Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 Nov 1882, p. 7

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 'TV^^ ' ju^ij-'"' 'y ItronBici 13. P^obibi^^l ^••l Cabinet has lLr-«n ab, Nothem A^. itroyed. "»• -nt has prohi 'ce at ^nt se Micliel. 'â- I. statement rf^ 5sia Mas prohi,?^ â- 68 13 incorrect. â- overnment 'reheit, on â- 0 using tLe e majority of ti,^ storm prevail^' unday night damage was d^ 'S are reported ' )lice attempted tJ t of the pea-l P«l byjuaip^ Brighton -on Monday^;.. ^i'^n ran into a^l =Jo injured and ° 'm aa-tempere'l tonte I ever had "' "-£ mth," said Mr. Qlla, the -â- "she pointed cnt toaPrewre- "liicious-looking little monkey of the rioty. The animal was seated "^ocds box, to which he was attach chain, and was .-in..' bis teeth in a way ' rfccr ten^icr. He was about two f,ray and blue in color, and had a '^ic-ouily human when in repose, but "iVy u^lv and repulsively when excit- .r^r "ihis was his condition at the T-'k'" reporter's visit, and it was only '",u "rebuke ofliis master that prevent- ' from springinc; at the visitor's '•Th:it f.'llow has been in cartivity v.as a baby/' continued Mr. Gills, /ihave 110 doubt, received very i-taEn-eut, but to-day ha is as fierce, J and as treacherous as any of his e'nVho are still at !a'ge in the forests „eit coast ot Africa. He belongs to that is hard to tame, and that is eJ ol an inborn treaoh.'ry and cussed- hat cam ot be cured. This fellowâ€" I mJacko â€" has a history of hisovvn,and amtu/ mv collectioDS because of his iiiact. When he was brought over, 1 yeal^^ ag'i, hew s presented to Mrs edBfonkey cantankerona, iU-condi J ter stepped oat ancT the two^^d talS^ ^mcn ne was attacn- a SSt S^w" "kod his orderly for grinning, jabbering; wSed^^lf t^* i""" a» individoal n a w^Vthatindf: S Z!^? •"!1**^"" ?* "" ^e- wkf; ri, ^* ,®"**^ '"^^' I "â„¢ wounded." when the ordsrly at once draw his Ian, o; With Princes intMeunster.la, 'ce on the Easti ct of conciUatin; al Council, actiag] the i-iench Gova ugh invesfgatifl s taat there uiusk enevacan:on, ^nguage of the in regard to cert' painful impr, i la Madrid,? iniignatioa »ii in Copenhagen i ' that nomads i "'eria had seen aj msh polar 'Jvn to be ice-h ::ai.iar has resigi 5 ter of Tunis. Uiis Uey, who to France. Thi ••-d Jtlinistcr of] iturday, Mr. M Si" :n which the! ds was going on. J ' ce of the iniqJ dvocated the tiiedy. ' juth Amenaal • h Bernhardt fartiftyrepresenS ),000. She V h of next Af days, "e ill theBalti ed bands of p â- Is fi'om tiie shoe dead, reatening leti ive Comnii.t«e,1 :embi:r of Parli Tj^ii on Fridaj.J votes and 1 i'Jates were i the disestabiia ot aj^ressingqni red immediate .•c;-ilay io Ifed arge number ' btonsd the oyed the poL'cs commissaiy. Twelve injured, tiel riotars were '• is between tli«| resentativeofl "hich inayaffM las been fom envoy tj Q North Fourth street, a newly leilycuu^' lady, and was adopted at ;a ciierishsa pet. He was good- 'ilaiul fairiy obedient for some time, ' his bad temper in control and rapid r^ini: t!:e v ays ot the house but not 111,../ he became morose and d s3ou- aad iiwre than once escaped to the and clambered over the roofs of the ijihciod. is luistie-.s, who was wrapped up in thi saying is, v.-as greatly distress- re Hjubled her kindness in order to liiu at home. The last time he escaped ,]e a tour of the whole ne ighborhood, I iuto tl:e dwellings of many famil es, .eneds^iuc of the womer into hysterics, nally broke through a (.'.irret windov,' ;ooIly proceeded to inspect the house in !i ot provender. In the kitchen ho en- ersd a young lady of more than ordi- pluck, who threatened him with a and hel I him in a corner until Mr. n a school-teacher, lassced and bound Thin she deliveied him up to Oilier an, 01 the New Market stieet police. u police «tat.'oa Jocko made himself iinnioulv troublesome, and came very c'.eaniutrout a whole platoon of officers, t ia .seif-defense he was sent to me. I that the only way to t me him wa? to i.n a sound thrashina;, and I did it, f vc:v next day he revenged himself ji/ii.'L; i:iy little 3-year-old giid by tin v.