Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Dec 1882, p. 7

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 -1 -r^ conn' Lt a Danish Xzeentlon. rywas thrilled by a gen- ' =- ehe^ excite of the ^- tfe' WlishT â- gethat* ' of Briti* 'f the Ph, vicero a to every' '«^" police; tleman i^d. dropp â- it his lo38 fy to pay' 'es, tUe ov( '° "le Corpoi â- ^.•^^tly take, Ik up they ^°iy att^„ tger) Saib urpos-s. 4, ^ed near his '0 offended hi oi met thef â- ent final re lustration of pleasantry er. Jifesi^eJ lake u light )se agony and gratification, tlaL-y indnjt, n recently j °g that the "ould, if coll, jhcs in width lowing nigit nean velocity Young an lus volume of 1 it, and the nd butter, la recently iia,Pesth, has I the enteip Paxis, to!^ t the theatre; is, and agi tor. The jor when the nsperB at ly brought the details of crimiual in a provincial Jay. According to the lis condemned to death ^nalty of the law by decapi- ,Vof an axe, the block being coQBpiC'i*"^^ point as near as clace where the murder was man condemned to deith ' ted yesterday morning, and, (;r«wd of people from the had assembled round cfi nof r criiDi onie ticM**' iCU fC itric-s ' con^Uble being present "*;\'hen the usual formalititea Jl the criminal laid his head iji'he eye and the hand of â- nho had been drinking :v.,- fl^y- '^^^ uncer^n, f^I orer both shoulders, ' the J,;; a smothered cry of pain. " r â- BTcnched the axe out of „-ielJeJ it aaain, and struck the 'up on the back of the head; ",; i.cil the axe out of the wound, ;,Ta: last in catting the head ;,3„.t rushed to the headless t,trv to catch some drops of thc"'0asa!it3 think has some -1 eti'-ct to cure certjin diseases, -i-fv their morbid curiosity: in "ami i!i«gListing scene took and women fainting. men rces that Euch a disgi-aceful ^t never more tuke place in ' 5,1 the Minis er of -lustice has rV|i;aiieworti:y speed, declared ,o";ubrir:;j i;i a fhort bill provid- f;i't:o;i "V means of the guillotine, •V: precincts of the prison. A HiCii Opinion. J. J. Dawson, late of the British Hi; on Love street, between Man- i Spain, this city, says he used St. mth the greatest possible advant- ifllicted with rheumatism. â€" Neiv :,if democrat. the tjp bunches hay-loft in a box of ra:s- They are the â-  private boii ;_ for her daring ardiana arei ter. and i'ii 111 11 â- T. pe;r/.cam, depriv'cd of its color â- ecab'e odor without distillation ,i of acids or alkalies, is what the iimadc from. As now improved .:»il it is a beautiful preparation, ins all that is claimed for it as a !tr. wplo object to the practice of fee- iraiter, but does not the smiling ,tae hills with gold aijl from Mr. W. S. Wisncr. of J. O. ?0D, iself, was pn ication completed an I Com piny, e first appliei elphia aad ' .Manufacturers of AKricultural Brantford, Ont.. July 28th, 1S82. litherlaiui, Esq.: Dear Sirâ€" I take ibearini,' testimony to the efficacy of ,, â- iir.atine." Last spring I was complete- rand s own b^ttithKheuraatism.and tried various battu. etc.. and tinally heard of your iirchascd and used three bottles of it lied a complete cure, for have not â- n of the d iscase since. Voiors truly. W. S. WISNER. ':lia3 never failed to efif ect a cure, a anil strength to the .system de- k disease. a tor, iiestockhold ay was hel( which then r'as chosen bj iely as the lented by anoMveller in Ent'land always notices aautnalyâ€" the weather is always â- ne people are always dry. It iih ^M TteTVery Latest News, the attptit'ni "^i^ard the latest' news?' said one loanother. "No, do tell me what it U have at laat trot rid of my corns of Putnam's Painless Corn Ex- i^Bid I know yours were even worse Vf "!!i. *u 1 "**^' I eouldn't pass without telling the stCWMOJ e; a bottle at your druggists. I'll e of experiou me but the work now at your druggists. twill fix 'em completely." It is sure, d painless, taking the corns out at lys in conclni 1 the aid have prep v\hich See." after aket; â-  the comp lities of nal KeeleyhasI) the ia\ iionts hai moratory 3f. Tyndall i rs, and he harnessing, lich to I mtific woa that what ovored u " 1 state isc 1, disiotegi 3 is im a :h result i^l Very a cation is « le worksli*! this sr, whewi upw»rd 