ffi 1} JTJBT AT THE WEONa TIME. Mr. Bobcrt WUBon, of th* City Snrreyor's office, and Soreek Communooar of the East- em Diviiion for ihe Board of PuUie Works, Toronto, Ont., irho ic Tery fond of shooting says "To loae a dndc hunt ia a kws for whieb then ia no adaqvala rMompauM. This mialortoaa latalT of«tiook ma. Tha boys got to«{ether recently and made aiMnxa* ments iot a good hunt. M Um time the ar- rangements were entered into I was in good health generally bat just as the shooting was ^to take plaoe, mj old enemy, the rheu- matism, came back to stay with me awhile again, and I had to forego the pleasure. The rheumatism has been a source of great bother to me, and I have done a great deal of doc* toring for it, without much good. When the last attack came on me and crippled my hknds so that they were drawn up. a friend of mine recommended St. Jacob's Oil, the Great German Bemedy. I tried it, I am happy to say, and the result is that I am now cured and as well as ever. St. Jacob's Oil succeeded where ihoie than a score of other liniments and medicines had failed." The latest in eoucert line is a "smoking concert." Tney had one lately in Toronto, and those who were there say it was very enjoyable. Query â€" Are ladies admitted If so do they indulge in the use of the weed? When you have got an old horse that has passed the market period, apply a bbttie of Kendall's Spavin Cure and the result will be marvellous. Bead advertisement. Married men, if yon want to meet your familes with a cheerful face and happy heart, drink â€" water. If you want to meet them in anger and trouble, with scolding and complaints, drinkâ€" whisky. The proprietors of Kendall's Spavin Cure challenge the whole world to produce its equal as a cure for rheumatism or any other deep seated pain. It stands without a rival. Wm. Lucas Go, bankers, Markdale haye $200,000 00 to loan on real estate. 8traight loan system. No fines. Low interest. Moderate charges. A CLERGYMAN'S TESTIMONY. W. E. Gifford. Pastor M. E. Church.Both- well, was for two years a suflferer with Dys- pepsia in its worst form, until as he states "life became sn actual burden." Three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters cured him, and he tells us in a recent letter that he considers it the best family medicine now before the country for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Busmess still dull so dull that two of our merchants having nothing else to occupy their time, one-day endeav- oren to eret two httle pups to raise a row, but it wouldn't work, it was simply no show at a.n.â€"Dundalk Her- ald. As a speedy cure for Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Diarhoea Cholic, Cramps, Sick Stomach.Canker of the Stomach and Bowels, and all forms of Summer Complaints, there is no remedy more reliable than Dr. Fowler's Extract ot Wild Strawberry. Dealers who sell it and those who buy it are on mutual grounds in confidence of it? merits. Kicked to Death.â€" Last Sunday two horses belonging to Mr. C. Dux- berry while out m the yard commenc- ed fighting an/1 kicking at each other, and one of them received serious in- juries from which it died on Tuesday m orning. â€" Monitor Travellers will find the best remedy for Sea Sickness in Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. WhUe for Sick Stomach and diseases brought on by change of water, diet, etc., and for Cholera Morbus, Colic, Dysentery, and Canker of the Stomach and Bowels, nothing acts more in lumnony with nature to effect a