I'll tumble to a. cup. of Thrimble k Wright's tay, if ye'U pass ii up." It is reported that Mr. Guroey, of the Bank of Commerce, Durham, ha 3 decamped leaving a shortage of from $15,000 to $25,000. The Presbyterians of Ilesherton have fully decided to build a church the coming Summer, The edifice will be white brick with stouo founda- tion. We understand that the auditors of the Polic Trustees acoants have com- pleted their work. If ho the ratepay- ers would like to see tht-ir report pub- lished. Gibson McMillan^ builders and coutractors, are prepared lo take cuu- tracts in stcme or brick fr thee oming season. They are j)ract:cal men aud good me'.Aauics. It was a jolly party that was snow bound here. At the Markdale House they kept the music going lili the time and converted their enfoicad impri- sonment into a little Suig-Sing. Euphrasia, Griersville P. O. 117-tf. Just Arrived A LARGE STOCK OP N EW ANKlSHIOrriBSE DZXSTT 0-003DS, poots and Shoes, NEW GROCERIES, At prices which will astonish you. Call aud see. TVil^iOD Benson, the "BELFAST HOUSE." MABEDALE, can »eH " cheaper than the cheapest," and "better than the beit." all kinds of Groceries, Liquors, c. Consisting of TEAS, TOBACCOS, SPICES, CANNED FISH, ETC., And for those wishing pare W'tae for Sac- ramental purposes, wfli find a b i ' Od ttiat will eqsal nitythixg OB tliin side the lAtlantic. Other Idqoors equally pure' SraciAi! Pure Holland Gin." Cheese from the best mairafactories. Oar Whiskieg are from the firm of G6od- erham k Worts, Toronto, aod the public may rely on receiving them as they are sent. FLOUR. POTATOES, and everything in the household line kept constantly on hand. Henceforth my Store will be supplied with Pmits of all kinds, such as APPLES. PEARS, PLUMS, Ac. FRUIT CAKES of all kinds always kept on hand. Essences. Hair Oils, and Perfumery of the choicest nectars. TOILET FANCY SOAPS, better than the best. CANADIAN WESTERN PORK, of first quality. Everything in the Grocery Line kept on a fuller nnd more complete scale than at any other place in Markdal**. WILSON BENSON Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs or auy kind of Fowl at the Cheap Stobe. JOHN DOUPE, Flesherton Station. Nov. l.^th, 1882. 114-8n:. PIMPLES Health is Wealth Dr. E. C. Wesi's Nerve and Br.un Tkeat- MENT, a guarantetid specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralgia, Headaclip, Nervous Prostration caus- ed bv the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wake- fulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain, resulting i/i Insanity and leading t.o misery, decay and death. Premature Old Age, J3arr enness, Loss of Power in either sex,* Involuntary los.sc-i and Spcrmatorrhcea, caused by of er -exertion of the braiu, self abuse or over- indulgence. One box will cu e recent cases. Each box contains one mouth's treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for fiye iiollars sent by mail pie- paid on receipt of prce. We guarantee six boxes to care any ca-e. With each order re ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with five doiiars, we will send the purchaser a written ga!iraut'e to refund the money if the treatment does not eff^ct a curs. Guar autees issued only by A. Turner feCo., soh authorized Agent for Markdale Ont. .loht C. West (SfCo sole iiro.nrietor.Toronto.Ont. 1 will mail (Free) the recipe for a simple Vkoktable Balm that will remove Tan- FRECKLKS, PIMPLES and Blotches, leave ing the skin soft, clear and beautiful also instructions for producing a lux iriant growtl of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Ad- dress, enclosing *3e. stamp, Ben. Vandelf Co., 5 Beekman st.. N. Y. 75-127 ERRORS OK YOUTH. GENTLEMAN who suffered for yejir- /11 from NERVOUS DEBILITY, PREMA TUBE DECAY, and all the effects of yoiith ful indiscretion w91, for the sake of sufferhip humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe pnd directions for making the simph' remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing tc profit by the advertiser's experi- ence can do so by addressing in perfect confi dence, JOHN B. OGDEN. 70-127 42 Cedar St.. New York MABEDAIjE Meat Market. A omstant snpply of Fresh Meats li on hand, at the Lowe: 1 Living Prices. Orders solicited,' and deiiv- ered free to^'all.p^rts of the Town. Farmers having fat stcck to dispose of, wih please leave; their addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale March 23. 