-itlihis pav/s, drawing her near to Iiini leaving' the prints of his tusks in her "his t:ine 1 gave him a second thrash- hat he will not soon forget. hen .Jocko had been in my possession for ilays, .Mr?. Titiinan, his lata ovmer, 1 upcii nic ami dema.idt.d his return. I lerl uas uiliirii,' to give him up if she 1 ifi:ribi;r-e me for expense? incurred .cping him; but this she refused to do. liiinvui next called, but not to demand it.-.ru of Jocko. He wanted me to keep aima!, aii.l tol'l me that he was afraid I'.d'l some day kill his wife if she was I'.vi' 1 tj keep hun. Some time ago he bit lonti.c "ri.sc. and she wa^ disabled for ':e;i weL-'MS but in spite of thi3 licr â- i :ur her licrce pot survi' ed. Mr. Tifi- oiten turned Jocko oat into the yard in :ul.lu;i ni'^htsof winter, but the monkey cd, uaiike others of his race, to care lag for cold v*-eather or exposure, and ays turned up bright and early and e idy aaysoit of nii.icliief. Altagether, he was a;;ooil iiiiiiate, ;.id Mr, Tiffmau, after lig toiiji.-.oa and to shoot him, and after -â-  i'o led 111 both attempts, was delighted ta !n at length fell into the ban s of the icj ami cair.e to my store. One sure way e of frightening him is to show him one ly tame turtles, cf which I have several. Iiiir. now." L':lls Meiit to a larce box, glanced iu a:iil dipj.ing iiitj it much as though 'verc liiving mto a t arrfrl after loose to- "0. 'iroaght fur'.h a beautiful turtlc-head- iaaiiv, :i'jo-.;t seven feet long and as thick 'li'ldic as the wiist of a man. The tv, t'jil ar.d wrigi^led as he was re- to fire on the mn^'erer. l^e ulttirhlr^ the soldier fell mortaUy wounded. Dr Cervantes then took the revolver, but bef;r; he could discharge it the assassin had rma away. Gen. Aldaaa was carried to his nouce and surgeons were caUed, and is or- derly was token to the hospita' where he died a few hours afterward. His ctions saved the life of his General, at the cost of ^is own. 'Many rumors are current as to tue motive which caused the attack Poli- tics, personal hatred, and the punishment of a near i eiative are the three most popular- ly reasons. Directly the affar became public aa immense crowd gathered in front of the Generals residence, and thepoUce Le/an a search for the assassin. The assassin escaped from the city, and would have goi pafely out of the country had it not happened that a soldier who was travel- ling from one town to another, chanced to step into a wayside inn, where he saw and recogmized Topez, and, with the assistance of two men, captured him and Carried him to Eogota. The trial hasalready commenced, but up to tiie present time, none of the evi- dence received has been made publij. It is strongly suspected that there are a number of accomplicts, as the Secretary of Prefect- ure, who received the first proofs, has been sent to gaol for doing away with some docu- ments of a compromising nature which were handed in. The prcautionary measures tak- ta by the Federal Government prove that it IS able and determined to prevent any at- tempt to disturb public order. Two Generals, Navarrelte and Landaeta, were arrested on uspicion of having been connected with --he affair, but were subse- quently released. The friends of General Aldana (who has now recovered) declares that politics had nothing to do with the at- tack on him. AstroBomers cantuie t^ i^-^' f-^^ f?f ** T?^ ^â„¢ ^^ «e upall m«ht as the comet is. weU know what it mwmT withoutDr. Pierce"Favorite ^2^j£«n.» Abtei^mindedness has been coaaidered fl!i?^!_°^* 8^^»= niM. but a fellow never OF THE KIDKETS. ^n« ajrnq^^ of •» aeate attart: ot Infiaanft- ^^fljr^at flnt m deep wd ootorSrUw ^^ pvf.l. I if an. wriggled fort! â-  •ndition of ,nd the lut of local Forte.! aii.liia;tv(l forth his tongue lapidly I'V, bv.t a ceutlo rubbing f'"f his head lii;r., ami he coiled him J.i slowly 10 v.ri.^t and arm of his o\Mier, and I'Crftctly contented. Th- ni'nute ;o yaught sight of him he turned and 1 iiito hi; bo.