Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Feb 1883, p. 4

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 r: 1 'r\ f f?r COUNTY COUNCIL. (Continued Mr. McNichol, on being iutrodnced a? Warden, in a ffW well cbosm wor'8, tbHnkfcd the Council f r tiie honor conferred vi[on Ijim in .lectiug Lim "Warden of tbis Iftige c uniy. au.l eaid it would be his eudeav.nr t-. act iu f^uness to the b.-et » f bi' ability. Mr Ciimeroij also tbaukel tbe Council for the large vote Ki^eii bim, coiiKidtriiii: tbat be bad only beru m the field two hours. Ou motion ot Mr. Cbrisfoe, second â- ed by Cbisbnlm, a committee of five membertt was balloted for to utriketlie standing cctumittee tor the yearâ€" Messis. Cbristoe, McColmau, Mur- dock,M\le8, aud Ciimerun b-ing cbos- Tbe Council tlien adjourned till two o'ckxjk ou Weduestiay. WEDNEtDAi' Council met at 2 p.m. The War den ii^iued Robl. Ldgar as Auiiitor on bis behaif, au^l J"hn Aibe.y whs announced on tli« part of the Coun- -cil. The Hjiecial Committee appointed to â- drait standing coinmiutfieB for the year reported as f. allows Financeâ€" Meseis. Cbristoe. Mes- Sf-nger, McColman, iStark, Murdock, Mylesi, MeKea. camemn, Totten, BUtk, McGirr, McGregnr. BovveH, Gordon, Duuniugtmi, McNanglit, Watt, McKt-cbnie, Chisbolm,â€" Mc Keehnie, cnairman. EiADS AND Bkidges â€" Camcron, Mc Intyre, Bcli»-nk, Elliott, Muliarky, Paul, Clark, CatupUU, McCallum, Vasey, Ai,'ntw â€" Cameron, chairman. Cotjnty Pr. pekty. â€" Christoe, Koad, Frost, Lang, C'ark, Watt, Blythâ€" Chiictoe, chairman. Lducation.â€" Miller, Myles, Shute, Hewgill, Hemiijg. Elliott, Erskineâ€" Ilf wj^ill, chairman. PhiNTiNG.â€" 2\lcRea, Frost, Finher, Eoad. Duuningion â€" Frost, chairman. bi'KciAL Committee on Commusica TIiiN« AND M/.Mi!RUL^ FROM OTHER County Cot^ncils, Ac. â€" Cbisholm, Clirist' 0. McKea. McCoimaii, Mur- dc.cli â€" MacKae, chairman. By-law ai)|)oiuting A'iditOiSa^d fix iijg thi'ir.salarit s at $i")0, and Bv-I:i« appoiniliii; Geo. Lgils, Esq., High Scoool Trusti-e wtr'^iiitioauccJ and filled up in couimittre of thi^ whole. The Reevi^ of Proton entered and filed iiis ceitifieate. On the p^otiou for appointing of committee to examine into valiiiity of th3 Treasurer's securities, some dis- cussion e'lcited by the statement ol Mr. MacKae that the comrittee ha' u. ver f-' t jnstifie.l iu f^omg to the ex- pensf^ of making due searches iu the registry othceâ€" several me'nbors as- i,eriini. that they understood f- 11 inf'r- malion had always been obtained. 7'he matter was fijally dropped on the uudrrstaniiing that the special coiijmitfee appointed for this purno.se already possess fn.l jiowers to get, iu fonnatioii at the expense of this Couu cil, according to statute. THUKsD.VY AFTERNOON. The Council met at 2 p. m. â€" The "Warden iu the chair. iJy-law 311. appointing County .-Vuditors. and By law 812 appointiut! a High School Trustee, were read a third time an 1 passed. On motion of Mr. Murdock, second- ed by Mr. McRae, Messrs. J. Came- ron aud A. M. Stephens wpre ai)poiut- e.. members of the Board of Audit. Mr. McKechnie presented report of Fiiiixuce C:mmittee. recommending 1st â€" That a special grant ot '20 be made to the Prisoner's Aid Associa- tion e-f Toronto 2iid â€" tbat the Non Resident Land List, showing receipts aud payments for each municipality, be printed with the mmute? 3rd â€" thai the necessary steps be taken t." appoint County Valuators 4th â€" that a grant of $6(j be made for contingen- cies to the Cierk of the peace, iu an- swer to his communication, for that jnirpose, in consideration of wKioii lie :s to furuisli free information to Coun- ty Constable'^, Coiouers and Magis- trates on the duties of their othce othâ€" recommending payment of a number of acccou;ns amounting in all to §05.05.