Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Feb 1883, p. 4

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 u m The Standard. IlARKDALE, JjEB. Ist 1888. (JABNIVAL. The Caruival ou Tuewlty ev«ninK the most •accebsfnl ever held m Mairlcd le.botli in namber of niH«ker«, beaut; of costnmeB and number of spectatorfl. .The prize winners are us ioUowB "lodian Chi«f," C. Richards; " Wft8herwom»'" T. Benson "Nun," Millie Lyons "Carp«3nter," Ludd Mathews :*' Winter/' Mng^ie McNea; "J -ckey, " Tom Benson "liittleGirl," Mmnie McNea ••Irisuman," A. Mo- FaUand "Dutohmau," J. McDou- gdU "Highlander, ' Ab. Richardson} "Best ladj H d gents costume," Mr. Albert Rictiardson Hnd Mi8S Jennie Lyons "Dead beat," Bob Sproule "3e8t skater," James Sproule; "Worst skfiter, â-  J. Galbraitb. Thu compe- titiotj for most ot the ])rizes was ke«n, this made tbe juddng tediouH. The most beuutitul costume on the rink was that of Miss Minnie Cornwall for wljich unf •rtunately their- was no prize ou the hst. Messrs Copeland, Wilstm ami Smith furnished the music. Jud{(eBâ€" Messrs A. Mclntyre, Geo. Haskett and Dr. Armstrong. ©arrespandan^a* •ere, and Irom sixy to eiglif? buabeb of barley and oata thresbed to the tMsrc. In roots, well fthnpB I bad not better aay aitytfaing ahmi the qnantity, bnt what »nidd y.m tiiink of turnip, weifehing 80 lbs., *iid otiier root CTops lu proportion. But. bir, donl think there is uo poor lan.i. There is plenty of that here too. There i» one blessing that we enjoy at any rateâ€" there is nti potato bugs here. Any oue coming here, not afraid of work and williog to K'Ugli it a Uttle, can do well but they must make np their minds to brmg their sweet hearts or wives with them as females are in great demand here. SHKI.TON KlOGHT, New Westminster. B. C. NoricB. â€" "We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold ouraeWeH responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents «EIMLt*S SP«¥IJI OURt snccensAil Re*i««y A 75e£^J Wtttwittfd sbuna. Jbr w«« ^tha Sersi^ ^^l b*^;.eli ehe«r «» wdi. ApplJ j^^gg KELLY, O; rnuletU. lush Ljdw, Artou:eM». W IAIN IT IE ID To the Editor of the Stanoabd. Sir,â€" 1 ttink your rem^trks the other week ou agricultural shows were op- pcrtuue.. Now is the time for farm- ers to sgeak their miuds on this im- pDrtant suojecrt. You have noticed no doubt last fullthat'London, Brampton and Hamilton held their agricultural fairs on the same day. I tinnk that is as it shouid be and I also thiuk that if our township shows w«^re all .held on the same day tliere- would be ten head of sheep and pigs to the one now exhibited. There are several members ut Glenelg agricultural show that have expeudedcouHiderablemouey ID buying what is called thoroughbred stock .and have done so several years ago so now they could show splendid grades if they thought they had their equals to euntond against. Bu*: the8« men do not bring their stock I'rcm home-on those da) 8. Why Becausj there are a few men that feed, blanket, wash and comb a few of the best of their stock and make u j their minas to make it pay. When they leave home they de not intend to return as long as there-is a show within twenty miles of them, and I know as well as my broiler farmers that it would noj pay rw^ t3 go to so much trouble and expense with our stock, for one show or two, experience ought to teach us. The first and second show held in Markdale there was good competiti-m in all kinds of cattle, sheep and pigK. How is it now lots of empty pens two or three filled I must say with first class stock. When I ask any of my neighbours are you going to show this or that animal the answer is no it would be no use those breeders will be there and I could have no chance. If our directors must have those travel- lers let thom have special prizes for them, and have other prizes for us, theuweall can compete. Some will say we want this stock brought amongst us so we can buy from them