Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Feb 1883, p. 8

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 ' DYSPEPSIA 4 LIV B COMPLAINT. Is it not woTlh the smll price of 75 oents to free yoaiself of every symptom of these tlistressiag complaints, if yon think so call At otu stoie and get a bottle of Shiloh's Vital izer, every bottle bas a printed gaaraut. e en it, use a'.-cording'y and if it doe^ yott uo gf-od ii will oost yon nothing. Sold at VN'm Brown's Oeueral Store, MarVdale. OH, WHAT A COL'GHl Mr. T. E. Davis (builder aad contractor) has removed to Oakawa, where he ha« the contract of building mill for Alex. Web.ftar. Ef-j., of Pricerille. Will vou heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approacb of that more trrribie disease consumption. '.sk your selvos if you can afford for the sake of .OOcts. to run the risk and do nothing for it. We kpow from experience that Sh'lohV Cure will cure your Cougl;. It never fails. This explains *hy more than a Million Bottle- were told the past year. It rnhev- s Croup, and Whooping Coagh. at once. Mothers do not be vithout it. For Lame Back, Side, or Cliest, use Shiloh's Porous plaster. Sold at Wm. Brown's U«ueral htore Markdale. ieo"bt- 3. lesie. TAILOR, -YOENHAM. STREET, 1:^ j^:^:^iD ^^.X-iS, G. J. tJlytb, ot Owea Souud, whs in town tliJB week. We have a speedy and positive cure, for Catarah, Diphtheria, Cankei mouth and Head Ache, in SHHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. A nasal liijb«ior free with each bottle Use it if you desire health and sweet breath. Price 50 cents. Sold at Wm. Brown's Guneral Store, Markdale. Mr. S. Wardell, well digger and drilllr, is now working in the neighbourhood of Har- kaway and ia having Ml) usual success in procuring water. f ORTUNBS FOR FARMERS AND ME- CHANICS. Thousanils of doUarj oau be saved by os- ing proper jadgement in taking care of the hcnalth of your self and family. If you are Bilious, have sallow complexion, poor appe- tite, low and depressed spirits, and generally debilitated, do not delay a moment, but go at once and procure a bottle of those Elactric Bitters, which never fail to cure, and that for the trifling sum of fifty cents. â€" Tribune. Hold by A. Tarner dc Co. A number of larmeri and otheis are haT- i Ing their addrett aad aama of their farm printed en tiieir «nTtlop«B. We do tham for a trifle over the cost «f the bare sQTelope. 'Call an see samples an4 have some done. WOMAN'S TRUE FRItND. A friend in need is a friend in deed. This none can deny, especially when assistance is reudered when one is sorely afi9icted with diseases, more particularly tho.se complaints and weakness so common to our female pop- ulation. Every woman should know that Blectric Bitters are vVoman's true friend,aDd will positively restore her to health, evtn when all other remedies fail. A single trial always proves our assertion. They are pleas- ant to the taste, and only cost fifty cents a bottle. SaW by A. Turner Jk Co. Sad.â€" Mr. Samutl Wright of the 9th line Euphrasia, Ivst his only son last week, a boy of 16 years.and out month previous a daugh- ter aged 23 years, both with scarlet fevM*. W« sincerely sympathise with the pareati in thsir had aiBietiou. NEVER GIVE UP. U you are taffering with low and drnfumt- -ed spirits, ioas of «pp«ti. e, general debility, disordered blood, weak constitution, head- ache, or any diseMe of a bilious nature, by all means procor* a bottle ot Electric Bitters. You *ill be surprised to soe the rapid im- provemeuk that will follow you will be iu- pired with new life strength and activity will return pain and misery wil eease. a id hencefi-rth you will rejoiee in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty ceata a bot- tle by A. I'urner Co.,Mar)idale. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA S4LVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Soreo, Ulccrr HuH Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, ]««i9 and all S\iu Eruptins, and Positively «ure8 Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect •atisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 its per box. For sale by A. Turner ii Co BOOTS SHOES JUSr ARRIVED Af THE von 0»t? o u^nsm BEST QUALITY AND LOWEST PRICE. STOCK COMPLETE IN Dry Goods and Grroceries! PRICF.S ALWAYS RIGHT. OUR THIRTY CENT TEA Is the wonder of the day, A trial solicited. WM. BROWN. llarkdale, Oet. 11th, 1883 II it A. M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'INTYRe TT-o-iJLX, S^lovLr^ 3PiovLr. McINTYRE'S MoINT^RE'S LIQUORS I LIQUORS I MEAL! MEAL I MEAL I McINTYRE'S Cigars. Ciga*^. McINTYRE'S Cottee, Coflee. McINTYRE'S 'ork. Pork. Pork McINTYRE'S Ani ever ythin g kept n in a first-elasa Grocery and Liqnoc Store, always on hand, chbav roa cash. Wm. Lucas Go, bankers, Markdale Save $2^00)000.00 t^ loan on real estate. Straight loan system. No Imes. Lowiuteiest: moderate charges. BREVITY IN SPEECHâ€" SWEETNESS IN MUSIC. Soioe one has said hat short speeches *re Bjodt iiaoressivc, and simple, sweet music tl« most touching. If there be anything in th« idea, certainly the following from C. C. De Zou«h«, of D« Zouche Co., Piano and ,Organ Dealers. 