â- â- '--'" :- â- â- ,i.«--,-â„¢. -^i,-3.f-.,.^.-i "r^y'if-ifr. -v • -- ^WHP OL. 3.-N0. 11. MARKDALE, ONT., NOV. 23, 1882. No. 115, le Xd[arl\dalt ^tanilaril ^1 IS PCl;,.:SHED THUR5CAY EVENING, M Maikilai- Ontario. I.v Al'VAN' ... three nioiitljs. VI if not paid till i „f tlK' ^â- ^'i" -^*' I'lipt-r iliscontinued '"'â- i».ar'-n.ro ^ai'l u}), ex.ept at the 'V-ii.- i.ul.ii.sliev, and paities refusing I «'iM..ut iiavin- up will ho !ieM respon- If!,- rln' years -^uWcriptious until they v.-;::i llH' rules. KliMS OF ADVKllTISING liii'i "110 Nej.1 »" liu. •i7 50 8 00 4 Oi) 8 3 llM.TS 1. ,1 1, l'll ,|,i. fin do ••• y llius, first iuserioii per lino ;lj-,-.iiun' iiist-rtiou e nuniU-r of lines to be reckoned by the •,iip!".l measured by a scale of solid Advirtiseinciits without specific will be j)ubl;shed ti'l forbid and .,i itMordint;ly. All tran-itory adver- .i,f^ must be in tho office ot bubhca- y ll»\lock on the Wednesday proceed ca- publitiition. JUB PRINTING verv dt'seription executed with i.t'ss and despatch at the Office of lAND.xKD, Markdiile. C. W. RUTLED6E. Ei'iioR Proprietor. Markdale Hotel. Good Accommodation for Travellers. 'Bus 1 to aud from all traiun. Charges moderate. Markdale. A. Butlbdok, Pbop. coTmergial hotel. PRICEVXLIiE, Out. Luirge aud commodious Sample Booms Good Bed Booms, Src. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor CHAT8WORTH HOUSE (LA.TE MOBBOW ROC8E,) CIIATSWOBTH, Ont. iFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY, H«i. Spioulc' Armstrong, â- cu-ns,Surgeons^ccouclieur hicr. Medical FLall; residence at Idale Hous«. rlient. M,D.. M.S.CP. S., O. I'livciiiiui and Sar:,'eon, PnceviUe, pof L'uivtirsity. Vict. College. 11 ,. New York, and ' ani'taHte, of the wime, Aylcth Medical Institute. ,] OptlialDiic Hospital, N.Y. iLrrOiai. riivs.oiansSurgeors.O. 104 THE undersigned having purchased the above property has had it thoroughly renovated and refurnished throughout beside making other ne v improvements, which will greatly add to the comfort and convenience of his" guests, would respectfully soUcit the patronage of the pubhc Kenerally. The best brands of liquors and cigars always in sttKJK. (Jood meal and comfortable rooms guaran- teed. Good stabling and attentive hostler. â€" C. H. M.i^TH'^ws, Prop. 114. mm ^itttiUmtM* John McDonald, CHATSWOETH, DIVISION Court Clerk, Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses, Commissioner in B.B., Conveyancer, c. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, Ac, attended to promptly, accurately, neat- ly, and cheaply. Private funds to lend in small sums on easy terms. Notes discounted MISS LAMB, DBESS-IVAKEB. UP-STAIRS IN L»ouglas' Block. Satisfaction guaran- teed. C'larges moderate. Markdale, Nov. xoth. 1882. lU 3m. imeron Knight, DENTAL SURGEONS, ' ova D A CamPTon and Go's Drug lVi.L!ettSt'.,0\VEX SOUND. â- att^T.;iou ^ivea to the preservation of latuiiil te.'tli. \rtiticial Dentures mount- I i.oiJ, Celluloid, and Kubber bases. fi; bo at Markdale the last Tuesday in I month, Bm.r.ai, M.D., C. F. Knight, L.D.S. ,v (ilat^gow, Medalist Eoyal Col- ..Ii.s., Out. lege Den. Sur., Ont B. Jn. Oalbraith » UCTIONEEB AND GENEBAL LAND J\^ Agent, Williamxford Station. Auction Sales attended in all parts of the County. Goods sold on commission. lUtes moderate. Piaiws, Organs, and Sewing Machines; also Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Vines. Agricul- tural Implemennts, and Machinery of all "inds on sale. Wihiamsford, Jan. 27, 1881. 1^:. iA^K ROBT. ASKIL.. Has opened out a First-Class Furniture I AN1 UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT. And therefore has supplied a want long felt, especially in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, CASKETS, SHBOUDS. and all FUNERAL FURNISHINGS, supplied on the shortes notice. Si^lendid Hearse tor hire at moderate rates. FURNITUKE! From the Common to the Best and Latest Styles, in everything in the line. Call and see for yourseives. ROBT. ASKIN. BUILDER CONTRACTOR, (Stone and Briek). After completing 13 buildings his season is still on the track and is still prepared to do all kinds of stone and bnck work, plastering aud tuck pointing. Those who contemplate building will find it to their advantage to give him a call. Residence corner of Brown and Sproule Stetes. Mahkdale. 