Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Dec 1882, p. 1

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 }P'f:;-J w t jKi^» " â- SV. 3.-^o. MARKDALE, ONT., DEC. 28/ 1882- IS PUBLISHED Markdale Hotel. Good Accommodation for Travellers. 'Bus I „ r^ A vy • c M I W rs j "d fJ^om all trains. Charges moderate. 7HURSDAY VENINO, Markdale. A. Eotlkdoe. Pbop. ^A Mirkrkb On- •rio. Ithrpe raou-Jis. f-.- if not paid till 1,^^ T, ..f. ^0 r" P* T diacontiuued t.lrs ^re paul '^ip. ex.^epk at the ' publisli:"' ai â-  paities refusing Lnr p ivin.' up 7ill be heM respon- ypi.r- -ubicrii'tions until they 1 the rules. k\[S OF Ar-YEETISING â-  one year »50 no Jo. do. Jo. 27 50 15 no 8 OO 4 00 8 3 Bts. tiirt iii-^er'ion per line eu* inrsertioD tber ol i!Uf s to ' s reckoned by the tel niHJisured by a scale of sohd iJverii-empnts without specific :iil be published tiU forbid and |c(i!iii:i;:ly. All t'.ansitory adver. fnust b' m the office oi bublica- Idcck on the Wednesday praceed- (UiCBti'in. h)B PRINTING descnptiou executed with iespatch at the Office of PAP.n. Mfirkfliil-' IC. W. RUTLED6E. Editor A Proprietor. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICBVIL.1jE. Out. Lar^e and commodioas Sanple Booms Good Bed iioom^^, dec. Tiie Bar and larde â- well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling ana atteiitire Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor CHATSWORTH HOUSE (latb moubow house,) CHATSWORTH, Ont. No. 120. Besti SIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY, proitlc Armstrong, .AccouctietLr as, Surgeon c. Medical Hall liOQ^e. residence at M.D., M- i.C P. S., O. ^ian and SxuL'fon, Priceville, |)f Uaivtji-sity. Vict.. College. New York, and |aate, of t'"o .-aaie, Avl.'th '•'edioal Institute. Optkihuic Hnspitai, N.Y. ii. P!iv^ici:init Surweor s,0. 104 jeron Knight, I'EXTvL bUUtxEONS, i' \. Cameron and Co's Drug â- -USt..()\VKN' fiOUXD. :;oujivfii to thf preservation of ntli. Artini-ial Dentures mount- â-  CtUiiloid, and Ilul)ber bases. pt Markdale the last Tuesday in iP..cl- C.F. Knight, L.D.S. ^-la-qf. .-. Medalist Royal Col- !it. le:,'c l)eu.Sur.,Ont ?0al. Frost Fro«it, STERS, AND ATTORNEYS-AT [Solcitors ill Chancerv. Convey "fpu Sijuiid, Li.e resumed at li;]i(v open I'V'ry Thursday, as THE undersigned having purchssed the above property has had it thoroughly renovated and refurnished throughout beside making other ne improvements which will greatly add to the comfort and convenience of his guests, would re«pectfully solicit the patronage of the pubhc L.euerally. The best brands of liquors and cigars always in stocK. Good meal and comfortable rooms guaran- teed. Good stabling and attentive hostler. â€" C. H. Mathrws, Prop. 114. ||ti««eUaite»ft«* loan ..icDona.d CHATSWORTn, ,rVlSION Court Clerk, issuer of Mar- riage Licenses, Commissioner in B.B., Conveyancer, c. Deeda, Mortgages, Wills, Ac. attended to promptly, accurately, neat- ly, and cheaply. Private funds to lend in small sums ou easy terms. Notes discounted D' EOBT. ASKIL.. Has opened out a First-Class Furniture UNDERfKING ESTABLISHMENT. An^ thereiwre ha^ supph«'d a want long felt, es pecially in the Undertaking Line. COFFIKS, C.4bKEl'S. SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISKIN6S, supplied ou the .-.iiortes notice. -A. Hr)lenclid Ilears^e lor hire at moderate rates. FUENITUKE! ij'rom the Common to the Best and Latest Styles, in everything in the line. Call and see fi' yoursel ROBT. ASKIN. Itusiness now before the pablic. You can make money faster at iKnk for QB than at anything else. Capital not need- ed. "We win start yon. $12 a day and ap- wards made at home by the indastrious. Men, women, boys and girla wanted everywhere to worK for us. Now48 the time. You can work in spare time oply or give your whole time to the business. You can live at home emd do the work. No other business will pay you nearly as well. No one can fail to make en- ormous pay by engaging at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily and honorably. Address Tbub Co., Augusta, Maine. 