233 St. James street, Mon- -toai.1, is to the point and convincing: "St. J«kcob» Oil has proved of incalculable ya.ine t. me in a case of rheumatism, having given tm almost instant relief." In the Banaa .train of expjessive brevity writes Mr. John f1««iBg, editor in chief of tne Montreal Pott "I have maeh pleasure in stating tbat. from th« »w!of St. .Jacobs Oil, I find it .^«el eat and I fMnk it a good medicine." At the crnnty council last weeek the fol" ^l»wiB« were appoiatad Co, Taluatortâ€" R. iljles, Reeva ot Euphrasia J, Mnrdock, Itee.a of £pMBont H Reid of Svdenham. -«bich will neoMHitata a new election in the Uwo fonaer townships. EPFBCnVE "WORK. Tha following specific information, im- pai*ed by thoroughly rehable peopl. will coa- â-¼ey* clearer idea thaa any ataoont ofab- «tr^t refer*!.., how certain desirable re- •aite,are being accomplished. Mr. Alexaa- dwlfeKechnia, Bocbestervill«,Ct»awa, Oat., •ays;: "I was a perfect cripple with rhea- ratatisiB in my artas and feat for mora than two«Mks. when I was airised to tiy St. Ja«baOil. Ididso; in («r. days I weat to woik, aad at the aad af a wMk I was aa waU as €mr. I eoBsider St. Ja«bs Oil a '-dead saae" care for rheamatisni ia mnry fona." Mt.^aiaM Dempaay, Coboi$^ cbeat.Ottawa, is plMMd to remaik "HaTiag rafferad for aooM^me put with riMmaatmi ia tk. back, 1 am gratified to say that 1 bwre beea eHa- pletdy cured after a few apitftaations of St. /aooba Oil, aad can coafideatly reooanoaad si tp lay one saflering ip fike maimer," MARKDALE Sash and Door Factory SASH, DOORS, BLINDS MOULDINGS. HOLLOW BATTONS, FRAMES Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Always on Hand. Orders Promptly Filled. -o- Tl» Subscriber wishes tj return thanks to the people of Markdhle and yioinity for the very iiboial patronage they have given him in the past, and hopes by close attentioa to busiaess to merit a continuance of the same. I have now extended my business. and will in future keep a full Stock of PINELUM BER, Direct from the North Shore. ALL SIZES, DBESSED AND UNDKESSED, All Klinas '^f I*la,i»i and K'ancy Tii»-*iitijâ„¢- Dona ia a Srst class manner. Markdal. May 27tk. tSSI. THOS. McNEA. rr-if ARTEMESIA WAREHOUSE Dry6oo(ls,HiiMÂ¥are, Crockeiy, Boots and Shoes. Grocene.. ProTi»ion., c. Stock kept m and wall assorted with new goodi rccoived evenr week. MY BRANCH STORE AT EUGENIA repleniiAed with new goods T erv week. For sale cheap for cash or prod«9. My Saw mill, Shingl. Factoty, and Lime Kihi AT LITTLE FALLS. ABE IN OPEKATION. AH khMis Saw •«$ fcw^iTirtjiiMl tr sawM shiriK Iâ€" fcer, I^A, Br^. Mmm^M^ Shi.,,*, «,* ««« for -,., S ii MAFUFACiUiiERS OF inpes M Pulleys, Hangers, Gear Woeels. Shingle Joinier^i, 4^ l£inl8f Mill Kepairing. PLOWS and POINTS A SPECIAl MANGLES, GRATINGS, GRE8TIN68. PITUR3-lfi0fiJ B ASS CASTINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. The People's Photograpl a wr* aj ronsr. Continues to take Pictures, Do Copying and Enlarging In g^oodi PEAMES and FBAME FIXIkI iu graat Taritty kad latNt dcaifni at desperate low pricei. TORONTO HOU FliBSHEETON. ' Stock Fiilly Complete. UdosmUj VERY ATTRACTIVE, AND CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP! ra lEFiBTiifmuiT m o Variety and Value Unsurpassed! DET GOODS^DEPAEMEl Is this seasoD very complete with a very large stock ol Dicse Gw prising in part Casbnaeres in all colors Worsted Wocl G endless variefj. Boot and Shoe DepartmeDt Would call special at*^ention of close buyers us my sto k is unnniiiljl from the best manuTactnrers and at rock bottora prices. OEDEEED CLOTHING Has been exceedingly brisk this season, on accoant of which I M the largest and best stfKsk of Tweeds, Coatings, Trowserings, «ai I] ings in this section of c»untry. As I have a! wots led the tra3e n partment buyers will find it to their advantage to call btforepm elsewhere. Millinery Department. Under the able managem nt of a firB'i-class milliner, witU plentT'j ance. will be found unasuallv attractive with tlie prettKst and niosiT able, and cheaj^eKt stock to be found in the county. Ladies, it ** yon Kood to call and look at the stock. Hardware and Grocery Is always fully ashorted and complete with the best goods, »t tliel"'" sible p ice -L**",*^^ ^^^y eo'-stflnt ««»d reli«l k bover o( Grain andH dace m FJesherton, and lor which I will pHV the hiahe^t price s' any quantity of g.,od dry. sound graiu, which 1 #ou[d specially s**" to clean well. A call i-obcited. PleAertoB, Oct. fad, 188J. 3K, J" BFJc^orr: Markdale PUMP Fact( MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF PUMPS, DROP VALVE PUMPS, CYLINDER PUMPS, CISTEBK FORCE PUMPS, ^â- o, ALL KINDS OP IRON PUMPS SUPPI^^ f.^?*^"?f*^" foarant^d on aU my work the proof of it'» P Uie romp buamess. Rem«mb« the slaiid, 1 door north d B"*** Sydenham street, J^arkdaJ^I Pro St RRIS.EES, A paw, Sol citorfi â- tc, O.Vfii Sc hoii. Office o] pore. Fkost, fuitv Crown A

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