Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Feb 1883, p. 5

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 ' iJjp,i!.iyHu.ni[pi^p|iipi|p!pppppi^ .,, .Jijp.1 i^l,J' -twuffli^FJ .1 ' Esq- KepiTt was adopt- .^.ii again went into com â- ^L svij.'cou by-law to ap- "' w Valuators, and consider ^â- '";-.cl.a.es,a.3MI-w8: r"""., "o'.i'ii'if; that, Valuators " =s of i iJtir lal)Our' elau'-e 3, """ /nine when they should " ';,,,,r «„rk (fiU -d up with :teu 'loiii;) c!aus« 4, i.istruct ' iousceitaiutli«rela;ive val- ' tv ill e*ch taniiicipal arraue er^ry piew of farm nr Ti1iit»e ^v^ -.-..-^ property-,., v,,e eonutrv. or ib^ coiOd Tfl CfillSttlM^tVFft fl^. h» • •*""*^ ••* ' " °' th^tdread disease, Cousumulion, 1^ il mt-. by KSHmminif l.i a more fjeueral » "J^Ple remedy, is anxions to make known Wrty, and tbei' revihing tlie nase^s- '*?, ®^°^ *â- "**"*• *^« â„¢"^« ««"•« To noent roll of eacii luuuciDahtv '" " **"*.«*"« i*- he will send a copy of tbe Mr. Blvth «n.mrtT.l u 1 il?f«"iPti«na««i,(freeof charge.) with be ..uH ««;r .. '"'P"^*'** \^e By-law I directions for piepairing and using the Baa« aiia satt tli« legal question Wns of 1 "*i»ich they will find a suais Cibk for Cok- m l:,.uce they sh uld U'ltft ird," -SUMPTION nestion the most ' "c have ever kM cure the won id Bronchitis, whiU' in the cure of Con arallel in the its first discoveiy"it' â- rantee, a ten whiolii 1 stand. If you jj^j V ask you to try it Sl.'O If yo^Lun, 5ack, Lame, use Sa M b:^Wra. Brown's in speakiug of anj id, saidâ€" "He J like clockwork-i iV OF I'KAISK. lo not recoLiirafinii ifn we know of on benfifactor, and Jots i we consiiie: it oarJij uiiition to all, Electriel Host valuable meliciu illiiusnoss,Feyera a.id Kiiliiev Complaj other remedies [nil, speak, and can tret li all.â€" E-c/i.â€" Soil a;l .\. iuiner Co. 'eth on I in a tail rt know a buom froj I lie wise luau pica -iiore and ilirts pi:ilt dretis. KK OF COST. -hinr; to test the merit! lie that will positively ujjhs, Colds, Asthma,! t-ction of the Throat I ,1-ste.l to call at A. Twi uhl get a Trial Rottlea u^'cry for L'ou-iumpti( il show you what a â-  will do. II f good weight- n\i Oil Satuniay ni;ii( IVKN AWAY. '\\i notieiufi the liberal vaiiils and buffereis i-'ovi-i-; for CousmnJ .1 lo call at A. Turner J 1 get a Trial Bottle iri sutleiiug with t'ousum|lj io.di. AstliQia, Brottol .. of Voice, Hoar^iua f the Throat or Lungs -.lie oU. iiliuuiaiiity to won i/y liei' insane devoti(| NS AKNICA SALVE. le in the world for Ulcer: Salt Slieum, liapped Hands, ChilH s .iu Eruptins, and Pof t 13 guaranteed to gi«F ;uoii. V ret.iuded. For 'sale by A. Turner I :l'V â- no uuiliiC ' ,,t=. A:c.; clans t.l^"ll -/u\ "tilt ,i m ,i bi- II ic ./J, tii.lt ,V.l) t.'tlK e ,3. that tliey ,,j.j cli.iact*^f (jf "'6 »tf rent ' ' n-ii townshipâ€" swamps, ^.„,ri laud, c.; clause 6, i!d fix the avt-rage value .cipaiity to the best of t, wftli due reterence to cieared 'a-d, facilities 7, that the sev- villa-^es «honld be spe- i,it^ cousidenition in vahiat'on; clause 8, m^ttter tliey m^y con- oitjuice to this Council, nded in tlit-ir reports; thev shoull report un- Co'uucil when through â- :,n '.vijia; clause 10, that their ""rail ii; should brt $3 per day, ijii^r rtiit'iiwy^, stationery, c. Ill atiinial clause was luoved by i ,;;â- (:, I'umi), that this By law coiue .â- ,',,.,.t uii Feb. loth next, which, 'lit previous clauses, was passed aiiiiiitL'e of the whole, .^( '«ni-'d adjourned till 9 o'clock „:unluy luormiig. SVTI'RDAY MORNING. veJ ')v Messrs. Chisholm anr^ :,fii;Ut!ie Warden and iJleik be nz-a to siuu a petition for the ;ii,ijiii.'nt of a direct mall by boat mlioLQ Owen Sound to the np- ;i„c [101 IS, and to request Govern itiiiinuit a subsidy to sucli liue v,;^ hr tins purpose â€" carried. ;. 1.1. ;;nii Lo read liy-law 313, to l\ iinry Valuators, a third Ciiisnoliu moved in ame id- i-!it:;iel by Mr. Clark, that â-  iif Wiu. BriJAiJ, one of the Ui;,i Souud assessors, be f ub- ui Jie ualuu of Hugii lieid, iiniver exjdaiued that he had no ,11 fmjt'cciou to Mr. Reid. but it i iiiiiuf,' justice to the towns l.agHS not to p. ace at least one ;. uiL' Jioard of Valuators who r.yuude. stood the salue of town w.a.'O iTo;ierty. He peTSona'.ly â- ,:ai Mr. iieid to be the only legal- ' 'luie.i V.