Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Dec 1882, p. 4

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 S??! "FVjrW^i^i ' I' n A HAPPY NEW 'TSA^'^-A^f' The Standard. MARKDALE, DEC. 288t, 1882. To the Editor of the Stindabd. DxAB Sib. â€"I wm very much amused on reading Bev. Mr. Ward's long lettei in your lAst weeks issue to find he »tiU eludes the question asked m my letter. He 'brought out his cannon to shoot the fly" shot both eyes and went it blind, there was a loud re- port bnt no game. I stated in my last letter that if Mr. Ward desired I would discuss the matter with him in a friendly way through your eolomns with the understanding that be would first give his reasons for requesting his congregation to withold countenance and lud to the other church enterprises of the village. But he does not desire it he says it is not a matter to be discussed it is simply • matter of obedience. The general public How a-days desire "a resen for the faith that ia in them," they do not propose to obey contrary to reason, the days of unquestion- ing obedienee to priestly dictation have hap- pily passed away may they never return. I asked a plain straight forward question and certainly expceted from one in Mr. Ward's position a plain stralgh forward answer, but instead of that be treats us to two columns of matter entirely foreign to the subject on hand, in the course of which he quotes a letter of Bev. J. Wesley. I suppose the let ter in question is arithsmatic and no doubt some Meth«digt will le able to answer for his church, I am not c Methodist am not specially up in thoir literature, doubtless they had good and sufSeient reasons for leaving the church of England communion, but I must say that to an outsidei their sim- ple rules. Earnest prayer and practical gos- pel sermons seem more in accordance with the practices and preachin^j of the apostles and first tethers of Christianity taan the elaborate ritual crosses genuflections Ac, of the BO called proteataut episcopal church. However I must leave this subject for the present. When Mr. Ward answers my ques- tion in a plain candid way, I may have a lit- tle furthev talk with him through your paper but if he docs not 8«e fit to do so, I will not •ondescend to follow him through all the tortuous way that the VagariM of his imagi nation may lead him. Thanking you Mr. Editor for allowing me space in your widely "-read Journal to expose tlie i'hberaliiy of the Bev. Gentleman. I am yours truly G. CoLTJsowooD TowHSHip.â€" Heeye, Ned McColmau. T. McKenny, Jos. Eorke First Deputy. A. CaropbfeU, T. B. "Whit^; Seciid Deputy, W. Kerr, H. Hewgill Couucillorsâ€" NeU Smith, S. Lunau, L. Lougheed, John Irvine. Shklbuhhb.â€" Reeve. Wm. Jelly (acclaniaUon) Ckjuucillors, J. Allen, E. Berwick, F. Campbell, D. Gal- loway, G. Hanuab, J. Wdson. EupHBAsiA.â€" Reeve, Myles and Gil- rav Deputy, ErKkibC, Fawcett, Hol- bert Councillors. Ellis, Poyd, J. L. Wilson, J. Clugson, J. Patterson, jr., fl. Huid. W. S. Stewart and W. J. Black. Abtemesia.â€" Reeve, Dr. Christoe (acclamation) Flesherton.T. Wright (acckmation) l^rieeville, J. Mc Ar- thur (acclamation) Markdale Ward, A. Elliott (acclamotion Eugenia Ward, J. M. Webster, S. Pedlor, W. McEee. Holland. â€" Mr. Cameron was Elect- ed Reeve by (acclamation) Messrs. Norton and Shute are the candidates for Deputy while the foUowiug are in the field for Councillors, Messrs. J. Golbraith, J Merrium. J. Deavitt, J. Murray, R. Clark, W. Smith, R. Mc- Kiunett, T. Neely. Pkoton.