\-, with a face as iinrribly -itr.l xvit';; fright an 1 tenor as to be al- |o-t paiiiu;' tj look at. For the time -uake v,a. in s-ight the monkey luliliiotie persuaded to come out, but |hi.;i i.j r(,jr..il foith to reconuf itie I is face tiU'i aave made a study for abject fear and •Jocko IS a clever soliola-, and has â- â- ';an;l s'jvcral tricks. H^stauils ;cail like ;i circus acrobat, and shakes .v!;:li as much grace as a popular poli- '-hi_- diav.ljack to any great aociabil- '• " "0 [ait 1 f strangers is that 1 e gen- iiiy tries to supplement the hand-shaking rt.i a \-ii-!ous bite. '.Irs. T.li'man is resolved I'C'Over her pet. while her husband is :«a;!y .csolved that she shall not. Thus t-e iii:itt,jr stands to-day, bat further de- Ul.s i ma\ opI«« â- 'OpniLius lleaawhii ony of e ra .-e jaia cBors to escape and in grinning with a ppti! arhl width ' general ugliness that de^criijc. â€" Philadelphia, Press. h'i looked for speedily. e Jocko is the centre of a little snakes, white rats and mice, and limais. and spends his time in ' P-- cau â- V( His Son Spot. •liameati cc the Lord* Duke,!* f ty-six Vi« resses in! IS,, or at ber of ises on »• Liant retia rei* no*' wn hoi of 3001 vn koBi*J then 1^ iuencie* es off"" andi â- for ibie; 'Yes.' _oa mustn't touch the top of baby's u 1^^" mother to her litt:e four-year- ' ' ^1^^ I'as a soft spot there that is very der." The youngster gazed -at it curious- "r a moment, and then asked, "Do all have soft spots on their heads? "Did papa have a soft soot on the ?P of his head when he was a baby " .^«s replied the mother, witn a sigh, ana he has got it yet. " And the old man, ao had overheard the conversation from an '^lomiDg room, sang out. " Yes, indeed, he "TJ f y dear boy, or he would be 5n to-day." a single The humane individual el\"'^°^^^««« ^orm estnutun the dark. who could not will never eat (London (Can.) Advertiser.) Tie Blectrioal Girl Wtoo Lives Aea!n. It is now about three years since the Adveetiser published the story of the Electrical Girl in the township of R-imney, The tale passed through nearly all of our exchanges, and occasionally re-appears ndw. The story in brief was that tt e gi I was so highly barged with electricity that she could not handle any article of steel. She was a veritable magnet, and needles, knives, etc., would cling to any part of her person. The publication excited a good deal of curiosity concerning the girl, and many peo- ple called upon her at her home. Recently she was taken ill and the Iccal physicians were called ir. She described bar peculiar sensations. In her knee-joints severe pains were felt shooting at iatervaU, as tnough a battery were at work and giv-ig her inter- mittent shocks. The knee began to awell, and the pains spread to othe- parts of her body, generally becoming permanent in the j dots. All the doctors could do was of very little avail. Occasionally slight relief wou d be obtained, but in wet or murky weather the pains would redouble in violencs. t inally when the doctors had given up treat- ing her, and regarded her simply as a physio- logical wonder, a tramp called one day at the house. While he was being given a meal ho was told about and asked permission to s^e the girl. He had been ;i soldier in the Ciincean .irmy, and while working in the trenches around St. Petersburg: hecontrsctcd rheumatism tn its most severe f.jrm, and noticing that the girl's symptoms agreed with his, be pronounced her to be suffering fruin rheumatism Th3 parents of thegiil were overjoyed, but were again cast down as they recalled the fact that the doctors had said they could do mthing for her. "Why," said the tramp, "ao you want to bother the doctors about rheumatism Get a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil. It cured me and wil! cure any case. I know plenty of old sol- diers who have been cured of chronic rheumatism by the use of St. Jacobs OiL" The advice was taken, and the so-called Electiical Girl is to-day prepared to add her testimony to the thousinds of others who bear witness to the efficacy of the Gr a'j German Remedy. To the Editor of the London (Can.) Advertiser. De.