1S82. 80- It sEEiHii IS bfxieying; GENTLEMEN,â€" If you want a first-elas^ Buggie or Wagoir call at MCKENNA MAbON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can su.iph you with anii:iug from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension 1 oo Phaeton. To buy from them is to S V 1 l O ]N K Y I They are both pract.cal workmen and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN Thej giifliaut'e heir work Second to uoiie for Lightness of Draught ami Suptriority of Finish. WlAINITIEIDI AT The Eclipse Mill. 100,000 It. Chony, 500,000 ft. Hemlock. 100,000 ft. Baswood, also tlm and maple sawlogs, and 800 cords cedar bolts 4 feet 8 inches long for which the Highest price will be paid. Sparling Brothers, Proprietors. 1-2 5- J -2 V .\r,: iBKM. â€" A vouiic man xiaBifed j'"'"i 'tr.iiiam, who^ie parents re!iled "jO-Viey t.iwnship, wliilst chopoinu r"'J'o ,1 far rhe Messrs. Nelson, a |--"i^;ile-, fir,u Oundalk, received a iT^^- â- â- â- 'I Hi I he ri^ht foot on Tues- \y iiMniiiig. 1,,, winch frwo of the 'oes l*^"e sevHrc-d 'therefrom. He was 'â- "'"iiit tn DuudaMc where medical aid "' ifi^, aud he is now doing as 'i-' e;ui hi t expected. â€" Herald. 'Lj.ing\vo. D Collegiate Institute. I'c 'y â-  o 10 the tvouhle in JSimcoe last »' Iiiterineduxte examinatiov i â- . '" just uffore Christmas. The â- f,i„^t"" "â- Jug others from this |, 'I'y. passed as follows :â€" Grade C -^"'i^er, Flesherton; Elsie â- ^- revprsham Neil Kennedy, '" Mary Mclutvre, of Mcln- -nito T7r' J^"" l'«rks. Fever- %T V â-  '°°"'"' Horniug's (^'i' .â-  *• i'^orke, Heur,hw-tp. Grade Mr J J'^^'^^^Iiitvro. of Mclntvre. ^[.""•^Parguyel failed by only a has "ne^vii; "The proof of the pudding is the chewuig of the string." We are iulurmed by rthable parties that never in one case has any ef that tamous 28r. tea been returned to Trim- ble Wright, although every pound is war- ranted to be TLpresented or money refunded. Skating is the chief amusement, and the rink is well pairouiaed in tins place. B. Montgomery, the mauager, keeps good order aud is very attentive to the wants of the patrons aud visi- tors for which he deserves credit. A young lady of Ijoudou, Got., swallowed a hzzard wliile drinking from a water- work« tap. A youi.-g man in the same neighborhood got a fish into his stomach from the same source. They, however, got rid ol them. A. W. Laud, r, M. P. P.. will linl 1 meetings as follows:â€" Bocklyn, Mnr. 15th; Markdale, 10th; Dundalk, 19th; Maxwell, 21st; Williamsford, 22ud^ Meetings to commence at? p. m., «"« at Flesherton ou tbe 20th, aoiuioa- tion day. Wilfobd's Microcosm for February 13 before us. It is as usual deeply in- teresting in religious Hud scientific matters. It cimuoi tail to arrest the attention of the reader and prove a Taluable instructor. Price ^1 Ijr annum. HhU Co., pubhsbers, -i3 Park Bow, N. Y. Atjctio SALB.-Mr. N. A. McLean Co. Auctioneer, has been favored with instructions from Wm. Milne, Lsq to sell by- puWio action on lot ^u, .cou 4, Osprey. ou the 6th March, his stock, ioBtlemeirtfl. »5.- air. fine, well-b'-ed -tocli. J. W. FORD. MARKDALE MA N HO 00 HOW LOST, HOW RESTOREOi /^^^-x We have recently published a new â-  SB A.1. jedition of Dr. CtTLVKUwKi,i.'8 Cele- ^â- ^^^"^r^^BEATED Es-sAY on the vadicaJ and pemianeut cure (without medicinu) of Ner- vous Debility. Mental and Physical incop.ici ty, Impediments to M'arriage, c.. reuniting fnHn excesses. •-•** Price, in sealktS enveloj^, onlyS ciBntu, or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirnMf Essay, clearly demonstrates, froiin thirty years' successful practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radically cared without the dangerous use ȣ internal medioiiMB or the ase of the knife pointing oat « mode of cum at once- simple, certain and- effectual, by means atf which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may bo, may cure himself cheaply, pri vat elj' and radically. fcS'Thw Lecture should be in the hands of everj* 'oi*th and every man in the land. Adlrerts The Cnlverwell Medical Co,. P.O. bos 450 41 Ann St., ^ew Vork 110-62 They use nothing uut First-class Wlute Oak for Wagi n:-. niid tin ice Extra Kccoud Growth Uickorv for light work The immenst amonni of work turne- 1 out of McKeniia Masmi's shop is snfiicicn- ' proof of the wide lei utation they enjoy foi dong good work. The BEST is thr CHEAPEST in hie END Poor ch'ap work we jiositively will not tak*' Special aitention given to Te-Trimminj and Rena.ntiiig itli classes of Carrage Work. Sati-factioii guaranteed (or No Pay) iu HORSESHOEING nHOF â€" (n •: Sireet opposite t'j Siir â-  i(.