'JW'S^f^T^' 'l^'^J^^ ^^'WJ- 41 ii i The Standard.. MIRKDALE, DEC. 7th, 1882. THE T. G. B. RAILWAY. A. year ago last Saturday the guage of the Toronto Grey Bruce Railway was changed from that of 2 feet 6 inches to the prt-sent standard guageof 4 feet 8 J inches. The grand iin))rovements which our highway has un- dergone during the past year are well wor- thy of nete. The bridges which were all â- wooden have been replaced with substantial stune and iron structures, the track ballasted, new ties put in and steel railed throughout, new rolling stock proviied, the stations re- moddled and re-painted, additional sidings laid down, snow and wire fences erected, be- sides many minor improvements, making; the road one of the best now in Canada. The majority of the train officials and station agents hold their old po.sitions with credit to tliemselves and no doubt satsfaction to the company, and are noted for being courteous and obliging. The road is now an indepen- dent hie, but what changes may taks place e'er another twelve months roU round time will only tell. STRAY CATTLE. A subscriber writes to us requesting in- formation concerning stray cattle. As we are frequently in receipt off similar requests, we propose to give a summary of the law re- lating to the.ee matters. Properly speaking all stray animals should be taken to the nearest pound-keeper, but stray horses, bulls, oxen, cows, sheep, goats, pigs or other cattle, may be retained by any person, providing no claim for damages is made, and due notice of their detention is given. The owner, if known, must be notified in writing. If un. known, the Clerk of the municipality must be supplied with a written notice, containing a description of the aniaial. The clerk is required to enter the notice in a book to be kept for the purpose, and to post a notice in conspicuous place, on or near the door of his office, for one week. If the animal is worth more than SIO the aistiainor must also pub- lish a notice in a county new.spaper once a week tor three weeks. The distrainor must feetl the animal, and can recover value for the .same, as well as for time, trouble and at- tendance. If the 'stray' is not claimed with- in tlie time mentioned in the notices, an affidavit to that affect must be made be- fore the Justice of the Peace, and notice* of sale given The sale lan be conducted by any pound-keeper, but not by private indi- viduals, and the animal must be sold by auction. Notices of sale for pigs, goats or sheep, may be given one month after the animal is taken up though for horses and other cattle the notices may not be issued until after two months. All charges are de- ducted from tlie amount realized by the sale, and the surplus, if any, must be paid over to the Treasurer of the municipality. If the charges of the distrainor are disputed, any fence- viewers ^re empHswered to act as ColUingwood Enterprise, thre arbitrators. © aw 88p:andenx)8. XoiiCK. â€" We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents To the Editor of the Standard. Dear Sib.^I wish through the medium of y )ur paper to call the Ettflntion of our citi- zens and community at large to a matter in which all who take any part in the prosperity and advancement of our village both morally, • intellectually and commercially should feel interested. It was with regret I heard afew days since a billiard saloon was about to be open- ed in one of our business places in this yil- ;e. Now, sir, from aU I have heard and 1 arned about such places of amusement they are the roost dangerous and hurtful to till, morals of our youth that could bo estab- lished. While it is pretended that only ^^musemeut of an innocent sort is engaged " in, it is here where the temptation to" drink 1 and gamble is presented, and the unwary youth is t'lus lead from one to another in ^Tire. I sh-idd thiik we had plenty of temptations at present in our midst calcu- lated to lead the young of our rising town and country astray without the establishing and licencing of a billiard saloon. I hope and trust that the heads of families for the sake of their families, for the sake of their buys, in whom their brightest hopes are ceu- terid, will lefrain from patroniziug anything of the