71-126 MISS LAMB, DRESS-MAKER. UP-STAIRSIN Douglas' Block. Satisfvstion guaran- teed. Charges moderate. Markdale, Nov. x5th. 1882. H -Sm. R. m. Oalbraitb A UCTIONEER AND GENERAL LAND j\ Agent, William^ford Station. Auction Sales attended in all parts of the County. Goods sold on commission. Rates moderate. Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machines; also Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Vines, Agricul- tural Implemennts, and Machinery of all "inds on sale. WiLiamsford, Jan. 27. ]8-!l. T. E. DAVIS, BUILDER CONTRACTOR, (Stone and Urick). After completing l.S buildings his season is still on the track and is still prepared to do all kinds of stone and brick work, plastering and tuck pointing. Those who contemplate building will find it to their advantage to give him a call. Residence corner of Brown and Sproale Stetes. Ma3KI)ale. UJ-v ^^^ MISS WELSH, T. j4uarante«d. Dress mantlemaker. Charges moderate. Satisf act )n "Crvwn Atior J. W Frost, LL. B. 1 J. ^IA««*»0\, fTER, MASTEF. ANDDEP.REG MiviT, Notary Public, Conveyan '"I":X1) \r SIX PER CENT. [â- "^^â- n Sotind, in Yicker's Block i'ad in Mark'lf Ic, over MeFar â-  on Friday and Saturday every 57. ly Hill's Block, Svdenham street. Markdale, Nov. 6th, 1882. 113-126 Wm. Brown, JSSTJER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, c Commissioner in B. R. Ac. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended' to and carefully executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se curity. Union Carriage Works. All work manvifacturod from First Cuss Material In the Late8t ard Best Impfoved Style, and firibhod with Eng-liish ^^arnisli. a m Painting Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Repairs executed in the shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Remember the ^hup, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAN, REST AND COMFOET t6 tot SUFFERING Brown's JBonsifliold Panacea has no equal for relieving pain, both inter- nal and external. It cures pain in the Side, Back or BoWels, Sore jThr.^at, Rheumatism, Toothache, Lumbago and any kind of a Pain or Ache. "It will mc»t surely quicken the Blood and heal, as its aeting power is won- derful." "Brown's Household Panacea," being acknowledged as the great Pain Reliev- er, and of double the elrength of any other Klixer or 1/iniment in the world, should be m every family handy for use when wanted " as it really is the best remedy in the â- (rorld for Cramps m the Stomach, and Pains and Aches of all kinds," and is for sale by all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. 75-127 NCISHBOIHHIOB NEWS. Cncenin. Eagenia L. 0. L. No. 1118. At the December monthly meeting the following were elected officers fcrr the ensuing year. J. I. Graham, Master J. Fields, Dept Rev. Th««. Grandy, Chap J» G. Carson, Reoordini, Sec. J. Lin- toi:, Financial Sec. S. Pedlai .Direc- tor of ceremonies Wallice Arm- strong, 1st comoiittee man H. Wil- liams, 2Bd W. Akitt, 8rd J. Ham* bley, 4tb Paul Sherwood, 6th. Markdale. Dec. 2nd, 1881. Proprietor. 64. r'asor â- % rii^on. â- .SuLl(IToRS. CONVEY. â- \^"ir ...a-,.. â- ^•^ nrUud-. Swre "I t'Wdi V. t,. ^('UiM 'ufferin Block, •u Thursday tasonable terms. 'INCAN MoBIdON 'e^aiuler Brown. â- " Marriat^e '.^-e-ises. Fire ii ses. i-ire and .^nt (Jommissionei tonvovitncfr and Licensed it-C ouiitv of Grey. Farmers, '-^'Kl Sales, Punctually at- 'â- ^ri;es mile verv moderate. 1-y §otcls. \RE HOTEL, â-  Proprietor ^^ Hotel has h^i .»