cure. Last Saturday WUlie Gilkinson, son of Mr. John Gilkinson, was kicked in the face by a horse while hitching up a team. He received a severe cut, but luckily not in a vital place. â€" Monitor. A BEMAEKABLE CASE W. A. Edgers, of Frankyille, suffered from a disease of the Liver and Kidneys, that brought him so low that his life was despair- ed of he laj for 10 and ,13 days without an operation of the bowels; after takin«{ one, bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters he was en abled to leave his bed and drive ont, three bottles more'completed |a cure, and he says that he is now a better man than he has been for years. The traffic returns of the Toronto^ Grey Bruce Railway for the week ending September 2nd is $7,088.52, an increase of $1,580.07 over the corresponding week last year. It has been remarked that the quotation, "that it ij better to give tiian to receive," applies to medicine kicks and advice, but this rule don't apply to Dr. Fowlw's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Those who receive that, get a reliable and intallable reaiec^ for Cholera Morbus, CoUc, Dysentery, Caakar of the Stomach and Bowels, and all SiUMW Complaints of Infants and Adults. Steel rails are being diatribnta4 along the line of the T. G. B. B* from Wingham siding to Teeswatev* The fruitful season (rf the year is proliAt with many forms of Bowel Complaints, soek as Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, c., as a safe goKtd and positive cure for those distressing and often sudden and dangerous attacks nothing can surpass that old wad reliable medicine Dr. Folder's Extract of Wild Strawberry. MeBsrs. McGlocklin and Limin, Dnrhftm, killed a lamb raised by John Davis, 2nd oon.» Gknelg, jnst throe BKHiths old, whiflh wben dreised wai0lied 58i poundi. MABKDAIiE Sash and Door Faotory SASH, DOORS, BLINDS MOULDINGS. HOLLOW BATTONS. FRAMES Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Always on Hana. Orders Promptly Filled. J.W.FORD The Subscriber wishes toretnrp thanks to the people of Markdble and yieinity, for the very liberal patronage they have given him in the paat, and hopes by dose attention to business to merit a continoance of the same. I have now extended my business .and will in future keep a full Stock of PINE LUMBER. Direct from the North Shore. ALL SIZllS, DBESSED AND UNDBESSED. All iKiiids of"Pl£i,i]:i and F'o.n.cy rFuT-iiiiigr Done in a first class manner. THOS. MoNEA. Markdale May 27th, 1881. 37-tf OH, HEAR, OH^HEAR. OH, HEAR. Squander vocr money if ycu want to. if not, get yourPbotographs of W. BULMER. The People's Photographer, Flesherlon Who is again preparea to take Pictures, and do Copying and Enlarging as heretofore. We are receiving a large stock of MOTTOBS and Motto and other Frames, and Frame Fixings, which we can, and mean to sell at Remarkably XjOW Prices, Call and secure bargains. Bring along your pictures and have them copied and enlarged by your old friend. BULMER. Flesherton. Match 10. 