01 1 inch." M mecbai tliat wJWi ;hat lb-' IS claimed, ' 1 abiJe inJ lerprise, time ry andth*^ report i hree en I improva of the»; en^ragedi engine jrk, the^ ed a I ' rhe y the'« 9, •»: es arep engi»|L tie lis S^, ilevorywhere. ItiOBS. Beware of substitutes fver's Cherry Pectoral to stop our xglis and Bronchial Affectionsbe- f lun in^o Consumption that you Itf'p. [is in ihcp mourning, " Have you f coe " a I'l lend asks. "Alas, no; lease which has jast expired " lOlnot Kclcrtric Oil. The twowords ' ttiiiurent surnitications, as will be perences to Webster. Ihe Eclectric 'â- aioi th Electric pronerties only by Mn the wrapper, which looks like -M question. The popularity of jeotric Oil is such as to induce un- 1 persons to appropriate all the law wm to do. The proprietors of ' Klcctri' uil have no claim to the iKtric nr Thomas; but to the words K"trii' tlicy rlo Lay claim, by right, re made them of vaiuc to themaeltes. ofj CURES R»« D ' Neuralgia, Sciatica, PW. Backache, Headache, Toothache. Jtot.,.^^ BOOII-T PAWS AND ACHKS. Sn.. !JE.\MER FOR SALE- f for tL ..^"'^^' 5-car in the strong- ^hea ^IT^^^^}^?'^^^ 92 feet long. tngineah' V^^ ?i?,=^e3 hold low BalUaera,Md.,i;.B.a. feathe '^Wcoal'""'r P!':^^" 'easy on fuel â- "to. -iACKIXTl " p., 22 inch cylinder and 6 a; easy on fuel; TOSH PET- snn;f^?^T~"AND UNDER '-onP",i"'"""" "nfl premises Uti\^5 I^einiWa and plant. ii t?.r'.°'"^*'l tafce partner _^6 '^^ J^A*-!KINTOSH tif^PntchlS^V^To^ CANADA "«nte,M*!,'^? of Telephones. ipany a*iKteBS,«Sl Yonng from a^ or middle ««ed o^ «,ff^^ VIIofw2S'.1?" three stamps for Part bo^H S^'^^'S'""*^ ^^e Series rf greatest^poBiblemterestin their business. W omen aad her XHseaaes" wS^^f ^^^ff^n'^^g*^*^ (96 pages) BuS i^^^^^ Mbbical Association. "Blood will tell," 80 be careful how vou make confidants of your relatioi, "" ^°" A Bead Shot S ^^"" ^^^'^^^ '^^ ^»"o"is disorders ^e W?' iZ- Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative Pellets." Mild yet certain in operation; and there is none of the reaction consequent upon taking severe and drastic cathartics. ay orapgists. You can hold a onion more firmly than you can cluteh a hornet. Davy Cla.k, Druggists, Renfrew, date lu u® ^^^' "te," Burdock Blood Bitters though comparatively a new preparation has teken the lead in this locaUty as a blood purifier, our sales of it being equal to that ot aU other medicines used for the purpose during the last year." 18. " ' ffir«taS?hiJj°^2?S «" Ci»*««i». One cto^ "A iiercuui man U Merciful to his Beast „8end M cents TO A Z^-*-! -«.â- .â- -« *i»l?^^H OFFICE. *^\JfJHJm^ X O^ampie copy of a new HORSE BOOK It treats all diseases of the horse and has a lai^ number o{ receipts and is pto- nounced the best book ever printed for the price, Pro- fusely mtistrated and sells, at sight Agentb claim it to be the best sellihg book they ever can- vassed with. 9 copies tor one dollar or to agents, 8.5 cents per dozen. Trv it Agents iVanted. HORSE BOOK "V"ege1:ixi.e Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaint, General Debility, Nervousness, Headache, Faintness at the Stomach. Acadian Minos, N. S. June 14, 1880. II. R. btevens, Esq.â€" Dear Sir: I consider it a duty I owe to invalids in general to testify to the great good Vegetine has done forme. I pad suffered for years from various diseases in fact, my whole system appeared to be affect- ed; was unable to stand erect, and scarcely able to walk. I tried almost everything I saw recommended without receiving any benefit I had several doctors and used their medicines, but they gave me up, saying that there was no cure for me. About this time my sister-in-law recommend- ed Vegetine to me (two bottles of which had c irea her of Dyspepsia). I tried it, and, before 1 had finished taking the first bottle, was able to do my housework, which I had not been able to do for several months. I have taken Vegetine for Kidney Oomplaint, General De- bility and Iervous Headache with equally good resnlts. Have recommended it to neigh- bors,and know it to have effected some wonder f ul cures. My husband has taken it for Ji'aint- nesa at the kStomach or Dyspepsia, and he says "there is nothing as good as egetine." Yours