(luator, but he was the â- 'iu-: fr^m tiie North iiiding, so he â- m.v-.vl U) substitute Mi. Brown's liuenJmeut was lost by 10 to kets, kjrial PobeSr! Gloves, Crapea AND things for Fbih n Shortest Notice, t»^\ Hours from ). GEAl I Weil assorted stock of t N I T U Rj fir.e quality. tU ' CON. 12, HOl«'i cleared, good! asT. Apply to 1^ earthepreHUseftj* pj M. ii. KELLOW, T»^ 4th, 1882. MFORSAI •oodtafj* wgain will ^fpplyt I. 3 E. G. â€" _. 5, 70 acres clears?' .rd bearing go 2 half »"•* will be CfaM "'Vf.l iurtlirr in amendment by- Cun'.^iO, seconoed by Mr. :i; 1- li it expedient, or in accord- mh law or right, to appoint ers of tiiis Council as Valuators, "'I'tf -re that the By-law receive •'i tiinuths hnist. • Ciiiistoe went on to detail the /lii uf equalizing the assessment tiiliiid been attempted by the Fi- niiinittce, showing how reas- f^i iii;d fair it seemed, and thought i^ttr should be referred back to umanee Committee. What was ' of passiug a By law which N biiuj^'such a large expense upon p 'J:ity,and which might bequash- caiisiug the expense to go for ""â- ?â-  He had no objection to f^=L themselves who .vere appoint- I "lit it was not right, it was not "u their cor.stituents, it was not "'ty wtre sent here to do, to p«t Ditmbers of their own body to pfrative position. He declaret the â- _* uot worth the paper it was 'â- "'1 oil, and it he chose, he could ^^'imare the Council within tweaty- ' """IS if this By-law passed, by """'^^ a writ to the Warden to stop "et.nigs under the By. law. '•^'hisliolm further strongly sup- :i the same views. "â-  l(:Rae supported the By-law JliHlleiigea Dr. Christoe to point "" clause of anv yet wliich made ,^1'P^'mtment illegal. '^-cCulaaan tbou^^ht the By-law 'If'fS^, and said the Council Y^ ao what is right whether it ;^;'^^' or not. He thought the ^^ agaiQGt the By-law now was l\J,^^^ °o Valuator lived right lillr" °^^^eii Sound, and said t Jies ^v-as a practical man who Lm° !^' ^^^e of houses as well jJ"Dg land. H '^^^^^^' disavowed any euch V.;?*" ^^^ depreciated such ' "°° a^ '^i°g to raise a feel- Buiaii Mccouut. He Uiought it wa uot at all necewsay to hav- a tt)W!:8 mail H vaiaat r. as uu mteihu'eut ex periwuced farmer couid estimate the vaiue of tow ., roper) y. He declared the impussibihty of lii- Fiuanct Com mittee beflmg the raatt^r lairiy â€" liow couid a man 60 miles away gtve an iutellegeiit vote on the value of the township wiie i tlie Reeves and De- puty Keevt's of that towuship iiud the next (me wouLl disput*^ thn value ti) I the f-xieut of $8 '^•- ^10 an acie 1 Mr. Bowes tin. uy lit Meswrt^, Myl^s. i E: id and Murdo«k were jus^ as good jmen as could be appointed, but he would cirrninly oppige what appear- |ed the idegal action of ap lointing Council members as Valuat ug. Mr. Duuuirgton was against tue By-law because 'd its illegality, but c.iticised tlie action ot Messrs Chis holm and Cnristoe is appealing will- iug to swallow the illegal point if they only got their man appointed instead of one of the naiu' g OH the Bylaw. Mr. Stark said that if the By law wer" quashed, it wi'uld only cost a two days' session to meet and re-enact it. He thought they sliould go ahead. Mi. McKeciinie wanted to see Messrs. MyifS and Murdock act is Valuators but he wanted to see the aproiutmeut made legally, and so W'.ul oppose the third leadiug at this session. He still thought some man should be Valuator who understood thoroughly the. vaiue of town proper ty. He would oppose Dr. Chris'ioe'B amendment. Mr. Mclutyre ^sished the matter could be settled by tlie Finance Com mittee â€" it there were only honesty enough iu the Council to decide fair- ly- Mr. Frost thought that the Valna tors might go too far iu examining each lot by itself â€" the main thing was to grasp an idea ot the value oi the lad as