Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Jan 1883, p. 1

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 ^s o. *-»--'a-:-»-^ MARKDALE, ONT.;jAK. 11, 1883. • No. 122. â- â- *; in;tard .V NiNva* I Markdale Markdale Hotel. i Ckod Accommoilation for Travellers. 'Bus ' to ntl from all train?-. Charges moderate. A. RcTLrojQK. Pbop. -, i""l 's^.i till 1 tinned at the rasing i •^!On• ;:l they S::," r? 50 i 00 s oo 4 00 r .. '.a.- 8 3 .-•â- :.â- Â»â€¢.-! \\ the ' -=...: s-.lid â-  i r\'\(\ and .V " â- â-  'lver- •â- ;i- â-  '.:-ilHca- 1 â-  'a; 'ri;i3f-ed- ,1)1.1 ,-( -I',, â- â- â- ,'• • ' â- ; .t' 'i with Iessiohal a^d business .,l:;s ,^.'... r "â- .â- !:â-  eur 1. -,-r,~;.-i'»1!i-" at icgaU Frost Frost, RBISTEES, AND ATTOKNKYS-AT [•iw, Sol eitors in Chancerv. Convey 'Vc, O'.vt/u Sound, liave resumed at fion, Office open every Thursday, as pcire. Frost, J. W FaosT, LL. B. fintv Crown Attorney. 1 J. mASSOI^, p^^STER, MASTER ANDDEP.REG "Ciiincer.-, Xotaiy Public, Conveyan I^Y To I.KXl) AT SIX PER CENT. T«?-Owen Sou.il in Vicker's Block .^S'l-; and ill Martdale, over MeFar ptore, on Friday and Saturday every â-  57.1y IfeasorA 1\ rrison, F'21 .-â- 5,S()LICIT0RS.C0NVEY- p\ Ac. dtc. |fJ8inO\vea Sotmd, DnSeriH Block, t. V\oif\ Stun:' and iu MARKDALE; â- â- ' McLarkuds Su-rcoa Thursday *Vot. Awe-;-k. I'uiids to len 1 on reasonable terms. l:*EAS;m, Q.G_ Duncah MoBwow |*^e, March lo, 1882. 79-lv Alexander Brown. -^of Marria^'e Licenses, Fire and r iR^urauce Agent. Commisaionei 1 â-  "'*• *^*»ivevaneer and Licensed r «" tor tlifc Connty of Grey. Farmers, Tj • *QtiLand Sales, PuDctually at- L",,*'"!; ^l^'Wfies made very moderate. f*^'«.Sept.l7.1S80. ' 1-v ^^ERE HOTeT, 1 SIARKDALE. PJ^OULE, Proprietor. PiowT.' °" thorougulv refitted. •t^blino J '° °^°« in tlie county. K»oinm„j^° attentive ostler. First- ♦' 1^» "i? *°" commercial travd «'• Barber's sh ia connec. COfvUIERGlAL HOTEL PRIOBVmi^E. Ont. Larj^r; aud eommodioiis Sample Booms Uood Ued Uoom; Ac. Tue Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market tif fords good Stabling and atteutive Hostler's TrtOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor CHATSWORTH HOUSE (l^TE MOHBOW HOU8K,) CHATSWORTH, Ont. rTlHK uader^igned having pnrclipsed the _l ahijve property has Lad it thoroughly reaoiitt3d and refurn shed tbroujhouFbeside makiti:' oihei- ne • impiovemeut-, which will greiuly a.id to the comfort and convenvsnce of h?s gnusts, would vespeotfully solicit ihe patronage of the pubhc enerally. The best bran'is of liquors and cigars always in stocK. Cjoo i ineal and comfortable fjoma guaran- teed Good stabling and attentive hostler. â€" (!. H, Mathkws, Prop. 114. \\\ii I m^^JWM'^Mi^ ROBT. ASKIL., Uas opened out a Fiiet-Class Furniture AND UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT, And thereture has supplied a want long felt, especially in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, CASKETS, SHROUDS. and all FUNERAL FURNISMINQS, supplied on the shortes notice. |lliM(Uaiie«a«. John McDonald. CHATSWORTn, DIVISION Com* Cleik. Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses, Commisisioner in B.B., (Jonvej-anocrv fec. Deedb. Mortgages, Wills, c. att€!hded to promptly, accurately, neat- ly, and cliBaply. Private funds to lend in small siijuB on easy terms. Note? discounted lie!;!. M.D., M. .:• ?â-  _S., O ifi'i "-â- .in Su L'ciin, P'^ieyvide, y.-'oi Uaivrr ity. V;i;t. C-diegd. .New i'orls, and liiiAtu of t'"e -^a.ne, Avlc;-! "'ediciil iMstitute. 0,);lii.;m':c H:.spi!,ai, N,Y. IrCcll. riivs ci ills ,;- Sar^aof s,0. J04 |meron 6l Knight, HE.NT.vL -vURGEoNS, Jrvfr D .