\R Sir:â€" As you have given me a pco 1 deal of notoriety by writia? of me as the Elec- trical Gid, I thru ^ht I would write to tell you ol my condition. ♦ Here follows the recital which is sammarized a' ove. My parents obtained a bottle of St. Jacobs Oi), and to its eflfeots I owe the fact that I am now able t.o walk without pain, and the swellings in the jo nts have all disappeared. Yonrs very truly, Susan J. Hoffman. Puheumatism. This painful disease that so ofien cripples for life, arises from poison cir- cula ii)g in the blood, and often from an ex- cess of acid. Inflammation is developed in the muscles, ligaments and j in s, by colds, damp clothing, c. Liniments a-e servicable to lelicve, among many, Hagyai-d's Yellow Oil is preferable. To eradicate the rheu- matic poison from the syst m, nothing can surpass Burdock Blood Bitters. 5. A solicitor in England has obtained a ver- dict of 810,000 against a town as compensa- tion for personal injuries caused by drink- ing impure water supplied by the Corpora- tion. Never Ke«lcot Jt. If vou suffer from a Cough, never neglect it, it "is no'tnfling matter, and might le^ to a speedily fatal disease of the lun^. Hag- yards Pectoral Balsam will allay all irritation of the mucous memhrance by its soothing healing power it cures Bronchitis, Asihma and all throat and long complaints. 6. Rams of choice breed fetch from §1,000 to 82,000 m Australia, while first-class mutton sells in Adelaide and Pydney for thirty-seven cents the stoneâ€" fourteen pounds. It u-asout west that a political dele^ite moved that a bar be set up in the confer- ence-room. Hftsaid be wanted to stop the nnmeroas' motions to adjoiirtt. ' f eels very big Ibont it when he* lugs a"^^- Foc *er^ '" *^^^^ ^^ 'handkerchief Seanttf ol Women are made paL'id and unattractive by function al irregulanties, which lr Pierce's "F.vorite Prescuption" will infallibly cure. Th.u». auds cf testimonials. By druggists. It may be alU imagmation, but when a niin IS drawn as a juryman he thinks everv man he sees smiling is grinning at his mia" tortune, and it is as torment ng as fleas. Vegetink is now acknowledged by oor best physicians to be.the only sure and safe remedy for all diseases arising from impute blood, such as scrcf a a andscrotuloas huniorr The reasons that aesthetes so aiudre the stork is that he can sraad for hours on one leg, and look as though he didn't know any- thing or didn't want to. Carboline the deodorized petroleum hair rene wer and restorer, as improved and perfect- ed, challens'es the world and stands without a rival among the hair dressings, and is a uni- veria; favorite with the ladies. A Vermont man wno n as been there four- teen times, says the meanest thing about a misfortune with a polecit is the difficulty of keeping it secre-. How can a tingle dose of Ayer's piih cure heada;he? By ren o ing obstructions from the sys- temâ€" relieving the stoaoach, and gi%-ing healthy action ta the digestive apparatus. There is a mm in England who gained over fifty pounds in one week. He bet on the winning horse. The E. E. A. Belt as a Preventative,â€" TJirjugh the use of Edisoa's Electric Absor- bent Bjlt the prevention of all types of fevers is insured. It will prevent bowtl complaint. It will prevent dyspepsia and costiveness. It will prevent rheumatism and neuralgia. It will prevent sick headache, heartburn and acidity of the stomach. It will restore the nerves, to a great extent after a paralytic stroke. It will prevent paralysis. Jt will prevent convulsions or fits of all types by the influence exercised upon the nervous sys- tem. AUtbatis c'aimed for Edison's Elec- tric Absorbent Belt is accomplished without any bad effects upon the system from ics use. A New York grand jury has decided that if a woman is assaulted,- and the sheriff, in trying to arrest the villain, kills him, the husband of the woman can not be indicted for murder. This is an important rreoc- dent. Best of AU. Oar ricorous and changeable climate, and our mode of 1 fe induces frequent colds, that often lead to severe Coughs, Bronchitis and other lung troubles that are I able to end in Consumption. The best and most pleasant remedy known for the^e difficulties is Hag- yard's Pectoral Baisiui, to be obtained of any druggist. 