â€" Reeve, Peter McGregor, Thos. Fenneir Deputy Reeve, John Aguew, A. McPheison Councillors. J. Robinson, R. Black, J. Hopkins, S. Rogers. The following were elected by ac- clamation as Police Trustees for the yillage of Markdale E. Dayis, C. M. Reynolds and Wm. Lucas. ' NBVBBCttVBUP. If yon we svdbmBK tow W d^n« ed"pirit.,lo98of *PI««t*'«KS« W- diBo^ered blood, weak ««»?ti*»'V'So« bv ache, or anv disease of a bihons ^^^ Tm^s procure a bottle of Electric Bittm. S^^ill bT Burprispd to see the «Pid un- provemen* that will follow you Jf " Lired with new life; strength and actmj ^U return pain and riusery wil cease, ai. henceforth y^will rejoice in the pnuse ol Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bot- tle by A. Turner Co.,Markdale. â- Â» â€" BUSINESS BU8INK88â€" Immense Bar- gains at Reynolds Bon. At; we are bourd to sell our complete stock at the very lowest possible prices. Call and see for youreelves. MORE STEAM POWER. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. This is beyond question the most success- ful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a few â- doses invariably cure the worst cases of Cough, Croup, and Bronchitis, while its wonderful juccess in the cure Jof Consump- tion is without ft parallel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medicine can stand. Jf you have a Cough we earnestly ask yon to try it. Price lOcts, 50 cts. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore, Chest, or Back, Lame, use Shilob's Porous Plaster. Sold by Wm. Brown's Gene- Store Markdale. IsOMlNATIONS. GLENtLo Township â€" Reeve. F Mc Rae (acclamation) Deputy Reeve. Miillarky and Biiinie. Councillors â€" Dunsmore, Davis, McCuaig, Neil,Mo- Millau, Boj'ce, Motly, Lauder. Owen Soundâ€" Mayor, David Crcasor (acclaaiation). Peeve, John (Jhis- holm (acclainatiou 1st Deputy, li. Malcoliii, J. W. Frost 2ud Deputv, Thomas Frizzell, James C. MiJJer, Councillors â€" Centre Ward â€" T. B. Dow.«ley, W. J. Patersoij, J.imes San- derson, G. P. Creighton. Bay Ward â€" Duncan Morrison. John Pea/-.s*on, M. Forliau (all by accJamafio uj. River Ward â€" Stephen Spencer, Jacob Speers.Oweti Vaiiiluseu, iiodcrick Mc- Leod, Samuel McLean. OsPRtY Township. â€"Reeve, Thomas !\IcGirr, Jopiali R. Sing Deputy Pieeve, John Douglas. Archie Mcln- tyrc. C"Uiicillors â€" Tloiuas John- .ston, Joseph Taylor, J^hti Winters. DuuHAM. â€" Mayor, D. Jackson, (iic- clamatKui' Reeve, T. Bifrmtt and ti. McKechni^-. Couucillors â€" Nuitk The elevators in Mr. McFarland's grain store house is now working, having been started early this week. The Engine and Boiler were purchas- ed from Mr. G. S. Brown while Mof- fatt Bro's of the Markdale Foundry had the contract of overhauling the same and putting in the necessary machinery and -shafting which they did in a very mechanical and work- manlike manner, this is the first work of the kind which has been done in Markdale by local men, and reflect! ere dit on our enterprising machinists who have proved themselves master of their business. Mr. McFarland is highly pleased with tha manner Mof- fat Bros, have completed their con- tract, everything works bo smooth and perfect. He is now able te elevate 700 bushels per hour, and has the finect grain elevator in the county. The people are the judges, mens caps from 25ct3 up a very fine line of hats from 43ctg up Ladies Russian Dog Skin caps worth $4.00 for $3.00; mens fur caps very low, at Reynold's and Son, ANSWEB THIS QUESTION. Why do 8" many people we see around us, seem to prefer to suffer and be made mise- rablp by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizzi- ness, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of the Food. Yellow Skin, when for 75 cts., we will sell tnem Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaran- teed to cure them. Sold by Wm. Brown's General Store Markdale. Boots, we have a very fine line from 90ct« up mens boots at the very lowest prices and the veiy best quahty, now n the time to purchase your boots from Reynold's and Son. BIRTHS. Martin.