\ Cam-^rou au 1 "o's Drug iPo'.ueUS;'.. OV.T.N SOUND i.e'itii)!! i;ive,i to til.- preservation of j-ilurtii. \rii'ji,ial D.iifturcs moant- "U, Celluloid, iud liuliber bases. !Wst Markdiil' i.he last Tuesday Ma lontli, p-nii. M D A- C. F. Kmght. L.D.iSL ' .V ^.(iLisgow, Medalist Royal Col- '"'.. Out. lei^e De!i-Sur.,Ont MISS LAMB, DRESS-lflAILER. UP-STAIBS IN Louglas' Block. Satisf iction guaran- teed. C'larges moderate. Markdale. Nov. x5th. 1882. 114-3m. R. Jn. Oalbraith i UCTIONEER AND GENER4i LAND j\. Agent, William-iford Station. Auction Sales attended in all parts of the County. Goods sold on commission. Bntes moderate. Pianos, Organ.t, and Sewing Machines; also Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Vines, Agricul- tural Impiemennts, and Machinery of all i^inds on sale. WiLiamsfoi*, Jan. 27. 1831. T. E. DAVIS*. BUILDER CONTRACTOR, (Stone and Brick). After completing 13 buildings his season is still on the track and is still prepared to do all kinds of stone and brick work, plastering and tuck pointing. Those who contemplate bailding will find it to their advantage to give him a caU. Residence comer of Brown and Spromle Stetes. Maikdalb. Ifi-v nWISS^ELSH; Dress mantlemafeer. Charges moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed. Hill's Block, Sydenham street. Maikdale, Nov. 6th, 1882. 113 126 ISSUES OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Ac Commissioner in B. R. c. Conveyaneing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B, Maney to Lend on Real Estate se eurity. tot hire at moderate rates. FUENITUKE! From thp Common to the Best and Latest Styles, in everything in the line. Call and see for yourselves. ROBT. ASKIN. Union Carriage Worlds. All work manufactured from First Cuss. Miterial In the Latest ard Best Improved Style, and firishod with lilnsrlisbL Varnisli. Painting Trimming will receive prompt attention ' All impairs executed io the shortest possible time consisteDt with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Bemeu^ber the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAN, Markdale. Dec. 2nd. TS81. Proprietor. 64. LOYIL MRKDILE LOOaE Of C. O. O. F. No. 78. will meet- in their hall on Monday evening. Jan. 22nd, at eight o'clock p. m. .^,^ n 108 W. L. YOUNG, Sec'y, EUGENIA Grist, SawandLathMifls Having made eqtensivd improvements in my Grist MUl I feel confident I can give good satisfactioB. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND. Chopping Done Every Day. Cnrtora Sawing and Bills FiUed on the ahorteat notice. ,„ ,,« LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, BntlOTiat. White i^. B^„^ §;^^Kne tndHe«lockLo»!i wanted 691y. HAIR OUniNG AND SHAVING T3y rr. r fc^miili. Razors, Straps, and Shaving Brushes for sale. Razors sharpened. ty Orde.'B filled for Tomb Stones. s M. AKITT, Eugenia. $661 a mA iB jonr o»b towo. 16 ootftt hee. Ho ruft. .^,^«verytliiiigniiw. Capital noTreqniwcL We wiU ftmush 7^^^^ S^M«.y are making fwtoHa. L makeaainiidi aeo»en. and bovs •^f^f time you iro*. wnto «« P^-J" ^,^ TmRTLING DISCOVERyi LOST MANHOOD RE8TO»gD. «u« Decay, /ertoua Debty. hMt V%^oS.t^ torlngtrWI la win every known ""^^lSS^ I bnsinesB now before the public. Yon ean make moaey faster at work for OS uian ai anything else. Capital not need- ed. 'We will Mart yon. 913 a day rad np- wards made at home by the indnstrioos. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to wora for us. Now is the time. Yon can work in spare time orly or give your irtole titne to the business. Yon can live at home and do the work. No other business'^will pny yon nearly as well. No one can fail to make en- ormous pay by engaging at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easi^ and honorably. Address Tkck Co., Augusta, Maine. 