aad im prote our stock. Very true, but those farmers that want to buy seldom, buy at t«.)wnship shows tliey generally buy at county shows because there in a greater vaiiety to choose from and more honouv attached to the animal i4iHt ti^es a comity prize than a town- .ship one. Thanking yo a. Mr. Editor, fed: giving me space for the above re- marks, I remain A Fabmeb. COL- LETTER FROM BRITISH UMBIA. To the Editor of the Staxda^h). Dkab Sib, â€" When we arrived here, over ttiree years ago, thi-re coultl not hiitvebeeu a more home- sick family who wished themselves back in Ontario liiiiu ourselves. But time, tbe healer f allheart sores,and having seen laore uf this wonderful country witli itj de Itghtful climate and natural resorces 've h'«vo bienled to change our mitsds Alttiougli thejce is m»iny rrivii-ges that v\ e ace ue jtfived of ti^re is- uo doubt but what, we will have thcdi. all good t mt.. The wuiters since '-.\i: arrival here, oommence ;ib.nt (Jhristmaff ur the first of the uew-year si)riiHi about the first of Mar'di. There i o- good deal of rain during the suiumer.but it is general- Qr fine (or hating* Farm luids are Ttcy limited, alid gootf-many «jub8 thero i»uot iboogb trfitt^etiierj !(,• t*t*tt a Htitc eaM^ hot produces. UTti*t eropH. I imvft««*u from two to i,ar oua ^A ... b^hay cat to th« EUPHRASIA COUNCIL. The tnembers elected of the muni- cipal council of the townnhip of Euph- rasia for the year 1888. Robert Myles, Esq., Reeve Jas. Erskine, Esq., Deputy Reeve D. R. Ellis, James Boyd, and James C. Paterson, Esquires â€" Council lorn. Tbe said members elected having assembled at th" hall of s.»id town ship at 11 o'clock a. m. «m the 15tli day of January, made and subscribed their declarations of qualification and of office in due form, filed the same with the clerk, and took then- seats at the council board. Miuutes of last session of council read and confirmed. J. B. Winter ou behalf of the coun- cil and W. H. Dodson, on motioa of the Reeve were appointed auditors and a by-law passed uccordiugly. The Reeve and Deputy Reeve were appointed to euquire into the validity of the Treasurer's securities, and re- port at next meeting of the conucil. J'jseph Boyd was appoiuted asses- sor at a salary of $80, and a By- law passed accoriingly; James Falls was appointed janitor of the township hal! at a salary of $10. The Treasurer was ordered to re- mit to the ioliowing named gentle-; men, the amounts hereinafter placed opposite their respective names 'as re- muneration for tneir services as Depu-, ly returning, and that of their poll clerks, and constables at the last municipal elections viz, J. Strulhers. Esq., $7.50 Geo. Wilsou. jr., $7.10; Natlianiel Curry, $6.70; William H. Mauary, $7.70 Jas. Yelland $7.00 Thomas Abercromoie, $7.00. The Treasurer was instructed to pay to the trusttfes of Scliool Sections as payment for the u^^e of School house used at last municipal election as loUows viz. Union S. S. No. 4 $2 00; S. S. No. 14, $2.00; S. S. Nc. 15. $2.00 S. S. No. 9, $2.00, also to pay to John Hurlburt for the use of the Orange Hall at Kimberdy tor the same purpose, $2.00. The Reeve's order was issued on ih^ Treasurer in favour of Robert Dunloj) for $20.00 being for special services connected with the last municipal election. The Treasurer was instructed to re- mit to J. Farewell the sum of $13.00 for printing ballot papers for last election. The Reeve's order was issued on the Treasurer in tavour of George Crabtree for $10.00 being for coffin furnishod for interment Isaac Garrett and also 50 cents for repairing door and windows of town hall. The Treasurer was ordered to remit to Joseph Shaw of Thornbury, the sum oi $4.80 being taxos paid m er- ror. Tbe Reeve and Oeputy Reeve were appointed to obtain iilformation re- garding a suit pending between John Kerr and thia corporation, regarding a job on the road. On motiou being made and secead- ed t^e council adjourned until tb* first day of Fbertiary next. BoBEBT Dtmtcp, (Herfr. The Most •Ter di^vered. u it is certain in iX^eSec^ »nd doe. not bhster. B«ap Tixoot Bbww. Kendairs Spavin Cure- Hamiltom. Mo.. June 14, Jl881. B J KsNDAU. Co..