16-v IJesat Frost Fro«it, VRKISTEBS, AND ATTORNEYS-AT Law, Solicitors iu Cliancerv, Convey ,.ve., Owen Sound, have resumed at trrt.-u, Olliee opeu every Thursday, as I'fiire. b;i. Fiio.sT, J. W. Fbost, LL. B. ICuuiitv C'i(jv,-u Attoruey. 1 MISS WELSH, Dress ITIantlemalier. Charges moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed. Hill's Block, Sydenham street. Maikdale, Nov. 6th, 1882. Union Carriage Wor][s. All work manufactured from First Cuss Miteriil Id the Lateat and Best Improved Style, aud ficitihod with WARflING There is great danger of tak- ing ould from wet feet. If you want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep your feet dry and warm by procuring yonr IB o cr S FilOM KAY 6l THOMAS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sixes, kept on hand. Remember the place opposite the new SrAyauo) Office. 49 business now before the public. You can make money faster at work for Uii luan ac auythiug else. Capital not need- ed. We will start you. 912 a day and up- wards made at home by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to worK for us. Now is the time. You can work in spare time oply or give your whole time to the business. You can live at home and do the work. No other business will pay you nearly as well. No one can fail to make en- ormous pay by en^ragiog at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily and honorably. Address Tbue Co., Augusta, Maine. 71-126 Best REST AND COMFORT to the SUFFERING Brown's Household Panacea has no equal for relieving pain, both inter- nal and external. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Toothache, liumbago and any kind of a Pain or Ache. "It will most surely quicken the Blood and heal, as its acting power is won- derful." "Brown's Household Panacea," being aoknowledged as the great Pain Reliev- er, and of double the strength of any other Elixer or Liniment in the world, should be 13 every family handy for use wben wanted " as it really is the best remedy in the world for Cramps m the Stomach, and Pains aud AeheE of aU kinds," and is for sale by all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. 75-127 EUGENIA. (From our own Correspondent.) The course of true love don't run one bit smoother than eyer. Rumour has bees very rife of late concerning a love scrape on the Meaford Road, the young man having been jilted, as reported by some, while others again say the ycung woman said she would travel a thousand miles in order to marry him. However, it turns out that the young man left his home in rathar adistraot- cd state of mind and has turned up in Bar- rie, the autiioiities having taken him up in diarge for his safety. Much sympathy is felt for him. Had the case been reversed pos- sibly twelve honest men and the judge mi^t have l«en called upon to decide the amount required to appease the feelings of the young lady. Last Saturday Geo. Latimore bagged » Ma( k fox. Vennor says the comet was the cause of the late fine October weather, I gnese this Monday will cause him to change his mind; eveiy apptiirance of sleighing. We want the Mai. and Globe both to tell us why the Bible is not now^ taught in oar public school. Yes, that is so [The above correspondence was unavoid- ably crowded out last week. â€" Ed.] 1 â- DUNDALK ITEMS. 1131'26 J. MASSOK, LUJIISTEK. MASTER ANDDEP.REG in Clanci-rv. Xotarv Public, Conveyan Ni.Y I'o LEND AT SIX PER CENT. Ov.vn Sound, in Vicker's Block St., and 111 Markdale, over MeFar i-rr. on Eriday and Saturday every oT.ly Wm. Broim, ISSUER OF MARRI.AGELICEN .ES,c Commissioner in B. R. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se curity. "'Joseph Gibson, PLAIN ORNAMENTAL F» I^ ^V ?S 'V 3: I^ K t WHITEWASHINGâ€" CALSO^^NING in Shades and Colors. AU work gufj-anteed. Charges moderate. Painting Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Bepairs executed in the shortest possible time c'onsistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Rcmember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAN, Markdale. Dec. 2nd. 1881. Proprietor. 64. fFli Block, F i!.l.vn-:i;s. SOLICITORS. CONVEY- in Owiii Sound, Dufferin \\iiU' Stole and ia MARKDALE; W. J. MeL-arland's Store on Thursday i.'V of each week. 'i'uiids to len.lon reasonable terms. *- !.F\'~,.U, l^.G. DrSCAN MoBIoON larkdale, March 15, 1882. 79-lv .Alexander Browia. F.i; of Marriage Licenses, Fire and -ife Insurance Agent. Gommissionei • U. iVc. "ouveyancer and Licensed lonptr for the County of Grey. Farmers, fuaut-:, aud Lund Sales, Punctually at- to aud cliariies made verv moderate. •viUe, Sept. 17. 1880. " l-V LODGE. LOYIL lURRDALE Of C 0. 0. F. No. 78, will meet in their hall on Monday evening. Nov. 27. i, at eiylit o'clock p. m. 108 HAIR GUTTING AND SHAVING liy IT. r Smitli, Razors, Straps, and Siiaving Brushes for sale. Razors sharpened. ts" Orde .-s filled for Tomb Stones. EARS FORI MILLION ITHJO CHOO'S BALSAM OF SHARK'S OIL positively Restores the Hearing, and is the Only Absolute Cure for Deafness known. This Oil is abstracted from pecuhar species of small White Shark, caught in the Ydlow Sea, known as Cabchabodon Ronde- LETii. Every Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a restorative of hearing were discovered by a Buddhist Pr est were dis- covered about the year 1410. Its cures were so numerous, and many so seemingly mir- aculous, that the remedy was officially pro- claimed over the entire Empire. Its use became so universal, that for ovei 300 years no Deafness has existed among the Chinese people. Sent, charges prepaid, to any ad- dress at $1.00 per bottle. Hear what the Deaf say It has performed a miracle iu my case. I have no unearthly noises in my head, and hear much better. I have been greatly benefited. My deafness helped a great deal â€" think ano- ther bottle will cure me. Its virtues are unquestionable and its cura- tive character absolute, as the writer can per- sonally testify, both from experience and ob- servation. Write at onee to Haylock and Jenney, 7 Dey Street. New York, enclosing $1 and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable you to hear like anybody else, and whose curative effects will be peimanent. You will never regret doing so." â€" Editor OF Mercantile Review. IS"To avoid loss iu the mails, please send money by Registered Letter. Only imported by HAYLOCK JENNEY, late Haylock Co., Sole Agents for America. 7 Dey St New York 93-145. Wffl. Lucas Co., BANKERS, The Herald is very interesting dont know how we could do without it uow. Messrs. Hewetson and Smith are winding up business her« and going to Milton. Neil MeAuhiy sold his farm in Osprey to Hugh Black, of Glenelg, price 8l,8(0. Mrs. Sweney sold her farm of 100 acres to Mrs. Brows, of Garafraxa, for »2,200. A. G. Hunter is doing a good business ia real estate, many properties having changed hands recwitly through hi» agency. Parties desirous of buying, tenting, or selling cannot do better than give him a call, he is tho- roughly reliable. PRICE VILLE. (From onr own Correspondent.) Winter seems to be approaching in spite of the comet's influence to the contrary. Water in the weUs is getting very low. The Saugeen is also lower for this season of the year than any resident has ever seen it. The new bed of clay discovered, and used in making brick, has proved to be of such excellent quality that brick houses seem to be all the rage for the coming summer. Several citizens are drawing and piling great heaps of bricks for future use. The Baptist church is veneered with white brick