^iedtoit, tl LOYAL MARKDILE LODGE. Of C. 0. O. F. No on Monday evening, o'clock p. m. 108 W 78, will meet in their hall 1 tc. '2 th. at eight L. YOUNG, Sec'y. EUGENIA Grist, Saw and lath Mills eqtensive improvements in feel confident I can give a large ad- secon,! t.' '"'â- ^'"Snly refitted. ^„, :» attentive ostler, " aodat ,„„ Fiist- â- 'on for couimercial travel Barb *r s shop in connec- '1 Having madd my Grist Mill I good satisfaction. GOnO FLOUR rtL^m ON HAND. Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing and Bills Filled on the shortect notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Bui-.Tnut, White Ash. Black Ash Basswood, Pine and Hemlock Logt wanted egiy. M. AKITT, Eugenia. a week in your own town. fS outfit fiee. No risk. EverythiHg new. O^ital not- required. We ^^^^I^T^ thing. Many aw making fortanea. ia«u~ as mudi M men, and boys «f d pri» make great pay. B«^\«y*llSi'X ness at which you e«i °»^«^ P^ *J:^ Sme you work, w^te «f I »?*f»^ *?i5 HAuiTTCo„t»«rtlaiid.Maine. 71-126 EARS FOR i'MILLION Ir^OO CHOO'S BALSAM OF SHARK'S OIL positively Restcree the Hearing, and is the Only Absolute Cure for Deafness known This Oil is abstracted from peculiar species of small White Shark, caught in the Yellow Sea, known as Cabchabodom Ronde- LETii. Every Chinese fisherman now it. Its virtues as a restorative of hea- ing ware discovered by a Buddhist Pr est v ere dis- covered about the year 1410. Its cures were 80 numerous, and many so seemingly mir aculous, that the remedy was officially pro- claimed over the entire. Empire. Its use became so universal, that for ovei 300 years no Deafness hao existed among the Chinese people. Sent, charges prepaid, U any ad- dress at $1.00 per bottle. Hear what the Deaf say t It has performed a miracle in my case. I have no unearthly noises in my head, and hear much better. I have been greatly benefited. My deafness helped a great deal^think ano- ther bottle rill cure me. Its virtues are unquestionable and its cura- tive character absolute, as the writer can per- sonally testify, botli from experience and ob- STvation. Write at once to Haylock and Jenney, 7 Dej Street. New York, -inclosing 81 and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable you to hear like anybody 6l8C,and whose curative efifects will be peimanent. You wiU never regret doing so." â€" Editob or Mebcantile Review. tS'To avoid lo^^^s in the mails, please send money bv Registered Letter. Only imported by HAYLOCK JENNEY, late Haylock Co.. Sole Agents for America. 7 Dey StNew Yobk 93-145. HAIR GUTTING .AND SHAVING Ky T'.»r). ft»mitli. Razors, Straps, and Shaving Brushes for sale. Razors sharpened. eS" Orde.'s filled for Tomb Stones. Wm. Lncas Co., BANKERS, Money ]^oan?c] IN large or small amounts, at all times, ja good endorsed notes, or on security. collateral INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed OB Savings Dep^sits. ia«~Draftrf issued and Collections mai^e on points, at lowest rates. W.M. LUCAS, Manager. September 28. 1880. 2-ly STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. to B^. N^n. Deb%, Lost Mwhood, ete, UMing tried In vain every known ««?,«*jJ«»»S: covered a simple self cure, wMdi he •^J.^g to his fcUow-snlferers, •dtos' â- â€¢ H. niSIfiVias 43 Ourtlutn St.* K. Y HVARNINC r Tkere is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet. If yon want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep your feet dry and warm by iwocuring yoor BOOTSI â€" »aoKâ€" KAY THOMAS. JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GEHER'LBLACKSMITH HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. A. CA.Tt.T To aQ who are suffering from the errors and indiaeretions ot youth, nervous weak- ness, early decay, lorn of manhood, fcc..I -, will said a reoeipe that will enre yon, FREE OF CHABOE. This great Bem^ was dis- oorered'by a missionaiy in South Ameriea. Send a aelf-addressi d envelope to Bkv. JosKFH T. Ihiuh, Station D, New York .i'^-'V Satisfaction Guaranteed.. Med- ieated Cork Soles, all siaes. kept on hand. Bemembcr the place rapostte the new