â€" Gents:â€" Tbi*' to certify that I have used Kend.U' Sp.;i.. Cure, and have found it to be M that ti. recommended to be and i« «»»» °»«^J^' I have removed bv using the above. C»11om fione Spavins. 3ing-bone, Sphnts. and ca,,. obeerfnUy testify and recon.mend it to b- the best ttiing for anvboT.y substance I have •T«r ased. and have t.ied many as I h»T« made that my study lor years. Rtfspecif ally yours, p. V. CBI3T. FRom Col T. L. Foster TouNGBTOWN. Ohio, Way 10, 1880. Db B J Kendall Co., Gente:â€" I had a Tery T»IuableHambleconi»icolt th»tlpn»*i vew highly, he ha^ a large t^me ... irin ©a one ioLnt and a small one on the other whieli male him very 1 me; I had ^im «»i*r »he eh.!rge of two veterinary «urgeim3 which faU- •4 to care him. I was one day reading tfce adrerti-^eownt of KfudaU's .Spvin Cure m the Chicago Expreox. I determined at one to try it. and got our drngfrist here to m»iid for it, they ordered three bottles; I took th«m all and thouuht I wonld giv« it a therou^h tr \\, I used it according to dirtiction ai»d th« f« jrth day the colt cea«ed to be lame and the lumpB have diaappeired. I used but one bottle and this colt's limbs are as free Irom Inrtps and as smooth as any honge in the state He is entirely currd. The care wai •o remarkivble that I lei two of my neigr.bors have the remaining two bottles who ai e now using it. Very respectfully, L. T FOS fEB. Kendall's Spavin Cure. WiKoHAM. Out.. Jan. 17. fti'J. Db. B. J. Kkndali, t Co.. Gents: â€" This is to c^tifv that I hiive u»cd Kendall'.s Spavin Ctire, WtightfroiqC E William; druggist, Wingham, nt., and do without he Station pcooounce it to be an inval -able remedv for the cure of Spavins, Biu^^bones. or Curbs. I «aed it on a bone spavin of several years growth which it comjletely removed, and I • in saiely say it will remove any Spavin, Curb or Bingbone it properly u^ud. 1 hav» also recommended friendH to use it. who hav« 4(me fo with perfect success. I gladl^ make this public, and will aus^er auy questions or letter^) sent sae. Yours kn. GEOUGEBRYCE. Pri^e 91 per bottle, or .six bottltis fir #5. All druggists have it or an get'it tor you, or it will bd 8»nt to auy aldress on recept of l^rice by the proprietors. Db. B. S. Exnuali. Co., EnoBburgh Falls, Vt. Soid by all Tht Eeiipst Wil. 100.000 tt. Cherr 500.0CO ft. Hemloek. 10*000 ft Baswood, also thn ana mapls MwtoS.and 800 cords cellar bolts 4 feet 8 rrullo!gfor*bi«^ tbe Highest price *U1 hi paid. Sparling: Brothers, Proprietors. Flesliei't on Star» n STEAM GRIST MLL Is now giving General Satisfactiw n, Chopping done every Working dayv CAN rIAYE YOlift GRIST HOME THE SAME DAY. GEO. MORHOUSE. r.i6-l61- T. E. OAVIS, BUILWSR CONTRACTOR, (Stone andi Brick). After completing 13 buildings his season is still on the track and is still prepared to do all kinds of stone and brick work, plastering and tuck poiating. Those who contemplate building will And it to their advantage to give him a catt. Besidenes comer of Browia and Sproale States. liA.3EDAi.x. 16-v THE OSLY O.VECI THREE DOlUiiii. 2S6EIITSM any other JUrSIJI YOU CAX 1»|I^.| oanvassmg for ii,e WorU ' vas8e«« wa ted ev^m. card for terms and T. C. B. RAILWAY. TIME TA^LE. Change ot Time. On and after Monday, Nov. trains will run as follows aOth, 1882, by LYMAN, SONS Wli(kle.~.ale ArentK ift CO., Mjatisai. P. Q. BIRTHS. Hooo â€" AtFlciherton Station, on th» 84th January, the wife of Mr. Wm. Hogg, (Mer- chant,) of a Bc n. GEORGE NOBLE, INSURANCh AND lAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEEii P'or tlie County of Grey. AaaMT for tbe following reliable Compani^ CITIZENS' oi Montrsal, AGRIOULTUKAL, of Watertowii. and TRADE A COM^kRCK. (Mutual) of Toronto. A number o£,. Choic« Farms for sals. al.» Village Lots Auction SilesoondactedinTown or Coun- try on Shortest Notice. Charges moderate. Bills, Blank Notss, and Stamps provided. GEO. NOBLE. MARRIAGES- OOINO S TH. Jttad Dctm. P. U. 4 25 600 6 45 8-44 8 45 a 15 O 9 So P.H. J OOINO SOOTH Ktad Uf. A.M. 7 3;) 9 05 9 55 12 20 12 06 2 25 11 50 1 30 PJS ToBoKTO 10 4.5 Cabawsli. June. 9 05 Orasosvillk... 