Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Dec 1882, p. 8

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 Mi HI I i ABTEMSSIA COUNCIL. Conncil met in the Town Hall on the 6th Nov. Present â€" Messrs. Christoe, Wright, El- liott and Pedlar. Minnti'S of October session read and ap- proved. Communications a? follows presented and read:- tl. Hooper re drains in Flefherton the Clerk of O^prey re to- n line Clerk of Enphra-ia re deviation on town line Beeve of Melancthon re drains, c. Accounts as follows prcsentea â€" William Strain, road scraper, 570; S. Kingston, nork on Boylcs' hiU, 813.68 A. Elliott, ex pending sHtcial grant on town line Clenelg, and services on committee, iS Sparling Bro.5., repairing bridge, $1.50 Selectors of Jurors, %VA Gt-orge Radeiy, repairing road, ".Oc; A. K. fawcett, printing, t8. Payment ordered. iieport iif committee on deviation on town line Euphrasia, presented and read. By-law No. 347 introduced by Mr. Webster, and read a requisite number of times and passed. That the report of committee on town line deviation, Artemesia and Euphrasia, as pres- ented be adopted. That Mr. Pedlar be appointed on behalf of this Council,to meet the Keeve of Euphrasia, andt.) co-opeiate with nim in the matter of town line deviation. That Alexander Neilson be appointed ar- bitrator fo' Ariemesia, m the matter of cer- tain drains iieadi:ig into Artemesia.from the townshio of Melancthon. That Sparlin Bros, be paid H for re- pairing Ijridgfc over Saugeen, near their mill on 12th con., and that John Kowe be paid 94 for removing stones from 12th con. But it shall be distinctly understood, that this Council xvill lierenftcr re/use to pay all, or any accounts, i resented by any person or persons, except those authorized by the of- ficers 01 the township havingjpower to do so. That James Neilson be paid ?20. amount apropriated to town line Artemesia Proton. That Oswald Walker be paid $7, being half cot of covering Saugeen bridge, between Artemesia and Gieuelg. Council adjourned. W J. Bkllamt, Tp. Clerk. TAIl-ORi SYDENHAM STEEET, .. â- --„-r! a^ ur FATAL ACCIDi^NT. A EUPHRASIA MAN KILLED AT GRIEESVILLK. A sad and fatal accident occurred at Griers- ville on Tuesday afternoon or evening. Mr. John Bigham, who hved in the Township of Euphrasia neer Eocklyn, was employed by Mr. Mitchell, of Griersville, to deepen an old roothouse. Mr. Mitchell and fftmily were away from home dnring the afternoon when -the accident iiappened and did not arrive home tdl evening. Mr. Mitchell after his arrival home, missed the old man, and went down to the roothonse to see if he were not coming to supper. He was horrified to find that the roothouse had collapsed and hur- ried Mr. Bigham beneath the mins. At once work wa« commenced to dig him out. The victim was found on one knee, with a rafter across the back of his neck. It is sur- mised that his neck was broken, for there was a breathing place leading directly from him to the outside, and he bad not the ap- pearance of a man who had been smothered. He was quite dead. Of course, no person can tell exactly just how the accident occur- wd, but it is conjectured that Mr, Bi ham loosenei the foundation in digging, with the above result. The weight on the roof, as those who know what an old-style roothouse is like will imagine, was considerable on this one there was about 22 inches of earth. Mr, Bigham leaves two sons old enough to ^o for themselves, and a widow, who Lives in Toronto. He was much respected by his neighbours, and was high'y spoken of. He was aged 63 years. Coroner Albery was notified of the ac- cident, but. after consulting with Dr. Mac- lean, did not consider there was any necea- â- itf to hold an inqnest. â€" Mirror. BOOTS SHOES JUST ARRIVED AT THE BEST QUALITY AND LOWEST PRICE. -^ I STOCK COMPLETE IN Dry Goods and Groceries! PRICKS ALWAYS RIGHT. o OUR THIRTY CENT TEA Is the wonder of the day. A trial solicited. WM. BROWN. MarkdKle, Oct. 11th, 1882. ft n TEA A. M'lNTYRE TEA! TEA f A. M'INTYRE :F'lo"a.r, 2=^lo\n.r, 2^1o-clx- McINTYRE'S UQUORS I_LIQU0R8 McINTYRE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYRE'S Coffee, Coilee. McINTYRE'S MEAL I MEAL I MEAL I McINTYRE'S Pork, Pork. Pork. And ever ythin g kept n in a first-class Qroceiy and always on hand, cheap fob cash. McINTYRE'S 1*ea,s, nrea,s. Liquor Store. tt Continues â-  lei *ik«6Wcturc»s, oA^P#ytn g and Enia rging In go^ PEAMES and FBAME PlXin in great Tariety and latest denigna at desperate low prices. TV. BtJI. IT ARTEMESIA WAREHOlJ o Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots ed Groceries, ProvioionB, c. Stock kept fall and well assorted vmij goods received every week. Cash paid for all kinds of Cra ln at the Stati MY BRANCH STORE AT EUGENIA replenished with new goods every week. For sale cheap for cash on â€" o- My Saw Mill, Shingle Factoty, and Lime AT LITTLE FALLS, AEE IN OPEEATION. SI o All kinds Saw Lo$:s bought at the Mili or sawn on liUmber, liath. Broom Handles, Staing^Ies and L.ime fori November 7th, 1882. tl WOMAN'S TEUE FRIEND. A friend in need is a friend in deed. This none can deny, especially when assistance is rendered when one is sorely afflicted with diaeasefl. more particalarly those complaints and weakness so common to our female pop- ulation. Every woman should know that Bleotric Bitters are Woman's true friend.and will positively restore her to health, even when all other remedies fail. A single trial always proves our assertion. They are pleas- ant to \he taste, and only cost fifty ceuts a bottle Sold by A. Turner Co. The snow is about 15 inches deep and deighinj? is excellent. We have a speedy and positive cure, for Catarah. Diphtheria, Cankei mouth and Head Ache, in SHHILOH'S CATARBH REMEDY. A nasal Injector free with each bottle Use it if you desire health and sweet breath. Price 50 cents. Sold at Wm. Brown's General Store, Markdale. Mr. Thos. Ellis' teana brought 51 bushels. 