71-126 BESTaih) COMFORT tothb SUFFERING Brown's Hoasetaold Panacea has no equal for relieving pain, both inter- ned and external. It cures pain in the Side, Ba or Bowels, Sore Throat, Rheumatism. Toothache, Lumbago and any kind of a Pain or Ache. "Jt will most surely quicken the Blood and heal, as its acting power is won- derftd." "Brown's Household Panacea," being acknowfedged as the great Pain Reliev- er, and of double the strength of any other Klixer or Liniment in the world, should be m every family handy for use wben wanted " as it really is the best remedy in the world for Cramps m the Stomach, and Pains aud Aches of all kinds," and is for sale by all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. 75-127 EARS FOR I MILLION L^OO CHOO'S BALSAM OF SHARK'S 1} OIL positively Restcrcs the Hearing, and is tlM Only Absolute Cure for Deafness known This Oil is abstracted from peculiar species of small White Shark, caught in the Yellow Sea, known as Cabcbabodon Ronde- LETii. Every Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a restorative of hearing were discovered by a Buddhist Pr est were dis- covered about the year 1410. Its cures were so numerous, and many so seemingly mir aculous, that the remedy was officially pro- claimed over the entire Empire. Its use became so universal, that for ovci 300 years no Deafness ha^ existed among the Chinese people. Sent, charges prepaid, tii any ad- dress at $1.00 per bo;tle. Hear whtet the Deaf say It bas performed a miracle in my case. I have no unearthly noises in my head, and hear much better. I have been greatly benefited. My deafness helped a great deal â€" think ano- tLer bottle will cure me. Its virtues are unquestionable and its cura- tive character absolute, as the writer can per- sonally testify, both from experience and ob- servation. Write at once to Haylock and Jenney, 7 Dey Street, New York, mclosing Jl and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable you to hear like anybody else, and whose curative effects will be peimanent. Yon will never regret doing so." â€" Editor OF Mebcantilb Review. lS"To avoid lo-is in the mails, please send money bv Registered Letter. Only ilnported by HAYLOCK JENNEY. late Haylock fe Co.. Sole Agents for America. 7 Dby St New Yohk 93-145. Ii. Lncas Co., BANKERS. Money 1 ^oaii«^cl IN largror small amounts, at all times, ja good indorsed notes, or on collateral security. nrrBBESTiNG items o4thebei fbom ors KXCHANQES AND 0THEBWI8E rOB tI^B BEADEBS OF THE "STANFABD." CbatsMrorth. The steam grist mill has changed ' haudi Messrs. Malcolm aud Alexan- der McNahb having pnrchased it Irom Mebsrs. Porteoao for $4,000, aud will commence business at once. Mr. Jas. Mitchell, of Sullivan, who left home about three moutlis ago lias not been heard of since, and consid- erable anxiety is felt as to what has become of him. The Methodist S. S Christmas tree and concert, which came oflF on the 29th ulr., was a success. Mr. Hitnp- son, Superinteud«*nt, was presented with a beautiful family Bibie by the school. Dnndalk. The pest office has been removed from Mr. G. R. Middleton's store to that of J. J. Middlfton, Esq. Accident at Corbktton. â€" On Tues- day last Malcolm Gillies had his left haad very severely injured by a circu- lar saw. It was faim-l necessary to amputate the Imud, which was success- fully done by Dr Griffin, of Dundalk, and Dr. Norton, of S'lelburue. G. R. Middleton is doing an exten- sive business in pork packing. Fleslierton. Our skating rink opened last week. Our .AHphabctical "Stoney"' has skipped, leaving; many unsettled ac- COUUiB. 