a whole. Reporting under oath uid not seem to him a guarantee of even and fair justice, because men were naturally prejudiced in favor of the townships that they bad repre- sented and worked for so long, even if they desired to do justice to all. They would probably expect to be elected again when the work was done, and they would want to do work that would give satisfaction to their own cousdtuents. It they really acted lairlv, they would be likely to be de- featedâ€" :-u^h things had occurred in the past, and might again. The amendm-nt was then put and lost by 14 to 21. Mr. McKechnie moved, seconded by Mr. That the third reading of the By-law be deferred till the next COK- 8U1IP110N, Asthma, Bbonchitis, Sc. Parties wishing the I'resnription. will please address, Bes. E. A. Wii^u, 149 Penn St.. "WiUiamsburgh,N. Y 75-127 AGEl^Tfc. WAJMi'iSD. -Big pay.â€" Lij?ht Werk. Steady Empiovment. Samples free. Address, M. L. BYttN, 46 Naussau stree New York. 20 Land for Sale. 1 on '*-^^*"^; a'^oat 30 of which is 1 Vf v/ cleaipd, being comuosed of the E. half of liOt 1 !, in the Hth concession -f the Towufihip of Euphrasia. Apply at this ofce, or to KoBEBT DcNLop, Townslup Clerk of Euphra.sia, Griersvdle P 0. 117-tf. Just Arrived A LAEGE STOCK OP NEW AMD FASHIONAia Boots and Shoes, NEW fiROCERIES, At prices which will astonish you. Call and see. Re-Fresh-ing] In the cool nssenioD of tome people that they can sell b^low cost, Ac it may not be amiss to let the pabllo ot Markdale and sur- rounding eonntry know thai r ..f the "BELFAST HOUSE." MARKDALE, CAn sell ' cheaper than the cheapest," itnd •Ixtter than the be^ t," aQ kinds of Groceries, Liquors, c. Cunsi-sting oi TEAS, TOBACCOS, SPICES. CANNED FISH, ETC., And for those wishing pure Wme for 8»e ramental purposes, will find a brand that will equal nnytliiig on this side the Atlantic. Other Liquors equally pure. Special! Pure Holland Gin. Cheese from the best manufactorie*. Our Whiskies are from the firm of Good erham Worts. Toronto, a.-id the public may rely on receiving them as they are sent. FLOUR, POTATOES, and everything in the household line kept constantly on hand. Henceforth my Store will be supplied with Fiuits of all kinds, .such as APPLES PEARS. PLUMS, Ao. FRUIT CAKES of aU kinds always kept on hand. Essences. Hair Oils, and Perfumery of th* choicest nectars. TOILET FANCY SOAPS, better than the best. CANADIAN WESTERN PORK, of first quality. Everything in the Grocery Line kept on a fuller imd more complete scale than at any other place iu Markdal«. WILSON BENSON Highest price pdd for Butter and Eggs or any kind of Fowl at the Cheap Store. JOHN DOUPE, Flesherton Station. Nov. 15th. 1882. 114-3n:. PIMPLES. 1 will mail (Free) the recipe for a simple Veobtable Balm that will remove Tan- FKECKLKS, PIMPLES and Blotches, leave ing the skin soft, clear and beautiful also instructions for producing a lux iiiant growth of hair on a bald head v,r smooth f/ice. Ad- dress, enclosing a 3c. stamp, Ben. Vandelf Co.. 5 Beekman st.. N. Y. 75-127 Meat IMbjfket A constant snpply of Fresh Meats! on hand, at the Lo^wei t Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of th« Town. Farmers having fat stcck to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS. STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale March 23. 1(^82. 80- It mm IS belieyim: GENTLEMEN,â€" If you want a first-ckss Buggie or Wagon mckenna'amasom's CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you wiih nnyt;;iiig from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension Too Phaeton. Health is Wealth ^b tnotr St the lowts by attributing icil tl^^' called upon the con* 1°^ *^ acoordaoce with f Gnl^ °"' °^ "gbt and justice. Iprintiog peioi H th'w? '"i Jt could not be ex- '^ort adoftad. "•^ tl^e Valuators would ex meeting of the Council Messrs. McRae and Christoe sup- poi ted Mr. McKechnie's amendment, because the appointments could be legally made at the next meeting, and the council could not expect the Valu- ator's report by the June session any