8 27 MomtT FoBKBT.. 6 '10 MiLKKSALK 6 27 Tbbswxtkb 5 00| 2 4.' F BSHSBroM 6 4:-i.4 47 OWBS 0UKD.... 6 15*3 10 k.V. p.n. 9 10 31 50 30 30 P.M. A Mixed Itain will also inn between Tor- onto and Uwen Sound. Se« Time Table. D. McNicoLL, Gen. P*t».,Agt. Edmuwd Wkagob. General Manager. MAKKDALE MAEKETb. Fall Wheat, 10.80 to »0.93 Spring |0.§2 to $0 92; Barley. 5.^e: Peas, 68; Oatf^ 36e Butter, 17c; Eggs, 2t»c; Potatoes, 40c? Hay. So.Oo Pork. 7.iC to S.l'r, Flour, «^5 to Grass Seed, ilJU. FLEBHERTQN MARKETil Ihvisbâ€" HoLiMosHBAiwâ€" At the resideoM of. the bride's mother, Markdale. by Her J Ward, on the 26th Jan., Mr. R D. Irvine (tcachar.) to Miss JoBtphineHoUingshead DIED OTer McFarland^s Stffe, MARKDALE. Special atteotioD to Coitinj?, D\vi8â€" On tnie 26th December, Vf^er oinly son of John U. Davis, aged 2 yi», S raoa. ^BioHTâ€" In Eophrasia; on the 36th Jan'y ,GKr,ie Conly son dt Mr. Si^mntA Wriuht,' afled IS years' 10 months, 2« davs If you wan* a Perfect Fit iaav* yonr Order whh A. HILiix S^otember »Oth 188J. Wi. FOR SALE. Fall Wheat, »0.85 to »0.90; Spiing, fOMS to »0.90; Barley. o9c; Peas, dHo; Oat% 364i; Butter. 17o; Eggs, 20e; Potatoes.^) e; Htts »9.00; Pork. »7 .50 to»8 00 TORONTO MARKkTS. Fall Wheat, »0.93 to $©.97; Spring, 1^.94 to »0.98; Barley, 55o to 73c; Oata, 41rt» 43c Peas. 70c to 78c; Hogs, «8k00 to »8iJ7; Pot%. toes, per bag. 75o to 85c; Battn. i»iiT, »?• to 20e; c^n 30o to 32o. A* tt04^» NOTICE TO fj BUSINESS STILL 1\te! W. J. Rl UNDEUTHKCLDf Gristirg and Cbo^pir.f; iA day. Farmers Jrom a (iiij their stuff home -with th^aiL All orders fur Flour uii filled- W. J. BOTE,' October 38th 188). W. a RICHII BUILDER, CONTKACItJ TKCT. â€" Residence onil dale. Markdale. Jan. 2 ith, m I THE GHEAT Ml( THE DETROIT ' POST Al Onlj'^l.O^pftl Contains oU the newt uf tttl p.art s of the 'vo-kl As « Duf superior on tho coutieeutiil character of news it fu?ni'-lif giving valuable inforai»twB the subscription price. MANITOBA' it kitereitiuR to all 'om i«| v/ant 10.000 aubsuriber- ttejl and as a pr«mininto £^ we send a copv of KENBIU'SJ book is not a bauibuK or»of is "worth its weight in ^olj'i who owns a hors» It wh| 50 cents, and contains nearlilir Becol'eet the book and piiw^ f«r $1- Sample copv of» Address THE POST 4 TBO IU-4W. Underl Coffins, Caskets, Burial Pol' GloveSil Ai Furnishings ftf I May U had on ShortM'"' Hoon fn"»' GEO. GEi MABKDA^l irteJi 4. CAittO. '^Toall whis^are antferiug fcoH, ILe erronr and indiwretfoiw ot yfloth, Ben^os wMk- ne«s,«arly tfecay. lossol maaltood. Vte..I Si^iS!^*^ ^^ (P?** Bemedy «sa di.. 2S^ by » nuMwnaiy m Sooth Ameriea. BMM a wU-ad^MjlMytoP^we to Bkt ttitWH t. â-  i*nA!$mmm », Sem Tori Also a well a^wi FURrtT' frem paia to fine qn*"" prices. ^^ TO SELL On^^ LOT 15, CON. 12 acres, 100 cleared. OB. Terms easT. ^^y^^,i.' Postmastor, near tn«F^Tl^f, ' NoTember UthA^^- ~FARMFO»X LOT 6 CON. 3 E. tJ- 100 acres, 70 ifcrw •l. good orchard b^""/^ barn. Situated « .0?'^, !,« I worth. A. bargaUJjI-^^i aboTa*ro{e.ty. f"" i Ci1 NoW*. KKKi'-! «^' hVH« This 18 the Ist The Uth is St. The i9« crop is Flour h«8 gone ««k. The 28th is tin little ione. Wh«at is on tl ^Bsntity coming Our railway 1 lonsideving the 1 We are pleasec kctin after a sey f.]M lungs. Flesberton S |tbe advisability tion organized i Mr, Wm B«8t Bon. £ Euphra: es near Woo The Flesherl lispt busy, ai d pt it driven by t or want of wat The Thornb' [soring shew at Agricultural S |«rClaik6bnrg. Farmers anc I «rtttive agency 1 4ay can b cai lUl, to H C Fulton Sti

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