truly, Mrs. J. W. SCOTT. Dyspepsia, Nervousness General Debility. A Mr. H. R. and Cincinnati, O., Ap: Stevensâ€" Dear Sir: 1 ril 9, 1877. have used several bottles of Vegetine for Dyspepsia, Ner- voiisness and General Debility, and I can truly say I never had a remedy so sure in its effects, therefore I mar recommend it to all sufferers. \V. L. BELL, "Walnut Hills, 41 Court-st. General Debility and Ner- vousness. Brockville, Ont., Mar. 24, 1880. Mr. H. R. Stevens, Boston, Mass.: Dear Sirâ€" I have been greatly troubled for a number of years with General Debility and Nervo'isTxesi, and after using two bottles 1 find myself very much relieved and I most cheer- fully recommend Vegetine to all who are troubled as I was. T. SHERWOOD. 'r Yegetine is Sold by All Druggists. THE ONTARIO WIRE "WORKS IS THE place to get Wire Cloth for Fanning Mills, etc. Window Guards and every description of wire work. PARTRIDGE SABISTON. 116 Bay Street, Toronto. Just opened, the 'argest and finest assort- ment of English and French Instru- ments in nickel, polishsd steel and German silver. Rubber Goods, Etc, S\iV ^^^. \^^^^\ tru- St. N.B.â€" Send names of Instruments required EEd we -will give price by re- turn mail. City Pharmacy, 274Yonge Toronto. E. A. SMITH, Proprietor. £PIA|| Tormito. 'w^j â€" _^- wiuuMtuieBceor- __^ .- â- Bto.'^Oarallne' set break, or lose their shape. "Weac b7 CroaiptmiO«r8etC«. una i BEWARE IRHEUMATINE 1 â-  â- â- ....-â- ; THE GREAT CURE FOR IHEUMATISI And UI cocpplaints of a Rheumatic nature, RMZUMATINE is not a sovereign remedy for "all the ills that flesh is heir to," but for NEU- RALGIA, SCIATICA, RHEUMATISM, aad complaints of Rheumatic nature, IT IS A SURE CURE. Sold by all druggists. The Rheumatine Man- ufacturing Co., St. Catherines, Ont, Messrs* Northrop Lyman, Wholesale Agts., Toronto- Mack's Magnetic Medicine s_ OQ BEFORE 1 Tf«A.B« MAI«K. Positively cures Nervousness in]all its stages. Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Night Sweats, Barrenness, Weakness and General Loss of Power. It repairs Nervous Waste, re- juvenates the Jaded Intellect, strengthens the Enfeebled Brain and restores surprising tone and vigor to the Exhausted Generative Organs in either sex. IS. With each order for Twelve packages, accompanied with five dollars, we will send our written Guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. It is the Cheapest and Best Medicine in the market. Pamphlet sent free by mail to any dd.r*6ss Mack's Hagnetic Medicine is sold by drug- gists at 50 cents per box. or 6 boxes for $3.50, or will be mailed free of postage, on receipt of money, by addressing Mack'it Masiietlc Medi- cine Co.. Windsor. Ont., Canada. Sold by all druggists in Canada. TORONTO! As soon as you arrive in Toronto 60 TO A. B. FLINT'S And buy all your A.B. Flint, 35 Colborne St. THE SILVER LINE. Wait till the~ciouds Roll By. Pretty Little Darling,! LoTe Ton. The latest popular songs in full size sheet music form, ftice only five cents per copy, or the three for ten cents. S. FRA.NK WILSON PUBLISH EK. 33 35 Adelaide street West. Establfsbed 1836. J. E. ELLTS GO. â- Cor. King ft Tonge Sts., Tormto, (The oldest house in the Trade,) MANUFACTURING J^elfcrl* Sfflvcrsmiths, IMPORTERS OF FINE WATCHES, DIAMONDS, GOLD SILVER JEWELLERY, FRENCH CLOCKS, STERLING SILVERWARE, SILVER PHATED WARE, PRESENTATION PLATE. Old uid yoang ahoold oae "TKasxBBT," Xhaa 7oar1au|i may be md\^ metry nunat Breath shall p«tt ydnr li^ And your Teeth shall pearls eclipse. All Goods Guaranteed. Prices lower than any house in the trade. Orders by mail promptly attend- ed to. J. K ELLIS Co. King and Yonge sts., Toronto. Erac£ cpâ€" Your system for work. Zofesa, the new Dyspepsia and Liver Remedy, at- tends strictly to business in correcting the Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys. Sample bot- tles 10 cents lar?e bottles 75 cents. MIRRORS Offer the largest and finest assortment of Mir- rors in the Dominion, in WALinrrQOLDftEBONYiOLD Fitted with best British Plate finely carved 30 X 40 40 X 50 60 X 4H 54 X 78 «4 X 73 30 X 7a 36 X 84 36 X 96 985 to $40 35 to 5« 45 to 80 to 1 35 to «5 45 to 75 60 to 100 70 to 180 EWING CO., 68 