Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Feb 1883, p. 4

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 h -^ M'l: «#.' iM â-  I 3 f f: f- â-  Rj? The Standard. MAEKDALE, tEB. 15th, 1888. THE STORM. For quantity of snow and duration of stormy weather the presert winter is uniiretedented, there being almost nu entire blockade in traffic by r )1 and otherwise. The morning •^rain from Toronto get as far as Orauge- ville on Thursday and was unable to proceed further. A snow plow left that place early in the moruing but became snow-bound within three miles of Shelburne, where it remained fast until Monday. The moniiug train on Tbu'-sday left Owen Sound an i was unable to pn ceed but a short dis- tance south oi Markdale. The pas- sengers and many of the (jitizens turned out and shovelled, deter mined to make way for the iron horse to proceed, but all in vain as the wind proved more than a match for them, it filling up the canal ah fast as ihey could dig it. Dr. Sproule, M. P., had 1^ arr espandanca* NoTiCB.â€" We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold oarselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents A LETTER FBOM MANITOBA. started on thLi ill fated train for Ot*.a wa, and proved himself one of the best shovellers of the volunteer gang, but of course had to return and bide his time until Tuesday. After hours of toil endeavoring to l-reak the 'univer- sal bank" a dispatch came over the wires with onlers to retreat until storm would subside, which was not until Saturday moruing, when all the help that cnuld be secured was sent on the line and continued shovelling until Monday night when the track was again c'ear, uud tlie Toronto mails of four days arrived at a late hour. Trains are now running regular, but the depth of snow along the line is aomethiug terrible, in manv places being liigher than the tops of the coaches. OKANGE CUUNi'Y LODGE OF SOUTH GEEY. At the anuuiil meeting of the Loyal Or inge County Lodge of South Grey, which was held in the Orange Hall, Markdale, on tbe 6th lust. â€" after the completion of the general business â€" the following brethren were duly elect- ed officers for the present year â€" Bro. J. Brodie, W. C M. " R. Aligoe, W. D. C. M. " R. Fennel, D. Chap. " J. Elliott, C. R. Sec. " T. Jones, C. F. Sec. " W. A. Anderson, C. Treas. " G. Rutherf )rd, C. D. of G. " I. O. Armstrong, C. Lecturer Notwithstanding the seventy of the weather, and bad state of the roads, there was a large number of the delegates from the vaiious local and district lodges present. The reports from the district lodges showed the order in South G'ey to be in a very healthy and progressive stale. Two new lodges wt^re organized in ihis county during the past year. Prior to adjournment, Allan Park was fixed upon as the place for hold ing the semi annual meeting and Durliana as the next place tor holding tike annual meeting of this County Lodge. EUPHRASIA ELECTION. Mr Myles, Reeve of Euphrasia, has bfen appointed County Valuator, and in consequence resigned the Reeve ship. A new election took place on Monday, the 12th inst.. and resulted in a victory lor Mr. Gilray. The voting in the various polling- divisions was as follows Fawcett. Oilray. Kerr. Yard No. 1 22 82 4 a 84 46 8 8 25 75 1 4 4 2C 4 5 4 23 6 8 1ft 2 Total 92 221 14 [The foUowinK we glean, by request, from a letter written br JohinB Robinson, fonnrly an emploree cii the T. G. B. railway, and recently on the H 4 N W. railway bnt now on the C. P. railway. Manitoba.â€" Ed.] Rkoina, N.W.T., Dec. 27th, 1882. Mb. Clark, Dear Sir. â€" We are all in the best of health and spiritii, the family bt-iuK agreeablr snr prised aA the weather we have ht^d this win- ter. VTe have had finer winter weather so tax thnn yon ever saw in Ontario, mnek coldei of course, but no snow to speak of, and a pan, dry kind of fiost. The day befoie Christma.s I was .