â€" Report adopted. McKechiiie, McGrngor â€" That a committee he appointed to consider the propriety of estaiilishiag a Housa of ludustry, and make full enquiries as to probable cost, c.. also ihat tbe Reeve of each municipality lurmsh a statoraent at tbe June se^sion as to tbe amounts paid far charities in the several municipalities dnriug tbe year 1882. Mr. McKfcbnie tbougl.t tbat if each Reeve would furuistj such a statement f payments for chanty, there would be a basis ou which to form an esti- mate moro likely to be satiafactorj than any they had before. Mr. Elyth thought that these state- ment* wonlcj not form a fair bfisia for «atimatt because cgany recipij^nts of charity only receive help now and then, wbUe the chanties of a House of Industry would l»€ a permanent ex- Mr. Frost hoped the resolution would pa-s, and read extiacts from nport of coQiuittees of previ »U8 County C.-uncils. sliowiup that the-e c .miuitteeB lo..ked with so .e fav-m MU the idea, hut that any such estab- lishment as this county w.u!d need should be mucii lfs« cosTy than esti mates considered by tiiose cummitte* s. The motion was then put and lost. McColman, Cameron â€"Tbat the clause of the report of committee de- fining the duties of county valuators. (..f the June session) be rescinded â€" carried. The motion was made simply to obviate the restriction in regard to time of concluding the labors of the valuatois. The whole matters ot county vahiatum, was in tiie lornj ol a By law which had passed its first and second readings in June last. The council then went into com- mittee of the whole on the By law- Mr. Chisbolru in the chair ;â€" when a dead b'ck resulted as to the effect of rescinding tiie repo. t above mention- ed, which formed the baais of tbe pre- amble of tbe By-law, The Bv law was accordingly pro nounced dead by advise of the County Solicitor, and tbe committee rose. MaRae, McGirrâ€" the County So- licitor was instructed to draft a By- law for the appointment of coumy valuators. A By-law was accordingly introduced, and read a first and sec- o'jf' time. Mr. McGregor, Reeve of Proton. resented a petition for the establish raent of a monthly fair in tbe villa-:e of Hopevilie. On motion a By-law wa? passed es- tablishing such fair, THURSDAY E\'ENING. that the salary SSu. cbi^f cou«Uble for tne ^oun.y. be raised to $160. The report was pass'd, and tlie Council adjourue.1 till 10 a. m. ou Friday. i FBIDAY MOBNING. Tiie Council mei at in a. m. The yeas aud uays being c^^iled h-r me clause of the rep .rt of Finance! Committee passe-' -t niL'ut. recom The Council met at 7 p. m. ' By-law No 835 was read to amend By-laws eatahli^iiug faiis at Waller's Falls, Markdalo, Meaford and Hol- st-:n. 111 reference to certain lir- na- tions respecting auction sales, horse racing. c. By law 313 to appoint county valu- ators was taken up in committee of the whole Clause 1 to nominate valuators, was opposed by Messrs. AIcRae and Totten, on the -roimd that no three men could equalize our assessment better than the Reeves and Deputy Reeves themselves, Mr Mc(^olman declared that the on llie clause of the rep •li last nigut. menumg auVxtra $50 t â-  Mr. Mih« as j (Jhief Constable, snowed that it was canied with Old, M.s is. McHae and McGirr uissentiug. By-law 314 was read a third time ana passed. The Couuiy Solicitor gave his opin- ion on the disputed point as to wije;li- er the Council could lej-ally appoint sop.e ot its own mem hers as County Valuators, to the effect that it w-.ud not he legal to appoint td m while they remained members, but that he thought they might resign their mein- ber.