2; The present .ord Mayor of London has received £200,000 during, his year of office in response to his appeals to the charitable. A Fact. If you suffer from Chronic Disease, end have litt'e faith in advert sed remedies isnd have sought vainly for a cure. Consult your druggist, or address T. Milbum Co., To- ronto, forpr of positive regarding the merits of Burdoclc Blood Bitters, the Great Regu- lating Blood purifying Tonic, that acts on the liver, kidneys, stomach, b .wels and skin. 1. A steam tricycle einabiii g the rider to travel at from fifteen to twenty miles an hour, witbvery little labor, has been invent- ed by a Frenchman. A Word ofCaurion. Beware of Opiates and powerful astringent drugs in the treatment of Bowel Complaints, they may lull the pain and check Diairhoea. etc. but are liable to produce inflammation. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is guaranteed safe and reliable, even for In- fants, and is a specifice for Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Colic, Acute or Chronic Diar- hcea and Summer Complaints generally. R,obert A. Wilson, Dispensing Chemist, Brockville, says, under date of June 5th, '82, "1 have not the slfghest hesitation in saying that Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry has given my customers nior.» satisfac- tion than any medicine in my store; tor the cure of Summer Complaints, Diarrhoja, Dysentery, Pain in the Stomach Sea Sick- ness, Piles, etc. You can use my name, etc." The Revue ae Medicine reecrds the case of a lady whose hair turned from black to gray between the hours of 2 and 7 a.m., during a very severe attack of neuralgia. Better than Gold. A good name, good health, a good com- anion and a bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil are among the fi^^t requisites for human happiness. Yellow Oil cures Rheumatism, Sp aiuH. Lameness, Bruises, Bums, Frost Bites, Croup, Sore Throat, and all pain and 1 nflammation. 4. The British national debt has fallen from 839 miUions sterling in 1857 to 763 millions to-day. Terminable annuities which will soon fall in will consider^ly diminish it. A Keward of 910 is offered la good faith tar a hard case of corns that has stabbomly refused to be relieved by the use of Putnam's Paialess Com Extract- or, the g^reat com extractor. Thousands it p^nglftiyt, Canada, and the^atea testifr to the efficiencr of this celebrated com cure, and the proprietors are anzions to bear if there is a single case of failure. Address N. C. Poison Ca, KhagBton. Use Pdtnam'S. Gona Extractor, sure, eale and painless. mntlifrAymptoSs an pain in the back and lunoa, aryneaBaf the skb, frequent «iiaations 0lUMheiut,KndQ«illo88 of etnawtSTpaleneas Midpnffineas of the face,cocKh and shortness of In djrtlasea tf the Kidn^s the Veoktink glv«Mjime^e reUef. It has never f aUed to core ^en itls taken regnlariy, and directions loUowed. In many cases it may take several LotUcs, especially cases of long standine. It acts durectly upon the seci etions. cleansing and Btrengthemng. removing all obstructions and impurities â€" a great many" can testify to cases of long standing having beea perfectly cured I'y the viiGKTiNK, even after trying many of iiic known remedies which are said to be ex- pressly for this disease. Worth its Weight in Gold. Toronto, Out., Jane 2, 1880. H. It. Stevens, Ksq., Boston, Mass.: Sirâ€" Havinsr been jierauaded by a friend of iS^hf-i?? try Vj£o.ni'i*K for A'iAiei/ c^sease. with wnichl bad been troubled tor four ycara, I con- sented and have given it a fair trial and am happy to say that I am relieved to such an ex- tent that I can attend to my work with ease and comfort which I was deprived of for cer three years. The best, medical men of Toronto have given my case up as hopeless. 1 have tried every kind of medicine I have ever heard of. but with no avail whatever. Any person who may be afflicted with the same terrible dis- ease. I would certainly advise to try Vegetine, for I assure you (as many can tesUfy) that it is undoubtiy the best medicine on record for the Kidney Disease. I am able to work at my trade as gilder and earn a living for my wife, two children and myself, through Vegetine, wluch I consider is worth its weight in gold. Hopmgthat those who may give Vegetine a trial may receive the same benefit that I have I remain. Yours resp'y, CHAS COOKE, 106 John St. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists. CORSETS unequalledfor health, comfort and jl,rabil^. Manufactured by the CROMPTON COxtSfiTCO., Toronto. WATCHES repaired. Trade work a special- ty^ A. Ballabey, 8 King t? t. E.. Toronto. CHRIS. SHEPPARD. I^anufrofMasonicand other Society Jew els, lo t King E., Toronto. ajC PER DAY can be made" by a«ents, male 9 V or female. C. W. DENN IS, Toronto. TOKO.VTO. M r. J. H. Mayae Cnn^SiT Barrister, !io Ucitor, Etc., 9 Tlrtoria-st WATnUEC Send for free illustrated cata- ff fl I UilCOi logue to RYRIE, the Jeweler, 113 Yongejitreet, 'I oronto. H" AN»~sfAMPSrs"EALS7c., of every de scription and for all uses. KENYON' TINGLEY STEWART Mfg Co ., Toronto. CA.\AJ»I.l.-« SIUTtlAL AID AsiSOCBSxilm: Co-operation Life Assurance. Great in- ducement to provide for families in case of death, at small cost. W. Pembkrto.v Page, Sec., 87 Kin g St. W est, To ro nto. Ag ents wanted. Christmas, New iYear. Birthday, and other Cards, at H. J. Mat- thews Bro s, art d epot, Toronto. MURRAY McNeil, LONDONrONT~ gives written guarantee that his mous- tache recipe will produce heavy moustache in- side of 10 weeks or money refunded price $1, Box 261, London. PIIHQ Siiles, Ammtmition, Fishing lacKie. UUnO and all kinds of Sporting Goods. W. Mc DO WALL, cor. King e George sts. Toron to ONTARIO veterinary COLLEGE, TO- ONTO. Students can enter from October cards; J. until January. PROF. SMITH, Principal. Fees, fifty dollars. S.,V. Edin., KNOTT'S *p*'^°."?*'y"'j*'a"*_* bi ba IXnUI I O Adelaide St. East, To- ronto. All kinds of real estate sold or exchanged on commission. Money loaned on all kinds of real estate at lowest rates of interest. Applica- tions for money from farmers a specialty. Rents collected and estates managed in town or ooun- trv. N.B.â€" Bestof rcferencfts on application. BUSINESS CHANCES. ONE OF THE BEST FARMS IN THE county of Bruce containing 260 acres; 230 cleared; good house and out buildings; also pood orchard; a never failing stream within thirty yards of the house; three niiios from Tees water, the terminus of the T. G. B. Ry.: price moderate. Apply to C. STEIL, proprie- tor, or to J. MARSH A LL. Teeswater. Ont. WORTH OF FARMING $5,000,000 tario for sale by the CANADA WEST L.^ND AGENCY COMPANY, U Adelaide-st. East, Toronto. S end f o r lis t. OWNERS OF "FARM LANDS, Cil'Y AKi5 Town Properties, desiring to realize, will fin purchasers bysendingme'fulldcsoriptions, lowest prices, and terms of pavment. J. W. G. WHITNEY, Estate Agent, 2j Toronto street, Toronto. CSEiPEST MUSIC IN THE WOELD. Full si;;G sh'iet, best print and good paicr. Send .i cont-f for samp'e copy and cats.loj;uc of 600p',cc!csof latest iiistrumentalan'l vocal i;iuriic. s. €. liinrouD, 2" Ring Screct Wsi, Toronto. Dealer in picture frames and fancy goods. SPECIAL HOLIDAY K0T8GE1 NOW READY. Our three Mammoth Cata- logues and Price Lists, with full description of the largest Stock of Xmas Goods, Cards. Al- bums, Xmas fTree 'Ornaments, Scrap Pictures, c.. c. Sent free to any address by applying to BENNET Co.. Wholesale Stationers, and direct importers of Novelties. All poods sent same day by mail, 453 St. Paul-street, Montreal. WOODSTOCK COLLEG WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO. E, Instruction most complete in all branchce. A most thorough ujid complete BUSINESS EDUCATION In the Commercial Bcpnrtment at very low rates. For circulars address N. WOLVERTON, B.A., Principal. Xmas New Year A.P. 99 Largest and Choicest Selection In the Dominion. Assorted lots sent free by mail on receipt of ?1 or upwards. Lyon Alexander, 1I», 113, and 114 Kny Stri-ct. m^ ,!?