^73 miles west of Winnipeg, and neitber overcoatg nor mitts were necessary, and no snow on the ground or fcigns of any. I am writing this in the largest city in the world for its age, and a finer day 1 never saw in my Ufe, mild and pleai:ant. A.S for liking the ooantry, I like it well and would not t;o back to Ontario on any account, as I have great confidence in the future of the country. I Lave been out in worse storms along the T. G. B. rail.vay than we have had here as yet, but repoit says that March is stotniy. I intend to get a farm next Summer in what is called the Bow River Region, at tlie foot of the Rocky Mountains. Cattle live out doors all the j-car round and no snow ever falls. People comes out here as far .s Win- nipeg or Brandon, and not finding things as pleasant as they expected, they go back to Ontario, and ^ive others to understand that they know all about the North-West, while they know little about it. Either a capital- ist or a working man will succeed out here as no man gets less than 82 per day, and living is ve-ry little higher than in the East. jSection men get $2 per day and pay $4.50 per week for board we pay 2.5c. for a meal, and I paid 2Qc. on the IL N, W. railway. I got $1.75 for ICO mUes th^re and I get ?3.15 here. I make S3 every day in the month, and have a good time as well, and I am at home half my time. We have a free house in Broadyiew, and fuel is not one cent dearer than in Toronto or Hamilton. Our house is frame, with a lining of thick brown paper inside and black tar paper outside, and is warmer than thousands of houses in the cities of Ontariov The therraometo* regis- ters a de.gree of c«rld that would freeze yon as dead as a nail in Ontario, but the air is so dry here we do no; feel it the same. Twenty degrees below zero out here is no worse than 5 below zero 100 miles east of here. Some people think this is a cold, drtary and barren region, but please believe when I say that they make a. great big mis- take, as it is a bright, cheerful country and every one is happy and comfortable. Through Ontario one often meets with people in poor circumstances- and hvin? in poverty the year round. Out here it is dif- ferent, as eTesyone seems to prosper, and all aie confident of doing well. Of course there ar* a class of people who are too shift- k ss- to get along in any country. I have worn the very sjme clothes this winter that I did last and have been just as comfortable. We are as comfortable here as we were in Hamilton, and have the consciousness of knowing that we are in a good country, and fuel confident «f set uring a eompetency 'n a few years, which we would perhaps never get in Ontario. 1 beg to remain your devoted and affec- tionate son-in-law, John B. Robinsox DonH forg Trmbln* Wright's /reat taking I FOR SALE. Fibth;â€" In Flesherton, on the 16th inst.. the wife of Mr. T. H. Firth, of a danyhter. MARRIAGES Walkbbâ€"Calvuhtâ€" At Christ C. nrchJMark- dale,on the 6th inst., by Rev. J. Ward, Mr. W. R. Walker, (tinsn-ith.) of Cookstown. to Miss Mary, eldest daughter of John Calvert, Esq., of Sydenham terras. A BRICK DWELLING i\, with garden. Thia is a very desu'aUe resi- dence, will be sold obeai for cash or on reasonable A. TURNER A Co. Medical HaU DIED Hogan.â€" In Markdale.on the 13lh inst., Mr. Matthew Hogan, aged 92 years McAbthpbâ€" In Glenelg. 2n the 4th inst., the wife of Mr. Hugh McArthur, -fcged 24 years McCaknâ€" In T olland. on the 9th inst.. George, son of Mr. Francis MoCann. aged 24 years Nonce to Debtors. AJ-L PERSONS INDEBMED TO ME are requested to call and settle with Afr. Turner, of the Medical Hall, or with Dr. Armstrong, aad ^ave trouble. A receipt from either of the above will be acknowledged by T. G. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLiE. Change €t Time. ALL THE REUS, THE ONLY On and after Monday, trains will run as followi* Nov. 20th, 1882, OOINa « TH. Re^ Daum. P M- 4 25 6 00 6 4.5 8 44 8 45 15 9 55 P.M. A.M. 7 30 9 05 9 55 12 20 12 06 2 25 11 50 1 30 P.M. AM TofcOSTO Cai*wbll Jlmc OBAUaBVILLK MoCMT FOBKST. Markdale Tekbwateb f kshebton .. OWIK O0ND OOIKO SOUTH Rtad Up. P.M. 9 10 7 31 6 50 4 30 4 30 2 45 4 47 3 10 P.M. A.M. 10 45 9 05 8 27 G 30 6 27 5 00 6 43 5 15 A.M. 127-29. T. S. SPROULE. M. D. FARM FOR SALE. 1 A A ACRESâ€" being Lot 2" Con. 10, 1 iJ\J Glfinelg. This farm is three miles from Markdale, with about 40 acres cleared, balance, hardwood bush with sufficient cedar for fencing the place It is well watered with never failing stream of spring water. Young orchard, log house, and stables. Clear deed can be given. For price and terms ap- ply to MRS. MITE, on the premises. Mark- dale P. 0. â€" Also a farm waggon and fanning mih for sale 127-if LOOK OUT FOR ' MANITOBA PARTIES INTENDING TO RBMOVL to Manitoba should see me on Wed- nesday, Feb. 20th, at A. Mcln tyre's store, in Markdale, and get a bargain of good laad â€" cla s No. 1 You need not grub at stones and stumps for years. You need not go 2 tl* or 30U miles beyond civilization. You need not take land that has been culled over from the Government. You need not pay the high price to the C P. R. company tbey now hold their lands at, when yon can come and pu'-chase from me at half the price lour or five good blocks for sale in well settled lo- calities. Don't foifget Wednesday, the 20th, in Markdale. 127 ARCH. S?EI:RS. Senr. will also run between Tor- onto and Owen Sound. See Time Table. Edmund Wbaook. D. McNicoLL, Uen. Paxs. Agt. General Manager. MAEKDALE MAEKETb. THREE DOlURTit. 25 CENTS Ai ONECQi^ «3"Less than Han. any other MomiiJ,' cauvasMngfortheWoiM vasseers wautel eveif,ri,^ card for terms and ^^' ' S-niPLE tOPi- WOBlD PRiNliiil ^^'°- 1 King rtrttu Horse Fop A GOOD GENERAL IT r\. 7 years oil warrantej^. by the umlerMgned v[\\\^, cash. Apply to Opposite the lii.^bigij Fall Wheat, $0.95 to »1.00; Spring ?0.96 to ^1 00; Barley. 5. c; Peas, 68; Oats, 37e Butter, 17c; Eggs. 2()c; Potatoes, 40c; Hay. 8c).0u Pork, 7.2^ to T.C'.; Flour, S4.75 to $5 00; GrassSeed, «1.75.to.$2.C0 FLESHEETON MAEKETB. Fall Wheat, ?0.93 to »0.98; Spiing, S0.95 to *0.M; Barley, 55c; Peas, 6«c; Oats, 36e; Butter. 17c; Eggs, 20c; Potatoes,40 c; Hay, »9.00; PWrk. $7.25 to «7 60 TO THE Electors of East Riding OF THE COUNTY OF GREY. TOEONTO MAEKb:TS. FaU Wheat, 10.99 to-»1.02; Spring, tl.03 to $1 054 Barley, 55c to. 73c; Oats, 41c to 43c Peas, 70o to 75c; Hogs, $8.00 to »8.?5; Pota- toes, per bag 75o to 8a«; Batter, dairy. i7e to 20c; eP8, 30c to 32c. Mt%»tm» Gehtlemen. â€" ^on. John K|eMumch, an old and re- 'pofied citizen fl5tTOT«»tu. died at his r«si- «i«u«froa X'newlay last, aged 78 years. ICr. ttcBride will have a coocignment of lerrii)g.' tiont, and wiiite fish at P. Cook's. I'lc-^berton S ation, to-day, (the 15;h SCHOOI. mmumtkS A11 the auth- ••riaeil MKt b^Miks fxxt common schools for *aleat th« Sfodical Hall. â€"A. Iosneb Ci 127 28 The PrcsbyterLtB C,nversaziane held last Mvcmiig in the chnvch was poorly attended. Hnt a verv ple»f*ant veuiiig wa.-* spent. Mr, Uowjs was voted lo the chrtir.Hud a lengthy I'l-oprau me was foue thr n.;!' compris.ng ivad.iigs. recitation.^, mu ic. Ax. Ai.M. 8T A FiK«. â€" At an eaily hoar jestei- •knj morniug smol^c wa.1 dis^ivered i sniug ii.im therear 4»f the Maiisiou House, owueu y Mr. 0. Reynul is, and uccupitxl by Mr. W. '-.ay. Upoa etituring the building it wbk f uui that a Ix'xcou.aiminj a quantity of ruo- i'i.