Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 Nov 1882, p. 8

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 ycBSBgffmr I \\ V r. i-M ii^- II ^-*^^4^^ 7^\ ,_^, bo88 bilw«eB this j^cmT 4ikI the itotion. He etfries the mail imd has ft eumfortuMe rig; has abo opened m It^rj Mr. Var^, (lirickHaaker,)* faae erected a fine tack resideEee «iAicli will 8000 be oon^ted. His ••diild, wbieh bad its *nB bnAen a -diort titfie ago, is doing well....W. H,^ ^lesher, (painter,) I)#s built a dw^r ing. McKediine. (calbinet iBa]ter.)and B. CKrk, (bkeksoafth.) have botb «r«cted brick tesidenee. FLESHBBTON STATION. (PSOU OTTB OWN 0(»BSSPOinkirr.) Mr. Donpe is doing a nice bosiness in general merchandise, an sells very reasouabie B. Cook, blacksmith, has lemoved into his new brick resi- dence and Thos. Addison, implement agent, intu Cook's former dwellmg.... ♦..Geo. Moorehouse, miller, has erect- ed a dwelling this fall and is moving in Bobert Morrow has purchased a lot, built a house, and now resides in our town Wm. McMillan will rwnove to our city next week A Hanuab moyed to Flesherton this week James McMillan will open out iu Cook's new brick store in a^ew days, where he will pay cash for all kinds of farm produce. â- :#S,-' â- So*' WILLIAMSFOBD. (from oub own cokbespondent.) C. Price has a good part of his large bnildiug vebsered with brick G. N. Pereirahas his machinery running and is tiow manufacturing f'lrniture, ExtenBive improvements will take place in M. Smith's flour mill as soon as bis millwright arrives C. Price wants a few good house carpenters for abort six weeks. OSPBEY NOTES. (From our own Correspondent.) Maxwell.â€" The proprietor ol the new Drug Store at Maxwell was fined $20 by the Liquor Inspector tor sel- ling intoxicating drinks for others than medical purposes. The Max- well hotel keeper was fined a similar amount for selling on Sabbath, and the pubUc are well plesaed Maz- wtell's popular merchant is married. He shall have a good time, at least **as long as the moon endures." Feversham. â€" The anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot was celebiated at Feversha'U on Monday, Nov. 6th. A large number sat down to an ex- cellent supper prepared by Bobert McGirr. at his own hotel, after which the membci.s of the different lodges assembled in the Presbyterian Church where a very agreeable time was spent. Music was furnished in amannei that would reflect credit on professional singers by Misses A. McKinnor, L. McGirr and T. Grey. The chief speeches of the evening were ffiven by Bev. Mr. Dowtll, of Maxwell, and Bev. Mr. Chisholm.of Mclntyre .After the formei gentlemen had deliver- ed a very humorous address, the latter in a most vigorous and impressive manner, pointed out that Bomanism in all stages of its existence opposed the diversion of conscientiousness, with which safe popular freedom was essentially unit- ed A poor widow living in the neighbourhood of this place had 40 or 50 bushels of oats stolen from her granery on last Saturday nignt. It is said that the thieves are known, and unless they replace the stolen proper- ty or equivalent inside of two weeks thsy may prepare for a protracted stay in Kingston. McInttbe. â€" Here everything is lovely. The two stores are doing a rushing business, so also is our new harness maker, whose work is super- ior to any thing ever seen in this coun* try Neil McLean is enlargmg and plastenug his hail. Maxwell. â€" Mr. Ira H. Perigoe is ^ovng a rushing business two and three auction sales every week Messrs John Heron and Josepn Clm- 4on returned from Manitoba last week. ......Twenty dollars is all the hotel man made it cost the druggist at Maxwell tor selling liquor in an ille- gal manner, then the game changed and twenly dollars was all the drag store man made the hotel keeper pay -for a similar offence. J. W. HASEE-OPBNED HIS Flour and Crist Mill IN MARKDALB. BOOTS SHOES JUST ARRIVED AT THE BEST QUALITY AND LOWEST PRICE. STOCK COMPLETE IN Dry Goods and Groceries! PRICKS ALWAYS RIGHT. jfeP't.E«SH|BR'1740Ir RTATxi â- *-i* Groceriee. Prm*ioD8, Ac. Sto«* l^pt Ml ^d weU as goods jeo^ed eve^;,Week. CNMW|l«lclfor all k indte lof Qilrt n at f^ "" ' MY BRANCH SfORE AT EUG5:n rnplnTHTiV^ ^P*J» «^* 8^^^ *^®' ^^ F^ sale cheap tat My 3a^ Hill ShixigJ* Factoty, and l:i AT ElTXiB PALLS, ABE IN OPERATION. UJkMt Siw L^s i^^ â- ill or sawn, •,X«tl^ Noyember 7th, 1882. MandleSf Sliingles and Lin,, HOU FLUSHEETON. Stock Fully Complete.