'â- 7%. "^j( i£2Mka^ I ». I« J BARGAINS BARGAINS MAMMOTH BANKRUPT STOCE Is now to hand and the great rush for the NEW GOODS at the NEW PEICES is som thing beyond description. Don't buy old goods at old prices until you see our Mountains of Tweeds, Cloths and Flannels. Stacks of Beady-Mad Clothing. Heap upon heap of Overcoats. Pile, after pile of Cottons, gray and bleached. Oceans of Wool Goods, in- cluding the very latest styles and choicest colors in Squares and Promenade Scarfs. An extraordinary line of Hoisery, all sizes. Something startling in Millin ery. Silks, Satins, Velvets, Velveteens, and Plushes. An amaz- ing stock of Ribbons, all colors, all prices. Never before was there such an assortment of Ladies' Mantle Cloth on exhibition this side the Queen City. 4 4 |C= Dress Goods, 13resj^ Ooods. Dress Goods. For the young, the middle-aged and the old. Our lines of Cashmeres and Lustres are complete, and range from 7c. per yd. upwards. Don't fail to see our 12 yds. Dresses for $1. They will surprise you. !(= I We have an over stock of them on hand, and we will sell them out at almost any price A slaughter of prices may be expected in this Une. Look out for it. •ive Crates Crockery and Glassware jusl to M, cliea ever boio. Our stock of BOOTS AND SHOES are Complete and every pair warranted, and at a remarkably low price. CAR LOADS OF GROCERIES, In this we defy competition, and our f3ftAtt are worthvof «?rpriai o ++««+,• «^ Tea is, without doubt equal, if not bet^ffiS aiy 5(S tea soFI S'tMs t?nH ^^ ^9^ ^°. "'• We buy cheap, we seU cheap. ^Don't failto cauVd s^^ XluwttozhowloJI. NEXT DOOE TO EEVBBE HOTEL, MAEKDALB September 20th, 1882. N •^ »• i,W