-h was on fire, but was immediately ex t.iiiguilM#d. Had it not been noticed at Xmb time it Wf« tkcie ix no dunbt bat that Wb â- Â»oal-i have hiiJ to clinuicle the worit fire ^iint has ever taken place hfre, as the buUJ- r.K3 »djo uiiig it are all frauic. "The causa «k; its txs til imknoA-n.. PRESENTATION AND ADDRESS. Mabki»aie. Feb. 12th, 1883. To J. Casar, Esq., Agent T.G.dB. Raihcaij, Deab Sib.â€" We, the undersigned.consider- ing the extreme kindness aisplayed by you durmg the past week, whilst we have been delayed by the unprecedented storm of snqw, request you«- acceptance of the enclosed. Should at any time the vicissitudes of uu- faroj able weather compel us to locate here for such a length of time, your kindness will ever be remembered. Had it not been for the despatches so kind- ly f 01 warded by you over the wires, our stay would have been rendered simply unbearable. Trusting you may be advanced to some more honorable position in the T. G. u Railway at an early date, and that happiness and prosperity ever fayjr yon ana yoms. We are your s, faithfully, W. Duhdas, A. Duncan ct Co., HamiUot. T. P. Hates, Ogilcu dt Co., Toronto JSO. RoQEBSON, Alex. Harveij £ Co., Hamilton. Thos. Duncajc, P- O. Dept., BellevHle. Having been solicited by a large number of the Electors of this Eiding to offer myself as a candidate for your sunges, for the representation of this Eidiug, in the House of Assembly ot Ontario, at tue approaching elec- tion, I Iwwe consented to become a candidate lor the following reasons; 1. There is a growing feeling in this constituency that it should be le- presfcuted by a resident fanner, and not, as at present, by a Toronto lawyer whose interests (owing to his profes- sion and location) cannot be identical with yours. 2. I am a farmer, and have been a resident of this County for thirty-six years. Having represented the Town- r.hip of Euphrasia in the County Council for ten years I flutter mybelf that I am well acquainted with your wants and requirements and will it elected, use my utmost endeavors' to further youar interests. I may state that I have been iden- tified with tne Liberal Conservative party, although always advocating in- dependent principlesâ€" refusing on all occasions to accept tbe errors in Leg- islation of my own party, as wise and useful, or to denounce the best acts of njy opponents to be injurious an-1 coirut,t as at present practised by party politicians. "' If elected I will vote and act fV)r tUe hest intcjrcstfl of my constituents and the Province of Ont«rio. irr. spect.ve of parjy-l will support "mjlsurts and not party. I will use my best and mos4 earn-st endeavors to nave the M^^X^o »^U0, as at present, to $400- and als^o to have our Municipal A ssi'smen and Line Fence Acts amended .o that many of our local differences can .be settled at home, without tlL aid cS Lawyers and e:tpen8ive liti^jati..^ iselievinc tlie timo i.„,. _° TAILOR. Over McFarM's Store, MARKDALE. Special attention to Calting.^^j If you -wamt a yo'ir Order witL Perfect Fit leaT^ A. HILiIa. IOC. Sentember -^th 1882, Farm for Sale. That well-know farm, known by the nami- of ' Mount Royal Farm," lots 117 and 118, containing loO acres, n the 2nd concession noith east of the Toronto and rtydenham gravel load. in the lo-uship of Ar.emesia county of Grey. 3^ miles from the tliriving village of Markdhlc on the T. G. B. rail- way 5i miles from the flourishing village of Flesherton, on tha same line of railway Good roads all around, and plenty of gri^i, and saw millit in the immediate vicinity Soilâ€" clay loam; very 1 ttle atone on tbi place, aadiwhat stones there, was are nearix all taksaeat and utilizea iniffences, Nearly all thft fences ar.