50 lbs. of wheat up the new Kimberlj 6 and 7 side road ou Wed- nesday last. Markdale is drawing a good trade from Kimberly farmer8,and we don't regret having assisted to un- orove the above road. OH, WHAT A COUGH Will 70U heed the warning. ITie signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible ' disease consumption. Ask your- selves if yon can afford for the sake of SOcts.. to run the risk and do nothing for it. We fa^ow from experience that Shiloh's Core will cure your Cough. It never fails. This explains ivhy more than a Million Bottles were sold the past year. It relieves Croup, and Whooping Cough, at once. Mothers do not be without it. For Lame Back, Side, or Chest, use Shiloh's Porous plaster. Sold at Wm. Brown's General Store, Murkdale. It becomes our painful duty this week to chronicle the death et Dr. McGregor, late of Ghatsworth. The Dr. went to Winnipeg last spnng â- ^ere he followed his professieu un- til last Saturday, when be was taken ill apd died in fifteen hmrs. Conges- tion of the Inngs, pl^risy, and heart disease precipitated iiis deaUi. His family a^iil lesidee in' Chatswoi^., The Dr. ^^^s widely known in this couety and auiversally respected. MARKDALE Sash and Door Factory TORONTO HOUSi FLESHERTON. o Stock Fully Coiplete. Unusually VERY ATTRACTIVE, AND CHEAPER THAN m GHEAPEI ra mmuEiTlrEm irm Variety and Value Unsurpassed.' DET G00DS~°DEPARMEN1 Is this seasoQ very complete with a very large stock oi Dz-ess Goodu prising in part Cashmeres in all colors. Worsted Wool GoodtiD| endless variety. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS MOULDINGS. HOLLOW BATTONS, FRAMES Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Always on Hana. Orders Promptly Filled. The Snbaeriber wishes to return thanks to the people of Markdala and Tieinity, for the very lib«ral patronage they have given him in the past, and hopes by sloie attention to basineas to merit a continuance of the same. I have now extended my bnsiness.and will in future keep a fnll Stook of BER. Direct from the North Shore. ALL SIZES, DBESSED AND UNDBBSSED, All K^inds ^f F»iain a,nd Fancy rTuy^ing PINE L U Done in a first-class manner. Markdale May S7th. 1881. THOS. McNEA. 87-tf Blacksmith ng Flesherton Station. The subscriber begs to announce to the inhabitants Flrsherton, Markdale and Priceville, and snrronnding conntrv, that he has commenced business at Flesherton Sta- tion, where he hopes by satisfactory work and modovte rates to secure a share of pub- lic patronage. H0R8E-8H3EIN6 A SPECIALTY. Boot and Shoe Depaa?tmeiit. Woold call special attention of close buyers as my stook is uDUsasUjIi from the best xuannfactoifers and at rock bottom prices. OEDEEED CLOTHING. Has been exceedingly brisk this season, on aceoant of which I have the largest and best stock of Tweeds, Coatings, Trowseringt, and C ings in this section of oonntry. As I have always led the trade in partment bnyers will find it to their advantage to call before psd elsewhere. N Millinery Department. Under the able management of a first-class milliner, with pl^tr of ance, will be found nnasuallv attractive with the prettiest and mo8t{ able, and cheapest stock to be found in the county. Ladies, it vo"' you Kood to call and look at the stook. Hardware and Grocery Department Is always fully assorted and complete with the best goods, at the lovesti sible price. I am the only constant and reliable buyer of Grain and FaraJ duce in Flesherton, and for which I wUl pay the highest price in ' any quantity of good dry, sound grain, which I wo«ld specially ask to clean well. A call eolicited. NOTICE TO FARMERS. BUSINESS STIU, INCREASING WITH W. J. ROWE And giUHvnteed that in a case of in't«-f erefng horses he 'will cnre the defect in two shoe- ings or no diarge vlU be made for 'Jie (md shoeing. ae»- Pl aa hwt on Station, Oct. 17. 1882. uo â€" AT TBS â€" 1 UNDER THE OLD PBOGESS. Gnsbng and Caioji^g Ibni *very Woifcuur oay. Farmers frwit » distance can hten theur stuff ham« witk-tiMan thft MiQfl day tRwi sougiteh. i«^:«f^ S^ r^^ '^^" OetoberMih Utt. I18-1S6 Flesherton, Oct. Sid, 1882. S, T- S^KOTJX-S m m^ tst^rw :;:: MAKEROF at KINDS OF PUMPS, JBOB ykm^f^i^m CYLINDER PUMPS, CISTERN P^^ • • y. t'-^^S^-RCE PUMPS, 'Z ' f* ALL' KINDS OP lEON POMPS SUPPLIED. 7^totojrtiiH««S|«»riitt«dl%nywor^ rf Sf^« S'**"^*^^**^'""" now thait^Sr waB^oneiuMtfB â„¢ ^!^. *»?»«». BjWMtober the Bla^ait4^toorth of Rutl^g«»^ " Sydenham ^eeC Markdle. " Client. M,I Pn"fflc'aTi an bale of Uui« ' • X ,vA, »iu^^ i-i-' â- ^1 ^H "f*

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