â€" On Saturday, 2nd Dpcember. in Euphrasia, the wife of Mr. J. J. Martin, of a son McMiLLW â€" In Glc'ielg on tl e23rd in^t,. the wife of Ml. A, McMillan of a son. RoDMAXâ€" In Euphrasia, on the 21st irist.,the wife of Mr. J. Boclman, of a daughter. Gai.iiratthâ€" the wife dauRhter. In Markdale, on the 22nd inst., of Mr. James GalbraitL, ot a MARRIAGES- -W. Anders. )n. Ward iind J. Wonulam), jCast, Wardâ€" W. (Jd.|-.vell, T jr., (ieo. Whitinore H. Siorey.aud A. C Mackenzie West V/ard â€" J. Wcodland jr., D. Janiiesou, 0. Gav- n .r, K. Hoon, R. Bull, W. Tuclier J. s .-5lic\vell. auil-W. A. Vdlle;' MELAS'tTnoN. â€" Pieeve, Jlewirt and B^iiey Depury Raev. August and llog,' Conuciiiors, Gow.in, Dymes, WalKer and Shook. Okangevill. â€" Mayor, Dr. Uenry ^Hcciamution)' Reeve. -John Gilchrist I acclamation). Deputy Reeve, J. M. iSi.eltOi. ^acclamation. Councillors â€" West Ward, R. Lalor, JaR. Bennett, J. Keariis S uth Ward. James May, J. Mole, (acclamation) East Ward, J.Foster,T. C. Mercer (acclamatiqn); North Ward, H, Reid, J. J. Kelly, W^ Jv, K, Deqatur, Robert Bgatty, " McCiixNis â€" McPoT-AiD â€" In Pricevillo, on the •^OthNov.bv ];ev. Father Cassin, Hnch McCinnis to Miss Annie McDonald, both rf Glenelg. J. Robertson, acclamation) BlOWU, SATISPUIiT â€" PiLKT.T At tlie Primitive Me- thodic t Par^OTiage Markdale, on Chn-tmis Bav, by the Rev. J. S, Cf^rcoran, N. W. Savisl'urv of Toronto to Miss Mary Pilkev. of Glenelg. DIED. BoLANr â€" In Arteraesia on the 27th in«t Harriet E.Toungast daughter ef .John Boi- and. Whiteâ€" In Artemesia. on the 14th inst John Waldie, son of Mr. John White acod 3 years 5 months. ' Sparlingâ€" In Artemesia, on the 24th inst of scarlet fever. Lnra Mary, Eldest and belovcl daughter of Jam^ P. and Emilv Sparhng aged 5 years and 8 months. Sparlingâ€" In Artemesia, on th« 26th inst f soviet fever, Frances Etiier Sabrina.' seroni and beloved daughte. of James P andEmdy Sparhng. aged 3 ye^rs and 6 months. -Suffer the little ehildr^ to come unto me ^^ {(trhii them not," Auction Sale OF PROPERTY Situated in the Village of Priceville and Township of Proton, County of Grey. Pursuant to the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage there will be sold by public auction at the Crown Hotel, in tiie Village of Priceville, on MON JAY, THE 15TH DAY OF JAN- UARY. 1883, at one o'clock in the afternoon. Pabcel 1.â€" Lot 9, south side Kinross street; Lot 9, north side Torry street, Pnce- ville, containing one acre, more or less. This is a good acre of land, well fenced, without any buildings on it. Paecel 2.â€" Lots 11, 12 and 13 on south side of Kinross street and lots 11, 12 and 13 on the north side of Torry street, Prioe- ville, containing three acres more or less. Upon tins property is ereeted a rough-cast house 18x24, with an extension 12x23, and wood shed in fair repair also a stble 20x30. There is also a veiy nice orchard consisting of apple, plum, cherry, and crab trees, also currant and gooselwrry bushes. There is also a well up- on the premises. The property is well fenced. Pabcel 3.