-.h'p before" the By law iiiouid take eff. ct. He pjiuteu out as a ce.taimy legal course that tlie By law might be fided out wiih the names of the ge..- tiemeu now, it they thought fit, and leave the thiid reading ami final pass- ing of the By-law till the June session an'd meantime tlie gentlemen appoint- ed could resign. Council went again into committee of the whole on the By-law to appoint County Valuatorsâ€" Mr. Frost in tne chair. Mr. Stark moved tliat Messrs. Myles. Murdoch and Hugh Reid be Countv Valuators. Moved in amendment by Mr. Reid, seconded by Mr. IvicGirr, that the names be voted on separately. D. Cbristoe who had been absent j during yes. e dAy's sessions, rose to Oppose strongly the appc)intmeiit of I members of the (bounty Council, on tlie ground that the spirit of law would prohibit the Council fr-m even nami ig a member for the position, and taking the initiatory steps lo a])- point bin. County Valuator. He furth- er thought it would be the best plan to have the whole matter to the Fi nance Committee. He planted out that if the Valuators took 300 days, that wouhl only leave fifteen days to examine each municipality. Mr. Blyth SU] ported Mr. Murdoch for tbe position, because he belieyed him to be the best man for it, sayiiig tbat good men were scarce. i'he amendment to appoint the Val- uators separately was carried. The fllowing nominations were then made: Mr. Jas. Gardiner wasi Horse For Safe, i GOOi OENEK.U- I'UiiPOdE HOB^E A 7 Tears ol warraute.'i ^onnd. For salt by thV^ersignod vrnl be -old cheap f.i rH.h. Apply lo JAMES KELLY, Oppositethe lii^i' L.-.kc., Artetnoia ^wU-InitieTd! â€" AT the Ecfipse SHil. 100 000 tt Cherry. 500,000 ft. Hemloek. lOO.On. ft. BaswofHi, aiRO Im niu. niiip.c .aw'ocs. sud 800 cords ceuar bolts 4 feet 8 inciies lout; for which the Highest price will be pai i. Sparling Brothers, Proprietors. 125- i 29 i Report F'lesslieT-toii Station STEAM GRIST MILL :!l: 0\LV THREE DOUARSjinJ 25 CENTS AH J ^giis, E«^ C-^uncil again wen lug clauses a. 2, p oviU-'fl ^hs [ni" CO ft nr.rt»»*' lu"kO VOlf i\ (•,:â- . vii ;im :ir â- I Sei/is • .1 :,. ca;;^ for te ri 1 a 1/:' 'U »t wo Is now giving General Satisfaction, â€" o â€" Chopping done every Working day, â€" o â€" CAN HAVE YOUR GRIST HOME THE SAME DAY. GEO. MbORHOUSE. 125 151. !i« u:- n.- iiu:^ terms. FOR SALE. BlitCK DWELLING j\. with garden. This i-' a very desirable resi- dence, will be sold cheap for cash or on reasonable A. TUENER Co. Medical HaU W. J, RO^ UNi.Wll Til;: OLlJKo' Gristirp and Cb.i.j.:! c i(,,., (lay. Fanners fioci i. ,.i,;,j,| ihe:r siuff ho.iii- v. x]. iLet; All ordeis fir Fu;ur a-,.i fiUed. pon, ance. October S.Sth 1H2. a-l W. C. RSCHAI B' riLi)]-:H, CON ri(A(Ti TEi r. â€" Ilesid'.-ncp on A dale. Markdaie.. Tan, 21111, 1^5 T. C. B. RAILWAY. THE 6KEAT MlCH:i only way for all the townships to get j ,ijg^, pj.., posed bv Messrs. React and fair play to have valuators. .^ Bov^e.s; Mi. Murdoch hy Messrs. Bfyth ana iSchenck: Mr, W. Bull, of Wiar- Mr. Bnnningtou was strongly in favor of valuatoi-s, heciuso ii r quired p( rsoual inspection of the land by all tlie valuators, and f.jr tiiis Council tc attempt the ejualization would be to w(.rU iu the dark. Mr McRae thougut it fair enough to appoint ueiuhers oi this Council as valuators â€" he felt quite easy in leav- iT g his own constituency to their valu- ation. Mr. Mciiityre did not care to be Valuator, hut wanted the matter re- ferred to the Finance Committee. Mr. McKechnie thought that the council was satisfied with the equal ization made eight years ago bat the mistake of that equalizaUon was tliat DO