*â-  •s- ^^ Zopesa was intzodnoed in America two years ago. Large quantities have been used for Dys- nepsia, and aa a panacea for the Liver, and the manufacturers nave yet to hear of a single case of Dyspepsia or Biliousness, when Zopesa was used aa du'ected. in which it was not mere than satisfactory. Many write that it is a won- derful remedy. We can show where as high as M pounds were gained by its use in break- ing up chronic Biliousness and Dyspepsia. Its friends increase very fast, and cM who use as directed are sorirised and gratified. AUTHORS COX. 91 CHURCH STREET Toronto. Manufacturers of our celebrated Kaw nidp. Willow and I.rtitli(;r Lp«s. The best and cheapest made in Canada. First prize 15 years in successiju. Send for reduced price list. Tie Toronto General Trusts Co., !: nad 39 Wellington St., Toronto. HON. ED. BLAKS, Q.C., M.P. E. A. MEREDITH, Esq.. LL D. J. W. LANGMUIR, President. Vice President. Manager (5. This Company, which has been approved of by the High I'oart of Jus: Ice and the Mon- tfnnnt Governor In Council, accepts trusts of every description, and acts as executor, ad- ministrator, c.. and also as agent of existing trustees, executors, c. ^fSOO.OOO of Trust Fuiids to loan upon real estate and mortgages. For further information apply to J. W. LANGMUIR, Manager. WHAT IS GATAREH " Catarrh is a muco-purulent discharge caused by the presence and development of the vege- table parasite amceba in the internal lining membrfine of the nose. This parasite is only de- veloped under favorable circumstances, and these are morbid state of the blood, as the blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison of syphilis, mercury, toxnemea, from retention of the cft'eted matter of the skin, suppressed perspiration, badly ventilited sleeping apart- meiits, and other poisons that are germinated in the blood. These poisons keep the internal lin- ing membrane of the nose in a constant state of irritation, ever ready for the deposit of the seeds of these germ s, which spread up the nostrils and down the fauces or back part ot the mouth causing ulceration of the throat; up the eu- stachian tubes, causing deafness; burrowing in the vocal cords, causing iioarsencss, usurping the proper structure of the bronchial tubes ending in pulmonary consumption and death. To eifect a cure the parasite must be removed or destroyed hence inhalants and snuffij are worthless. Some time since a well known physician of 40 years standing, after much experimenting, suc- ceeded in discovering the necessary combina- tion of ingredients, which never fails in abso- lutely and permanently eradicating this horri- ble disease whether standing for one year or forty years. Sutferers siiould, without delav, communicate wi*h the ousiiiess manager, Mr. A. H. Dixon, 307 Kiny St. West, Toronto, and get treatise free by cuciosln.i,c stamp. Asi: your druggist for it WILL B1UDUSHC3J, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGF.STIO:i, Jaundice, erysipelas, salt rheuli. heartburn, headache, \:Vlii 0\^. i£Ll£VS " ' r 7 ' ji f r o » r*, n /I o -^ V' Uiiuro ft FLVTTEnflJB OP THE HEAIvT, AdDlTY OF â- -•' STQl.lAOH^ t ;-!c OF r-iir ffdfJ, And every spec'os of rffseasf. arising from disordered LIVER. K'DNEY5.\ STOMACK, BOWELS ^r. BLOOO, T. ffilUt'Kfl i 60., 'â- "'IgSNm Ayer's Cathariis Pills, FOK All ilie purposes of a Family PliyEic, Costtvoncss, Jaun •Uc«' ayspcjpsiji, In- rtisesSl(B, Bysicnlory, i'oQl Stvzu;icb aud ErejiSSi, UcadacJic, KryxiUClHS, t*iles, Itli^'iiiuuliKiu, Urnp- (ious «ni iikJn Ols' vanfH, Uill»nisue88, I.lver Complaint, Itropny, "letter, Tnm« ors and Salt Bbcnm, ^^'urui.t. Gout, !Vcural gia, AS a Dinner PilS, and rnrityiug the Blood, are the most congenial purgative yet per- fected. Their effects abundantly show how mach they excel all other Pills. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerfn! to cure. They purge out the foul humors of the blood they stimulate the sluggish or dLiDorded organs into action; and they impart health and tone to the whole being. They cure not only the every day complaints of every body, but formidable and dangerous diseases. Most skilful physicians, most eminent clergymen, and our best citizens, send certificates of cures oerformed, and ji great benefits derived from these Pills. Thej are the safest and best physic for children, be- cause mild as well as eflfectual. Being sugar coated, they are easy t.o take; and being purely vegetable, they are entirely haiTnless. PREPARED Lx' 1 Dr. J.C.AyerCO., LOWELL, MASS., PBiCnCAl ASn» ASAllTICAl CHI^tSTS. iollbj xU Orajjls'.s a%Z DrxUr.i it ^^^.lU:in u. '•!»* â- :m

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