STi»u» Office. STRAYED IrqaoM ths fremeses of the xm- ' dersigned Zioi S, Gem. 7, Eiqthxasia, aboat the last of Angnat, one SteW and me Heiftr* dark grey, aad one H«£|Br; 'idiite, all liamg two yean old. Any parwK giving sndi iniramstitm as will lead to tfamr xeepveiy wiU be suitably rewarded. JOHN HUTCHINSON, 118-8w*^ Vanddeu»P,0. Dnndalk. Grain is being shipped om Dun* dalk to Glasgow Scotland^ Immense quantity of cordwood iff being drawn into the village. The merchants are doing a rushing business and iney look qmte happy oyer it. The Anniversary of the C. M. Sab* i)ath school was a grand success. The Xmas tfee was loadec^ with presents and cauifed great pleasure among the pupils of the school. The proceeds of the entertainment was $75. Flesherton. The annual tea meeting in cotmee- tidu wiiu the ii'reobyterian Sabbath School came off here Xmas evening^ tea was served at 7 p. m. in the Towz^ Hall before the hour for tea the hall was filled too overdowing alter the good things of tbb life bad been done ample justice, the Rev. A. Wilson cal led the meeting to order and proceed- ed to introduce those who were to take part in the programme. The S. S. choir under the leadership of Mr. Anderson, rendered some ne selec- tions of music during the evening which showed good taste in their se- lections and great clredit iu the way they were performed. Master We^y Buskin gave a congratulatory speech which was well received. Miss Carr and Miss Vandusen's class sang two very fine pieces. Miss Mailie Vandnsen sang peace be still splendidly, Mr. Anderson sang a Guid New Year to Due ane a'a in bis usual sl^le and iH r'^spunse to a hearty enchore sang Merrily over the Waves we go, Read- ings rud Recitations by the children of the school and others were all well rendered and received with marked approval, Mr. Anderson and family saug a duett entitled "Call John" which caused great applause. It is sale to say this was the best enter- tainment of the kind ever held in Fieshertou althoui^h the Hall was crowded to suifocation the best of or- der prevailed tlirougliout, and all were pleased m the successful enterlain- meut. The whole audience joined in singing God save the Queen, and dis- piiised qui tly to their homes, nett â- proceeds $78. s. Williamsford. The tea nieetiug which was held m this pLice ou the 2lBt inst., whs a grand success. Tue t^a iu itseif was ail that could be desired Afcer the- overwlieluiing crouwJ had satisfied (.•â- eiuselves uitu the good things pi vided by the ladies, the prgrauiiue was proceedi'd with. iiev. Mr. Laiio firBt aildiussed tUn meetiiig iu hid. u-j- ual happy luoodu and was well r^^cie- eii, th'u came a recitation by ^Ir. JoUu Troutou WHICH w.is we 1 reuder- ed. Rtv. Mr. McDiimii was t-eo called 4)U, and in ins luasteriy uiau.iCr delivered a neat audriss which was lisiftued to with raft atteniiou, aad was followed with recitatioxK and inudic by the chiUireu tiniur-d by Mi.ss Mitchell, Public ScUooi Teachetv Little J mi, â-  by Mary Jane V »;^an. ' 'as specially welt r^udervd. Rev.- Mr. Perry, Walters Falis, thenaddres- ed the audience, choice selections of SHUsic were given during the eveuiiig my Miss Mitchell. Honey and Licl- bold sang beautiful!. A six story cake fwifts then disposed off. Net proceeds of Eatertamuient $82. A Social was held tiie fcUowing^ erening.and was a.success. The Mis- sionary sermons will be preached on 15th January by the Rev. Mr. Perry, awl meetmgd as foliowa. Walkers ap* pointment Monday 16th,Williramsfi)jd 17th «nd Massie 18th. Messrs Perry Lake aud Ujofh^iaidt D tpi ttitioo. 1- « »«*K.^ "%t. *%4. V VtS' -%^rJiii »v.«V' W^'SS ^Jt t 1 ii I' r 1 i I ii tfe r â- ^ si 1 'â-  .... â-  U-. ;: "11,1 ' :.'-V. f| v: I ' s â- (â-  ,t Ui U'^\k *, i' .1^ ;S. ti • N,i: :! m ^IH i;. f I 'â-  m â- â- â- i i::'i I.' I*. ^v*^ "V

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