way, 6tt that this Council would lose nothing by deferring the matter. Mr. Bflyth said just the same argu- ments were being gone over now that were advanced yesterday, and the only object of those who supported the present amendment, was to put it off altogether. Mr. McKecnie's amendment was then put and lost. Totten, Clarkâ€" That Wm. Bulls name be substituted for Mr. Beid s as Valuator â€" lost. The motion for the third read- ing ot the By-law was then earned by a vote of 22 to 13. The yeas and nays being called for, stood as follows re«â€" Messrs. Elliott, Messeoger, McCallum, We- Col man, Campbell, HewgilL Stork, Lang, Paul. Watt, Erskine. McEae, Mallaiky, Caroer«n. Shute -Blyth, Schenock. Fisher. Clark. McGirr, M. Intyre. McGregorâ€" 22. Aa«,-Chri6toe, Totten, Agoew. Bowes, Read, Gordon Dunnmgtoa Vasey, McNaught, McKecbnie, CJiis- holm. Frost. Millerâ€" 13. Chisholm, Miller^Tnat the County Property Committee be instructed to consider the cost of procunng a iWf e for the protection oi vajuabia doen County Court, and report to the Council^ lo*t. 1. ihf, Mr Frost presented report of ttw Printing Committee. '^^^^, payment of the, account of 3 Ba^a ford for |26.CK that tepdera be a^- ed for pitmg 1000 ^^^^\^^^^, *n» J-.d that the committee baye Pr. E. U. West's Nervk and i^kain iiEAT- MENT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Couvulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu ralgia, Headache, Nervous Pro.jtration caus- ed by the u.se of alcohol or tobacco, Wake- fulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Braiu, resuitiag i/i Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barr ennet,s, Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary losses and Spermatorrhcea. causied by overexertion of|the brain, self abuse or over iudult,'enco. One box will cu e recent cases. Each bos contains one month's treatment. One dodar a box. or six boxes for fiye .lollars seut by mad pre- paid OB receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order re- ceived by us' for ais boxes, accompanied with fiye doilars, we will send the purchaser a written guaraniee to refund the money ii the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar- antees issued only by A. Turner- cfeCo.. sok authorised Agent for Markdale Ont. .Tohr C. West Co. sole proprietor.Xoronto.Out, ERRORS OF YOUTH. GENTLEMAN who suffered for vears IV from NERVOUS DEBILITY, PREMA TURE DECAY, and all the effects of youth- ful indiscretion will, for the sake of sufferinp humanity, send free to all who nrcd it, the recipe pud directions for making the pimple remedy by which he was curei' Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experi- ence can do so by ad.iressing in perfect confi dence, JOHN B. OGDEN. 75-127 42 Cedar St.. New York. S To buy from them is to A^K 10]Xli: Y! They are both practical workmen, and eruploy nonp but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Second to noue for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. Cold J. W. FORD, MARKDALE Great cnance to make money. Those whu B always take advantagt- of t. e goou chances for making money that are offered, geneially become wealrhy, while those who do uot improve such chances re main in poverty We wart many men, wo luen, boys and girls to work for us right in their own 'oealilies. Any one can do. the work properly from the first start. The bus- iness will pay more tian ten times ordinary wages. Expensive oatfit furnished free. No one who engages fads to make money rapidly Y'ou can devote your whole time in the work, or orly your spare moments. Full iuforma tion aud all that is needed sent free. Addres. Stinsok Co., Portland Maine. 