â€" Also at the same time and place there will be sold lot 3, north side of Elgin street, and lot 3, south side of Haryey street, PriceyilJe, containing one acre more or less. ' Upon this property is erected a house 1 8x 24 with an extension 10x24, and the property ia fairly fenced. Pabcel 4. â€" Also lot 17, concespion 8, Township of Proton, containing 100 acris more or less. Terms and conditions of sale very favor- able and will be made known at time of sale. The Vendors reserve to themselves the right of one bid for each parcel. For further particulars apply to SMITH, SMITH EAE, Vendois' Solicitors, 3 Building and Loan Chambers, llOtd Toronto St,. Toronto. Undertaking. â€" Coffins, Caskets, Burial Pobes, Gioves, Crapes, Ail Furnishings for Funerals May be had on Shortest Notice, and at All Hours from GEO. GEANT, MAEKDAXiE. Also a well assorted stock of FURNITURE from p'ain to fine quality, fll at moderate prices. ngt;. ESTRAY, C1A^^E on to the premises of the under- J signed, lot 21. concession 12, Holland, about the middle of November, one red St=er' and t wo red and white Heifers rising three years old. The owner is rr quested to prove property, pay expenses and take them o.way. W. WAIT. Holland, Dec. 20th. 1882. 119-4t* FARM FOR SALE. LOT 6 CON. 3 E. G. BD.. HOLLAND 100 acres, 70 acies cleared, well water' ed. good orchard hewing good log house and bam. Situated 2 half miles from Chats- worth. A. bargain will be given in the above proT^rty, for particulars applv to Geo Noble, Markdale. or to Chas. Kiiig. 8hel- bnme. ^^O-il. SUFFOLK BOAR. A WELL BBED Suffolk Boar for service ., °° J^* ®' Concession 7. Euphrasia. ^b*lr\i '1^' ^1"'°* -^°" ^^^^e" for either ?1 at tune of service. T^ ., D.R. ELLIS. Cetr. 16Ui, 188?, 1T9 Cw HeadquartersofSanta Claus. T„ «.t«r«iT.a i.RnkB to onr nnmeroas customers and the public generaUy fc, nii^pSSg^^wld njon us in the past, we des.re to aano.mce the o^,. rkristmns Cards, Engliah and Canadian. China Cups and « ^iJ8mcbScup«»W»av«»if """if*' »*»**^â„¢J»» Vases, T« 2f *« AM»miM« a very large assortment. Card Cases, Wotkl **'Box?;KeII Sixel, Writing Desks TiaTys," BoiErPeems, Bibles, Prayer Books ' BookjWarlLS, Picture Booiis, Dolls, and 'a great nmnber of other articles suitable for Christmas imd New Year'.- Wishfng^u the compliment, of the season, we respectfully sohcit a coutij favors. ' Markdale, Deo. 6th, 1882. B QOi iscoti â€" itches, Glo :as c., A. TXJRlVEFi A cB. f â-  C JNO. MONTGOMERY, B A k: K 1^ • Begs to tender his thanks to the inh»bitant« of Markdale and surrounding country tor past patronage, and to intimate io them that he is prepared to supply the pubuo with Fruit, Pound and Plum Cake either pb»in or iced and ornamented. AJso Brides' Cakes got up in the best style that can be done this side of Toronto. Bread, Buns and Cakes! in great variety. All these are manufactured on his own premises by himself, besides Bis- cuit of every description from the best man- ufacturers in Ontario. CHOICEST CONFECTIONERY in great variety. Tea Muetings, Socials, and other parties supplied on the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. JOHN MONTGOMEEY. Markdale, Nov. 22ud. 1882. 115-3m W. H. CAMPAIGNE, LICENSED Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Sales attended in town or coun- try on the shortest notice. Charges reason- able. Orders left at the, Standabd office will re- ceive prompt attention. 117-3m ESTRAY. CAME into the premises of the under- signed, early in September, a Heifer rising two years old. The owner may have it by provicK property and paying expenses. JOHN MEBCEB. Lots 109 110. E. T. S. Eoad. Artemesia, Dec. 5th, 1882. 