4th Line.-â€" The Orange Soiree held at the 4th line, Artcmesia, on Friday the 29th ult., was a grand success. The Hall was packed. Speeches were delivered by Revs. A. Wilson, Chis- holm, Dowler and Dr. Christ oe. Music by Miss Cbri?toe and Pedlar Bros. The spread was excelleeut. Proceeds $50. â€" Advance. INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. I^DraftiS issued and Collections ms*^* on points, at lowest rates. W.M. LUCAS. .- â-  Manager. Septembk 23. I9m. 2-ly JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE, GEM'LBLACKSMITH WARNING There is gr*»t danger of tak- ing cold from iret feet If yon want to Guard Against SUckncss Keep yoor «eet dry and wani by proeoring ye«BF ^vii-^ a ;«rti8fiietinir fc»ladCorkSoles,aIli rnksnA. BeBember tibi plae* -of: HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. A. CAHO. To an wbo are snfjfering from the errors snd indiseietions ot yoiith. nervous weak- neA, early decay, loss of manhood, 4Ee..I wiUsendareenpeihft will enre yon. FBEB OF CHABOE. Ibis great Beme^ was die- Gorerad by a missionarf in Sonth America. 8en4 a self-addressi-d ewelcpe t« Bt. JoBienT. LniA«, Sta^on D, Nm York !^^ter «* TriwAU d WTit/KtKSed^'l^ 4tiidta«»b« -*a?** Miss Bennet, of Tara, is in town spendin a few days with fiiends. Miss E. C. Kirvan has opened a aew dres making parlor opposite Clark's baker shop. Rev. Mr. WDson (Presbyterian) and Rev. Mr. McDiaimia (Canada Methcdist) exchang- ed pulpits last Sabbath. Accident.â€" On Saturday last Mr. Wm. J. Morrow of Glenelg. met with a serious an possibly fatal accident.' While chopping in the bush a tree fell on him, aeriously injur- ing his head and shoulder. He lies in a semi-conscious condition. The Secretaries of the following Town«lli| iVgricultural Societies willi please let us bavfr a synopsis of their annual meeting, viz:-- •Lrtemesia, Holland, Osprey, Euphrasia, and Glenelg. A farmer while gazing down the hopper in McFarland's elevator kst his balance and tcok a tumble. He f,;ll headlong about ten feet into a grain bin. but rose ud ^ith con tuderable indignation in his countenance and a gallon of vheat in his month. Onr tubscribers and others will "o us a favor, and assist in making the paper inter- esting, by sending us particoIsTS of incidents tran.-inring from time to time in their yicini- ty. siome times people wonder why such and such a tlungdid not appear in the pnjt r. Well, we don't often insert items we kaan^ nothing about. Last Friday evening was the time mtended for the skating eam.vaL The rink was there, the ice was there, the Chinese lau- terrs were tbere, tke refreshments wera there, and the proprietor and manager was there, bat the aasken cai^e not True, four or five boys wwe disgaised, one with a white garment better adi^tod for the silet t watches of the aifilit; anoUier gloried in a white hot, borrowed for the oeeai^. Then Koiert marehed in with the kft^ under his aim and 9»v« ne the •'Kna Akatian Moantains.*' fionw flatten "deaclbeat" their way in abor.t maeo'do^ Th said the show was txx tfpoi and asuiijiiiBd sefreabinaits. These iroe acrred ov the 'eontinaBtid" plan (not) fttiifor (Oitfie Aasoiean plan: end aval l0waa OB liieOanaAaa |)l«i. Bnt any who expaotod to aae • pMl ^Aiv^^ got left worse a ciie«nN«l van at a soeiaL " h •' â- 'â- Â» ' [f ' 3h Hit *-'f l" i 'â- it "

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