^ VERY ATTRACTIVE, AND CHEAPER THAJLIHE CHEAI ETEB! DEFUmr WM m â€" Variety an d Value Un surpasse DEY GOODS DEPAEMEJ pnsmg in part Is this season very complete with a very large stock ot D^bbs I Cashmeres in all colors. "Worsted Wool i endless variety. Boot and Shoe Departmentj Would call special attention of close buyers as my stotk is unusm from the best manufacturers and at rock bottom piices. OEDBEEiD~CLOTHING| Has been exceedingly brisk this season, on account of which I haTt| the largest and best stock of Tweeds, Coatings, Trowserings, and I ings in tbis section of country. As I have always led tbe trade in I partment buyers will find it to their advantage to call before elsewhere. TEA OUR THIRTY CENT Is the wonder of the day A trial solicited. WM. BROW Markdale, Got. Ilth, 1882. IS A. MiNTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. MiNTYRE TT-OVLX, FlOTJLX, DE^^lO-UJC- MoINTYKE'8 LIQUORS l_LIQU0R8 McINTYEE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYEE'S Coffee, Coffee. McINTYEE'S MEALl MEAL I MEAL I McINTYEE'S Pork, Pork, Pork. And everything kept n in a first^clasa Grocery and Liqaor always on hand, chbap nB cash. McINTYEE'S Teas, rrea,s. store. CUT THIS OUT. Five dollars will purchase a suit 'worth seven dollars at McFariand's. Five dollara will purchase an over- 4Soat wortii $7.60 at McFarland's. Twenty-five cents will p i ii e h aae a box of collars, pocket knife, faandkex- ehief and pair of faney sleeve batbms, at McFatlaad's. Bla'ukets, furs, gloTes, shirts and drawers and Flajinels olieap at He- garland's. MAEKDALB Sash andDoor Factory SASH, DOORS, BLINDS MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATTONS, FRAMES Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Always on Hand Orders Promptly Filled, -o- Millinery Department. Under the ahle management of a first-class milliner, with plenty ij ance, will be found nnnsaally attractive with the prettiest aud mostj able, and cheapest stock to be found in the county. Ladies, it yon good to call and look at the stock. o Hardware and Grocery Departmeii. Is always folly assorted and complete with the best goods, at tlielovaj sible price. IS" I am the only constant and reliable buyer of Grain and Isi dace in Flesherton, and for which I will pay the highest price im any quantity of good dry, sound grain, which I womld specially aski to clean well. A call eolicited. Flesherton, Got. 8id, 1882. T. SF'ieoTj: OH, HEAR. OHJAR. OH, 1 Squander your money if you want to, if not, get yourPhotograpii j W. BULMER, The People's Photographer, Flesherll Who is again preparea to take Ketnreg. and do Copying and Enlarging as hereto ^J!^^!!^^ *^' 'i~*°' MOTTOBS and Motto and other Frames, S^b^a^"'"'"'"^** "•^ ** Bemaorkably Lov7 Prices, Bring along your pictviM aad haT« them eoiaed and enlarged by your old fria Flesherton. Mat oh 10. 1881. BULMI TheSnbecraer irishM to return thanks to the people of Mackd»le and -rieinity, for {he yery liWl patronage they haye giyen him in the part, and hopes by dose att^tira to busmeajtomeritacontwHianceofthesMne. «»eBaon to I have now extended my bnainess^uid will in fatuze keep a fall Stock of PINE L U U B E R. Direct from the North Shore. Alili SIZES, DBESSED AND UNDBBSSED, .AU EUnds or Plain Markdale PUMP Factoi and Fancy IT^w^pagd^ut Dmm in aiinfe.daH maniur. ' ';\ "' "^^1^ W^^ ^fr^f .^â- â- 'isriSsJRl_L -t ibKUakVarsra^iMgi. â- ^.f McNBA; MAI^ROFAtLXlNOSOFPUMPS, DBOP VALTE PtnCPS, CYLD!(3DffiiB PUMPS. CliiTEEN Pl^i •.^v^',^^^^.;â- -â- ;^^::/;:.;. i"cfflKaB:- pumps,., â- ^'^^'^^^^^^"^^^^^' IRON POilPB SUPPLIEP. nettliat.I am doing «la»w tb»PiuBp bosiness. Bemi mjwtk;fbkpnolo{ it is fo« BOW ihiaii «ver was done in Mi^ stend, 1 doorwHrth of Batledge s "Markdale. ^•by Deputy KeeY,s it. I road west. loved and geconded ti till 12th DeceniUT J. MASS* miSTER, MASTEI Chajicery, Notary Creasor 91' 4EISTEBS,S0LIC loes, c. e. ICM in Owen Soun F. â- Wolf's Store markd; 7. J. Mcfaxland's ridsy of each week. T'unds to lend on n !:ssA£OB, Q.G. ^kdale, March 15, 1 Alexander I of Marriage le Insurance Ag B. *c. Conveyi aeer for the Coon' ite, and Land £ to and charges i vtUe.Sept.I7.1( â- #^

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