117 -4t* Land for Sale. 1 nn â- '^C^'ES; about 30 of which is Xv/w cleared, being composed of the E. half of Lot 10, in the 8th concession of the Township of Euphrasia. Apply at this ofce, or to BoBEBT DiTNLOP, Township Clerk of Euphrasia, GriersviHe P. O. 117-tf Just Arrived! A LABGE STOCK OF NEW AND FASHIONABTE Boots and Shoes, NEW GROCERIES, At prices which will astouish you. Call and see. MAEKDALE MAEEElJ Fall "Wheat, *0.70 to *O.80; SpruJ to $0.8." Barley, 4.ic; I'eas, 69t; |J Butter, 17c; Erss, 22e; Potatoes, Jtl $9.0U Pork, 7.40 t« 7 (lO. FLESHERTON MAEKEll Fall Wheat, 10.70 to ?0.S1; SpiiJ to «i).85 Barley, 43c; Pfiis, Gtc; ol Butter. 17c; Egfis, 22r-; Potato«s,4j 1 89.00; Pork. J7.00 to S7 50 I TORONTO MARKtTS, Fall Wheat, $0.9 to jn.94; Spiiiii| to JO.e'i; Barlev, .5fi2 to7'ic; OatsJlJ Peas, 70cto 74c; Hogs. $7.-5fl to t.7;j);l toes, per bag. 75c to 80c; B;ittr-,i]E| to 20c; e;ps 23c to 24f' A^ Uttl TAILOR. Oyer McFarland's Sti MARKDALE. IS" Special aUecfiion to CaltinjJ If yon want a Perfeci Fitl yonr Order with A. HHIJ Seotember "Oth 1882. • IM- 1 BILLIARD R0( D. M. HOGAN, Pbopbieioi First class tables. Cigars and ten drinks to be bad. ll"i Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs or any kind of Fowl at the Cheap Stoke. Nov. 15th. lbS2. JOHN DOUPE, Flesberton Station. lU-^iit. QABINETS $3 per Dozen. PANELS 9* per Doz. For the Holidays Only â€" AT â€" J. 1^. BROWNE'S OVKR THB ST,^IABI oniCX. TO SELL OR RENTI LOT 15, CON. 12, HOLLAmJ acres, 100 cleared, good bnildiupj' on. Terms easy. Applv to Jameji' Postmaster, near the pn nii-e«, or v M. S. KELLOW, TariP] November 14tli. 1882. Health is Wealt ^* ^^^ IRAKI Dr. 1:]. (. \V:;sT Neuve .\ni' d-*' MENi, a guamntfod pec tic fur H.fl Dizzii'ess, llonvul-ious, Fits. Xervom itilgia, HL'a.acIi" Nervous l'ro.-tr:".ii'^^' ed bv the ue of alcolui! or tiil"W' tnlne.ss, Mi'Utal liopr. s.sinn, ScifteiiJi;.*' Brain, rcsii.ti.-i;; i.i Insmiiiy ami .i*|^ misery, dr'tay and di-utli.l'i"iiiii'Uri.'f.K- Bair eiiiiebS, Loss of Powir lu f"'.j Involnnlaiy lo.sses anJ Spt-niKU' cani-ed by' over exertion of llie l"" abuse or over iudu!eenc;. One w i cu e recent tfase-;. Each box coa'"' month's treatment. One dollar a six boxes for fiye .lollars soiit bv niiJfl paid on receipt of price. Wc guarau 1 boxes to cure any case. Witli ciKi ' ' J ceived by us for six boxes, accomp*"' 1 five doiiarsf we will send the P""'^! written gnarantee to refund the '""a the treatment does not effect a cure- antees issued only by A. Turner "' authorized Agent for Markdale Ou" C. West ACo. sole proprietor,Torcn«cA' I "^^0~THEELECTOBS~OF THE I" ' SHIP OF EUPHBABIA. Gkktlemen, â€" ^I have been ^^^'v^^j' earnestly entreated by a Krge numl'f' fluential ratepayers of the Tpffn*W haye consented to become a " T)' the office of Depnty-Beeve for ^^^Jf-i Your vote and iniiuenee is respectfow^i ited. Should you place me at the the poll I pledge my honor to ""^^V]^ endeavors for the best interest of U* ship r^atless of locahty or part.v- JAMES EBSJ»-|^J Bocklyn, pee. 16th, 1882. MABI Dost the baia nd New ler )S ARE I SLAUG ttical Lazier, of lends in M Iliad a call i lu, of the Si Lucas C 200,0 tate; Suai jOW inteie [are glad tc irt, bagga^ 1 arrested fo Mrs. Ta; m the bay bd. Dr. Greg will I ^gaiid eve cburcii au( m. Tea Presbytei las held kncciiiiii red, owin •meeting lurch ded [The prog the Chrj euted a Pell laden 3ay nigh bdy of Mr onnell's i S^iug ther inquest leuce it a |irett, wL 3W fur the tra] b.dfi-'the I jive fiillei eesels of I was til been r if acciii Garre I Yorkbl ' a Well- ed 63 ye 'Mirivr l.nuiven ^thodist as usL |lie cliiu iing it T kilv %-t;v*v. nmg ^^'^â- ^i*:^-^"'^^ :A-_ fJsSSfcrt;.

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