account was taken of the greater value of certain townships hy reason of the large villages they con- tained, and also that no proper ac- count was taken of the personal pro- perty in the villages â€" hence the need of another equalization. Mr. EUiort asked to bo definitely informed as to the Solicitor's opinion. He was strongly iu favour of Valua- tors, but waM against appointing members of this Council. Mr. Bowes had been in favour of Finance Committee doing the work, but after hearing his opinions he was decidedly in favor of appointing Valua- tors. He a!so was opposed to appoin- ting members ol the Council to the position. Mr. McBae suggested that the mat- ter he Settled by the members from each riding nominating one man they had confidence in. Clark. Bowes â€" That there be three Valuators appointed, and that they be appointed separately. The mover detailed the unsatisfactory result of the attempt of the Finance Commit- tee to settle the matter last June. Mr. McGirr pointed out the desira- bility of having among the valuators some man who thoroughly under- stands the value of town property ab well as farming land. The committee rose without decid- ins the matter, and it was nnderstood that the County Solicitor be question- ed again as to lejrality of appointing members of this Council as Valuators. TIME TABLE. Clianse ot Time. On and after Monday, Nov. 20th, 1882, trains will run as follows toil, hy Messrs. Clark and Totten; Mr. R Myles hy Me'^srs. Stark and Hew- gih; Mr. Hugh Reid by Messrs. Mc- Colman and McGirr; Mr. A. M. Ste phens by Messrs. Cbisholm and Mil ler. Mr. Jas. Murdoch was elected as first Valuator; Mr. Robt. Myles as second; Mr. Hugh Reid as third valu- ator, m lerirs of the By-law. The committee arose and reported progress, and the Council adjourned till 3 p. m. FBID.\T AFTERNOON. Mr. HewgiU presented report of Educational Committee recommend- ing that Import of School Inspector for South Grey be printed; and also recommending payment of Examiners for attendance at examinations. Some discussion took place on the first clause of the report, Messrs. Cameron, Mclntyre, anu Elliott being of the opinion that the particulars of the Inspector's yisits to the different schools were not of sufficient import- ance to warrant the expense of print- ing; â€" while Mr. Blvth thought the report should be printed, as it was very convenient to refer to at annual meetings. It was finally decided to print the Inspector's communication, omitting the detailed account of his vi,sits; and tlie report was passed as amended. Mr. Cameron presented report of Eoad and Bridge Committee, stating that in reference to a claim of Wm. Jackson for keeping up fences on a road allowance in Gleuelg, the com- mittee could make no recommenda- tion, as tiioy had neither facts nor estimates to go upon. Report adopt- ed. On motion, the T^reasurer's state- ment, showing balance due by muni- cipalities, and also the amounts to the credit of the municipalities down to the kt«;st date; also the Auditor's re- port for 1882, were ordered to be printed with the, minutes of January session i)r. Cliristoe presented report of County Property committee, rccom- mendijag payment of a namber of ac- OOIHO K TH. Read D»wn. P M. i 25 8 00 6 45 8 ii 8 45 15 1) 9 55 P.M. i.. M, 7 30 9 05 9 55 12 20 12 (16 2 25 11 5ti 1 30 p. M. GOING SOUTH Rtad Up. A.M, I P M. Toronto 10 45 (3AKDWKLL JUSC. 9 05 OKANajSVILLK.. 8 27 Mount Forest.. 6 30 Markdale, 6 27 Teebwateb 5 00 f bshkriok .... 