port. Remember on your shoulders will rest the responsibility if you fail to puard }our boys and warn them to ahun such places of amusement. The late un- happy stabbing affray which has scandalized â- nr village was the result of a quarrel at the bi iard or bagatelle table. Our village has uccome a byword throughout the country on account of the acts of violence and violation of law in our midst. Liquor is bcins; sold with impunity without license. Licensed loaves v,ho nominally close their bar at 7 o clock on Saturday everiing are found sell- ing at all hours after that, and even the sacreduess of the Sabbath is v.olated by the St lling of liquor. New, Mr. Editor, what is the usf of h license inspector, or what are they paid for doing, when sttcb a si^ate of af- fairs is in our mid»t? I reaUy hope the people of this village who wi^h to see the viUage prosper and law and order maintaiued â- will aaite as one man and compel the ol servanoe of the law in this respect, or peti- tion jie withdrawal of licenses from those who thas jiereist in the violation thererf. If a mau commits m'.irier or steals he is bnaik- iiig the law. Think yon, could he repeat that week after week and not be brought to justice Trusting I have not uitrudeu too luUcii on yc/ur space, I am, yours. «tc.. ZsKOPUKK. A VEXED CLEBGYMAN. Even the patience of Job would become exhausted were he a preacher and endeavor- ing to interest his audience while they were keeping up an incessant coughing, making it impossible for him to be heard. Yet, how very easy can all this be avoided by f imply using Dri'King's New Discovery for Consump- tion. Coughs and Colds. Trial Bottles given away at A Turner Co"s Drug Store. BIRTHS. Pallisteeâ€" In Prctcn, on the loth Nov., the wife of Mr. Wm. Edmund PaUister, of a son. Smithâ€" In Proton, on the 15th Nov., the wife of Mr. John J. Smith, of a daughter. McLeodâ€" In Maikdale, on the 3rd inst., the wife of Mr. I)onald McLeod, jr., (shoemaker) of a son. Laegk -In Markdale, on the 18th ult., the wife of Mr. Edward C. Large, (builder and contractor) of a daughter. BANKEUPT oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo MARRIAGES- FosTEBâ€" RoRKE â€" In Markdale, on the 5th. inst., by Rev. N. A. McDiarmid,Mr. Henry Foster (merchant) to Miss Annie Ameha Eorke, aU of Markdale, McGiNNisâ€" McDoNLDâ€" At the Presbyteiian Manse, Priceville. on the '26th ult., by Rev. D. McLeod, Mr. Hugh McGinnis to Miss Annie McDonald, both of Glenelg. Boyd â€" Dodsonâ€" -\t Markdale,on Wednesday, Nov. 2-2nd, 188-2, by Rev, J. S. Corcoran, Mr. Joseph R. Boyd, of Euphrasia, to Miss Eliza, eldest daughter of J. J. Dodson, Esq., Rocklyn. Watsomâ€" McNallyâ€" On the 21st Nov., by the Rev. D C. McDowell, Mr. J. Watson, of Artemesia, to Mi^s Margaret McNally of Glenelg. Maltby â€" Tbottee â€" In Owen Sound, on the 2.Srd inst.. by the Rev. A. H. Scott, M. A., Mr. Samuel Maltby, of Dundalk, to Miss Jemima Trotter, of Owen Bound. STOCES oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo DIED- Dowâ€" On Tuesday 28th inst. the wife of Mr. Andrew Dow, of the I6th con. Proton. Martin. â€" In Euphrasia, on the 2nd inst., J. Martin, aged 29 years. Land for Sale. 1 r\r\ ACKES; about 30 of which is J.\JvJ cleared, being composed of the E. half of Lot 10, in the 8th concession of the Township of Euphrasia. Apply at this office, or to Robert Dunlop, Township Clerk of Euphrasia, Griersville P. 0. 117-tf. mMWfGOMERY, B ^V Ii K JE^ Begs to tender his thank.s' to the inhpbitants of Markdale and surrounding country for past patronage, and to intimate ;o them that he is prepared to supply the public with Fruit, Pound and Plum Cake either plpin or iced and ornamented. Also Brides' Cakes got up in the best style that can be done this side of Toronto. Bread, Buns and Cakes! in great variety. All these are manufactured on his own premises bv himself, besides Bis- cuit of e^ery description from the best man- ufacturers in Ontario. CHOICEST CONFECTIONERY in great variety. Tea Meetirgs, Socials, and other parties supplied on the shortest notice and on the most rea.-^onable terms. JOHN MONTGOMERY. Markdale, Nov. 22nd. 1882. 