71-126 MANHbOli KOW LOST, HOW RESTORED r^"^--^ We have recently published a new ' SEAli Jedition of Dr. CuLVEEWEtL's Cele- ^•^^^^"^f^^^BEATED Es-?AY ou the v-adtcal and permanent cure (without medicine) of Ner- vous Dvsbility, Mental and Physical incapaei ty, Impediments to Marriage, c.. resulting from excesses. t-^*" Price, iu sealed envelope, only, 6 cents, or two postatre stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, elearly demonstrates, from thirty years' sucpessful practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radically cured without the ilangerous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of •which every sufferer, no mattes, what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. ^r'This Lecture should h in the hand« of every youth and ^very man in the land. Address The Gulvervfell Medical Go,. P.O. box 450 41 Ann St^ TV«w Fork They use nothing Out First-class White Oak for Wagons, and thiice Extra Second Growth Hickory for light work. The immense amoun t of work turned out ot McKenna fe Mason's sshop is snfficien proof of the wide rei-utation they enjoy for doing good work. Tee BEST is the CHEAPEST in the END Poor chrap work we positively will liot take. Special attention given to Te-Trimmirig and Repainting all classes of Carriage Wurk. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) iu HORSESHOEING SHOPâ€" Un M'll Street opposite to, Sproule's Hotel. McKENNA MASON. THOS. MATItEWS, MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. FIiOUE MILLS • tog Woti »h» Jans «e»poiir3P«- JffgMtailf' » »*!"»*). JNO. MONTGOMERY, 13 ^V K K » • Begs to tender fei* thank* to the inh^bitaats of Markdale and surrounding con"'^^^^^ pwt patronage, ana to intimata ;o thfim that ^e is prep«-*d t« Bupply the pubhc with Fmlt, Pewid and Pium Oake aJther ploin or ired «nd '^^^^- Sea* Cake* «ot tvp in the tort style th»t can b« aone Hum aOeoi Toronto. Bread, Buns and Cakes! .oMAt Yarietv. AU these are mJumfactaffd ^^Jn^^hy himsell be^^ B^- of «Tery description from th« Iwst nir^ a£acturer«in Ontario. i^eCST fONFECTiONERr iB«ert*»riety. Te* Meetings, Sodata.jM ^^^^p^B the me^t reawwiabl^ terme. JOBW MOWT(*0MEBT. ,^,,4^. Her. tto4, ISW. Uf^ $500 Reward I We will puy i»e above reward for any case «rf Liver Complaigpt, Dyspepsia, Sick Head- ache, Indigestion Constipation or Costive new we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Livor Pills, when the directions are strictly compUed with They are purely Vegetable, «nd never fail to give satisfaction. Suitar Coated, I^arge Boxes, containing 30 Pills, io cts. For sale by all Dmggists. Beware of counterfeits and iAnitations. The genu- ine mannfttctnr.;d only by JOHN C. WEST CO., "The PiU Makers," ?! 83 King St. East, Toronto Ont. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stainp. For sale at Tnrner feCo. Drug Store. in ua evA Mothersf Mothers! Mothers 1 Are you distorbed ac night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciatinir pain of cutting teeth! If so go atonce aod get a bottle of, MBS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYBUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately â€" denend upon it there is no mistake a^oat it. There is not a mother npon Mrth who hat ever used it, who will not tell you a^ oaee, that it wih r,pgulatie the bowel*, and gjre reat to tiie thother, and relief and health to the, ehild, operating lOce magie. It is p^eetlj, â- sfto nap in iJl eases, and jdeaaant to tn% tute, and is the pi«Beriptionof one of the ol« deat and V«t female phyiiwuie and., Bone* •ei| erefyvfaife at ia the UaW Bt^tei. Doll Brown .^ â€" â€" A s Mr. oil is leaving Mark- dale to go into the Wholesale Jewellery Business in Toronto, (and not washing to leave Mark- dale altogether,) ^he has entered into partnership with Mr. W A BRO WN, late of Flesherton, who is a practical watchmaker und jeweller of over 15 years ex- perience, and comes with the best 9f recommendations from some of the leading watchmakers in the Dominion. Mr. Brow;n will carry on this business in Markdale. A II wvrk entrusted to him will be done m a worhnanlike man- ner ^^ A H work will be gitaranteed^ M^d all goods sold will be foun^ as-,represented, ormcifey refund^ ed at Boll Sk Br©wji's, The People's Watehmin^eri Jewellery, MAitSi'ALB OULY. ,, r »;â-  â-  I il t ' \k â- \d

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