6 43 0W£N OUND... 5 Ic A.M. 9 10 7 31 6 50 4 30 4 30 2 45 4 47 3 10 P, M. A Mixed Train will al.so lun between Tor- onto and uwen Sound. See Time Table. D. McNicoLii, Gen. Pass. Agt. Edmund Wraggk. General Mawiger. MARKDALE MARKETS. Fall Wheat, $0.90 to «0.94 Spring 80.90 to to 94; Barley, 5- c; Peaa, 68; Oats, S6e Butter, 17c; Eggs, 20c: Potatoes, 40c; Hay, SO.OO Pork, 7.i.C to 8 1..; Flour, «4.25 to $5 00; GrassSeed, 51.75. THE DKiaOIT WI:i POST km III Only Si.OOpcrl Contains -jII t!.^ r.tws f iie H pnrts of lh.'«o W .\sHi.(ff-. snner'or on tlip e')i:t!ritm. hi'j:-;| character of news u f;:r:i -lifv Civiiig valnaMe iiiforn:ati"ii "K the pubscri]jtinn ]irice. it intf-n-stiuf; to iii'i IVmirwr â- '*nt 10.00 1 Ruli-'ibf-rti..- w; aid as a pro in iH in to ?.'il we «enil s rfj" of KENDALL'S^ book is not n hun.hn!: orwu-Jits^ i~ "worth its wei::ht in iM :â- 'â-  who o-wn-i a lior'^e It was S"' 50 cents, and co'.-taiu' ncirlyl"' Recol'eet thp l»ok RH'l yi'V^'" f»' SI. Sampit cor.Y ni rs;*.' Address ,^ .,., THE POST k TRR| 1 24-4W. '--'-^ Supplern^ WewiAltdiTtincth 'rtbolVoarseWesre. reVptsedbyo'xrcor lor of the STANDARD. ^Having attended icultnra^ meetings 1 aiscu^sed. One ,.s seem tf have •iz: A change c and that this c riodically- l5«t^v ,thcr discussed a. -Id be brought abo- ltb.ms.lvescnhe .*emed to termuif it became evident mmiev ^ould be ^•bicb is not a^ |. Provincial Govei „t.si^tBnc^' 0^^' IbRi-a to reRcb tbem r goveiiimoit be- iiveat deal of clini aud faimers ioe Its kno^^n at ben^l Governm'-nt biis the matter nfcirec _,„„; a necessity Thwffore, tliey lur e of our -.vnnts \vt blame tbem untd from out- act f tlie so call FLESHERTON MAEKETS. Fall Wheat, »0.85 to $0,93; Spiing, 80.88 to $0.93; Barley, 55«;; Peas, 6Sc; Oats, 3f.«; Butter. 17c; Eggs, 20c; Potatoes,40 c; Hay, 89.00; Pork. $7.50 to JaOO TORONTO MARKETS. Fall "Wheat, »0.99 to $1.01; Spring, ;»0.99 to 81 03; Barle\ 553 to 7,3c; Oata, 41cto 43c Peas, 70c to 72c; Hogs, 88,00 to $8.37; Pota- toes, per bag, 75c to 85c; Butter, dairy. i7c to 20c; e;e8 30c to 32c. Report no 2 of Finance Committee counti;. and that a cupboard be pro was presented, recommending pay- "^©^ acconiance yfxth request c£- 5ient of, tk small account for tplegrapb. iCouHi^ on Stk^ittge.) A^ Sttl«$a» TAILOR. OYerMcFarlantfs Store, MARKDALE. K2* Special attention to Culting.^^i If you want 4 Perfect Fit 1m yonr Order with A. HILL. SsDtember 90th 1882. 106. To all who are Buil«ring from the errors and indiscretions ot jsoath, nervous weak- ness, early decay, losibf mankood, «kc,I •will send a receipe that will cure yon FREE OF CHANGE. This great Bemedy. was dis- covered \^ a missionary in South "America. Send a Mlf-addi'ess%'d enrelopf^' to Bkt. jf.g iif 3 called ExiH'VUi ievelbey musthf or at leatt have uKnsisof tbe la dmg sucb very oLtv in ina:utaiLJ to, as tl s.eboiai ketiug tiu-ir thut a great number oi tbe priiicip" part had tbe farmers â-  rior to tb£ ebtabl lerimeiital Frrm vmuietl woiilii i'S' nntlur uncalled overnnunt Cv«ai !-t iulions Tfill 1 t^ of evtn a mnj l-o{ tbo Piovi'.)!- Iftbeif be but iCt how -will tin if tb picple. c in oacb electoi do? Now suip ilefttBlli.-h^d B Lew ci;n yen m leUnffitteiK Uiiderta] Qoffins, Caskets, Burlai PobeS" Cloves, Crap â€" .\XDâ€" All Furnishings for Fb May be had on Sboi t.--t N"ti«. Hours from GEO. GEAl MARKDALE' Also a well ft-soruu iW:^' FU R N ITU frcm plain to fine nuaiit.^- f-' prices. TQ SELL OR L OT 15, CON, 12 acres, 100 cleared, go' on; Terms easr. Api'b' «" -11. Postmaster, near tlic pr'f:t.' iii» November 14th, 1882. FARMFORi^ 0T6C0N. 3E, Ct. t^- BO^ I i 100 acres, 70 acres clear -^j^, ed, good orchard bearing g" f^n bam. ' Situated 2 hal^.f girei worth. A. bargain 'lU ,„,»l above property, f« P^ticni" j.,,.j Noble, Mankdale, »t *• ' btinM."

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