115-3m At the great dry good) sale of D. Amott Co., in Toronto, last week, amounting to $135,000, we purchased more goods than any two merchants in the County. In addi- tion to this we bought the bankrupt stock of Hutcheson Sons, of Hamilton, at 28 cents on the dollar. These two stocks we will offer for sale at prices that have never yet bsen beard of. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOO ^-a -=t? ^^. trS :i H-^ r t^^ D c^ H s C^ s THEY MUST BE SOLD. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo LOOK t}UT FOR THE OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOO Creat Slaughter! FOR THE OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Next 30 Days 0000000 300000000000U00000OOO000000 We show special lines of new goods in Ready.made Clothing. Your choice of 100 pairs of Tweed Pants for $1.75, worth from $3.50 to $5. Your choice of 150. Coats for $3.50. worth from $5 to iJ7.50. Men's good Tweed Vests at $1, worth $2.50. Boys' good Tweed Vests at 75 cents. Overcoats are down, down, down. We will sell off the balance of our stock at a great reduction. A lot of good Black Lustres from 10 cents a yard and upwards. Also a lot of BLACK SI£,US at 45 cents yaiu, just opened. per Teacher Wanted. FOR SCHOOL SECTION No. 6, ARTE- MEsiA, holding Second or Third Class Certificate. Duties to commence on the sec- ond day of January, 1883. Apply, stating salary, to JOHN HAZARD. Sec. t Treas. to Trustees, 114-117* Flesherton P" O $1)000 ^ORTH OF HATS AND CAPS just arrived. Good Felt Hats at 25 cents and upwards. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions ot youth, nervous weak- ness, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will send a receipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great Remedy was dis- covered by a missionary in South America. Send a aelf-addi«8s«d envelope to Knv. JosFPH T. Inhas, Station D, New City. Furs, Furs, Furs. Beautiful jsetts of Furs from 60 centg and upwards. Good Muffs from 50 cents. A large stock of Men and Women's Furs at low prices, far below wholesale, Scarlet Yarns Cheap. TOCK OIOICE OF Health is Wealth 1000 Boxes Collars andsof Children's Winter Gloves, 4c, and York I f^erythmg else in proportion. In short we invite you to come with the crowd and see for yourself the largest, neatest, and best arrang. ed stock noitii of Toronto, and every articSle (not special lines) itold at hard pan prices Dr. E, C. West's Nbbve akd Brain Tb«at- ment. a guaranteed specific for Hysteria Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caus- ed bv the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wake- fulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain, resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barr enness. Loss of Power in either sex' Involuntary losses and Spermatorrhoea' caused by over-exertion of the brain, self- abuse or over-indulgence. One box will cu e recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxfls for fiye dollars sent by mail pre- paid OH receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order re- ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with fiye dollars, we will send the purchaser a written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure Guar antees issued only by A. Turner ACo.. sole authorized Agent for Markdale Out. Johu C. West ACo sole proprietor.Toronto.Ont, 00000 OOOOr(K)oooooooo(^,ooo^y Q JOOOOO DON'T BE DEGfilVED OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO We cannot and will not be uddersold. Trimble Wright Dealers in Bankrut Btook. «^^^14J3 4.LS, Out. If If? Headquarters of Santa Claus. o In retaming thanks to our numerous oastomers and the public generally for {1k| liberal patronage bestowed upon us in the past, we desire to announce the oijur„| annual stock of Chrisimas goods which is extensive and woll assorted, oomprisin:. " Christmas Cards, English and Canadian, China Cups and *a»J Moustache Cops, Shayiufr Mugs, Bohemian Vasos. ToJ Sets, Altoums, avery large assortment, Cai-4 'ases. Work Boxes, Shell Boxes, lifriting Desks, Tin Toys, Books, Poems, Bibles, Prayer Book!», BookiUarks, Picture Books, Dolls, and "a great number of other articles puitable for Christmas and Ncr- Yoaispu Wishing you the compliments of the season, we rfepectf uily solicit a ojntiuuaucd o favori. Markdale. Dec. 5th, 1882. A.. TlLTRIVKIl, ^Nc COj T. G. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. Oliang-e ol Time. 20th, 1882, On and after Monday, trains will run as followx Nov. GOING n'th. GOING SOUTH Rtad DnoH. Read Up. MABKDALE MARKETh,| F-ll Wlieat. $0J^0 to $0.83 Sprit,)! to 0.93; Bailey, 45c; Peas, Cot; OmJ Butter, 20c; Eggs, 'Z2c; Potatoes, luc 1 $10.00 Pork, 7.25 to 7.uU. FLESHERTON MARKETS P.M. A.M. P.X. 4 25 Toronto 10 45 9 10 6 00 CxbdwellJcnc. 9 05 7 31 6 45 Okanoevillk 8 27 6 60 8 44 MoDNT FoBBST.. 6 30 4 30 9 12 Hauriston 6 05 4 00 10 15 Teeswateb 5 00 2 45 C ;() F ESHEBTON.... 6 43 4 47 9 55 Ow DOUND.... 6 16 3 10 P.M. A.M. P.M. A Mixed Train wUl also lun between Tor- onto and Uwen Sound. See Time Table. A.M. 1 7 30 9 05| 9 55 12 20 12 55 2 25 11 50 1 30 P.M. 1 Fall Wheat, $0.80 to 0.,S4; Spiinfj to #0.90; Barley, 55c; Peas, liOc; Ujuj Butter. 20c; Eggs, 22c; Potatots, 40t; $9.00; Pork, $7.00 to $7 50 D. McNicoLL, Oen. Ptitt. Agt. Edmund Wbaogk. General Manager. W. H. CAMPAICNE, LICENSED Aucti.meer for the County of Grey. Sales attended in town or cotm- tiy on the shortest notice. Charges reason- able. Orders left at the. Standard of5.ce will re- ceive prompt attention. 117-3m ESTRAY. CAME into the premises of the under- signed, early in September, a Heifer rising two years old. The owner may have it by proving property and paying expenses JOHN MEBCEB. Lots 109 110, E. T. S. Boad. Artemesia, Dec. 5th, 1882. Il7-4t* TORONTO MARKiiTS. Fall Wheat, »0.90 to $0.94; Spring,' to $0.68; Barlf-- 5fie to 72c; Oats.llctol Peas, 70c to 7 Hors, $7.50 to 5.7.50;] toes, per bag, 7ac to 80c; Butter, darrj to 20c; exes, 23c to 24c. A* StSlilIS STRAYED FROM THE PREMISES OF THE SUB- SCRIBER, Lot 20, Con. 8, Euphrasia, about the Ist Sept., one steer, red, and 2 heifers, spotted red and white, all rising three years old. Information that will lead to their recovery will be thankfully received. Any person harboring them after this date will be dealt irith according to law. W, J. R. WARD. Rocklyn P. O.. Nov. 17kh, 1882. 116 3w Just Arrived A LARGE STOCK OP NEW AND FASNIONIBTE dS-y O-OOZDS, Boots and Shoes, NEW BROCERIES, At prices TAjLOR. Over McFarland's MARKDALE. IS" Special attention to Cutting.. If you want a ytrir Order with Perfect Fit M which will astonish Call and see. you. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs or any kind of Foinl at the Chkap Stosi. JOHN DOUPE, Flesherton Station. Nov. 15th, 1882. 114-3n:. J. L BROWNE â€" 18 â€" Better than Ever I Seotember 90th 1882. HILL, 106. BILLIARD ROOl D. M, HOGAN, Pbopbibioe. First class tables, drinks to be had. Cigars and temp 116.1; â€" INâ€" Cabinet, Car4 or Tablet. A iiABtn STOCK or FRAMES BlWnST DZaXGSS, CBXiP. WARNING. I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT I Willi not be responsible for any debts contn*! ed by my family or any one else also, il| moneys due me mtut be paid to myself. WILSON BKNSOli. Markdale. Nov. 29th, 1182. H^" NOTE LOSTT A NOTE DRAWN IN FAVOE OF JOHSj MoEenna, Markdale. by Edmund StMl Harkaway P. O., for $160. Any person *! ing or having the same in tlieir possessol will please return it to the undersig"' ed as payment has been made. EDMUND STEEB, HarkawajP.^ November 28th, 1882. Il6-4t' STRAYED IIBOM THE PREMISES OF THE ' dersigned Lot 3, Con. 7, Eupb about the last of August, one Stcef ' one Heifer, all rising two years old. i^l person giving such information as vrilll*| to their recovery will be suitably rewarded- JOHN HUTCHINSOS, 115-3W' VandeleurP-t^-l ~TO~SELL~OR RENT. LOT 16, CON. 12, HOLLAND./ acres. 100 cleared, good bmldiugs m^ on. Terms easy. Apply to James Log*"' Postmaster, near the premises, or to M. S. KELLOW, TaraP.O._ November 14th, 1882. ^^^^U^ ESTRAY. ^,, CAME INTO THE PREMISES OS"' McMillan, Lot 10, Conoession 3, t)- ' Road, Artemesia, about the 1st of August, SiteariinS Ram. The owner i^J^j quested to prove property, pay expense* take him away. .^ DONALD McMlLLA/'-.r Artemesia, Not. 10th, 18fc2.^_^^^ Teacher Wanted ,, FOBS. B. No. 3. Holland and Eoptr* " JDotiw to eommenoe the i^^ '^^ (t JanPKy, is83 Aiiply, stating salary- A^X, MUSDOCK, Sec'y., i-«lfU4w. X' }lark*»y 5a5^«...j?4aSfe.S*'__,' ' -â- 4. 4' I â- .'"«#_*2*'?^jS.«