-"s Jiotel. THOS. iATHEWS, ImssE Eslaiiiiiill MARKDALE. E VE 1! YTH Vf IN OUR Li: IB ' KEPT ')N TAND OR-MADE; T' ORin U ON' SHORT,. NOTK^J-:. L IV E H Y I -^ ncusi mucT or fIjOXJE mills farm Milne has a s wort in need of such,, â€" offered for sale^ the «ame time if, not sold will be rented. U mo-' which is worthy the attentioR of tjr^e '" â€" K The «arm will be :ihji»ct. credit on good pap«r. tt-ra for particulars. 11 month- See large po:. JNO. MONTGOMERY, 13 ^V Iv K K' Beg^ to tender bis thanks to the inhabitants .f Markd..le and surrouuding cou try for pa.st patronage, and t., inimi-it.- ,o them that h./i8 prepare to supply the pub^c wiUi Fruiti Pomid and Plum Cake otjor plpiu or ired and oniamcnted. Also Bride' Caftes gr.t v,p in the l;est style that aiu be done this side of Torouto. Bread, B.uns, ^nd., Cikes I in great variety. All Ihes? '^^JPf^J^' on his own premises bv lum elf I'T^^^' «*- cnit of e.erv description from tho best man- ^ifaoturers in Ontario. CMIWEST CONFSCTIOIIERY in izreat'variety. Tea Mee irgs. Social*, and oS^ -Hcs /npplied ou the shortest not«,. a .a oD t'.s .no-t rea-ouable terms. joh:t .mo'ttgomeby. Markdale, N.v. 2:iud. l^dJ. 116-im I $500 Reward We will p ly tiie above reward for any case 1 rf Live- Complaint. Dysptpsia, Sick Head- I ache, Indige.-ition Con' tipation or Costi^e j ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable i Ijiver Pill-:, when the directions are strictly complied witli They are purely Vegetable,! and never fail to give satisfaction. Suijar j tJoatcd, r.arge Boxes, containing 30 Pills, i 2. cts. For Kale by all Drnggiat.s. Beware of counterfeits and immitatiovs. The genu- ine manufrtctnred only by JOHN C. W'EST A- CO., '-The Pill Makers," "1 83 King St Ea.st, Toronto Ont. Free t' ial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. tar sale at Turner Co. Drug Store. Mothers! Mother's! Mothers Are you disturbed a. ni-^ht and broken of yonr W8t by a sick chiW siiff^'ring and crying with the excrociatiiw pain of cutting teeth! Ufa gi) at once and f^t a hottte of (jiS. WlN.«LOW'S SOOTHINU SÂ¥KUP. It will relieve- the. ptar littL* imfftsrer intaediati-If^-.- deoeud apwak ;ther»iM»j^utiHitiibe alent it. Th«re i ivt a mother upou aarth who lia. ever used it, who will not tell yon 4it on«» that it will regolate the Itowels, aud give rcbV to the mother, aud relief and health to the ••hild. op'trating like ma«ic. It is perfectly Mfc to 080 ii\ ail eases, ima pteamut to tue taste, and ii tJie pr8criptiou of one of the ol- d at an I b^"t female phy.itian8 a^id imrse^ iiT tltfl CmUHt Htflt s. Suld every wlMid ai 5 e«uU a buLlle- ' *- BUCHU HE OF THE lEST nrvESTiGATOss nr use. It is a apeeiflc in the cnr» of alt ffiseows I of the Kidneys, Bladder, Prostatic For- 1 tioii of the Urinary Organs, Irritation of I tbe Keck of the Bladder, Brnning Urine, t Gleet, Ctonorrhea hi all its Btwes^ucoos Discharges, Congestion of the Kidneys, f Briok Doit Deposit, Diabetes, Inflamma- 1 tion of the Kidneys and Bladder, I^pgy of Kidnigra. Add Urine, Bloody Urine, Pata In tfieWion of the Bladder, PAIN IN THa BAC^ Urinary Calculus, Benal Calcalus, Benal CoUc, Betention of I Urine, Frequent UriuaUon, Oravelin all Its forma. Inability to retain the Water particnlany in personsadvanoed in life. IT 18 A lODNEy nrvEanaATOB that restores tbe Urine to itsnatnral oolor, ranoves lle acid and bonilng and tbe I egectof tbeeama si y eM eoftotoad c at in g drink. I •!, or Sli Bottle* for tS. ThMe who BMdidm from thair obula a bottto of tUi BDar I lfar wiUi itaaji I xa one aoU br aB OroBgiits. W. JOHNSTON A CO. itortheV.n. I CTIWIT, IH ct i 1 o SCtL OR HENl TOT 15, CON. 12, H0LLAN1», J22 /â- sycXM. lOrt cleared. e«oH h^dldiM^â- Â«thel• on. -Term-f easy. AppW .to Jauie-. Logax, Porituiaster, near the pr mi ». or try M. S. KELLOW, Ta-aP. O. NovemWrJ4th,..l«k,3. llirtL '-) t â- u 3' m^ if i I I IJ.' â- ^'.â- â€¢ Ui\ â-  i: Cl i t: t I ' It m \. ' JM

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