and looks very neat. Probably ten or twelve buildings will be erected next summer. Some five or six mill carpenters are busy putting in the machinery in the new brick mill. gotelft. |EVERE HOTEL, -^lAKKDALE. SPEOULE, Proprietor. |HIS popular Hotel has had a large »d- ciition a.laed to it, thoroughlv refitted, now second to none in the county. stabling and attentive ostler. First- ' eoommodation for commercial travel «- I'er day. Barber's sliop in connec- 17-ly W. L. YOUNG, Sec'y. EUGENIA Grist, SawandLatlMffls Having made eqtensive improvements m myGnstMill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR AUVAY8 ON HAND. Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing and BUls Filled on the shortest notice. -nr i vc LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Buttamnt, White Ash Black Ash Sss7c;od, Pine and Hemlock Logs wanted 69ly. M. AKITT, Eugenia. STmRTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim at youthfnl imprudence c»ugiD Trem* tare Decay, Nervous Debility, I/ost Hanbood, etc, harliis tried in vain every known remedy, fM^i- covertd a, simple self cure, which he wiU •^iKUm to his feilow-sufferers, addres' â- • B. BEEVES, 43 Citatbmm St.. K. Y WAicnc*. a*«* â- lu w i i »»â- »*. WhRai itsndbMt $2i^,£S^3^iS£SS?H a week in yonr own town; 15 outfit fiee. No risk. Everything new. Capital not" required. We will furnish yon every- thing. Many are making fortunes" Ladies make as much as men, and bovs and girls make great pay. Reader, if you want a busi- ness at which you can make great pay all time you work, write for particulars _to_H. Hallbtt fe Co. Portland, Maine. security. " tim endorsed notes, or on collateral IN large or small amounts, at all times, on good INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. 71-126 TEACHER WANTED. MARRIED OB SINGLEâ€" MABBIED man preferredâ€" lor School Section No, 4, Glenelg. holding second-class certifi- cate. Duties to commence first of the new year. Apply stating salary, to THOMAS TOWNSBND, Glaseott P. O. Glascott, Nov. 1st 1882, 112-4t I^Drafts issued and Collections msi^e on points, at lowest rates. W.M. LUCAS, Manager. September 23, 1880. 2-ly JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GEMlBLAGKSMITfl HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. RUNAWAY STRATUROY BOYS. S'lr.ATHROY, Nov. 14. â€" Quite an excite- ment has arisen here over the sudden depar- ture from town of three young lads named Frank Cruickshanks, Charlie Dingman and Fred KinJer, aged in the vicinity of 15 and 16. They left without warning on Thurs- day, the '2nd N.-v. taking with them, as was afterwards learned, two guns and three re- volvers. It was ^.bought they went away on a hunting frolic, but their long continued absense is causing considerable anxiety on the part of their parents, and it is the subject of much conversation about town. The dir(!ction in which they went is unknown further than that they passed their first night away fiom home in East Williams. and wcie seen in Ailsa Craig and ParkhiU the next day. An Ailsa Craig Uvery man sent out a rig which has not yet been returned, and for which he holds the runaway boys to bbvme. It is needless to say the parents of the boys anxiously desire their return, and any information by telegraph or otherwise addressed to the Dispatch Office, Strathroy, OuUrio, wiU be thankfully received by their parents. GIVEN AWAY. â- ;\e cannot help noticing the liberal offer made to all invalids and bullerers by Dr. King's New Discovery for Cousumption. Yon are requsted lo caU at A. Turner Co'b Drug Store, and get a Trial Bottle free of coxt.°if you are suffering with Consumption, Severe Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis. Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, Hoarseness, or any Election of the Throat or Lungs. It will positively crje ^ou. ii h i i ;i sJ 'J' 1 â- -J :l ' â- ' 'â- I' I. I,:- â- IT: I I I' n I.; li. !â- â- :}' I 1: i