- first clas« cedar, stone un- derneath t keep them off the ground This 18 the best laid out farm' in the county Therg u a iaue two rods wide right in tbe centre leading from the road to the bush There 18 a row often ac-e fields o» each side of the laie good new gates and. bars on all the fieldi; 80 acres under cultivation; 2(» acres goal hardwoo.1 biish. It is all good dry worlable land, just rolhng enough for good draiaage BO acres is fit for all sorts of machine^, and 20 acres is stumpy land Ten acre, of fall Mtlieal in the ground, well summer lallowod, 15 acres seeded last sprine with ciorer and timothy for meadow ten acres of lastiase, ten acres of good rick cod to breakup for summer fallow this season the rest .f the clearing i« well plowed for 8iiing cr.p. This f«rm is in the best state of cultivation and guaranteed to be free from aUvtld stuff such as wild oa». S mustard, cockle, che.a or wild g,aT^«Hl very fe^ thntlea. Tks is a good^l^el^r r 882^ L^T^l T^ '"" ^^^' ««««on (1882) I had (,0« bushels of wheat oft 90 Otrril^" f ^^ **^ 10 of spring wSea't Other graii and roots ik projirtiSn. AI l^Iesherton s3 STEAM GRISTl Is now giving Satisf actio â€" 0â€" Chopping donel Working da CAN HAVE YOu'r GIS THE SAME Dill GEO. MOOf THrGREAT MICHI THE DETKOIT Will POST AND II Oalj ^l.OO'pfrYi^ Contains all tlie ne-ics of t e i parts of the wo-ld A« « hhvm superior on tbe cuiitinent. inti character of news it fiimis-bes.f gi-ving valuable infonuation ra the subscription price. MANITOBAaion?!^ i' interesting to all Pomamn vant 10.00' 8ubovibers thi- 1 and as a preiBMlli to all nf we send a copv of KENDALLS.:. book is not a hunibuv or wortti is "worth its weight ia j,ol(rt(^ wh«owns a horse li wssfirsia 50 o»nt.s, and contains uearkl' Recollettt the book and )iiip«('«f fer $f Sample copy of i Address THE POST TEIBll •â- 24-4W. Df whea. cries,. The above was tendered to our e^teeme.! Station .*«ent, together with a valuSJ^" sent, by the above traveUers, accomplS byafew o our Wling business Zn Mouday Ust. Mr C«sar was taken en irek by surpruc yet gaye a suiiabb reply " iielieviDg tl.e time La» com i'armerB. independent of party cries will asseritheirindependeicc by el^t mg one of themBelvL I confideX sohcu yonr vote and influence a taJ approacbing election. I have the honor to be. GenUomen, Yours ob'd. Servant, HOBERT MYLES. CfUplirasiat J'e" 15, 1S83. gK^irame|uildin^ o,,,,'p-,â€" f-ame houf, weU finished off, good .tcne l^""f ,^ r^eath barn, and Stttle stlble S f'.L Tk "r '"?* ^°'««iation. shed 20x 1 cinnfi* ^* '"«.«»*We is the neatest in the county. Boo driving house 34x39 feet also ajgoodwel' n the place. This pK t^k farm m Ba.^ Grey in. iggg. This isTvfrv i^ssesbion c d be givem this spring. Satis factory reas us can he giv^u for selTnc ttto ^t ' '*^**°'« c'Le and not goCfg Undertal Coffins, Caskets, Burial Pot CioveSt era â€" ANDâ€" AilFumlshlagsforf| May be had on Stio t(-.4 N"""*! Hours from GEO. GE^ Also a well a~sorteJ i*"' FU RNlTl) from p ain to fine quality. prices. FARM FOHSAJ LOT 6 CON. 3 E. 0. ^P I'JO acres, 70 hws clfSJ^j^L ed, good orchard l.eirinpfc"' ' barn. Situated 2 lial'.ff worth. A. bargain will ' above property, for parti"'!,"' -- C*!*^ and proprietf on the premises, or by kttcr further occupant with 3 cf nt i^stage stamp enclosed, JOHN POKD, "Mount Boyal Farm Markdale, [on. Noble, borne Markdale. or LOST NIANHO0D^% A TleUm at yoothfal toP^jS* tare Decay, Kerrous *»".*;'„«" Ji«Vdiale P. 0., Ont. «»»epr-d a «lBipie4;i£i«,J^* Wai, 1882. 125 at to feDowWlarai. sd^"*^ s^tvs^.XftSKiv;;

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