KING ST WEST. JOHN 1VIAODONALD OO. WHOLESALE IMPORTERS OF DRY GOODS, WOOLLENS, CARPETS AND FANCY GOODS, TORONTO. The Reasons Why They arc Enabled to Sell Cheaply The7 buy all their goods for Cash, therebv being enabled to purchase from manufacturers direct, and not from dealers. ' They buy at the very lowest jjrices, and get the cash discount. They buy in very large quantities, getting the additional allowance given to large New York and Chicago buyers in European markets, and also by manufacturers in this country. They buy all their goods by expert departmental buyers, who, buying for their special rooms only, bring to bear on all lines bought, great attention, knowledge and expertness. Doing a large trade, they are able to make the rate of expense low, wnich would be impossi- ble in a smaller trade, and selling largely, are satisfied with a small profit. Confederation Life Association. « Presidentâ€" SIR W. P, ROWLAND, C.B.. K.C.M.G. Ficc-Prcaiden's-HON. WM. McMASTER AND WM. ELLIOT. EsQS. The Directors have great pleasure in recognizing the growing popularity of the Association in the largely Increased velame of new business. The profit results for the past quinquennium have given the greatest satisfaction to our policy holders. These profit results have created some jealousy on the part of interested parties, who have adopted the questionable means of attacking this Association through the columns of The In- surance Times of New York, and by the circulation of that periodical and reprints and other anonymous communications, at evidently considerable cost to the iersons claiming to be dis- interested friends of our policy' holders. These self-constltnted public benefactors no doubt fancied they were safe, but the Directois know them, and to-day a writ for libel has been issued against the first batch of three, who will be afforded ample opportunity to prove their slanderous statements or take the consequences. The others will have attention in due course. This Association can afford to submit to the iullest investigation, and the directors are lire- pared to give good reason for any act of theirs which may be called in question. As the statements made against the Association will he dealt with before a Court of Law, the Directors, for the present, simply state that In every essential partlenlar the charges made by The Insurance Times and circulated in thisucountry, are nntmc, ' J. K. KACDONAUD, Slanaging Director C. Z A. Toronto, December 11th, 1882. INDIA RUBBE R GOO DS R„hhpr T^Pltine Eubber Tackinff, Eubber Hose, Eubber Boots and Shoes, Rubber Clothing, Rubber Gloves, Mia EuS Goods of ' SBescription. The largest and only complete stock in the Dominion. Patent Garbolized txiwA.3a-x STEAM FIRE ENGINE HOSE. Secured to Manufacturers under Letters Patent, Nos. 66, 518,99,935,151,418.151,519,159,345. Re-lssue Nos. 3,842, 4,148. M»I8 ggl£*^ M^B^S More than Two Million Feet Sold since 1870. TMs Hose can 1)9 Relied on for Long and Eicient TMs brand is now in nse in all tlie principal Fire Departments in Canada, and milTersally acknowledged SBiricB 'liMjii "" -Jgi^ '^^^^^ to be the Most Economical Fire Hose Made. r XI- « f «„»l!Mr nf R.abber and Cotton Duck of the greatest possible tensile strength, woven for the exclusive nse of this „, firafâ€"The hose is made of the pnesc quausy y- " ' .,. narholic Acid Thirdâ€" The ends are made extr* heavy, and strengthened so as to saccess- CompT; ^SnVeS JlyW^JS-xte a^^d moist.^ from the Cotton Duc^ Fif th_The hose wm not contract fuUy resist the force they are expoMdtaJonrj^^^^^^^.g^j^^j^^^^ or twist, but under pre«,nre has theq y ^^^^^^^^ We haYe the Largest and Best ^mPe™™^ ._ ^,^ eoat,, Boots. Lantem. Contromng Nobles. Buckets. Hose Pipes. CoupW.. Axes Also Dealers and Jobbers in aUldnd, o^^c^^TS^^^in^lfc^ing S^e^tai^in^ to the equipment of Rre Department. We mvite correspondence, and shall be pleased also, a very handsome assortment of w^ ^^^ Pcrclia and RTilter ManTifactTiT iiigT Coiapany* WAREHOUsT-10 12 King-St. East, Toronto. T. MelLROY. Jr.. Manager. \n i .35 1 f i :,-:i I '-M «if M iM; i Urn 'jc'SS'ii L;ii£S£i..^

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