1881. *i6 nijs MARKDALE Flour Grist Mill 1882. FALL 1882. Great Novelties. Wonderful Attractions. ARTEMESi A WAREHOUSE o Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Gro- ceries, Provisions, c. Stock kept full and well assorted with new goods received every week. My BRANCH STORE at EUGENIA replenished with New Goods every week. For S ale Cheap for Cash or Prod uce. My Saw Mill and Shingle Factory At LITTLE FALLS are in operation. Lumber, Lath, Broom Handles for Sale. Wm, HOGG. Mark dale PUMP F actory, MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF PUMPS, DKOP VALTE PUMPS, CYLLnDER PUMPS. CISTERN PUMPS, FORCE PUMPS, Also, ALL KINDS OF IRON PUMPS SUPPLIED. Satisfaction flruairanteed on all my work the proof of it is fonnd in the fact that I am doing a larger busmoss now than ever was done in MarKdale m the Pump business. Remember the stand, 1 door north of Rutledge's liotel, Sydenham Street, Markdale. AT THE TORONTO HOUSE, Prices astonishingly low in every Department. Highest price for Dairy and other produce. M..d.i M ,.,«,. *Wm BROWN. Markdale, May Ist, 1882. TEA A. M'lliTYRC TEA! TEA! A. MiNTYRB McINTYBE-B LmaOM i_UQIMIIt McINTYRE'8 Cigars, Cigars. McINTYRE'S Ooffee* Oofiee. And emything^ept n in a first-class Grocery and Liquor Store, always on hand, cheap fob cash. McINT^BE'S MEALI MEM! MEALI McINTYRE'S Pork, Pork. Pork. M^NTYRE'S Teas, Teas. H ABVE ST TOOL S » HABVEST TOOLS Harvest Mitts. H. J. SPROX7LE, FLESHBETON. Has just received the balance of a very extensive Stock, and is shewing TAILOR S'ZDSKHAM Sa'SEBT, Bixford's Celebrated Scythes, The Hamilton Patent Thumb-and-PiDger Barley Porks, The celebrated Wrastin Crain Cradle. A complete Stock of Porks, Eakes. Snaths, Scythe Stones, c. All Goods marked at lowest figures and WAEEANTED of best ' Manufa cture. One Ton of Preserving Sugar now received. The price will surprise you. Grain, Butter, Eggs, Wool, Sheep Skins, or anv other produce bought, and highest market prices paid. K. J. SFHOX7LB Toronto House, Flesherton. â- S9 [OL. 3.-N0. I • ' I'll; 18 PUBLISHED RY THURDAY EVI At Markdalo Ontario. 91 I*ei' ^fVnixn IV A DVANCE. C. W. RUTLEDSf EiiTOR 6c Fito^ IFESSIONAL AND BU DIRECTORY. Ors. Sproulc Ac Arois^ bicians, Surgeon- Ace Sec. IFFICE Medical Hull; i r\dale House. JB Physician and Smc^on. 1 ril liquate of University. Vict. CoU ^^^ ,. New Yorf i.GradJate. of the sa:uo, Avloth Meilid Opthalmlc Hospj aberCoil. riiysiciiius...- Siirt.'.:^ Dental Ji\r Cameron K • ' DENTAL SUIU.KON Ace owr D. A. C^ni'Tou au.l ^re, Poulett SL, OWLN SOUj -rery atteutiou given U^ *-li lij |e natural teotli. Arti:ici:il Dt^iif _Jon Gold, Celluloid, auil lluM i Will be at Markdale tLe L".sJ ftch month, r » Cameron, M.D.A C. F. K L.F.P. ^. Glasgow, Medftll L.D.S., Out. 1«« » Dr. T. F. B: Surgeon Den Qi Woodstock, Ont will l -i* Teeth filled with iolu and li Al-tificial Teeth inberted vn !j Natural appearance -tVil Teeth EstrMctod Witlx Frost Af_Fro« *tAR^lSTRRS, AND AT XJ Law, Solicitors in Chai SceTS, iVrc. Owen Sound, liaj •Iftesherton, Office open cvi rj* heretofore. Alfred F^ost, T- ^^' County Crown Attoriu v J. IflAS^iOlMl BARRISTER, MASTER \i in Chancerj-, Notary l'u| 'ONEY TO LEND AT Si: Officesâ€" Owen Sound, in Joulett St.; and in Markdalf j^d's Store, on Friday an 1 CrcatsorA: i»lori BARRISTERS,S0L1C1T( auces, c. c, Opfices in Owen Sound, g#vec W. F. Wolf's Store !in MARKDAL ,C)ver W. J. McFarland's SitJ and Friday of each week. tS'Funds to lenil on reas*^ ^OHN CBEAbOK, Q.G. Markdale, March 15, lSrt2| Alexander Bi ISSUER of Marriage Li' Life Insurance Agentl in B. R. c. Conveyanoj Auctioneer for the County oj Merchants, and Land Sale tended to and char^res mat." Prioevi lle, Sept. 17. IHSO.J ^\ JOH!V B. yic^J ATTORNEY AND SOLI] ready for attending toj business. Office â€" at Kay" Markdale, Dec. 2ud, If^l cents will TANDARD till th ear. Wm. LucasI BANK lloiie.v I 'N large or small amend good indorsed uotes| Eurity. INTEREST AT 6 Allowed on Saviud O'Drafts is«ued and points, at lowest ratesl September "23, laso. 1